American Mineralogist, Volume 79, pages 145-147, 1994 A high-temperature assembly for 1.91-cm (t/n-in.) piston-cylinder apparatus Prnnnn flunoN, DoN R. Blrnn, Plur. B. Torr Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,McGill University, 3450 University Street,Montr6al, Qu6bec}{3A2A7, Canada AssrRAcr A l.9l-cm (%-in.) piston-cylinderassemblysuitablefor high-temperatureexperimentation has been designed.It can easily hold four capsules3 mm in diameter encircling a thermocouple at the center of the graphite furnace. The overall design is simple in order to provide the samples and thermocouple a uniform, anhydrous environment poor in contaminants. The major components are made of NaCl, fused silica glass,and crushable alumina. No pressurecorrection is necessaryat temperaturesabove 1400 "C, and experiments can be performed to 2100 "C. The vertical thermal gradient over the central 4.5 mm of the furnacein this assemblyis <4'Clmm below 1700'C and reachesa maximum of l0 'Clmm at 2 100lC with either hot piston-out or hot piston-in pressurizationtechniques. Trrnl.ssnNnr-v The piston-cylinder apparatus (Boyd and England, 1960)is widely usedto perform experimentsat pressures and temperatures occurring in the lower crust and uppermost mantle. Phase equilibria studies at high pressures and at temperatures exceeding 1600 "C require a piston-cylinder assemblythat is low in contaminants,anhydrous,frictionless,and capableof maintainingalarge volume for multiple capsulesand that generatesa smooth thermal gradient.A l.9l-cm (3/+-in.) assemblycontaining no hydrous parts such as talc or pyrophyllite has been designedin order to fulfill thesecriteria. The furnace assembly is illustrated in Figure l. The pressuremedium is made of three stackedNaCl cylinders whose total length is about I mm longer than the other parts of the assemblybecauseof the high compressibility of salt. NaCl has the advantagesof being inexpensive, being free of impurities, requiring no machining, and needinglesselectricalpower than talc assembliesto reach the sametemperature(Boettcheret al., l98l). The NaCl is separatedfrom the graphite furnace by a fused silica sleeve;a Pyrex sleeveis used in experimentsbelow 1400 "C. The inner part of the assembly consists of Norton AN900 crushablealumina (99.7 wto/oAlrO3) with an axial hole for the thermocouple. Sample capsulesare inserted in the assemblyby cutting the Norton AN900 crushable alumina in two pieces and drilling cavities around the axial hole at the top ofthe bottom piece.The part ofthe axial hole adjacent to the sample capsulesis slightly enlarged compared with that in the top piece of crushable alumina to avoid thermocouple breakagedue to slight misalignmentbetweenthe two crushablealumina pieces. To locate the thermocouple at the furnace center, the axial hole in the bottom crushablealumina piece is packed tightly with reagent-gradealumina powder or filled with a rod machinedfrom AN900 crushablealumina topped with about 1 mm of reagent-gradealumina powder. Ther0003404x/94l0l 02-ol 45$02.00 mocouple wires are insulated with McDanel 998 alumina (99.8 wto/oAlroj). Both alumina pieces,Norton AN900 and McDanel 998, provide an anhydrousenvironment low in contaminants and have virtually the same chemical composition and thermal conductivity and similar physical properties.This assemblydesignfavors isotropic pressuredistribution and a smooth thermal gradient.Also, thermocouple drift is minimized by use of high-purity alumina (Mao and Bell, 197l;Mao et al., l97l; Presnall et al., 1973). A rod of fused silica glass 5 mm long is necessaryat the base of the furnace to prevent thermocouple breakage because of mechanical distortion; at temperaturesbelow 1400.C, a Pyrex rod l0 mm in length is used.The steelbaseplug at the top of the assemblyis insulated from the pressurevessel with a Pyrex sleeve. Pyrex is preferred to conventional pyrophyllite sleeves becauseit is anhydrous, can be cut to size easily, and is cheaper.To lubricate the assembly,a Pb foil 0.05 mm thick (not shown in Fig. l) is wrapped around the salt cell. No MoS, lubricant is used.This assemblydesignis free of most sourcesof Hr, HrO, and S gases.Four capsules3 mm in diameter that are 4 mm long may be easily accommodated. Alternatively, a single capsule of larger dimensionscan be placedin the centerof the assembly, and