A Novel Doubly-fed Induction Wind Generator Control Scheme for Reactive Power Control and Torque Pulsation Compensation Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions Ted Brekken, Ned Mohan Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA Abstract-Wind energy is often installed in rural, remote areas characterized by weak, unbalanced power transmission grids. In induction wind generators, unbalanced three phase stator voltages cause a number of problems, including overheating and stress on the mechanical components from torque pulsations. Therefore, beyond a certain amount of unbalance (for example 6%), induction wind generators are switched out of the network. In doublyfed induction generators, control of rotor currents allows for adjustable speed operation and reactive power control. In addition, it is possible to control the rotor currents to correct for the problems caused by unbalanced stator voltages. This paper presents a novel controller design for a doublpfed induction generator that provides adjustable speed and reactive power control while greatly reducing torque pulsations. pulsations, which can result in acoustic noise at low levels and at high levels can actually destroy the rotor shaft, gearbox, or blade assembly [3]. A special type of induction generator called a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), shown in Fig. 1, is becoming the most popular choice for wind turbines. The ability to control the rotor currents allows for variable speed operation, so that a DFIG can operate at maximum efficiency over a wide range of wind speeds. stator w I. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of the research is to develop a control method for doubly -fed induction wind generators that addresses issues associated with weak rural grids. The control method presented improves the robustness and all around performance of doubly -fed induction wind generators. A controller is designed and tested in simulation and a hardware model will be built and tested. Research and simulation results are presented below. U dc-ac U ac-dc Fig. 1. Doubly-fed induction generator. The goal of the research is to develop a DFIG control method that exploits the rotor current control capabilities to allow for adjustable speed, reactive power control and torque pulsation compensation. 11. INDUCTION GENERATORUNBALANCE EFFECTS Wind energy generation equipment is most often installed in remote, rural areas. These remote areas usually have weak grids, often with voltage unbalances and undedover-voltage conditions [ 1,2]. Under such abnormal conditions, wind turbines are disconnected from the grid for their own protection, thus significantly impacting their energy production and the capacity credit that they are otherwise due. As an example, the turbines in the southwestern part of Minnesota are removed from the grid beyond an unbalance of 6% in phase-phase voltages, an under-voltage of lo%, or an over-voltage of5%. Induction generators are the predominant type of wind turbine. When the stator phase voltages, supplied by the grid, are unbalanced, the torque produced by the induction generator is not constant. Instead the torque has periodic 0-7803-7754-0/03/$17.00 02003 IEEE - 111. STATORVOLTAGEORIENTED CONTROL Fig. 2 [4] shows a steady state space vector diagram for a doubly -fed induction machine (current and power are defined as positive going into the machine). In stator voltage oriented control, the &axis is aligned with the stator voltage space vector. In steady state operation, the d-axis will rotate synchronously with the stator space voltage vector. The rotor power converter controls the rotor current space vector, (. Due to transformer action, the stator will c. draw an equal and opposite current, The total current drawn by the stator is equal to the magnetizing component, ,plus the rotor current complement , as shown in (1): 760 cs speed and torque control. Another view of this is that csand the magnetizing flux Bm will be aligned nearly entirely along I the negative *axis. Therefore the flux produced by ,i is orthogonal to the magnetizing flux, thereby producing torque. In this manner, stator voltage orientated control approximates stator flux oriented control [5]. d w.TORQUE PULSATION COMPENSATION & The torque equation for doubly-fed induction machine is given by P T , =~-L, 2 Fig. 2. DFIG space vector diagram. (is,ird- isdirq) . (3) Using the dq equivalent circuits for an induction machine [4], the dq magnetizing current can be defined as Therefore, control of the rotor current allows for control of the stator current. ,,i i,, = isd -k ird (4) + i, . (5) = is, The torque equation can now be expressed as When the dq frame is synchronously rotating, the stator voltages are balanced, and the generator is in steady state, all dq quantities are dc. The torque equation can be written as 4is Since ImsqIrd and ImsdIrqare constant, Fig. 3. Relationship between machine power and stator current space vector. cmwill be constant. Unbalanced stator excitations will cause perturbations in i,,, Fig. 3 shows that when the d-axis is aligned with the stator voltage space vector, V $ , the stator current, <, can be operated in any of the 4 quadrants and the generator can produce or absorb real and reactive power. Normal operation for a DFIG would be with in the left-half plane. By breaking the rotor current up into its d and q components, the stator current can be expressed as and imd at twice the synchronous frequency. The torque equation for unbalanced excitation can be written as < < =i;d + ji:, +t, = -i, In (8), T, is a function of the double frequency terms Tms, and - j i rq The magnetizing current, +Tm. cis, is (2) largely dependent only on the stator voltage. Therefore i, and i, can be used to control real and reactive power, respectively. Real power produced by the machine is directly related to torque, which can be used to control speed. Therefore ird can be used for ksd. The compensation terms i,&ompand i,o are added to the rotor currents to cancel the effects of r,, and im$d, thus making T, constant. The compensation terms are calculated by equating the terms of the balanced torque equation, (7) with the unbalanced torque equation (8). 