KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ROLLING STOCK Prepared by: On Behalf of: Mark Molyneux ATOC Senior Engineer V/V SIC KTR Sub-group KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 1 AMENDMENT RECORD KTR Issue One Dated Jan 2011 Notes First Issue Two Feb 2013 Updated issue incorporating industry feedback following publication of Issue One KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 2 INTRODUCTION In 2009 the Technical Strategy Advisory Group (TSAG) remitted the Vehicle/Vehicle System Interface Committee (V/V SIC) to develop guidance on key technical requirements (KTR) for new trains. These KTRs represent best practice that experience has demonstrated not to be adequately covered by mandatory standards. The initial version of the KTR document (KTR v1) was published in January 2011. This updated document (KTR v2) is written with the aim of assisting rolling stock procurers to capture experience that has emerged from historic rolling stock projects and also to highlight areas where new developments are taking place that will potentially need to be considered when requirements are being specified. In addition to procurement of new rolling stock, some of these KTRs are equally applicable to vehicle refurbishment or continued service operation (life extension) projects. Clearly the KTRs of relevance will be considerably reduced in these cases. It must be stressed that each individual project will need to consider carefully the applicability of each of these KTRs and their impact on whole system, whole life costs in order to identify solutions that represent best value for money to the industry. This report is sub-divided into five sections of key requirements for rolling stock as follows:Section 1: Key Requirements - Technical Section 2: Key Requirements - Performance Section 3: Key Requirements - Passenger Facing Section 4: Key Requirements - Driver Facing Section 5: Key Requirements - Communications and Diagnostics In KTR v2, there is now an additional appendix:Appendix A - Since the publication of KTR v1, V/V SIC has received many suggestions from the wider industry with respect to what should be included in future versions of this KTR document. Some of these suggestions had already been discussed by the subgroup and discounted for inclusion in KTR v1. The purpose of this appendix is to advise the industry of the issues that the sub-group have discussed but taken the positive decision to exclude requirements from KTR v2. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 3 1. Key Requirements - Technical 1.1 Vehicle Weight 1.1.1 Targets that optimise the weight of rolling stock to deliver lowest whole life cost to the “railway system” should be specified. Weight reduction through intelligent / innovative design is clearly beneficial, but this should not be pursued as an end in itself. Note: It is recommended that the outputs of Railway Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) Project “T712: Research into Trains with Lower Mass in Britain” are used to inform any decisions as to the target weight for new builds of rolling stock - details of this project can be found at: 1.2 Track/Train Interface 1.2.1 Rolling stock should be specified so that the vehicle / track interface is optimised using an industry recognised whole life, whole system vehicle / track interaction model e.g. the RSSB Vehicle/Track Interaction Strategic Model (VTISM) - details of this project can be found at 1.2.2 The specification of active suspensions (mechatronics) should be considered subject to an assessment of the maturity of the technology and the robustness of the supporting business case. Note: It is recommended that the work being led by V/T SIC on behalf of the Technology Strategy Leadership Group (TSLG) is used to inform any decisions as to the appropriateness of mechatronics. 1.3 Couplers 1.3.1 There is currently no agreed standard coupler configuration for UK passenger rolling stock and this creates a barrier to the interworking of vehicles supplied by different manufacturers. Note: In order to address this issue, RSSB Project T1003 “Standardisation of Coupling Arrangements” commenced during 2012 and (providing there is a demonstrable business case for UK standardisation, which is the subject of the first phase of this research) the output of this project is intended to provide an outline requirement. The output from this project should be taken into consideration when available. 1.3.2 The ability for interworking with subsets of existing designs of rolling stock should be specified recognising the aspirations for the long term use of the vehicles. 1.3.3 To facilitate interworking and stock cascade, specifications for rolling stock couplers should be as follows: 1.3.4 High Speed Trains: compatibility with coupler type “Scharfenberg” Electrical Multiple Units: compatibility with coupler type “Dellner 12” Diesel Multiple Units: compatibility with coupler type “BSI compact” To facilitate rescue of stranded trains an “emergency - limited functionality” mode of operation should be considered. As a minimum this would provide: KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 4 1.3.5 Emergency brake Full service brake application Traction Control Door Control and Interlock Crew to Crew Communication Public Address Passenger Communication Emergency Alarm Design features to ensure that couplers continue to function reliably in difficult environmental conditions (e.g. snow and ice; dead flies or other contamination) should be considered taking into account the anticipated frequency of coupling operations. Design features that may be appropriate include: Protection of the coupler when not in use. Automatic heating of the electrical head to prevent the build up of ice. Protection of the pneumatic and electrical connections by a tight cover when not coupled. Features to ensure that the coupler pocket remains free from the build up of snow and ice. Note: It is recommended that the outputs of RSSB Project “T958: Ensuring Automatic Coupler Reliability During Ice and Snow” are used to inform any decisions with respect to the design of new builds of rolling stock - details of this project can be found at: nal.pdf 1.4 Braking Systems 1.4.1 Designs of dynamic braking systems should optimise the system cost, weight and energy recovery. 1.4.2 For rolling stock with electric traction the ability to brake regeneratively should be provided. 1.4.3 The ability of trains to provide predictable braking performance under all conditions has been recognised as a significant factor in enabling reductions in headways and hence maximising route capacity. It is recommended that, where new trains are intended for operation on routes where capacity is a critical factor, the potential for using such braking systems should be explored with Network Rail and the train manufacturers. 1.5 Sanding Systems 1.5.1 Sand level monitoring of the vehicle sand box should be considered. 1.5.2 Additional functionality should be considered to provide an indication to the driver in the cab in the event of an empty sand box. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 5 1.6 Consumable Tank Capacities and Servicing Requirements 1.6.1 Proposed rolling stock duty cycles need to inform the provided capacities of fuel tanks; toilet water tanks; toilet Controlled Emission Toilet (CET) tanks; windscreen washer tanks and sand hoppers. Such “consumables” capacities should be designed for operational compatibility. This means that sufficient capacity should be provided for all such systems to avoid the need for adhoc intermediate replenishment between planned visits to depots or servicing points. Whilst providing larger water and waste tanks for toilets clearly utilises valuable space and increases vehicle weight, recent experience of new trains procurement is that underestimating tank capacities leads to problems in service. (See section 3.8 for further requirements related to toilet provision). 1.6.2 Such consumables should be easy to replenish / discharge without the need to position the rolling stock over a depot pitted road and it should be possible to completely replenish such systems from either side of the vehicle, but complete system replenishment should be possible with access to only one side of the vehicle. 1.6.3 It should be possible to connect shore supplies and replenish consumables from both platform and track level. Note1: Some operators currently struggle to access such connections when vehicles are stabled adjacent to platforms. Note 2: This is equally applicable to equipment isolation switches e.g. Battery Isolators; coolant level indicators; fuel level indicators. 1.7 Windscreen Wiper Systems 1.7.1 Dynamic effects on windscreen wiper systems should also be considered to ensure windscreen wipers remain effective throughout the attainable speed range of the rolling stock. Note: This is applicable whether the driving cab is open ended or intermediate within a train consist. Historically, with certain designs of rolling stock, there have been instances of intermediate windscreen wipers becoming damaged as a result of aerodynamic effects lifting wipers away from the windscreen when running at speed. 1.8 Electrical Connectors and Cable Idents 1.8.1 Electrical connectors (plugs and sockets) should be designed to operate reliably for the life of the vehicle. This includes ensuring they are positioned remotely from potential sources of water and oriented to avoid water traps and also ensuring the sealing arrangements will not degrade over time. 1.8.2 Electrical wiring identification labels (idents) should be specified to withstand normal wear and tear without significant physical degradation in order to remain legible for the life of the vehicle. Note: An example of best practice in this area is colour coding of wiring idents. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 6 1.9 Bonded Components 1.9.1 To avoid problems with the use of adhesives in an uncontrolled depot environment, the design philosophy that should be adopted is that no in-situ bonding should be required to maintain or repair the vehicle. 1.9.2 All Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) should be mechanically attached to the vehicle. For example glazing units should be supplied bonded to a frame which is then mechanically fastened to the vehicle structure (see section 1.13.3) 1.10 Reliability 1.10.1 It is always the aspiration that the frequency of failures should be minimised. However, reliability targets (frequency of failure) should be established taking into account the benefits to the operation and the costs (technical and commercial) of providing a particular level of performance. It is recommended that RSSB Project “T782: Maximising Future Rolling Stock Reliability” is used to inform any decisions taken with respect to setting contractual reliability targets - details of this project can be found at: 1.10.2 Reliability should be specified in terms of the agreed current industry key performance indicators (KPI’s). In addition, it may also be appropriate to specify a measure that reflects the effectiveness of the rolling stock design in assisting traincrew to minimise the consequences of a failure (i.e. delay) once it has occurred. 1.10.3 When rolling stock is operating in “degraded mode” as a result of the failure of a key system (e.g. auxiliary converter), the control systems should automatically reconfigure so that the impact on critical systems (e.g. external lighting and windscreen wipers) is kept to an absolute minimum so that the rolling stock can remain in service. 1.11 Meteorological Effects 1.11.1 Rolling stock systems should be designed to operate reliably during all kinds of environmental conditions expected to be experienced in the UK during the life of the vehicle. This is especially pertinent with respect to the impact of climate change and the associated predictions of more frequent instances of extreme weather conditions. Rolling stock of the future should be therefore designed to provide more resilience to extremes of heat, rainfall and cold considering the impact on whole life cost. 1.11.2 In line with the above principles particular consideration should be given to the following design features to ensure continued reliable operation during snow and ice conditions: Suitable protection should be provided for electrical equipment to prevent the ingress and build up of dirt, moisture or snow. Note: An example of good practice in this area is sealed equipment cases reliant on external heatsinks. Placement of equipment ventilation louvres at roof level in order to significantly reduce the dynamic effects of snow. Measures to protect critical systems (e.g. warning horns; cab and passenger doors; windscreen wipers) from the effects of the build up of snow and ice. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 7 Provision of splash guards in the vicinity of brake disks to minimise the effects of the build up of snow and ice. Making the underside of the train as smooth as possible as this reduces the underpressure below the train and hence the vulnerability to a build up of snow and ice. 1.12 Availability 1.12.1 The precise requirements for availability targets should be developed in terms of whole life costs of the rolling stock. Unrealistically high availability targets might initially seem attractive (as a result of initially purchasing fewer vehicles) but it must be borne in mind that overhaul programmes and unexpected damage (e.g. from vandalism or collisions) can rapidly erode any maintenance allocation leading to subsequent difficulties maintaining service cover. Therefore the provision of “strategic spares” should be considered. 1.12.2 When specifying fleet size, the specifier should also consider availability requirements that are not related to maintenance e.g. driver training and collision damage. Examples of good practice to optimise availability (primarily for multiple units) are: 1.13 ensuring the end vehicles are identical to facilitate unit reforming in the event of collision damage provision of “shunt” controls where long fixed formation sets can be split to facilitate subsequent unit reforms. Maintainability 1.13.1 Where new trains are to be introduced to service, whether under a train service provision agreement with the manufacturer or to be maintained by the train operator, the objective should be to reduce routine inspection activities to a minimum. Examples of good practice in this area are: Rolling stock should be designed to facilitate the use of infrastructure based remote condition monitoring equipment to undertake automatic vehicle inspection; e.g. measuring brake pad thickness and wheel tread wear On-board condition monitoring systems capable of downloading data to intelligent analytical tools that are able to recommend maintenance interventions in order to prevent in-service failures from occurring. 