the thermocouple located slightly above the hot spot. Pnnssunn cALTBRATToNAND MEASUREMENToF THE THERMAL GRADIENT Temperatureswere measured with WerRe3-WrrRe(type D) thermocouples made from wires calibrated by EngelhardIndustries. This calibration is traceableto National BureauofStandardstest no. 243484A and has an accuracynot exceedin1+0.7o/o.No pressurecorrection was applied to the emf of the thermocouples.Pressure calibration of this assemblyat I GPa was performed using the melting temperatureof diopside (1513 + 3 'C) reportedby Boettcheret al. (l 982),which agreesto within 145 146 HUDON ET AL.: HIGH-TEMPERATURE ASSEMBLY 1 , 9 1 - c nA S S E M B L Y n LZ-Z srEELBAsEPLUG : pyoFfi Distonce from cenier of furnoce (mm) 6 2095 f'fl Nocr 2085 fl tl FusEDsrlrcA GLAss 2075 cRAPHTTE 19 0 0 t O 18 9 0 l':I L.l ALUMINA CRUSHAELE trI..=] hd THERMOCOUPLECERAHIC q) H.DANEL es@ALUHINA N "o"ro" o""oF cAPSULE Fig. I . Crosssectionof the I .9I -cmhigh-temperature assembly for the piston-cylinder apparatus. l0 "C with earlier data (Boyd and England, 1963; Williams and Kennedy, 1969).The pressurizationand heating procedure for both hot piston-out and hot piston-in techniques was the same up to 1300 .C. A pressureof 0. 15 GPa was first applied to ensure electrical contact between the piston, the graphite furnace, and the base plug. The assemblywas then heated to 1300 .C at a rate of 300'C/min; pressurewas increasedsimultaneouslysuch that, at 500, 1000, and 1300 "C, the pressurewas approximately0.4,0.7, and 0.85 GPa. The temperaturewas then raised at 100 "C/min up to 1400 "C, and then at 50 'Clmin to the experimental temperature. For the hot piston-out technique,pressurewas increasedto 1.2 GPa at 1400'C; after reachingthe experimental temperature,the pressurewas decreasedslowly to 1.0 GPa. For the hot piston-in technique, pressurewas increasedslowly while the assemblywas heatedfrom 1300.C to the temperature of the experiment,in order to reach 1.0 GPa at the temperature desired. Between 1300 and 1400 "C, careful pumping must be performed for both techniquesbecause the fused silica glass sleeve softens in this temperature range, resulting in a concomitant drop in pressure.Pressurewas controlled within +0.008 GPa, and temperature within + I "C. Results of the calibration indicate that no friction correction,within a precisionof +0.04 Gpa, is necessaryat temperaturesof 1400"C and above for either hot piston-out or hot piston-in pressurizationprocedures. The vertical thermal gradients in this assembly were measuredat I GPa and temperaturesbetween 1000 and 2100 "C. During the measurementof the thermal gradient, the temperature was increasedat 300 "C/min to 950 "C and then raised at 50 'Clmin for the duration of the experiment. Pressurizationand heating of the assembly followed similar P-Z paths,as describedabove,for pressurecalibration. Thermal gradientswere measuredat 100 oCintervals betweenwelded thermocouples located at the center of the furnace and 2.25 mm either above or below f, o 18 8 0 1700 16 9 0 Q) o_ (- 16 8 0 c ./ o7 ,/\ z 4-dA | /uu \ \ (l) F 15 0 0 14 9 0 14 8 0 10 0 0 990 980 1 8 2 5 1 9 . 2 5 2 0 . 2 5 2 1. 2 5 2 2 . 2 5 2 3 . 2 5 2 4 . 2 5 D i s t o n c ef r o m b o i t o m o f f u r n o c e ( m m ) Fig. 2. Thermal gradients measured at 2100, 1900, 1700, I 500, and I 000 'C at 1.0 GPa over the central part ofthe furnace assembly.Squaresrepresentdata collectedwith four Pt capsules, and circles represent data collected with four Mo capsules.At 1000, 1500, and 1700 "C a circle is superimposedon a square at the distanceof 21.25 mm from the bottom of the furnace. A second-degreepolynomial has been used to fit the data points. The short-dashedline shows the thermal profiles reported by Cohen et al. (1967) whereasthe long-dashedlines depict profiles measuredby Boyd and England(1963),both in I .27-cmassemblies. The thermal profiles of Boyd and England (1963) have been slightly shifted to bring the locations of maximum temperature into alignment for all three profiles. the center. After the experiment, the location and the distance between the thermocouples were checked to make sure they did not move as a result of pressurization. A time interval of 90-240 s was required at each temperature for stabilization of the temperature readings from both thermocouples. All measurements were performed with