safety related websites

Safety training material and resources available to the City’s operating departments on the World Wide
Web and through Safety Training Companies listed below:
On the World Wide Web
ErgoWeb, Inc.
P.O. Box1089 93
West Main
Midway, UT 84049
888 374-6932
ErgoWeb is a professional ergonomic source for news,
information, software, training, consulting and has the most
comprehensive listing of ergonomic products and supplies.
UCLA Ergonomics
501 Westwood Plaza, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90095
310 794-5329
UCLA Ergonomics offers solutions for office, laboratory, workrelated musculoskeletal disorders, back safety, consulting and
Typing Injury FAQ
The Typing Injury FAQ (frequently asked questions) is an
educational site, provided by CTD Resources Network, Inc.
containing a wide variety of information about repetitive strain
injuries (RSIs) and resources for dealing with these ailments.
Hubert H. Humphrey Bldg.
200 Independence Ave., SW
Room 715H
Washington, DC 20201
202 401-6997
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) is the Federal agency responsible for conducting
research and making recommendations for the prevention of
work-related disease and injury. The Institute is part of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
American Ombudsman Enterprises
P.O. Box 127
Imperial Beach, CA 91933-0127
619 429-4477
619 429-4437
AOE is dedicated to being the leader in workers’
compensation reform. AOE perform services for hundreds of
employees and thousands of union workers throughout the
State of California. The AOE administered NECA/IBEW
Workers’ Compensation Program is the largest Alternate
Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program in the USA.
All Safety Bulletins can be downloaded from the Personnel Department, Safety Division
website at 8484 Georgia Avenue
Silver Springs, Maryland 20910
301 578-8500
301 578-8572
The Center to Protect Workers’ Rights is a source for
education, training and information for employers and
employees in construction.
American Industrial Hygiene
3141 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 777
Falls Church, VA 22042
703 849-8888
The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to create knowledge to
protect workers’ health and to eliminate workplace illnesses.
National Institute of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
National Institutes of Health (NIH) is one of the world’s
foremost medical research centers. The goal of the NIH is to
acquire new knowledge to help prevent, detect, diagnose and
treat diseases and disabilities.
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington DC, 20210
OSHA and its state partners have approximately 2100
inspectors, plus complaint discrimination investigators,
engineers, physician, educators, standards writers and other
technical and support personnel spread over to more than
200 offices throughout the country. This staff establishes
protective standards, enforces those standards and reaches
out to employers and employees through technical assistance
and consultation.
Compliance Magazine
Compliance Magazine provides a unique editorial mix that
features a community of experts who share the latest
regulatory information and management techniques for
Environmental, Health and Safety Managers.
National Safety Council
121 Spring Lake Drive
Itasca, IL 60143-3201
630 285-1121
630 285-1315 Fax
The National Safety Council is one of the most complete
safety and health information resources anywhere. Together
with its nationwide networks of local chapters, community
volunteers and members representing business, labor,
industry and government, the council provides information
that gives clear, practical guidance on injury prevention.
All Safety Bulletins can be downloaded from the Personnel Department, Safety Division
website at Occupational Health and Safety
14901 Quorum Drive, Suite 425
Dallas, TX 75254
972 687-6700
Occupational Health and Safety Magazine helps
professionals understand and control injury, illness and
hazardous exposures in the workplace. Coverage includes
products, service buyer’s guide, major health/safety
legislation, regulation, scientific/ technical news, instructional
and technical feature articles.
OSHA Training Institute
University of California San Diego
UCSD Extension Department 0176
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0176
Established by the U.S. Department of Labor through OSHA’s
Federal Office of Training and Education in Des Plaines,
Illinois, the OSHA Training Institute at UCSD offers high
quality standards-based OSHA training for the private sector
and federal agencies. Since 1992 over 4,000 safety and
health professionals have attended the Institute.
39 Academy Street
Madison, CT 06443-1513
800 727-5257
BLR is a publisher of understandable, affordable regulatory
compliance and employee training materials serving
professionals involved in safety, health, environmental
management, human resources, education and legal areas.
Its goal is to provide the tools and information for increased
efficiency and productivity.
Coastal Training Technologies, Corp
500 Studio Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
877 262-7825
757 498-3657 Fax
Coastal Training Technologies is part of DuPont, which is a
cutting edge company dedicated to creating award winning
workplace training media that improves the quality of
employees’ lives around the world.
National Resource Safety Center
3621 S. Harbor Blvd., Suite 250
Santa Ana, CA 92704
714 668-0822
The commitment to quality and service has helped the
National Resource Safety Center become the nation’s largest
and fastest growing safety video lending library.
All Safety Bulletins can be downloaded from the Personnel Department, Safety Division
website at Workplace Violence Resources
National Security Institute
116 Main Street, Suite 200
Medway, MA 02053
508 533-9099
508 533-3761 Fax
The National Security Institute’s website is the premier
internet resource for the security professional. The site
features industry & product news, computer alerts, travel
advisories, calendar of events, directory of products, services
and access to an extensive virtual security library.
Workplace Solutions
82 Chuck Road
Red Hook, NY 12571
Workplace Solutions is a non-profit consortium of
professionals in the fields of Conflict Resolution and Crisis
Management who have pooled their experience, skills and
insights in order to meet a pressing need for effective action.
Workplace Solutions was founded with aid from the Hewlett
Foundation in the belief that collaborative problem solving and
a team-based proactive approach involving all stakeholders is
essential to ensuring employee health, workplace safety and
business success.
DuPont Safety Resources
131 Continental Drive
3rd Floor, Suite 307
Newark, DE 19713
800 522-7233
DuPont, a world-leader in industrial safety performance is a
world-leader in providing safety knowledge and risk
management solutions to industrial clients globally.
BNA Communications
9439 Key West Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850
800 217-2338
Bloomberg, BNA is the foremost publisher of news, analysis
and reference products, providing intensive coverage of
regulatory developments for decision makers in business and
J.J. Keller & Associates
3003 W. Breezewood Lane
Neenah, WT 54957-0368
800 327-6868
J.J. Keller provides safety and regulatory products, training
and services for general industry.
All Safety Bulletins can be downloaded from the Personnel Department, Safety Division
website at 