Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis and Dissertation Collection 1968-12 Analysis and synthesis of a time limited complex wave form. Post, Jerry Lee Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School UNITED STATES NAVA'L POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL •• THESIS ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF A TIME LIMITED COMPLEX WAVE FORM By Jerry Lee Post De cember · Thesis P7483 1968 =======================~ T~ dooument h~ been appAoved 6oA .te.~e and ~ a.le.; 1.:U dU.t!Ubu..tion .iA public Aeunlimited. • ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF A TIME LIMITED CO:MPLEX WAVE FORM By Jerry Lee Rost Lieutenant, United ~ tates Navy B.S., Naval Academy, 1961 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ELECTRICAL ENGINEER from the Naval Postgraduate School December 1968 Signature of Author /l/ •...... ~' I Approved by The si s Adv i s or Reader Chairman, Department of Electrical .Engineering • Academic Dean • ABSTRACT The problem of analyzing time limited complex wave forms having time variant frequency domain characteristics is discussed. A bell tone is selected as a wave form to analyze and it is then synthesized to produce an approximation to the original sound. An electronic device is constructed to simulate all required fog signals for a sailboat, including a rapidly ringing bell . 2 LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRA DUA TE SCHOOL MONTEPEY, ~DLfF. q39~0 • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 9 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 THE CHARACTER OF A BELL TONE ll SECTION 3 RECORDING THE BELL 14 SECTION 4 ANALYSIS 17 4.1 Dis crete Method 17 4. 2 Continuous Method 24 4. 3 Compar ison of Methods 24 SECTION 5 REDUCED VISIBILITY WARNING DEVICE 26 5.1 Discuss i on 26 5.2 Timing Circuitry 26 5 .3 Des cri ption of the Entire System 32 i SECTION SECTION 6 7 APPENDIX 1 SYNTHESIS OF THE BELL TONE 36 6.1 Syn thes i s by Discrete Computat i on 36 6.2 Synthesis of t he Bell Tone by Electron i c Circuitry 37 44 SUMMARY 7.1 Analys i s 44 7.2 Synthesis 44 BELL SPECTRUM BY DISCRETE ANALYSIS 47 1.1 Bell Spectrum , Mean Time 0 . 0625 se conds 48 1.2 Bell Sp ec t r um, Mean Time 0 . 1875 seconds 49 1.3 Bell Spectrum, Mean Time 0.3125 so 1.4 Bell Spectrum , Mean Time 0.4375 seconds 51 1.5 Bell Spec trum, Mean Time 0 . 5625 seconds 52 1.6 Bell Spe ctrum, Mean Time 0 . 6875 seconds 53 3 Page APPENDIX 2 COEFFICIENT AMPLITUDES VERSUS TIME FOR THE BELL 54 2.1 Frequency 565 Hertz 55 2.2 Frequency 1370 Hertz 56 2.3 Frequency 2331 Hertz 57 2.4 Frequency 3061 Hertz 58 2.5 Frequency 3320 Hertz 59 2.6 Frequency 3770 Hertz 60 APPENDIX 3 SUBROUTINE SAMPL 61 APPENDIX 4 SUBROUTINE FORM 64 APPENDIX 5 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM ANALYSIS PROGRAM 65 APPENDIX 6 REQUIRED FOG SIGNALS FOR A SAILBOAT 66 APPENDIX 7 SCHEMATICS FOR THE REDUCED VISIBILITY WARNING EQUIPMENT 67 4 • . • • LIST OF TABLES If Page TABLE I Partials of a Bell Tuned to the Note F 13 TABLE II Partials of the Fog Bell 23 • 5 • .. • •• , • LIST OF FIGURES Page FIGURE 1 Unijunction Master Oscillator 27 FIGURE 2 Timing Pulse Train 27 FIGURE 3 One-Shot From FIGURE 4 Power Supply for the Horn and Bell 31 FIGURE 5 Reduced Visibility Warning Equipment 33 ~ 1914 and Discrete Components 29 -Simplified Block DiagramFIGURE 6 Twin-T Oscillator 7 40 • • • SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The primary objective of this thesis has been to harmonically analyze a complex wave form, and then .to synthesize this tone using solid state circuit ry. The sound of a ringing bell was chosen to be evaluated since it represented the most difficult class of wave forms t o analyze . The main form of analysis was repetitive sliding time windows of dis cre te data which were transformed to the frequency domain . A Fas t Fourier Transform algorithm was used to transform the . discrete data . The techniques are .not original with the author, but • they represent a rela tively new applica tion of discrete Fourier • analysis on a general purpose .digital . c omputer . This method .of analysis i s applic able to any discipline .wherein frequency spectrum information is desired . Re c ent and future projects at the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School in this . area include, but are not limited to, voice patt ern recognition, helium atmosphere voice distortion, the study of surfac e waves on water, and squirrel heart-rates under stimuli . As a se cond method of spec tral analy sis, an analog .narrow band spectrum analyzer was employed _to check the results of the d i screte method . The compari son .of results was favorable _and -is discussed . The goal in the synthesis phase of the research was not to recreate the exact sound, but to . ra asonably simulate it with .an eye . to s impl icity and minimum c ost. . Practically, this goal was achieved with suitable timing cir c uits driving R~C os ci llators . As a check ·· on the validity of the analysis, this sound was also simulated by 9 digital/ana l og methods. The waveform was mathematically described i n the time domain, computed in di screte s te ps and converted to analog voltages . These vo l tages were then conv e r ted to sound energy. To s how the pr acticality of synth e si z i ng the bell, a device was designed and constructed which employed t he bell sound as the warning sound f or a vessel at anchor in reduce d . vi s i bility as required by U. S . Coa st[ l] Guard Ru l es. To comple te the suite of required fog s i gnals fo r a sailboat, signals for sai ling on various tacks a nd wh i le under power were added. * This reduced _vis ibi l ity warning device wa s designed f or automatic signalling. Though t he particular signals were • for a sai l boat, the concept is genera l enough for any small vessel where automatic fog signals may be des i r eab l e . Use of such a devic e • on board small private, Naval, and Coast Guard vessels where the cr ew may be few i n numbe r and fully occupied with operating the v essel would be des ireable . • * Refe r to Appendix 6 for a discussion of th e required warning signa ls f or a sailb oat in reduced visibility . 