International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966 Research Manuscript Title COMPARISION OF CONVENTIONAL CONTROLLER AND ANN CONTROLLER FOR DUAL STAGE QZSI WITH REDUCED SHOOT THROUGH STATES FOR PV MODULE Website: V.Pothumani Department of EEE, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode Email: June - 2015 V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page 48 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, COMPARISION OF CONVENTIONAL CONTROLLER AND ANN CONTROLLER FOR DUAL STAGE QZSI WITH REDUCED SHOOT THROUGH STATES FOR PV MODULE Abstract The voltage-fed quasi-Z-Source Inverter (qZSI) has gained popularity as a single-stage buck-boost inverter. It is boosting capability could be limited and it may not be suitable for some applications where high input voltage gain required. To meet the demand of voltage gain the dual stage qZS-network could be derived by the adding of one diode, one inductor and two capacitors to the conventional qZSI. The qZSI is mostly used for Distributed Generation (DG), such as PV system .This projects presents about the comparison of conventional controller and ANN controller for dual stage qZSI with reducing shoot through states for PV module. ANN controller overcomes the conceptual and theoretical barrier and limitations of conventional PI controller and it provides steady state output even the input voltage variations and to control DC link capacitor voltage and to reducing shoot through states of pulses compared to the conventional PI controller. The capacitor voltage control method is proposed in two stage control manner (DC side and AC side control). The proposed method performances are validated using simulated results obtained in MATLAB/Simulink.Furthermore they are experimentally validated with results obtained from a prototype developed in the laboratory. Keywords— Artificial Neural Network Controller, Proportional Integral controller, Distributed Generation, Photo voltaic system, Quasi-Z-source inverter. 1. INTRODUCTION The voltage-fed quasi-Z-source inverter is suitable for different renewable power applications such as fuel cells solar panels, wind power generators. The qzsi is voltage boost and buck functions in a single stage [1] and it can boost the input voltage by introducing a special shoot- through switching state, which is the simultaneous conduction (cross conduction) of both switches of the same inverter’s phase leg [1],[4]. This switching state is forbidden for Fig. 1. Single stage and dual stage Voltage fed qZSI the traditional Voltage Source Inverters (VSIs) because it causes the short circuit of the dc-link capacitors. In the qZSI, the shoot through states are used to boost the magnetic energy stored in the dc-side inductors L1 and L2 without short circuiting the DC capacitors C1 and C2. The voltage boost based on Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) method to simple boost control. It’s the voltage boost and buck functions in a single stage. This increase in magnetic energy provides to boost the voltage on the inverter output. If the input voltage is high enough, the shoot-through states are eliminated, and the qZSI begins to operate as a traditional VSI. The ZSI can deal with input voltage fluctuation in a wide range, which is conventionally V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 49 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, achieved by a dual stage dc–dc converter cascaded by dc–ac structure [1].The figure 1 shows the single stage and dual stage voltage fed qZSI. 1.1.DUAL STAGE qZS-NETWORK WITH CONVENTIONAL PI AND ANN CONTROLLER Fig 2 Basic block diagram of dual stage qZSI with conventional PI controller The figure 2 shows the basic block diagram of the conventional dual stage quasi z source inverter for PV module by using the proportional integral controller. V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 50 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, Fig 3 Basic block diagram of dual stage qZSI with ANN controller The dual (two-stage) stage qZS inverter is by the adding of one diode (D2), one inductor (L3), and two capacitors (C3 and C4) to the traditional qZSI, as shown in Fig 1. Here two stage control methodologies (DC and AC side control) used. The PI controller is used for linear approximation. The figure 3 shows the basic block diagram of the dual stage voltage-fed qZSI for PV module by using the ANN controller. Here, the controller is not required two stage control methodology it is an knowledge based system and it is used for nonlinear. The low voltage from the energy source first passes through the front-end approximation .step-up dc/dc converter afterward, the