MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT - JUNE 2016 FOR THE NATIONAL ELECTRICITY MARKET PUBLISHED JULY 2016 IMPORTANT NOTICE MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT IMPORTANT NOTICE Purpose AEMO has prepared this document to provide information about constraint equation performance and related issues, as at the date of publication. Disclaimer This document or the information in it may be subsequently updated or amended. This document does not constitute legal or business advice, and should not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining detailed advice about the National Electricity Law, the National Electricity Rules, or any other applicable laws, procedures or policies. AEMO has made every effort to ensure the quality of the information in this document but cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, AEMO and its officers, employees and consultants involved in the preparation of this document: make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this document; and are not liable (whether by reason of negligence or otherwise) for any statements or representations in this document, or any omissions from it, or for any use or reliance on the information in it. Copyright 2016. Australian Energy Market Operator Limited. The material in this publication may be used in accordance with the copyright permissions on AEMO’s website. Page 2 of 13 introduction © AEMO July 2016 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT CONTENTS IMPORTANT NOTICE 2 1. INTRODUCTION 4 2. CONSTRAINT EQUATION PERFORMANCE 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 Top 10 binding constraint equations Top 10 Market impact constraint equations Top 10 violating constraint equations Top 10 binding interconnector limit setters Constraint Automation Usage Binding Dispatch Hours Binding Constraint Equations by Limit Type Market Impact Comparison Pre-dispatch RHS Accuracy 3. GENERATOR / TRANSMISSION CHANGES 3.1. 12 Constraint Equation Changes 12 TABLES Table 2-1 – Top 10 binding network constraint equations Table 2-2 – Top 10 market impact network constraint equations Table 2-3 – Top 10 violating constraint equations Table 2-4 – Reasons for Top 10 violating constraint equations Table 2-5 – Top 10 binding interconnector limit setters Table 2-6 – Non-Real-Time Constraint Automation usage Table 2-7 – Top 10 largest Dispatch / Pre-dispatch differences Table 3-1 – Generator and transmission changes 4 5 5 6 6 7 10 12 FIGURES Figure 2-1 — Interconnector binding dispatch hours Figure 2-2 — Regional binding dispatch hours Figure 2-3 — Binding by limit type Figure 2-4 — Market Impact comparison Figure 3-1 — Constraint equation changes Figure 3-2 — Constraint equation changes per month compared to previous two years © AEMO July 2016 8 8 9 10 12 13 Contents Page 3 of 13 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION This report details constraint equation performance and transmission congestion related issues for June 2016. Included are investigations of violating constraint equations, usage of the constraint automation and performance of Pre-dispatch constraint equations. Transmission and generation changes are also detailed along with the number of constraint equation changes. 2. CONSTRAINT EQUATION PERFORMANCE 2.1. Top 10 binding constraint equations A constraint equation is binding when the power system flows managed by it have reached the applicable thermal or stability limit or the constraint equation is setting a Frequency Control Ancillary Service (FCAS) requirement. Normally there is one constraint equation setting the FCAS requirement for each of the eight services at any time. This leads to many more hours of binding for FCAS constraint equations - as such these have been excluded from the following table. Table 2-1 – Top 10 binding network constraint equations Constraint Equation ID Description (System Normal Bold) Q>NIL_BI_FB S-STTX_SNWF N_X_MBTE2_B Out= Nil, H8 Boyne Island feeder bushing (FB) limit on Calliope River to Boyne Island 132kV lines, for the contingent loss of a single Calliope River to Boyne Island 132kV line, Feedback Out = Snowtown 132/33kV TX or Snowtown CB4593 or Snowtown CB6265, limit for Snowtown WF generation of 0 MW Out= two Directlink cables, Qld to NSW limit #DIs (Hours) 3711 Change Date 03/12/2013 (309.25) 1459 16/01/2015 (121.58) 1079 25/11/2013 (89.91) V::S_NIL_TBSE S>>KHKN_SETB_SGKH V>>V_NIL_2A_R NSA_Q_BARCALDN V>>S_NIL_SETB_SGKH S_LB3_0 Out = Nil; Vic to SA Transient Stability limit for loss of one of the Tailembend-South East 275kV lines (South East Capacitor Available). 