10 • SECTION 2 THE CHARACTER OF A BELL TONE In the literature describing bell sounds or bell tones, the primary interest and discussions are related to the musical aspects of these natural sounds. Most good quality bells are described by their primary strike note in terms of the musical ljlcale. Past harmonic anlaysis of bells in acoustical research dealt almost exclusively with fine quality church or carillon bells . There doesn't appear to be much active research in this field today. During the period from 1920 to 1935, considerable research effort was applied • • t~ - the problem . The physical explanation of the origin of sound from a bell is an extension of the notion of vibrational plates. The mathematical description of the flexural physics is beyond the intent of this thesis. >'< The exact mathematical solution of .this problem has not been obtained except for the case of thin walled bells. A bell after being struck gives off a sound composed of several separate frequencies (partial tones , or · more commonly .- partials). Unlike many musical instruments which give off partials in .a nearly harmonic ratio of 1:2:3:4 ... , a no.t so constrained. An idealized '·s eries for the bell partials would be 1. 0·: !.:.:51 = ·2.02:2.93: 3.43:4.33 . . . ** . An actual bell does not conform · t'O . this ..ideal series. The closer a bell is to this series, the purer is the . note from a qualitative mu sical sense . • * Refer to Lord Rayleigh's., The Theory of Sound; Vol I, p 388 for a more complete treatise on the subject. ** 2 Authors disagree on this 'idealized' series.[ ),[ 3 ] series given is 1.0:1.65:2.10:3.0:3.54:4.97 . . . . 11 Another • The r e appears to be some d isagreement among the various articles 'I wr i tten on t he subject as to whether the strike no t e is generated by direct nodal v ibrations, or if it arises as t he result of a beat f r e quenc y. [ 4] [ 5] ' Cu rtis and Giannini appear t o have employed a pr ec ise and c ontrolled method for arrivi ng a t t heir results. They ar gue that th e strike note from a parti c ular be ll which was analy zed in considerable detail arose as the result of har monious blending of thre e c lose fr equenc ies . The various partial s of a bell have independent amplitude ve r sus time response characteristics. And to make t he wave form still more complex, the various partials may commence at s eparate times after . the bell has been struck. • The attack and decay r a t e . of any single partial may be i ndep endent of all others. The higher f requenci es of the • composit e wave form appear earliest in t he sp ec trum after the bell is struck , and di e away most rapidly. Some of t he lower frequencies may not app ear in the spectrum until as late a s 1 t o 3 seconds aft e r th e crash. The f ollowing table was extracted fro m a paper by Curtis a nd 6 Giannini [ ] t o illustrate the frequenc y conten t of a part i cular bell they studied . The bell chosen was a church bel l tuned to t he music al note F (345 . 3 hertz). The column headed 'Frequency of no te' r e f ers to t he theoret i cal bell as a musi cian might describe it. Th e s i gnificant partials found to be pre s en t in that bell are in t he column headed 'Tone Frequenc y '. This il lus t r at ion cle a r l y shows that only the s trike note came close to the de s i r ed frequency. Additionally , the s t rike note was straddled by other freq uenc ies causing it to be in a ctua l ity a tr i plet. 12 Curtis • • TABLE I Partials of a Bell Tuned to the Note F TONE FREQUENCY NUMBER PARTIAL FREQUENCY OF NOTE NOTE 1 Hum note 172.6 Fl 160 187 2 Strike note 345.3 F 330 345 365 2.4 Third (tierce) 410.6 Gfl 385 450 3 Fifth (quint) 517.3 c 512 4 Nominal 690.5 F 675 700 5 Upper Third 870.0 A 6 Upper Fifth 1034.6 cl • . 1060 and Giannini went on to describe for this bell a total of some twenty significant partials and "a great many more partials which were weak compared to the ones which are recorded." To briefly summarize the complexities of the bell tone, one must list the following: 1. The wave form is time limited. 2. The frequencies that comprise the wave form may commence and end at independent times. 3. The amplitude of each partial is generally time independent of all others. • 4. The amplitude of each partial is time va riant. 5. The various frequencies present are generally not harmonically related. 13 SECTION 3 • RECORDING THE BELL The goal of recording the bell signature was to preserve a high quality da t a base from which to work. To achieve this end, it was desireable to have a good signal-to-noise ratio, preserve the relative magnitudes among the various frequencies present, and to obtain some flexibil i t y i n playback speed for sampling purposes. To mi nimize spurious background noise on the recording, the bell was placed in a large anechoic chamber and r ung by an assistant . All recording e quipment except for a microphone was placed outside the anechoic chamber. • The microphone used was an Altec Lansing Model 21BR-150 broad-band microphone . The microphone was supported a distance • of 1 meter from the bell on a level with the bell's soundbow. The b ell was suspended from its crown fitting and held rigidly in place so that no movement occured other than normal vibrational movement after being struck. The supporting structure for the bell was attached to ceiling and floor fixtures provided for this purpose in the chamber. Additional required equipment for the microphone outside the chamber wa s an Altec Lansing Model 526B microphone power supply. The response ch aracteristics for the microphone and its associated power supply are typically within ±1 db ±3 db to 15000 hertz. from 10 to 3000 hertz and within A Hewlett Packard Model 466A broad band (DC to 20000 hert z ) amplifier with a selected gain of 20 db was used as a preamplifie r prior to the tape recorder. 14 • • r .- - - - - - - - - - ·- -- - - t 1 I I I .---------------------~~-+--------- ~ i I I I L - · ___A~!=~h~i~- ~~~~-e£ _ _J ...