loaded capsules to simulate actual experimental conditions in which Pt capsules are used at temperatures below 1700 'C and Mo capsules are used at higher temperatures. At 2100 'C the temperatures measured by both thermocouples fluctuated by +5 "C; however, the tem- HUDON ET AL.: HIGH-TEMPERATUREASSEMBLY perature gradient between the thermocouples remained constant to within + I 'C. Figure 2 showsthe vertical thermal gradientsmeasured over the central 4.5 mm of the graphite furnace in this assembly. At temperatures of 1700 oC and below, the gradient is <4 "C/mm, and at 2100 "C, the maximum gradientis l0 "C/mm. This assemblyhas a zone 5.4 mm in length in which the temperatureis no more than l0'C below that of the hot spot, up to 1400 'C; at higher temperatures the length of this zone diminishes to 3.5 mm at 2100 "C. Vertical thermal gradientsin our l.9l-cm assemblyare similar to thosemeasuredin other l.9l-cm assemblieswith straight-wall graphite furnaces(kistner, I 979; Kushiro, 1976). Vertical thermal gradientsin 1.27cm (Yz-in.)assembliesare equal to or greater than those we have measured(Fig. 2). The gradientin the 1.27-cm assemblyof Cohen et al. (1967)is similar to the oneswe measured,whereasgradients reported by Boyd and England (1963) at 1500 and 1700 "C are steeperthan ours (Fig. 2). Dunn's measurements(Dunn, 1993)at 1200 "C in his 1.27-cm assembly(similar in designto the standard Depths of the Earth | .27 -cm assembly)demonstratethat only the central 3.75 mm of his assemblyare within l0 "C of the hot-spot temperature. Radial temperature gradients appear similarly small, based on textural observations ofcross sectionsthrough sample capsules.This is supported by radial temperature gradient determinations in other types of assembliescarasried out by other investigators.In a l.9l-cm (3/a-in.) sembly made of NaCl, pyrophyllite, and graphite at 2001000 "C and l-3 GPa, there was a temperaturedifference of l0lobetween the center and inside wall of the graphite furnace, the maximum temperature being closest to the furnacewall (Leistner,1979).ln a 2.54-cm(l-in.) assembly made of NaCI and graphite the radial temperature differencebetweenthe center and a spot I mm away from the inside furnacewall was no largerthan 1.5 'C at 1200 .C and 1.5 GPa (Bohlenand Boettcher,1982).Additionally, alkali halide melting experiments carried out in a 2.54-cm (l-in.) assemblymade of NaCl and graphiteat 0.5 GPa showedthat the thermal gradient acrossthe sample was <5 "C (Bohlen, 1984). Drscussrox Assembliesof our design routinely operate to temperatures of 1900 .C for experiments of 60 min long and have beenusedin 20-min experimentsat 2000'C and in 5-min experimentsat 2100 "C at I GPa. High-temperature experimentsquench to I 00 "C ar a rate of about I 500 'Clmin. At temperaturesabove 2100'C at 1.0 GPa, the assemblyundergoesgradual deterioration becauseofthe melting of the alumina near 2200'C, leading to failure of the experiment. Hot piston-in conditions are preferred at high temperaturesbecausewe observed a systematicin- 147 creaseof the thermal gradient during the decompression step of the hot piston-out technique. This increase is probably the result of a changein the wall thickness of the graphite furnace in the vicinity of the four sample capsulesthat appearsto occur when the assemblyis decompressed,or to the stresseffects on the two thermocouples(Mao and Bell, l97l; Mao et al., l97l). AcxNowr,rocMENTS This paper representspart of the first author's Ph.D. thesis at Mccill University. Thanks go to J.N. Ludden for the loan ofthe welding apparatus, to H. Bossenyi for help in the laboratory, and to C. Dalpe for helpful discussions. This work was funded by a Leroy fellowship and a Geological SocietyofAmerica researchgrant (no. 4957-92) to P.H., and by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada operating grant (no. OGP0089662)to D.R.B. Rrpnnrnrcns CITED Boettcher,A.L., Windom, K.E., Bohlen, S.R., and Luth, R.W. (1981) lrw-friction, anhydrous, low- to high-temperature furnace sample assembly for piston-cylinderapparatus.Review of ScientificInstruments, 52.1903-1904. Boettcher,A.L., Burnham, C.W., Windom, K.E., and Bohlen, S.R. (19E2) Liquids, glasses,and the melting ofsilicates to high pressures.Joumal of Geology, 90, 127-138. Bohlen, S.R. 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