893 Out = Keith - Kincraig 132 kV line; avoid O/L of Snuggery - Keith 132kV line on trip of either South East - Tailem Bend 275 kV line (64.0) Out = Nil, avoid pre-contingent O/L of South Morang F2 500/330kV transformer, radial mode, YWPS unit 1 on 500kV, feedback (48.08) Network Support Agreement for Barcaldine GT to meet local islanded demand for the planned outage of 7153 T71 Clermont to H15 Lilyvale or 7154 T72 Barcaldine to T71 Clermont 132kV line Out= Nil, avoid O/L Snuggery - Keith 132 kV on trip of South East Tailem Bend one 275kV line, Feedback Discretionary upper limit for Lake Bonney 3 generation of 0 MW 16/07/2015 (74.41) 768 577 560 18/06/2014 21/06/2016 06/05/2015 (46.66) 524 31/05/2016 (43.66) 471 21/08/2013 (39.25) V>>S_KNPW_SETB_SGK H Out= Kincraig - Penola West 132kV line, avoid O/L Snuggery - Keith 132kV on trip of one South East - Tailem Bend 275kV line, Feedback 429 08/10/2013 (35.75) 2.2. Top 10 Market impact constraint equations Binding constraint equations affect electricity market pricing. The relative importance of binding constraints are determined by their market impacts. Page 4 of 13 © AEMO July 2016 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT The market impact of a constraint is derived by summarising the marginal value for each dispatch interval (DI) from the marginal constraint cost (MCC) re-run1 over the period considered. The marginal value is a mathematical term for the market impact arising from relaxing the RHS of a binding constraint by one MW. As the market clears each DI, the market impact is measured in $/MW/DI. The market impact in $/MW/DI is a relative comparison but not otherwise a meaningful measure. However, it can be converted to $/MWh by dividing the market impact by 12 (as there are 12 DIs per hour). This value of congestion is still only a proxy (and always an upper bound) of the value per MW of congestion over the period calculated; any change to the limits (RHS) may cause other constraints to bind almost immediately after. Table 2-2 – Top 10 market impact network constraint equations Constraint Equation ID Description (System Normal Bold) ∑ Marginal Values Change Date Q>NIL_BI_FB Out= Nil, H8 Boyne Island feeder bushing (FB) limit on Calliope River to Boyne Island 132kV lines, for the contingent loss of a single Calliope River to Boyne Island 132kV line, Feedback 839,922 03/12/2013 S-STTX_SNWF Out = Snowtown 132/33kV TX or Snowtown CB4593 or Snowtown CB6265, limit for Snowtown WF generation of 0 MW 254,873 16/01/2015 T_MRWF_QLIM_7 Out = NIL, limit Musselroe Wind Farm to 140 MW if less than 4 capacitor banks available. Swamped if 4 capacitor banks available 141,246 08/12/2014 N_NYNGANSF_010 Nyngan Solar Farm upper limit of 10 MW 122,337 13/05/2016 V>>S_KNPW_SETB_SGK H Out= Kincraig - Penola West 132kV line, avoid O/L Snuggery Keith 132kV on trip of one South East - Tailem Bend 275kV line, Feedback 104,787 08/10/2013 F_MAIN+NIL_DYN_RRE G Mainland Raise Regulation Requirement, Feedback in Dispatch, increase by 60 MW for each 1s of time error below -1.5s, Basslink unable transfer FCAS 88,084 21/08/2013 N_NYNGANSF_051 Nyngan Solar Farm upper limit of 51 MW (50% capacity) 76,972 14/06/2016 F_I+NIL_DYN_RREG NEM Raise Regulation Requirement, Feedback in Dispatch, increase by 60 MW for each 1s of time error below -1.5s 61,327 21/08/2013 V>SMLBAHO4 Out = Ballarat to Horsham or Bendigo to Kerang line, avoid O/L Buronga to Redcliffs (0X1) line for trip of Bendigo to Kerang, or Ballarat to Horsham line 52,982 24/11/2015 S_LB3_0 