IESO_REP_0723 System Impact Assessment Report LSG Bell Creek Complex Expansion CONNECTION ASSESSMENT & APPROVAL PROCESS Final Report CAA ID 2011-425 Applicant: Lake Shore Gold-Bell Creek Complex Market Facilitation Department October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Document ID ISO_REP_0723 Document Name System Impact Assessment Report Issue 1.0 Reason for Issue Final Effective Date October 25, 2011 IESO_REP_0723 System Impact Assessment Report CAA ID 2011-425 System Impact Assessment Report LSG Bell Creek Complex Expansion Acknowledgement The IESO wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Hydro One in completing this assessment. Disclaimers IESO This report has been prepared solely for the purpose of assessing whether the connection applicant's proposed connection with the IESO-controlled grid would have an adverse impact on the reliability of the integrated power system and whether the IESO should issue a notice of conditional approval or disapproval of the proposed connection under Chapter 4, section 6 of the Market Rules. Conditional approval of the proposed connection is based on information provided to the IESO by the connection applicant and Hydro One at the time the assessment was carried out. The IESO assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information, including the results of studies carried out by Hydro One at the request of the IESO. Furthermore, the conditional approval is subject to further consideration due to changes to this information, or to additional information that may become available after the conditional approval has been granted. If the connection applicant has engaged a consultant to perform connection assessment studies, the connection applicant acknowledges that the IESO will be relying on such studies in conducting its assessment and that the IESO assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such studies including, without limitation, any changes to IESO base case models made by the consultant. The IESO reserves the right to repeat any or all connection studies performed by the consultant if necessary to meet IESO requirements. Conditional approval of the proposed connection means that there are no significant reliability issues or concerns that would prevent connection of the proposed facility to the IESO-controlled grid. However, the conditional approval does not ensure that a project will meet all connection requirements. In addition, further issues or concerns may be identified by the transmitter(s) during the detailed design phase that may require changes to equipment characteristics and/or configuration to ensure compliance with physical or equipment limitations, or with the Transmission System Code, before connection can be made. This report has not been prepared for any other purpose and should not be used or relied upon by any person for another purpose. This report has been prepared solely for use by the connection applicant and the IESO in accordance with Chapter 4, section 6 of the Market Rules. The IESO assumes no responsibility to any third party for any use, which it makes of this report. Any liability which the IESO may have to the connection applicant in respect of this report is governed by Chapter 1, section 13 of the Market Rules. In the event that the IESO provides a draft of this report to the connection applicant, the connection applicant must be aware that the IESO may revise drafts of this report at any time in its sole discretion without notice to the connection applicant. Although the IESO will use its best efforts to advise you of any such changes, it is the responsibility of the connection applicant to ensure that the most recent version of this report is being used. -i- System Impact Assessment Report CAA ID 2011-425 HYDRO ONE Special Notes and Limitations of Study Results The results reported in this report are based on the information available to Hydro One, at the time of the study, suitable for a System Impact Assessment of this transmission system reinforcement proposal. The short circuit and thermal loading levels have been computed based on the information available at the time of the study. These levels may be higher or lower if the connection information changes as a result of, but not limited to, subsequent design modifications or when more accurate test measurement data is available. This study does not assess the short circuit or thermal loading impact of the proposed facilities on load and generation customers. In this report, short circuit adequacy is assessed only for Hydro One circuit breakers. The short circuit results are only for the purpose of assessing the capabilities of existing Hydro One circuit breakers and identifying upgrades required to incorporate the proposed facilities. These results should not be used in the design and engineering of any new or existing facilities. The necessary data will be provided by Hydro One and discussed with any connection applicant upon request. The ampacity ratings of Hydro One facilities are established based on assumptions used in Hydro One for power system planning studies. The actual ampacity ratings during operations may be determined in real-time and are based on actual system conditions, including ambient temperature, wind speed and facility loading, and may be higher or lower than those stated in this study. The additional facilities or upgrades which are required to incorporate the proposed facilities have been identified to the extent permitted by a System Impact Assessment under the current IESO Connection Assessment and Approval process. Additional facility studies may be necessary to confirm constructability and the time required for construction. Further studies at more advanced stages of the project development may identify additional facilities that need to be provided or that require upgrading. - ii - System Impact Assessment Report Table of Contents Table of Contents Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... i List of Figures ......................................................................................................... iii List of Tables ........................................................................................................... iv Executive Summary ................................................................................................. 1 SIA Findings.................................................................................................................. 1 IESO’s Requirements for Connection ............................................................................ 1 Notification of Conditional Approval ............................................................................... 3 1. Project Description .......................................................................................... 4 2. IESO’s General Requirements......................................................................... 5 2.1 2.2 Voltage .............................................................................................................. 5 Power Factor ..................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Protection Systems ............................................................................................ 5 2.4 Breaker Interrupting Time .................................................................................. 6 2.5 2.6 Fault Levels ....................................................................................................... 6 Under frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) ........................................................... 6 2.7 Telemetry .......................................................................................................... 7 2.8 Revenue Metering ............................................................................................. 7 2.9 2.10 Connection Equipment Design .......................................................................... 7 Restoration Participant Requirements ............................................................... 8 2.11 Reliability Standards .......................................................................................... 8 2.12 Facility Registration/Market Entry ...................................................................... 8 3. Data Verification ............................................................................................. 10 4. Review of Existing System ............................................................................ 12 4.1 4.2 5. Existing System ............................................................................................... 12 Historical data .................................................................................................. 13 System Impact Assessment Studies ............................................................ 15 5.1 Study Criteria ................................................................................................... 15 5.2 Study Assumptions .......................................................................................... 18 5.2.1 Existing/Committed Facilities ............................................................. 18 5.2.2 Load Forecast .................................................................................... 19 CAA ID 2011-425 i October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report 5.2.3 5.3 Table of Contents Line ratings ........................................................................................ 19 Contingency Based Assessment ..................................................................... 20 5.3.1 Load Flow Scenario ........................................................................... 20 5.3.2 Local Area Contingencies .................................................................. 20 5.3.3 Equipment Loadings .......................................................................... 21 5.3.4 Voltage Assessment .......................................................................... 21 5.3.5 Motor Start Study ............................................................................... 22 5.3.6 Steady State Voltage Stability ............................................................ 22 6. Fault Levels..................................................................................................... 24 7. References ...................................................................................................... 25 Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results ........................................................... 26 Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results ............................................ 38 Appendix C: Motor Start Studies .......................................................................... 47 Appendix D: Voltage Stability Analysis ............................................................... 48 CAA ID 2011-425 ii October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report List of Figures List of Figures Figure 1: LSG Bell Creek Complex Single Line Diagram ..................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Transmission System in the vicinity of the project ............................................................... 12 Figure 3: Porcupine 115 kV bus voltage duration curve ...................................................................... 13 Figure 4: D501 500 kV line flow measured at Porcupine TS. ........................................................... 13 Figure 5: P502X 500 kV line flow measured at Porcupine TS ............................................................ 14 Figure 6: PV Curve-pre and post contingency voltages at Bell Creek 115 kV bus.............................. 22 Figure 7: PV Curve- pre and post contingency voltages at Porcupine 115 kV bus.............................. 23 Figure D 1: PV Curves- Pre and Post contingency voltages in the vicinity of the project ................... 48 CAA ID 2011-425 iii October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report List of Tables List of Tables Table 1: Average voltages at main stations 14 Table 2: Flows on circuits 14 Table 3: Generation output 14 Table 4: Static Load Models for Simulations 15 Table 5: Existing/Committed facilities in the vicinity of the project 18 Table 6: Loads in Porcupine area. 19 Table 7: Line Ratings 19 Table 8: Voltage at main buses near LSG Bell Creek complex substation 20 Table 9: Fault Level Assessments 24 Table A 1: Thermal Loading Assessment-with all elements in service Results................................... 26 Table A 2: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of Porcupine SVC ............................... 27 Table A 3: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV P13T circuit........................ 28 Table A 4: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV P15T circuit........................ 