output dc voltage is inverted in the three-phase inverter and filtered to comply with the imposed standards and requirements (second dc/ac stage).step-up dc/dc converters provides a very high voltage gain. The figure 4 shows the circuit diagram of dual stage voltage fed qZSI for PV module. The dual stage voltage fed qZS-network and continuous input current, ripple filter, and load .The ZSI for use in several applications, such as DG, uninterruptible power system, fuel cell vehicles, PV or wind power conversion, and electronic loads [1]. V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 51 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, Fig.4.Dual stage Voltage fed qZSI for PV module To regulate the varying input voltage, the qZSI has two different operating modes: shoot through and non shoot through. When the output voltage of a PV array reaches its maximum it’s operated an non shoot through mode in this mode performs only the voltage buck function. The inverter is controlled in active states when one and only one switch in each phase leg conducts. When the input voltage drops below some predefined value, the qZSI starts to operate in the shootthrough mode. To boost the input voltage during this mode using a special pulse PWM inverter control [4]. Table 1 shows the Switching states sequence per one period of PWM. Table 1.Switching states sequence per one period of PWM During the shoot-through states, the inverter short circuit via any one phase leg [4],[2] combinations of any two phase legs, and all three phase legs. This shoot-through stat is forbidden in the traditional VSIs because it causes a short circuit of dc capacitors and destruction of power switches [4]. The dual stage qZS network makes the shoot-through states and its effectively protecting the circuit from damage [14]. V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 52 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, The shoot through states are used to boost the magnetic energy stored in the dc-side inductors L1, L2, and L3 without short circuiting the dc capacitors C1, . . . , C4. This increase in the magnetic energy provides the boost of the voltage seen on the the transistors in the full-bridge configuration are controlled alternately in pairs (T1 and T4 or T2 and T3, Fig.3. with 180◦-phase-shifted control signals [4] The shoot through states are used to boost the magnetic energy stored in the dc-side inductors L1, L2, and L3 without short circuiting the dc capacitors C1, . . . , C4. This increase in the magnetic energy provides the boost of the voltage seen on the the transistors in the full-bridge configuration are controlled alternately in pairs (T1 and T4 or T2 and T3, Fig.3. with 180◦-phase-shifted control signals [4] When the input voltage drops below some predefined value, the qZSI starts to operate in the (a) (b) (c) Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit of the inverter during the (a) Shoot through state, Non-shootthrough (active) states: (b) positive and (c) negative half-cycles shoot-through mode. To boost the input voltage during this mode using a special pulse PWM inverter control [4] The equivalent circuit of the two-stage qZSI during non-shoot-through (active) states is shown in Fig.5. inverter output during the active states. The equivalent circuit of the two-stage qZSI during the shoot through states is shown in Fig.5. 1.1.1. Mode 1 operation The fig 5 shows the mode 1 operation of dual stage ZSI .This mode will make the inverter short V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 53 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, circuit via any one phase leg, combinations of any two phase legs, and all three phase legs which are referred to as the shoot-through state. As a result, the diode D is turned off due to the reversebias voltage. At the shoot-through state the inductor in charging condition and the voltage drop across the capacitor the capacitors transfers their electrostatic energy into magnetic energy it’s stored in the inductors. During this time interval voltage boosting operation takes place. Fig.6. Mode 1operation When the inverter is in the shoot-through state for an interval to during a switching cycle T, the following voltage equations [2] can be described from Fig 5 as VC1 = VL1 VC2 + Vin = VL2 Vout = 0 (1) (2) (3) 1.1.2. Mode 2 operation The fig 6 shows that mode 2 operation. At the non-shoot-through states the dc power source, as well as the inductors, charge the capacitors and power the external ac load, boosting the dc voltage across the inverter bridge. Here diode is conduction stage, so the capacitor voltage Vc1 is appears across the inverter bridge .In