Discretionary upper limit for Lake Bonney 3 generation of 0 MW 50,327 21/08/2013 2.3. Top 10 violating constraint equations A constraint equation is violating when NEMDE is unable to dispatch the entities on the left-hand side (LHS) so the summated LHS value is less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to, the right-hand side (RHS) value (depending on the mathematical operator selected for the constraint equation). The following table includes the FCAS constraint equations. Reasons for the violations are covered in 2.3.1. Table 2-3 – Top 10 violating constraint equations Constraint Equation ID Description (System Normal Bold) Q>NIL_BI_FB Out= Nil, H8 Boyne Island feeder bushing (FB) limit on Calliope River to Boyne Island 132kV lines, for the contingent loss of a single Calliope River to Boyne Island 132kV line, Feedback #DIs (Hours) 58 Change Date 03/12/2013 (4.83) __________________________________________________ 1 The MCC re-run relaxes any violating constraint equations and constraint equations with a marginal value equal to the constraint equation’s violation penalty factor (CVP) x market price cap (MPC). The calculation caps the marginal value in each DI at the MPC value valid on that date. MPC is increased annually on 1st July. © AEMO July 2016 Page 5 of 13 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT Constraint Equation ID Description #DIs (Hours) (System Normal Bold) NSA_Q_BARCALDN F_T+RREG_0050 F_T+LREG_0050 F_T+NIL_MG_R6 F_T+NIL_WF_TG_R6 Network Support Agreement for Barcaldine GT to meet local islanded demand for the planned outage of 7153 T71 Clermont to H15 Lilyvale or 7154 T72 Barcaldine to T71 Clermont 132kV line 18 Change Date 06/05/2015 (1.5) Tasmania Raise Regulation Requirement greater than 50 MW, Basslink unable to transfer FCAS (0.91) 11 Tasmania Lower Regulation Requirement greater than 50 MW, Basslink unable to transfer FCAS (0.83) 10 Out = Nil, Raise 6 sec requirement for a Tasmania Generation Event (both largest MW output and inertia), Basslink unable to transfer FCAS (0.41) 5 Out= Nil, Tasmania Raise 6 sec requirement for loss of a Smithton to Woolnorth or Norwood to Scotsdale tee Derby line, Basslink unable to transfer FCAS (0.41) 5 29/01/2015 29/01/2015 12/04/2016 12/04/2016 2.3.1. Reasons for constraint equation violations Table 2-4 – Reasons for Top 10 violating constraint equations Constraint Equation ID Description (System Normal Bold) Q>NIL_BI_FB Constraint equation violated for 58 non-consecutive DIs during the month. Max violation of 95.23 MW occurred on 17/06/2016 at 0715 hrs. Constraint equation violated due to Gladstone units being limited by their ramp down rate. NSA_Q_BARCALDN Constraint equation violated for 18 non-consecutive DIs during the month. Max violation of 17.39 MW occurred on 07/06/2016 at 0655 hrs. Constraint equation violated due to Barcaldine unit was limited by its start-up profile. F_T+RREG_0050 Constraint equation violated for 11 non-consecutive DIs during the month. Max violation of 50 MW occurred on 07/06/2016 at 0235 hrs and 09/06/2016 at 1525 hrs. Constraint equation violated due to Tasmania raise regulation service availability less than requirement. F_T+LREG_0050 Constraint equation violated for 10 non-consecutive DIs during the month. Max violation of 50 MW occurred on 07/06/2016 at 0235 hrs and 09/06/2016 at 1525 hrs. Constraint equation violated due to Tasmania lower regulation service availability less than requirement. F_T+NIL_MG_R6 Constraint equation violated for 5 DIs during the month. Max violation of 43.69 MW occurred on 07/06/2016 at 2215 hrs. Constraint equation violated due to Tasmania raise 6 sec service availability less than requirement. F_T+NIL_WF_TG_R6 Constraint equation violated for 5 DIs during the month. Max violation of 32.32 MW occurred on 08/06/2016 at 1200 hrs. Constraint equation violated due to the same reason as F_T+NIL_MG_R6. 