Dark Matter as a consequence of electric charge non-conservation will it remain “dark” forever? Richard M. Weiner Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay, France and Physics Department, University of Marburg, Germanyx It is conjectured that dark matter (DM) was produced as a consequence of electric charge non-conservation during the early stages of the universe expansion. Charge conservation was restored through a phase transition of Rochelle-salt type. The corresponding critical temperature or energy has not yet been reached in the laboratory and this might explain why the constituents of DM have so far not been observed. Arguments are presented according to which DM was created even before inflation, implying that the corresponding conditions will possibly never be reproduced in the laboratory. The fact that the observed mass density of DM exceeds that of ordinary matter gets a most natural explanation. Dark Matter (DM) constitutes one of the most challenging, unsolved problems of cosmology[1] and of physics in general: although it represents about 85% of the total mass density of the universe the mechanism of its creation and its constituents are still unknown. This is in part due to the fact that it manifests itself only indirectly, through its gravitational mass, while ordinary matter is primarily detected directly by its electromagnetic interactions and is thus accessible to optical devices. This last fact also explains why ordinary matter is often called “luminous” and also why DM was discovered rather lately. At present the most popular explanations of DM are based on the assumption that it is a thermal relic of the Big Bang made of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP -s) [2], which are electrically neutral. However the mechanism through which this happened is unknown, nor is it understood why DM is the dominant component of the mass density of our universe and why x Email address: weiner@staff.uni-marburg.de 1 its constituents have not been detected in the laboratory, despite the fact that other types of neutral weakly interacting particles like neutrinos have been. The purpose of this note is to suggest that the creation of dark matter might cease to be a mystery once we give up the assumption, made so far in all approaches to DM, that one of the laws of physics, that of conservation of electric charge, which is valid in our universe at present, was also valid immediately after the Big Bang. In particular we postulate that dark matter was produced as a consequence of the fact that most of the initially charged particles lost their electric charge during the expansion of the universe. Charge conservation was established at a later stage of expansion. This postulate is used to explain why DM has not yet been seen and why its mass density exceeds that of ordinary matter That the assumption of charge non-conservation is not so shocking as it might appear at a first look can be realized by reminding that charge conservation, like most other conservation laws, is, according to Noether’s theorem, a consequence of a symmetry of the Lagrangian, in this case the electromagnetic gauge symmetry. On the other hand, whether a given solution of the equations of motion of a Lagrangian exhibits a given symmetry or not depends on external circumstances like temperature, matter densities or external fields and on details of the Lagrangian. In particular, the fact that most known symmetries are conserved at high temperatures led by analogy to the assumption that this is valid also for evolution of the universe, so that most conservation laws known at present were valid also immediately after the Big Bang. However ferromagnets like the Rochelle salt are a well known counter example of the observation that high temperatures lead to more symmetry [3]. Actually non-conservation of electric charge at high temperatures was proposed already a long time ago [4] in order to explain the absence of magnetic monopoles but strangely enough, the most obvious application of the charge non-conservation hypothesis at high temperatures, that of DM, which imposes itself almost by definition, was not considered so far. In the following we will discuss some of the consequences of the assumption that the gauge symmetry associated with electric charge was spontaneously broken after the Big Bang and subsequently restored at lower temperatures, 2 during the expansion of the universe. This happened through a phase transition at a critical temperature Tcrit. As far as we can gather this assumption does not contradict any known experimental fact and arguments will be presented why it should be considered as a candidate for the solution of the puzzle of dark matter. A first implication of charge non-conservation at high temperatures is that in opposition to what is assumed so far dark matter as observed at present was created before the symmetry restoring phase transition. We will consider two possible scenarios of the hypothesis that electric charge violation (ECV) was at the origin of DM creation. In both cases the corresponding energies have not yet been reached in the laboratory and this explains why the constituents of DM have not been observed so far. DM produced after inflation. The first scenario is based on the model of Langacker and Pi [4] which addresses the issue of t’Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopoles within the Georgi-Glashow SU(5) GUT model, by using the fact that monopoles appear whenever a U(1) subgroup arises as a consequence of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Ref. [4] assumes two or more phase transitions G →H1→… →Hn → SU(3)c X U(1)em where