® Conical Connection Surgical Kit 26 23 15 25 24 27 22 14 11 10 16 28 21 12 9 29 34 13 32 8 33 30 38 31 5 20 4 19 6 7 3 17 18 37 1 2 35 36 C1 Surgical Kit Content: 32 22 11 MT-BTT40 MT-PP240 CT-SLR10 Body try in 4mm Parallel pin Ø2.40/3mm for tapered impl. procedure Long ratchet insertion tool, coni. con., NP 1 MT-SMD10 Spade marking drill 12 CT-SSI10 Body try in 4.50mm 2 MT-TDN19 Marking drill 1.90mm external irrigation 13 MT-TDT30 MT-P2408 24 CT-SLI10 34 MT-RE172 Coni. con. long insertion tool, SP MT-TDT35 Twist drill 3.50mm external irrigation 25 Int. connection abutment extractor 35 CT-WSR10 MT-RDL30 Short ratchet insertion tool, coni. con., WP 15 Long hex. drive 0.05 inch MT-TDT40 MT-P2410 Twist drill 4mm external irrigation Pilot drill with built in stopper dia. 2.40 height 10mm 36 26 16 5 Int. connection abutment extractor, NP 14 Pilot drill with built in stopper dia. 2.40 height 8mm 4 MT-RE160 Coni. con. short insertion tool, SP Twist drill 3mm external irrigation 3 33 23 MT-BTT45 MT-P2411 37 27 17 Short hex. drive 0.05 inch Long ratchet insertion tool, coni. con., WP Twist drill 4.50mm external irrigation Pilot drill with built in stopper dia. 2.40 height 11.5mm MT-RDS30 CT-WLR10 MT-TDT45 MT-DE001 CT-WSI10 6 Short ratchet insertion tool, coni. con., NP Pilot drill with built in stopper dia. 2.40 height 13mm MT-P2416 CT-WLI10 Coni. con. long insertion tool, WP CT-NLR10 Pilot drill dia. 2.40 height 16mm 8 Long ratchet insertion tool, coni. con., NP MT-BTT24 Countersink for narrow platform implant system Coni. con. short insertion tool, NP The tools shown are in proportion to one another. 30 20 MT-GDN33 CT-NLI10 MT-BTT30 Countersink for standard platform implant system Coni. con. long insertion tool, NP Body try in 3mm Torque wrench for implant placement MT-CSN33 CT-NSI10 Body try in 2.4mm MT-RT070 29 19 9 38 28 18 7 Drill extender Coni. con. short insertion tool, WP CT-NSR10 MT-P2413 Key to code used: Batch Code Catalog Number 21 10 MT-BTT35 Body try in 3.50mm Manufacturer Non sterile 31 CT-SSR10 Short ratchet insertion tool, coni. con., NP MT-GDN50 Countersink for wide platform implant system After mechanical or manual cleaning, all surgical instruments must be sterilized in an autoclave at 134°C (273°F), pressure of~315 Kpa for 6 minutes. Do not exceed 134°C. Never use dry sterilizers. Drilling Speed (RPM) 12001500 9001200 Diameter Ø1.90 Ø2.4 200500 Ø2.40 Ø2.40 Ø3.20 15-25 Ø3.30 Final drill For bone type 1,2&3 Ø 3.30mm Do not use final drill for bone type 4. The drilling sequence is demonstrated by the use of 13mm implants. Procedure recommended by MIS cannot replace the judgment and professional experience of the surgeon. Drilling Speed (RPM) 12001500 9001200 Diameter Ø1.90 Ø2.40 200400 500700 Ø2.40 Ø3 Ø3 Ø3 Ø3.60 Final drill For bone type 1,2&3 Ø 3.75mm Do not use final drill for bone type 4. The drilling sequence is demonstrated by the use of 13mm implants. Procedure recommended by MIS cannot replace the judgment and professional experience of the surgeon. 15-25 Ø3.75 Drilling Speed (RPM) 12001500 9001200 Diameter Ø1.90 Ø2.40 Ø2.40 500700 400700 Ø3 Ø3.50 200400 Ø3.50 Ø3.50 Ø4 15-25 Ø4.20 Final drill For bone type 1,2&3 Ø 4.20mm Do not use final drill for bone type 4. The drilling sequence is demonstrated by the use of 13mm implants. Procedure recommended by MIS cannot replace the judgment and professional experience of the surgeon. Drilling Speed (RPM) 12001500 9001200 Diameter Ø1.90 Ø2.40 Ø2.40 500700 400700 400600 Ø3 Ø3.50 Ø4 200400 Ø4 Ø4.10 Ø 4.90 Final drill For bone type 1,2&3 Ø 5mm Do not use final drill for bone type 4. The drilling sequence is demonstrated by the use of 13mm implants. Procedure recommended by MIS cannot replace the judgment and professional experience of the surgeon. 15-25 Ø5 MP-WCC1S Rev.1 Aug. 2015 MIS’ Quality System complies with international quality standards: ISO 13485:2003 - Quality Management System for Medical Devices, ISO 9001: 2008 – Quality Management System and CE Directive for Medical Devices 93/42/ EEC. MIS’ products are cleared for marketing in the USA and CE approved. ® MIS Implants Technologies Ltd. www.mis-implants.com MIS Implants Technologies Ltd. P.O.Box 7, Bar Lev Industrial Park, 2015600, ISRAEL Website: www.mis-implants.com EC 0483 refers to drills only REP MIS Implants Technologies GmbH Simeonscarre 2, 32423 Minden, Germany Tel: +49 571-972-7620 Email: service@mis-implants.de