Adv. Radio Sci., 4, 21–24, 2006 © Author(s) 2006. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Advances in Radio Science A varactor tuned low-cost 24 GHz harmonic VCO M. O. Olbrich, L. Huang, and E. M. Biebl Fachgebiet Höchstfrequenztechnik, Technische Universität München, 80290 München, Germany Abstract. We present a low-cost 24 GHz VCO that is based on a microstrip design combined with discrete packaged devices. The output frequency is generated by a harmonic oscillator. The tunabilty was reached using a varactor diode. Two versions of the VCO were built, one has a wide tuning range of 1.1 GHz and the other one has a high output power of 3.7 dBm. Our approach to meet the above mentioned requirements is to integrate microstrip structure design with SMD handling compatible discrete packaged active devices. Furthermore, we take advantage of the generally present harmonics in the transistor of the oscillator. This is common practice to gain RF output power, generated at moderate frequencies where low-cost devices are available. The tunabilty was reached using a varactor diode. 1 Introduction 2 A voltage controlled oscillator is the key component in various microwave systems. Tunability of these VCOs is essential in many systems, e.g. in FMCW radars. Moreover fabrication variations or temperature drift can easily be compensated by using VCOs. For the 24 GHz ISM-band an increasing number of applications like automotive radar systems or short-range communication links are proposed. Since the current ISM bandwidth specification limits these applications, the FCC and the ETSI put significant effort into expanding the specification for usability for UWB systems. Such systems demand for a moderate fixed frequency output power of a few mW and an ultra-wide tuning range to spread the signal. Tuning speed is also a figure of merit as it directly influences the repetition rate of the overall system. Finally, the usual prerequisite of low cost, as well as ease of fabrication is demanded. Monolithic integrated solutions with a fractional-N-PLL achieve -6 dBm output power and a tuning range of 500 MHz (Stelzer et al., 2003). A harmonic DRO was published (Jeon et al., 1996) with 5.5 dBm output power at 20.5 GHz and a tuning range of 54 MHz. Another common tuning possibility is a YIG tuned oscillator. In Khanna and Hauptman (1991) a YTO is published from 18 GHz to 40 GHz with an output power of 13 dBm including integrated amplifiers. Packaged devices are rarely available at 24 GHz due to the parasitics. And accordingly, low parasitics packages yield considerably more expensive devices. To bypass this barrier, a common solution is to generate the oscillation at lower frequencies where adequate devices are available, before mixing the signal to the desired frequency. This can be done by separate elements, or as shown in our design within one element. Harmonics are present in any oscillator due to the nonlinearities of the active element. The principle of a harmonic oscillator is to reflect the power at the fundamental frequency back into the device and to get maximum output power at the desired harmonic. The oscillator design is based on the one-port approach. The transistor circuit has to fulfill the oscillation conditions Correspondence to: M. O. Olbrich ( Principle |0A | · |0P | = 1 (1) and 6 0A + 6 0P = 2π n, n = 0, 1, 2, ... (2) at the fundamental frequency, with the reflection coefficients |0A |, |0P | of the active and the passive part. According to Chua et al. (1987) this criterion can be replaced by the Nyquist plot analysis. The circuit is unstable if the Nyquist loop (0A · 0P ) encircles the point 1 + j 0 in clockwise direction. The separation plane is set at the source pin of the tran- Published by Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the URSI Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. ejection of the fundamental freflection coefficient of the active part varies with phase and O. et al.:harmonic A Varactor Tuned Low-Cost ofOlbrich the 1st is done by 24 GHz Harmonic VCO M.O. Olbrich et al.: A Varactor Tuned Low-Cost 24 GHzmagnitude Harmonic VCOas shown in Fig. 4. structure.22 M. O. Olbrich et al.: A varactor tuned low-cost 24 GHz harmonic VCO ock- ne clockpin urce Or thepin r for the e the f the the drain