29 Table A 5: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV H6T circuit ......................... 30 Table A 6: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV H7T circuit ......................... 31 Table A 7: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 230 kV P91G circuit ....................... 32 Table A 8: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV Transformer T3 . 33 Table A 9: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV transformer T4 .. 34 Table A 10: Transformer Loading-With all elements in service .......................................................... 35 Table A 11: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of Porcupine SVC........................................... 35 Table A 12: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV P13T circuit ................................... 35 Table A 13: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV P15T circuit ................................... 35 Table A 14: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV H6T circuit .................................... 36 Table A 15: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV H7T circuit .................................... 36 Table A 16: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 230 kV P91G circuit .................................. 36 Table A 17: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV transformer T3.............. 36 Table A 18: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV transformer T4.............. 37 Table B 1: System Voltage Assessment Results-With all elements in service .................................... 38 Table B 2: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of Porcupine SVC ..................... 39 Table B 3: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV P13T circuit ............. 40 CAA ID 2011-425 iv October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report List of Tables Table B 4: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV P15T circuit ............. 41 Table B 5: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV H6T circuit ............... 42 Table B 6: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV H7T circuit ............... 43 Table B 7: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 230 kV P91G circuit ............. 44 Table B 8: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV T/F T3 ..... 45 Table B 9: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV T/F T4 ..... 46 Table C 1: Motor start study................................................................................................................. 47 CAA ID 2011-425 v October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Executive Summary Executive Summary This System Impact Assessment examined the effects of connecting Lake Shore Gold (LSG) Bell Creek Complex Expansion (the project) geographically located in Northeastern Ontario, proposed by LSG-Bell Creek Complex (the connection applicant), on the reliability of IESO controlled grid. The project will supply a load of 40 MW to the existing LSG-Bell Creek Complex and will be connected to the 115 kV circuit P7G which is radially connected to the Porcupine TS 115 kV bus. The existing complex is currently supplied by a 27.6 kV feeder from Hoyle TS connected to the 115 kV circuit P7G. The connection applicant is planning to expand its operations beyond the capability of their existing supply. Consequently, the connection applicant is seeking to become a transmission customer. The proposed in-service date for the new station is May 2012. This report provides a list of requirements for the connection applicant, to ensure that proposed project, when connected, will not have a material adverse impact on the reliability of IESO-controlled grid, and also points out significant Market Rules for connected wholesale customers. SIA Findings The findings of the assessment are summarized as follows: (1) The proposed project is not expected to cause any thermal concerns for the transmission system. (2) The pre-contingency and post-contingency system voltage levels and post-contingency voltage changes in the area are expected to remain within the acceptable ranges following the connection of the proposed project. (3) The proposed project is not expected to materially impact the voltage stability in the Northeastern system. (4) Steady state voltage performance after motor starting is acceptable as per the Appendix 2 of Transmission System Code. IESO’s Requirements for Connection Transmitter Requirements • The transmitter must submit any proposed protection relay modifications to the IESO as soon as the protection assessment for the new facility is finished or at least six (6) months before any actual modifications are to be implemented on the existing protection systems. Connection Applicant Requirements Specific Requirements: The following specific requirements are applicable to the connection applicant for the incorporation of the project. Specific requirements pertain to the level of reactive compensation needed, operation restrictions, Special Protection Systems (SPS), upgrading of equipment and any project specific items not covered in the general requirements: CAA ID 2011-425 1 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Executive Summary (1) The project will have to participate in the Northeast LGR scheme. Currently, under this scheme the P7G line can be tripped for the D501P or P502X contingency or the loss of Porcupine 115 kV autotransformers. Hence, by configuration the project will participate in the Northeast LGR scheme. General Requirements: The connection applicant shall satisfy all applicable requirements and standards specified in the Market Rules, Market Manuals and the Transmission System Code. The following requirements summarize some of the general requirements that are applicable to the proposed project, and presented in detail in section 2 of this report. (1) The connection applicant shall have the capability to maintain the power factor at the defined meter point of the proposed project within the range of 0.9 lagging and 0.9 leading. (2) The connection applicant shall ensure that the 115 kV equipment is capable of continuously operating between 113 kV and 132 kV. Protective relaying must be set to ensure that transmission equipment remains in-service for voltages between 94% of the minimum continuous value and 105% of the maximum continuous value specified in Appendix 4.1of the Market Rules. (3) The connection applicant shall ensure that revenue metering installations comply with Chapter 6 of the Market Rules. For more details the connection applicant is encouraged to seek advice from their Metering Service Provider (MSP) or from the IESO metering group. (4) The connection applicant shall ensure that the new equipment at the facility is designed to sustain the fault levels in the area. If any future system enhancement results in an increased fault level higher than the equipment’s capability, the connection applicant is required to replace the equipment at its own expense with higher rated equipment capable of sustaining the increased fault level, up to maximum fault level specified in Appendix 2 of the Transmission System Code. Fault interrupting devices must be able to interrupt fault currents at the maximum continuous voltage of 132 kV. (5) Appendix 2 of the Transmission System Code states that the maximum rated interrupting time for the 115 kV breakers must be ≤ 5 cycles. Thus, the connection applicant shall ensure that the installed breakers meet the required interrupting time specified in the Transmission System Code. (6) The connection applicant shall ensure that the telemetry requirements are satisfied as per the applicable Market Rules requirements. The determination of telemetry quantities and telemetry testing will be conducted during the IESO Facility Registration/Market Entry process. (7) The connection applicant shall ensure that the Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) targets specified in Section 10.4.6 of Chapter 5 of the Market Rules and Section 4.5 of Market Manual 7.4 are met after the proposed changes are implemented. The connection applicant is required to submit during the IESO Market Entry process a revised schedule of feeder selections and their related load amounts for each shedding stage that will ultimately satisfy the UFLS targets. If the connection applicant is part of the UFLS Program Implementation Plan, they are required to take into account the new configuration when implementing the plan. (8) The connection applicant shall ensure that the connection equipment is designed to be fully operational in all reasonably foreseeable ambient temperature conditions. The connection equipment must also be designed so that the adverse effects of its failure on the IESO-controlled grid are mitigated. This includes ensuring that all circuit breakers fail in the open position. CAA ID 2011-425 2 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Executive Summary (9) The connection applicant shall ensure that faults within the facility do not trip the 115 kV circuit P7G except for a failure of the project’s 115 kV main circuit breakers. If tripping of the P7G occurs due to events within the proposed facility, the project may be required to disconnect from the IESO-controlled grid until the problem is solved to the satisfaction of the IESO. (10) Based on the SIA application, the connection applicant meets the restoration participant criteria. Please refer to the Market Manual 7.8 to determine its applicability to the proposed facility. Details regarding restoration participant requirements will be finalized at the Facility Registration/Market Entry Stage. (11) The project must be compliant with applicable reliability standards set by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the North East Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) that are in effect in Ontario as mapped in the following link: (12) The connection applicant must complete the IESO Facility Registration/Market Entry process in a timely manner before IESO final approval for connection is granted. Models and data, including any controls that would be operational, must be provided to the IESO at least seven months before energization to the IESO-controlled grid. This includes both PSS/E and DSA software compatible mathematical models representing the new equipment for further IESO, NPCC and NERC analytical studies. The connection applicant must also provide evidence to the IESO confirming that the equipment installed meets the Market Rules requirements and matches or exceeds the performance predicted in this assessment. This evidence shall be either type tests done in a controlled environment or commissioning tests done on-site. The evidence must be supplied to the IESO within 30 days after completion of commissioning tests. If the submitted models and data differ materially from the ones used in this assessment, then further analysis of the project will need to be done by the IESO. (13) The connection applicant shall ensure that the new protection systems at the project are designed to satisfy all the requirements of the Transmission System Code and any additional requirements identified by the transmitter. As currently assessed by the IESO, the proposed facility is not part of the Bulk Power System (BPS) and, therefore it is not designated as essential to the power system. The connection applicant shall have adequate provision in the design of protections and controls at the project to allow for future installation of Special Protection Scheme (SPS) equipment. (14) Final connection of the project may also be subject to additional requirements specified in the Customer Impact Assessment (CIA) performed by the applicable Transmitter (Hydro One). The CIA will evaluate the impact of the project on the customers connected to the transmission system. If necessary, any additional requirements resulting from the CIA will be included in the final SIA report or in an Addendum to the final SIA report. Notification of Conditional Approval The addition of the project supplying up to 40 MW of load does not result in any significant adverse impacts to the IESO-controlled grid, provided that the requirements listed in this report are met. It is recommended that a Notification of Conditional Approval for Connection be issued to LSG Bell Creek Complex subject to the requirements listed in this report being implemented. – End of Section – CAA ID 2011-425 3 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Project Description 1. Project Description The connection applicant is proposing to develop a new load supply point for the LSG Bell Creek Complex Expansion onto the 115 kV circuit P7G in Northeast, Ontario. The site is currently supplied by a 27.6 kV feeder from Hoyle TS connected to the 115 kV circuit P7G. The existing complex currently uses 6.3 MW which is close to the maximum capacity of feeder. The proposed new station will be tapped directly to the P7G circuit via 0.25 km overhead line between Goldcentre and Pamour junctions, roughly 10 km Northeast of Porcupine TS. The project will incorporate 2 x 25/26.6 MVA, 115 kV/27.6 kV, Delta-Wye connected transformers, designated as T1 and T2. The transformers will have their high voltage side connected through motorized disconnect switches, rated at 145 kV maximum continuous voltages, 2000 A continuous current, and 42 kA momentary short circuit capability and high voltage circuit breakers, rated at 1200 A continuous and 20 kA symmetrical short circuit capability. The low voltage side of the transformers will be connected to one 27.6 kV switchgear via secondary breakers, 52-1 and 52-2, rated at maximum continuous voltage of 15 kV and 2000 A continuous current. The bulk of the loads are two large synchronous motors each rated 6235 Hp, 5.388 MVA at 0.9 power factor lagging. The motors are supplied via the 27.6 kV switchgear that is connected through a 12/16 MVA, 27.6/6.6 kV, Delta-Wye connected transformer and a 27.6 kV feeder, approximately 4.2 km in length. The project will come in service in May 2012, with a load of 40 MW at 0.9 power factor (lagging). Because at this load level the connection applicant would exceed the maximum capability of their current supply, therefore, the connection applicant is seeking to become a transmission customer, connecting directly to the IESO-controlled grid at the 115 kV level. The proposed connection arrangement of the project is shown in figure 1. 