Decibel (dB) – 3dB point P dB 10 log o Pi V dB 20 log o Vi • Bode Plots • Resonance • Wires – theory vs reality • Amplitude Modulation • Diodes Acknowledgements: Lecture material adapted from Prof Qing Hu & Prof Jae Lim, 6.003 Figures and images used in these lecture notes by permission, copyright 1997 by Alan V. Oppenheim and Alan S. Willsky 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 1 reference 60 dB = 1,000 = 103 half power point 40 dB = 100 = 102 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 2 Sound Levels* application dbV 1 Volt rms dBm 1 mW into 50 [0.224V] or radio-frequency [50] or audio [600] power measurements [in England, the dBu is used to 600 [0.775V] mean 0.775V reference without regard to impedance or power] routine voltage measurements [comparisons!] dB mV 1 millivolt rms signal levels in cable systems dbW 1 Watt audio power amplifier output [usually into 8, 4, or 2 impedances] dBf 1 femtowatt [10-15 watt] communications and stereo receiver sensitivity [usually 50, 75unbalanced, or 300balanced antenna input impedances] dB (SPL) 0.0002bar, = [=Pascals] [1 bar 2 dynes/cm ~1AT] 80 dB = 10,000 = 104 3 dB point = ? Common Decibel Units dB UNIT 100 dB = 100,000 = 105 log10(2)=.301 noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) 20Pa Sound Pressure Level measurements: the = 106 reference is the “threshold of hearing”. mosquito at 3 yards * 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 3 6.101 Spring 2014 4 Bode Plot ‐ Review Magnitude & Phase • A Bode plot is a graph of the magnitude (in dB) or phase of the transfer function versus frequency. • Magnitude plot on log‐log scale – Slope: 20dB/decade, same as 6dB/octave • Bode plot provides insight into impact of RLC in frequency response. • Stable networks must always have poles and zeroes in the left‐half plane. Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 1 1 s j s a j a 1 H ( j ) 2 a2 recall z z e jz H (s) H (s) H ( j ) m tan 1 n tan 1 b a H ( j ) tan 1 a 5 N ( j ) ( j b ) m D ( j ) ( j a ) n Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 Low Pass Filter LPF 6 High Pass Filter HPF AV (dB) log scale AV (dB) C R V1 C V2 V1 0 -3dB R V2 0 -3dB slope = 6 dB / octave slope = 20 dB / decade slope = -6 dB / octave slope = -20 dB / decade log f 1 Av Av j XC V2 V1 R j X C 1 sRC 1 j C 1 1 j RC 1 j C log f Av fHI or f-3dB R V2 R j CR s CR V1 R 1 j CR 1 s CR 1 j C fLO or f-3dB Degrees Degrees PHASE LEAD 90o PHASE LAG 0o 45o -45o 0o -90o -45o log f fHI or f-3dB 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 fLO or f-3dB log f 7 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 8 Proper External Grounding for Lab 1 IF Transformer Transformer – Step Up V1 V1 V2 R2 V1 V V2 2 R1 R2 2 PC Board 2 V1 V 2 R1 R2 1:n R1 V1 I 1 V2 I 2 pri sec NC 2 1 V R2 V22 Can but V2 nV1 R1 R1 is equivalent resistance of R2 reflected back to primary. V12 R2 nV1 2 V12 R2 n 2V12 so R1 R2 n2 Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 9 Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 Resonance Series Resonance L R + V - I C 6.101 Spring 2014 V Z XC V R 2 (L Lecture 2 V Z 1 2 ) C 11 • V R 2 (L X L j L 1 1 Z R sL R j (L ) C sC I 10 1 j C 6.101 Spring 2014 1 2 ) C I is a maximum at resonance L 1 C 1 2f LC 1 f 2 LC inductive reactance capactive reactance Lecture 2 12 Bandwidth – 3dB Point Resonance (Series RLC) – Key points + V - R Z R sL L C 1 1 R j (L ) C sC • Applies to more complex RLC circuits • At