TLT-5200/5206 Communication Theory, Matlab Exercise #4 ∫

TLT-5200/5206 Communication Theory, Matlab Exercise #4
General Parameters:
Sampling frequency 20 MHz
Data vector length N=4000
Frequency axis from –Fs/2 to Fs/2 (two-sided).
xc(t)=(1+μ x (t))cos(2π f ct)
xc (t ) = cos(2π f c t + 2π f d ∫ x(λ ) d λ )
xc(t)=cos(2π f ct) x (t)
xc(t)=0.5(cos(2π f ct) x (t) + sin(2π f ct) xˆ (t ) ), where xˆ (t ) is the Hilbert transform of x(t).
In this exercise, always give two-sided frequency domain plots!
(Refer to 1st exercise if you do not remember how to plot it.)
Furthermore, remember to scale the amplitudes in frequency domain plots!
1. Generate an AM-signal x_am, when the modulation index µ=0.6, carrier frequency
f c =5 MHz and modulating signal a sine wave [x(t)=sin(2π f mod t)] with 300 kHz frequency.
- Plot AM-signal in both time and frequency domain.
2. Generate an FM-signal x_fm, when f c =2 MHz, deviation f d =200 kHz, and modulating signal is
a 300 kHz sine wave.
In FM-signal, the integral can be reformulated as
∫ sin(2π f λ )d λ = (1 − cos(2π f t )) 2π f .
As an alternative, the integration can be done numerically in Matlab by function
cumsum(x)/Fs .
- Plot FM-signal in both time and frequency domain.
- Plot the FM-signal in frequency domain to a new figure using logarithmic scale for the yaxis. plot(...,20*log10(...));
Compare to the previous picture. What do you notice?
3. Signal Power and SNR
Signal-to-Noise Ratio, SNR = 10*log10(Ps/Pn))
First, generate white Gaussian noise vector
>> n=randn(size(x_fm));
- Compute FM- and noise signal powers (help var, Pfm = …, Pn=...).
- What is SNR (signal to noise ratio) if FM- and noise signals would be added together?
- What is the needed scaling factor for the noise signal (in dB) to obtain an SNR of 20dB?
- Convert decibels into a linear amplification factor, k=10^(db/20)!
- Sum the FM-signal and scaled noise signal together, and plot the amplitude spectrum in
logarithmic scale, and compare it to the case without noise!
4. Generate DSB (x_dsb) and LSSB (x_lssb) -signals, fc=2 MHz, modulating signal is a sinusoidal
signal of 300 kHz.
Hilbert transform
>>xh=imag(hilbert(x)); % You need this to generate LSSB signal, see HELP HILBERT
- Compute the amplitude spectrums of DSB and LSSB, i.e., Fdsb and Flssb, and plot
them in the same figure (see help subplot ):
- What is the difference?
5. Filter design
- Design 10th order Butterworth filter, whose cut-off frequency is 2 MHz
>> order=10; % filter order
>> fr=2e6/(Fs/2); % Cut-off frequency normalized to 1.
>> [B,A]=butter(order,fr); % Coefficients of the filter (help butter)
- Plot the frequency response of the designed filter (see help freqz ).
>> freqz(B,A,N,Fs)
- Filter the DSB-signal (problem 4) in time-domain (see help filter).
>> y=filter(B,A,x_dsb);
- What happened? Compare to the results of part 4.