115 kV P7G line LSG-TAP To 115 kV Porcupine TS M To Kidd creek Metsite 89-1 Bell Creek 115 kV BUS LIGHTING ARRESTOR M 89-3 M T1 115 kV/27.6 kV 25 MVA ONAN 89-2 T2 115 kV/27.6 kV 25 MVA ONAN 52-2 52-1 27.6 kV O/H LINE EAST 4.2 km, OVERHEADLINE WEST 4.2 km APPROX 15-20 MVA FUTURE LOAD MCC (STATION SERVICE) SPARE SPARE 27.6 kV O/H LINE T3-SAG MILL 27.6kV/6.6kV, 12/16 MVA, Z=6% 27.6 kV/0.6 kV, 3/4MVA, Z=5% TO EXISTING MILL 600 V SWITCHGEAR SAG MILL MOTOR 1 SAG MILL MOTOR 2 Figure 1: LSG Bell Creek Complex Single Line Diagram – End of Section – CAA ID 2011-425 4 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report IESO’s General Requirements 2. IESO’s General Requirements The connection applicant shall satisfy the applicable requirements and standards specified in the Market Rules, Market Manuals and the Transmission System Code. The following sections highlight some of the general requirements that are applicable to the project. 2.1 Voltage Appendix 4.1 of the Market Rules states that under normal operating conditions, the voltages in the 115 kV system in northern Ontario are maintained within the range of 113 kV to 132 kV. Thus, the IESO requires that the 115 kV equipment in northern Ontario must have a maximum continuous voltage rating of at least 132 kV. Protective relaying must be set to ensure that transmission equipment remains in-service for voltages between 94% of the minimum continuous value and 105% of the maximum continuous value specified in Appendix 4.1of the Market Rules. 2.2 Power Factor Appendix 4.3 of the Market Rules requires the connected wholesale customers and distributors connected to the IESO-controlled grid to have the capability to maintain a power factor within the range of 0.9 lagging and 0.9 leading as measured at the defined meter point of the facility. The connection applicant shall have the capability to maintain the power factor at the defined meter point within the range of 0.9 lagging to 0.9 leading. 2.3 Protection Systems The connection applicant shall ensure that the protection systems are designed to satisfy all the requirements of the Transmission System Code as specified in Schedules E, F and G of Appendix 1 and any additional requirements identified by the transmitter. New protection systems must be coordinated with the existing protection systems. Facilities that are essential to the power system must be protected by two redundant protection systems according to section 8.2.1a of the TSC. These redundant protections systems must satisfy all requirements of the TSC, and in particular, they must not use common components, common battery banks or common secondary CT or PT windings. As currently assessed by the IESO, this facility is not currently part of the BPS, and therefore, is not considered essential to the power system. In the future, as the electrical system evolves, this facility may become part of the BPS. The connection applicant is required to have adequate provision in the design of protections and controls at the facility to allow for future installation of Special Protection Scheme (SPS) equipment. Should a future SPS be installed to improve the transfer capability in the area or to accommodate transmission reinforcement projects, the facility will be required to participate in the SPS system and to install the necessary protection and control facilities to affect the required actions. The connection applicant is required to initiate an assessment of the protection systems proposed for the new facility with the transmitter. CAA ID 2011-425 5 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report IESO’s General Requirements The transmitter shall identify any protection relay modifications (e.g. equipment and settings) required to incorporate the new facility into the integrated power system. To allow sufficient time to assess the impact on power system reliability, the transmitter must submit any proposed protection relay modifications to the IESO as soon as the protection assessment for the new facility is finished or at least six (6) months before any actual modifications are to be implemented on the existing protection systems. The IESO will evaluate the impact on system reliability due to any protection relay modifications and any modifications to functionality, timing or reach. The IESO will not assess aspects of protection systems which are solely the accountability of the transmitter (e.g. coordination of protection relays). 2.4 Breaker Interrupting Time Appendix 2 of the Transmission System Code states that the maximum rated interrupting time for the 115 kV breakers must be ≤ 5 cycles. Thus, the connection applicant shall ensure that the installed breakers meet the required interrupting time specified in the Transmission System Code. 2.5 Fault Levels The Transmission System Code requires the new equipment to be designed to sustain the fault levels in the area where the equipment is installed. Thus, the connection applicant shall ensure that the new equipment at the facility is designed to sustain the fault levels in the area. If any future system enhancement results in an increased fault level higher than the equipment’s capability, the connection applicant is required to replace the equipment at its own expense with higher rated equipment capable of sustaining the increased fault level, up to maximum fault level specified in the Transmission System Code. Appendix 2 of the Transmission System Code establishes the maximum fault levels for the transmission system. For the 115 kV system, the maximum 3 phase and single line to ground symmetrical fault levels currently prescribed by the Code are 50 kA. Fault interrupting devices must be able to interrupt fault currents at the maximum continuous voltage of 132 kV. 2.6 Under frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) The connection applicant has a total peak load at all its stations that is equal to or greater than 25 MW (40 MW), therefore, is required to participate in the UFLS according to Section 4.5 of the Market Manual Part 7.4. In all automatic UFLS areas, there must be at least 30% of area load connected to under-frequency relays according to Section 10.4, Chapter 5 of the Market Rules. In order to ensure at least 30% of area load shedding is achieved while taking into account UFLS relay and feeder outages as well as generation units that trip prematurely for low frequencies, 35% of the load of those distributors and connected wholesale customers with a peak load of 25 MW or greater must be connected to UFLS relays. Each connected wholesale customer shall select load for UFLS based on their load distribution at a date and time specified by the IESO that approximates system peak. For connected wholesale customers with a peak load of 25 MW or more and less than 50 MW, the UFLS relay connected loads shall be set to achieve the amounts to be shed stated in the following table: CAA ID 2011-425 6 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report IESO’s General Requirements UFLS Stage Frequency Threshold (Hz) Total Nominal Operating Time (s) Load Shed at stage as % of MP Load Cumulative Load Shed at stage as % of MP Load 1 59.5 0.3 ≥ 35 ≥ 35 Connected wholesale customers are allowed some time, as stated in the Ontario UFLS Program Implementation Plan, to implement the required changes to meet the requirements in (d). Each distributor and connected wholesale customer, in conjunction with the relevant transmitter, shall submit to the IESO their proposed implementation plan for meeting their UFLS requirements within the time set by the Ontario UFLS Program Implementation Plan. Connected wholesale customers, in conjunction with the relevant transmitter shall also shed those capacitor banks connected to the same station bus as the load to be shed by the UFLS facilities, at 59.5 Hz with a time delay of 3 seconds. Inadvertent operation of a single under-frequency relay during the transient period following a System Disturbance should not lead to further system instability. For this reason, the maximum amount of load that can be connected to any single under-frequency relay is 150 MW. 2.7 Telemetry If applicable according to Section 7.3 of Chapter 4 of the Market Rules, Lake Shore Gold-Bell Creek Complex shall provide to the IESO the applicable telemetry data listed in Appendix 4.15 of the Market Rules on a continual basis. The data shall be provided in accordance with the performance standards set forth in Appendix 4.19, subject to Section 7.6A of Chapter 4 of the Market Rules. The data is to consist of certain equipment status and operating quantities which will be identified during the IESO Facility Registration/Market Entry Process. To provide the required data, The connection applicant must install at this project monitoring equipment that meets the requirements set forth in Appendix 2.2 of Chapter 2 of the Market rules. As part of the IESO Facility Registration/Market Entry process, the connection applicant must also complete end to end testing of all necessary telemetry points with the IESO to ensure that standards are met and that sign conventions are understood. All found anomalies must be corrected before IESO final approval to connect any phase of the project is granted. 2.8 Revenue Metering The connection applicant must ensure that revenue metering installations must comply with Chapter 6 of the Market Rules. For more details the connection applicant is encouraged to seek advice from their Metering Service Provider (MSP) or from the IESO metering group. 