frfr6 q&-<st Gr \-qtqRq's{ EC-<q'I Tqqrq-{ +gfrm rq-< {sRF cssTut[s, uf$t-5t)a ISf{ 8 bbo-e- b))ec8) Fax: 880-2-9722573 Web: www.d$ E-mail : info@dqdn. gov. bd o9. o9. oooo. lcl. o 1. oa.b. )s. \!,, F) -\c/d a qfrE ao)s )I qmfr rs efrE qo)s Elfrc?t esB <tqEt q<( Qqrf,fr "ifro.lT $t-T{ nr-{r oe +f;t <-rqqt €r( oe nflt iqKfr ffi aLTlBrffT or-( <r<{ s{c't{ w{i q.qq(r{ er{q $-st EFrt r BrsrB, erotFi. fr6ls< oqfr (<Iwl s Qqmft) c,tett{ nlDq wE c}* cer{ct{ qrr q{c-<I{ n-<l qcEt It ts{qtq{f{ qlr r r slffi )b efrq {o)e vffu"t qE vqlffiqw-T{ T6qt$TTq era<'qftb ef$trfi qry q-<olq Mstr{ (r+r;= 02 <qlirut c${.t n-slerqt a. $pr s Specification Dal_04 , Sall Oil_p4,Tea_02& r {ea* raTB n<"rfr: $Tfst< frqq a1-5q )r ffi<twtslqm-fi - lq (<k) nfl qFIEt-< qqf'iRu'fq-$ r fts-<qs <R{*vs wutfuc 6fi<rRft qq-< ns{ - q(ES -oq (Eq) sflr q&Es.[?[ qrN qri-s SmcllE olkRg<, <-{ft, DRI-)t)e I wqsfrqe +tf+xs 4ffi.[?[ tuetufi wutfua qtt8.ll?n fretuflr - x<nft -oq, (EQ) nflt e specification Dal-04, oil-04, Tea-02& sallO2 ryq r mino E:\All PRoCURMENT 2016-2017\Local Currency\029-L Dall-O4\News paper 2014-20.1S\News paper Letter.doc @Wq 3 &G&Fr qf,qq mr*..*. ......."^. t9ll{1 3 )o-o8-}9 mfro\. RESTRICTED SPECIFICATION: BLAGK TEA (ASC SPECIFICATION NO-1658) 1' General' The tea shall be a blend of medium to good quality with good colour and fair size leaf, consisting of pure teas only. The tea shall be 6ry, in sound condition free from imparities and adulteration and shall produce an infusion of good colour and a liquor of pleasant taste and flavor (Satisfactory taste). 2. Grade. AIICTC in the butk: GBOPIOF/PF. a. Qualitv. The above bulk shourd have fair ,,brightness,, and desirable brickness" Must not be duil, moudry tainted, soft or other wise of unacceptabre characters. b. Drv leaf appearance BlackiBlackish brown (even size free from fibre and dust), cusp moisture not over 6%. c. Liquor. Bright, fair colour with reasonable ,tr"ngtf, and should be free from any odour other than sound tea. d' e. lnfusion' Bright or fairly bright, Black infused lea,f stricly unacceptable. vorume. Tempered 210-300cc/100 grams made tea of above grade(s) or burk. J. S/No b. d. Characteristics Moisture Content ruot moie tf,in Water Exiractable sotiO Z" (mlm) Totalash % (mtm) ; Requirement for black iea I BSTI code no. BDSS-808 O"/o Minimum Maximum Minimum lWater so Alkalinity ^1ll\dil|lty (mlm) g. 1% rncid-rnsorubtttsh-r; imTmi - --_ -Nfiiffii r Crude fire /" (mlmlMrirxum - 1_ _ clrrego*_-t qy11g€!*;sht) r, percenr py mass il, 8% 4% or water waler soluble soluble ash (as KoH)% Minimum f 32% (weight) Mmtrnum Maximum Bangladesh Navy Ratron Specification BN-183-183 1 RESTRICTED - 1A/ J/O 4 0/ t/a 16.5% 2% 10% o 1. o,o). ),u qrFr h RESTRICTED 4. Packinq. Tea shall be supplied after primary, Secondary and Tertiary wrapping. The ingredients, size and iypes of wrapping are given as under: a. For 5009m pack. Multi Layer laminated Primary wrapping multi colour pack which is made of polyster (PET). Metalized polyester (MPET) and Linear Low polyethylene (LLDPE) Min size density 13" x 10", Min thickness.0TB mm. 5. b. Secondary wrapping c. Tertiary wrapping Markinq. a. For 25 kg pack. High derrsity polyethylene (HDPE) pack will be used. Min thickness 0.026 mm. Min size36"x24" lmpermeable laminated Nylon woven bag made of HDPE (High density polyethylene). Min thickness 0.088 mm. Min size 40"x26". The primary and tertiary pack will be marked as under: Markirlg for Primary and Tertiary pack. Name of Manufacturer and Brand Name Date of Manufacturer and Expiry. Net weight. BSTI approved Seal. (1) (2) (3) (4) 6. lnspectinq. Stage inspection shall be carrled out on behalf of the Director of Naval Supplies and Transport. The decision of this offlcer shall be final in respect of taking the sample. The collected sample wlll be visually inspected by a board of officers. On being accepted by board, the sample will be sent to AFFDL for laboratory test. Considering the test result, packing of the tea must be made 7. Excess Moisture Over Free Limits. Deliveries of Tea . containing excess moisture percentage over llmits may be accepted subject to the recovery of this excess percentage at full contract price provided that these deliveries are fit'in all respect for acceptance B. Bridge Weiqht Report: All Consignments shall be delivered with a bridge weight report showing empty vehicle weight and load weight. The bridge weight report should actually enumerate the goods weight on that particular vehicle. For bridge weight expense will be borne by the Supplier. Without the bridge weight no item will be taken on charge. Bangladesh Navy Ration Specificaiion: BN-183-1 83 2 RESTRICTED \