1.13.2 Systems should be designed to minimise the amount of maintenance required. Examples of good practice in this area are: electronic modules specified with “plug and play” connectivity (to remove the need for manual configuration upon component replacement) Parts of rolling stock that are vulnerable to impact damage (e.g. front farings) should be easy to replace. 1.13.3 Where maintenance is required, systems should be designed to facilitate maintenance and minimise the vehicle downtime. It should be possible for all planned maintenance to be completed during an agreed specified timeframe allocated for maintenance. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 8 Note: Designs where windows are bonded directly to the vehicle structure are not compliant with this requirement since it cannot be guaranteed that depot temperature or humidity will be within the specified ranges to ensure a satisfactory bond. There have been instances where rolling stock has had to remain out of service with broken windows since the depot temperature was outside the range specified to undertake the bonding process. 1.14 Obsolescence 1.14.1 Obsolescence management should be covered by contractual arrangements for the life of the vehicle. Note: This is especially the case for electronic equipment and includes all rolling stock related software; operating systems and IT hardware. 1.15 Vehicle Gauging Information 1.15.1 Vehicle manufacturers should be contractually required to provide vehicle gauging data in accordance with the format developed by the Vehicle / Structures System Interface Committee. Note: This has been formalised as the draft RIS-2773-RST: Format for Vehicle Gauging Data which will be published during 2013. 1.16 Future Proofing of Third Rail (750V DC) Rolling Stock 1.16.1 Specifications for future designs of 750V DC third rail rolling stock should consider the implications of a future increase in the nominal supply to 900V DC. Manufacturers should be requested to state the modifications that would be required in order to accommodate such a change in supply voltage. 1.16.2 It has been suggested that the long term aim of the industry should be the replacement of the 750V DC third rail system with the 25kV Overhead line system. New DC rolling stock should include provision for the inexpensive retrofit of 25kV equipment. Note 1: In this context “inexpensive” means that the design has made the provision for the fitment of equipment by the designer purposely allocating free space; power supply and consideration of cabling to the relevant location(s). Note 2: The case for the replacement of the 750V DC system with 25kV Overhead was the subject of RSSB Project “T950: Investigating the economics of the 3rd rail DC system compared to other electrification systems” - details of this project can be found at: 1.17 Systems Architecture 1.17.1 Vehicle manufacturers should be required to provide electrical equipment (at the Line Replaceable Unit level) that has been specified with a modular, open architecture (based on the application of Internet Protocol communications functionality) and to use open source software. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 9 2 Key Requirements – Performance & Environmental 2.1 Aerodynamic Performance 2.1.1 Aerodynamic efficiency should be optimised in terms of whole life cost. Note: Aerodynamic efficiency only becomes a significant issue at speeds greater than 100mph. 2.2 Propulsion 2.2.1 The amount of redundancy provided by the propulsion system should take account of the demonstrated service reliability of existing equivalent systems. 2.2.2 For propulsion systems that feature a low level of redundancy, consideration should be given to the remaining functional propulsion system equipment being designed to provide enhanced performance in the event of a propulsion package failure. 2.2.3 Propulsion systems should be designed to be capable of rescuing a completely failed train (of the same design), assuming the rescue train is free from defects. 2.2.4 Consideration should be given to designing the rolling stock to accommodate potential future line speed enhancements. 2.3 Environmental Impact 2.3.1 The environmental impact of rolling stock should be minimised. 2.3.2 An environmental impact assessment should be undertaken for rolling stock construction, operation and disposal. Of particular importance is the identification of components containing hazardous materials. 2.3.3 Rolling stock should be designed for recyclability. 2.4 Energy Efficiency & Traffic Management 2.4.1 Rolling stock systems should be optimised for energy efficiency taking into account the whole life cost to the “railway system.” 2.4.2 Electrically powered rolling stock should be capable of providing energy use data of an integrity level suitable for billing. 2.4.3 Consideration should be given to specifying a Driver Advisory System (DAS), which provides energy efficient driving advice to the driver, typically by showing a recommended maximum speed and when to coast, such that the train arrives at the next timing point on the journey at the scheduled time. The DAS should be able to communicate remotely with a base station such that updates (timetable changes, temporary speed restrictions, etc.) can be uploaded onto the train and feedback of response to the advice given transmitted back to the base station. The system should also facilitate subsequent analysis of driving style and have the future capability of accepting real-time traffic regulation information, received remotely from the Next Generation KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 10 Traffic Management (NGTM) System under development by Network Rail and the Vehicle/Train Control &Communications System Interface Committee (V/TC&C SIC). 