Patrick]. Rehling and NicholasJ. i3artilucci A July 1989 amendment to the New York State Plumbing Fixture Law of 1980 requires that all buildings constructed or renovated after 1992 be provided with plumbing furtures that are “water-effkient.” This article describes a fixture-use procedure developed for estimating water consumption in ofice buildings and the utilization of the procedure to determine the reductions in water usage possible through the installation of water-effkient fixtures. Reductions of between 44 and 69 percent are estimated for water-efkient plumbing fixtures compared with older, conventional fxtures. Water conservation, long practiced in arid regions of the United States, is receiving increased attention throughout the country as a potential means of satisfying growing water demands. In an ef- fort lo reduce the domestic component of water consumption (water used for drinking or other sanitary purposes), several states and the federal government have enacted or are considering legislation that revises current plumbing standards to include toilets, urinals, lavatories, shower heads. and other fixtures that are water-efficient.’ One such piece of legislation, aJuly 1989 amendment to the New York State Plumbing Fixture Law of 1980. requires that all buildings constructed or renovated after 1992 be provided with these water-efficient fixtures.’ In this article, a procedure is described that can be used to estimate possible water usage reductions in office buildings through the installation of watcr-efficient fixtures. Water usage data from existing office buildings are correlated with a theoretical estimating procedure, which can then be used to project possible water savings. The office buildings utilized in the analysis represent typical office environments, The buildings contain minor nonoffkc amenities, such as snack bars, small restaurants, and gift shops. but are not mixed retail-commercial establishments with a high percentage of nonoffice utilization. Water usage by minor nonoffice amenities in the buildings is factored into the analysis. Water-efficient fixtures defined For the purposes of this study, waterefftcient plumbing fixtures arc defined as those fixtures that conform to the standards set forth in the July 1989 amendment to the New York State Plumbing Code, whereas conventional fixtures are those that were acceptable under plumbing codes at the time of the study. Table 1 compares unit water usage for fixtures conforming to pre-1980 New York State plumbing codes, the 1980 code, and the July 1989 amendment requiring water-efficient fixtures. As stated previously, this study was limited to an evaluation of water usage in office buildings; consequently, only those plumbing fixtures typical of these facilities, i.e., toilets. urinals, and lavatories, were considered. Water-efficient showerheads and other tixtures would result in little or no water savings in an office environment. Three areas assessed in investigation The investigation consisted of three parts: (1) determination of actual water consumption in office buildings equipped Copyright (C) 1992 American Water Works Association .lOt!KNAI. AWWA with conventional fixtures by using meter records of facilities currently in operation; (2) development of a theoretical estimating procedure, based on unit volumes used by conventional fixtures, to be correlated with field data; and (3) incorporation of water-efficient fixtures into the theoretical estimating procedure to project expected water savings with their use compared with plumbing fixtures conforming to pre-1980 and 1980 plumbing standards. Each office has its own character Domestic water usage in an office building depends on many factors, including building population, occupant density, gender mix, and the type of plumbing features provided. Development of the theoretical estimating procedure required many assumptions, which may or may not be universally applicable. local codes govern occupant density. The maximum occupant density typically permitted by local building codes is 200 sq ft per person.3 Although this value is the code-mandated maximum, office buildings in the study area generally operate at densities below this value, usually between 250 and 300 sq n/person. Building occupancy rates vary. Few office buildings operate at 100 percent occupancy. Occupancy rates depend on many factors, including, for example, location and local economy. In addition, building occupancy is reduced when vacation time, sick leave, holidays, and outof-office visits are included. The average occupancy rate for office buildings in the study area at the time of the meter record evaluation was reported to range between 85 and 90 percent.