2.4. Top 10 binding interconnector limit setters Binding constraint equations can set the interconnector limits for each of the interconnectors on the constraint equation left-hand side (LHS). Table 2-5 lists the top (by binding hours) interconnector limit setters for all the interconnectors in the NEM and for each direction on that interconnector. Table 2-5 – Top 10 binding interconnector limit setters Constraint Equation ID (System Normal Bold) N_X_MBTE2_B V::S_NIL_TBSE Page 6 of 13 Interconnec tor Description N-Q-MNSP1 Import Out= two Directlink cables, Qld to NSW limit V-SA Export Out = Nil; Vic to SA Transient Stability limit for loss of one of the Tailembend-South East 275kV lines (South East Capacitor Available). #DIs (Hours) Average Limit (Max) 1079 -93.52 (89.92) (-132.8) 883 510.17 (73.58) (569.07) © AEMO July 2016 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT Constraint Equation ID (System Normal Bold) F_MAIN++APD_TL_L5 S>>KHKN_SETB_SGKH Interconnec tor Description T-V-MNSP1 Import Out = Nil, Lower 5 min Service Requirement for a Mainland Network Event-loss of APD potlines due to undervoltage following a fault on MOPS-HYTS-APD 500 kV line, Basslink able to transfer FCAS 844 146.06 (70.33) (50.47) Out = Keith - Kincraig 132 kV line; avoid O/L of Snuggery - Keith 132kV line on trip of either South East - Tailem Bend 275 kV line 722 372.66 (60.17) (508.25) Out = Nil, avoid pre-contingent O/L of South Morang F2 500/330kV transformer, radial mode, YWPS unit 1 on 500kV, feedback 559 967.69 (46.58) (1310.44) Out = Nil, avoid pre-contingent O/L of South Morang F2 500/330kV transformer, radial mode, YWPS unit 1 on 500kV, feedback 557 20.63 (46.42) (-267.8) Out = Nil, avoid pre-contingent O/L of South Morang F2 500/330kV transformer, radial mode, YWPS unit 1 on 500kV, feedback 545 173.94 (45.42) (419.47) Out = Nil, avoid pre-contingent O/L of South Morang F2 500/330kV transformer, radial mode, YWPS unit 1 on 500kV, feedback 522 -113.18 (43.5) (219.27) Out= Nil, avoid O/L Snuggery - Keith 132 kV on trip of South East - Tailem Bend one 275kV line, Feedback 506 252.07 (42.17) (470.08) Out= Kincraig - Penola West 132kV line, avoid O/L Snuggery - Keith 132kV on trip of one South East Tailem Bend 275kV line, Feedback 417 128.84 (34.75) (406.72) V-SA Export V>>V_NIL_2A_R VIC1-NSW1 Export V>>V_NIL_2A_R V-SA Import V>>V_NIL_2A_R T-V-MNSP1 Export V>>V_NIL_2A_R V-S-MNSP1 Export V>>S_NIL_SETB_SGKH V-SA Export V>>S_KNPW_SETB_SGK H V-SA Export #DIs (Hours) Average Limit (Max) 2.5. Constraint Automation Usage The constraint automation is an application in AEMO’s energy management system (EMS) which generates thermal overload constraint equations based on the current or planned state of the power system. It is currently used by on-line staff to create thermal overload constraint equations for power system conditions where there were no existing constraint equations or the existing constraint equations did not operate correctly. The following section details the reason for each invocation of the non-real time constraint automation constraint sets and the results of AEMO’s investigation into each case. Table 2-6 – Non-Real-Time Constraint Automation usage Constraint Set ID Date Time Reason(s) for use CA_SPS_4667C455 06/06/2016 18:55 to 06/06/2016 19:05 Constraint Automation. Constraint set was created to manage Hazelwood A2 transformer on trip of Hazelwood A1 transformer during uncommon system configuration. Constraint Automation revoked after system configuration returned to normal. 2.5.1. Further Investigation CA_SPS_4667C455: Investigated and no constraint equation changes required. This occurred due to a unique system configuration which is unlikely to occur again. 