2.9 Connection Equipment Design The connection applicant shall ensure that the connection equipment is designed to be fully operational in all reasonably foreseeable ambient temperature conditions. The connection equipment must also be designed so that the adverse effects of its failure on the IESO-controlled grid are mitigated. This includes ensuring that all circuit breakers fail in the open position. CAA ID 2011-425 7 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report IESO’s General Requirements 2.10 Restoration Participant Requirements Based on the SIA application, the connection applicant meets the restoration participant criteria. Please refer to the Market Manual 7.8 to determine its applicability to the proposed facility. Details regarding restoration participant requirements will be finalized at the Facility Registration/Market Entry Stage 2.11 Reliability Standards Prior to connecting to the IESO controlled grid, the project must be compliant with the applicable reliability standards established by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and reliability criteria established by the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) that are in effect in Ontario. A mapping of applicable standards, based on the proponent’s/connection applicant’s market role/OEB license can be found here: This mapping is updated periodically after new or revised standards become effective in Ontario. The current versions of these NERC standards and NPCC criteria can be found at the following websites:|20 The IESO monitors and assesses market participant compliance with a selection of applicable reliability standards each year as part of the Ontario Reliability Compliance Program. To find out more about this program, write to or visit the following webpage: Also, to obtain a better understanding of the applicable reliability compliance obligations and engage in the standards development process, we recommend that the proponent/ connection applicant join the IESO’s Reliability Standards Standing Committee (RSSC) or at least subscribe to their mailing list by contacting The RSSC webpage is located at: 2.12 Facility Registration/Market Entry The connection applicant must complete the IESO Facility Registration/Market Entry process in a timely manner before IESO final approval for connection is granted. Models and data, including any controls that would be operational, must be provided to the IESO. This includes both PSS/E and DSA software compatible mathematical models representing the new equipment for further IESO, NPCC and NERC analytical studies. The connection applicant may need to contact the software manufacturers directly, in order to have the models included in their packages. This information should be submitted at least seven months before energization to the IESO-controlled grid, to allow the IESO to incorporate this project into IESO work systems and to perform any additional reliability studies. As part of the IESO Facility Registration/Market Entry process, The connection applicant must provide evidence to the IESO confirming that the equipment installed meets the Market Rules requirements and matches or exceeds the performance predicted in this assessment. This evidence shall be either type tests done in a controlled environment or commissioning tests done on-site. In either case, the testing must be done not only in accordance with widely recognized standards, but also CAA ID 2011-425 8 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report IESO’s General Requirements to the satisfaction of the IESO. Until this evidence is provided to and found acceptable by the IESO, the Facility Registration/Market Entry process will not be considered complete and the connection applicant must accept any restrictions the IESO may impose upon this project’s participation in the IESO-administered markets or connection to the IESO-controlled grid. The evidence must be supplied to the IESO within 30 days after completion of commissioning tests. Failure to provide evidence may result in disconnection from the IESO-controlled grid. If the submitted models and data differ materially from the ones used in this assessment, then further analysis of the project will need to be done by the IESO. – End of Section – CAA ID 2011-425 9 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Data Verification 3. Data Verification This section verifies the specifications for the new equipment proposed by the connection applicant to be installed at LSG Bell Creek Complex substation. Overhead Circuit Section Quantity 1 LSG-TAP (0.25km) Rated voltage 115 kV Positive sequence impedance R= 0.0019 pu, X= 0.0026 pu, B= 0.0005 pu Zero sequence impedance R0 = 0.0086 pu, X0 = 0.007 pu, B0 = 0.001 pu Main Buses Quantity 1 Rated voltage 115 kV Summer continuous ratings 400 A Winter continuous ratings 400 A Disconnect Switches Maximum continuous rated voltage 145 kV Continuous current rating 2000 A Rated symmetrical short circuit capability 42 kA HV Circuit Breaker Maximum continuous rated voltage 145 kV Rated continuous current 1200 A Interrupting time 1 - Rated symmetrical short circuit capability 20 kA Normal operation Closed Step-down Transformer Quantity 2 Configuration 3 phase, 2 winding Thermal ratings 25 MVA (ONAN) Winding rated voltage 115 kV/27.6 kV (delta/wye) 1 The interrupting time of the HV Circuit Breaker was not provided at the time of the assessment. Please refer to section 2.4 of this report for the breaker interrupting time requirements. CAA ID 2011-425 10 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Data Verification Under-load taps 132 kV-113 kV in 20 steps Positive sequence Impedance R= 10%, X= 10 % on 25 MVA base Motors Type Synchronous (6235 HP) Quantity 2 Rated capability 5.388 MVA Rated power factor 0.9 (lagging) Starting method Full Voltage Starts per week once Type Synchronous (1500Hp Ball Mill) Quantity 2 Rated capability 1.12 MVA Rated power factor 0.98 (lagging) Starting method Soft Starting Starts per week once The symmetrical rated short circuit capability of the 115 kV breaker and disconnect switches are 20 kA and 42 kA respectively. The short circuit analysis shown in Section 6 of this report indicates that the 115 kV breaker rating of 20 kA is sufficient to withstand fault levels at LSG Bell Creek Complex. The connection applicant should be aware that if any future system enhancements results in an increased fault level higher than the equipment’s capability, the connection applicant would be required to replace this breaker and disconnect switches at its own expense up to maximum fault level specified in the Transmission System Code, Appendix 2. For the 115 kV system, the maximum 3 phase and single line to ground symmetrical fault levels currently prescribed by the Code are 50 kA. – End of Section – CAA ID 2011-425 11 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Review of Existing System 4. Review of Existing System 4.1 Existing System Figure 2 provides an overview of the transmission system in the vicinity of the project. The project will be supplied directly from the radial 115 kV single circuit line, P7G, which is part of the Porcupine 115 kV system. Also part of the 115 kV system are two circuits, P13T and P15T from Porcupine TS to Timmins TS. The 115 kV Porcupine TS is connected to the 500 kV Porcupine TS via two autotransformers T3 and T4. The 500 kV Porcupine TS is connected to the Hanmer TS and Pinard TS via P502X and D501P circuits respectively. The Porcupine 500 kV system is also connected to 230 kV system through two autotransformers, T7 and T8. During outages on the 230 kV circuit, P91G, the Falconbridge Kidd Creek Metsite load is moved over onto the 115 kV circuit, P7G. The generation facilities in the area include the Abitibi Canyon, Cochrane, Tunis, and Long Sault Rapid. These generation facilities participate in the Northeast Load/Generation Rejection (LGR) Scheme and can be armed for rejection for any of the D501P or P502X contingency or the loss of Porcupine auto transformer T3 or T4. They can also be armed for the P91G, H6T, or H7T contingencies to limit the post contingency flows over H6T and H7T circuits. For the D501P or P502X contingency or the loss of Porcupine 115 kV autotransformers, the load rejection on Timmins TS and the 115 kV lines P7G, P15T and T61S can be armed. As the project is connecting to P7G line which can be tripped for the aforementioned contingencies, therefore, by configuration the project will be participating in the Northeast LGR scheme. The Flow South (FS) interface is currently limited to 2100 MW with all elements in service precontingency. Historical data analysis reveals that the flow towards south occurs during the day while the flow reverses over night. Higher flow south typically occurs in summer when the load in Northeast is below winter levels. A5H to Ansonville 115 kV To 500 kV Pinard TS To Abitibi Canyon TS 230 kV Kinross C2H 500 kV Tunis NUG C3H Hoyle Cochrane NUG Goldcentre LSR NUG H9K To Smooth Rock Falls TS La Forest Road A4H to Ansonville P13T T3 Timmins TS P15T D501P N.O. Falconbridge Kidd Creek Minesite H7T P7G 10 km H6T T61S T4 Porcupine TS P502X Dome Goldcentre Mine CTS T7 Pamour Hoyle LSG Bell Creek Complex To 500 kV Hanmer TS Kinross Falconbridge Kidd Creek Metsite P91G Weston Lake Timmins West Mine CTS Shining Tree To 220 kV Ansonville TS T8 Figure 2: Transmission System in the vicinity of the project CAA ID 2011-425 12 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Review of Existing System 4.2 Historical data Historical data, consisting of hourly average samples from May 2009 - May 2011, were obtained from IESO real-time telemetry for the following quantities: - Voltage (kV) at Porcupine 500kV and 115 kV buses - Active (MW) power flow on D501P, P502X, H6T, H7T, Porcupine 500:115 kV transformers T3 and T4 - Total 220 kV generation (MW) of Abitibi Canyon, Otter Rapids, Harmon, Kipling, Little Long plants - Total 115 kV generation (MW) of TCPL Tunis, NP Cochrane, Long Sault plants Relevant Graphs for these quantities are presented below. Note that for active power flows, positive values represent flows out of the station and negative values represent flows into the station. Figure 4 and 5 suggests that high active power flow through the 500 kV lines D501P and P502X occurs in south direction. Also the flow south occurs for more than 70 % of the time. Porcupine 115 kV bus voltage Voltage (kV) 138. 133. 128. 123. 118. 113. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percent of time Figure 3: Porcupine 115 kV bus voltage duration curve D501 500 kV line flow Power Flow (MW) 400. 200. 0. -200. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% -400. -600. -800. -1,000. Percent of time Figure 4: D501 500 kV line flow measured at Porcupine TS. Note: Positive flow is out from the station CAA ID 2011-425 13 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Review of Existing System P502X 500 kV line flow Power Flow (MW) 1,000. 800. 600. 400. 200. 0. -200. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% -400. -600. Percent of time Figure 5: P502X 500 kV line flow measured at Porcupine TS Note: Positive flow is out from the station Table 3, 4 and 5 shows the historical voltages at the main stations, the flows along the lines, and the maximum output of the generators in the Northeast in the vicinity of the proposed project. Table 1: Average voltages at main stations Bus Range Average Voltage Porcupine TS (500kV) 510-550 kV 536 kV Porcupine TS (115kV) 125-132 kV 128 kV Table 2: Flows on circuits Quantity Maximum Active Flow on D501P into Porcupine 835 MW Active Flow on P502X out of Porcupine 1018 MW Active Flow on H6T into Timmins TS 97 MW Active Flow on H7T into Timmins TS 89 MW Active Flow into Porcupine T3 and T4 150 MW Table 3: Generation output Voltage Generation plants Max. Generation 230 kV Abitibi Canyon (G1, G4, G5), Otter Rapids, Harmon, Kipling, Little Long 940 MW 115 kV Abitibi Canyon (G2, G3) 135 MW 115 kV TCPL Tunis, NP Cochrane, Long Sault 109 MW –End of Section – CAA ID 2011-425 14 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report System Impact Assessment Studies 5. System Impact Assessment Studies This section presents the study carried out to investigate the impact of the project on the reliability of IESO-controlled grid. 5.1 Study Criteria The SIA study was performed to assess the project’s compliance with the following sections2 of the Ontario Resource and Transmission Assessment Criteria (ORTAC): • Section 2.4 – Load Forecasts and Load Modelling: The load levels used in the study shall be based on the latest forecast consistent with the IESO's and the OPA's latest long-term forecast. Load forecast uncertainty should be taken into account by investigating the sensitivity of the need date to various items (e.g. higher and lower loads). If a connection assessment applicant provides a detailed local forecast, that forecast should be used. For assessment purposes the power factor is assumed to be 0.90 at the defined meter point. Studies should be done with a load model representative of the actual load. For power flow planning studies assessing the voltage stability of the bulk system, loads normally should be modelled as constant megavolt-amperes (MVA). In assessing voltage change limits and transient performance, a voltage dependent load model should be used. If specific information is not available, the load model in Ontario should be as indicated in the following table: Table 4: Static Load Models for Simulations Active Power • Reactive Power Constant Current Constant Impedance Constant Current Constant Impedance (%) (%) (%) (%) 50 50 0 100 Section 2.5 – Power Transfer Capability: A power transfer capability analysis should be performed throughout the study period taking into account the effects of planned facilities, the growth in loads, and the effects (if any), of various system generation patterns. The transfer limits should be determined for one or both directions of flow (as necessary). With all transmission facilities in service, the power transfer capability is determined for the worst applicable contingency. Also, it will generally be necessary to determine the effects of seasonal variations (e.g., summer and winter line ratings) on the limits. 