ESR 0420 ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS & EQUIPMENT FOR ROLLING STOCK Version 1.0 Issued June 2010 Owner: Chief Engineer Rolling Stock Approved by: Stephen White, Technical Specialist Rolling Stock Performance Standards, Rolling Stock Access Integrity Authorised by: Michael Uhlig, Manager, Rolling Stock Access Integrity Disclaimer This document was prepared for use on the RailCorp Network only. RailCorp makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document user’s sole responsibility to ensure that the copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by RailCorp. RailCorp accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and RailCorp excludes any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document. Copyright The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered, stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of RailCorp. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 1 of 13 Engineering Standard Engineering Standard Rolling Stock RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock ESR 0420 Document control Revision Date Summary of change (RSS 0420) 1.0 August 2007 Based on E117-86 & TRS 1701 (ESR 0420) 1.0 June 2010 Reformatted and renumbered ESR 0420 Summary of changes from previous version Summary of change Section NOTE – If the final document is small enough for the ‘Contents’ and ‘Document control’ to fit on one page remove the page break between the existing pages 2 and 3. HOWEVER if the ‘Document control’ page carries over to a second page separate pages must be used for ‘Contents’ and ‘Document control’ © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 2 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock ESR 0420 Contents 1 Scope..................................................................................................................................................4 2 General definitions............................................................................................................................4 3 Circuits and earthing ........................................................................................................................4 3.1 General......................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Alternating current circuits.........................................................................................................4 3.3 Direct current circuits ................................................................................................................5 3.4 Earthing .....................................................................................................................................5 4 Circuit diagrams, apparatus coding and cable designations.......................................................5 5 Accessibility.......................................................................................................................................6 6 Pneumatic equipment .......................................................................................................................6 7 Auxiliary contacts .............................................................................................................................6 8 Power contacts and arc control devices ........................................................................................7 9 Coils (Including windings of small inductances and transformers) ............................................7 10 Plugs and plug in components ........................................................................................................7 11 Relays and contactors ......................................................................................................................8 12 Low tension switches and push buttons........................................................................................8 13 Circuit breakers .................................................................................................................................8 14 Fuses ..................................................................................................................................................9 14.1 Low and extra low voltage fuses...............................................................................................9 15 Heavy current resistors ....................................................................................................................9 16 Light current resistors ......................................................................................................................9 17 Capacitors ........................................................................................................................................10 18 Electrical instruments.....................................................................................................................10 18.1 General....................................................................................................................................10 18.2 Driver's desk panel instruments ..............................................................................................10 18.3 Other Instruments ...................................................................................................................11 18.4 Accuracy..................................................................................................................................11 18.5 Instrument resistance..............................................................................................................11 19 Reference documents.....................................................................................................................12 19.1 RailCorp standards .................................................................................................................12 19.2 RailCorp drawings...................................................................................................................12 19.3 Australian/British standards ....................................................................................................12 © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 3 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock 1 ESR 0420 Scope This Specification covers electric circuits, and electric and electro-pneumatic circuit components, for vehicles and for motors and generators. Covered in this Specification are: • Traction and auxiliary control circuits and their components (including power circuit components) • Small circuit details such as switches, push buttons, circuit breakers, fuses and the like, • Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic devices. This Specification does not cover general constructional details, mounting, enclosures and installation, all of which are covered in ESR 0421. Electronic components are covered in ESR0422. 