2.6. Binding Dispatch Hours This section examines the number of hours of binding constraint equations on each interconnector and by region. The results are further categorized into five types: system normal, outage, FCAS (both outage and system normal), constraint automation and quick constraints. In the following graph the export binding hours are indicated as positive numbers and import with negative values. © AEMO July 2016 Page 7 of 13 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT Figure 2-1 — Interconnector binding dispatch hours 400 Quick 300 139 Constraint Automation Hours Binding 200 37 100 FCAS 176 122 96 53 0 -25 -13 -100 -100 -200 -13 N-Q-MNSP1 -22 -48 -13 Outage -50 -110 NSW1-QLD1 System Normal T-V-MNSP1 V-S-MNSP1 V-SA VIC1-NSW1 The regional comparison graph below uses the same categories as in Figure 2-1 as well as non-conformance, network support agreement and ramping. Constraint equations that cross a region boundary are allocated to the sending end region. Global FCAS covers both global and mainland requirements. Figure 2-2 — Regional binding dispatch hours Hours Binding 800 700 Ramping 600 NSA 500 Constraint Automation 25 400 Non Conformance 720 20 300 78 FCAS 426 200 330 Outage 246 252 100 115 System Normal 26 0 NSW Qld SA Tas Vic Global FCAS Misc 2.7. Binding Constraint Equations by Limit Type The following pie charts show the percentage of dispatch intervals in June 2016 that the different types of constraint equations bound. Page 8 of 13 © AEMO July 2016 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT Figure 2-3 — Binding by limit type Unit Zero - FCAS 0% Unit Zero 14% Voltage Stability 2% Discretionary 2% Transient Stability 9% FCAS 39% Interconnector Zero 1% Thermal 26% Ramping 0% Quick 2% Outage Ramping 0% Other 0% Network Support 3% Non-Conformance 1% Oscillatory Stability 0% 2.8. Market Impact Comparison The following graph compares the cumulative market impact (calculated by summating the marginal values from the MCC re-run – the same as in section 2.2) for each month for the current year (indicated by type as a stacked bar chart) against the cumulative values from the previous two years (the line graphs). The current year is further categorised into system normal (NIL), outage, network support agreement (NSA) and negative residue constraint equation types. © AEMO July 2016 Page 9 of 13 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT Figure 2-4 — Market Impact comparison $50,000,000 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 Market Impact $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 NIL Outage NSA Neg Res 2015 Total 2014 Total 2.9. Pre-dispatch RHS Accuracy Pre-dispatch RHS accuracy is measured by the comparing the dispatch RHS value and the pre-dispatch RHS value forecast four hours in the future. The following table shows the pre-dispatch accuracy of the top ten largest differences for binding (in dispatch or pre-dispatch) constraint equations. This excludes FCAS constraint equations, constraint equations that violated in Dispatch, differences larger than ±9500 (this is to exclude constraint equations with swamping logic) and constraint equations that only bound for one or two Dispatch intervals. AEMO investigates constraint equations that have a Dispatch/Pre-dispatch RHS difference greater than 5% and ten absolute difference which have either bound for greater than 25 dispatch intervals or have a greater than $1,000 market impact. The investigations are detailed in 2.9.1. Table 2-7 – Top 10 largest Dispatch / Pre-dispatch differences Constraint Equation ID Description #DIs % + Max Diff % + Avg Diff (System Normal Bold) V::N_NIL_V4 Out = NIL, prevent transient instability for fault and trip of a HWTS-SMTS 500 kV line, VIC accelerates, Basslink VIC to TAS, Yallourn W Unit 1 on 500 kV. 67 570% (161.63) 51.25% (44.15) V::N_NIL_V2 Out = NIL, prevent transient instability for fault and trip of a HWTS-SMTS 500 kV line, VIC accelerates, Basslink TAS to VIC, Yallourn W Unit 1 on 500 kV. 60 422% (311.01) 38.61% (84.39) V>>SML_NIL_CONT_7B Out = Nil, 66 kV line limited cyclic ratings not available, avoid O/L Buangor to Arrarat 66kV line for loss of the Arrarat to Horsham 220kV line 62 414% (381.89) 71.02% (79.9) V>SMLBAHO4 Out = Ballarat to Horsham or Bendigo to Kerang line, avoid O/L Buronga to Redcliffs (0X1) line for trip of Bendigo to Kerang, or Ballarat to Horsham line 32 321% (50.24) 117.99% (22.43) N^^V_NIL_1 Out = Nil, avoid voltage collapse in Southern NSW for loss of the largest VIC generating unit or Basslink 18 107.07% (193.31) 45.84% (123.72) Q>NIL_MUTE_757 Out= Nil, ECS for managing 757 H4 Mudgeeraba to T174 Terranora 110kV line, Summer and Winter ECS ratings selected by SCADA status. 