resonance: power is maximum • At resonace: phase angle zero, i.e. capacitive reactance = inductive reactance, or impedance is real 1 Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 13 6.101 Spring 2014 Bandwith ‐ BW 2 1 • BW = • Peak power is at resonance • Half power points 2 R R 2 ( wL • where I 1 2 ) wc 2 , 1 V 2R I • Q* (quality factor) V R 2 (L 1 C R 1 R 2L 2 L LC Q 2 2 R 1 R 2L 2 L LC 12 Note: resonant frequency bandwidth 1 L R C 2 • Higher Q implies more selectivity *Agarwal/Lang 6.101 Spring 2014 R L )2 2 1 2 1 • BW = V2 R V Z 14 Bandwidth and Q (Series RLC) are the half power frequencies P 2 Lecture 2 15 6.101 Spring 2014 Foundation of Analog Digital Elect Circuits equation 14.47, p 794 Lecture 2 16 Summary – Parallel Series RLC Series Parallel Duality Series Parallel L R V 1 V I R jwL jwC C I O Q Q w RC o I R + C V - L 6.101 Spring 2014 1 1 I V jwC jwL R Series Parallel V I R 1/R L C C L BW + V - R L C 17 BW ( w2 w1 ) R L Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 18 MATLAB Functions bode, freqs 1 1 R j (L ) sC C 1 s I ( s) 1 L V ( s) Z ( s) s2 R s 1 L LC • BODE(SYS,W) uses the vector W of frequencies (in radians/TimeUnit) to evaluate the frequency response • [MAG,PHASE] = BODE(SYS,W) and [MAG,PHASE,W] = BODE(SYS) return the response magnitudes and phases in degrees (along with the frequency vector W if unspecified). • SYS is the transfer function expressed as numerator and denominator in the form SYS • Magnitude of Z is minium at resonance • Bode plots are graphs of the transfer function: magnitude and phase angle Lecture 2 O 1 2f LC 1 f 2 LC • Pole at DC or zero frequency 6.101 Spring 2014 1 RC wL R 0 Observations & Bode Plots Z R sL 1 LC wO 1 LC w 19 d es as bs c 2 • bode(num,denom,range) num=[d e], denom=[a b c], range= desired freqencies in radians • freqs(num,denom,range) plots frequency response and phase angle 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 20 Bode vs Freqs Plots 1 s 1 I ( s) L R V ( s) Z ( s) s2 s 1 L LC R=1 L=47uh C=1.8nf f=540khz 6.101 Spring 2014 not same scale bode Selectivity and Q num=[1/L 0] denom=[1 R/L 1/(L*C)] f=1/(2*pi*sqrt(L*C)) w=2*pi*f w_range = [.8*w:20:1.2*w] h=bode(num,denom,w_range) magh=abs(h) plot(w_range,magh) shg freqs(num,denom,w_range) L=47uh C=1.8nf f=540khz Q 1 160 5 32 10 16 freqs Lecture 2 21 6.101 Spring 2014 22 • Resonance, Q, bandwidth • Transformers and impact on load and bandwidth • Diode detector, demodulation • Simple AM transmitter and receiver L=47uh C=1.8nf f=540khz Lecture 2 Lecture 2 Lab 1 Topics Selectivity and Q 6.101 Spring 2014 R R Q 1 160 5 32 10 16 23 6.101 Spring 2014 24 Lab 1 Schematics & Wiring 12-100 pF trimmer • IC power supply connections generally not drawn. All integrated circuits need power! • Use standard color coded wires to avoid confusion. – red: positive – black: ground or common reference point – Other colors: signals • Circuit flow, signal flow left to right • Higher voltage on top, ground negative voltage on bottom • Neat wiring helps in debugging! C Rsource L [Antenna] VS 10 Pri-Sec turns ratio = 4:1 PRI [3 pins] RSERIES C VS [Function Generator] SEC [2 pins] RLOAD Metal shield ["can"] 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 25 6.101 Spring 2014 26 Wires Theory vs Reality ‐ Lab 1 Wire Gauge • Wire gauge: diameter is inversely proportional to the wire gauge number. Diameter increases as the wire gauge decreases. 