2.4.4 Rolling stock should be designed with intelligent power management systems. Onboard systems should therefore only be energised when absolutely necessary. Note: 2.4.5 An example of good practice in this area is the intelligent control of diesel engines that shut down when not required to provide useful power to the train. Rolling stock should be designed to minimise whole life energy consumption. Consideration should be given to the following design features: Rolling stock to revert to “stabling mode” (following an appropriate time delay) following a driver de-energising the driving cab. Typically such a “stabling mode” would switch off selected loads such as the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). Lighting systems should revert to emergency lighting only. Note: Frost protection systems should remain active and lighting circuits should be designed to facilitate local switch on (for cleaning purposes). Remote switch on of HVAC (both cab and saloon) and lighting (saloon only) to facilitate train preparation and override in an emergency. Low energy consumption lighting e.g. Light Emitting Diode technology. Interior lighting that automatically adjusts in response to ambient light levels. Note: ATOC have published a guidance document titled “Energy and Carbon: A 20 Point Programme to help Rail Operators to improve their Energy Efficiency and reduce CO2 Emissions.” Whilst this document suggests ways of improving energy efficiency in a holistic manner i.e. also encompassing buildings and operations, there are sections of this document of direct relevance to rolling stock. Copies of the document can be obtained by contacting ATOC’s Engineering Team. 2.4.6 Consideration should be given to designing rolling stock with provision for retrofit of energy storage equipment (if cost effective and practicable). 2.4.7 In order to compare proposed train designs and identify the most energy efficient proposal, manufacturers should be required to provide energy consumption data for a representative diagram over representative routes. 2.5 Auxiliary Power 2.5.1 Auxiliary power supplies should be designed at the outset to provide sufficient spare capacity for the life of the rolling stock to allow the flexibility for the future installation of ERTMS (see 5.1) and additional equipment that may be required to support future business needs). Note: Historically a figure of 10% spare capacity has been used and is viewed as appropriate. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 11 2.6 Ride Quality 2.6.1 There is no agreed standard that specifies acceptable ride performance for UK rolling stock. “BS EN 12299: 2009 - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation” has been published, however the target values have not been validated for existing UK vehicles, although some of the criteria do have their origins in outputs from BR Research. Note: Practically it is difficult to specify ride performance in terms of absolute targets for vehicles due to the additional need to specify the relevant track quality parameters and as a result ride quality has been specified in terms of comparison with existing vehicles. However it is recommended that a percentage improvement (compared to existing vehicles at an appropriate point in their maintenance cycle) in ride performance should also be specified in order to ensure continual improvement. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 12 3. Key Requirements - Passenger Facing 3.1 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) 3.1.1 The control regime for heating and cooling must take account of passenger comfort; expected operational and environmental scenarios; ambient temperature ranges likely to be encountered in the UK (see section 1.11.1) and whole life cost. 3.1.2 The rolling stock HVAC system should function as follows: The HVAC system should control the fresh air intake quantity proportional to the passenger loading The HVAC system should maintain a temperature differential to ambient rather than trying to attain a “set point temperature.” This reduces the system load and the “thermal shock” effect for passengers boarding and alighting. Note: It was considered that the way that existing HVAC systems are designed i.e. with a targeted set point temperature that the system endeavours to maintain (irrespective of system rating) is a key contributory factor to HVAC failures on days when high ambient temperatures are experienced. It is believed that the systems are trying to deliver an unrealistic set point and therefore become overloaded. Altering the control algorithms in this manner should go a long way to alleviating this problem. The passenger comfort system shall be capable of maintaining the passenger compartment at the envelope temperatures with allowed variations as specified in EN 13129. The Heating set point shall be independently adjustable from 21-23 C. The HVAC system should have automatic systems to determine the correct balance between temperature and CO2 levels during degraded modes of operation. o 3.1.3 On diesel multiple units the HVAC fresh air intake should have a good separation from exhausts. 3.1.4 HVAC systems should be designed to ensure consistency of temperatures throughout the passenger saloon e.g. the avoidance of perceived “hot” or “cold” spots. Consideration should be given to compliance with the comfort zone permissible velocities specified in EN 13129 . 3.1.5 Whilst in “stabling mode” (see frost protection should remain available when needed in the event of low environmental temperatures. 3.1.6 The functionality to allow traincrew to alter the setting of saloon HVAC should not be provided. 3.1.7 Consideration should be given to the provision of individual controls for temperature / ventilation for passengers for inter-urban or intercity rolling stock. 3.2 Security 3.2.1 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) that monitors the passenger saloons should be fitted to all rolling stock. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 13 Note: The National Rail CCTV Steering Group have published the following guidance “National Rail & Underground Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Guidance Document” that should be considered. A copy of this document can be found at erground%20CCTV%20Guidance%20Document%20%20FULL%20November%202010 .pdf 3.2.2 It is recommended that forward facing CCTV cameras should be fitted to all rolling stock. Night vision capability should be considered for these cameras. GM/GN2606: Guidance on the Fitment of Forward and Rear Facing Cameras to Rolling Stock should be considered and a copy of the document can be found at: MGN2606%20Iss%201.pdf 3.2.3 Consideration should be given as to whether there is a business requirement that the CCTV images should be remotely accessible on demand. Experience has shown that having access to images can offer significant benefits in enabling earlier resumption of services following incidents. 3.2.4 Where the seating layout is “Airline style” the seats should be designed to deter the activities of pickpockets from the seats in rear. Note: An example of good practice is the installation of a physical barrier between seats, provided there is no conflict with dynamic seat performance requirements for interior passive safety. 3.2.5 Consideration shall be given to potential terrorism risks by incorporating design features that minimise the overall injuries sustained by passengers in the event of a terrorist attack. Good interior passive safety design, i.e. interior features designed to minimise secondary injuries to passengers and staff in such an incident, have been shown to help provide such mitigation. Current GB best practice is described in GM/RT2100.Mandatory interior passive safety requirements are set out in GM/RT 2100 Part 6 and guidance relating to best practice is given in GM/GN 2687. 