U(1)em is not a subgroup of Hn. By choosing the critical temperature Tcrit at which U(1)em appears below the value mm of the monopole mass, the production of monopoles is avoided. Concretely one considers at T=0 the SU(5) model with SU(5) broken to SU(3) X SU(2) X SU(1) by an adjoint Higgs representation and then to SU(3)c X U(1)em by one or more five-dimensional Higgs representations. For 0 ≤ T ≤ MX where MX >>MW ±, Z the problem is reduced to the SU(2) X U(1) part of the model with n complex Higgs doublets φi. Actually it turns out that three doublets φi do the job, i.e. n=3. The Higgs potential at temperature T = 0 reads 3 V = Σi=1 [ - µi2 φi † φi + λi(φi† φi)2] + Σi<j [σij φi † φj φj † φj + ρij φi † φj φj φj † φj + η ij (φi † φj)2 + (φj † φi)2 ] (1) and then, as shown explicitly in ref. [4] for the case G ≡ SU(3)c X (SU(2) X U(1), by choosing appropriately the vacuum expectation values of the scalar fields <φi(T)> at finite temperature T, one can 3 construct a model in which G is broken to SU(3)c at T > Tcrit. In other words, by choosing G = SU(3)c X (SU(2) X U(1), the lower symmetry, i.e. that corresponding to the non-conservation of electric charge, is realized at high temperatures. The fact that the violation of local gauge invariance induces the violation of global invariance is due to the spontaneous nature of the breaking of the local invariance [5]. An educated guess of Tcrit proposed in ref.[4] in the assumption of three doublets φi and satisfying the conditions of an existence proof is Tcrit ≥ 1 TeV. Surprisingly, this value is quite compatible [2] with that which would follow from the “WIMP miracle” according to which the present mass density of DM would be due to a weakly interacting particle with a mass of the order of 100 GeV that was produced by falling out of thermodynamical equilibrium in the early stages of the universe expansion. This would mean that one can hope to produce DM particles at the CERN LHC. A further experimental consequence of this scenario is the prediction of at least two more Higgs doublets. However the above variant is open to criticism: (a) As pointed out by Bimonte and Lozano [6] (cf. also Senjanovic [3]) next to leading order corrections might invalidate the approach of ref.[4]. (b) The “derivation” of Tcrit is based on a simple generalization of the GeorgiGlashow model and assumes three Higgs doublets. Up to now there is no evidence either for this model or for this particular assumption . Actually, as emphasized also by the authors of [4], any other value for Tcrit is possible. (c) The scenario based on ref. [4] does not explain the experimental observation ρDM ≈ 5 ρord , (2) where ρDM and ρord are the mass densities of DM and ordinary matter, respectively. The fact that these densities are of the same order of magnitude has lead some authors [7] to conjecture that the two types of matter have a common origin. Neither does this first scenario explain at least qualitatively why the dark matter mass density exceeds that of ordinary matter. (d) The Langacker-Pi model, proposed before the invention of inflation, assumes the existence of a phase transition at Tcrit ≈ 100 GeV above which 4 electric charge is not conserved. In the evolution of the universe there is no experimental evidence for any phase transition except possibly inflation itself. (Actually, in the version of inflation traded under the name “chaotic” [8] there is no phase transition.) Since the inflation temperature Tinfl >> 100 GeV this puts under further question marks the estimate of the critical temperature of ref.[4] but, as will be shown below, at the same time suggests a different scenario for the creation of DM as a consequence of ECV, namely that DM was created before inflation. Dark Matter produced before inflation. This possibility not only takes care of problem (d) but shifts problem (a) to the very early stages of the universe evolution, when gravitational effects are important, too. And although the quantum field theory of gravitation is also non-renormalizable, almost everything we know today about the beginning of the universe is based, besides the theory of general relativity, on classical gravitation. We assume that this applies also for the following considerations. In particular we postulate that after the Big Bang the universe consisted of charged and neutral particles and during the following expansion most or all charged particles lost their charge. This happened during inflation, which acts as a filter for charge. Conservation of electric charge was established only after inflation. It seems then natural to assume that the critical temperature Tcrit at which the symmetry restoring phase transition took place coincides with the temperature Tinfl at which inflation occured, i.e. Tcrit = Tinfl . (3) The question then arises how dark matter created before inflation survived the exponential expansion characteristic for inflation and which is expected to wash out any conserved quantity. Here gravitation comes into play through the “mimetic” mechanism of Chamseddine and Mukhanov [9] (for a generalization of ref. [9] cf. e.g. [10]) who described dark matter by a scalar field Φ coupled to the inflaton field φ through a term of the form ΦF(φ) where F is a slow function of φ. These authors prove that at the end of the exponential expansion a ≡ H –1 exp (Ht), 5 where H is the Hubble constant and a defines the flat metric ds2 = dt2 - a2 (t) δikdxidxk, the difference between the trace G of the Einstein tensor Gµν = Rµν - ½Rgµν and the trace T of the energy momentum tensor of matter Tµν can be approximated at the end of inflation by G – T ≈ - F(φ)/3H ≠ 0, (4) which means that dark