___r- ll------j'--------'1 L__ I i Mic . Pwr Supply Pre- amp Tape Recorder Block Diagram of the Recording Process The recording device chosen was an Ampex Model CP-100 instru- • mentation tape recorder. This choice was made due to the excellent linear frequency response characteristics offered by the recorder over the anticipated frequency range of 100 to 15000 hertz . Two other salient features available on this tape recorder also contributed to its selection . 1. These were, A frequency modulated recording and playback capability . This feature provides for a linear frequency translation without the necessity for amplitude compensation when the playback speed is . different than the record speed . 2. A wide choice of speeds for frequency translation purposes to add flexibility to the sampling procedure (this feature wil l be elaborated on in more length in the section on analysis) . The signal was FM recorded at a speed of 60 inches per second . 15 • This speed and recording method provided a tape recorder band-pass from essentially DC to 20000 hertz for . the recorded signal. ' The overall band-pass of the recorded signal was 10 to 15000 hertz, limited by the microphone. Prior to recording the signal, the tape recorder was aligned so that the non-linearity did not exceed 0.75% (minimum achievable . with the given equipment) over the recording - range • . An Ampex Model TC-10 alignment set wa s used for aligning the . tape recorder. The tape . heads on the recorder were cleaned and demagnitized prior to . recording to insure a good signal-to-noise ratio • . Four different constant . frequency test signals were placed on the tape recorder for calibration purposes after analysis. The frequency of each of these s ignals was known to • within 0.1 hertz. No attempt to measure the total power output of the bell was made due to the quite complex three dimensional . sound .intensity pattern expected from th e bell. This was .not required .for the analysis, since the primary concern was to preserve the relative intensities among the various part ials present in the bell signature . 16 SECTION 4 ANALYSIS 4.1. Discrete Method Discrete Fourier analysis simply stated is an extension of the Fourier Transform or Fourier Integral. It is a class of procedures for transforming a time series (discrete data samples) to its finite Fourier series . Many methods have been proposed and demonstrated over the years since Runge and Konig first described their procedures . [l],[B] The history of modern techniques , expecially the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), are both interesting and well documented.[g] The FFT , a special case of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) , is an algorithm for efficiently computing the finite series transform of the- discrete data set. Its application is suitably fitted to discrete computation on digital computers. It finds wide application in digital spectral analysis , filter simulation, convolution and ether related fields. The signific ant feature that makes this clever technique appealing over earlier techniques is the rapid method used to perform the desired operations . Time and money are inter changeable when discussing digital computation . For a comparison of computational time required for the FFT as opposed to earlier DFT methods , consider a time se-r ies consisting of N (N = log 2 2 n samples. To perform a discreteFourier transferm . using FFT, N) computational steps are required. For earlier more direct 2 methods , N computational steps would be required to perform the same transformation • For a time series consisting· of N = 10Q4., approximately a 50 to 1 savings in computational time is realized thrm:rgh use of the FFT . [ 1 0] 17 The discret e Fourier transform is defined by[ l l ] N- 1 A 2: r r = (1) 0,1, . .. ,N-1 k=O where Ar is the r t h coefficient of the DFT and ~ denotes the kth sample of the time series which consists of N samples and i = ;=I The relationship between the DFT and the Fourier transform is shown in a paper by Cochran, Cooley, Favor and others . Sinc e the FFT is an implementation of this definition, this relationship also defines the FFT. Given a time series with a constant sampl ing interval 0t) between each successive s ample, the sampling frequency is given by f s = (2) 1/llt By the Nyquist sampling criterion, the resultant bandwidth recovered from the signal of interest would be = Band Wid th B (3) 1/2/:::.t f s /2 ( 4) This of course is only true if the signal is band-limi ted to B before being sampled. signal, say f 1 (B < f Given a frequency higher than B in the original 1 < 2B), then a finite Fourier s er ies for the 2 signal after analysis would reveal a spectral line at f -B.[l ] 1 This aliasing can be observed with a stroboscope and a rotating machine, or more amusingly, by watching the wheels of a stage coach in a movie appear to rotate i n the incorrect direction. To recover correctly the frequencies present below B, the signal to be samp led must be filtered before s ampl ing. Even with filtering, some error is introduced 18 • since it is impossible to completely band-limit a signal. ' Practically speaking this error is small and can be ignored if the filter chosen has a high roll-off and the corner frequency is chosen with care . The FFT yields a finite spectrum of N/2 distinct lines for N Therefore these lines will be separated by ,.