* Gender sumption. demographics affect water con- The gender mix in an office environment can affect water consumption in the facility. Unlike their female counterparts, male occupants have the option of using urinals instead of toilets. Urinals consume significantly less water per flush than toilets. Several tenant companies were surveyed in an attempt to determine an average gender breakdown for office buildings in the study area. The results of the interviews are summarized in Table 2. Gender demographics varied widely from tenant to tenant, with male populations ranging from 39 to 80 percent and female populations ranging from 20 to 61 percent. The average gender mix of the seven groups surveyed was 57 percent men and 43 percent women. This is comparable to gender demographics reported by other researchers for office buildings (53 percent men, 47 percent women) and mirrors the demographics of the entire Long Island work force during the study period as reported by the New York State Department of Labor (57 percent men, 43 percent women).4,” On the basis of these various sources, an OCTOBER 1992 TABLE 1 Comparison between conventional and water-efficient plumbing futures as listed in the New York State Plumbing Code ~ *Revised to 1.0 gal/flush in 1987 amendment TABLE 2 Summary ofgender demographics from telephone survey of ofice building tenants Men Tenant Total Employees Type Engineering Cosmetics company headquarters Investment banking Investment management Textile company headquarters Business forms Mixed services Average Restroom usage among men and women about equal. Other researchers have esti- mated typical restroom utilization in an office building at approximately three per day for men and women, with women using toilets during every restroom visit (three times per day) and men using the toilet one time per day and the urinal two times per day. Men and women were found to utilize the lavatory during nearly every restroom visit (three times per day for men and women).“,” Volumes of fixture units number percent 56 192 158 297 32 28 37 69 39 80 60 47 40 65 57 81 496 198 499 68 70 57 average gender mix of 55 percent men, 45 percent women was selected as typical for office buildings in the study area. determined. Based on the approximate ages of the office buildings in the study area, the facilities were assumed to be outfitted with plumbing fixtures conforming to 1980 New York State Plumbing Standards. These units are 3.5-gal/flush toilets, 1.5-gal/flush urinals, and 3.0-gpm lavatories. Other water consumption must also be factored in. In addition to water used by plumbing fixtures, a number of miscellaneous water-consuming features require consideration. Most modern office buildings include some nonoffice amenities that affect water usage, including snack bars, small restaurants, and gift shops. In addition, occupants of the buildings drink water, and water is used in service sinks and for building maintenance. Factors such as leaking plumbing fixtures and transient (nonoccupant) restroom usage must also be included. Metered water consumption was examined The first step in the analysis was to determine water consumption in existing W0lllell number 25 304 40 203 36 42 20 percent 31 61 20 40 53 60 35 43 buildings that utilize conventional plumbing fixtures conforming to the 1980 New York State plumbing code. Metering records over a three-year period, obtained for 23 office complexes, were analyzed in order to estimate average water consumption. The data were categorized, assuming that water consumption in an office building falls into the following basic groups: l irrigation water for maintenance of landscaped areas; l cooling water for single-pass cooling or cooling water makeup; l domestic water for toilet facilities, drinking fountains, and building maintenance; and l water used for accessory nonoffice amenities such as snack bars, restaurants, and shops. Water used for irrigation and cooling can vary widely from building to building, depending on the extent of landscaping and the type of cooling equipment utilized. Domestic usage, however, is likely to be similar in all office facilities and directly proportional to building size and population. It is this domestic component that will be directly affected by water-efficient plumbing fixtures. The meter record evaluation followed the basic premise that because irrigation and cooling water usage occur only during warmer months and domestic consumption takes place throughout the year, the domestic component can be estimated by averaging meter records for fall-winter months (October through March) when irrigation and cooling are not generally practiced. Table 3 summarizes the results of the evaluation. Water consumption was standardized on a unit basis by dividing average fall-winter and Copyright (C) 1992 American Water Works Association P.J. BEHLING & N.J. BARTILUCCI 75 spring-summer (April through September) water usage by the floor area of each building and by 130 working days per period (assuming a five-day work week). As shown in Table 3, unit consumption for fall-winter periods averaged approximately 0.045 gpd/sq ft, which was assumed to represent average domestic water usage in a typical office building. on fixture unit volumes to verify the 0.045-gpd/sq ft average domestic water usage per working day. The most difficult part of the analysis was to define an average office building because many factors must be considered in the makeup of an office environment. The characteristics selected as average in this study are based on data from office buildings in the study area and from studies of other researchers, when possible. When actual data were not available (as was the case with internal water consumption, building maintenance water usage, and allowances for nonoffice amenities), best en- Estimating procedure was developed for an average office building The second step in the analysis was to develop a theoretical estimating procedure for an average office building based Average Office Complex TABLE evaluation of meter record Summary Building Floor Area sq ft x 1,000 3 for ofice buildings Water Usage gal x 1,000 Fall and Winter* Spring and Summert in study Unit Fall and Winter* Annual area Average Water Usage gpdfw fii: Spring and Summert Annual A B C D E F G H : 2,000 1,500 860 610 300 250 240 150 125 150 7,182 2,794 7,887 1,636 2,174 1,446 398 514 1,141 646 24,609 10,566 27,673 12,215 7,441 4,851 537 2,803 3,422 2,355 31,791 13,360 35,560 13,851 9,615 6,297 935 3,317 3,001 4,563 0.028 0.014 0.071 0.021 0.056 0.044 0.013 0.026 0.070 0.033 0.095 0.054 0.248 0.154 0.191 0.149 0.017 0.144 0.211 0.121 0.061 0.034 0.159 0.087 0.123 0.097 0.015 0.085 0.077 0.140 K L M 145 55 45 794 201 329 1,059 502 575 1,853 703 904 0.042 0.028 0.056 0.056 0.070 0.098 0.049 0.049 0.077 ; 165 420 2,300 1,506 3,066 1,807 5,366 3,313 0.070 0.042 0.084 0.056 0.077 0.049 200 300 230 150 110 100 1,620 1,100 3,285 730 1,679 1,095 803 438 11,830 8,025 4,380 1,825 3,358 1,115 1,606 992 17,720 10,030 7,665 2,555 5,037 2,210 2,409 1,430 29,550 18,055 0.084 0.028 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.034 0.056 0.056 0.045 0.112 0.070 0.112 0.057 0.112 0.076 0.084 0.070 0.106 0.098 0.049 0.084 0.057 0.084 0.055 0.070 0.063 0.076 E R s T U V w Average *October 1 through March 31 fApri1 1 through September 31 *Gallons per working day per square year foot: assumes 130 working TABLE Fixture-use Building Characteristic Category AND Total building population Male population Female population Calculation Urinals Lavatories Internal consumption Service sinks Building maintenance Subtotal Allowance for nonoffice amenities, transients, etc. Total building water usage Water usage per unit building MANAGEMENT 200,000-sq-&o&ice State plumbing standards i area OPERATIONS days per Potential savings were then estimated The final step in the analysis was to estimate potential savings in office building water usage through the utilization of water-efficient plumbing fixtures. This was accomplished by applying the fixture-use procedure to the hypothetical 200,000-sq-ft office building and estimating domestic water usage for plumbing fixtures conforming to pre-1980 and 1980 plumbing standards and comparing the results with usage estimates for water-efficient fixtures. Four cases were considered in this evaluation. Water usage calculations for each case are summarized in Table 5 and depicted graphically in Figure 1. building Building Characteristic 200,000 sq ft 250 sq ft/person 90 percent Toilets 76 York Value Building floor area Population density Occupancy Usage New 260 working 4 for a hypothetical procedure using 1980 / days per period, Value 720 396 (55 percent) 324 (45 percent) Water Used-gpd 324 women x 3.5 gal/flush x S/day 396 men x 3.5 gal/flush x l/day 396 men x 1.5 gal/flush x Z/day 720 persons x 0.5 gal/use* x S/day 720 persons x 0.25 gpcd Estimated Estimated 3,400 1,390 1,190 1,080 180 100 250 7,590 20 percent 1,520 9,110 0.045 gpd/sq allowance gineering judgment was applied to determine reasonable values. These assumptions can vary significantly and should be considered on a site-specific basis. For example, a hypothetical office building is considered, with a floor area of 200,000 sq ft and the following average characteristics: l population density-250 sq ft per person; l building occupancy-90 percent; l gender mix-55 percent men, 45 percent women; l plumbing fixtures-3.5-gal/flush toilets, 1.5-gal/flush urinals, and 3.0-gpm lavatories; l lavatory usage-O.5 gal per hand wash, based on a 3-gpm lavatory flow for 10 seconds; l ‘internal consumption-l qt per person per day; l service sinks-100 gpd; and l building maintenance-250 gpd. An allowance