2 Only significant paragraphs of the ORTAC sections were copied/summarized in this report; please refer to the original document for the complete text: In the event of any inconsistency between this report and the ORTAC, the ORTAC shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. CAA ID 2011-425 15 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report • System Impact Assessment Studies Section 2.6 – Local Area Requirements: With all transmission facilities in service (normal conditions), the schedule for generation in the receiving area should be based on the historically typical conditions. That is, for precontingency conditions, nuclear and run of river hydro-electric generation should be assumed at a level that is available 98% of the time. For example, on-peak conditions should be assessed with peaking hydroelectric generation plants, fossil plants and wind farms running at maximum output. Where reliability depends on local generation, sensitivity studies should be done to assess the impact of outages of local generation. • Section 2.7 – Contingency-Based Assessment The IESO-controlled grid must be planned with sufficient capability to withstand the loss of specified, representative and reasonably foreseeable contingencies at projected customer demand and anticipated transfer levels. Application of these contingencies should not result in any criteria violations, or the loss of a major portion of the system, or unintentional separation of a major portion of the system. The IESO-controlled grid shall be designed with sufficient capability to keep voltages, line and equipment loading within applicable limits for these contingencies. • Section 2.8 – Study conditions: The system load and generation conditions under which the contingencies are assumed to occur are chosen on a deterministic basis to represent the reasonable worst case scenario. • Section 4.2 – Pre-contingency voltage limits: Under pre-contingency conditions with all facilities in service, or with a critical element(s) out of service after permissible control actions and with loads modeled as constant MVA, the IESO controlled grid is to be capable of achieving acceptable system voltages. For northern Ontario, acceptable system voltages on nominal 115 kV buses are between 113 kV and 132 kV. • Section 4.3 – Voltage change limits: With all planned facilities in service pre-contingency, system voltage changes in the period immediately following a contingency are to be limited, for nominal 115 kV buses to 10% before and after tap changer action and between 108 kV and 127 kV. After the system is re-dispatched and generation and power flows are adjusted the system must return to within the maximum and minimum continuous voltages identified in section 4.2. Before tap-changer action (immediate post-contingency period) a constant MVA load model can be used. If the voltage change exceeds the limits identified above, a voltage dependent load model should be used (e.g. P α V1.5, and Q α V2). After tap-charger action a constant power load model should be assumed (e.g. the load will return to its pre-contingency level). The percentage change in voltage is calculated as follows: %Vch = Vpost-contingency –Vpre-contingency x 100 Vpre-contingency Section 4.5.1 – Power – Voltage (P-V) Curves: The critical point of the curve, or voltage instability point, is the point where the slope of the PV curve is vertical. The maximum acceptable pre-contingency power transfer must be the lesser of: CAA ID 2011-425 16 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report System Impact Assessment Studies • a pre-contingency power transfer (point A) that is 10% lower than the voltage instability point of the pre-contingency P-V curve, and • a pre-contingency transfer that results in a post-contingency power flow (point B) that is 5% lower than the voltage instability point of the post-contingency curve. The P-V curve is dependent on the power factor. Care must be taken that the worst case P-V curve is used to identify the stability limit. • Section 4.7.2 – Loading Criteria: All line and equipment loads shall be within their continuous ratings with all elements in service and within their long-term emergency ratings with any one element out of service. Immediately following contingencies, lines may be loaded up to their short-term emergency ratings where control actions such as re-dispatch, switching, etc. are available to reduce the loading to the long-term emergency ratings. • Section 7.1 – Load Security Criteria: The transmission system must be planned to satisfy demand levels up to the extreme weather, median-economic forecast for an extended period with any one transmission element out of service. The transmission system must exhibit acceptable performance, as described below, following the design criteria contingencies defined in sections 2.7.1 and 2.7.2. For the purposes of this section, an element is comprised of a single zone of protection. With all transmission facilities in service, equipment loading must be within continuous ratings, voltages must be within normal ranges and transfers must be within applicable normal condition stability limits. This must be satisfied coincident with an outage to the largest local generation unit. With any one element out of service3, equipment loading must be within applicable long-term emergency ratings, voltages must be within applicable emergency ranges, and transfers must be within applicable normal condition stability limits. Planned load curtailment or load rejection, excluding voluntary demand management, is permissible only to account for local generation outages. Not more than 150MW of load may be interrupted by configuration and by planned load curtailment or load rejection, excluding voluntary demand management. The 150MW load interruption limit reflects past planning practices in Ontario. With any two elements out of service4, voltages must be within applicable emergency ranges, equipment loading must be within applicable short-term emergency ratings and transfers must be within applicable emergency condition stability limits. Equipment loading must be reduced to the applicable long-term emergency ratings in the time afforded by the short-time ratings. Planned load curtailment or load rejection exceeding 150MW is permissible only to account for local generation outages. Not more than 600MW of load may be interrupted by configuration and by planned load curtailment or load rejection, excluding voluntary demand management. The 600MW load interruption limit reflects the established practice of incorporating up to three typical modern day distribution stations on a double-circuit line in Ontario. The percentage loading of the equipment is calculated as follows: %L= Equipment Loading × 100 Equipment Rating The loadings and ratings are in Amperes for lines and in MVA for transformers. CAA ID 2011-425 17 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report • System Impact Assessment Studies Appendix 4.2 TSC – Voltage Flicker : Voltage flicker due to motor starting shall be limited as tabulated. Magnitude (%) Limit 0.5 3 per second 1.0 20 per minute 2.0 45 per hour 3.0 4 per day A higher flicker may be acceptable for infrequent starts For motor starting, the aforementioned criteria is applied to ensure that the voltage flicker due motor starting at the LSG Bell Creek Complex is within the limits specified above, and shall not exceed a maximum of 4%. 5.2 Study Assumptions The following study assumptions were derived as per the ORTAC requirements listed in section 4.2 of this report and are intended to simulate operations under a reasonable worst case scenario. • The new station would be supplied from 115 kV P7G line approximately 10 km north-east of Porcupine TS; • The power factor for LSG Bell Creek Complex was assumed to be 0.9 lagging at the low voltage side of the transformer station; • A 0.90 lagging power factor, as required under section 2.4 of the ORTAC, was assumed for the loads at all stations in the area encompassed from Porcupine TS to Hunta & Ansonville TS. • Generation at Abitibi Canyon, Otter Rapids, Harmon, Kipling, Little Long were set to maximum output for high active power flows south on circuit D501P; • The Porcupine SVC was assumed in service; • The Falconbridge Kidd Creek Metsite load was assumed to be connected to the P7G; • Voltages at the buses and flows along the lines were adjusted to historical levels; • As required by section 2.4 of the ORTAC a constant megavolt-ampere (MVA) load model was used to represent Ontario loads. For cases where a voltage dependent model was required, loads were modeled as 50% constant current and 50% constant impedance for the active power and 100% constant impedance for the reactive power. 5.2.1 Existing/Committed Facilities The following facilities were kept in service during this study. Table 5: Existing/Committed facilities in the vicinity of the project Facility Type CAA ID Porcupine Capacitors Mattagami Lake Dam Detour Lake Project Transmission Generation Load 2006-223 2007-266 2009-359 Porcupine SVC Kirkland Lake SVC Transmission Transmission 2006-223 2006-223 CAA ID 2011-425 18 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report 5.2.2 System Impact Assessment Studies Hanmer Capacitor Transmission 2008-352 Pinard Capacitors Young Davidson New Post Creek Transmission Load Generation 2008-352 2008-312 2007-294 Load Forecast The load forecast is calculated at 1% growth per year and is based on the coincident peak load recorded at each station plus a reasonable margin to account for growth, measurement, and simulation inaccuracies. A 0.90 lagging power factor, as required under section 2.4 of the ORTAC, was assumed for the loads at all stations in the area. Table 6: Loads in Porcupine area. Station Peak Load (MW) Station Peak Load (MW) Falconbridge Kidd Creek Metsite 18.67 Falconbridge Kidd Creek Minesite 34.03 Hoyle DS 13.79 La Forest Road 13.84 Kinross 9.81 Cochrane MTS 11.75 Dome Mine CTS 19.16 Cochrane West 3.73 Weston Lake 3.80 Shining Tree 3.61 Timmins West Mine CTS 7.14 Timmins TS 69.47 5.2.3 Line ratings The circuit ratings used in the thermal assessment were provided by Hydro One. The MVA values are calculated assuming 118.05 kV for the 115 kV circuits and 220 kV for the 230 kV circuits, as required by the current system model. These are summarized in the following table below: Table 7: Line Ratings Thermal Rating at 30°C ambient temperature & 4km/hr wind Circuit Continuous LTE Amperes MVA Amperes MVA P7G 620 126 790 161 P13T 890 182 1060 217 P15T 890 182 1140 233 H6T 380 78 380 78 H7T 380 78 380 78 D501P 1790 366 2210 452 P502X 2210 452 2210 452 CAA ID 2011-425 19 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report System Impact Assessment Studies 5.3 Contingency Based Assessment 5.3.1 Load Flow Scenario The summer 2010 base case was used as the starting point for assessing the impact of the project on the reliability of the IESO-controlled grid. Northeast load is generally a winter peak load. Also the project is coming in-service in January 2012, so the system model was stressed to reflect the winter 2012 forecasted system including: - Ontario and Northeast zone demands at 23364 MW and 1893.2 MW, respectively. - LSG Bell Creek Complex load was modeled as 41.3 MW at 0.9 power factor (lagging). - Timmins, Dome mine, Hoyle, Kidd metsite and other neighbouring loads were scaled to reflect the peak load forecast of 2012. - After dispatching the generators and scheduling the loads to the expected levels, Flow South resulted at 1352.2 MW. - Abitibi Canyon unit G2 and G3 along with other generation units connected to Hunta TS were considered as armed for P91G, H6T, and H7T contingencies as per the Northeast LGR scheme. For the aforementioned contingencies, a total of 190 MW of Generation Rejection (GR) was considered. The voltages at the main buses around Porcupine TS with all elements in service are displayed in Table 7. Table 8: Voltage at main buses near LSG Bell Creek complex substation Bus 5.3.2 Voltage (kV) PORCUPINE TS 115 kV 123.8 KIDD_METSITE 121.6 115 kV TIMMINS K1H6 115 kV 122.9 TIMMINS K23 123.2 115 kV HUNTA SS 115 kV 127 LAFOREST 115 kV 122.9 ANSONVILLE 230 kV 236.5 PORCUPINE TS 230 kV 245.0 PORCUPINE TS 500 kV 542.8 Local Area Contingencies For local areas, the IESO-controlled grid must exhibit acceptable performance following: a. The loss of one element without a fault, and b. A phase-to-phase-to-ground fault on any generator, transmission circuit, transformer or bus section with normal fault clearing. Typically, only single-element contingencies are evaluated. The IESO defines a single-element as a single zone of protection. The contingencies considered for this study were: CAA ID 2011-425 20 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. System Impact Assessment Studies Loss of Porcupine SVC. Loss of 115 kV P13T circuit. Loss of 115 kV P15T circuit. Loss of 115 kV H6T circuit. Loss of 115 kV H7T circuit. Loss of 230 kV P91G circuit. Loss of Porcupine Auto Transformer T3 Loss of Porcupine Auto Transformer T4 5.3.3 Equipment Loadings Thermal study examined the effect of the project on the thermal loading of the transmission equipment in its vicinity. Table A1 in Appendix A displays the results of the simulations for the contingencies listed in section 5.2 of this report. The results show that with the project connection, the flow on P7G and remaining circuits in the area are expected to be within their continuous ratings with all elements in service. The sensitivity analysis shows that the project would increase the thermal loading of the lines H6T and H7T by approximately 3% whilst the thermal loadings on the lines P13T and P15T would increase by 1.2 % and 1 % respectively, with all elements in service. The highest loaded element was identified as being the section of H6T line between Laforest and Timmins TS, at 94.1% of its continuous rating. The second highest loaded element was identified to be the section of H7T line between Hunta TS and Warkus junction, at 92.7 % of continuous line rating. With one transmission element out of service, the loadings of the circuit P7G and remaining circuits in the area are expected to be within their LTE ratings following the connection of the project. The highest loaded element was identified as being the section of H6T line between Laforest and Timmins TS, at 97.1%of LTE rating, following the loss of Porcupine T3 transformer with 190 MW of GR. A second highest flow, 96.7 % of the LTE, is through the section connecting Warkus to Timmins along the H7T circuit following the loss of P13T circuit. The second highest loaded element was identified to be the section of H7T line between Warkus Junction and Timmins TS, at 92.7 % of continuous line rating, following the loss of P13T circuit with 190 MW of GR. As the peak P7G load is not expected to exceed 105 MW following the project’s connection, so less than 150 MW of load would be interrupted for the loss of P7G circuit which satisfies the IESO load security criteria. 