2 General definitions This Specification shall be read in conjunction with Specification ESR 0421 and ESR 0422. The definitions included in clause 3 of ESR 0421 apply to this Specification. All circuit components shall comply with BS 2618A. The Purchaser reserves the right to call for an endurance test on any item similar to those set out in BS 2618 clause 15. The equipment shall not need attention other than cylinder lubrication, contact tip and arc chute change between 5 year overhauls. 3 Circuits and earthing 3.1 General This Clause covers all vehicle electrical circuits. Simplicity will be looked for in circuit design. Protection and isolation of high voltage circuits shall comply with the appropriate Australian Standard. Except as stated below, DC and single phase circuits shall be such that one pole of each device shall be connected directly to the negative or neutral line, with no switches, fuses or contacts on the negative side. The practice of de-energising devices by short-circuiting the operating coil is not favoured. The use of economy resistors or of separate pull in and hold coils for contactors, solenoids or similar devices will not be accepted. Fuses, except where mentioned above, shall be only used where approved. Battery switches, where provided, shall have a switch at all battery terminals. Where regular switching is anticipated separate switches shall be provided and circuit breakers shall not be used for such switching. 3.2 Alternating current circuits Protection and isolation of AC circuits up to and including low voltage shall be by magnetic circuit breakers backed up by power source circuit breakers. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 4 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock ESR 0420 Sources of AC shall have the neutral earthed and a ganged circuit breaker in each phase. Proof of adequate protection of the power source by this circuit breaker shall be provided, ie. both machine characteristic and circuit breaker characteristic. Consideration will be given for the use of suitable miniature circuit breakers backed up by fuses for protection, if the electrical mid-point is earthed as set out below. 3.3 Direct current circuits Protection and isolation of DC circuits up to and including low voltage shall be by magnetic circuit breakers backed up by power source fuses, with the exception of motor circuits where HRC fuses shall be used for motors rated at more than 1 kW. The use of double pole circuit breakers and load switches shall comply with the appropriate Australian standard. DC power sources including batteries shall be protected by HRC fuses in both the positive and negative line. 3.4 Earthing Separate insulated earthing bars shall be provided for the high, low and extra low voltage circuits. Each circuit shall have a separate insulated wire connecting the negative or neutral to a separate bolted terminal on the respective bars. AC and DC circuits, or circuits of different voltages, connected to the same bar, shall be arranged in groups of like circuits. Earthing bars for 1500 volt circuits shall be connected to at least two earthing brush boxes on different bogies by separate cables. Vehicles equipped with such circuits shall have the car bodies and traction motor frames earthed to at least two earthing brush boxes on different bogies. The same earthing brush boxes shall not be used for the 1500 volt circuit and for the car body and traction motor earths. Earthing bars for high voltage circuits (other than 1500 volt DC) shall be earthed to the car body through an earth fault relay isolating switch. Low to extra low voltage earthing bars shall be connected directly to the car body by a removable link, or by a sealed earthing switch, where required. Special earthing arrangements for electronic equipment where required, shall be for approval. The use of unearthed circuits is not favoured and shall be for approval. 4 Circuit diagrams, apparatus coding and cable designations Circuit diagrams shall be clear and easy to interpret and shall comply with the appropriate Australian Standard. Apparatus coding, cable and wire designations shall be for approval. All extra low voltage cabling and wiring shall be coloured brown. all low voltage and high voltage cabling and wiring shall be any other colouring, except brown. This is a safety requirement to assist in identifying potentially lethal voltages. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 5 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock 5 ESR 0420 Accessibility Equipment parts shall be so arranged that they are readily accessible for inspection. The location of any item requiring adjustment shall be for approval. In the case of contactors, relays and cam-operated switch groups, it shall be possible to change, without breaking any connections except those to the item concerned and without disturbing any other equipment, the following: • All contact tips and shunts • All arc chutes and arcing horns • Any contactor or relay complete • Any magnet valve • Any auxiliary contact enclosure complete (clause 7) • Any plug-in circuit card or module This requirement may, at the Purchaser's discretion, be extended to other apparatus. 