Dust Control Plan

Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC
Dust Control Plan
September 2014
1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 RESPONSIBILITY ....................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 DUST EMISSIONS AND CONTROL MEASURES .................................................................. 1 3.1 Control Measures ..................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 DUST CONTROL INSPECTION AND COMPLIANCE ......................................................... 2 5.0 RECORDKEEPING AND MONITORING ................................................................................ 2 Dust Control Plan
AIM Project
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC (“Algonquin”) has developed this Dust Control Plan for the
Algonquin Incremental Market Project (“AIM Project” or “Project”). The purpose of the Dust Control
Plan is to identify potential sources of fugitive dust emissions that may occur during construction of the
AIM Project and describe dust abatement measures to be implemented by Algonquin and its contractor(s)
to control and suppress dust. Measures identified in this Dust Control Plan apply to work within the
Project area defined as the construction right-of-way (“ROW”), access roads, additional temporary
workspace (“ATWS”), and other areas used during construction of the AIM Project.
Algonquin’s inspection personnel and its contractor(s) will be thoroughly familiar with this Dust Control
Plan and its contents prior to initiating construction on the AIM Project.
The contractor(s) will furnish, operate and maintain equipment, and employ methods to prevent migration
of dust beyond the boundaries of the work site. The contractor(s) will provide a copy of the Dust Control
Plan to all applicable site subcontractors. The contractor’s construction manager will be responsible for
implementing the Dust Control Plan, and maintaining the daily log of implemented control measures.
Construction activities coupled with certain weather conditions can create conditions that promote the
production and dispersal of fugitive dust from a construction area. The amount of dust generated is a
function of construction activities, soil type, moisture content, wind speed, frequency of precipitation,
vehicle traffic, vehicle types, and roadway characteristics. During certain weather conditions, several
construction activities could generate dust.
The contractor will implement measures to reduce dust generation and employ practices to prevent
excessive fugitive dust emissions (e.g., visible dust clouds). No dust control measures are generally
required during precipitation events. Dust control measures are required especially during warm dry
weather and those days with strong winds. A source of clean, potable water must be made available to
wet down exposed soil surfaces. Dust control measures include but are not limited to:
Unpaved areas and access roads
Apply water when needed;
Control track-out;
Maintain appropriate low vehicle speeds (5 miles per hour) in unpaved areas;
Route vehicles and equipment to covered surfaces (e.g., paved or graveled) when possible;
Prevent motor vehicle use when unnecessary in unpaved areas; and
Remove soil from the exteriors of vehicles and construction equipment prior to moving off of the
right-of-way and other work sites.
Soil excavation and handling
Load haul trucks such that the load is below the freeboard;
Cover loads as necessary;
Prevent spillage;
Apply water when needed prior to disturbance and during disturbance to prevent dust generation;
Dust Control Plan
AIM Project
 Maintain existing ground coverings (e.g., existing pavement) until disturbance is required for
construction and stabilize exposed soil with gravel or other stabilizing material, if dust generation
is observed that cannot be controlled with water; and
 Discontinue construction activities if generation of dust is observed until dust control is applied.
Control Measures
Dust control will be implemented by Algonquin and its contractor(s) in areas of active construction. The
primary means of dust control for the AIM Project will be vehicle and equipment speed control and the
use of graveled construction entrances (rock access pads). If these measures do not effectively mitigate
excessive dust migration, wet suppression through the application of water using water trucks will be
employed. No surface water sources are proposed to be used as a water source. Water will be obtained
from municipal sources (hydrant) from locations to be determined along the Project. The application and
quantity of water to be used for dust suppression will be commensurate with field conditions during
construction. Any required state and local approvals will be acquired as needed to withdraw water from
municipal sources. Water spray will be regulated to avoid water pooling and the generation of mud that
could be tracked onto paved roadways.
Vehicular speed will be reduced for all vehicles and equipment travelling along the construction ROW.
The vehicular speed limit for the AIM Project construction area will be five miles per hour. In addition,
construction gravel pad entrances will be installed at the interfaces of the ROW and each paved road
intersection which will reduce the tracking of mud and soil onto the paved roadway. Excessive mud and
soil tracked onto the roadway will be cleaned up by the Contractor. All cargo areas of open bodied haul
trucks will be securely covered during material transport on public roadways.
In the event that fugitive dust is generated from spoil piles, wet suppression will be implemented. In
addition, topsoil piles may be temporarily mulched and/or temporarily seeded in accordance with
Algonquin’s Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (“E&SCP”). Additionally, spoil piles may be temporarily
mulched and/or temporarily seeded to prevent excessive dust migration. Once construction is completed,
all areas of disturbance will be restored to preconstruction condition and permanently seeded and mulched
in accordance with Algonquin’s E&SCP to revegetate and stabilize the ROW.
Field inspection and the need to implement dust control measures for the construction area will be
assessed daily by the contractor(s) and all inspection staff members working in that construction area.
The dust control assessment will be based on several criteria including 1) the present and forecasted
weather conditions, 2) the condition of previous problem areas, and 3) an assessment of existing soil
conditions along the construction ROW. The contractor(s) will be responsible for implementing the
appropriate measure(s). Algonquin’s Environmental Inspector will have the authority to determine
if/when water or a palliative needs to be used for dust control if the contractor is not meeting the intent of
this Plan. If the contractor(s) does not comply with the recommended dust control measures, any one of
Algonquin’s inspection staff is authorized to stop work until the contractor implements proper dust
control measures.
For the entire construction area on the West Roxbury Lateral and also along the AIM Project construction
area located within 200 feet of a receptor such as a residence, school, church, or business, Algonquin will
utilize dedicated inspectors to monitor dust levels. These inspectors will keep a daily written log
Dust Control Plan
AIM Project
recording the actual application or implementation of the control measures delineated in this Dust Control
Dust monitoring will be performed using real-time monitoring equipment. The particulate monitoring
equipment will be capable of measuring dust particulates that have an aerodynamic diameter less than or
equal to 10 microns in size or respirable dust. The monitoring equipment will be equipped with an
audible alarm to indicate exceedance of the action level. The air monitoring equipment will be inspected
at least once every 30 minutes and measurements will be recorded manually in a project log book by the
Inspector. At the end of each work day, the Inspector will download the particulate data and review and
compare the data to action levels to verify proper controls were in place throughout the work day. Each
calibration event, any equipment malfunctions, unusual conditions, air monitoring station locations, and
any exceedances of action levels and countermeasures implemented will be recorded in the log book. The
Inspector will maintain at the site at all times one (1) spare particulate meter in fully operational
condition, available for immediate service.
Dust Control Plan
AIM Project