density = mass Volume - Wayne State University Physics and

Density like u never seen it b 4
Introduction: On your lab report, the introduction is the part where you introduce the topic being discussed, which is
density. We are going to figure out the density of water in the most complicated way. In the introduction of you report,
state the purpose or goal of the lab, which is to find the find the density of water by graphing with MS Excel. Lastly, we
will compare the experimental and theoretical values for density.
Theory: The formula for density is
density =
If we graph how mass changes with volume with volume on the x-axis and mass on the y-axis, the slope will be
the density because slope is rise over run or mass over volume.
1. Add water in increments
2. Measure the volume in millimeters, ml after each increment.
3. Measure the mass in grams, gm after each increment. Remember; you have to subtract the mass of the beaker
Mass of the beaker (gm)
4. Fill in the following table as you add water.
Volume (ml)
Mass (gm)
5. Use MS Excel to create a scatter plot of the data and find the equation of the tread line that passes through the
data points. The equation of the line will be in the form y=mx+b.
1. Fill in the following table,
Experimental Density, slope (gm/ml)
Theoretical Density (gm/ml)
Percent error
1 (gm/ml) for pure water
2. Questions:
a. Are you happy with your percent error? If not, what do you thing went wrong? (2 sentences)
b. What is your favorite part about this lab? Why? (2 sentences)
Why do you think pure distilled water is less dense than tap water? (2 sentences)
d. What did you learn about during this lab. (2 sentences)