Chapter 4b.nb

Physics 302/328 Homework
Chapter 4 – #21, 22, 32, 34, 46, 59, 61
‡ Problem 4-21: Use Thévenin’s theorem to find V0 in this
Cut out the 2k resistor and find the Thevenin equivalent of the remaining circuit.
The 6V source causes 1 mA to flow through the 2k and 4k resistors. This causes a 4 V
drop across the 4k resistor, making the top part more negative than the bottom. If we take
the bottom as the reference node = 0V, then the voltage at the top of the 4k resistor is - 4V.
Combine this with the 12V and you get an open circuit voltage of +8V = Vth.
To find Rth, replace both sources with short circuits, giving 4k//2k = 1.333k
Using this Thevenin circuit, we can do voltage division to get
Vo = 8V 2 k +1.333 k = 4.8 V
‡ Problem 4-22: Find V0 in the circuit below using Thévenin’s theorem
If you cut out the 8k resistor and find the Thevenin equivalent of the remaining circuit, this
will become a single-loop circuit.
The Thevenin resistance ( all sources zeroed) will be 2k + 3k//6k = 4k
the open-circuit voltage = Vth, will be the voltage drop across the 2k resistor (2 mA * 2K =
4V) plus the voltage across the 6k resistor (voltage divider = 12 V *
= 8 V ) or 12V,
Chapter 4b.nb
If you cut out the 8k resistor and find the Thevenin equivalent of the remaining circuit, this
will become a single-loop circuit.
The Thevenin resistance ( all sources zeroed) will be 2k + 3k//6k = 4k
the open-circuit voltage = Vth, will be the voltage drop across the 2k resistor (2 mA * 2K =
4V) plus the voltage across the 6k resistor (voltage divider = 12 V * 6 k +3 k = 8 V ) or 12V,
The single loop circuit with the Thevenin equivalent in series with the 8k resistor can be
solved with a voltage divider:
Vo = (12 V) 8 k +4 k = 8V
‡ Problem 4-32: Find the Thévenin equivalent to the circuit below at the terminals AB.
The Thevenin equivalent of a circit with only dependent sources has Vth = 0V
Rth is usually found by connecting a 1V source to terminals A and B and measureing the
current: Rth = 1V / current. With this circuit, KVL gives us
-1V - 2000 Ix + 2000 Ix = 0 => -1 = 0, a contradiction.
This is because, no matter what voltage source we connect to terminals A and B, the circuit
will produce a net voltage drop of 0 V, corresponding to a resistance of 0 W. Alternately, we
could connect a 1 mA current source and show that the voltage drop across this circuit is
zero, which would also show that the effective resistance of the circuit is 0 W.
So the Thevenin equivalent of this circuit is Rth = 0 W
‡ Problem 4-34: Find V0 in the circuit below using Thévenin’s
We will remove the 3k resistor to simplify the circuit and find the Thévenin equivalent of the
remaining part of the circuit. The 6V source produces a 2 mA current around the loop.
Then VA = 2 mA * 1k = 2 V. the open circuit voltage is 6V 2 k +1 k - 2 = 3 V .
If we short-circuit the output terminals
Chapter 4b.nb
We will remove the 3k resistor to simplify the circuit and find the Thévenin equivalent of the
remaining part of the circuit. The 6V source produces a 2 mA current around the loop.
Then VA = 2 mA * 1k = 2 V. the open circuit voltage is 6V 2 k +1 k - 2 = 3 V .
If we short-circuit the output terminals
‡ Problem 4-46: In the network below find the value of RL for maximum power
transfer, and the maximum power transferred to this load.
The load resistor should be equal to the Thévenin resistance of the driver circuit. The
Thévenin resistance (found by zero-ing all independent sources) is equal to 4k//(2k+1k+2k)
= 2.222 kW.
The open circuit voltage ( = Vth) can be found by finding the current through the 4k resistor
and multiplying it by 4k.
Using current division, I = 4 mA 3 k +6 k = 1.333 mA => Voc = 1.333mA*4k = 5.333 V = Vth
Now, putting the whole circuit together, we have I = Vth / (Rth+RL) =
5.333V/(2.222k+2.222k) = 1.20 mA
Finally, the power delivered to the load is I 2 RL = H1.20 mAL 2 (2.222k) = 6.4 mW
‡ Problem 4-59: Find Vo in this
This is a trick question: The output is completely determined by the 12V source. Nothing to
the left of it has any effect on the output.
Using voltage division: 12 V 4 k +8 K = 4 V
‡ Problem 4-61: Find Io in this network by using source
Chapter 4b.nb
Problem 4-61: Find Io in this network by using source
6V Source: Thévenin to Norton: 6V / 12k = 0.5 mA (up), in parallel with 12k
2 mA (down) Source: Norton to Thévenin: -2 mA ( 6k) = -12 V, in series with 6k
Thévenin to Norton: First combine the 6k and 18k = 24k,
then -12V / 24k = -0.5 mA (down), with 24k in parallel.
Combine parallel currents: 0.5 - 0.5 + 2 = 2 mA
Combine the parallel resistors : 12k // 24k = 8k
Use current division: 2 mA J 8 k +8 k N = + 1 mA