ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 2-, 4-, and 6-Wire Connectorized Jackfields User Manual 13581-A Content Page INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 Revision History ..................................................................... 2 Trademark Information ................................................................ 2 Admonishments ..................................................................... 2 1 GENERAL.......................................................................... 2 2 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................... 2 3 2.1 Functional Description ........................................................... 3 2.2 Physical Description ............................................................ 7 2.3 Technical Description............................................................ 8 INSTALLATION ......................................................................10 3.1 Uncrating and Inspection .........................................................10 3.2 Rack Preparation ...............................................................11 3.3 Installing the Panel .............................................................11 3.4 Cable Connections ..............................................................12 4 MAINTENANCE ......................................................................12 5 CUSTOMER INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE .................................................15 4.1 Jack Removal and Replacement ....................................................12 INTRODUCTION This manual contains information on the ADC 2-wire, 4-wire, and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfields. Installation, removal and replacement procedures are also included. 1075142 Rev A Page 1 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 Revision History ISSUE DATE Issue 1 10/1988 Issue 2 02/1989 Issue 3 03/1991 Issue 4 05/1997 Issue 5 03/2000 REASON FOR CHANGE Update to current format standards. Trademark Information ADC and ADC Telecommunications are registered trademarks of ADC Telecommunications, Inc. Admonishments Important safety admonishments are used throughout this manual to warn of possible hazards to persons or equipment. An admonishment identifies a possible hazard and then explains what may happen if the hazard is not avoided. The admonishments — in the form of Dangers, Warnings, and Cautions — must be followed at all times. These warnings are flagged by use of the triangular alert icon (seen below), and are listed in descending order of severity of injury or damage and likelihood of occurrence. Danger: Danger is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that will cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the hazard is not avoided. Warning: Warning is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the hazard is not avoided. Caution: Caution is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that will or can cause minor personal injury or property damage if the hazard is not avoided. 1 GENERAL This manual provides information for ADC 2-, 4-, and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield Panels. Also included are instructions to un-crate, inspect, install, and maintain the 2, 4, and 6-wire panel and a procedure for removing and replacing a faulty jack on an existing panel. The 2, 4, and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfields provide front panel jack access for maintenance, testing, and monitoring equipment mounted in the office bays. Each Connectorized Jackfield is supplied with a cable connector retention clamp, designation cards and windows (plastic protectors) for vertical and horizontal designation strips. The network element and office equipment are terminated on connectors at the rear of the panel via connectorized cables. 