guidelines for street nameplates

1. Street nameplates are to be provided in the positions required by the Directorate for
Sustainable Communities, as a prerequisite to adoption. On non-adopted roads the
developer may be required to provide street nameplates to the same standard.
2. Street nameplates should be mounted on walls, buildings or other boundary structures
at the back edge of the footway. Post mounting should only be used where normal
mounting does not make the plate conspicuous.
3. The developer shall advise prospective purchasers adjacent to the corner of a road,
mews court or private drive that there is a probability that a street nameplate will be
erected within the boundary of that property. In many cases, street nameplates will be
attached to the building or boundary wall. It is recommended that a suitably worded
clause be added to the conveyance deeds of all new properties.
The Borough Council will not accept responsibility for negotiating with the owners of the properties
4. Temporary nameplates are to be provided, erected and maintained before any property
is occupied. It is essential that this regulation is observed because of problems
experienced by emergency services when trying to locate properties in newly developed
5. The relevant power for this Council to erect street nameplates on private property is
contained in Sections 17 – 19 of the Public Health Act 1925. Section 19 (1) of that Act is
as follows:
‘The urban authority (i.e. CBC) shall cause the name of every street to be painted, or otherwise
marked, in a conspicuous position on any house, building or erection in or near the street, and
shall from time to time alter or renew such inscription of the name of any street, if and when
the name of the street is altered or the inscription becomes illegible’
6. Please refer to attached drawing for design.
7. Wall mounted plates are to consist of black die-pressed lettering on ‘Scotchlite’ or
other approved reflective background, made from 3mm thick aluminium sheet. The
reverse side of each plate is to be stove enamelled in grey and drilled for wall mounting.
8. Plates are fixed to walls with a minimum of 6 x 50mm stainless steel, aluminium or
similar approved rust-proof screws shall be used with wall plugs.
9. Post-mounted plates are to consist of die-pressed 1swg aluminium with white 230mm
reflective blade. Completely assembled with black recycled plastic backing board and
posts with pyramid tops, slotted. Black trim fitted to top and bottom of nameplate.
10. The posts are to be set 600mm into the ground and surrounded by Class ST4 concrete
(300mm x 300mm x 600mm minimum). Each post is to be provided with a proprietary
cap (see 5).
11. Wall mounted plates are fixed at a height of 2.5m. Standard post mounting height shall
be 1000mm to top of plate.
12. The lettering shall be black Kindersley type characters. A 15mm black border is to be
provided. Top and bottom borders should not be less than 50% of the letter height and
spacing between the lines not less than 40% of the letter height.
Normally 90mm characters are used, but 50mm characters may be used for additional
information i.e. supplementary number plates.
13. Plate depths will vary with the number of lines and character size, but the most common
sizes are:
One line of 50mm characters
Two lines of 50mm characters
One line of 90mm characters (inc. No Through Road sign)
One line of 90mm characters and one line of 50mm characters
Two lines of 90mm characters (inc. No Through Road sign)
It will usually be necessary for plates with 50mm characters to be provided at the ends of
the mews court and possibly private drives also.
14. Where the development is a cul-de-sac, and there is no likelihood of further
development resulting in through traffic the nameplate will incorporate the miniature
‘No Through Road’, this is not normally necessary, however, if the road name
incorporates the word ‘Close’.
Suitable materials can be obtained from:
33 Purdeys Way
Purdeys Industrial Estate
Prismo Ltd
9 Totman Crescent
Tel: 01702 549830
Fax: 01702 549831
Tel: 01268 745353
Fax: 01268 745194
PGM Signs
Unit 9
New Mill End Farm
Chiltern Green Road
Nr Luton