Session no. G I WON A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, NOW WHAT DO I DO? (Sequel) Dennis Chung P. E. Resident Engineer Schofield Barracks Area Office Ph: 655-1508 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 20 May 2010 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG® Preface Learn about the Corps’ and Honolulu District’s construction contract expected deliverables after contract award and challenges in meeting requirements in a timely manner. Ideas to minimize delays and maintain a steady product delivery to meet contract completion date. 2 BUILDING STRONG® Agenda Acronyms and Terms Post-Award ► Key Personnel ► Contract Documents ► Repetitive Issues Discussion and Questions 3 BUILDING STRONG® Mission One of OUR missions is to execute and deliver quality facilities for our customers within time and budget Timely construction contract startup enables continued progress toward this mission. 4 BUILDING STRONG® Acronyms and Terms Military Army Corps of Engineers ► Staff (KO, ACO, COR, AE, RE, PE, QAR) ► Systems (QCS, RMS, ECATTS, CCASS) ► Documents (EM385; DD Forms 1354, 1391; Eng Form 4025, 4288, 93; RFP) ► Plans (APP, EPP, NAS, AHA) 5 BUILDING STRONG® Contract Relationships KO – Contracting Officer ACO – Administrative Contracting Officer ► AE – Area Engineer ► RE – Resident Engineer COR Contracting Officer’s Representative ► PE – Project Engineer ► QAR – Quality Assurance Representative BUILDING STRONG® Who Are These Guys? Contracting Officer (KO) ► Signs contract; decides if changes can be made; makes changes; has final decision. Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) ► ► Authority from KO to make limited changes. Area Engineer (AE) & Resident Engineer (RE) Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) ► ► ► Authority from KO signed by COR & KTR Administers construction contract Pay requests; Request for Information (RFI); Submittals; BUILDING STRONG® Who Are These Guys? (cont) Project Engineer (PE) ► On-site administration & direction of one or more construction contracts. PE will typically have COR authority. Quality Assurance Representative (QAR) ► ► ► ► On-site administration and primary POC for KTR & Customer. Receives and coordinates QC Plan, AHA, Submittals, RFI and initiates Pay Requests. Cannot change any term or condition of specification or drawings without KO’s written authorization. May stop work due to safety violations. BUILDING STRONG® EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ELEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (WHEN COMPLETED) CONTRACT NUMBER PART III - EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ELEMENTS N/A = NOT APPLICABLE O = OUTSTANDING 15.QUALITY CONTROL N/A A = ABOVE AVERAGE O A S M S = SATISFACTORY NA M = MARGINAL U 16.EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT a. QUALITY OF WORKMANSHIP b. ADEQUACY OF THE CQC PLAN c. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CQC PLAN X X X a. COOPERATION AND RESPONSIVENESS b. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES / PERSONNEL d. QUALITY OF QC DOCUMENTATION X c. COORDINATION AND CONTROL OF SUBCONTRACTORS e. STORAGE OF MATERIALS f. ADEQUACY OF MATERIALS g. ADEQUACY OF SUBMITTALS X X X X X X X h. ADEQUACY OF QC TESTING i. ADEQUACY OF AS-BUILTS j. USE OF SPECIFIED MATERIALS k. IDENTIFICATION / CORRECTION OF DEFICIENT WORK IN A TIMELY MANNER 17.TIMELY PERFORMANCE a. ADEQUACY OF INITIAL PROGRESS SCHEDULE N/A e. EFFECTIVENESS OF JOB-SITE SUPERVISION X g. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT h. REVIEW/RESOLUTION OF SUBCONTRACTOR'S ISSUES S M U X X X X 18.COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR STANDARDS a. CORRECTION OF NOTED DEFICIENCIES X b. ADHERENCE TO APPROVED SCHEDULE X b. PAYROLLS PROPERLY COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED X c. RESOLUTION OF DELAYS d. SUBMISSION OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION X X X e. COMPLETION OF PUNCHLIST ITEMS X c. COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR LAWS AND REGULATIONS WITH SPECIFIC ATTENTION OF THE DAVIS-BACON ACT AND EEO REQUIREMENTS 19.COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY STANDARDS f. SUBMISSION OF UPDATED AND REVISED PROGRESS SCHEDULES X g. WARRANTY RESPONSE X a. ADEQUACY OF SAFETY PLAN b. IMPLEMENTATION OF SAFETY PLAN c. CORRECTION OF NOTED DEFICIENCIES X X X 20.REMARKS (Explanation of unsatisfactory evaluation is required. Other comments are optional. Provide facts concerning specific events or actions to justify the evaluation. These data must be in sufficient detail to assist contracting officers in determining the contractor's responsibility. Continue on separate sheet(s), if needed.) EVALUATOR REMARKS: A X d. ADEQUACY OF SITE CLEAN-UP f. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS O X X X i. IMPLEMENTATION OF SUBCONTRACTING PLAN X U = UNSATISFACTORY 9 BUILDING STRONG® EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ELEMENTS (cont) N/A O A S M U 15. QUALITY CONTROL 16. EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT 17. TIMELY PERFORMANCE 18. COMPLIANCE W/ LABOR STANDARDS 19. COMPLIANCE W/ SAFETY STANDARDS BUILDING STRONG® Pre-Award Pre-Award Stage Orientation – submit written questions ► Solicitation – FedBizOps; “late is late” ► Proposals and Bids – ► Site • Design-Build (DB) Solicitations. Best Value selection process. • Design-Bid-Build (DBB) Solicitations. Best Value selection process. Low-Price, Technically Acceptable (LPTA). 11 BUILDING STRONG® Post Award Post Award ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Contract Bonds (Contract award+14) Notice To Proceed (NTP) Ground Breaking Ceremony (Optional) Pre-Design/Pre-Construction Conf (NTP+10) Quality Control System (QCS) Startup (NTP+10) Mutual Understanding Meetings (Pre-con+30) Plans • • • • • • • Key Personnel/Organization Plan (NTP+10) Accident Prevention Plan (NTP+10) Environmental Protection Plan (NTP+10) Excavation & Burn Permits (NTP+20) Preliminary Schedule, NAS Format (NTP+20) Initial Submittals (NTP+20) Quality Control Plan (NTP+30) 12 BUILDING STRONG® Contract Bonds (Award + 14 days) Type of bonds per contract. Protects both parties. Mid-contract partial bonding. 13 BUILDING STRONG® Notice To Proceed (NTP) Receipt of the NTP via letter signed by the Contracting Officer. Acknowledgement by the Contractor initiates the contract performance period. The NTP is issued after bond certification. 14 BUILDING STRONG® Ground Breaking Ceremony Unsolicited nor discouraged, this ceremony may be held at the expressed desire of the Contractor. Contractor shall conduct the first and second phase of the Corps 3-phase quality control procedures, Preparatory and Initial, prior to the ceremony. Ceremony shall conform to DoD’s Joint Ethics Regulation, DoD 5500.7R. 15 BUILDING STRONG® Pre-Design/Pre-Construction Conference Scheduled as soon as possible after receipt of the NTP, the conference generally has 2 parts, one with just the Contractor’s Key Personnel and the other with general invitees to include CUSTOMER (DPW), PPM, Using Agency, Resident Office, Fire Department, NEC (DOIM), PMO, Safety and any other contract related agencies. Invitations are sent out via e-mail and minutes are taken by the Contractor. 16 BUILDING STRONG® Quality Control System (QCS) Construction software system linked to the Corps QA management software, RMS. Used to submit documents electronically. Permission access by the Corps. Web based software. Linked to Primavera 6 scheduling software. 17 BUILDING STRONG® Mutual Understanding Meetings Provides detailed discussion of contract specific topics. Invitees incl Subject Matter Experts (SME). Common meetings include Safety and Quality Control. 18 BUILDING STRONG® “The Team” Key Personnel/Organization Plan “Tree” identifying Contractor’s staffing and the supervisory functions/chain of command. Includes resumes with information that meet minimum contract requirements. Provides personnel representing Contractor’s company and signature authority for all future documents. “Living” document, updated as changes occur. 19 BUILDING STRONG® “The Team – On-site (cont)” Key Personnel/Organization Plan PROJECT MANAGER – Experience based position. QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER (QCM) – Certification and experience based position. SITE SAFETY & HEALTH OFFICER (SSHO) – Certification and experience based position. SUPERINTENDENT – Experience based position. 20 BUILDING STRONG® Initial Plans Governed by the specifications and unique to every contract or task order, initial plans are key to starting construction, and are submitted as a regular contract submittal. ► Examples: Organization Plan, Accident Prevention Plan (APP), Environmental Protection Plan (EPP), Preliminary Schedule (in NAS format), initial material submittals, long-lead material submittals and the Quality Control Plan (utilizing 3-phase). 21 BUILDING STRONG® Accident Prevention Plan AKA the “Safety Plan” and requires written Government acceptance. ► Requires (AHA’s). accompanying Activity Hazard Analysis IAW EM 385-1-1 (15 Sep 08 & yellow in color) Reviewed and approved by the Contractor’s approved Safety Officer and accepted by the Corp’s COR. 22 BUILDING STRONG® Accident Prevention Plan (cont) Asbestos Abatement Plan Confined Space Plan Critical Lift Plan Demolition Plan Emergency Response Plan Formwork/Shoring Plan Hazardous Communication Plan Respiratory Protection Plan A-E Design Safety Plan 23 BUILDING STRONG® Environmental Protection Plan Project specific and requires written Government acceptance. Reviewed and approved by KTR’s Safety Officer and the Corps’ COR. Includes NPDES Form C and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) previously submitted to the State of Hawaii Clean Water Branch. 24 BUILDING STRONG® Excavation Permit Contractor submitted and routed through different agencies. Required for any subsurface disturbance (usually starting with temporary construction fencing). May require Cultural Monitor Current form available upon request. 