2 DESCRIPTION This section provides functional, physical, and technical descriptions of ADC 2-, 4-, and 6wire Connectorized Jackfield Panels. Page 2 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 2.1 Functional Description This section contains a functional description for the 2-, 4-, and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfields. The functions for the 2-, 4- and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfields are similar. Each jackfield provides front panel jack access for maintenance, test and monitoring for 2-, 4- or 6-wire circuits. The 2- and 4-wire jackfields are equipped with four 50-pin connectors and the 6-wire jackfield is equipped with twelve 50-pin connectors for terminating connectorized cables wired to network elements and office equipment. The 4- and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield panels are used in circuits that have separate transmission transmit and receive paths. The 6wire jackfield also provides access for the circuit signals. 2.1.1 2-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Panel The 2-wire Connectorized Jackfield panel provides an access jack interface for connecting up to forty-eight 2-wire circuits (T and R). See Figure 1. Each jack circuit consists of front panel access jacks designated LINE, DROP, and MON (monitor) providing maintenance, test and monitor functions. The LINE and DROP jacks are intrusive. Inserting a plug in the LINE or DROP jack breaks the connection associated with that circuit. The MON (monitor) jack is nonintrusive. Inserting a plug in the MON jack provides monitor access to the LINE side circuit. Circuits are designated 1 through 48 (viewed from front, left to right). 2.1.2 4-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Panel The 4-wire Connectorized Jackfield panel provides an access jack interface for connecting up to twenty-four 4-wire circuits (T, R, T1 and R1). See Figure 2. Each jack circuit consists of front panel access jacks designated DEM, EQ IN, MON, MOD, EQ OUT and MON providing maintenance, test and monitor functions. The DEM and EQ IN jacks on the receive (T1 and R1) side and the MOD and EQ OUT jacks on the transmit (T and R) side are intrusive. Inserting a plug in either of these jacks breaks the connection associated with that circuit. The MON jacks are non intrusive. Inserting a plug in the MON jacks provides monitor access to either the DEM side circuit on the receive side (T1 and R1) or MOD side circuit on the transmit side (T and R). Circuits are designated 1 through 24 (as viewed from front, left to right). 2.1.3 6-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Panel The 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield panel provides an access jack interface for connecting up to forty-eight 6-wire circuits (T, R, T1, R1, E and M). See Figure 3. Each circuit consists of front panel access jacks designated DEM, MOD, EQ IN, EQ OUT, SIG EQ, SIG LINE, and two MON providing maintenance, test and monitor functions. The SIG LINE and SIG EQ jacks are intrusive along with the DEM and EQ IN jacks on the receive (T1 and R1) side and the MOD and EQ OUT jacks on the transmit (T and R) side. Inserting a plug in either of these jacks breaks the connection associated with that circuit. The MON jacks are nonintrusive. Inserting a plug in the MON jack provides monitor access to either the DEM side circuit on the receive (T1 and R1) side or MOD side circuit on the transmit (T and R) side. Circuits are designated 1 through 24 (viewed from front, left to right) on the top slot and 25 through 48 on the bottom slot. Page 3 © 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 LINE 25 – 48 50 LINE 1 – 24 50 J2 1 DROP 1 – 24 P1 1 LINE 25 – 48 J1 25 25 26 P2 26 REAR VIEW (ROTATED) 8.00 IN. (20.32 CM) JACK CIRCUIT NO. 1 LINE DROP MON JACK CIRCUIT NO. 48 LINE DROP 1.75 IN. (4.45 CM) MON 18.31 IN. (46.50 CM) 19.05 IN. (48.37 CM) NOTES: 1. CABLE CONNECTOR RETAINER CLIPS ARE FURNISHED FOR INSTALLER FOR EACH CONNECTOR. 2. DUST COVERS ARE ATTACHED TO EACH CONNECTOR BEFORE SHIPMENT. R T LINE T DROP REF. SCHEMATIC TYPICAL OF 48 CIRCUITS R MON 6529-A PJ 831 W Figure 1. 2-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Page 4 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 EQ IN 1 – 24 50 MOD 1 – 24 50 J2 1 DEM 1 – 24 P1 1 EQ OUT 1 – 24 J1 25 25 26 P2 26 REAR VIEW (ROTATED) 8.00 IN. (20.32 CM) JACK CIRCUIT NO. 1 DEM EQ IN MON JACK CIRCUIT NO. 24 MOD EQ OUT 1.75 IN. (4.45 CM) MON 18.31 IN. (46.50 CM) 19.05 IN. (48.37 CM) NOTES: 1. CABLE CONNECTOR RETAINER CLIPS ARE FURNISHED FOR INSTALLER FOR EACH CONNECTOR. 2. DUST COVERS ARE ATTACHED TO EACH CONNECTOR BEFORE SHIPMENT. R1 R T1 DEM MOD T1 EQ IN EQ OUT T T R1 R MON PJ 831 W MON PJ 831 W REF. SCHEMATIC TYPICAL OF 24 CIRCUITS 6530-A Figure 2. 