Feet Wet, Hands Dirty: Engaging Students in Science Teaching and Learning With Stream Investigations Stream investigation and restoration projects offer unique experiential opportunities to engage students in outdoor learning experiences that are relevant to the communities in which they live. These experiences promote an understanding of watershed issues and establish positive attitudes and behaviors that benefit local watersheds and help to create environmentally literate citizens. Additionally, they provide excellent opportunities for students to practice issue investigation and to learn relevant field data techniques “doing as scientists do.” Here we describe a pilot program in which preservice teachers enrolled in a science teaching practicum course in the second semester of their professional course sequence partnered with classroom teachers in a local elementary school to provide students in Grades 3 and 4 meaningful watershed educational experiences that met the mission of the Maryland Stream Initiative program and also met curriculum and learning goals for the preservice students. 12 Journal of College Science Teaching T he two nonmajors science courses described here and the methods we used to teach them evolved from the following questions: (a) How can we increase the science teaching efficacy of preservice teachers while making them more aware of environmental issues affecting their communities, and (b) how can we better prepare preservice teachers to implement outdoor-based learning experiences with their students? Education and stewardship, the heart of our project, is one of five main components advocated in the Chesapeake Bay 2000 agreement (C2K; Chesapeake Bay Program, 2000), a multistate promise to enhancing preservation, restoration and education of the Chesapeake Bay and its encompassing watershed. Outlined specifically in commitment number five, “Stewardship and Community Engagement,” are objectives aimed at providing all school-age children with a “meaningful bay experience”; increasing partnerships among schools, PHOTO COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR By Sarah Haines universities, and local agencies; and enhancing the abilities of schools to participate in education and watershed restoration activities. As the nation’s largest estuary, the Chesapeake Bay is a logical centerpiece for the scientific commitment of teachers and students as each engage in environmental education and outreach goals. The rationale for our partnership is all too often expressed in the science education literature. Numerous national and international mathematics and science studies have revealed that many U.S. students and teachers are not demonstrating even basic competence in these subjects (Bardeen & Lederman, 1998; National Center for Educational Statistics, 2012). At the elementary level, if science is even taught on a regular basis in the classroom, the situation is dire, with elementary teachers often expressing a lack of both the knowledge of teaching and learning as well as the knowledge of content necessary to meet any standards for the effective teaching of science. Science instruc- Feet Wet, Hands Dirty tion in the elementary classroom has been cut by about 75 minutes per week, only 25% of elementary teachers felt qualified to teach science, and 58% of 3,400 elementary teachers surveyed said they did not have enough science professional development to carry out meaningful science instruction (Center on Education Policy, 2008; National Research Council, 2007). Elementary teachers specifically indicate that the area in most need of professional development is in science (2000 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education; Horizon Research, 2001). All of these reports, as well as public rhetoric, advocate an essential need for a renewed and invigorated emphasis on science education and specifically, as outlined by the C2K agreement, a revitalized focus on the environment as a context for learning. These challenges are particularly relevant in environmental education. Although many states have implemented K–12 environmental literacy plans (see http://www.cbf.org/ncli/ action/environmental-literacy-plansby-state for examples), one state has implemented an environmental literacy graduation requirement (http://maeoe. org/maryland-environmental-literacystandards-graduation-requirement/), and the national legislation No Child Left Inside is still actively being lobbied for, there is still need for more emphasis in environmental education in teacher preparation programs. If our students in teacher preparation programs will be asked to address these requirements in their classrooms, then they will need the content knowledge and skill set to do so. Institutions of higher education recognize the need to become proactively involved with local communities and schools to improve the quality of “hands-on” science education received by preservice teachers and the students they will one day teach. Our belief is that we must first engage college-level students with activities and hands-on experience that they themselves will implement with their elementary- level students. Acting on this belief, we sought to redesign two of our nonmajors science courses to provide a better learning experience for both preservice elementary teachers and students enrolled in a local elementary school. These experiences increased students’ science teaching self-efficacy and allowed them to gain experience teaching in an outdoor setting. Course context The courses described here are offered to elementary education majors who have junior status. The courses are