for items such as nonoffice amenities, transient (nonoccupant) restroom usage, and leaking fixtures must also be applied. For the purposes of this study, these are assumed to account for 20 percent of the total building water usage. When these design assumptions are applied, the average water usage is calculated at 9,110 gal per working day (Table 4). Dividing this value by 200,000 sq ft of floor area gives a unit water consumption of approximately 0.045 gpd/sq ft per working day, which is approximately equal to the average fall-winter value determined from evaluation of the meter record. Based on this correlation, the fixture-use procedure appears to provide a good approximation of water consumption in office buildings and can be utilized to evaluate the effect of water-efficient plumbing fixtures on water consumption in these facilities. Case 1 examined pre-1980 plumbing standards at maximum fixture volume. ft Copyright (C) 1992 American Water Works Association Prior to 1980, plumbing standards mitted 5.5-7.0-gal/flush toilets, 3.0-gal/flush urinals, and 3.0-gpm tories. In case 1, all fixtures assumed to have the maximum TOURNAL per1.5lavawere flush AWWA 30 I 25 i 20 I 4 15 F, ij 3 2 10 i: 5 0 Hlqh w LOW D-0 Budding Denslly acd occ”paney Figure 1. Water usage for conventional versus water-efficient fixtures in hypothetical office building (high D-O-high population density and btklding occupancy; low I)-O---lou! population density and building occupancy) Mint ated domestic watw pluntbingjktw~s TABLE 5 usage in a lzypothetical ZOO,WOs9f? uf%ce building for watewfirimt and futures cowforming to pw-1980 atid 1980 plumbing standards Case I Pre- 1980 Plumbing Standards (7.0-gal/flush toilets, Case 2 Pre- 1980 Plumbing Standards (5.5gal/flush toilets, Case 3 1980 Plumbing Standards (X5-gal/flush toilets, Gas? 4 Water-Efficient Plumbing Fires (1.6.@Mluah toil&s, 1 .O-gal/flush urinals) density- sqJ?/pMil~t orcupntKypEVS%t _xI-_~ ---. 2 U‘%jiF--gplf ~~7.980 Total usage mm and wonm-@it lntrmal cnnwnptinngPd Sewlce Gnks-gpd IWding maintenance-- gPd IlSajic-gpd 0 10.130’~---__l_ 4.520 5.740 ---- L, . ____- 250 I10 250 140 250 140 250 100 100 100 100 1 on 100 loo 250 ‘50 250 250 250 250 18.710 10.7so 250 250 14 . Z’W b x.210 10,420 6.050 5,740 3,390 I Subtotal Allowatw ’ 140 100 for *Hi& tlcnsity and occupancy +l*w density and occupancy $hl-men, W-won~rn OcTOBr3? 1992 Copyright (C) 1992 American Water Works Association I’J BEHLING C N.J. WAlfI‘IIIKCI 77 TABLE 6 Potential water savings using water-eficientfultures in a hypothetical 200,000sq-ft ojice building Potential water With Water-Efficient Water Building Type* High D-O Imv D-O Pre-1980 Fiires 17,060~22,450 9,850-12,900 *High D-O-high building occupancy population Usage-gpd 1980 Fiitures 12,500 7,260 density 6,890 4,070 and building 2, all fixtures were assumed to have the lowest flush volumes required under pre1980 standards (5.5-gal/flush toilets and 1.5-gal/flush urinals). As in case 1, lavatory usage was estimated to be 0.5 gal per hand wash. Case 3 examined 1980 plumbing standards for fixtures. The 3.5-gal/flush toi- lets, 1.5-gal/flush urinals, and 3.0-gpm lavatories required under the 1980 plumbing standards were used in case 3. As in cases 1 and 2, lavatory usage was estimated to be 0.5 gal per hand wash. fixtures. Water-efficient plumbing fixtures (1.6gal/flush toilets, l.O-gal/flush urinals, and 2.0-gpm lavatories) were used for case 4. Lavatory usage was estimated at 0.33 gal per hand wash based on a 2.0gpm lavatory flow for 10 seconds. To account for some of the site-specific factors that can affect domestic water usage in an office building, a range of estimates is presented for each case in Table 5. The upper and lower ends of each range are defined as follows: l high D-O-high population density (200 sq ft/person) and building occupancy (100 percent); and l low D-O-low population density (300 sq ft/person) and building occupancy (85 percent). Other building characteristics assumed in the development of Table 5 are similar to those used for the average office building in Table 4, including gender demographics (55 percent men, 45 percent women); internal consumption (1 quart per person per day); service sinks (100 gpd); building maintenance (250 gpd); and an allowance for such items as nonoffice amenities and transient restroom usage (20 percent of the total water usage). To simplify the analysis, these characteristics were held constant for all cases considered in the evaluation. 