4-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Page 5 © 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 DEM 1 – 24 25 26 1 EQ IN 25 – 48 50 J5 DEM 25 – 48 50 J1 25 MOD 25 – 48 50 1 EQ IN 1 – 24 MOD 1 – 24 50 J2 SIG LINE 25 – 48 50 SIG LINE 1 – 24 50 25 J4 P1 1 EQ OUT 1 – 24 25 26 1 SIG EQ 1 – 24 J6 26 1 EQ OUT 25 – 48 P5 P3 26 1 SIG EQ 25 – 48 J3 P4 P2 25 26 25 P6 26 REAR VIEW (ROTATED) 8.00 IN. (20.32 CM) JACK CIRCUIT NO. 24 JACK CIRCUIT NO. 1 DEM EQ IN MOD EQ OUT MON MON LINE SIG EQ 5.25 IN. (13.33 CM) LINE SIG EQ MON MON DEM EQ IN MOD EQ OUT JACK CIRCUIT NO. 48 JACK CIRCUIT NO. 25 18.31 IN. (46.50 CM) 19.05 IN. (48.37 CM) NOTES: 1. CABLE CONNECTOR RETAINER CLIPS ARE FURNISHED FOR INSTALLER FOR EACH CONNECTOR. 2. DUST COVERS ARE ATTACHED TO EACH CONNECTOR BEFORE SHIPMENT. R1 R T1 DEM MOD T1 EQ IN EQ OUT T T R1 R MON PJ 831 W MON PJ 831 W M REF. SCHEMATIC TYPICAL OF 48 CIRCUITS E E 6531-A M PJ 889 W Figure 3. 6-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Page 6 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 2.2 Physical Description This section contains the physical description of the 2-, 4-, and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfields. Note: The 2-, 4- and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield panels are equipped with horizontal and two vertical designation cards and plastic windows at the front of the panel for recording circuit assignments. 2.2.1 2-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Panel The 2-wire Connectorized Jackfield panel dimensions are 1.75 u 19.05 u 8.0 inches (44.45 mm u 48.37 u 20.32 cm). The 2 -wire Connectorized Jackfield panel occupies 1.75 inches (4.45 cm) of rack space in a standard 19-inch rack. Refer to Figure 1. The 2-wire Connectorized Jackfield backpanel is equipped with four 50-pin connectors for terminating connectorized cables wired to network elements and office equipment. The two 50-pin receptacle connectors for the network element side are designated J1 (LINE) for circuits 1 through 24 and J2 (LINE) for circuits 25 through 48. The two 50-pin plug connectors for terminating office equipment are designated P1 (DROP) for circuits 1 through 24 and P2 (DROP) for circuits 25 through 48. 2.2.2 4-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Panel The 4-wire Connectorized Jackfield panel dimensions are 1.75 u 19.05 u 8.0 inches (44.45 mm u 48.37 u 20.32 cm). The 4-wire Connectorized Jackfield panel occupies 1.75 inches (4.45 cm) of rack space in a standard 19-inch rack. Refer to Figure 2. The 4-wire Connectorized Jackfield backpanel is equipped with four 50 pin connectors for terminating connectorized cables wired to network elements and office equipment. The two 50pin receptacle connectors for the network element side are designated J1 MOD (modulation) for circuits 1 through 24 and J2 EQ (equipment) IN for circuits 1 through 24. The two 50-pin plug connectors for terminating office equipment are designated P1 DEM (demodulation) for circuits 1 through 24 and P2 EQ (equipment) OUT for circuits 1 through 24. 2.2.3 6-Wire Connectorized Jackfield The 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield dimensions are 5.25 u 19.5 u 8.0 inches (13.33 u 48.37 u 20.32 cm).The 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield occupies 5.25 inches (13.33 cm) of rack space in a standard 19-inch rack. Refer to Figure 3. The 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield backpanel is equipped with twelve 50-pin connectors for terminating connectorized cables wired to network elements and office equipment. The six 50pin receptacle connectors for the network element side are designated J1 MOD, J4 EQ IN, and J3 SIG LINE for circuits 1 through 24 and J2 MOD, J5 EQ IN, and J6 SIG LINE for circuits 25 through 48. The six 50-pin plug connectors for terminating office equipment are designated P1 DEM, P4 EQ OUT, and P3 SIG EQ for circuits 1 through 24 and P2 DEM, P5 EQ OUT, and P6 SIG EQ for circuits 25 through 48. Page 7 © 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 2.3 Technical Description This section provides technical descriptions of the 2-, 4-, and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield panels. Table 1 shows the specifications for the 2-, 4- and 6-wire Connectorized Jackfield panels. Tables 2, 3, and 4 show the wiring connections for the 2-wire (Table 2), 4-wire (Table 3) and 6-wire (Table 4) Connectorized Jackfield panels. Table 1. 