hedrain VCO optimized for maximum nd by its its d by mpedance bandpass filter satisfies -port wo-port gs acconditions. The varactor diode eters acee of egree of ivalent to the passive part. Thus, h, the diode the source theVCO. amental Fig. 1.and Layout of the maximumof power ental Fig. 1. Layout of the maximum power 1. Layout of the maximum powerVCO VCO )as othastooftotheFig. varactor tuned reflection hutput output art at the fundamental frequency. ways to hetovaractor diode results mainly ys e active ctive ase for a frequency point. y using Fig. 3. Layout of the maximum tuning range VCO. Fig. 3. Layout of the maximum tuning range VCO 3 Design using d device evice chnolonolocreasing 0001–4, asing Therevaractor herechosen. actor or in the osen. n the as maxpower. maxe VCO, ower. the dedesigns VCO, erovided deg effort signs vided the funffort mplished network funntal freshed done by work free by aximum satisfies or diode t. Thus, mum e of the sfies flection diode quency. Thus, mainly f the ction ency. ainly We present two different designs. One, referred to as maximum power VCO, was designed for high output power. 2005 The other one, referred to as maximum tuning range VCO, showed a high tuning range. The main difference in the design is the location of the varactor diode. In both designs the varactor diode is connected to a virtual ground provided by a λ/4 transformation in order to keep the biasing effort moderate. The bias network has to be designed for rejecting the fundamental frequency and the harmonic. This is accomplished by the combination of two radial stubs in each bias network Fig. 2. 2. Reflection Reflection coefficient of the passive part for several Fig. several varactor varactor as shown in Fig. 1. The rejection of the fundamental frecapacitances (11.9–12.1 (11.9-12.1 GHz) capacitances GHz). quency and the matching of the 1st harmonic is done by Fig. 2. Reflection coefficient of the passive part for several varactor means of a microstrip filter structure. capacitances (11.9-12.1 GHz) 3.2 Maximum tuning range VCO sistor. The magnitude of 0A is an indicator for the achiev3.1 Maximum power VCO able output power. The reflection coefficient of the the the maxiactive Fig. 3 shows the layout of the VCO that exhibits 3.2 Maximum tuning range VCO part influenced circuit at the gate and drain conmumistuning range.byAthe parallel-coupled, strip-line bandpass Figure 1 shows the layout of the VCO optimized for maxinectors of the the transistor. Theand transistor is modeled byatitsthe sfilter satisfies oscillation matching conditions mum power output. A stepped impedance bandpass filter satFig. 3 shows the layout of the VCO that exhibits the maxiparameters by the manufacturer. Thetogiven two-port passive part.given The varactor diode is attached the drain stub isfies the oscillation and matching conditions. The varactor mum tuning range. A parallel-coupled, strip-line bandpass s-parameters were s-parameters acof the transistor at converted the active into part.three-port In this design, the reflecfilter satisfies the oscillation conditions atofthe diode is attached to this filter, equivalent to the passive part. cording to Khanna (1985) toand gainmatching additional degree tion coefficient of the passive part isanfixed, whereas the reThus, the ground bias supplies both, the diode and the source passive Thedesign. varactor diode part is attached to the drain freedom for the flectionpart. coefficient of the active varies with phase andstub of the transistor. Figure 2 shows a plot of the varactor tuned ofmagnitude the transistor at thein active In this design, the reflecas shown Fig. 4. part. reflection coefficient of the passive part at the fundamental In addition to the oscillation condition at the fundamental tion coefficient of the passive part is fixed, whereas the re- frequency. Tuning the voltage across the varactor diode refrequency, the matching condition (|0A | = |0P |∗ ) has to be flection of thefrequency active part fulfilledcoefficient at the harmonic to varies achievewith highphase outputand sults mainly in a displacement of the phase for a frequency magnitude as shown in Fig. 4. point. power. According to the oscillation criteria there are two ways to tune the oscillator: Varying either the passive or the active part. Our tuning approach is to change the phase by using a varactor diode. The diode is preferable a packaged device that can be handled with standard SMD fabrication technologies. Since its influence at 24 GHz decreases with increasing capacitance, a diode with low capacitance is required. ThereFig. 