Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Needham, Massachusetts Electrical and Computer Engineering ENGR3420 Analog and Digital Communications, Fall 2005 T9-9:50, W9-10:50 AC304, 1 hr. tutorial OC332 or F9-9:50 AC304 Syllabus Format: Class hours | Class days | Date | Subjects 1 1 F 9/02/05 Class Overview/ Basic concepts and definitions: Communication: transfer of information across space and time (same as storage). Information defined and measured. Compression: eliminate redundant information. Coding: data representation 2 2 T 9/06/05 Class Overview/ Basic concepts and definitions: Modulation: sharing a channel between multiple users. Modulation types: Time Division, Frequency Division, Code Division. Figures of merit in a communications system: signalto-noise ratio (SNR, analog) and probability of error (digital). 3 3 W 9/07/05 Diagnostic exam 4 Expectation from class, student group assessment of class content. Device laws; associated reference directions; voltage/current plane. 5 4 F 9/09/05 KVL, KCL, parallel and series combinations, voltage and current dividers. Lumped parameter: collapse of space; elimination of distributed quantities and partial diff. equations KVL, KCL and Device laws define everything else. 6 5 M 9/12/05 Tutorial Ladder network; symmetric bridge 7 6 T 9/13/05 Node method and super nodes Superposition 8 7 W 9/14/05 Thevenin and Norton 9 Test voltage/current Dependent sources 10 8 M 9/19/05 Tutorial Thevenin and Norton with dependent sources 11 9 T 9/20/05 RC, LR homogeneous RC, LR step 12 10 W 9/21/05 RC, LR impulse 13 LC homogeneous & step response 14 11 M 9/26/05 Tutorial Thevenin, Norton & Node method in time-dependent circuits 15 12 T 9/27/05 LC impulse RLC homogeneous 16 13 W 9/28/05 RLC step 17 SSS, impedance, transfer function, frequency response 18 14 T 10/04/05 <1/3-end of circuits> Bode plots, filters 19 15 W 10/05/05 Fourier transform 20 Properties, sinc function 21 16 F 10/07/05 Convolution, differentiation M 10/10/05 Columbus Day - No Class T 10/11/05 Olin Monday - No Class 22 17 W 10/12/05 Fourier Properties 23 Parseval’s Theorem, Bandwidth of convolution, Sampling (Nyquist), modulation 23 18 F 10/14/05 Demodulation 25 19 M 10/17/05 Tutorial Switch modulation 26 20 T 10/18/05 <1/2> SSB 27 28 29 21 22 30 31 32 33 23 24 34 26 35 36 37 27 25 28 38 39 40 41 29 30 42 32 43 44 33 45 34 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 35 36 53 40 31 37 38 39 W 10/19/05 AM, power & efficiency diode, envelope detector M 10/24/05 Tutorial Phase-Locked-Loop (PLL) for phase and frequency synchronization T 10/25/05 AM Lab W 10/26/05 AM Lab AM Lab M 10/31/05 Tutorial RC calculation in envelope detector T 11/01/05 FM W 11/02/05 Big Conversation Series - No Class F 11/04/05 Olin Wednesday - FM Lab FM Lab M 11/07/05 <2/3> Tutorial FM demodulation counting zero crossings T 11/08/05 FM Lab W 11/09/05 FM Lab FM Lab M 11/14/05 Tutorial Lab report assessment; class feedback T 11/15/05 Spread Spectrum, Code multiplexing, signal orthogonality W 11/16/05 Spread Spectrum, Code multiplexing Signal orthogonality M 11/21/05 Thanksgiving - No Class T 11/22/05 Thanksgiving - No Class W 11/23/05 Thanksgiving - No Class M 11/28/05 Tutorial SS Lab T 11/29/05 SS Lab W 11/30/05 SS Lab SS Lab T 12/06/05 Hypothesis testing, probability of error W 12/07/05 Information Theory Channel Capacity (Additive White Gaussian Noise) F 12/9/05 Information Theory Source Coding T 12/13/05 Last day of classes Take Home Exam W 12/14/05 Study Day R 12/15/05 Study Day, Finals Begin Su 12/18/05 Final Period, Take Home turn in