~f where B 2B (5) M = N/2 N f s (6) M N sampled data points . With a time variant signal (the coefficients of the associate d Fourier series vary with time) this simple r elationship yields a paradox of accuracy . • For a fixed sampling rate . (i.e . , f made large with respect to f s is fixed), N must be to recover a small s ~f . But if N~t is large compared to the time over which the coefficients vary significantly, then the coefficients recovered by analysis will be averaged over the time series duration . If . N is made small with respect to f , s the average coeffi c ients r ecovered will be closer to the true value at the beginning and the end of the time . series . course, is that ~f The penalty paid, of would now be larger and the spectral lines would be farther apart . [lJ ] This para do x is yet another form of the well known uncertainty princ i ple . A desireable compromise would be t o have the coefficients change only a small amount over the period yet have a suf ficiently small quenc ~e s N~t :, and to discriminate between adjacent fre - ~f present in the spectrum . Stated . in another way , the goal in analyzing a non-periodic wave form is to achieve . a quasi-stationary process over which ~f and the resultant coefficients can be meaningful . There are many permutations of f 19 s and N to obtain such a result . One technique used in this research was to analyze a time series once to obtain a fine ~f, and then to analyze the same ser ie s again to obtain reasonably accura te coefficients. For the spectral analysis of the bell tone, the recorded signal was filtered, amplified, sampled at constant intervals, and then stored on magnetic tape as the discrete time series. The recorded .signal . was played back for sampling at 1 7/8 inches per second which yielded a frequency translation of 32 to l .over the recorded speed . of 60 inches per second . This was done primarily due .. to sampling ra te limitations caused by the manner in which the sampling .was performed. By sampling with the program as written (see Appendix 3), samples were written on magnetic tape after a set of 128 -were collected . The upper sampling rate achievable by this method is limited _by . the . magnetic . tape write speed , which is around 1800 hertz for the stated record length. The sampling program stored 520 sequential records of . l28 samples per record on a 7 track magnetic tape. hertz . The sampling frequency used was 1024 . 0 When this sampling frequency is . translated by 32 ( to correct for the tape speed re duction), a true sampling speed of 32,768 hertz is realized. By the Nyquist sampling criterion, this sampling frequency produces a bandwid th of 16,384 hertz. This band width is slightly in excess of that of the recorded signal. Prior to sampling, the signal. was amplified to ·a peak value of about 60 volts to minimize the noise introduced by the sampling -process. Between amplification stages . the bell tone was passed . through a . continuous band-pass filter. Ths band-pass of the filter was flat from 10 hertz to 150 hertz and was down 3 db at 260 hertz. 20 This upper 3 db point corresponds • ' to 8320 hertz when translated. This band-pass filter upper limit may seem low based upon the band- pass of other phases of the recording and sampling process. Later analog analysis showed that the original signal did not contain significant energy in frequencies higher than 6000 hertz. The sampling frequency was chosen at 32~768 hertz (actual) since this is a power of two and corresponds to an integer separation of frequencies in the spectra for a sample size of N -= 4096 . By formula 5, ~'~f.:_ = 32768 4096 = 8 hertz For complete analysis of one segment of the signal ,.. the record size per window was chosen at 4096 samples. record time length (N II-) of 125 ms. window by 50 per cent . This corresponds to a Each window overlapped the preceding The time at _whic.h each windo.w was analyzed was considered to be the time at the center of the window. Thus the coeffi ~ cients from window 1 (time of window from 0.0 to 125 ms after the bell crash) were considered to exist discretely in time at 62.5 ms after the crash~ and so forth for the remaining windows ef observation . A total of 32 windows were analyzed for this record size. A second complete analysis of the same time series w-as performed using a record containing 16384 samples per window. for this record length was 500 ms . for these parameters is 2 hertz . The- time duration The computed spectral line separation Similarly to the first pass , a 50 per cent overlap of each successive window was employed. Sampling of the signal was performed on a hybrid analog- digital computer using an external frequency source for the sampling frequency 21 reference clock . The hybrid installation consisted of an SDS 930 general purpose digi tal computer interfaced with a Comcor CI-5000 electronic analo g computer. The analog-to-digital converter had an fourteen bit wor d length to represent discrete levels of 12 millivolts, based upon the analog variable range of +100 volts t o -100 volts. The Fourier analysis computations were accompli shed on an IBM 360/67 digital computer (see Appendix 5 for the program used) since the program requi red for the record sizes employed ex ceeded the memory size of the SDS machine. Due to the different word sizes of the SDS and IBM machines , an assembly language - subroutine wa s written to convert the sampled da ta wor d format. This subroutine is given in Appendix 4. The word format change was made on the IBM computer . For rapid selection of random windows fr om the entire .time .. series , the s e quential time series was stored on a pseudo-random access disk pack . Each pass of an analysis took the desired time series sub-set from the disk pack, analyzed the ser ies , and then printed out .a permane n t record of the Fourier series coefficients. For selected portions of the analysis, graphs were drawn by peripherals .to the IBM computer . The window size consisting .of 4096 .data po int s was considered sufficiently short to give reasonable accuracy to the resultant coefficients. The analysis using 16384 samples per window was used .to determine the center frequency -of .the broadened spectral line for each coefficient. From these procedures, the frequenci e s stated in the following table are considered to be the significant ones in the original bel l tone . 22 TABLE .II Partials Of the Fog Bell Significant Frequencies Commence (sec) ( End) sec 565 1370 2331 3061 3320 3773 0 . 125 0.125 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.5 0.875 2. 0 1.0 Maximum Amplitude (relative energy) 1.4 0 . 24 0 . 15 1. 76 LOS 1.68 0 . 