Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 44, No. 9, 2005, pp. L 285–L 287 #2005 The Japan Society of Applied Physics Direct Modification of Magnetic Domains in Co Nanostructures by Atomic Force Microscope Lithography Yasushi T AKEMURA, Satomi H AYASHI, Fuminori O KAZAKI, Tsutomu Y AMADA and Jun-ichi S HIRAKASHI1 Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National University, 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan 1 Electrical and Electronic System Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan (Received October 13, 2004; accepted December 27, 2004; published February 10, 2005) The direct modifications of magnetic domain structures and magnetic anisotropy in Co-based nanostructures were studied. A Co rectangular structure of 5.1 mm length 0.8 mm width was fabricated from a 15-nm-thick Co thin film deposited on a Pt layer on a SiO2 /Si substrate by conventional processes of electron beam lithography and lift-off. The magnetic domain structure of the Co rectangle was divided by atomic force microscope (AFM) nano-oxidation. It was found that the magnetic domain structures could be controlled by AFM lithography. It was also proposed that the magnetic anisotropy could be directly modified by the nanolithography technique. [DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.44.L285] KEYWORDS: ferromagnetic thin film, nanostructure, nanolithography, atomic force microscope, Co thin film, magnetic domains, magnetic anisotropy, magnetic force microscope Lithography techniques using scanning probe microscopes have attracted much interest as novel tools for fabricating well-defined nanoscale devices and materials. Nanoscale fabrication techniques have been important in the development of magnetic devices such as high-density recording systems, memories and spin-related devices. When a negative-biased voltage is applied to a conductive atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever, a metal thin film is oxidized by an electrochemical reaction between the metal and water in air. This anodic oxidation process is an electrochemical reaction between metals and water in air. As this fabrication technique does not require any pretreatments such as resist coating, it is a useful tool for direct modification of a metal surface.1–6) The nanostructures of oxides fabricated by this technique can be used for potential barriers in planar-type tunnel junctions,7) which have been demonstrated to be single-electron devices operating at room temperature.8) We have reported the fabrication of nano-oxide structures based on ferromagnetic metals9,10) and ferromagnetic planartype magnetic tunnel junctions.11) The Coulomb blockade and single-electron charging effect were successfully observed in Ni-based double-tunnel junctions.12) In order to develop these spin-related devices, the observation and control of magnetic domain structures in ferromagnetic nanostructures are important. In this study, the control of magnetic domains in Co-based nanostructures by AFM nanolithography is reported. Co thin films of 15 nm thickness were deposited by an rf sputtering method on thermally oxidized Si substrates. Before the deposition of Co, a Pt bottom electrode of 10 nm thickness was deposited on the substrate in order to conduct an electric current from the conductive AFM cantilever to adjacent nanostructures as shown in Fig. 1. The Co thin films exhibited no uniaxial magnetic anisotropy and a coercive force of 20 Oe from a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurement. Co-based rectangular nanostructures of 5.1 mm length and 0.8 mm width were fabricated by employing a conventional combination of electron beam lithography and lift-off processes. After the Co rectangles were magnetized along their longitudinal axes by applying an external magnetic field, (a) AFM tip Co oxide Co dot 15nm 10nm Pt SiO2 Si (c) [nm] (b) 20 10 0 100nm 200nm Fig. 1. Schematic of nano-oxidation technique using atomic force microscope and structure of Co rectangle prepared on Pt layer on SiO2 /Si substrate (a). AFM image (b) and height profile (c) of the Co oxide wire fabricated on Co film are also shown. magnetic domain structures under their remanent states were observed by magnetic force microscopy (MFM). MFM was performed in air at room temperature. In order to evaluate the MFM images, a micromagnetic simulation was performed using the object-oriented micromagnetic framework (OOMMF) available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The MFM image of the Co rectangle of 5.1 mm length 0.8 mm width exhibited a so-called S-shaped domain structure as shown in Fig. 2(a1). Figure 2(a2) is a schematic of the magnetic domain structure supposed from Fig. 2(a1). Co oxide nanowires were then fabricated across the Co rectangle by the AFM nano-oxidation