2, 4 and 6-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Panel Specifications DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Physical Dimensions 2-, 4-Wire 6-Wire 1.75 × 19.05 × 8.0 inches (44.45 × 48.37 × 20.32 × cm) 5.25 × 19.5 × 8.0 × inches (13.33 × 48.37 × 20.32 × cm) Shipping Weight 25 lbs ( kgs) 25 lbs ( kgs) 24 lbs ( kgs) 2-Wire 4-Wire 6-Wire ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature –40q to +122q F (–40q to +50q C) –32q to +122q F (0q to +50q C) 0% to +90% without condensation Non-Operating Operating Humidity Table 2. 2-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Connection Table TO PLUG CONNECTOR TO RECEPTACLE CONNECTOR P1 (DROP) J1 (LINE) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 1 PIN T 26 R 1 T 49 R 24 CIRCUIT LEAD PIN T 26 R 1 T 49 R 24 CIRCUIT LEAD PIN T 26 R 1 T 49 R 24 Circuit 1 REPEATED Circuit 24 P2 (DROP) J2 (LINE) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 25 Circuit 24 PIN T 26 R 1 Circuit 25 REPEATED Circuit 48 Page 8 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. T 49 R 24 Circuit 48 ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 Table 3. 4-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Connection Table TO PLUG CONNECTOR TO RECEPTACLE CONNECTOR P1 (DEM) J1 (MOD) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 1 PIN T1 26 R1 1 CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 1 PIN T 26 R 1 T 49 R 24 CIRCUIT LEAD PIN REPEATED Circuit 24 T1 49 R1 24 P2 (EQ-OUT) J2 (EQ-IN) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 1 Circuit 24 PIN T 26 R 1 Circuit 1 T1 26 R1 1 T1 49 R1 24 REPEATED Circuit 24 T 49 R 24 Circuit 24 Table 4. 6-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Connection Table TO PLUG CONNECTOR P1 (DEM) CIRCUIT LEAD PIN TO RECEPTACLE CONNECTOR J1 (MOD) CIRCUIT LEAD PIN Circuit 1 Circuit 1 T1 R1 26 1 T R 26 1 T R 49 24 J2 (MOD) CIRCUIT LEAD PIN REPEATED Circuit 24 T1 R1 P2 (DEM) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 25 T1 R1 49 24 PIN 26 1 Circuit 24 Circuit 25 T R 26 1 T R 49 24 J4 (EQ IN) CIRCUIT LEAD PIN REPEATED Circuit 48 T1 R1 P4 (EQ OUT) CIRCUIT LEAD 49 24 PIN Circuit 1 T R 26 1 Circuit 24 T R 49 24 Circuit 48 Circuit 1 T1 R1 26 1 T R 49 24 REPEATED Circuit 24 (continued) Page 9 © 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 Table 4. 6-Wire Connectorized Jackfield Connection Table, continued P5 (EQ OUT) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 25 T R PIN 26 1 J5 (EQ IN) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 25 PIN T1 R1 26 1 T1 R1 49 24 REPEATED Circuit 48 T R 49 24 P3 (SIG EQ) CIRCUIT LEAD PIN Circuit 1 E M 26 1 Circuit 48 J3 (SIG LINE) CIRCUIT LEAD Circuit 1 PIN E M 26 1 E M 49 24 J6 (SIG LINE) CIRCUIT LEAD PIN REPEATED Circuit 24 E M 49 24 P6 (SIG EQ) CIRCUIT LEAD PIN Circuit 25 E M 26 1 Circuit 24 Circuit 25 E M 26 1 E M 49 24 REPEATED Circuit 48 3 E M 49 24 Circuit 48 INSTALLATION Warning: To avoid the possibility of severe and potentially fatal electric shock, never install electrical equipment in a wet location or during a lightning storm. When installing or modifying telephone lines, disconnect lines at the network interface before working with uninsulated lines or terminals. This section provides installation procedures for ADC Connectorized Jackfields. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show top, front, and side views for 2-wire (refer to Figure 1), 4-wire (refer to Figure 2), and 6-wire (refer to Figure 3). Wiring schematics and connection tables for the 2-, 4- and 6wire Connectorized Jackfield Panels are shown in Table 2 (2-wire), Table 3 (4-wire), and Table 4 (6-wire). 3.1 Uncrating and Inspection Before removing the Connectorized Jackfield from the crate, inspect the crate for evidence of damage. If damage is evident, immediately notify the claims representative of the commercial carrier. Note: When the Connectorized Jackfields are shipped from the factory they are packed, padded and crated according to accepted practices for transporting electronic equipment via commercial carrier. Page 10 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 3.2 Rack Preparation It is recommended that cable support brackets that are approximately six inches (15.24 cm) long be placed 12 inches (30.48 cm) apart at the rear of the rack as a means of tying and supporting incoming cables. These cable support brackets are available from ADC. See Section 6 for Customer Support Services. Before mounting the unit, note and record the ADC part and serial numbers found on the rear of the unit. 3.3 Installing the Panel 1. Remove and discard the shipping nut at right side of front panel. 