80 The time listed when the partials commence are estimates since this information is relatively uncertain . The time when each partial ends • is based upon the time when they fall to 0.01 per cent of their maximum . Many other frequencies were present in the spectrum, but these were either too short in duration or too insignificant in ener gy to analyze in detail . The frequencies 2331 and 3320 .hertz contained the most significant amount of energy in the series for the bell. Since these frequencies commence early and die off fairly shortly after the bell crash, it is felt that these partials comprise .the distinctive sound of the bell crash . It would appear that the frequen.c ies the bell its prolonged sound as it dies away . 565~ 1370, and 3061 give No attempt has been made to correlate the analyzed data with a musical scale or give a qualitative explaination of the bell sound . This was not done since the bell chosen was for fog signaling and was .. not tuned to . any particular musical scale . The analyzed data conforms generally to the theory and format of the bells described by Curtis, Giannini and ot h ers . [14], [15] 23 . 4.2 Continuous Me thod To check t he results of the analysis by the discrete method, a continuous band- pass technique was ·. employed. A special purpose audio spectrograph (Kay Missilyzer) was used for this task . This spectrograph r e cords the signal to be analyzed on an endless magnetic tape which is moun ted on a rotating .. drum. . The spect r ograph triggers a 5 ms integra t or with a tuneable 20 hertz band-pass input on the same position of the dr um each rotation. .The magnitude of the output of this integrator i s burned on a recording paper so t he spectrum may be preserved. drum. As th e drum turns, the filter advances ea ch rotation . of the For the recording speed selected, the band width of the spectrum analyzed was 5000 hertz. • The position . on the drum where the integrator is triggered can be selectively p'sitioned so that s uccessive slices (time windows) of t he spectrum can be made. By man ua lly transferring the spectral line amplitudes, a time .plot of ampli t ude versus time for the various pa r tials can be developed. 4.3 Comparison of Methods The part i als in the bell tone found by . the di screte method were also found to be present by the continuous method. The amplitude . versus time infor mation correlated .between . the techni ques fairly well . Since . the accurac y for the coefficients obtained by t he continuous method should be greater due to the much shorter window size, one would not expect t he amplitude versus time plots to match exactly. 1 ~- By using 16384 discrete data points, the accuracy of the frequencies of each partial i s ± 2 hertz. No theory is known to the author to 24 develop the bounds on the accuracy of the coefficient magnitudes for the continuous method . is quite dependable . It is considered . that this amplitude information Appendix .2 shows.the amplitude versus . time plot for each of the six significant partials found through the discrete and continuo ~ s methods. Using a lower sampling frequency for the discrete analysis method, the bandwidth of the time series could have been reduced . If this were done, it would have been possible to use a shorter .window length and still maintained a small ~f . The .result of the analysis would have been amplitude information .with higher confidence . One distinct advantage of .. the . discrete method over the c ontinuous one for some applications is an ability to present phase infor mation about each frequency present in the . spectrum. This addit i ona l piece of information was not required for this research since the ear cannot 6 determine phase information about a complex wave form . [l ] J 25 SECTION 5 . REDUCED VISIBI LITY WARNING EQUIPMENT 5.1 Discussion Quite often aboard a pr i vate sailing yacht, a crew may be suffic ient ly occupied with sailing the craft during re duced visibility that sounding fog signals could . be . a .. burden . Sounding s uch repe t itive timed si gnals is a boring but quite important . task . Additionally, the specified 'at anchor ' warning signal may be required at a time when .no crew members are on board the cr aft. A semi-automatic s ignalling dev i ce could alleviate t he problems created by the afo rementioned examples by providing reduce d vi sibility warning signals for the c raft . Such a device ideally shoul d be simple to operate while provi ding dependable continuous warning signals for underway and at anchor operati ons . The next two sub-sections describe t he design for a device which can generate t hese signals. A later section describes the synthesis of the b ell tone which was .included in the device . The final form of the device was constructed .out of so lid state device s and pla c ed on printed circui t boards . Thi s device could . be packa ged as a small portable unit or permanently mounted aboard a yacht. 5.2 Ti ming Circui try The low vis i bi lity warning . equipment . has bas i c periodic features. These are dictated .by the methods of generating the various sounds and the requi rements for .these sounds. The major peri odic feature common to the anchored warning .signal . and all the low vis i bility warning sounds while underway is their period 26 FIGURE I 470 UNIJUNCTION MASTER OSC. SO,.uF FIGURE 2 M.O. ONE5 ~ OT 2 TIMING PULSE TRAIN I ' ' "',__....__I--,.,-- 7 8 .....-I---.____ _ _ _ _"' 55 I 56 (SEC) 1L--_ ....____---ty..--------11 l'---------"v....