2, 1, 0, 00, 000(3/0) up to 7/0. • Resistance – 22 gauge .0254 in 16 ohm/1000 feet – 12 gauge .08 in 1.5 ohm/1000 feet – High voltage AC used to reduce loss 30-50mv voltage drop in chip Wires have inductance and resistance • 1cm cube of copper has a resistance of 1.68 micro ohm (resistance of copper wire scales linearly : length/area) ܮ ௗ ௗ௧ noise during transitions power supply noise Voltage drop across wires LC ringing after transitions 6.101 Spring 2014 27 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 28 Bypass (Decoupling) Capacitors Electrolytic Capacitor 10uf The Concept of Modulation (modulating a carrier) Bypass capacitor 0.1uf typical Through hole PCB (ancient) shown for clarity. 6.101 Spring 2014 Transmitted Signal x(t) • Provides additional filtering from main power supply • Used as local energy source – provides peak current during transitions • Provided decoupling of noise spikes during transitions • Placed as close to the IC as possible. • Use small capacitors for high frequency response. • Use large capacitors to localize bulk energy storage Lecture 2 29 Carrier Signal Why? • • • • More efficient to transmit E&M signals at higher frequencies. Transmitting multiple signals through the same medium using different carriers. Increase signal/noise ratio in lock‐in measurements. others... How? • Many methods 6.101 Spring 2014 Two of Many Methods of Modulation Lecture 2 30 Fourier Series ? T= 1/f1 ? V=|Asin(ω0t)| ω0 = 2π f1 Focus is on Amplitude Modulation (AM) 6.101 Spring 2014 ? 31 6.101 Spring 2014 32 Time Domain Analysis Amplitude Modulation (AM) of a Complex Exponential Carrier v Ac cos c t * KAm cos mt ct e j c t , c — carrier frequency KAm v Ac cos c t [cos(c m )t cos(c m )t ] 2 y(t) x(t) e j ct 1 X j C j 2 1 X j 2 c 2 Y j X j c Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 33 34 AM with Carrier (for different Amplitudes of A) Asynchronous Demodulation • • Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 xm (t ) A c(t ) Assume c >> M, so signal envelope looks like x(t) Add same carrier xm (t ) t c(t ) t Time Domain y (t ) xm (t ) c(t ) A + x(t) > 0 why? Frequency Domain t 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 35 6.101 Spring 2014 36 D1 Units Asynchronous Demodulation (continued) Envelop Detector In order for it to function properly, the envelop function must be positive definite, i.e. A + x(t) > 0. Simple envelop detection for asynchronous demodulation. D1: 1N914 or 1N4148 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 37 6.101 Spring 2014 Standard Values Lecture 2 38 Diodes I D I s (e qv D kT 1) kT/q is also known as the thermal voltage, VT. VT = 25.9 mV when T = 300K, room temperature. 6.101 Spring 2014 39 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 40 Finger Tips Facts Diode V‐I Characteristic • Current thru pn junction doubles for every 26mv (at room temperature) or 10x for every 60mv • Temperature coefficent of silicon diode is ~2mv/degC at room temperature • Small signal resistance of pn junction is – 1 ohm @26 ma, 26 ohm @1ma I D I se qv D kt qv D kT 26mv I s 10 pa 6.101 Spring 2014 41 Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 Reverse Breakdown Voltage 42 Zener Diode 4.7k Low doped diodes have higher breakdown voltage + V _ • Zener diodes will maintain a fixed voltage by breaking down at a predefined voltage (zener voltage). 