3. Layout of the maximum tuning range VCO fore the M/A-COM MA46H120 GaAs hyperabrupt varactor diode, with a capacitance from 1.1 pF to 0.14 pF is chosen. Taconic TLP-5-0100 substrate is used. The transistor in the design is an Agilent GaAs PHEMT Fig. 3. Layout of the maximum tuning ATF-36163. range VCO Adv. Radio Sci., 4, 21–24, 2006 3.2 Maximum tuning range VCO Figure 3 shows the layout of the VCO that exhibits the maximum tuning range. A parallel-coupled, strip-line bandpass filter satisfies the oscillation and matching conditions at the passive part. The varactor diode is attached to the drain stub of the transistor at the active part. In this design, the reflection coefficient of the passive part is fixed, whereas the reflection coefficient of the active part varies with phase and magnitude as shown in Fig. 4. Oscillatin 3 Os M.O. Olbrich et al.: A Varactor Tuned Low-Cost 24 GHz Harmonic VCO 24.4 24.3 sponding to 0 V and 13 V at the waveform generator output. 24.3 M. O. Olbrich et al.: A varactor tuned low-cost 24 GHz harmonic VCO 23 The 13 V in 0a frequency of 24,63 GHz. M.O. Olbrich et al.: A Varactor Tuned Low-Cost 24 GHz Harmonic VCO result24.2 3 5 10 15 Reverse voltage across the varactor / V Oscillating frequency Oscillating/ GHz frequency / GHz Fig. 4. Reflection coefficient of the active part for several varactor 24.20 5 at the waveform 10 generator output. 15 sponding to 0 V and 13 V Reverse voltage across the varactor / V capacitances (11.5-12.5 GHz) 4. Reflection coefficient of the active part for several varactor The 13Fig. V result in a frequency of 24,63vs. GHz. 6. Oscillating frequency reverse voltage of the maxi 24.7 citances (11.5-12.5 GHz) power VCO Fig. 6. Oscillating frequency vs. reverse voltage of the maximum 24.6 4 Measurements power VCO 24.7The power variation results from two effects. The ca 24.5 Measurements itance variation of the varactor diode changes not only All measurement data was taken by a spectrum analyzer. The power variation results from two effects. The capac24.6 phase at frequency, matchin The modulation determined by applying a variation 24.4 itance of the thefundamental varactor diode changesbut notalso onlythethe measurement data wasbandwidth taken by was a spectrum analyzer. the passive part for the harmonic frequency. Additionally rectangular signal. was A waveform generator provides phase at the24.5fundamental frequency, but also the matching at modulation bandwidth determined by applying a respec24.3 the activefrequency. part varies over the tuned tive voltages for two oscillation to the varactor the passivemagnitude part for theofharmonic Additionally, the freque angular signal. A waveform generator frequencies provides respec24.4 range, see Fig. 4. diode. is identified at magnitude of the active part varies over the tuned frequency voltages for The two maximum oscillation modulation frequenciesbandwidth to the varactor 24.2 0 5 15 The frequency10 is approximately 12 GHz. themaximum 3 dB dropmodulation of the output power at a certain oscillationrange, fre- see Fig. Reverse voltage across the varactor / V 4.oscillating 24.3 e. The bandwidth identified Fig. 4. Reflection coefficient of the activeispart for severalat varactor 10 dB below the output power of the 1st harmonic, quency when increasing thea modulation frequency. The oscillating frequency is approximately 12 GHz. It is see Fi capacitances (11.5-12.5 GHz) 3 dB drop of the output power at certain oscillation freFig. 6. 6. Oscillating Oscillating frequency vs. reverse voltage of the maximum Fig. maximum 24.2 0 5 10 harmonic,15see Fig. 7. 