taken during a “mathematics and science semester” in which students are enrolled in two mathematics courses taught by faculty in the Mathematics Department. One of these mathematics courses is a methods course and the other is a practicum in which students are placed in a school for a few hours a week, where they teach and observe in a classroom. Three courses are taught by faculty in the Departments of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences and the Department of Biological Sciences. These are earth/space science and the two courses we will focus on here: life science and a science practicum in which students teach science in a local elementary school classroom once weekly. Ideally, students are placed with the same professor for their practicum and one of their science content courses; that is, a student would have the same professor for the science practicum and the life science course, or the science practicum and the earth/space science course. This allows the professor to discuss science concepts and teaching methods in the content course and then observe the students applying those concepts and techniques in the practicum. However, because of scheduling issues, it is often possible for a student to have different professors for each course. It is also the case that many times, the content being taught in the life science and earth/space science courses is not the same content that the students are expected to teach in their science practicum each week; therefore, if the student is not familiar with the content in the curriculum that is being taught during the practicum, and that content is not being covered in either of the content classes, then the onus is on the student to familiarize himself or herself adequately enough with the curricular content to teach it effectively. This is probably the greatest fear we see among our students; they are very nervous about their lack of content knowledge and their ability to answer questions from their elementary level students when they are not comfortable with the content themselves. Therefore, part of our redesign plan was to match the material being taught in our life science class with the material the students would be presenting to the elementary level students during their weekly science practicum. Our idea was to tie into some of the existing curricular movements within our state; namely, the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) and the Governor’s Explore and Restore Your Stream Initiative. Course logistics and setup Being located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed, we decided to have the central focus of the science content in the two courses be aquatic/ watershed related. In doing so, we were able to incorporate outdoor education and teaching techniques, the requirements of all Maryland schools to integrate a MWEE into their curriculum each year (see www. chesapeakebay.net for more information), the Maryland Environmental Literacy Standards (see www.msde. maryland.gov; http://www.maryland publicschools.org/MSDE/programs/ environment/), and the Governor’s Explore and Restore Your Stream Initiative. The vision of the Explore and Restore Your Stream Initiative is to foster environmental literacy by having students take responsibility for the stream closest to their property, exploring and restoring their “school-shed,” so to speak. Environmental education teachVol. 46, No. 1, 2016 13 ing materials are provided through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). The aim is to expand stream study and restoration projects in Maryland schools, with students conducting investigations both in the classroom and, in particular, the outdoors. The rationale for this focus is that engaging students in their local environment is part of a rigorous process that helps our youngest citizens become stewards of their environment, improves their skills in several educational disciplines, and prepares them for 21st-century jobs. MSDE and partnering environmental agencies and organizations (in this case, our university) provide help for teachers to engage their students in stream study and action projects. Teachers will take their students outdoors three times during the school year to determine stream health and share their data using online mapping and data analysis tools; this will culminate in an action project in which students improve their stream over time. Our partnering school, Pot Spring Elementary School, was paired with our university as part of the Explore and Restore Your Stream Initiative. We worked with three teachers at the school, two third-grade teachers and one fourth-grade teacher. We had a total of 17 students: six were placed in each of the Grade 3 classrooms and five were placed in the Grade 4 classroom. Science was taught twice in each classroom, so the preservice interns were able to switch from being lead teachers to being assistants. For the first hour, three of the students led the lesson while the other three assisted, and for the second hour, the roles were reversed. The preservice students visited the elementary school weekly for an entire semester. The content covered was an ecology unit titled EcoTrekkers. The lessons covered concepts such as decomposition, food chains and food webs, and predator–prey interactions. The last 3 weeks of the semester, the content focus was on a stream that ran through the school property. Con14 Journal of College Science Teaching cepts covered earlier in the semester were related to the stream environment. On the first day of stream exploration, the students focused on physical characteristics. The second class