this mode the DC voltage is converted to an AC voltage.This AC voltage is given into the load.This is used for multiple applications. Fig.7. Mode 2 operation When the inverter is in the active state for the interval T1, during the switching cycle T, the voltage equations are as follows VL1 = VC1 - Vout = -VC2 VL2 = Vin - VC1 = Vin - Vout + VC2 Vout = VC1 + VC2 (4) (5) (6) This shoot through state and non shoot through state is important to buck/boost operation of quasi z source inverter. This is used to boosting the low input voltage from PV module. V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 54 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, II TWO-STAGE CONTROL METHODOLOGY FOR QZSI-BASED FOR PV MODULE The Fig.4.shows the proposed dual stage qZSI, where Lf, Rf , and Cf are the inductance, capacitance, and stray resistance of the filter, respectively, and voj, iCj, vij, iLj, ioj , and igj are the load voltage, capacitor current of the filter, output voltage of the inverter, inductor current of the filter, load current, and grid current, respectively, all in three phases (j = a, b, c). CB stands for circuit breaker. CB1 is ON and CB2 is OFF when the qZSI works under voltage control mode, and CB1 is OFF and CB2 is ON when the qZSI is under current control mode [1].Pulses generated by the dc-side controller (for voltage boost) and the ac-side controller (for dc–ac conversion) are combined together by logical OR to fire six insulated-gate bipolar transistors, assuming ―1‖ is ON and ―0‖ is OFF[1].For the dc-side control, capacitor voltage Vc1 is measured and fed back. Fig.7. shows the two-stage control method of qZSI for PI controller, where pulses from control of dc side and that of ac side are combined in the same manner as in the output voltage control mode. For the ac-side control, capacitor voltage VC1 is measured and fed back. The magnitude of the grid current reference Ig* is generated through a PI controller according to the error signal of Vc1. In the case that VC1*− VC1 is positive, power injected into the grid should be reduced to maintain a constant VC1. Fig. 8. Two-stage control method of the qZSI for output voltage control. Through the decoupling capacitor, control of dc side and that of ac side are executed separately, as shown in Fig.7. Pulses generated by the dc side controller (for voltage boost) and the ac-side controller (for dc–ac conversion) are combined together by logical OR to fire six V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 55 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, insulated-gate bipolar transistors, assuming ―1‖ is ON and ―0‖ is OFF. The overlap of d0 a n d M can be avoided by setting the reference of the capacitor For the dc-side control, capacitor voltage VC1 is measured and fed back. The dynamics of VC 1 caused by d0 can be obtained via transfer function Gv^c(s. Linear approximation of the RES output characteristics can be accomplished by the small-signal modeling. Taking PV application as an example, a normal operation for voltage control generally starts from the opencircuit voltage of PV panels Voc and stays at operating points where VPV > VMPP , where VMPP is the voltage at the maximum power point (MPP). Based on the linear approximation, a proportional–integral (PI) controller assisted with a feed forward d0 is used as the shootthrough compensator. The feed forward d0 is determined according to the inherent relationship of VC 1 and Vin in steady state. The two stage control methodology is not required for artificial neural network (ANN) controller. It is a knowledge based system this is automatically control the DC side voltage and it is given into the inverter and it is converted into AC 451 V and it is given into load. Based on the nonlinear approximation, a Artificial Neural Network (ANN) controller assisted with a two layer feed forward network. The network will be trained with levenberg marquardt back propagation algorithm. This controller is used to give the constant steady state output. III PV ARRAY SPECFICATION The condition for simulation of PV array using qzsi is the Module type : Canadian solar cs5p-220m,Number of series-connected modules per string 5, Number of parallel strings 66, Module specifications under STC [ Voc-59.26, Isc-5.09, Vmp-48.13, Imp-4.54 ], Model parameters for 1 module [ Rs-0.248, Rp-235.76, Isat-1.443, Iph-5.098, Qd-1.5 ],phase3,frequency-50hz,sampling time-20khz. 3.1. Energy Conversion Efficiency η = (7) E∗A The equation (7) expressed as, Energy conversion efficiency η is the percentage of power converted (from absorbed light to electrical energy. When a solar cell is connected to an electrical circuit. This term