10 dB below the output power of the 1st ncy when increasing the modulation frequency. power VCO. power VCO 5 Reverse voltage across the varactor / V 4.1 Fig. Maximum power VCOof the active part for several Fig. 4. Reflection Reflection 4. coefficient several varactor varactor Measurements 2.5 2 4.1 1.5 4 0.5 0.5 24.3 3 24.3 3.5 2.5 Amplitude / dBm -40 3.5 1 24.4 24.4 24.5 24.6 Oscillating frequency / GHz 24.5 -5 5 -35 4 Maximum power VCO 1.5 1 phase at the fundamental frequency, but also the matching at -5 -10 power variation results from two effects. The capactheThe passive part for the harmonic frequency. Additionally, the itance variation of the varactor diode changes not only the -10 magnitude of the-15active part varies over the tuned frequency phase theFig. fundamental frequency, but also the matching at range,atsee 4. -15 -20 the harmonic frequency. Additionally, the theThe passive part for oscillating frequency is approximately 12 GHz. It is magnitude of the the-25 active power part varies tuned frequency -20below 10 dB output of theover 1st the harmonic, see Fig. 7. range, see Fig. 4. -25 -30frequency is approximately 12 GHz. It is The oscillating 5 10 dB the -35 output power of the 1st harmonic, see Fig. 7. -30below 0 Amplitude / dBm / dBm Amplitude 3 Output power / dBm Output power / dBm Output power / dBm 3.5 All measurement data was taken by a spectrum analyzer. 4 4 modulation Measurements The bandwidth was determined by applying a rectangular signal. A waveform generator provides respec3.5 Allvoltages measurement data was taken by a spectrum tive for two oscillation frequencies to the analyzer. varactor The modulation bandwidth was determined byidentified applying ata diode.3 The maximum modulation bandwidth is rectangular A waveform respecthe 3 dB dropsignal. of the output power generator at a certainprovides oscillation fretive voltages for two oscillation frequencies to the varactor 2.5 when increasing the modulation frequency. quency diode. The maximum modulation bandwidth is identified at the 3Maximum the output 4.1 VCOpower at a certain oscillation fre2dB drop ofpower quency when increasing the modulation frequency. Output power / dBm 4 0 5 Fig.The 6. Oscillating frequency vs. reverse voltage of theThe maximum power variation results from two effects. capacpower VCO itance 0variation of -5 the varactor diode changes not only the Amplitude / dBm 4 capacitances (11.5-12.5 (11.5-12.5 GHz). GHz) capacitances Maximum power VCO 24.6 Oscillating frequency / GHz 3 24.7 24.7 24.8 -40 0 5 10 0 5 -15 -5 15 20 25 30 35 40 Frequency / GHz -10 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Frequency / GHz Fig. -10 -20 7. Output spectrum of the maximum power VCO 24.8 Fig. 7. Output spectrum of the maximum power VCO. Fig. 7. Output -15 -25 spectrum of the maximum power VCO -20 -30 Fig. 5. Output power vs. oscillating frequency of the maximum Fig. 5. Output power vs. oscillating frequency of the maximum 2 4.2 Maximum tuning range VCO power VCO. -25 noise is -90 dBc/Hz for 1 MHz offset. The modulation band-35 2.5 powerpower VCO vs. oscillating frequency of the maximum 5. Output 1.5 2 er VCO 4.2 width Maximum tuning VCOshift of 420 MHz, correis-30 2.5 MHz for range a frequency -40 design that showed the maximum tuning range has a The 0 10 15 25 30 35 40 sponding to 0 V5 and 13 VFrequency at the 20waveform generator output. / GHz -35 1 The optimized for maximum output power has range 1.1 Fig. 8. The reverse di 4 design Measurements Theadesign that showed theGHz, maximum tuning range has a voltage tunThe 13ing V result in of a frequency ofsee 24,63 GHz. 1.5 -40 peak power of 3.7 dBm and variations of 3.2 dB over its tunfrom the other design, since it is superposed with the d The power variation results from two effects. The capac0 5 10 15 20 The 25 reverse 30 35 voltage 40 he design optimized for maximum output power has a ing range 1.1 GHz, see Fig. 8. differs 0.5 Fig. 7. of Output spectrum of Frequency the maximum power VCO 24.3data was 24.4 taken 24.5by a 24.6 24.7analyzer. 