session focused on chemical characteristics of the stream, and the preservice teachers led the students in conducting chemical tests such as dissolved oxygen, nitrates, phosphorous, and pH. The final class had the students sampling the stream for macroinvertebrates, then examining all of the data they had collected as a whole—physical, chemical, and biological—to give the stream a “grade” that indicated its health. While the preservice students were delivering this content to the students at Pot Spring Elementary, they were studying these very same topics in their life science class on campus. The two course syllabi were designed to be somewhat in sync so that the preservice teachers were learning the science content that they would be teaching in the elementary school ahead of time. For example, the first major concept that the students covered at the elementary school was decomposition and its importance to the stream ecosystem as it is related to nutrient cycling and food webs. Therefore, this topic was covered (at a more sophisticated level) in the life science class on campus prior to the week the students would be teaching the topic at the elementary school. Each concept taught by the preservice teachers at the elementary school was introduced in the life science course with at least a week’s lag time, giving the students time to become more familiar with the content before teaching it themselves. The last month of the semester involved in-depth student investigations at the stream. Students spent one week examining the physical properties of the stream, one week examining chemical properties of the stream, and a third week investigating stream macroinvertebrates and using those invertebrates, along with physical and chemical parameters, to assess the overall health of the stream. Therefore, the class periods in the life science course were structured in the same way. The week before students took the elementary level students out to study physical properties of their stream, the university students examined the physical properties of a stream on campus. The chemical properties of the campus stream were examined a week prior to the elementary students’ investigations. Likewise, the macroinvertebrate sampling took place by the university students a week before the elementary level students did their sampling. Although the university students were learning the content at a more complex level, the topics matched. The alignment of the content in the life science course and the content being taught in the elementary science practicum seemed to alleviate much of the nervousness the students felt about having to teach content that they themselves were not familiar with or comfortable with. Methods This study used a mixed-methods approach, using both quantitative and qualitative data to answer the research questions. The specific model that was followed is the triangulation design-convergence model (Creswell, Plano Clark, Gutmann, & Hanson, 2003), in which parallel results are sought between the quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data Quantitative data was collected via the students’ responses on the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument, or STEBI (Enoch & Riggs, 1990). This instrument was administered to students at the start of the semester, before students began teaching at the elementary school (pre), and at the conclusion of the semester (post). The STEBI consists of a 23-item questionnaire designed to measure teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching. Two aspects are measured: outcome expectancy and personal teaching efficacy. The authors of the instrument report a high reliability for both scales of the STEBI: α = .90 for personal sci- Feet Wet, Hands Dirty ence teaching efficacy and α = .76 for teaching outcome expectancy. Thus the STEBI is widely used in science education research. Qualitative data Qualitative data was gathered from student reflective responses that they were required to write each week based on the lesson taught and aspects of the lesson that they would change if they were to teach the same content again. Students were asked to consider the following questions as they formulated a response: my science teaching? • What occurred before or during the lesson that hindered me in my science teaching? • What did I do this week to grow as a science teacher? • What occurred before or during the lesson that supported me in Data were coded to look for statements that corresponded to positive TABLE 1 Comparison of student scores on the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument pre- and posttreatment (scale 1–5). Average pretreatment (N = 12) Average posttreatment (N = 12) 1. When a student does better than usual in science, it is often because the teacher exerted a little extra effort.++ 3.75 4.58 2. I will continually find better ways to teach science.+ 4.33 4.58 3. Even if I try very hard, I will not teach science as well as I will most subjects.*+ 3.5 4.0 4. When the science grades of students improve, it is often due to their teacher having found a more effective approach.++ 4.17 4.67 5. I know the steps necessary to teach science effectively. + 2.42 4.42 6. I will not be very effective in monitoring science experiments.* 3.5 4.42 7. If students are underachieving in science, it is most likely due to ineffective science teaching.++ 3.33 4.33 8. I will generally teach science ineffectively.*+ 3.92 4.08 9. The inadequacy of student’s science background can be overcome by good teaching.++ 4.0 4.67 10. The low achievement of students cannot generally be blamed on their teachers.