----~4__________~1l~---~-------5 27 b e twe en so un ds . All of these so unds (with the exception of the requ i r e d s i gnal f or underway un der power in i n ternational waters) have a maximum period of one minute. The maximum specified period for under power i n i nternatio nal waters is two minutes. Prudent seamanship dic t ates that thes e i nt e r vals not be fixed over any lon g period of time . This desired ape r iodicity p r events two ves se l s from sounding similar warnin g signa ls syn chronously . Synchr onism -could bring about theundesireable side e ffect of a collision and t hus . the . ruina tion of on e's day . A master clock is required fo r the wa rning equi pment and i s spe cifie d by a frequency of from le s s than one cycle per minute to less t han one per two minut es . Unijunction oscillators are immediately sugge s t e d by their extreme simplicity and ab ility to satisfy these requ irement s . The basic form of a .relaxation os cillator with a periodic puls e out put was cho s en and i s shown .in . Figure 1. A potentiometer is used to va ry the oscillato r frequency manually when desired . With the component values shown, the peri odic range i s variable from approximately 55 s econds to 90 seconds . The periodic pulse output .of this mas ter oscillato r was fe d to . the t rigger input of the first of a series of f i ve mono-s t able (one- shot ) mult ivibr a tors . These one- shots serially gene rate al l t he required logic l eve ls . for sounding the various warning s ignals . the ma s ter oscillator turns on the first one-shot . turns off , the second one .turns on, etc . The pul s e fr om When t he fir s t one Thi s t ur n on /t urn off pr o cede s th r ough all five one- shots until . t h e l ast . one is off . This sequen ce is i n i t i al ized by each trigger pulse fro m- the maste r os cill a tor • . The t urn on of the next one-shot i s accomplished by inverting the previous 28 3.6 FIGURE 3 v 8 R3 N \.0 OUT PUT 6 R2 I TRIGGER INPUT NOT USED C2 ONE-SHOT FROM ,t.~L914 AND DISCRETE COMPONENTS R3,CI, AND C2 3 pulse and then differentiating .it. Direct differentiation of the 'conjugate' wave-form of the previous one-shot is impractical since the trigger pulse propagates through on .this wave-form. Additionally, .. some isolation i s required for the devices chosen s i nce drive capability is limited. The 'on' t i me pulse of each one-shot is shown in Figure 2 . Selection of the proper pulse . train . for the various sounds is accomplished by a manual function selector switch . This switch is in actuality a varia ble i nput AND gate. The active devices chosen for the one-shots were Fairchild dual two-input NAND gates. ~19 1 4 By the use of _one e x ternal resistor (R3), and capacitor (Cl), these gates become one-shots . [ll] Figure 3 shows the internal circuitry of these .gates and the application of the external components. These devices are designed .. for high~speed dig i tal logic . applications and as such turn . on .with . small signal levels. Spurious noise and small supply voltage variations can cause unwanted triggering of the one-shots . (typically, 50 To minimize this occurence , a . large capacitor, C2, ~ for greater) was placed .as shown i n Figure 3 . . These micrologic devices employ a supply voltage in the range of 3.0 to 4.2 vol t s . The nominal recommended voltage is 3.6 volts. A zener diode was employed to give this desired supply level. ~f A 1000 capacitor was r equired in parallel with the zener to give additional stability to . the s upply-voltage . Without this capacitor, spurious . triggering result s and the chain of one-shots fiprm an oscillator. the capacitor, some spurious triggering still results, but the chain does not go into continuous oscillation. 30 With one~shot This spurious triggering FIGURE 4 POWER SUPPLY FOR THE HORN AND BELL 2N404 TO HORN OSC THROUGH SWlC IOK w f-' +V(X. RELAY I I I r--L -----.J I I I I FROM _j I _J1__J1__J"L_ TO BELL CIRCUITRY NOTE: I. QI-Q4 ARE 2N736 could also be eliminated by providing a c onstant-vo l tage, variablecurrent power sour c e. This .further complexity and cost is not required in this applicat i on since the correct output from the timing chain is achieved . After the fun ction switch selects the proper chain of pulses, these pul ses are applied to a relay actuated switch which connec ts .the supply v oltage to ei ther the .horn .oscillators or to the bell circuitry. The supply vol tage for the bell oscillators also goes through a transistor switch which fo r ms the voltage . wave form shown in Figure 4. The pul ses fr om the chain of gate. one~shots is al so applied to a NAND This gate develo ps the logical voltage t hat switches in a listening section and turns off the power amp'Iifie r when signals are not being sounde d. intercom system. This technique of listening is s i milar to a simple The output speaker for th e powe r ampli fie~ ac ts as the microphone input to an amplifier-speaker combination during this listening period . This remote listening device provides a degree of safety for the pass engers and crew of ones own vessel during periods of reduced visib ility. This listen feature can also be selected continu- ously by the master function selector switch. 5.3 Description Of The Entire System Figure 5 s hows in block diagram form the relat i onships of the various sub-parts of the entire .reduced visibility warning equipment. Functionally, the sys tem provides . the· following fea tures: 1. The three required reduced visibility signals for a sailboat underway. 32 - . ~ FIGURE 5 • ' REDUCED VISIBILITY WARNING EQUIPMENT -SIMPLIFIED BLOCK DIAGRAM- BELL w w I I FOG HORN HORN I I 6 I~ (. ? OUTPUT AMPLIFER LOUD-HAILER Ll STE N kX<> OUTPUT SPEAKER • 2. A reduced visibility signal for a vesse l underway under power. 3. A manually operated war n i ng horn for ente ring or leaving blind channe ls and slips . 4. An aut omat ic and manual listening device. 5. A loud hailer. 6. A rap idly ringing bell for a vessel at ancho r in reduced visibili t y. 7. Test positions for 2 and 6 so these functions may be checked out i n port at r educ ed volume f or preventative maintenance . The fi nal power amplifier common to all feature s exce pt 4 is a standard class B trans i st or power amplifier . This output stage, the oscillator for a ll underway signals, and the loud hailer c ir cuit ry were taken directly from a commercial fog horn /loudhailer device . The unde rway signals employ a unijunction oscillator of a nominal frequency of 200 her t z. This is .ei th e r actuated by t he selected timing chain associat e d with a specific signal (1 or 2) or manually ac t ivated by a push-but ton switch for feature 3 . When activated manually, a different load resistor is p l aced in the os cillator whi ch causes an output f requency of nomi nally 380 hertz . The list ening device partially d es c ribed under the timing circuitry sect i on employs a commercially avai lable 50 0 milliwatt direct-output audio amplifier and an 8 ohm water pr oo f sp eaker . The output speaker for th e power amplifier is swi tched to act as a microphone input t o the li sten amplifier. 