25 BUILDING STRONG® Preliminary/Initial Schedule Detailed analysis of first 60 days with rough outline of entire project. In data exchange format, most commonly Primavera software. Includes narrative. Requires KTR’s Project Manager & COR approval. Subsequent monthly updates as attachment to Progress Payments. 26 BUILDING STRONG® Initial Submittals Covers any documents submitted to the Government other than certified letters. Uses form ENG Form 4025 as cover. Requires Contractor’s Quality Control Manager (QCM) approval. Startup and long lead materials, followed by sequential material requirements. Utility outage requests (120 days for electrical, 45 days for water, Aqua Engr permit for wastewater). 27 BUILDING STRONG® Quality Control Plan Requires approval of the KTR’s Quality Control Manager & Corps’ COR. QC = Contractor vs QA = Government Includes detailed QC utilizing the Corps 3-Phase plan, Preliminary-Initial-Follow-up quality control procedures. Detailed Coverage at Mutual Understanding Meeting. Separate QC Plan required for design under DB contracts, by Designer of Record (DOR). 28 BUILDING STRONG® Contract Progress Successful projects have successful starts. All documents are “living” & require constant review & updates when applicable. 3-Phase QC & QA program continues through contract closeout. “Equilateral Triangle” approach, Quality Control-SafetyEnvironmental, is our business. Current environment dictates an on-time completion with an integrated (punch-list, comm/data, furniture) closeout. 29 BUILDING STRONG® EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ELEMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (WHEN COMPLETED) CONTRACT NUMBER PART III - EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ELEMENTS N/A = NOT APPLICABLE O = OUTSTANDING 15.QUALITY CONTROL N/A A = ABOVE AVERAGE O A S M S = SATISFACTORY NA M = MARGINAL U 16.EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT a. QUALITY OF WORKMANSHIP b. ADEQUACY OF THE CQC PLAN c. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CQC PLAN X X X a. COOPERATION AND RESPONSIVENESS b. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES / PERSONNEL d. QUALITY OF QC DOCUMENTATION X c. COORDINATION AND CONTROL OF SUBCONTRACTORS e. STORAGE OF MATERIALS f. ADEQUACY OF MATERIALS g. ADEQUACY OF SUBMITTALS X h. ADEQUACY OF QC TESTING i. ADEQUACY OF AS-BUILTS j. USE OF SPECIFIED MATERIALS k. IDENTIFICATION / CORRECTION OF DEFICIENT WORK IN A TIMELY MANNER 17.TIMELY PERFORMANCE a. ADEQUACY OF INITIAL PROGRESS SCHEDULE U = UNSATISFACTORY N/A O X X X g. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT h. REVIEW/RESOLUTION OF SUBCONTRACTOR'S ISSUES X X X X 18.COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR STANDARDS a. CORRECTION OF NOTED DEFICIENCIES X X b. ADHERENCE TO APPROVED SCHEDULE X b. PAYROLLS PROPERLY COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED c. RESOLUTION OF DELAYS d. SUBMISSION OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION X X e. COMPLETION OF PUNCHLIST ITEMS X c. COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR LAWS AND REGULATIONS WITH SPECIFIC ATTENTION OF THE DAVIS-BACON ACT AND EEO REQUIREMENTS 19.COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY STANDARDS f. SUBMISSION OF UPDATED AND REVISED PROGRESS SCHEDULES X g. WARRANTY RESPONSE X a. ADEQUACY OF SAFETY PLAN b. IMPLEMENTATION OF SAFETY PLAN c. CORRECTION OF NOTED DEFICIENCIES X X X X 20.REMARKS (Explanation of unsatisfactory evaluation is required. Other comments are optional. Provide facts concerning specific events or actions to justify the evaluation. These data must be in sufficient detail to assist contracting officers in determining the contractor's responsibility. Continue on separate sheet(s), if needed.) 30 EVALUATOR REMARKS: U X i. IMPLEMENTATION OF SUBCONTRACTING PLAN X M X X f. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS X X e. EFFECTIVENESS OF JOB-SITE SUPERVISION S X d. ADEQUACY OF SITE CLEAN-UP X A X BUILDING STRONG® EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ELEMENTS (cont) N/A O A S M U 15. QUALITY CONTROL 16. EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT 17. TIMELY PERFORMANCE 18. COMPLIANCE W/ LABOR STANDARDS 19. COMPLIANCE W/ SAFETY STANDARDS BUILDING STRONG® ARRA Overview Requirement - Section 1215 of the 2009 Recovery Act requires Prime Contractors, Sub Contractors & Federal Agencies to submit data for federally awarded contracts funded under the Recovery Act BUILDING STRONG® ARRA Overview (cont) Who/What/When Prime Contractors/ Sub Contractors Federal Agencies (USACE) Registers each ARRA project awarded Submits quarterly project progress reports Tracks each ARRA project it administers Performs Quality Assurance (QA) on the reports submitted by the contractors BUILDING STRONG® ARRA (cont) What is reported Award Recipient Information Award Information Project Information BUILDING STRONG® ARRA (cont) Where to report & Why Where ► ► Reports published on Why? ► Fosters accountability & transparency ► Tracking tool for Office of Management & Budget BUILDING STRONG® Questions? 36 BUILDING STRONG®