* 3.0 3.83 11. When a low-achieving student progresses in science, it is usually due to extra attention given by the teacher.++ 3.5 4.5 12. I understand science concepts well enough to be effective in teaching elementary science. + 3.0 4.25 13. Increased effort in science teaching produces little changes in student achievement.*++ 4.0 4.42 14. The teacher is generally responsible for the achievement of students in science. 3.25 3.75 15. Student achievement in science is directly related to their teacher’s effectiveness in science teaching.++ 3.25 4.0 16. If parents comment that their child is showing more interest in science, then it is probably due to the child’s teacher.++ 3.33 4.42 17. I will find it difficult to explain to students why science experiments work.*+ 3.25 4.42 18. I will typically be able to answer students’ science questions. 3.0 4.75 2.58 4.67 20. Given a choice, I will not invite my principal to observe my science teaching.* 3.17 4.33 21. When a student has difficulty understanding a science concept, I will usually be at a loss as to how to help the student understand.*+ 3.17 4.5 22. When teaching science, I will welcome student questions. + 4.08 4.25 23. I do not know what to do to get students excited about science.*+ 3.83 4.33 + ++ ++ + 19. I wonder if I will have the skills to teach science.*+ + *Items that are reverse scored to produce consistent values between positively and negatively worded items. + Items designed to measure personal science teaching efficacy belief. ++ Items designed to measure outcome expectancy. Vol. 46, No. 1, 2016 15 efficacy beliefs and outcomes, negative efficacy beliefs and outcomes, and neutral or undecided efficacy beliefs and outcomes. Results Table 1 shows the results of the STEBI responses both pre and post. For personal teaching efficacy, the two-tailed p value is <.0001 (t = 6.1193, df = 14); M = –0.9947, CI = –1.3433 to –0.6460 (paired two-tailed t-test). For outcome expectancy, the two-tailed p value is <.0001 (t = 8.5044, df = 7); M = –0.7400, CI = –0.9458 to –0.5342 (paired two-tailed t-test). Items 5 and 19 showed the greatest differences between pre- and postconditions. These items indicate that before completing the coursework, students were not confident in their pedagogical knowledge and skill set when it came to teaching science effectively, but perceived that their pedagogical knowledge and skills were much improved at the conclusion of the semester. Analysis of reflective writing samples revealed two main themes. These are listed below with accompanying qualitative data: The stream activities that the preservice teachers participated in during the life science course and that they conducted at the stream with the elementarylevel students were reported as very influential in enhancing their content knowledge and in shaping their ideas about environmental education. “The stream activity really helped me to know in more detail why streams/the Bay are in such bad shape (instead of just saying ‘pollution’). Now I know more about what physical and chemical characteristics, and certain macroinvertebrates indicated about a stream’s health.” “Without a doubt the activities at the stream . . . had the most influence on environmental topics for me. I think because we learned 16 Journal of College Science Teaching about the good parameters of a healthy stream and actually got to explore two streams to have hands on experience. This allowed me to better process the content as well.” “The activity I will never forget is going to the stream learning about all its characteristics, then I got to share my amazing experience with students at Pot Spring!” “The stream activities also made a large impact. I really liked how we did the activity in BIOL 303 and learned a lot of information about it because I was able to relate the information to children in SCIE376 while answering additional questions that arose.” “The stream really affected my beliefs. When I saw how engaged our students were during this lesson, it really affirmed how vital environmental science is in the science classroom. It’s such a personal topic for students because it deals with their local environment and really makes science dynamic to them.” “The stream study was the biggest thing for me. In bio, we were able to experience and participate in the activity ourselves. It was extremely exciting for us so we knew going in to teach that our students would enjoy it. We were able to give them the best experience because we had done it ourselves!” “When it came down to the stream unit, it was especially helpful going down to the stream to complete an activity that was almost identical to what we would do with our students at Pot Spring.” “The stream investigation helped me appreciate nature more. I also learned a lot about the cool, but nasty looking critters that live in neighborhood streams. Learning about the characteristics that make up a healthy stream also helped me want to take care of the environment around me. I will definitely use this activity with my students.” “It was very helpful to go down to the stream and do the activities ourselves before going to teach them to the students.” Coupled with their enhanced content knowledge, having the opportunity to teach the content to the Pot Spring Elementary students weekly enhanced preservice teachers’ confidence in their abilities to be effective science teachers. “At the beginning of the semester, using inquiry-based lessons was very confusing to me and I had a very hard time creating lessons. However, through practice, I have learned how effective it is to have students answer inquiry questions and use