here. - Gila Conservation Coalition

2009 guide & expo
Viva Verde
Community Resources & Solutions for Green Living in Southern New Mexico w w p/f: 575.538.8078
In Silver CIty: Allyson Siwik
VivaVerde Guide Development Team
Gila Resources Information Project
575.538.8078; 575.590.7619 cell
In Las Cruces: Lisa LaRocque
VivaVerde Guide Development Team
Southwest Environmental Center
575.522.7511; 575.571.8742 cell
This is a collaborative project of Sierra
Club Rio Grande Chapter, Gila Resources
Information Project, Silver City Climate
Advisory Committee and Southwest
Environmental Center.
Rio Grande Chapter
Gila Resources
Information Project
Silver City Climate
Protection Agreement
Citizens’ Advisory
C o mmitt e e
The Viva Verde Guide is an educational guide and regional resource directory that
will feature green businesses and organizations, Green Tips and an Eco Marketplace
section with special offers and promotions for green products and services. This free
Guide will serve as a year-round reference for connecting people and organizations
who share a commitment to the preservation of our planet. The guide will also be
available on the internet… so becoming energy efficient and reducing environmental
impacts have never been easier!
The Viva Verde Expo is a weekend-long educational conference that will provide
opportunities to participate in hands-on workshops; learn from experts in the
field; connect with providers of green goods and services; participate in our Green
Home and Garden Tour to learn about a variety of energy efficient retrofits and
green building techniques, and take part in discussions about regional development
of Green Jobs. Viva Verde Expo advertisers will be featured in the Expo brochure
distributed regionally prior to the event.
The Viva Verde Expo will take place June 26 – 28, 2009, in Silver City, New Mexico, at
the Global Resource Center, Western New Mexico University.
Get Involved Today!
Living Green Makes Dollars & Sense.. Viva Verde!
We offer the following benefits to
Viva Verde Guide & Expo advertisers:
>> 5,000 FREE copies of the Viva Verde Guide will distributed throughout
southern NM, including Silver City, Deming, Las Cruces and T or C;
>> Web-based guide enhances exposure;
>> Readership that has shared values with advertisers
>> Year-round visibility
>> Support for sustainability education & development of locally-based,
green economy
>> see reverse side for ad dimensions, pricing, & specs
Submissions of ad files are due by March 2nd.
Graphic design services are available for $50 per hour.
Electronic file specs:
PDF, JPEG, or TIFF files @ 300 dpi (dots per inch)
Prices are based on camera-ready copy or electronic files. Payment
is due upon submission of your ad. Make checks payable to
Gila Resources Information Project and send to: Gila Resources
Information Project, 305A North Cooper St., Silver City, NM 88061
Full page
Guide Guide Only & Expo
¼ page horizontal
¼ page vertical ½ page vertical ½ page horizontal ¾ page horizontal 1 full page
1/2 page vertical
3/4 page horizontal
1/2 page horizontal
1/4 page vertical
1/4 page horizontal
4.5X1.7” w w p/f: 575.538.8078