6 Pneumatic equipment All air cylinders (other than brake cylinders), pistons and pneumatic valves shall be of a type which does not require lubrication between overhauls. Pistons or diaphragms shall be of the non-metallic type. The use of leather as a gasket or packing material will not be accepted. Air valves shall have non-metallic seals. The seal life shall be at least 5 years. Equipment shall be mounted on a pipe bracket or otherwise, and shall be mounted so that it may be removed for maintenance without breaking pipe joints. The air for all pneumatic equipment other than equipment supplied from the main reservoir shall be supplied from one or two separate reservoirs. The supply to the reservoir(s) shall be via a strainer of ample and approved proportions and a regulating valve. The preferred pressure is 500 kPa. 7 Auxiliary contacts All auxiliary contacts shall be of the silver butt type incorporating a "wiping" action. They shall be contained in a separate dust proof contact enclosure (as defined in ESR 0421) under an approved type of cover. In the case of small relays and the like the whole relay may be contained in the enclosure. The contact enclosure is required irrespective of the type of enclosure of the main equipment. The cover shall be of transparent plastic and all fixings shall be captive. Acrylic resin is not acceptable. The connections shall be made outside the contact enclosure. It shall be possible, as far as practicable, to remove a contact enclosure complete and substitute another of the same type without removing the contact cover. Condensation of moisture inside the contact enclosure shall not be accepted. The above requirements apply to the contact section of master controllers. The contacts shall be designed to pass an endurance test of 1,000,000 mechanical and 1,000,000 electrical load operations. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 6 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock 8 ESR 0420 Power contacts and arc control devices All power contacts shall be fitted with contact tips, securely fixed to their support and arranged for easy removal without further dismantling. Contact screws of size M8 or larger shall not be provided with screw driver slots. Current shall be taken from moving contacts by flexible shunts, amply proportioned and having crimped end connections, with flared ends to avoid abrasion of the shunt. Shunts shall be supported and restrained so as to prevent damage due to excessive movement or vibration. Passage of current through springs or bearings shall be positively prevented. Contacts shall be adequately protected against corrosion. Fixings of all blowout coils and connections shall comply with the appropriate Australian Standard. Blowout coils shall be connected on the positive side of the contacts. Permanent magnet blowouts shall be for approval. Arc horns which are removed with the arc chute are not favoured. Where used any associated flexible lead shall be sleeved. Arc chute material shall comply to ESR 0403 Specification for material for use in locomotive arc chutes and dynamic brake grids. The Contractor shall satisfy the Purchaser that all arc chute components have adequate resistance to erosion and burning from the arcs to which they may be subjected. The use of asbestos material is unacceptable. 9 Coils (Including windings of small inductances and transformers) All coils shall be continuously rated and shall comply with BS 2618, clauses 6 and 9. Encapsulated coils are favoured and shall be suitable for a maximum temperature in service of not less than 150° C. Insulated coils shall be fully impregnated and shall comply with the appropriate Australian Standard. The coil must be resistant to the ingress of cleaning solvents, aromatic oils, steam etc. The coil conductor and its insulation system must have mechanical protection to resist any chafing or movement damage caused by normal installation, removal or storage conditions. Connections to coils shall be to terminals securely fixed to the coil body, to which the ends of the winding can be brought, and which can carry a suitable fixing for the incoming lead. If leads are brought out from the coil they shall be of suitably insulated multi-strand wire and taken to an adjacent terminal block. The joint between the winding and the lead shall be taped or otherwise fixed into the coil body. Bare or surface treated coils shall be of substantial cross section. All coils shall be securely fixed to their cores or otherwise to prevent movement in service. 10 Plugs and plug in components All plugs and plug-in relays, component boards, electronic cards or racks, shall comply with the following: • The plug or device shall be adequately and positively secured against working loose. • The plug contacts shall be adequately safe-guarded against failure to make good contact. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 7 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock ESR 0420 • Incorrect insertion of the plug or device and consequent damage to the contacts shall be positively prevented by the use of a guide, shield, or otherwise. • Where non-interchangeable parts have similar plug-in components they must be provided with a suitable means to prevent them being inserted in the wrong position. 11 Relays and contactors Relays and contactors shall comply with BS 2618, clause 7 to 10 as appropriate. Calibrated relays shall have the adjusting mechanism securely locked after setting. The use of reed relays as calibrated relays is favoured. Time delay relays are not generally favoured. The preferred means of implementing a time delay is by means of a small multi-purpose relay or contactor, as mentioned below, and a solid state timing element. This timing element shall be clearly marked with rating and preset time and shall not be adjustable in situ. Micro switches of the fully sealed type and otherwise complying with clause 7 will be considered subject to satisfactory performance on an endurance test, as part of a contactor or otherwise. The use of an approved type of small contactor for all applications, as a relay or contactor will be considered, even if it does not fully comply with clause 7. This contactor shall have a demonstrable ease of changing contact configuration from normally open to normally closed and vice versa. 