scientific reasoning.” “I learned that teaching science through inquiry is very beneficial. The past few weeks have made me very supportive of science inquiry.” “I feel so much more confident with teaching science after taking this course. While it was stressful at times, I learned what real teaching is like and how flexible you have to be. I also learned that creating inquiry-based lessons is definitely possible and more beneficial to the students.” “I was never very good at science and I was nervous that that would show during my teaching. However, after getting firsthand experience at Pot Spring Elementary School . . . I feel way more confident.” Feet Wet, Hands Dirty “The numerous teaching experiences in SCIE376 (fallen log, observing fields, and stream activities) also played a role in how I view environmental science. I saw the effects that going outside had on the students. They were more engaged and more attentive after going outside and exploring. My combined experiences have made me feel much more confident and optimistic about environmental science.” “After doing the macroinvertebrates lesson [at Pot Spring Elementary School] . . . I realized how important it is to show my enthusiasm about environmental ed. At one point in the lesson, a water bug crawled on me (which would have terrified me in the past) and the students screamed, but I kept my cool and told the students that the bug was harmless. Most of my positive experiences from Pot Spring Elementary School came from lessons that we taught outside… because the students were so enthusiastic about the outdoors. I now see the overwhelming benefits of environmental education.” “Going to Pot Spring Elementary School to teach our students was also very beneficial because we were able to apply what we had learned in your class and pass that knowledge on.” Conclusion The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) called for reform in the training of preservice teachers. In part, the NCATE (2010) report states: To prepare effective teachers for 21st century classrooms, teacher education must shift away from a norm which emphasizes academic preparation and course work loosely linked to school-based experiences. Rather, it must move to programs that are fully grounded in clinical practice and interwoven with academic content and professional courses. (p. ii) In this way, students are better able to connect the content that they are learning with the challenges of learning how to use that content and pedagogical knowledge in a classroom setting. It is important to point out that this study only examined preservice teachers’ self-efficacy, and the data reported were based on the preservice teachers’ self-reports. Direct assessment of the improvement of their content knowledge was not a focus of this study. Future studies might address this aspect of the preservice teachers’ learning. With this limitation in mind, the results of the redesign of these two courses do suggest that coupling the content seemed to improve self-efficacy of the preservice teachers and enabled them to have a positive experience teaching outdoor science. The structure of the redesign also fits the essence NCATE’s suggestions. These findings indicate to us that environmental education and the use of the local environment as a teaching tool most definitely has a place in our nonmajors science courses, and we are hopeful that we can use this model in more of our teacher preparation courses. ■ Acknowledgments The Maryland Department of Natural Resources provided the funding for this project through its Explore and Restore Your Streams initiative. The administration of Pot Springs Elementary School and its Grade 3 and 4 faculty graciously agreed to partner with the Towson University preservice students on this project. References Bardeen, M., & Lederman, L. (1998). Coherence in science education. Science, 281(5374), 178–179. Center on Educational Policy. (2008). Instructional time in elementary schools: A closer look at changes for specific subjects. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from www.cep-dc. org Chesapeake Bay Program. (2000). Chesapeake Bay 2000 Agreement. Annapolis, MD: Author. Retrieved from http://www.chesapeakebay. net/channel_files/19193/ chesapeake_2000.pdf Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L., Gutmann, M. L., & Hanson, W. E. (2003). Advanced mixed methods research designs. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (pp. 209–240). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Enoch, L. G., & Riggs, I. M. (1990). Further development of an elementary science teaching efficacy belief instrument: A preservice elementary scale. School Science and Mathematics, 90, 694–706. Horizon Research. (2001). 2000 National survey of science and mathematics education. Chapel Hill, NC: Author. Retrieved from 2000survey.horizonresearch.com National Center for Education Statistics. (2012). The nation’s report card: Science 2011 (NCES 2012-465). Washington, DC: Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from http:// nationsreportcard.gov National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. (2010). Transforming teacher education through clinical practice: A national strategy to prepare effective teachers. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from www.ncate.org/ National Research Council. (2007). Taking science to school: Learning and teaching science in grades K–8. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Sarah Haines (shaines@towson.edu) is a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Towson University in Towson Maryland. Vol. 46, No. 1, 2016 17