34 A 3-pole doubl e-throw re lay actuated switch is used to remove power from the output stage to prevent damage to the transistors, and to switch .t he speaker to the listen amplifier input. The manual .selection of 'listen' is achieved by placing a constant drive voltage on .. the base of the relay driver . The automatic ' listen' feature is accomplished by placing the output of a NAND gate as described under . the.. timing circuitry section on th.e . base of the same transistor. When installed on a vessel, the 'listen' output and the calling and emergency channel of a ship-to~shore receiver could be mixed and placed on a SP'eaker -in the cockpit near the helmsman , This entire system provides .for .a typical sailboat all the advantages of semi-automatic warning ..and signalling devices. The object of the equipment is to provide greater safety and flexibility. for yacht sailing, motoring, or anchoring in a reduced visibility environment. ' 35 SECTION 6 SYNTHESIS OF THE BELL TONE 6.1 Synthesis By Discrete Computation The bell sound was described mathematically as the superposition of the six mo st prominent part ials found during the analysis. partials wer e written as t ime variant sinusoids. The The time response of each partial was approximated by fi tted exponential curves. A FORI RAN II language program was written fo r an SDS 930 digital computer for computa tional purposes. The equival ent o f sampled data was computed in discrete intervals of .0 00125 sec onds. The computational st e p size in seconds and the fr equenc y present in th e wave f orm we re based up on a 'samplin g' f r equency of 8000 hertz. A total of 8000 samples were computed and sto r ed i n a data t ab le for a r ecord length of 1 s econd at the stated clock freq uency of 8000 hertz. Provisions were made in t he program to pe rmit parameters of attack, decay , and amplitude to b e varied. These provisions were made so that some exp erimen tal modifications to the wave form could be made in l ight of q ualita t ive analysi s . A machine l a nguage (META-SYMBOL) subroutine callable by FORTRAN II was written to perform the task of digit al-to-anal og conversion. This subroutine was controlled at a rate determined by a c lock on the associated a n alog computer. If t he clock were something different from the program o rient ed 8000 hertz, the equivalent of frequency/time translation would be performed on the data. The resultant analog vol t age from this program was passed th rough a pass-band fi lter with a band width from 20 to 4000 hertz to minimize sampling noise. 36 The wave form was then amplified and reproduced through a speaker. The basic program had provisions for continuously repeating the same one. second data record. The resultant effect was a bel l being struck at one second intervals and ringing until being struck again~ The results of this experiment were quite encouraging. The bell-like sound that resulted was considered to be a reasonable likeness to the original sound. . Therefore, the decision was made to proceed on the assumption that simple exponential approximations to the time response of each partial would be satisfactory for an engineering approximation. It was felt that some experimentation with the rise and decay times and the maximum magnitude of each partial would be necessary to optimize the sound. It was felt that this synthesis technique was a useful tool in the overall project as a verification of the engineering assumptions for the synthesis and analysis techniques used. If an investigation of more complicated sounds such as those involving voice inflection and accents were being conducted, then this step would have been invaluable. 6.2 Synthesis of the Bell Tone by Electronic Circuitry Any analyzed sound can be exactly duplicated by man if sufficient complexity of circuitry and design time are expended. speaking, this exact duplication is seldom desireable . Practically Basic engineering concepts dictate that some of the objectives to be pursued when designing a portable sound production device are that it should be small, lightweight, relatively inexpensive, reliable, and require a small amount of • power. Looking at the desireable aspects of a practical bell simulator, 37 one would e xpec t it to generate a reasonable bell-like tone from a small inexpensive device. Hopefully not all the partials present in the original bell so und would be requir ed for re asonable simulation, and the re q uired par t ia ls co uld be simply generated. The f irs t techniq ue considered for synthesis of the bell tone was the use o f a very h i gh Q band-pass circuit (400 ~ Q ~ 1000). . . f'l circ uits a r e poss1'bl e us1ng ac t1ve 1 ter tee h n1. ques. [lS] Such Such a filter would emplo y only ac tive devices , capacit ors, and resistors. By causing su c h a fi l ter to ring b y in t rod ucing the required driving func tion , it would be possible to have a rising and decaying sine wave . By superposition of severa l of these waves, it would be possible to build up the synth etic bell tone. To achieve these very h i gh Q c ircuits, a mu ltipl e-po l e filter is requir ed whi ch would dictate sev eral active devices per filter. As a further disadvantage, the rise and decay rates of the sine waves generated in this manner would not be independent of each other. The seco nd technique investigated was the use of a constant amplitude sine wave oscillator fed into a gain-c ontrolled amplifier. By varying the gain of this amplifier, the resul tant wave shape wo uld simulate one partial. Some wave shaping circuit ry would be required to con tr ol the gain of t his amp lifier. There are several inex pensive integrated cir c uits pr es ently being marketed that could be employed as th e gain- control led amplifier. These integrated circuits are generally designed f o r in t e rme dia te frequency (IF) amplific ation and t hey hav e automatic ga in control (AGC) ci rcuitry built into t h em. Typically, an 80 db contr o l range can b e achieved for a few vo lts of AGC voltage. 