technique as shown in Fig. 1(a). A conductive cantilever coated with Au was used. The applied voltage for the cantilever was 4 V and L 285 L 286 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 44, No. 9 (2005) (a1) 1µ m (a2) (b1) (c1) (c2) (b2) (c1) (c2) Y. T AKEMURA et al. by the arrows in Fig. 2(b1), the Co rectangle was separated into three parts by two Co oxide nanowires and the magnetic domain was also divided into three parts as shown by the MFM image in Fig. 2(b1). The magnetic properties of the Co oxide fabricated by this technique could not be measured, because it was small and surrounded by the ferromagnet of Co. Figure 2(b2) shows one example of the stable magnetic domain structures obtained from the OOMMF simulation. Figures 2(c1) and 2(c2) show the calculated results on the magnetization configurations and MFM images of the dotted square areas labeled by (c1) and (c2) in Fig. 2(b1), respectively. These calculated domain structures agreed with the observed image shown in Fig. 2(b1). Figure 3(a) shows the MFM image of the Co rectangle with two additionally drawn Co-oxide nanowires. The white arrows indicate the positions of the additional nanowires. In this case, the separated rectangles of Co have smaller aspect ratios of length/width. Each separated rectangle has a larger edged-domain area, which is well fitted by the calculations as shown in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c). Figure 4(a) shows the MFM image of the area specified by the white dotted line in Fig. 3(a). The aspect ratio, length/width, of the isolated Co rectangle is approximately 0.35. Because of its narrow width and shape magnetic anisotropy, the rectangle is supposed to be magnetized along the width direction as depicted by the simulated magnetization configuration and MFM image shown in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c), respectively. Although the observed MFM image is not so clear, it is proposed that the magnetic anisotropy in magnetic nanostructures can be modified by AFM nanolithography. In conclusion, a direct modification of magnetic domain structures by AFM nano-oxidation was investigated. Magnetic domain structures of a Co rectangle were divided by AFM nano-oxidation. It was found that AFM nanolithography can control the magnetic domain structure, which is useful in the fabrication of spin-related devices. Fig. 2. MFM images and magnetic domain structures of the Co rectangular nanostructure of 5.1 mm length 0.8 mm width before (a1)/ (a2) and after (b1)/(b2) nano-oxidation, respectively. Black arrows indicate the positions of nanowires of Co oxide fabricated by AFM. Calculated results on magnetization configurations and MFM images of square areas labeled by (c1) and (c2) in (b1) are also shown. (a) the current during the oxidation was of the order of 1 pA or less.13,14) Details of an experiment on AFM nano-oxidation including the applied voltage dependence on the size of nano-oxides have been previously reported.10) It has also been reported that the fabricated nanostructures had insulating properties from current-mapping images. This shows that the nanostructures are oxides and that the metal coated on the cantilever is not deposited on the sample surface. The AFM image and height profile of the Co oxide wire are shown in Figs. 1(b) and 1(c), respectively. The width of the nanowire was approximately 100 nm. The thickness (height) of the fabricated Co oxide nanostructure was 25–40 nm, which suggested that the oxidation reached at least the bottom of the 15-nm-thick Co film and that the Pt layer was partially oxidized. The height profile indicated that the cantilever did not scratch the top of the Co nano-oxide. After drawing the nano-oxide wires whose positions are indicated 1µm (b) (c) Fig. 3. MFM image of Co rectangular nanostructure of 5.1 mm length 0.8 mm width after nano-oxidation. Black and white arrows indicate the positions of fabricated nano-wires of Co oxide. Calculated images of magnetization configuration (b) and MFM (c) are also shown. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 44, No. 9 (2005) (a) 1 µm (b) (c) Fig. 4. MFM image of Co rectangle corresponding to rectangular area indicated by dotted line in Fig. 3(a). Calculated images of magnetization configuration (b) and MFM image (c) are also shown. Y. TAKEMURA et al. L 287 1) J. A. Dagata, J. Schneir, H. H. Harary, J. Bennett and W. Tseng: J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B9 (1991) 1384. 2) H. Sugimura, T. Uchida, N. Kitamura and H. Masuhara: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32 (1993) L553. 3) L. Tsau, D. Wang and K. L. Wang: Appl. Phys. Lett. 64 (1994) 2133. 4) D. Wang, L. Tsau, K. L. Wang and P. Chow: Appl. Phys. Lett. 67 (1995) 1295. 5) E. S. Snow, D. 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