matter as defined above survives inflation. According to our present understanding of inflation, for ordinary matter such a conservation mechanism does not exist. It follows that ordinary matter has been created after inflation. This means that inflation is the very mechanism through which the initially charged particles created immediately after the Big Bang lost their charge and confirms the assumption that dark matter and ordinary matter have a common origin. Moreover the fact that in this second scenario dark matter started to be produced before ordinary matter, explains why the dark matter density exceeds that of ordinary matter, an observation which obtains in this way fundamental importance. It is amusing to note that in almost all explanations of DM based on the popular WIMP models the similarity between ρDM and ρord is considered accidental [7]. Furthermore this scenario predicts a lower limit for the ratio Tinfl / Treheat between the inflation temperature Tinfl and the reheating temperature Treheat. Indeed in the assumption that dark matter starts to be produced before inflation i.e. at temperatures T > Tinfl and ordinary matter after reheating i.e. at T> Treheat we may describe the temperature dependence of the corresponding mass densities by ρDM > ginfl Tinfl4 (5) and ρord < greheat Treheat4 , (6) where gi are functions of the corresponding number of degrees of freedom. Taking into account that inflation does not change significantly the number of degrees of freedom we have ginfl ≈ greheat. (7) From the observed relation between the mass densities ρDM ≈ 5 ρord it then follows Tinfl / Treheat > 1.5. (8) 6 Given the fact that on the average at high temperatures T the masses of particles created by a system in thermodynamical equilibrium at that temperature are of the order of T, it follows that the masses of DM particles, most of which are created before inflation, are on the average much larger than those of ordinary matter, which are created after the symmetry restoring phase transition, i.e. after inflation. It then follows from Eq. (3) and the value of Tinfl ≈ 10-3-10-4 MPlanck , that in this second scenario the constituents of DM will most probably never be accessible to direct laboratory experiments, at least with the techniques known so far. That, among other things, distinguishes this model of DM from models based on anomalous gauge symmetry [11], despite the fact that in these models gravitation and inflation also play a major role. Furthermore the existence of weakly interacting particles with masses up to the inflation temperature Tinfl could contribute to solving the hierarchy problem, i.e. filling the gap between the Higgs mass characteristic for the electroweak interaction and the Planck mass characteristic for gravitation. On the other hand there are certain specific, possible consequences of the above model which appear experimentally accessible: (A) In the era preceding inflation due to ECV massive photons might have been created. While in conventional QED photons are massless, in QED with broken gauge invariance photons may acquire mass. The experimental upper limit of such a mass is [12] at present 10-18 eV. (B) The creation of dark matter might have been accompanied by the bremsstrahlung of longitudinal photons associated with the disappearance of the respective charges [13]. For a comprehensive review of these issues cf. ref. [14]. In conclusion, if we accept the hypothesis that in the very early universe charge was not conserved, the mystery of the origin of dark matter might become an open secret and although dark matter may remain “dark” forever in the sense that it will never be reproduced in the laboratory, it represents one of the strongest signals of the early universe. 7 References [1] For a recent review cf. Maxim Khlopov, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Vol. 28 (2013) 1330042. [2] Cf. e.g. Jonathan L. Feng, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 48 (2010) 495. [3] Cf. e.g. L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics, Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann, ISBN-13: 978-0750633727. In particle physics the breaking of symmetries with increasing temperatures was discussed by S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. D9 (1974) 3357, Mohapatra, R.N.and Senjanovic, G., Phys. Rev.Lett 42, 1651 (1979), Phys. Rev. D20, 3390 (1979) and Phys. Lett. 89B, 57 (1979). Linde (A.D. Linde, Phys. Rev. 14 (1976) 3345) proved that in most gauge theories with neutral currents like e.g. the standard model an increase of fermion density also leads to an increase of symmetry breaking. For more recent applications cf. the review by Goran Senjanovic, http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/9805361. [4] Paul Langacker and So-Young Pi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 (1980) 1. [5] For a more detailed analysis of this issue cf. G. S. Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, and T.W. B. Kibble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13 (1964) 585. [6] G. Bimonte and G. Lozano, Nucl. Phys. B460 (1996) 155. [7] Cf. e.g. Kalliopi Petraki and Raymond R. Volkas, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 28, 1330028 (2013) - arXiv:1305.4939 [hep-ph]. [8] A. D. Linde, Phys. Lett. 129B, (1983) 177. [9] Ali H. Chamseddine, Viatcheslav Mukhanov, JHEP 1311 (2013) 135. [10] Masud Chaichian, Josef Kluson, Markku Oksanen, Anca Tureanu, JHEP 12 (2014) 102 arXiv:1404.4008 [hep-th]. [11] Neil D. Barrie,and Archil Kobakhidze, http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1503.02366. [12] K. A. 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