3.3 Passenger Comfort 3.3.1 Passenger comfort is an important issue for UK rolling stock and is not straightforward to address when producing procurement specifications. 3.3.2 There is no agreed standard that specifies acceptable noise levels for UK rolling stock. Note: It is recommended that a percentage improvement in noise performance (compared to existing vehicles) should be specified in order to ensure continual improvement. 3.3.3 There is no agreed standard that specifies acceptable legroom for UK rolling stock. It is recommended that current anthropometric data and associated forecasts for the life of the rolling stock are used to inform proposed seat pitches. 3.3.4 Seat legroom should be designed to accommodate a 95 percentile male (based on the latest anthropometric data available for the GB population) th th Note 1: The current 95 percentile male figure would result in a dimension of 688 mm for airline seating. For absolute clarity, this is the dimension between seat back squab and the rear face of the seat in front and is therefore not “seat pitch.” Note 2: Seat legroom should also take into consideration typical journey times. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 14 3.3.5 It is not considered to be appropriate to provide armrests in all circumstances. Where provided, th armrests should be moveable and of a length designed to accommodate a 95 percentile male (based on the latest anthropometric data for the GB population) th Note 1: The current 95 percentile male figure would result in an armrest length of 442mm. Note 2: Armrests are beneficial for passenger containment in the event of an accident and should therefore be considered whenever appropriate. 3.3.6 For vehicles designed to operate longer distance services, e.g. inter-urban or intercity, power supplies should be provided at all seats for the charging of mobile electronic devices. These power supplies should be readily accessible to passengers and appropriately labelled. 3.3.7 The design of the interior layout should ensure that, wherever practicable, all passenger seats and windows are aligned. Where seating bays are provided they should be aligned with the adjacent window. Where there are no windows as a result of the vehicle structure, other passenger amenities such as luggage stacks and toilet modules should make use of this space. Note: Ideally, deadlights (the vehicle structure between window apertures) should not exceed 450mm. 3.4 Passenger Counting 3.4.1 An appropriate number of vehicles should have passenger counting capability or provision should be made for the inexpensive retrofit of a passenger counting system. Note 1: A relatively low cost example of a passenger counting system is the use of the vehicle “load weigh” signal, although other equivalent solutions exist. Note 2: In this context “inexpensive” means that the design has made the provision for the fitment of equipment by the designer purposely allocating free space; power supply and consideration of cabling to the relevant location(s). 3.5 Passenger Information System (PIS) 3.5.1 Consideration should be given to defining the functionality of the PIS to encompass the following features: Capability to acquire and display real time delay information. To provide estimated times of arrival at stopping points en-route. To interface and integrate with other remote information systems. Note: This feature is considered especially important since the on-train system forms part of the holistic “whole system” PIS in support of providing the passenger with information from “end-to-end” of their journey. To provide accurate real-time intermodal/interchange running information. Note: This feature is considered secondary to providing real-time running information for the train. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 15 To broadcast accurate real-time information via the on board audio/visual system, or To update specific interactive locations in the train for ad-hoc use by passengers, or Provision of information via a train borne Wi-Fi network to be provided for use by passengers using a personal Wi-Fi device (refer to section 5.5) Note: It is recommended that the research report “Integrated Passenger Information: Delivering the Rail End to End Journey” commissioned by the Department for Transport is considered when specifying the requirements for trainbourne PIS systems. To interface with the vehicle Selective Door Operation system - where applicable (see 4.2.4.) 3.5.2 Public address and audible information systems should be designed to provide announcements within the vehicle that are 5dB above the ambient interior noise level at the time of the announcement. 3.5.3 On the exterior of the relevant vehicle, in a position that is readily visible to passengers when boarding, visual Passenger Information Systems should display: the train destination the next calling point departure time the number / letter of the vehicle in the train consist 3.6 Seat Reservation Systems 3.6.1 Consideration should be given to provision of an electronic seat reservation system. Where such a system is provided: It must be possible to remotely upload onboard seat reservation systems well within the train’s turnaround times at stations. It is suggested that this time should not exceed two minutes. Unreserved seats should be readily identifiable to passengers entering the passenger saloon from both ends of the vehicle. It is suggested that a Green Light Emitting Diode (LED) is employed for this purpose. It is suggested that this LED could be mounted below the luggage rack immediately above each seat. Note: 3.6.2 An optional potential enhancement to this functionality would be to similarly identify reserved seats with a red LED. Labels showing the seat number layout of the vehicle should be provided on the exterior of the vehicle, adjacent to exterior doors. Such labels should be readily viewable to passengers when boarding. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 16 3.7 Provision of Luggage Storage 3.7.1 It is accepted that it can often be difficult to obtain the right balance between number of seats and the provision of adequate space for storing luggage. This balancing act can only be determined by consideration of the type of service the rolling stock is intended to operate. Note: Passengers perceive that there is inadequate provision of luggage storage facilities on board recent designs of rolling stock. 3.7.2 Luggage stacks should be designed to make the best use of the space available on board e.g. three-tier stacks should be considered that provide safe storage so that larger items of luggage can only be stored in the lower area of the stack. These luggage stacks should be designed in a way and located in the vehicle interior so that the luggage remains visible to passengers. Note: Passengers have expressed the view that they are particularly uncomfortable with having to leave their luggage effectively hidden from view in end of vehicle luggage stacks. 3.7.3 Overhead luggage racks should be able to safely store items of baggage of dimensions 56cm x 25cm x 45 cm. Note: This requirement reflects current airline limits with respect to hand baggage. 