2. Remove shipping bolt. Note: The shipping bolt is used as a mounting screw for the panel. 3. Position panel in assigned location. 4. Position vertical destination strip on the right side of the panel. 5. Secure vertical destination strip and right side of panel with shipping bolt (removed in step 2) and one #12-24 u 0.5-inch (12.7 mm) binder head screw. LINE EQUIP. MON LINE EQUIP. MON HORIZONTAL DESTINATION STRIP 6528-A BLACK ANODIZED VERTICAL DESIGNATION STRIP SHIPPING BOLT Figure 4. Front Panel Mounting Fixtures 6. Position vertical destination strip on the left side of the panel. 7. Secure vertical destination strip and left side of panel to the rack with two #12-24 u 0.5-inch (12.7 mm) binder-head screws. 8. Slide the vertical designation cards and plastic windows into left and right vertical designation strips on the front panel. Refer to Figure 4. 9. Label the circuit descriptions on the horizontal designation card strips and place the card strip and plastic window onto the horizontal strips on the front panel. Page 11 © 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 3.4 Cable Connections Note: The connectors are protected by dust covers when they are shipped. Remove the dust covers placed over the connectors prior to shipment. All connections made to the connectorized jackfields are made via connectors mounted at the rear of the panels. Label network element and office equipment cables for terminating identification. Connect the cables from the network element and office equipment to connectors associated with the circuit at the back of the Connectorized Jackfield backpanel. Refer to connection Table 2 (2-wire), 3 (4-wire), and 4 (6-wire) and rear views of Figures 1 (2-wire), 2 (4-wire), or 3 (6-wire) to determine the appropriate plug and receptacle connection for the jackfield being installed. 4 MAINTENANCE This section contains a removal and replacement procedure for a faulty jack on a connectorized jackfield panel. Also included is a preventative maintenance schedule for the connectorized jackfield panel and panel jacks. 4.1 Jack Removal and Replacement Warning: To avoid the possibility of severe and potentially fatal electric shock, never install electrical equipment in a wet location or during a lightning storm. When installing or modifying telephone lines, disconnect lines at the network interface before working with uninsulated lines or terminals. This section provides a procedure for removing and replacing a faulty jack from a connectorized jackfield panel. Also included is a list of tools and materials required to perform the operation. Note: To find part numbers for replacement, consult the installation drawings (Figures 1, 2 and 3) that are enclosed with the jackfield. 4.1.1 Tools and Materials Tools and materials requited for removing and replacing a jack in the connectorized jackfield panel are listed as follows: • Screwdriver, slotted • Screwdriver, No. 1 Phillips • Unwrapping tool, 24 gauge, 0.07 diameter u 0.75 deep • Wrapping tool, 24 gauge, 0.075 diameter u 0.75 deep • Wire stripper, 24 gauge, solid • Diagonal cutting pliers, 5 inch Page 12 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 4.1.2 Jack Removal Component malfunctions are rare, however, they may occur. If the connectorized jackfield panel is within warranty, follow the instructions below to remove the panel from the rack. Contact the ADC Product Return Department for the proper return procedure. Refer to Section 5. If the panel is not under warranty and the faulty component is known, refer to the installation drawings (Figures 1, 2, and 3) to locate the part number, description, and supplier. The directions for removing a faulty jack from a connectorized jackfield panel are listed as follows: 1. Remove card and window from vertical designation strip at right side of front panel. 2. Using slotted screwdriver remove bottom right screw to release right side of panel. Caution: Do not open front panel more than 90q or place excess weight or pressure on open panel. 3. Open hinged front panel (located at the left side of panel) 90q to allow for internal access. Caution: When handling cable, use only fingers; tools may damage cable. 