24.8 The / GHz All measurement spectrum 1 itance variation of the varactor diode changes not only the ingofrange of 580 see Fig. 5. AdB is the other bias ofdesign, the transistor. output power from -6.2 d Oscillating frequency /higher GHz k power 3.7 dBm andMHz, variations of 3.2 over frequency its tun- shift from since it The is superposed withvaries the drain modulation bandwidth was determined by applying a rectphase at the fundamental frequency, but26.5 also GHz, the matching at 9. Its p reached for low varactor capacitances, see Fig. 6. The phase at 25.4 GHz to -9 dBm at see Fig. ange of 580 MHz,0.5signal. see Fig. 5. A higher frequency shift is bias Fig. of the transistor. Thethe output power varies from -6.2 dBm 7. Output spectrum maximum power VCO angular A waveform generator 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 provides 24.7the respective 24.8 the passive part for theofharmonic frequency. Additionally, the Fig. 5. Output power vs. oscillating frequency of maximum 4.2 Maximum tuning range VCO Oscillating frequency / GHz noise is -90 dBc/Hz for 1 MHz offset. The modulation bandnoise is -87 dBc/Hz for 1 MHz offset. b hed for low varactor capacitances, see Fig. 6. The phase at 25.4 GHz to -9 dBm at 26.5 GHz, see Fig. 9.TheItsmodulation phase voltages for two oscillation frequencies to the varactor diode. magnitude of the active part varies over the tuned frequency power VCO width is 2.5 MHz for a frequency shift of 420 MHz, correwidth is 1.5 MHz for a frequency shift of 900 MHz, co The maximum modulation is identified at the 3 dBnoiseThe e is -90 dBc/Hz for 1 MHz offset.bandwidth The modulation bandis -87seedBc/Hz for 1the MHz offset.tuning The modulation bandrange, Fig. that 4. showed maximum range has a tunFig. 5.of Output powerpower vs. oscillating frequency of the frequency maximum 4.2 design Maximum tuning range VCO drop the output at maximum aof certain oscillation h is 2.5 MHz for a frequency shift 420 MHz, correwidth is 1.5 MHz for a frequency shift of 900 MHz, correThe oscillating frequency is approximately 12 GHz. It is The design optimized for output power has a ing range of 1.1 GHz, see Fig. 8. The reverse voltage differs power VCO whenpower increasing modulation frequency. peak of 3.7the dBm and variations of 3.2 dB over its tun- ing range of 580optimized MHz, see for Fig.maximum 5. A higher frequency The design output powershift has isa 4.1 Maximum power VCO reached for low varactor capacitances, Fig. Theitsphase peak power of 3.7 dBm and variations see of 3.2 dB6.over tunnoise is -90ofdBc/Hz for 1see MHz The modulation banding range 580 MHz, Fig.offset. 5. A higher frequency shift is The design optimized maximumshift output power has a peak width is 2.5 for afor frequency of Fig. 420 MHz, reached for MHz low varactor capacitances, see 6. The correphase power of 3.7 dBm and variations of 3.2 dB over its tuning noise is -90 dBc/Hz for 1 MHz offset. The modulation bandrange of 580 MHz, see Fig. 5. A higher frequency shift is width is 2.5 MHz for a frequency shift of 420 MHz, reached for low varactor capacitances, see Fig. 6. The phase 10 dB below theshowed output the power 1st harmonic, see 7. from the other design, since itofisthe superposed withhas theaFig. drain The design that maximum range tunAtmos. tuning Chem. Phys., 0000, 0001–4, 2 biasrange of theoftransistor. variesvoltage from -6.2 dBm ing 1.1 GHz,The see output Fig. 8. power The reverse differs 4.225.4 Maximum tuning range Atmos. Phys., at GHz -9 dBmsince atChem. 26.5 see0000, Fig. 9.0001–4, Its drain phase2005 from the othertodesign, itVCO isGHz, superposed with the noiseofisthe -87transistor. dBc/Hz for MHz offset. The modulation bandbias The1output power varies from -6.2 dBm The design showed maximum tuning range has correa tunwidth 1.5that MHz for a the frequency shift 900 at 25.4isGHz to -9 dBm at 26.5 GHz, seeofFig. 9.MHz, Its phase ing range of 1.1 GHz, see Fig. 8. The reverse voltage differs noise is -87 dBc/Hz for 1 MHz offset. The modulation bandfrom the other design, since it is superposed with the drain width is 1.5 MHz for a frequency shift of 900 MHz, correAtmos. Chem.power Phys.,varies 0000,from 0001–4, 2005 bias of the transistor. The output -6.2 dBm Atmos. Chem. Phys., 0000, 0001–4, 2005 Adv. Radio Sci., 4, 21–24, 2006 M.O. Olbrich et al.: A Varactor Tuned Low-Cost 24 GHz Harmonic VCO The416 V result in a frequency of 26,44 GHz. ding to 3 V and 16 V at the waveform generator output. 26.6 to 3 V and 16 V at the waveform generator output. -5 16 V resultsponding 24in a frequency of 26,44 GHz. M. O. Olbrich et al.: A varactor tuned low-cost 24 GHz harmonic VCO 26 25.8 -5 26.2 26.4 26 26.2 25.8 26 25.625.8 25.6 25.4 -5 25.6 0 25.4 -5 5 10 15 20 25 Reverse Voltage / V 0 5 10 15 20 25 Reverse Voltage / V 25.4 -5 Fig. 8. 