3.7.4 Innovative solutions, for example seats that can be converted to store luggage when not in use or the provision of luggage storage under the seat in front should be considered in order to optimise the amount of luggage storage provided. 3.8 Toilets 3.8.1 On train toilet reliability and availability issues cause real problems to Operators the world over. To make inroads into improving toilet design, European Operators have jointly developed some common requirements for on-train toilets that should encourage suppliers to improve their products across Europe. These requirements have been captured in a “EuroSpec for on-train toilets.” Note: The Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) is a partner in the EuroSpec consortium. Copies of the EuroSpec can be obtained by contacting ATOC’s Engineering Team. 3.8.2 Given the critical importance of toilets to passenger comfort, particularly on longer journeys, toilet provision, in terms of the ratio of seats to toilets, requires careful consideration. It is suggested that the minimum acceptable level of provision should be: 3.8.3 For intercity or inter-urban services, 85 seats per toilet For short distance / commuter services, 125 seats per toilet Since there is no standard toilet design, passengers have commented that they would welcome a common method of locking the toilet door. Note: The renderings below suggest an arrangement that should be considered for new designs KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 17 3.8.4 The design of train toilets has changed little since Controlled Emission Toilets have been installed on GB rolling stock. Designs of toilet have recently been developed that either treat waste before discharging clean water to the track or recycle this water for toilet flushing. Such systems offer significant benefits in terms of reducing the size and weight of tanks, reducing water consumption and greatly increasing the time intervals between servicing. The case for introducing this technology needs to be considered when procuring new toilet systems. Note: RSSB Project “T962: Water Recycling for Train Toilets” investigated this area during 2007 – details of this project can be found at: 3.8.5 In order to mitigate against the effects of on-board water contamination the following design features should be employed: Spray taps on washbasins should be avoided Hot water tanks should be insulated from hot diesel exhausts It should be possible to completely drain water systems. Note: In addition, RSSB Project T985 “Identification and analysis of risks posed by legionella bacteria in on-train non-potable water systems” provides guidance on additional best practice - details of this project can be found at: KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 18 3.9 Cleanability 3.9.1 To improve cleanability (and also to improve security aspects of the interior design) support points (e.g. interior fixtures and fittings) towards the middle of the vehicle floor should be avoided. The ideal solution would be an entirely clear floor. 3.9.2 Where possible, to prevent the build up of dirt and dust in inaccessible places, crevices should be eliminated. Inaccessible and unused spaces should be filled. Dirt that builds up in these areas that are hard to reach and clean can easily be circulated. Radiused corners should be used where surfaces meet, e.g. between panels and floors, in order to make cleaning easier. 3.9.3 When selecting materials, for long term appearance, the choice of colour is more important than the choice of material. 3.9.4 Using carpets that do not require abrasive chemicals to clean them makes cleaning easier and helps to keep their appearance better in the long term. Deep pile carpets are not suitable as they tend to hold on to dirt. The careful choice of vestibule matting can help prevent dirt from shoes being trodden throughout a carriage. 3.9.5 There is a tendency to think that, for seat covers, uncut moquette has slightly better resistance to holding on to dirt and dust than cut moquette. Note: The visual appearance of cut moquette is enhanced if the pile runs in an upward direction on seats i.e. the movement of passengers sitting in seats separates the fibres. 3.9.6 Fabric surfaces can be pre-treated but there is an associated cost to this. Anti graffiti coatings can be applied to other surfaces and these aid general cleaning as well as the removal of graffiti. 3.10 Vandalism Mitigation 3.10.1 The sections below identify a number of actions that may be taken to improve the resistance of vehicles to vandalism damage. These need to be considered in the context of the levels of vandalism anticipated on the routes over which trains are intended to operate. 3.10.2 All interior glazing should be fitted with “anti-etching” film. Note: Consideration should be given as to when the films are actually applied during the construction stage of new build rolling stock in order to ensure that they can be subsequently removed and replaced at the depot. 3.10.3 Interior fixtures should have anti-graffiti coatings applied to an extent that reflects the risk of vandalism (see section 3.9.6). 3.10.4 Where vandalism is more prevalent seat fabrics should have features e.g. wire mesh, that prevents damage from knives etc. 3.10.5 Anti-graffiti films should be applied to rolling stock exteriors to ensure the surface coatings and labelling are able to cope with graffiti removal processes. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 19 3.11 Interior Panels 3.11.1 Interior panels should be free from rattles throughout the life of the vehicle, not just when initially built. Manufacturers should be requested to provide details of how their designs specifically meet this requirement since this is a major source of passenger annoyance. 3.12 Interiors “Miscellany” 3.12.1 Since each service operated will have specific requirements, e.g. extra luggage provision on airport services, higher density seating on commuter services there can never be a “one solution fits all” to this aspect of train design. As a result of this, what follows is a list of interior features with associated guidance that should be considered when specifying vehicle interiors. In all cases full account should be taken of the principles, requirements and guidance relating to interior passive safety. Window blinds: Where window blinds are specified, mitigation should be incorporated into the design of the blinds to prevent them rattling in service. Litter Bins: An assessment should be made as to the design of and capacity of litter bins provided onboard. Note: Passengers perceive that there is inadequate provision of litter bins on board recent designs of rolling stock. There are either too few, they are not large enough or they are poorly identified. Provision of Handholds: Additional handholds should be considered in areas where passengers are likely to congregate when trains are crush loaded e.g. door vestibules and wheelchair areas. Provision of Tip-Up Seats: In order to maximise the provision of seating at times of heavy passenger demand the creative use of tip-up seats should be considered. However, the use of tip-up seats in vestibule areas is not recommended since this positions seated