1 HW1 1. Two spheres are cut from a certain uniform rock. One has




1. Two spheres are cut from a certain uniform rock. One has radius r=5.0 cm. The mass of the other is eight times greater. Find its radius R .

Since mass ∝ radius 3

R = r · 8 1 / 3 = 10 cm

2. The mass of a copper atom is m = 2 .

27 · 10

ρ = 8920 kg/m 3

25 kg , and the density of copper is

. (a) Determine the number of atoms in V = 1 cm 3 of copper.

N = ρV /m = 3 .

93 10 22

(b) Visualize the one cubic centimeter as formed by stacking up identical cubes, with one copper atom at the center of each. Determine the volume of each cube.

V /N = 2 .

54 10

29 m 3

(c) Find the edge dimension of each cube, which represents an estimate for the spacing between atoms.



1 / 3

= 2 .

94 10

10 m

3. Newton’s law of universal gravitation is represented by F = GM m/r 2 where F is the magnitude of the gravitational force exerted by one small object on another,

M and m are the masses of the objects, and r is a distance. Force has the SI units kg · m/s 2 . What are the SI units of the proportionality constant G?

[ G ] = [ F ] m 2 /kg 2 = m 3 /kg/s 2

4. Kinetic energy KE (Chapter 5) has dimensions kg m 2 /s 2 . It can be written in terms of the momentum p (Chapter 6) and mass m as KE = p 2 / 2 m (a) Determine the proper units for momentum using dimensional analysis. (Use the following as necessary: kg, m, and s.)

[ p ] = kg m/s

(b) Given the units of force, write a simple equation relating a constant force F exerted on an object, an interval of time t during which the force is applied, and the resulting momentum of the object, p.

Look for F ∼ t α p β with yet unknown α, β . Compare the dimensions: kg m/s 2 ∼ s α ( kg m/s ) β

Thus, α = − 1 , β = 1 and

F t ∼ p


5. a) Assume the equation x = At 3 + Bt describes the motion of a particular object, with x having the dimension of length and t having the dimension of time. Determine the dimensions of the constants A and B. (Use the following as necessary:

L and T, where L is the unit of length and T is the unit of time.)

[ A ] = L/T 3 , [ B ] = L/T

(b) Determine the dimensions of the derivative dx/dt = 3 At 2 + B .(Use the following as necessary: L and T, where L is the unit of length and T is the unit of time.)

[ dx/dt ] = L/T

6. A rectangular building lot has a width of 72.5 ft and a length of 110 ft. Determine the area of this lot in square meters

72 .

5 × 110 f t 2 = 72 .

5 × 110 (0 .

305 m ) 2 = 740 .

9 m 2

7. A solid piece of lead has a mass of 31.14 g and a volume of 2.72 cm3. From these data, calculate the density of lead in SI units (kilograms per cubic meter).

1 kg/m3

31 .

14 (0 .

001 kg )

= 11 .

45 10 3

2 .

72 (0 .

01 m ) 3 kg/m 3

8. Suppose your hair grows at the rate 1/31 in. per day. Find the rate at which it grows in nanometers per second. Because the distance between atoms in a molecule is on the order of 0.1 nm, your answer suggests how rapidly layers of atoms are assembled in this protein synthesis

1 in

31 day




2 .

54 10

2 nm × 10 9

24 · 3600 s

= 9 .

48 nm/s

9. Find the order of magnitude of the number of table-tennis balls that would fit into a typical-size room (without being crushed). (Assume that the dimensions of the room are 4 m by 4 m by 3 m.)

10 6

10. a) Compute the order of magnitude of the mass of a bathtub half full of water.

(Assume the tub measures 1.3 m by 0.5 m by 0.3 m.) m = ρV ∼ 10 2 kg

(b) Compute the order of magnitude of the mass of a bathtub half full of pennies.

(Assume the pennies are made entirely of copper.) m = ρ


V ∼ 10 3 kg


11. A surveyor measures the distance across a straight river by the following method.

Starting directly across from a tree on the opposite bank, she walks d = 92 m along the riverbank to establish a baseline. Then she sights across to the tree.

The angle from her baseline to the tree is θ = 31.0. How wide is the river?

d tan θ = 55 .

28 m

12. The displacement vectors and shown in the figure below both have magnitudes of L=1.58 m.


The direction of vector A is θ =38.8.




x a) Find





First, find components


= ( L cos θ , L sin θ ) B = (0 , L )


C x

= A x

+ B x

= L cos θ = 1 .

23 , C y

= A y

+ B y

= L sin θ + L = 2 .

57 magnitude p C x

2 + C y

2 = 2 .

85 direction arctan( C y

/C x

) = 64 .

4 o

(b) Find




C x

= A x

− B x

= L cos θ = 1 .

23 > 0 , C y

= A y

− B y

= L sin θ − L = − 0 .

59 < 0 magnitude p C x

2 + C y

2 = 1 .

37 direction arctan( C y

/C x

) + 360 0 = 334 .

4 0

(c) Find


= −



C x

= − A x

+ B x

= − L cos θ < 0 , C y

= − A y

+ B y

= − L sin θ + L > 0

4 magnitude p C 2 x

+ C 2 y

= 1 .

37 direction arctan( C y

/C x

) + 180 0 = 154 .

4 o

Note: arctan is confined between ± 90 o while angle is measured from 0 to 360.

Hence the above corrections - need to look at the picture.

13. The polar coordinates of a point are r = 6.00 m and θ = 250. What are the

Cartesian coordinates of this point?

~r = ( x, y ) , x = r cos θ = − 2 .

05 m , y = r sin θ = − 5 .

64 m

14. Vector

~ has a magnitude of A=26 units and points in the positive y-direction.

When vector B is added to A, the resultant vector





~ points in the negative y-direction with a magnitude of C=16 units. Find the magnitude of B?

First, write in components


= (0 , A ) C = (0 , − C )






= (0 − 0 , − C − A ) = (0 , − C − A ) and

B = A + C = 42

15. A vector ~r has an x component of -24.5 units and a y component of 39.8 units.

Find the magnitude and direction of this vector.

magnitude r = p x 2 + y 2 = 46 .

73 direction θ = arctan( y/x ) + 180 o = 121 .

6 o counterclockwise from the +x axis

16. Use the component method to add the vectors and shown in the figure. The length of B is 3.55 m and the angle θ = 33 .

0. Length of A is 3.0 m. Express the resultant in unit-vector notation.






One has


= A cos θ~i + A sin θ~j = 2 .

516 ~i + 1 .

63 B = B~j = 3 .

55 ~j





= A cos θ~i + A sin θ~j + B~j = A cos θ~i + ( A sin θ + B ) ~j = 2 .

51 ~i + 5 .

18 ~j

17. Consider the two vectors


= ~i − 3 ~j and

(a) Calculate


= −




= 0 ~i − 7 ~j

~i − 4 ~j .

(b) Calculate



= 2 ~i + ~j

(c) Calculate





| = 7

(d) Calculate




| =


(e) Calculate the directions of + and - .




: 270 o

(counterclockwise from the +x axis)



: 26 .

6 o

(counterclockwise from the +x axis)

