a PDF to Print, fill in, and return to us.

Booking Form
Booking Form: Please complete details below.
Photocopy & fax 01384 447928 or post to RMS Publishing (address below)
Delegate Details
Order Details
Title & Name
Job Title
Company Name
Course Start Date:
Fees (Please include VAT, Awarding Body Fees or & P&P if applicable)
Home Address:
Payment Details
Payment by
credit/debit card: VisaU
(+3% chargeU)
Date of birth:
[Required ref NEBOSH bookings on]
Authorised Signature
If you are unable to provide a signature then please print your name to
confirm T&C’s.
/ Solo^
Exp Date
Issue No.
Security Code No. (3 digit)
Purchase Order No.
Joining Instructions to be sent to: delegate YES
/ Switch^
Card No.
Start Date^
Please send me products updates by e-mail
I understand that this booking is made subject to the administration
(terms & conditions) set out in this booking form.
/ MastercardU
Title, First Name, Surname:
Payment by Cheque: I enclose a cheque for £
Made payable to ACT Associates Limited.
Post to: Victoria House, 32 Lower High Street, Stourbridge, West
Midlands DY8 1TA
Payment by BACS: I have instructed my bank to transfer £
To ACT Associates Limited, Lloyds TSB, Kidderminster,
30-94-70 00994333
Invoice Required: YES
Job Title
Address for invoice ( if different from delegates details):
Address as above: COMPANY
[Please indicate preferred option]
Title & Name
Job Title
OR advised
Company Name
Office use only:
Booked on system ..................
Invoice No. LB1/.....................
RMS Publishing, Suite 3, Victoria House, 32 Lower High Street
Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 1TA
Gen Enq: +44 (0) 1384 447927
Fax: +44 (0) 1384 442528
E-mail: sales@rmspublishing.co.uk
Website: www.rmspublishing.co.uk
RMS Publishing Ltd
Terms and conditions
The parties to this contract are RMS Publishing Limited, hereinafter referred
to as RMS and the purchaser.
Payment Terms: Terms of payment will be 14 working days from date of
invoice or payment 45 working days prior to course commencement
whichever is sooner. If cancellation is requested within the 45 working day
period immediate payment will become due. Failure to take up RMS goods or
services within the 45 working day period will be deemed as cancellation and
payment will become due. The purchaser must ensure all orders raised to RMS
state our terms of payment to reduce risk of order refusal by RMS. RMS does
not accept the purchaser's terms and conditions and the purchasers order for
RMS goods or services will be taken as confirmation of the purchases
agreement to RMS conditions of sale. If a stage pay agreement is made the
dates and figures agreed will be clearly stated on the invoices and payment
must be made as stated. RMS reserves the right to charge interest on any
monies outstanding in accordance with our payment terms and if necessary to
take legal action for recovery including any additional costs incurred.
E-learning specific
Passwords: A password, to enable on-line access to our e-learning products,
will be issued to the purchaser on receipt and acceptance of their order by
RMS. The e-learning user should access the purchased e-learning course using
login details provided by RMS. A valid email address is required to enable us to
create a unique student account. You are entirely responsible for submitting
accurate details and keeping us informed of any changes relevant to your
student status.
Transfers: E-learning products are non-transferable and the contract for any
such purchase is solely between RMS and the original purchaser. The user
must not share or pass their Username and Password to any third party neither
freely or for financial or any other form of gain. RMS reserves the right to
cancel the purchase without refund if the product is transferred to a third
party without written permission from RMS.
Cancellation and refund: Provided the software has not been accessed
(logged-on) by the user, the purchaser has the right to cancel the purchase for
a limited period of up to 7 days from receipt of the RMS purchase confirmation
e - m a i l o r l e t t e r. To c a n c e l t h e p u r c h a s e r m u s t e m a i l
sales@rmspublishing.co.uk with the e-learning course and purchase details.
Access: The purchaser will have access to the e-learning course for the period
specified in the RMS confirmation e-mail or letter. The purchasers' access to
the e-learning course will cease after the purchase expiry date. RMS will
endeavour to allow uninterrupted access to the e-learning material, but
access may be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time. RMS reserve
the right to change, modify, substitute or remove without notice any site
information entered by RMS or the purchaser.
Computer Compatibility and Technical Support: The software is tested
and developed for use on Windows based computers; we do not guarantee
compatibility on any other platform. RMS does not make any commitment
that the course software will be compatible with or operate with the
software or browsers or hardware on all operating systems. It is the
purchasers' responsibility to ensure that their computer and/or means of
accessing the site via the internet is suitable. Please contact our technical
support team before purchase if you have any concerns. It is your
responsibility to ensure that your online access is protected from viruses
and is secure from any unwanted intrusions.
Third Parties: The e-learning course may contain hyperlinks to websites
operated by other parties. We do not control such websites and take no
responsibility for their content. The inclusion of hyperlinks to such websites
does not imply any endorsement of views or information contained on such
General: Failure by RMS to enforce strict compliance with these terms and
conditions by the purchaser shall not be considered to be a waiver of any
provisions of these terms and conditions. No waiver by RMS of any breach by
the purchaser of these terms and conditions shall be considered as a waiver
of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.
If any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid or unenforceable in
whole or in part; the validity of the other provisions of these terms and
conditions and the remainder of the provision in question, shall not be
A person who is not a party to the contract governed by these terms and
conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with it by virtue
of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 except where such rights
are expressly granted in writing by RMS further to these terms and
conditions but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party
which exists, or is available, apart from that Act.
Any failure by RMS to enforce any terms and conditions will not invalidate
the remaining terms and conditions.
The liability of RMS under these terms and conditions is limited in total
to the purchase price paid by the purchaser.
This contract is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and
RMS Publishing, Suite 3, Victoria House, 32 Lower High Street
Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 1TA
Gen Enq: +44 (0) 1384 447927
Fax: +44 (0) 1384 447928
E-mail: sales@rmspublishing.co.uk
Website: www.rmspublishing.co.uk