12 Low tension switches and push buttons Low tenson tumbler or rotary switches shall have a quick action mechanism. Switch contacts shall be of the wiper or wiping butt type, complying with clause 7. Alternatively the use of switches or push buttons not complying with clause 7 but with the whole contact part mounted in a sealed box, will be considered. Rotary switches shall be capable of continuous rotation in either direction, and shall have a steel shaft of not less than 9 mm on the least section. Push buttons, except where otherwise specified, shall be shrouded and secured from behind by means of screws. Once installed they are to be incapable of being dismantled from the front. Rotary switches shall have the "off" position with the operating handle vertical. Tumbler switches shall have the "off" position upwards (2 position type) or in the mid position (3 position type) except where otherwise approved. In all cases the type of device shall be for operator approval. 13 Circuit breakers Miniature circuit breakers shall be directly interchangeable with Heinemann type CF, Railway Design, magnetically tripped type, and be for approval. They shall be back connected except where otherwise approved. Miniature circuit breaker ratings shall be of standard curve. Use of other ratings or curves shall be for approval. In AC circuits above 100 amps and up to 400 amps, circuit breakers shall be the Heinemann Large Moulded Case, Railway Design, magnetically tripped type, or approved equivalent. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 8 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock ESR 0420 The operating lever shall be down in the "off" or "tripped" position. In all cases the "off" position shall be clearly marked. Breakers with different "off" or "tripped" position will not be accepted. All circuit breakers must be mounted on insulated panels. The standard to which the circuit breakers are manufactured and tested must be submitted with the tender. The Contractor shall demonstrate the circuit breaker's suitability to rupture the prospective fault current ten times at three minute intervals with the maximum circuit time constraints. The circuit breaker must remain suitable for normal operation after the completion of this test. The circuit breaker must also be suitable for 1000 operations, interrupting normal and overload currents, equally spread over the range of 100% FLC to 800% FLC. 14 Fuses 14.1 Low and extra low voltage fuses The fuse bases shall be back connected, unless otherwise approved, and fuse elements shall be HRC cartridge type of English Electric or approved equivalent manufacture, of the “Admiralty and Interservice Pattern” for fuses below 30A and "Red Spot" for fuses 30A, 40A, 50A, 60A and above 15 Heavy current resistors Heavy current resistance elements shall be edge-wound of the non-corrosive, unbreakable "non-sag" type and shall have a negligible temperature co-efficient. High voltage heavy current resistor elements shall be mounted on, and insulated from (primary insulation) a steel sub-frame and the sub-frame itself shall be mounted on and insulated from (secondary insulation) the main resistance frame. The secondary insulation shall be suitable for the system voltage. Care shall be taken that adequate strength and insulation is provided at the support for the sub-frame. The main resistance frame may be insulated from the vehicle body (tertiary insulation) if required and this insulation also shall be rated for the system voltage. 16 Light current resistors Light current resistors greater than 5W rating shall be of the wire or strip wound type, with the conductor set in vitreous enamel. Where the wire size exceeds 20 SWG the use of vitreous enamel is not mandatory but in all cases the coating, if any, shall not tend to peel off or disintegrate. See ESR 0422 for resistors less than 5W rating. The sliders of pre-set resistors shall be adequately locked in position. The use of rotary pre-set resistors is favoured where adjustment may be required between overhauls. As far as possible fixed resistors of standard resistance values are to be used. Resistors shall have a resistance within ± 5% of the nominal value, unless otherwise specified or approved. The value, rating and tolerance shall be marked on the resistor. Carbon rod, or carbon track resistors are not acceptable. Silicon carbide resistors are not favoured but will be considered where the Purchaser is satisfied that they are adequately rated. High voltage protective resistances shall have a rating to match the characteristic of the protective fuse or other device. The supplier shall make a proposal for the Purchasers consideration and approval. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 9 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock 17 ESR 0420 Capacitors The type of capacitor used for each application shall comply with the appropriate Australian Standard. Electrolytic capacitors shall carry a 5 year guarantee against failure or defect. Such capacitors are not acceptable for use with single phase capacitor start motors. Where capacitors are used as part of a surge suppression circuit they shall have the required capacity available at the surge frequency. Discharge resistors where required, shall not be integral with the capacitors. Ceramic insulators are not favoured. 18 Electrical instruments 18.1 General All instruments and their accessories shall be of an approved type, to AS 1042, with a true zero, with movements suitably damped for rail traction service and shall comply with the following additional requirements as appropriate. The accuracy class shall be as set out in clause 18.4. Instruments shall be suitable for mounting in or on a panel vertically, or at an angle to the vertical of 30° or less. 18.2 Driver's desk panel instruments a. Instrument cases shall be weatherproof, of a rugged construction and shall conform to Drawing No. 201-462. Small openings for ventilation in the rear of the case may be provided subject to approval. b. Dials shall have a 240° (approximately) scale marked with white figures on a black background except that self illuminated instruments (see f. below) shall have black markings on an opaque background to Drawing No. 202-471, or as may be specified. Applicable markings specified in AS 1042 clause 9.1 shall be on the dial and visible from the front of the instrument, or shall be marked on the movement, or so that the markings remains with the movement, when the case is removed as therein specified. The type number will be advised on application and shall be marked on the movement as above. The pointer shall be