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 43 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 44 Zener Breakdown • Actually caused by two effects: avalanche effect and zener effect. • Avalanche effect: electron/holes entering depletion region is accelerating by the electric field, collides and creates additional electron/hole pairs – like a snow avalanche; occurs above 5.6V; has positive temperature coefficient • Zener effect: heavy doping of PN junction results in a thin depletion layer. Quantum tunneling results in current flow; occurs below 5.6V; has negative temperature coefficient • At 5.6V, two effects balance is near zero temperature coefficient. 6.101 Spring 2014 45 6.101 Spring 2014 1N4001‐1N4007 46 Transient Respopnse Fast reverese recovery diode needed for switching power supplies 6.101 Spring 2014 47 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 48 Diodes 1N4001 Type Max Vr Max I Continous Recovery time Capaciitance 1N914 75V 10ma 4ns 1.3pf 1N4002 100V 1000ma 3500ns 15pf 1N5625 400 3000ma 1N1084 4000 30,000ma (peak) 400 50,000ma 1N914, 1N4148 1N7XX 40pf Pulse Ox Diode types 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 49 Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 50 Optical Isolators Light Emitting Diode • Optical Isolators are used to transmit information optically without physical contact. • LED’s are pn junction devices which emit light. The frequency of the light is determined by a combination of gallium, arsenic and phosphorus. • Red, yellow and green LED’s are in the lab • Diodes have polarity • Typical forward current 10‐20ma • Single package with LED and photosensor (BJT, thyristor, etc.) • Isolation up to 4000 Vrms • Used in pulse oximetry Nellcor DS-100 Pulse-ox 6.117 2104 IAP Lecture 2 51 6.117 2104 IAP Lecture 2 52 RC Equation Diode Circuits Vs = 5 V Vs = 5 V Switch is closed t<0 Switch opens t>0 R Vs = VR + VC Vs = iR R+ Vc + t Vc V 51 e RC c Vs = RC dV c iR = C dt dVc Vc dt t Vc Vs 1 e RC Is RC in units of time? 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 53 6.101 Spring 2014 More Diode Circuits Lecture 2 54 Clamping Circuit RC time constant limitation 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 55 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 56 Power Supply Ripple Voltage Calculation Rectifier Circuits + 1N4001 12.6 VCT RMS 120 V 60 Hz CF + RL Vout = v OUT - Pri Sec 3a) Half-wave rectifier circuit diagram 1N4001 + 12.6 VCT RMS 120 V 60 Hz CF + RL Vout = v OUT - Pri Sec 1N4001 3b) Full-wave rectifier circuit diagram 4x 1N4001 12.6 VCT RMS 120 V 60 Hz + CF + RL Vout = v OUT - Pri Sec 3c) Bridge rectifier circuit diagram RC >> 16.6ms why? Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 57 Lecture 2 6.101 Spring 2014 Voltage 58 RMS Voltage v A sin t • What is the equation describing the voltage from a 120VAC outlet? • 120 VAC is the RMS (Root Mean Square Voltage) • 60 is the frequency in hz • Peak to peak voltage for 120VAC is 340 volts! • The RMS voltage for a sinusoid is that value which will produce the same heating effect (energy) as an equivalent DC voltage. • Energy = Pdt vidt • For DC, 2 rms • Equating and solving, A = vrms t=π v i 120 2 sin 2 60t 169.7 sin 2 60t + v - 340 V 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 59 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 r 0 2 1 2 v dt r 0 vrms 60 Diode AC Resistance RMS Derivation 2 vrms 1 2 1 v dt A2 sin 2 tdt r r0 r0 t 1 2 sin dt sin 2 t [ ] 0 0 2 4 2 A2 t 1 vrms sin 2t ] [ 0 r r 2 4 A= 6.101 Spring 2014 2 vrms Lecture 2 61 6.101 Spring 2014 Lecture 2 62