is calculated using the ratio of maximum power divided by input light irradiance E in W/m2 under Standard Test Conditions (STC) and A is area of the solar cell. 3.2. Maximum Power V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 56 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, The load for which the cell can deliver maximum electrical power at the level of irradiation. The equation (8) states Pm is maximum power, Vm is maximum voltage, and Im is the maximum current Pm = Vm Im (8) 3.4. SOLAR MODULE AND ARRAY MODEL A typical PV cell produces less than 2W at 0.5V approximately the cells must be connected in series-parallel configuration on a module to produce enough high power. A PV array is a group of several PV The equivalent circuit is described on the following equation (10) is Ι = NpΙph – NpIs [ ( Ι = NpΙph – NpIs * ( ) ] ) (9) + (10) Where, Ns - is series number of cells for a PV array. Np - is parallel number of cells for a PV array. IV SIMULATION RESULTS V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 57 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, Dual stage quasi zsi for PV module by using PI and ANN controller has been simulated using MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation diagram of proposed controller is shown in figure.8.Simulation results are shown in fig.9. and fig.10 &11. Simulation are performed in the proposed control method the system parameters in the experiment as follows: L1 = L2 = 500 μH, C1 = C2 = 400 μF, Lf = 5 mH, Cf = 60 μF, system output frequency f = 50 Hz, and switching frequency fs = 20 kHz which is also the sampling frequency of the controller. Fig .9. Simulation circuit for Dual stage Quasi Z source inverter with PV module By using ANN controller 4.1.PI controller with dual stage qZSI output waveforms The fig .10. (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) shows the waveforms of an input voltage,DC capacitor voltage, Three phase grid current,Three phase grid voltage , shoot through pulses of an PI controller with dual stage qzsi. Here PI controller is used for linear approximation and its have an some disadvantages. They are Generating shoot through pulses are high and it produces the steady state error in the output even the input voltage variation and its controls the DC link capacitor voltage when twice as the AC grid voltage otherwise its can’t controls by using the dual stage qzsi with PI controller. These above disadvantages are overcome by using ANN controller with dual stage Z source inverter. V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 10 (a) Waveform of input voltage V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 58 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, V o l t a g e Time in sec V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 10 (b) Dc capacitor voltage and AC grid voltage C u r r e n t Time in sec Fig 10(c)Three phase grid current V o l t a g e Time in sec V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 10(d)DC link capacitor voltage & AC grid voltage V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 59 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, V o l t a g e Time in sec V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 10(e)Input voltage & DC link capacitor voltage C u r r e n t Time in sec V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 10(f) Three phase grid current & voltage P u l s e s Time in sec Fig 10(g) Shoot through pulses Figure 10(a) represents the waveform of an input voltage.Its the output voltage of an PV array.Figure 10(b) represents the waveforms of an DC link capacitor voltage and AC grid voltage.This represents the PI controller s used to controls the DC link capacitor voltage when twice as the AC grid voltage otherwise its can’t controls .Here DC link capacitor voltage is 750 V and Grid ie Load voltage is 338V. This 338 V is an per phase voltage this is converted into an rms V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 60 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, voltage 415V.Figure 10(c) represents the waveform of an Three phase grid current.Here three phase grid current value is 1.9 A and load is fixed at 1KW and the voltage is varied depends upon the photo voltaic output. Voltage is proportional to the current for fixed load.. Figure 10(d) represents waveforms of an DC link capacitor voltage and AC grid voltage. This represents the DC link capacitor voltage is 500 V its not a twice AC grid voltage so Its not controls the AC grid voltage in 338V.The Figure 10(e) represents the waveform of an input voltage & DC link capacitor voltage. The PV module s designed as 300V.suppose the output from the PV is 170 V means the its does not give the steady state output.The Figure 10(f) represents the waveform of an shoot through pulses.This above disadvantages are overcome by using the ANN controller with dual stage quasi z source inverter. 