CURRICULUM MAP Subject: MONTH SEPTEMBER OCTOBER (4 WKS) NOVEMBER (4 WEEKS) MID-NOVEMBER TO DECEMBER Spanish 1B TOPIC Grade: Culture: Mexican Day of the Dead (end of Dec.) Meal taking 9 CONCEPT/SKILL ASSESSMENTS RESOURCES Review Spanish 1A Health & Welfare Revised 11/04 Occasional quizzes Grade homework sheets Practice sheets and activities, oral recall exercises, vocab sheets. Verbs ser & estar (forms, Quizzes on vocab & verbs uses, tener & idioms & skits-written and spoken by expressions using tener students on visit to doctor body parts, feelings, until test (listening, reading emotions, illness/symptom and writing), make and verb "doler" (review "guster" label pictures (holiday). type, visit to doctor/dentist verbs), basic pharmacy words, remedies. Te Toca a Ti book, other texts. Flash cards and vocab. Bingo handouts with vocab and practice activities. Text-Spanish is Fun Book, Film - Day of the Dead. Practice sheets on body parts, feelings, ailments, remedies, "Simon Says" and "cabecitas" (games), reading comp in text and other sources. Learn vocab for meals, foods, beverages, table setting, grocery shopping (metrics), eating in a restaurant, bartering (market place), invitations, thank you notes, continue verb "gustar", reading a menu, be able to plan a meal or party. Identify plastic foods and drinks, work from menus in text and other realia. Discuss ethnic foods, students are familiar with (share recipes when feasible with (share recipes when feasible Te Toca a Ti book, other texts Oral skits on eating out in a restaurant, quizzes to check vocab and grammar concepts. Draw and label pictures (table setting, etc.), word games (holiday), letterwriting (invitations) and thank you notes). Unit test. CURRICULUM MAP Subject: MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY Spanish 1B TOPIC Physical Environment/ Community & Neighborhood FEBRUARY -MARCH Shopping Grade: 9 CONCEPT/SKILL ASSESSMENTS RESOURCES Know how to discuss/ Identify places in a town/ (park, airport, church, stores, etc.) Intro-other geographies places (beach, mountains, lake). Activities typical of these places, name, shops and stores, professions, outerwear and sports equipment. Review weather, seasons and weather related activities. Giving directions. Prepare and present orally directions to get a particular destination. Discuss plans to visit somewhere including expected activities, weather and what to wear. Vocab and grammar quizzes. Draw and label a map (original or your town) Unit test. Learn clothing, fabrics, sizes, patterns, types, jewelry. Review types of stores. Ideas for gifts and occasions, currencymethods of payment (return/complaints?). Skit-oral on shopping for a gift. Vocab-quizzes and sheets (to identify clothing, jewelry and stores). "Discussion" on dressing for an occasion, shopping for articles for a party. Chapter test (listening, read, write, grammar) "Scavenger hunt". Vocab lists and activity sheets. Create a "weather channel" skit for possible taping(?). Maps and city "plans" (ex. Text and other sources) Te toca a Ti. Clothing-identify, describe one's own, one another's. Realia-types of money used in Spanish-speaking countries. Match clothing and footwear to activities from other units. Te Toca a Ti book CURRICULUM MAP Subject: MONTH Spanish 1B TOPIC Grade: 9 CONCEPT/SKILL ASSESSMENTS RESOURCES MARCH Travel and Leisure Learn menas of transportation. Starting points/destinations places to travel: (brief geography study). Types of tickets, passports, customs, etc. Travel agency skills, things to do on vacation. Names of countries/people/ language. 24 hour time Plan on trip at an agency (oral). Quizzes on vocab & concepts. Possible "project"-create travel brochure. Unit test (listen, read, write grammar). Vocab & activity sheets, maps, travel brochures, realia from trips (souveniers) Te Toca a Ti book. MARCH - APRIL Public and Private Services Telephone, postal services. Learn parts of a phone, mechanics of calling from private and public phones. Courtesy and "formulas" used related items (phone booth, phone book) and activities, make a call, line is busy, hang up, dial, ring, answer, etc. Oral skit; visit to a post office to send letter and/or package. Oral; "explain" steps in making a phone call. Letter: writing, activity. Vocab quizzes. Letters, phone, phone book, stamps from other places (realia). Pen pals (share) Textbooks. Review, catch up. Prepare for oral and written final exam Practice listening skills, reading, writing and speaking. APRIL - MAY I Go over old tests and proficiency exams and tests at end of major units in textbooks and workbooks. CURRICULUM MAP Subject: MONTH Spanish 1B TOPIC APRIL-MAY continued Grade: CONCEPT/SKILL ASSESSMENTS RESOURCES Similate speaking activities to prepare for orals, do intense drill of vocab and listening in class, reading comprehension activities in class and assigned. Note: Speaking finals to be done in April-Maybeginning of June; before the other parts of the exam. 9