5.3.4 Voltage Assessment The results presented in Appendix B show the voltage levels with all elements in service, precontingency and percentage changes in voltages at the buses in the vicinity of project following the contingencies listed in section 5.2 of this report. With all elements in service pre-contingency, all voltages at the monitored buses are within the acceptable range for both pre and post-contingency conditions. The highest voltage changes recorded at the Bell Creek and Porcupine 115 kV bus were -5.7 % and 5.5 % (voltage decline) respectively, following the loss of H7T before tap action. A -7.2% voltage change was observed at the Timins_K23 115 kV bus due to the loss of P15T before tap action. After tap action, voltage change was reduced to 0.1% at the aforementioned buses. A post-ULTC voltage decline of -8.9% was also recorded at the Timins_K23 bus for the loss of P15T line. The voltage analysis did not identify any criteria violation as a result of connecting the project. CAA ID 2011-425 21 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report 5.3.5 System Impact Assessment Studies Motor Start Study The largest motor at the facility is the 5.388MVA synchronous motor which will start once per week. The rest of load in the facility also includes other motors with lower starting currents. To simulate the effect of the largest motor start, the station load less this largest motor was simulated as voltage dependent load. The system voltages were monitored before and immediately after the connection of an additional load equivalent to the motor start-up MVA. The results presented in Appendix D show that the largest voltage decline at the LSG Bell Creek Complex 115 kV bus after starting this motor is 2.36% which is within the permissible limits. Motor Start Study shows that the starting of the largest synchronous motor of 5.388 MVA at the project meets the TSC criteria. The connection applicant shall notify the IESO of any reactive devices or motors larger in size or with higher starting times than those assessed in this study that are to be installed at Bell Creek Complex. 5.3.6 Steady State Voltage Stability The pre-contingency and post-contingency PV curves were derived for the high voltage buses in the vicinity of the project. Note that the transfer levels presented in this section are only theoretical, and were derived ignoring thermal limitations of the equipment, with the sole purpose of assessing the steady state voltage stability. Thermal ratings (presented in section 5.2.3 of this report) would limit the maximum transfers to significantly lower levels. The results of the pre-contingency and post-contingency voltage stability are presented in figure 6-7 and in Appendix D. The pre-contingency voltage instability point at 115 kV Bell Creek bus was identified at 80 MW of load in addition to the proposed 40 MW of LSG Bell Creek Complex load; hence, the IESO voltage stability criteria are met with the proposed load at LSG Bell Creek Complex. The post-contingency voltage instability point at 115 kV Bell Creek bus for the loss of SVC at Porcupine TS was identified at 70 MW of load in addition to the proposed 40 MW of LSG Bell Creek Complex load; hence, the IESO voltage stability criteria are met with the proposed load at LSG Bell Creek Complex. Figure 6 and 7 shows the pre and post-contingency PV curves derived under this scenario. The x-axis represents the MW load and y-axis represents the per unit voltage at the Bell Creek 115 kV bus. 1.15 Bus: 152899 [BELL CREEK 118.05] 1.10 1.05 1.00 BA SE CASE SV C P13T P15T H6T H7T P91G T3 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 6: PV Curve-pre and post contingency voltages at Bell Creek 115 kV bus Note: BASE CASE corresponds to all elements in service (pre-contingency case) CAA ID 2011-425 22 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report 1.15 System Impact Assessment Studies Bus: 152316 [PORCUPINE_TS118.05] 1.10 1.05 1.00 BA SE CASE SV C P13T P15T H6T H7T P91G T3 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 7: PV Curve- pre and post contingency voltages at Porcupine 115 kV bus Note: BASE CASE corresponds to all elements in service (pre-contingency case) The Voltage Stability Analysis shows that the connection of the project does not have unacceptable impact on the reliability of IESO controlled grid. – End of Section – CAA ID 2011-425 23 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Fault Levels 6. Fault Levels The purpose of the fault level assessment is to evaluate the maximum short circuit current contribution of the project to the IESO-controlled grid. The following table summarizes the symmetric and asymmetrical fault levels near project and corresponding breaker ratings. Table 9: Fault Level Assessments New project in service Bus Total Fault Current Symmetrical (kA) Breaker Ratings Total Fault Current Asymmetrical (kA) Symmetrical (kA) Asymmetrical (kA) 3-ph fault L-G 3-ph fault L-G BELL CREEK 118.05 6.559 5.81 6.897 5.939 20 - PORCUPINE 118.05 11.133 13.942 13.217 17.53 40 46.5 TIMMINS K1 118.05 9.201 9.077 10.231 9.909 40 40.2 TIMMINS K23 118.05 9.364 9.293 10.434 10.19 40 40.2 HUNTA 118.05 9.385 5.847 9.778 6.168 40 47.9 PORCUPINE 220.00 7.223 8.983 9.449 12.356 40 42.1 PORCUPINE 500.00 6.848 7.004 8.266 9.158 63 79.4 ANSONVILE 220.00 5.496 5.837 6.888 7.601 40 42.1 ANSONVILE 118.05 8.54 9.021 9.594 10.528 40 40.2 ABITIBI CANYON 118.05 5.664 5.81 6.522 7.047 9.8 11.4 HANMER 500.00 12.974 12.502 14.59 15.237 40 43.7 HANMER 220.00 19.384 23.642 22.548 29.166 39.7 42.1 PINARD 13.026 16.439 16.631 22.103 50 53.9 220.00 The results show that following the connection of the project, the fault levels in the area are not expected to exceed the interrupting capabilities of the existing breakers on the IESO-controlled grid. – End of Section – CAA ID 2011-425 24 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report References 7. References [1] Ontario Resource and Transmisssion Assessment Criteria (ORTAC), available online: ia.pdf CAA ID 2011-425 25 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 1: Thermal Loading Assessment-with all elements in service Results without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating TO (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) Cont Loading (A) Cont P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 356.9 42.0% 583.5 68.6% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 252.7 40.8% 478.3 77.1% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 253.0 40.8% 478.6 77.2% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.2 41.0% 257.9 41.6% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.4 41.0% 258.1 41.6% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 178.5 28.8% 180.7 29.1% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.5 20.4% 127.7 20.6% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.6 10.8% 127.8 10.9% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.7 10.8% 127.8 10.9% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 318.8 35.8% 326.5 36.7% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 199.8 22.5% 204.0 22.9% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 399.8 80.0% 411.3 82.3% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 397.0 79.4% 408.6 81.7% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 346.7 91.2% 357.7 94.1% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 452.1 90.4% 463.9 92.8% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 312.9 82.3% 323.4 85.1% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 512.8 45.8% 509.6 45.5% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 513.1 45.8% 509.9 45.5% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 516.1 46.1% 512.9 45.8% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 525.8 46.9% 522.7 46.7% CAA ID 2011-425 26 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 2: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of Porcupine SVC without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) LTE Loading (A) LTE TO P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 357.4 32.5% 582.7 53.0% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 253.0 32.0% 477.7 60.5% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 253.4 32.1% 478.0 60.5% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.6 32.2% 257.6 32.6% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.8 32.2% 257.8 32.6% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 178.7 22.6% 180.5 22.8% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.6 16.0% 127.6 16.2% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.7 8.9% 127.7 8.9% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.8 8.9% 127.7 8.9% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 316.3 29.8% 326.8 30.8% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 197.1 17.3% 204.4 17.9% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 399.3 75.3% 411.0 77.5% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 396.6 74.8% 408.3 77.0% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 345.7 91.0% 357.5 94.1% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 451.7 85.2% 463.5 87.4% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 311.7 82.0% 323.4 85.1% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 516.6 35.9% 510.8 35.5% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 516.9 35.9% 511.1 35.5% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 520.1 36.1% 514.1 35.7% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 530.4 36.8% 524.1 36.4% CAA ID 2011-425 27 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 3: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV P13T circuit without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) LTE Loading (A) LTE TO P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 357.6 32.5% 581.4 52.9% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 253.1 32.0% 476.7 60.3% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 253.5 32.1% 476.9 60.4% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.7 32.2% 257.1 32.5% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.9 32.3% 257.3 32.6% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 178.8 22.6% 180.2 22.8% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.7 16.0% 127.4 16.1% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.7 8.9% 127.5 8.9% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.8 8.9% 127.6 8.9% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 389.5 34.2% 406.4 35.7% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 324.3 61.2% 330.2 62.3% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 327.5 61.8% 333.3 62.9% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 254.5 67.0% 260.3 68.5% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 490.3 92.5% 503.5 95.0% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 353.8 93.1% 367.6 96.7% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 533.7 37.1% 531.2 36.9% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 533.9 37.1% 531.5 36.9% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 537.0 37.3% 534.6 37.1% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 546.8 38.0% 544.4 37.8% CAA ID 2011-425 28 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 4: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV P15T circuit without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) LTE Loading (A) LTE TO P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 356.3 32.4% 581.9 52.9% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 252.3 31.9% 477.0 60.4% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 252.6 32.0% 477.3 60.4% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 253.8 32.1% 257.3 32.6% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.0 32.2% 257.5 32.6% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 178.3 22.6% 180.3 22.8% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.4 16.0% 127.5 16.1% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.5 8.8% 127.6 8.9% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.5 8.8% 127.6 8.9% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 430.0 40.6% 436.2 41.2% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 405.5 76.5% 419.1 79.1% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 401.8 75.8% 415.5 78.4% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 355.1 93.4% 368.5 97.0% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 469.6 88.6% 480.4 90.6% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 296.7 78.1% 304.4 80.1% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 518.8 36.0% 516.9 35.9% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 519.1 36.0% 517.1 35.9% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 522.1 36.3% 520.2 36.1% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 532.1 37.0% 530.3 36.8% CAA ID 2011-425 29 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 5: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV H6T circuit without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) LTE Loading (A) LTE TO P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 320.7 29.2% 543.6 49.4% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 216.7 27.4% 439.1 55.6% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 217.0 27.5% 439.3 55.6% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 218.3 27.6% 220.5 27.9% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 218.5 27.7% 220.7 27.9% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 177.9 22.5% 179.5 22.7% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.2 16.0% 127.1 16.1% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.3 8.8% 127.2 8.9% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.4 8.8% 127.2 8.9% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 191.1 18.0% 395.0 37.3% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 194.5 17.1% 232.8 20.4% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 0.0 0.0% 400.5 75.6% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 0.0 0.0% 395.3 74.6% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 0.0 0.0% 355.4 93.5% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 338.4 63.9% 450.0 84.9% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 209.9 55.2% 329.2 86.6% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 425.3 29.5% 0.0 0.0% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 425.6 29.6% 0.0 0.0% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 429.1 29.8% 0.0 0.0% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 440.9 30.6% 0.0 0.0% CAA ID 2011-425 30 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 6: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 115 kV H7T circuit without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) LTE Loading (A) LTE TO P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 320.5 29.1% 544.2 49.5% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 216.6 27.4% 439.4 55.6% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 216.9 27.5% 439.7 55.7% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 218.1 27.6% 220.1 27.9% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 218.4 27.6% 220.3 27.9% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 177.8 22.5% 179.0 22.7% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.2 16.0% 126.3 16.0% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.2 8.8% 126.4 8.8% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.3 8.8% 126.5 8.8% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 265.3 25.0% 261.2 24.6% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 255.9 22.4% 193.3 17.0% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 302.2 57.0% 240.3 45.3% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 298.6 56.3% 236.6 44.6% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 251.0 66.1% 190.2 50.1% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 0.0 0.0% 291.8 55.0% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 0.0 0.0% 165.7 43.6% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 432.9 30.1% 382.0 26.5% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 433.3 30.1% 382.3 26.6% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 436.7 30.3% 386.3 26.8% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 448.2 31.1% 400.0 27.8% CAA ID 2011-425 31 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 7: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of 230 kV P91G circuit without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) LTE Loading (A) TO LTE P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 322.5 29.3% 544.0 49.5% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 217.8 27.6% 439.2 55.6% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 218.1 27.6% 439.5 55.6% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 219.4 27.8% 220.0 27.9% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 219.6 27.8% 220.2 27.9% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 178.7 22.6% 178.9 22.7% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.6 16.0% 126.3 16.0% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.7 8.9% 126.4 8.8% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.8 8.9% 126.4 8.8% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 383.1 36.1% 261.3 24.7% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 224.3 19.7% 193.5 17.0% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 391.2 73.8% 240.2 45.3% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 386.2 72.9% 236.4 44.6% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 345.1 90.8% 190.1 50.0% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 441.2 83.2% 291.5 55.0% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 318.4 83.8% 165.6 43.6% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 0.0 0.0% 382.0 26.5% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 0.0 0.0% 382.4 26.6% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 0.0 0.0% 386.4 26.8% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 0.0 0.0% 400.0 27.8% CAA ID 2011-425 32 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 8: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV Transformer T3 without the project CIRCUIT FROM with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) LTE Loading (A) LTE TO P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 358.2 32.6% 582.0 52.9% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 253.3 32.1% 477.0 60.4% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 253.6 32.1% 477.3 60.4% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.8 32.2% 256.8 32.5% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 255.0 32.3% 257.0 32.5% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 178.4 22.6% 179.6 22.7% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.0 15.9% 126.7 16.0% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.1 8.8% 126.7 8.9% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.1 8.8% 126.8 8.9% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 348.9 32.9% 368.8 34.8% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 165.2 14.5% 180.7 15.8% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 403.9 76.2% 422.1 79.6% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 401.5 75.8% 419.4 79.1% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 349.7 92.0% 368.8 97.1% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 457.0 86.2% 474.8 89.6% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 316.3 83.2% 335.8 88.4% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 510.8 35.5% 502.7 34.9% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 511.1 35.5% 503.0 34.9% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 514.1 35.7% 506.0 35.1% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 523.9 36.4% 515.9 35.8% CAA ID 2011-425 33 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 9: Thermal Loading Assessment-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV transformer T4 without the project CIRCUIT FROM Loading (%) Cont Rating LTE Rating STE Rating (A) (A) (A) Loading (A) TO with the project LTE Loading (%) Loading (A) LTE P7G Porcupine TS 118.05 Dome_Mine_J 118.05 850 1100 1410 358.1 32.6% 581.8 52.9% P7G Dome_Mine_J 118.05 GoldCentre 118.05 620 790 960 253.2 32.1% 476.8 60.4% P7G GoldCentre 118.05 Bell Creek 118.05 620 790 960 253.5 32.1% 477.1 60.4% P7G Bell Creek 118.05 Pamour_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.7 32.2% 256.7 32.5% P7G Pamour_J 118.05 Hoyle_J 118.05 620 790 960 254.9 32.3% 256.9 32.5% P7G Hoyle_J 118.05 Kinross_J 118.05 620 790 960 178.4 22.6% 179.6 22.7% P7G Kinross_J 118.05 Ecstall_J 118.05 620 790 960 126.0 15.9% 126.6 16.0% P7G Ecstall_J 118.05 KD_CRK 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.1 8.8% 126.7 8.9% P7G KD_CRK 118.05 KIDD_Metsite 118.05 1170 1430 1600 126.1 8.8% 126.8 8.9% P13T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 890 1060 1150 349.0 32.9% 369.0 34.8% P15T Porcupine TS 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 890 1140 1250 165.3 14.5% 180.9 15.9% H6T Hunta_SS 118.05 Tisdale_J 118.05 500 530 530 403.9 76.2% 422.0 79.6% H6T Tisdale_J 118.05 Laforest_RDJ 118.05 500 530 530 401.4 75.7% 419.2 79.1% H6T Laforest_RDJ 118.05 Timmins_K1 118.05 380 380 380 349.7 92.0% 368.8 97.0% H7T Hunta_SS 118.05 Warkus_J 118.05 500 530 530 456.9 86.2% 474.7 89.6% H7T Warkus_J 118.05 Timmins_K23 118.05 380 380 380 316.3 83.2% 335.8 88.4% P91G Ansonville 220.00 Anson_J91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 510.8 35.5% 502.7 34.9% P91G Anson_J91 220.00 KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 511.1 35.5% 503.0 34.9% P91G KD_CRK_JP91 220.00 ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 1120 1440 1650 514.1 35.7% 506.1 35.1% P91G ERG_RES_JP91 220.00 Porcupine TS 220.00 1120 1440 1650 523.9 36.4% 515.9 35.8% CAA ID 2011-425 34 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 10: Transformer Loading-With all elements in service without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) Cont LOAD (MVA) 76.1 33.8 94.0 41.8 75.8 33.7 93.7 41.7 Cont Table A 11: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of Porcupine SVC without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 Loading (%) with the project Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 75.3 33.5 94.2 41.9 75.1 33.4 93.9 41.7 LTE Table A 12: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV P13T circuit without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 Loading (%) with the project Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 65.7 29.2 86.3 38.4 65.5 29.1 86.0 38.2 LTE Table A 13: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV P15T circuit without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 CAA ID 2011-425 LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) 35 Loading (%) with the project Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 67.7 30.1 85.6 38.0 67.5 30.0 85.3 37.9 LTE October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 14: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV H6T circuit without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 with the project Loading (%) Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 77.9 34.6 108.2 48.1 77.7 34.5 107.8 47.9 LTE Table A 15: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 115 kV H7T circuit without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 Loading (%) with the project Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 72.6 32.3 0.0 0.0 72.3 32.2 211.4 94.0 LTE Table A 16: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of 230 kV P91G circuit without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 Loading (%) with the project Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 87.5 38.9 211.5 94.0 87.2 38.8 0.0 0.0 LTE Table A 17: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV transformer T3 without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 CAA ID 2011-425 LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) 36 Loading (%) with the project Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 157.3 69.9 201.8 89.7 LTE October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix A: Equipment Loading Results Table A 18: Transformer Loading-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV transformer T4 without the project STATION NAME TRANSFORMER ID Cont Rating (MVA) LTE Rating (MVA) LOAD (MVA) Porcupine TS T3 225 225 Porcupine TS T4 225 225 Loading (%) with the project Loading (%) LTE LOAD (MVA) 157.4 70.0 201.9 89.