passengers (and their luggage) in access / egress routes and therefore obstructs the flow of other passengers. Lighting: Passenger controlled reading lights should be considered. Passengers welcome the ability to influence the lighting levels of their immediate environment. Such reading lights should be designed so that: they are modular (in order to be able to facilitate a flexible interior layout) their default state is off maintenance staff are easily and from a single location, able to override their local controls to force them all to be lit, to facilitate the identification of defective lighting components. Fixed Tables: Full width tables at bay seating areas should be considered. Passengers have commented that they like such features, but sometimes have difficulty accessing seats as a result. Folding or tapered tables should be therefore considered and fixed table support points should be positioned as close as possible to the vehicle bodyside (see section 3.9.1). Table access should be designed to th accommodate a 95 percentile male (based on the latest anthropometric data available for the GB population). KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 20 th Note: The current 95 percentile male seated thigh depth is currently 202 mm and therefore an additional margin will need to be added to this dimension to facilitate passenger access. In addition, if the table edge overlaps the leading edge of the seat this dimension should also be increased. Seat Back Tables: Where seats are arranged “airline style” provision of folding seat back tables should be considered that are of sufficient size to support and use a laptop. Cup Holders: Provision of a recess for cups should be considered in fixed and folding tables. Table Surfaces: Tables should be designed with a lip around the perimeter (to contain spilled drinks etc.) and have a non-polished, non-slip surface. Cycle Racks: Cycle rack provision should be considered. It is recommended that cycle racks are located in close proximity to access doors, are positioned on suitable flooring and make optimum use of available space. Coat Hooks: Coat hook provision should be considered. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 21 4 Key Requirements - Driver Facing 4.1 Driver Only Operation (Passenger) (DOO(P)) 4.1.1 Rolling stock should be specified for a single traincrew member operation (or the provision made for subsequent inexpensive retrofit of DOO(P) equipment). Note: In this context “inexpensive” means that the design has made the provision for the fitment of equipment by the designer purposely allocating free space and consideration of cabling to the relevant location(s). 4.2 Selective Door Operation (SDO) 4.2.1 Rolling stock should be designed for vehicle level SDO operation (or the provision made for subsequent inexpensive retrofit of SDO equipment) where this is initially not required. Note: In this context “inexpensive” means that the design has made the provision for the fitment of equipment by the designer purposely allocating free space and consideration of cabling to the relevant location(s). 4.2.2 The SDO system should be able to mitigate against the effects of a driver releasing the doors on the side of the train not adjacent to a platform i.e. provide correct side door enable functionality. 4.2.3 The SDO system should be able to mitigate the effects of a driver not stopping in the correct location along the platform. 4.2.4 The SDO system should interface with the Passenger Information System (PIS) to provide sufficient notice to passengers of the following: The side of the train of the next door release Where to alight (e.g. towards the rear of the train). Note 1: Such information will have to be given in such time to permit mobility impaired passengers to migrate to the correct doorways on the train. Note 2: An RSSB sub-group is developing the requirements for a future national, vehicle based automatic SDO system utilising track mounted RFID tags. The output from this project should be taken into consideration when available. 4.3 Location of Driver Resettable Controls 4.3.1 Driver resettable controls, e.g. miniature circuit breakers (mcb’s), should be positioned where drivers can access them quickly in all normal operational conditions. Wherever practicable, no driver resettable controls or isolation equipment should be located in passenger areas, due to the extreme difficulty in gaining access on crowded trains. 4.3.2 Driver resettable controls should be protected from accidental operation. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 22 4.4 Cab Design 4.4.1 The design of driving cabs should incorporate a standard arrangement of the following key controls: Traction Brakes Doors Couplers Note: There is a European project developing a standard driving cab. The output from this project should be taken into consideration. 4.4.2 th Driving cabs should be designed to comfortably accommodate a 95 percentile UK male and a th 5 percentile UK female. Driving cabs should also be designed to ensure drivers are protected against Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Note: Unless another (equivalent) assessment method is available, it is recommended that the outputs of Railway Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) Project “T940: Development of a tool to assess and manage musculoskeletal disorder risk in train drivers” is used to assess the cabs of new builds of rolling stock - details of this project can be found at: 4.4.3 In-cab display equipment (computer screens and all other cab controls, indicators and instruments) should be legible in all lighting conditions (including darkness and direct sunlight). Such display equipment should be designed with adjustable brightness functionality to cater for the range of lighting conditions experienced. 4.4.4 Control of service critical systems should not rely on touch screen technology. 4.4.5 Reflected images of illuminated display equipment in cab windscreens must be avoided. Note 1: It is recommended that the cab display equipment legibility and reflection avoidance requirements should be specifically verified at the cab “mock-up” stage for new rolling stock. Note 2: A potential enhancement would be for the brightness of cab display equipment to automatically adjust to the ambient light level e.g. day / night / tunnels etc. However, a manual override of the automatic brightness levels should also be provided. 4.4.6 Driving cabs should be operationally ready i.e. ready to drive the train, following the driver activating a cab by inserting a master key within one minute. Note: These requirements apply to all possible combinations of multiple unit formations and also encompasses activities related to coupling and uncoupling. 4.4.7 In order to minimise time and ensure data integrity, on-board systems should communicate so that drivers only have to enter data once, e.g. on the driver entering the train headcode and their ID No: any on onboard systems (PIS, On-Train Data Recorder, Radio, etc. should automatically configure as appropriate. Note: Consideration should be given to the issuing of traincrew with smart cards that contain all their personal data plus diagrams to be worked. The driver would therefore use this card with a suitable train based interface to enter the relevant data. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 23 4.5 Human Factors Mitigation - Design of Control Systems 4.5.1 In the event of two or more “master keys” being active (as a result of human error or otherwise) in a train consist, manufacturers should design control circuitry so that there is an alarm and an indication of the location of the second key reported to the traincrew. 4.5.2 In the event of two or more “conductor keys” being active in a train consist there should be an alarm and an indication to the driver. 4.5.3 Such credible operational “errors” as those listed in 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 should not result in any damage to the train control systems or other train equipment. 4.6 Supply System Changeovers 4.6.1 Dual voltage rolling stock should be designed so that supply changeover from 25kV a.c. Overhead Electrification to 750V d.c. Third Rail (and vice versa) is achieved as quickly as possible. Note: Ideally system changeovers should be completed within one minute for all onboard systems and possible formations of multiple units. 4.6.2 System supply changeovers should be achievable both statically and dynamically. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 24 5. Key Requirements - Communications and Diagnostics 5.1 European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) 5.1.1 It is recommended that ERTMS equipment should be installed on rolling stock being designed to operate on routes where ERTMS is planned to become operational (as per the National ERTMS Programme) within five years of service introduction. For all other rolling stock, provision should be made for inexpensive retrofit of ERTMS equipment. Note: In this context “inexpensive” means that the design has made the provision for the fitment of equipment by the designer purposely allocating free space; power supply and consideration of cabling to the relevant location(s). 5.2 Remote Condition Monitoring (RCM) Systems 5.2.1 RCM has potential benefits for infrastructure maintainers; train operators; vehicle owners and vehicle maintainers. Hence these parties should be invited to participate in new systems and provide input to business cases. 5.2.2 When developing the RCM requirements for any vehicle or vehicle systems, consideration should be given to complying with the “7 Principles” that have been developed by the CrossIndustry RCM Working Group. For information these principles are presented below: 5.2.3 Principles are applied to Remote Condition Monitoring (RCM) activities in any of the 4 quadrants where there is X-industry impact. Business cases shall include all X-industry elements including evaluation of benefits and costs. An end to end X-industry RCM operating model (including processes and contracts) is clearly described and agreed (defined shape). Solutions shall conform to X-industry RCM Reference Architecture. Network wide enablers (e.g. processes, technology, standards) are justified separately from solution projects but aligned with their plans (funding / delivery). X-industry RCM standards shall be applied to technical solutions and business processes. Application of these X-Industry RCM Principles has governance that is Industry recognised. Where Unattended Geometry Measuring Systems (UGMS) are being considered at an early stage in the procurement phase, discussions should be held with the infrastructure manager in order to establish the business case for the optimum condition monitoring solutions required for a fleet of trains. These discussions should establish an agreement as to: What should be monitored? What data is required to be captured? KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 25 How the data will be linked to an accurate time stamp. How the data will be linked to an accurate location stamp. What data is required to permit deterioration rates to be determined? What are the agreed actions to be taken in the event of limits being exceeded? What proportion of the fleet should have UGMS equipment installed? 5.3 Diagnostics 5.3.1 Train systems should be provided with intelligent diagnostics to assist depot staff troubleshoot and fault find. 5.3.2 Train systems should be provided with the functionality to export sufficient data to inform immediate corrective action; to assist with fault diagnosis and therefore inform effective maintenance and repair activities. 5.4 Mobile Communications Reception 5.4.1 Consideration shall be given to specifying aspects of rolling stock design that improve on-board mobile network reception 5.5 Broadband Services 5.5.1 Consideration shall be given to the provision of passenger Wi-Fi / broadband services. Note: It is recommended that the outputs of RSSB Project “T964: Operational Communications” are used to inform any decisions with regards to the provision of onboard Wi-Fi services on rolling stock. Of particular relevance is the “Rail Mobile Communications Service Handbook” that the project produced and can be found at: pdf 5.6 On Train Data Recorders (OTDR) 5.6.1 It is considered essential that the functionality to remotely access OTDR data should be provided. 5.6.2 In addition, consideration shall be given to providing the following functionality: In-built GPS time stamp. In-built GPS location stamp. Open interface standard for OTDR data. Spare channel capacity provision. KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 26 Ability to change the sampling rate of individual channels. Ability to change the activation thresholds of individual channels. OTDR vehicle connector should be designed to facilitate access for wiring changes etc. OTDR to be designed to also perform the role of ERTMS Juridical Recorder Unit (in terms of ERTMS functionality). KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 27 APPENDIX A – ITEMS INTENTIONALLY EXCLUDED FROM KTR – Issue 2 Items listed below are those that the group developing this document have discussed and have taken the positive decision (at this stage) not to include any guidance in the KTRs. Such decisions have been taken for various reasons that typically include an inability of the group participants to agree on specific requirements, or that it is very difficult to specify any meaningful requirements. This list is provided for completeness to inform the industry that the issue has been considered and has not been omitted from the KTR development process. Note: This list will be reviewed continuously as part of the ongoing review and updating process for this document. Items purposely excluded: Provision of 3 + 2 Seating Provision of more capacity as a result of seat removal Floor level emergency lighting Additional tactile / braille signage on labels and controls Conclusions from RSSB Project T942: Pansway Acceptance UNIFE TecRecs Wheelchair restraints Differing jerk rates dependent upon service type Driverless trains Standard measure of rolling stock efficiency Seat Width Armrest Spacing KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – Issue 2 – Feb 2013 Page | 28