0Oscillating frequency vs.15 varactor 5 10 20 voltage 25 of the maximum Reversefrequency Voltage / vs. V varactor voltage of tuning VCO Fig.range 8. Oscillating Oscillating Fig. 8. of the the maximum maximum tuning range range VCO VCO. tuning 8. Oscillating frequency vs. varactor voltage of the maximum −6 g range VCO −6 -10 -10 -15 -15 -20 -15 -5 -20 -25 -25 -30 Amplitude / dBm 26.2 26.6 Amplitude / dBm 26.4 -10 26.4 Amplitude / dBm Oscillating Frequency / GHz 26.6 Oscillating Frequency / GHz Oscillating Frequency / GHz The 16 V result in a frequency of 26,44 GHz. -25 -30 -35 -40 -30 -35 -20 -35 -45 -40 -40 -45 -45 -50 -50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Frequency / GHz 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Frequency / GHz -50 Fig. of maximum tuning range VCO 0 10.5 Output 10 spectrum 15 20 the 25 30 35 40 Frequency / GHz Fig. 10. Output spectrum of the maximum tuning range VCO Fig.Output 10. spectrumofofthe the maximum maximum tuning range VCO. Fig. 10. spectrum tuning range VCO 5 Output Conclusions 5 Conclusions −6.5 We have presented two versions of a 24 GHz varactor tune 5WeConclusions have presented two versions of a 24 GHz varactor tuned harmonic One exhibits a high tuning range 5 Conclusions −7 harmonic VCO.VCO. One exhibits a high tuning range of 1.1 GHzof 1.1 GH −6 We have presented two versions of a 24 GHz varactor tuned and an output power of -6 dBm. The other onea exhibits and an output power of -6 dBm. The other one exhibits −7.5−7.5 −6.5 harmonic VCO. One exhibits a high tuning range of 1.1 GHz We have presented two versions of a 24 GHz varactor tuned powe lower tuning range of 580 MHz with a higher output lower tuning range of 580 MHz with a higher output power −8 −8 and an output power of -6 dBm. The other one exhibits of 3.7 dBm. For application as a tuning synthesizer in aofFMCW −7 ofVCO. 3.7 dBm. For the application as arange synthesizer in a FMCW harmonic Onetheexhibits a high 1.1aGHz lower tuning range of 580 MHz with a higher output power −8.5−8.5 radar, the required linearity of the voltage across theacross varactor radar, the required linearity of the voltage the avaracto and an output power of -6 dBm. The other one exhibits −7.5 of 3.7 dBm. Foroutput the application ascan a synthesizer in by a FMCW −9 diode and the frequency be achieved using a −9 diode and the output can bethe achieved by using lowerradar, tuning range oflinearity 580 MHz a higher output power the required of frequency thewith voltage across varactor −8 compensation network. −9.5 compensation network. of 3.7 dBm. For the application as a synthesizer in a FMCW −9.5 diode the outputof frequency canrange be achieved by using by a An and enhancement the tuning can be achieved −8.5 −10 An enhancement of the tuning range can be achieved b compensation network. radar, the required linearity of the voltage across the varactor tuning the active and the passive part, analogical the match−10 −10.5 Ancan enhancement ofkeep the tuning range can be achieved by thea match tuning the active and passive part, analogical −9 diodeing and the output frequency can be achieved by using 25.4 25.6 25.8 26 26.2 26.4 26.6 be aligned to thethe output power more constant. −10.5 Oscillating Frequency / 26.2 GHz tuning thecan active and the passive part, analogical the match25.4 25.6 25.8 26 26.4 26.6 ing be aligned to keep the output power more constant. compensation network. −9.5 Oscillating Frequency / GHz ing can be aligned to keep the output power more constant. enhancement of the tuning range can be achieved by Fig. 9. 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Dig., vol. 1, pp. 209 - 212, June 1991. are evident. and the of the capacitance more distinct ics and themonics influence of influence the capacitance is more isdistinct Chua, L., Desoer, C., and Kuh, E.: “Linear and Nonlinear Circuits”, at lower frequencies, the higher tuning range and the lower wer frequencies, the higher tuning range and the lower New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987. output powerPhys., compared to the maximum power VCO design Atmos. Chem. 0000, 0001–4, 2005 Khanna, A. S.: “ S-parameters ease GaAs FET designut power compared are the maximum power VCO design −6.5 Output Power / dBm Output Power / dBm Output Power / dBm −7 ing”, Microwaves&RF, vol. 2, pp. 81-84, November 1985. vident. Adv. Radio Sci., 4, 21–24, 2006 os. Chem. Phys., 0000, 0001–4, 2005