761 Figs. 4 and 5 show the controller structure block diagrams with the torque pulsation compensation. SlW 5 e 7 8 D 9 time (sec) Fig. 6. Generator torque with 6% unbalance. Fig. 4. Torque loop. The tradeoff for the reduction in torque pulsation is an increase in stator current, as illustrated in Fig. 7. However, as Fig. 7 shows, this increase in current occurs in the 2 phases that did not see a drop in voltage. In fact, the current in the phase in which the voltage has dropped (the A-phase in this example) decreases once the compensation turns on. The advantage of this is that if the voltage dip is caused by a fault in that phase, the current sourced into the fault decreases. The burden of torque compensation shifts to the phases that do not have the voltage dip. I ti Fig. 5. Reactive power loop. When designing the controllers, it is imperative that the loop bandwidths be much lower than the frequency of the disturbance (twice the line frequency). For the compensation to work correctly, the output of the controllers should not be affected by any loop disturbances near the line frequency. A significant advantage of this torque pulsation compensation scheme is that the calculated compensation currents are not dependent on machine parameter estimation. The compensation currents are calculated only from other measured currents and control variables. 1om om CphaSe t BphaSe - A-phase - SIMULATION RESULTS V. TORQUEPULSATION 5 A doubly-fed induction generator model was constructed in Simulink [8]. The simulation results shown below are for a 750 kW generator, with a 6% voltage unbalance applied to the stator terminals. Percent unbalance is defined here as the percent decrease in the rated A-phase voltage. The generator starts at 0 seconds without the torque pulsation compensation. At 5 seconds, the line voltage is unbalanced when the Aphase voltage drops from 276 Volts rms to 260 Volts rms. At 8 seconds the torque compensation is turned on. The torque is shown in Fig. 6. The torque pulsations are decreased by a factor of 10. e 7 8 9 I 10 time (sec) Fig. 7. Stator current (rms) with 6% unbalance. Fig. 8. shows that the rotor current is of the same form as the stator current at a lower amplitude. It is not shown but should be noted that the phase angle relationships between the stator and phase currents does not change between the balanced, unbalanced without compensation, and compensated cases. Therefore only the magnitudes of the rotor and stator phasors change during the simulation. The phase angles remain approximately the same. 762 e80 - 880 - 8c 820 - 800 - L a 780- uncompensated 8 reo 5 e 7 0 8 0 5 10 15 20 Percent line unbalance Figs. 9 and 10 show the results of simulations over a range of unbalance. Fig. 9 shows that the presented torque compensation method significantly reduces the torque pulsations over the entire range unbalance situations simulated. However, Fig. 10 shows that the compensation causes in an increase in the Gphase stator current that reaches two times the rated value at 20 percent unbalance. Therefore with the presented compensation method, the current limits of the machine may be reached before the mechanical stress limits. A possible response to this situation maybe to reduce the speed of the machine, thereby reducing power and current. This is essentially derating the generator, which leduces its capacity, but is better than removing the generator entirely, as would be the case without any torque compensation. 0 5 10 15 Percent line unbalance Fig. 9. Torque pulsation vs. unbalance. 20 Fig. 10. Stator current vs. unbalance. W.HARDWARE DSP-based Controller Fig. 1 1 . Lab setup. To test the presented control scheme, two lab setups are under consideration. The first, as shown in Fig. 11, consists of an induction machine coupled to a doubly-fed induction generator. Both of the machines are connected to 3phase inverters powered by a common dc link. The induction machine will supply torque to simulate the wind, and can be instantaneously controlled by its inverter. The three-phase inverter powering the doubly -fed induction generator can supply the necessary phase unbalances. The doubly-fed induction generator will be 5 kW with 230 Volts at the stator terminals. The disadvantage of this setup is that it may not be reasonable to assume that a control scheme implemented on a 5 kW machine will scale up to a 750 kW machine. Dynamics which may become significant at large sizes, such as shaft dynamics, may not be accurately modeled by the 5 kW setup. To address this issue, the second setup under consideration is to program an FPGA or DSP with a detailed model of a 750 kW machine, including as much physical and electrical behavior as possible. This detailed model would then be connected to another DSP running the control algorithm. This would allow real-time testing of the presented control scheme. 763 VII. SUMMARY WII. REFERENCES A control scheme for adjustable speed and reactive power control of a doubly fed induction generator is presented. The presented control scheme also includes an algorithm for greatly reducing the torque pulsations produced by the generator when operating with unbalanced voltages applied to the stator. Simulation results are presented, as well as a proposal for hardware testing. [I] L.M. Craig, M. Davidson, N. Jenkins, A. Vaudin, “Integration of Wind Turbines on Weak Rural Networks,” Opportunities and Advances m International Power Generation, 1996, Conference PublicationNo. 419, pp 164-167. [2] Allan E. A., “Large Wind Turbines and Weak Rural Electricity Systems”, Proceedings of the BWEA Conference, Stirling, June 1994. [3] E. Muljadi, T. Batan, D. Yildirim, C.P. Butterfield,“LJ”tandingthe Unbalanced-Voltage Problem in Wind Turbine Generation,” Itxiwhy Applications Conference, 1999, vol. 2, pp 1359 -1365. [41 N. Mohan, Electric Drives: An Integrative Approach,Minneapolis, MNPERE. 2001. [SI A. Petersson, “Analysis, Modeling, and Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators for Wind Turbines,” Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. [6] Mathworks Company Website: htttx//www.mathworks.com 764