4.2. ANN controller with dual stage quasi z source inverter output waveforms The fig 11(a,b,c,d,e,f)is an waveform of an input voltage, Dc capacitor voltage, Three phase grid current, Three phase grid voltage , shoot through pulses of aan ANN controller with dual stage qZSI. Here ANN controller is used for nonlinear approximation and it reduces the steady state error in the output and it gives as the steady state output. The Figure 10(a) represents the waveform of input voltage. Here the input voltage is 300v .This input voltage is an output voltage from PV. When the output from the PV is low the shoot through state enables to boost the input voltage to required level. The fig 10(b) shows the waveform of DC Capacitor voltage Ac grid voltage. Here the DC link capacitor voltage 500 V its not twice AC grid voltage but its gives as 338 V .Here three phase grid voltage is represented by per phase rms peak is 338v.This is the per phase voltage. This is converted into rms voltage 415 V.This voltage is given to three phase load. The fig 10(c) shows the waveform of three phase grid current..The figure 10(d&e) shows the waveform for the input voltage & three phase grid current & voltage.Here the input voltage 170 V its gives as the steady state output that means the voltage is 338 v that is used to energise the load.The figure 11(f) shows the shoot through pulses. These shoots through pulses are less compared to the conventional method. In the dual stage qzsi with ANN controller is used for an nonlinear approximation. V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 61 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 11(a) Waveform of input voltage V o l t a g e Time in sec V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 11(b) Waveform of Dc link capacitor voltage and Ac grid voltage C u r r e n t Time in sec V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 62 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, Fig 11(c)Three phase grid current V o l t a g e Time in sec Fig 11(d) Waveform of input voltage V o l t a g e Time in sec C u r r e n t Time in sec Fig 11(e) Waveform of Three phase grid voltage & grid current P u l s e s Time in sec Fig 11(f) Waveform of Shoot through pulses Comparison of Shoot through pulses for conventional & ANN controller V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 63 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, P u l s e s Time in sec P u l s e s Time in sec Fig 12 Waveform comparison conventional & ANN controller The Figure 12 represents the Waveform of comparison of shoot through pulses of conventional & ANN controller. By using the ANN controller shoot through pulses are less compared to the conventional PI controller. 5. CONCLUSION This paper deals with a Dual stage qZSI-network, one diode, one inductor, and two capacitors were added to the conventional voltage-fed qZSI. The dual stage voltage-fed qZSI with ANN controller reduced the shoot-through state Pulses and maintain the steady state output even the input voltage variation and to control DC link capacitor voltage by over the conventional PI controller with dual stage qZSI. The proposed Dual stage qZSI can be applied to almost all dc/ac, ac/dc, ac/ac, and dc/dc power conversion schemes. It further decrease the shoot-through pulses, the number of stages of the qZS-network could be increased. The dual stage qZSI-network ensures continuous input current of the converter during the shoot-through operating mode, thus featuring the reduced stress of the input voltage source. ANN controller is used to overcome the Conventional PI controller disadvantages.The theoretical analysis and simulations results presented in this paper clearly demonstrated. REFERENCES [1] Miaosen Shen, Alan Joseph, Jin Wang, Fang Z. Peng , and Donald J.Adams,‖ Comparison of Traditional Inverters and Z-Source Inverter for Fuel Cell Vehicles‖, Michigan State University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 64 - 65 International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II ISSN (Online): 2454- 1966, [2] Yuan Li, Member, IEEE, Shuai Jiang, Student Member, IEEE, Jorge G. 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V.Pothumani, ―Comparision Of Conventional Controller And Ann Controller For Dual Stage Qzsi With Reduced Shoot Through States For Pv Module‖, International Journal of Future Innovative Science and Engineering Research (IJFISER), Volume-1, Issue-II, Page: 65 - 65