as light as possible and the average width shall not exceed 3 mm. c. Zero adjustment shall be provided and it and all adjustments shall be accessible only from the rear of the instrument. d. No screw heads or the like shall be exposed in front of the panel unless so approved, unless they are hexagon head and without screwdriver slot. All screws shall be fixed with locking compound or other means. e. Instruments shall be suitable for a circuit working voltage of 660 volts to earth and a high potential test of 3000 volts to earth. f. Self illuminated instruments shall incorporate dials and/or pointers with luminous elements, emitting no detectable radiation and containing not more than 1 Curie of radioactive material. g. Rear Illuminated Instruments shall use a 15 watt incandescent lamp located outside the instrument behind the panel so as to allow reading without glare. This arrangement is not preferred in new applications. In all cases the scale markings and pointer shall be clearly legible from full daylight to complete darkness. Only minimum light shall escape into the cab from the scale and none at all from elsewhere. Electronic instruments using LEDs or continuous illuminated bar arrangement (such as a neon plasma array) are preferred for diesel electric and electric locomotives and will be © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 10 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock ESR 0420 considered in other applications. They shall conform to Drawing No's 205-342 and 205-343. 18.3 Other Instruments These shall be surface or flush mounted, to an approved drawing and shall have a 100° (approximately) scale. Battery charging ammeters shall have a centre zero ± 50° scale and shall be 200 amps 75 mV FSD to Drawing No. 202-095 or as may be specified. Illumination is not required. Other requirements of clause 18.2 shall apply. 18.4 Accuracy The accuracy class of instruments and their accessories shall be as below: a. For all instruments other than those included in clauses b, c & d. below, the accuracy class to AS 1042 shall be 1.5 excluding the effect of friction to clause 8.8. The effect of friction may then add to and equal the class error and shall be determined by the friction test, clause 10.13 in AS 1042. b. Instrument systems, including speedometer generators, DC current transformers and the like, incorporating instruments as in clause a. above shall have an accuracy class of 2.5 to AS 1042 with the instrument frictional effect neglected. c. Instruments used in applications specified by the Purchaser to have a lower accuracy shall be accuracy class 5 to AS.1042. d. Reed type frequency meters shall have an accuracy class 1 to AS 1042. The nominal frequency between two adjacent reeds shall be 1/2 Hz and the instrument shall read frequencies to the range of ± 5 Hz of the nominal supply frequency. e. Accessories to the relevant Australian Standard (other than those included in 18.4. 4) shall be Class 1. f. All accessories shall be interchangeable, as defined in AS 1042, clause Accessories having means of adjustment will be considered, but once set, it shall, for systems as set out in (b) above, be possible to fit any instrument and still obtain the above specified accuracy grade without adjustment. 18.5 Instrument resistance Unless otherwise specified, instruments shall have an internal resistance greater than 20 ohms, and shall be designed for a total lead resistance of 0.11 ohms (20 metres of 3 mm2 cable). The error in this assumption shall be less than 0.5% i e: Ri is greater than 200 Re = 200 (0.11-R) where Ri = Instrument internal resistance Re = Error in resistance R = Total lead resistance In cases where these conditions apply, no external calibrating resistor will be accepted. Unless other specified shunts shall be either 100 mV to 100 amps or 75 mV to 500 amps and output from DCCTs or the like shall be in the same ratios. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 11 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock 19 Reference documents 19.1 RailCorp standards ESR 0420 ESR 0403 Specification for material for use in locomotive arc chutes and dynamic brake grids ESR 0421 General principles, construction and installation of electric equipment for locomotive and rolling stock mounting ESR 0422 Electric circuit and equipment for vehicles ESR 0423 Moulded insulation for vehicle mounting ESR 0600 Electric and diesel electric locomotives traction motor overhaul specification 19.2 19.3 RailCorp drawings 201-462 Drivers cab electrical indicating instrument 202-095 locomotives battery charger ammeter 202-471 Loadmeter details 204-857 Standard locking for electrical equipment on rolling stock 205-342 Electric indicating instrument - details 205-343 Electric indicating instrument – details Australian/British standards AS1042 Direct acting indicating electrical measuring instruments & accessories AS1074 Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary service AS1110 ISO metric hexagon precision bolts and screws AS1275 Metric screwthreads for fasteners AS1359 General requirements for rotating electrical machines AS1427 ISO metric machine screws AS1795 Part sheets and boards for electrical purposes AS1939 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment code) AS/NZS 2053 (IP Conduits and fittings for electrical installations Part 1 General requirements Part 2 Rigid plain conduits and fittings of insulating material Part 5 Corrugated conduits and fittings of insulating material Part 7 Rigid metal conduits and fittings Part 8 Flexible conduits and fittings of composite material © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 12 of 13 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Electrical circuits & equipment for rolling stock AS3000 ESR 0420 SAA wiring rules AS3008 part 1 Electrical installations selection of cables AS3116 Approval and test specification electric cables elastomer insulated AS3169 Approval and test specification flat quick connect terminals AS3191 Approval and test specification electric flexible cords BS173 Method of specifying performance of rotating electrical machines for road vehicles BS2618 Specification for electric traction equipment © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 13 of 13 Version 1.0