4. Move internal cabling out of way to allow access to the wire wrap terminals Caution: Use extreme caution when cutting cable tie to avoid damaging wire insulation. 5. Using diagonal cutting pliers cut blunt end of plastic cable tie to facilitate complete access. 6. Using the Phillips screwdriver, remove the jack mounting screws. 7. Pull jack straight out and away from the panel. 8. Label or record the leads connected to the jack terminals for jack replacement reference. Using the unwrapping tool, remove the wire wrap connections and discard faulty jack. 4.1.3 Jack Replacement 1. Place the new jack in the panel with the mounting tab approximately 1/8” inch from the panel. 2. Place the two screws in the pass hole and tighten the screws, drawing the jack against the panel. 3. Using the wrapping tool, re-connect the leads previously removed from the faulty jack terminals. 4. Re-position and re-tie cable. 5. Close front panel, replace screw at bottom right of panel. 6. Insert card and window into vertical designation strip. Page 13 © 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 4.1.4 Preventive Maintenance Warning: Do not use lubricants, abrasives, or chemical solvents on the connectors. This section provides a preventative maintenance schedule for the connectorized jackfield panel and jacks. Keep the Connectorized Jackfield Panel free of dirt and dust by weekly cleaning using a soft cloth. Keep the contact surface of all plugs (tip, ring and sleeve) clean and shiny to assure proper connection is made with the associated jacks. No polishing, use of solvents or resurfacing of the jacks is required. It is not necessary to clean the jacks; however, to assure optimum performance of the equipment, a plug should be inserted into the jacks three or four times every 30 days to activate the contacts, thereby removing any film accumulated during non-use. Page 14 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. ADCP-80-320 x Issue 5 x March 2000 5 CUSTOMER INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE For customers wanting information on ADC products or help in using them, ADC offers the services listed below. To obtain any of these services by telephone, first dial the central ADC telephone number, then dial the extension provided below. The central number for calls originating in the U.S.A. or Canada is 1-800-366-3891. For calls originating outside the U.S.A. or Canada, dial country code “1” then dial 952-946-3000. Sales Assistance Extension 3000 • Quotation Proposals • Ordering and Delivery • General Product Information Systems Integration Extension 3000 • • • • • • • Complete Solutions (from Concept to Installation) Network Design and Integration Testing System Turn-Up and Testing Network Monitoring (Upstream or Downstream) Power Monitoring and Remote Surveillance Service/Maintenance Agreements Systems Operation BCG Technical Assistance Center Extension 3475 E-Mail: • • • • • • Technical Information System/Network Configuration Product Specification and Application Training (Product-Specific) Installation and Operation Assistance Troubleshooting and Repair Product Return Department Extension 3748 E-Mail: repair& • ADC Return Authorization number and instructions must be obtained before returning products. Product information may also be obtained using the ADC web site at or by writing ADC Telecommunications, Inc., P.O. Box 1101, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1101, U.S.A. Contents herein are current as of the date of publication. ADC reserves the right to change the contents without prior notice. In no event shall ADC be liable for any damages resulting from loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits and ADC further disclaims any and all liability for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other similar damages. This disclaimer of liability applies to all products, publications and services during and after the warranty period. This publication may be verified at any time by contacting ADC’s Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-366-3891, extension 3475 (in U.S.A. or Canada) or 952-946-3000 (outside U.S.A. and Canada), or by writing to ADC Telecommunications, Inc., Attn: Technical Assistance Center, Mail Station #71, P.O. Box 1101, Minneapolis, MN 55440-1101, U.S.A. © 2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Page 15