78 MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS wd 10,170-15,560 5,780-8,830 occupancy; Case 2 examined pre-1980 plumbing standards at lowest flush volumes. In case water-efficient Compared Pre-1980 WaterEfficient Fiitures volumes permitted under pre-1980 standards (7.0-gal/flush toilets and 3.0. gal/flush urinals). Lavatory usage was estimated to be 0.5 gal per hand wash, based on a 3.0-gpm lavatory flow for 10 seconds. Case 4 examined Savings Fixtures low D-O-low With Fixtures ~ Compared With 1980 Fixtures percent gpd percent 60-69 59-68 5,610 3,190 45 44 population density and Based on the fixture-use procedure, domestic water usage for the 200,000sq ft office building using plumbing fixtures conforming to pre-1980 standards ranged from 9,850 to 22,450 gpd (cases 1 and 2). Using plumbing fixtures conforming to 1980 standards, water usage in the building ranged from 7,260 to 12,500 gpd (case 3). When water-efficient fixtures were considered, domestic water usage ranged from 4,070 to 6,890 gpd (case 4). Water-efficient fixtures can reduce consumption Installation of water-efficient plumbing fixtures (1.6-gal/flush toilets, l.Ogal/flush urinals, and 2.0.gpm lavatories) has the potential to significantly reduce water consumption in office buildings. As shown in Table 6 for high density-occupancy conditions, water-efficient fixtures can reduce water usage by as much as 69 percent compared with pre-1980 standard plumbing fixtures (5.5. and 7.0gal/flush toilets, 1.5- and urinals, 3.0-gpm lavatories) and as much as 45 percent compared with plumbing fixtures conforming to 1980 plumbing standards (3.5-gal/flush toilets, 1.5gal/flush urinals, 3.0-gpm lavatories). Under low density-occupancy conditions, water usage can be reduced by as much as to 68 percent compared with pre-1980 fixtures and 44 percent compared with those conforming to 1980 plumbing standards. In addition, unit water consumption values used to project water usage in proposed office buildings should be revised to reflect the post-1992 requirement of water-efficient fixtures in New York State. Published water consumption values for office establishments range from 0.70 to 0.084 gpd/sq ft7 Based on the analysis discussed here, a value of between 0.020 and 0.034 gpd/sq ft per working day (as shown in Table 5) is suggested for projecting domestic water usage in proposed office buildings constructed with water-efficient fixtures, exclusive of air conditioning and irrigation. The theoretical estimating procedure discussed here can be utilized to esti- Copyright (C) 1992 American Water Works Association mate potential water savings in office buildings through the use of water-efficient plumbing fixtures; however, it is important to note the limitations of the procedure. Foremost, the procedure is hypothetical and includes many assumptions specific to the study area. Further study is recommended to document the water savings projected in this study with field data. In addition, it is important to consider the following when estimating water consumption in office buildings: l local factors such as population density, building occupancy, and gender demographics directly affect domestic water usage and must be viewed on a case-by-case basis; l irrigation and cooling water usage must be evaluated for each site and added to domestic water consumption estimates; and . significant nonoffice areas (large restaurants, health clubs, and large retail establishments), which are sometimes incorporated into office environments, must be evaluated on a site-specific basis. Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge the assistance of the water departments of the Town of Hempstead, N.Y., and the Village of Garden City, N.Y.; and the water districts of Manhasset-Lakeville, N.Y., and Jericho, N.Y., which provided the meter record data used in this study. References A. Water-Use Efficiency Standards for Plumbing Fixtures: Benefits of National Legislation. Jour. AWWA, 82:5:51 (May 1990). McKinney’s Consolidated Laws ofNew York, Book 17-l/2-Environmental Conservation Law, sec. 150314. State of New York-Ojjicial Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations, Subchapter B-Building Construction, Part 765.8. Long Island Business News. Long Island Almanac, (1989, 1991). KONEN, T.P. Water Use in Office Buildings. Plumbing Engr. uuly 1986). PKES~OP*‘, B.L. High-Efficiency Water Closet Analysis. Plumbing Engr. Uune 1987). James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers. Water Treatment Principles and Design. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1985). 1. VICIGXS, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. About the authors: Patrick J. Behling is an environmental engineey with Dvirka and Batiilucci Consulting Engineers, 6800 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, NY 11791. He is a graduate of the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio (BCE), and Manhattan College, Riverdale, N.Y. (ME Env.), and is a member ofAWWA, ASCE, and WEF. Nicholas J. Bartilucci is the managingpartner ofDvirka and Bartilucci Consulting Engineers. JOURNAL AWWA