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LTE – End of section– CAA ID 2011-425 37 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 1: System Voltage Assessment Results-With all elements in service without the project with the project Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 121.9 120.0 BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 120.0 BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 28.4 DOME_MINE 118.05 118.05 123.6 123.0 118.05 118.05 121.2 119.2 KINROSS 118.05 118.05 121.1 119.1 ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 121.0 119.1 KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 121.0 119.0 PORCUPINE_TS118.05 118.05 123.6 123.0 TIMMINS_K1H6118.05 118.05 122.8 122.1 TIMMINS_K23 118.05 118.05 122.9 122.3 HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 127.5 127.2 LAFOREST 118.05 118.05 122.7 122.1 WARKUS 118.05 118.05 122.3 121.7 PORCUPINE_TS220.00 220.00 245.0 245.0 HOYLE CAA ID 2011-425 38 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 2: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of Porcupine SVC without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 122.4 0.3% 121.7 -0.1% 120.1 0.1% 120.1 0.1% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 120.1 0.1% 120.1 0.1% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 28.5 0.1% 28.5 0.1% DOME_MINE 118.05 118.05 124.0 0.3% 123.4 -0.1% 123.1 0.1% 123.1 0.1% 118.05 118.05 121.6 0.4% 121.0 -0.1% 119.3 0.1% 119.4 0.1% KINROSS 118.05 118.05 121.5 0.4% 120.9 -0.1% 119.2 0.1% 119.3 0.1% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 121.5 0.4% 120.9 -0.1% 119.2 0.1% 119.2 0.1% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 121.4 0.4% 120.8 -0.1% 119.1 0.1% 119.2 0.1% PORCUPINE_TS118.05 118.05 124.0 0.3% 123.4 -0.1% 123.1 0.1% 123.1 0.1% TIMMINS_K1H6118.05 118.05 123.2 0.3% 122.6 -0.1% 122.3 0.1% 122.3 0.1% TIMMINS_K23 118.05 118.05 123.4 0.3% 122.8 -0.1% 122.4 0.1% 122.4 0.1% HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 127.7 0.2% 127.5 0.0% 127.3 0.0% 127.3 0.1% LAFOREST 118.05 118.05 123.1 0.3% 122.6 -0.1% 122.2 0.1% 122.2 0.1% WARKUS 118.05 118.05 122.7 0.3% 122.2 -0.1% 121.8 0.1% 121.9 0.1% PORCUPINE_TS220.00 220.00 246.5 0.6% 246.6 0.7% 245.5 0.2% 245.5 0.2% HOYLE CAA ID 2011-425 39 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 3: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV P13T circuit without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 123.2 1.0% 121.7 -0.2% 121.2 1.1% 120.4 0.4% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 121.3 1.1% 120.4 0.4% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 28.7 1.1% 28.5 0.4% DOME_MINE_J 118.05 118.05 124.8 1.0% 123.4 -0.2% 124.2 1.0% 123.4 0.3% 118.05 118.05 122.4 1.0% 121.0 -0.2% 120.5 1.1% 119.7 0.4% KINROSS 118.05 118.05 122.3 1.0% 120.8 -0.2% 120.4 1.1% 119.5 0.4% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 122.3 1.0% 120.8 -0.2% 120.3 1.1% 119.5 0.4% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 122.2 1.0% 120.8 -0.2% 120.3 1.1% 119.4 0.4% PORCUPINE_TS118.05 118.05 124.8 1.0% 123.4 -0.2% 124.2 1.0% 123.4 0.3% TIMMINS_K1H6118.05 118.05 114.4 -6.8% 114.9 -6.4% 113.8 -6.8% 114.7 -6.1% TIMMINS_K23 118.05 118.05 123.7 0.6% 122.2 -0.6% 123.0 0.6% 122.2 -0.1% HUNTA_SS 118.05 118.05 126.4 -0.9% 126.2 -1.0% 126.1 -0.9% 126.1 -0.9% LAFOREST 118.05 118.05 115.2 -6.1% 115.6 -5.8% 114.6 -6.1% 115.4 -5.5% WARKUS 118.05 118.05 122.3 0.0% 121.3 -0.9% 121.7 0.0% 121.1 -0.5% PORCUPINE_TS220.00 220.00 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% HOYLE CAA ID 2011-425 40 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 4: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV P15T circuit without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 122.7 0.6% 122.2 0.2% 120.8 0.7% 120.3 0.3% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 120.8 0.7% 120.3 0.3% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 28.6 0.7% 28.5 0.3% DOME MINE 118.05 118.05 124.4 0.6% 123.8 0.2% 123.7 0.6% 123.3 0.3% HOYLE 118.05 118.05 122.0 0.6% 121.4 0.2% 120.0 0.7% 119.5 0.3% KINROS 118.05 118.05 121.8 0.6% 121.3 0.2% 119.9 0.7% 119.4 0.3% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 121.8 0.6% 121.3 0.2% 119.9 0.7% 119.4 0.3% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 121.8 0.6% 121.2 0.2% 119.8 0.7% 119.3 0.3% PORCUPINE TS1 18.05 118.05 124.4 0.6% 123.9 0.2% 123.8 0.6% 123.3 0.3% TIMMINS_K1H6118.05 118.05 123.0 0.2% 122.6 -0.2% 122.4 0.2% 122.0 -0.1% TIMMINS_K23 118.05 118.05 114.2 -7.1% 112.7 -8.3% 113.5 -7.2% 111.4 -8.9% HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 126.1 -1.1% 125.8 -1.3% 125.8 -1.1% 125.4 -1.4% LAFOREST 118.05 118.05 122.8 0.1% 122.3 -0.3% 122.2 0.1% 121.8 -0.2% WARKUS 118.05 118.05 115.9 -5.3% 114.8 -6.2% 115.3 -5.3% 113.7 -6.6% PORCUPINE TS 220.00 220.00 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% CAA ID 2011-425 41 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 5: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV H6T circuit without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 122.4 0.4% 122.4 0.4% 117.3 -2.7% 120.9 0.3% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 117.3 -2.7% 120.9 0.3% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 27.8 -2.8% 28.7 0.3% DOME MINE 118.05 118.05 123.9 0.4% 123.8 0.4% 120.1 -2.6% 123.6 0.3% 118.05 118.05 121.8 0.4% 121.8 0.4% 116.6 -2.7% 120.2 0.3% KINROSS 118.05 118.05 121.7 0.4% 121.6 0.4% 116.5 -2.7% 120.1 0.3% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 121.6 0.4% 121.6 0.4% 116.4 -2.7% 120.1 0.3% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 121.6 0.4% 121.5 0.4% 116.4 -2.7% 120.0 0.3% PORCUPINE TS118.05 118.05 123.9 0.4% 123.8 0.4% 120.1 -2.6% 123.6 0.3% TIMMINS K1H6118.05 118.05 123.3 0.6% 123.2 0.6% 118.9 -2.9% 122.4 0.0% TIMMINS K23 118.05 118.05 123.3 0.4% 123.2 0.4% 119.2 -2.9% 122.8 0.1% HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 125.1 0.7% 125.0 0.6% 119.6 -3.6% 122.9 -0.9% PORCUPINE TS 220.00 220.00 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% HOYLE CAA ID 2011-425 42 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 6: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 115 kV H7T circuit without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 122.5 0.5% 122.5 0.5% 113.6 -5.7% 120.6 0.1% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 113.6 -5.7% 120.6 0.1% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 26.9 -5.9% 28.6 0.1% DOME MINE 118.05 118.05 124.0 0.5% 123.9 0.5% 116.5 -5.5% 123.3 0.0% 118.05 118.05 121.9 0.5% 121.8 0.5% 112.9 -5.8% 119.9 0.1% KINROSS 118.05 118.05 121.8 0.5% 121.7 0.5% 112.8 -5.8% 119.8 0.1% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 121.7 0.5% 121.7 0.5% 112.8 -5.8% 119.8 0.1% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 121.7 0.5% 121.6 0.5% 112.7 -5.8% 119.7 0.1% PORCUPINE TS118.05 118.05 124.0 0.5% 123.9 0.5% 116.5 -5.5% 123.3 0.0% TIMMINS K1H6118.05 118.05 123.2 0.5% 123.1 0.4% 115.8 -5.5% 122.4 0.0% TIMMINS K23 118.05 118.05 123.7 0.8% 123.6 0.7% 115.9 -5.5% 122.8 0.1% HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 125.9 1.4% 125.7 1.2% 119.9 -3.3% 124.2 0.2% PORCUPINE TS 220.00 220.00 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% HOYLE CAA ID 2011-425 43 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 7: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of 230 kV P91G circuit without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 118.7 -2.6% 121.6 -0.2% 113.7 -5.7% 120.6 0.1% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 113.7 -5.7% 120.6 0.1% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 26.9 -5.8% 28.6 0.1% DOME MINE 118.05 118.05 120.2 -2.5% 123.1 -0.2% 116.6 -5.4% 123.4 0.1% 118.05 118.05 118.1 -2.6% 121.0 -0.2% 113.0 -5.7% 120.0 0.1% KINROSS 118.05 118.05 118.0 -2.6% 120.9 -0.2% 112.9 -5.7% 119.9 0.1% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 117.9 -2.6% 120.8 -0.2% 112.8 -5.7% 119.8 0.1% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 117.9 -2.6% 120.8 -0.2% 112.8 -5.7% 119.8 0.1% PORCUPINE TS118.05 118.05 120.2 -2.5% 123.1 -0.2% 116.6 -5.4% 123.4 0.1% TIMMINS K1H6118.05 118.05 119.1 -2.8% 121.9 -0.5% 115.9 -5.4% 122.5 0.0% TIMMINS K23 118.05 118.05 119.3 -2.8% 122.3 -0.4% 116.0 -5.4% 122.8 0.1% HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 119.9 -3.4% 122.8 -1.1% 120.0 -3.2% 124.2 0.2% LAFOREST 118.05 118.05 118.6 -3.0% 121.5 -0.7% 115.8 -5.2% 122.2 0.0% WARKUS 118.05 118.05 117.2 -3.6% 120.3 -1.1% 115.4 -5.0% 121.5 0.1% PORCUPINE TS 220.00 220.00 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% HOYLE CAA ID 2011-425 44 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 8: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV T/F T3 without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 116.9 -4.1% 121.2 -0.6% 113.6 -5.3% 120.1 0.1% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 113.6 -5.3% 120.1 0.1% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 26.9 -5.5% 28.5 0.1% DOME MINE 118.05 118.05 118.6 -4.0% 122.9 -0.6% 116.7 -5.1% 123.1 0.1% 118.05 118.05 116.2 -4.2% 120.5 -0.6% 112.8 -5.4% 119.4 0.1% KINROSS 118.05 118.05 116.0 -4.2% 120.3 -0.6% 112.7 -5.4% 119.3 0.1% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 116.0 -4.2% 120.3 -0.6% 112.6 -5.4% 119.2 0.1% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 115.9 -4.2% 120.2 -0.6% 112.6 -5.4% 119.2 0.1% PORCUPINE TS118.05 118.05 118.7 -4.0% 122.9 -0.6% 116.7 -5.1% 123.1 0.1% TIMMINS K1H6118.05 118.05 118.0 -3.9% 121.9 -0.7% 116.1 -5.0% 122.1 0.0% TIMMINS K23 118.05 118.05 118.1 -4.0% 122.3 -0.5% 116.2 -5.0% 122.5 0.2% HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 125.9 -1.3% 127.2 -0.2% 125.1 -1.7% 127.2 0.0% LAFOREST 118.05 118.05 118.2 -3.7% 121.9 -0.7% 116.4 -4.7% 122.1 0.0% WARKUS 118.05 118.05 118.4 -3.2% 121.8 -0.4% 116.7 -4.1% 121.8 0.1% PORCUPINE TS 220.00 220.00 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% HOYLE CAA ID 2011-425 45 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix B: System Voltage Assessment Results Table B 9: System Voltage Assessment Results-Following the loss of Porcupine 115 kV T/F T4 without the project Pre-tap action with the project Post-tap action Pre-tap action Post-tap action Name Base Voltage (kV) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) Voltage (kV) Change (%) BELL CREEK 118.05 118.05 116.9 -4.1% 121.2 -0.6% 113.6 -5.3% 120.2 0.2% BELL CREEK H118.10 118.10 0.0 - 0.0 - 113.6 -5.3% 120.2 0.2% BELL CREEK L27.600 27.60 0.0 - 0.0 - 26.9 -5.4% 28.5 0.2% DOME MINE 118.05 118.05 118.7 -4.0% 122.9 -0.6% 116.8 -5.0% 123.1 0.1% 118.05 118.05 116.2 -4.1% 120.5 -0.6% 112.8 -5.4% 119.4 0.2% KINROSS 118.05 118.05 116.1 -4.1% 120.4 -0.6% 112.7 -5.4% 119.3 0.2% ECSTALL 118.05 118.05 116.0 -4.1% 120.3 -0.6% 112.7 -5.4% 119.3 0.2% KIDD_METSITE118.05 118.05 116.0 -4.1% 120.3 -0.6% 112.6 -5.4% 119.2 0.2% PORCUPINE TS118.05 118.05 118.7 -4.0% 122.9 -0.6% 116.8 -5.0% 123.2 0.1% TIMMINS K1H6118.05 118.05 118.0 -3.9% 122.0 -0.7% 116.1 -4.9% 122.2 0.0% TIMMINS K23 118.05 118.05 118.1 -3.9% 122.3 -0.5% 116.2 -5.0% 122.6 0.2% HUNTA SS 118.05 118.05 125.9 -1.3% 127.3 -0.2% 125.1 -1.7% 127.2 0.0% LAFOREST 118.05 118.05 118.2 -3.7% 121.9 -0.6% 116.4 -4.7% 122.1 0.0% WARKUS 118.05 118.05 118.4 -3.2% 121.8 -0.4% 116.8 -4.1% 121.9 0.1% PORCUPINE TS 220.00 220.00 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% 245.0 0.0% HOYLE – End of section – CAA ID 2011-425 46 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix C: Motor Start Studies Appendix C: Motor Start Studies Table C 1: Motor start study Bus Name BELL CREEK 118.05 BELL CREEK H118.10 BELL CREEK L27.600 DOME MINE 118.05 HOYLE 118.05 KINROSS 118.05 ECSTALL 118.05 KIDD_METSITE118.05 PORCUPINE TS118.05 TIMMINS K1H6118.05 TIMMINS K23 118.05 HUNTA SS 118.05 LAFOREST 118.05 WARKUS 118.05 PORCUPINE TS 220.00 Before Motor Starting After Motor Starting Percentage Change kV kV % 118.05 120.38 117.62 2.35 118.10 120.41 117.63 2.36 27.60 28.593 27.565 3.73 118.05 123.16 121.48 1.38 118.05 119.64 116.90 2.34 118.05 119.51 116.77 2.35 118.05 119.47 116.73 2.35 118.05 119.43 116.69 2.35 118.05 123.18 121.51 1.37 118.05 122.35 120.73 1.34 118.05 122.49 120.87 1.34 118.05 127.30 126.56 0.58 118.05 122.29 120.76 1.27 118.05 121.92 120.6 1.09 220.00 244.99 243.7 0.53 Base KV – End of Motor Start Studies – CAA ID 2011-425 47 October 25, 2011 System Impact Assessment Report Appendix D: Voltage Stability Analysis Appendix D: Voltage Stability Analysis Figure D 1:: PV Curves Curves- Pre and Post contingency voltages in the vicinity of the project – End of section – CAA ID 2011-425 48 October 25, 2011