3 98.33% (99.95) 98.33% (99.95) Page 10 of 13 © AEMO July 2016 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT Constraint Equation ID Description #DIs % + Max Diff % + Avg Diff (System Normal Bold) Q>NIL_MUTE_758 Out= Nil, ECS for managing 758 H4 Mudgeeraba to T174 Terranora 110kV line, Summer and Winter ECS ratings selected by SCADA status. 13 98.33% (99.95) 98.33% (99.95) V::N_X_2SVC_V3 Out = 2 SVCs at Rowville or South East, prevent transient instability for fault and trip of a HWTS-SMTS 500 kV line, VIC accelerates, Basslink VIC to TAS, Yallourn W Unit 1 on 220 kV. 5 83.62% (105.78) 40.05% (64.38) NSA_Q_BARCALDN Network Support Agreement for Barcaldine GT to meet local islanded demand for the planned outage of 7153 T71 Clermont to H15 Lilyvale or 7154 T72 Barcaldine to T71 Clermont 132kV line 82 65.54% (13.1) 31.3% (6.28) S>>KHKN_SETB_SGKH Out = Keith - Kincraig 132 kV line; avoid O/L of Snuggery Keith 132kV line on trip of either South East - Tailem Bend 275 kV line 165 53.07% (139.63) 9.3% (25.52) 2.9.1. Further Investigation The following constraint equation(s) have been investigated: V::N_NIL_V4: Investigated and no improvement can be made to the constraint equation at this stage. V::N_NIL_V2: Investigated and no improvement can be made to the constraint equation at this stage V>>SML_NIL_CONT_7B: Investigated and no improvement can be made to the constraint equation at this stage V>SMLBAHO4: Investigated and mismatch was due to a difference between forecasted and actual values on each single terminal station demand. No improvements can be made to the constraint equation at this stage. N^^V_NIL_1: The Pre-dispatch for this constraint equation was recalculated in early May 2014 (with an updated to the limit advice). No further improvements can be made at this time. Q>NIL_MUTE_758: Investigated. Mismatch was due to difference between modelling of Terranora control scheme and line status between DS and PD. No improvement can be made to the constraint equation at this stage. NSA_Q_BARCALDN: Investigated and the PD formulation will be changed to improve its performance S>>KHKN_SETB_SGKH: Investigated and no improvement can be made to the constraint equation at this stage. © AEMO July 2016 Page 11 of 13 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT 3. GENERATOR / TRANSMISSION CHANGES One of the main drivers for changes to constraint equations is from power system change, whether this is the addition or removal of plant (either generation or transmission). The following table details changes that occurred in June 2016. Table 3-1 – Generator and transmission changes Project Date Region Notes Hornsdale Wind Farm 2 June 2016 SA New Generator Mt Lock 275kV substation 15 June 2016 SA New substation cut into Davenport to Canowie 275 kV line Ararat Terminal Station (ARTS) 29 June 2016 Vic New substation cut into former Horsham to Waubra 220 kV line. 3.1. Constraint Equation Changes The following pie chart indicates the regional location of constraint equation changes. For details on individual constraint equation changes refer to the Weekly Constraint Library Changes Report [2] or the constraint equations in the MMS Data Model.[3] Figure 3-1 — Constraint equation changes Constraint Automation, 9, 1% Vic, 91, 12% NSW, 79, 10% Non-Conformance, 2, 0% Other, 1, 0% Quick, 8, 1% Tas, 281, 37% SA, 293, 39% The following graph compares the constraint equation changes for the current year versus the previous two years. The current year is categorised by region. __________________________________________________ 2 AEMO. NEM Weekly Constraint Library Changes Report. Available at: 3 AEMO. MMS Data Model. Available at: Page 12 of 13 © AEMO July 2016 MONTHLY CONSTRAINT REPORT Number of changes Figure 3-2 — Constraint equation changes per month compared to previous two years 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Con Auto © AEMO July 2016 SA Qld Tas Vic FCAS NSW 2015 Total 2014 Total Page 13 of 13