38 The manufacturers of these devices list the useful frequency range of these devices from DC to several megahertz. This method of tone generation was put aside when a still simpler method was discovered and investigated further. The method finally chosen to generate the individual partials was twin-t oscillators driven by a variable supply voltage. [19] The significant feature of the twin-t oscillator for this application is that it can be made sufficiently frequency stable during variations of supply voltage . Most oscillators vary in output frequency and amplitude as the supply voltage varies. For the twin-t oscillator, the frequency variations can be kept to less than 1 1/2 per cent at the design frequency for large (O to 10 volts) excursions of supply voltage . The resultant output magnitude varies almost linearly with the supply voltage. The oscillator is made frequency stable by selecting a highcurrent gain transistor (hfe from 150 to 200) as the active device and including a large resistance in the base feedback path. If the supply voltage has a wave form as shown in Figure 6, then Reef form a load charging time constant during the time Tc . CfRd form a discharging time constant. During the time Td' The resultant supply voltage as seen by the oscillator is given by the following equations. v(t) a c v(t) ' ad vb (1 exp(-a t)) c 0 < t < = T R cf c c (7) (8) V(T ) exp(- adt) c T c < t < T (9) (10) Rd cf 39 0 0:: 0:. 0 ~ _j _j 0: u u- C\J 0:: (j) r-I II II 0 0 0:: - u z3 • r- Ill <{ 0:: lJ.. u (0 ~ :s ~ c: " 40 It is implicitly assumed that the partial amplitudes versus time can be so simply approximated. As it turns out, this assumption is correct, the approximations of the partial amplitudes versus time b eing non critical. The true test is not the mathematical justification, but rather the ear of the observer. Compromise must be made for th e goa l of simpl ic ity and low cost . The choices of Rc, Rd and Cf affect both the ampli tude (Rc and Rd comprise the load) and to a lesser degree the frequen cy o f the output . Variations of R will cause the oscillator to tune over nearly 2 an octave . For optimum frequency stability, the oscillator should be adjusted to the center region of its tuneable range. Convenient design 0.1 R ; the values for c and Rl 1 1 2 can be selected from easily used n6mograms.[ 0] The r es i s tor R is thumb rules are C 2 = 2c 1 , and R 2 = 0 used as a feed to a mixing bus with other oscillators . R was also 0 used to limit the gain of each oscillator to the desi r ed value and provide a degree of isolation from other oscillators. The mixing bus was t he input to an emitter follower amplifier which provided a h igh input impedence for the oscillators. For the first attempt at synthesis, six oscillators corresponding to the six most prominent partials ( those at 565, 1370, 2331, 3060, 3320, and 3773 hertz) found in the original bell tone were constru c ted . Three of t h ese frequencies (2331, 3320, and 3773 hertz) reac h their peak amplitudes earliest and probably give the bell its d i stinc t ive sound shortly a fter being struck. An attack time for all of these os c illators was chosen at 100 milliseconds (ms) . The remaining th r ee frequencies re ach their peak amplitudes significantly later and 41 prob ably give the bell tone its hum note. These latter frequencie s were g rouped together and given an attack time of 300 milliseconds. The values chosen for at ta ck times for each group corresponds roughly to t he average attack time for that group found in analy sis. Admittedly, this broad group ing is an oversimplication, b ut certa inly desireable from the view point of minimizing the required circuit ry. The supply vol tage for these oscillators was gene rated b y employing a grounded emitt er as t able multivibrator driving transistor switche s (see Figure 4). The on time of these switches corresponds to the attack time of the partials. The periodic nature of the astable multivibrator yields the effec t of a bell being repeatedly rung. The wave f orm of the astable multivibrator wa s a rectangular wave having an on time o f 100 ms and a period of 700 ms. For the longer attack-time g roup of partials, a monostable multivibrator was used to extend the on time of the associated s witch to 300 ms. A relay actuated switch in series with the transist or swit ches was used to control the on time of the ringing bell to 5 seconds out of every minute. By properly adj usting the maximum amplitude of eac h oscillator, the resulting bell tone was a fair representation of th e original sound. The rapid per iodic ri n ging of the bell suggest ed that some of the lower frequ en cies comprising the longer lasting hum note group could be eliminated. Hope f ully this could be done with little deg rad ation of the simulated bell tone. By experimentation, it was f ound that only the partials a t 2331 and 3320 hertz were required to repres ent a bell being repeatedly run g at intervals of 700 ms. 42 The final f o r m of the bell tone • simulator therefore contained only two variable amplitude oscillators . In light of the stated objectives, it is felt that the simulated bell tone adequately fulfills the requirements for a warning device of an anchored vessel . • 43 SECTION 7 SUMMARY 7 .1 • Analysis Both the discrete and continuous analysis techniques suffer certain limitations. These limitatio ns arise due to the finite frequency s p ec tr um r e present ation of time and b and limited complex wave fo rms. The result ing inaccuracies are inev itab le and ar ise as a r esult of th e uncertain relatio nsh ip of the time signal to its frequency trans fo rm. By s e lection of proper sampling frequenc y and time series duration , a quas i-st a tionary p rocess can be approached for the purpose of obtaining both frequency and amplitude information. Permutations of sampling f req u ency and time duration of the seri es allow optimization of frequency • information, or amplitude in fo rmation, but not both. 7. 2 Synthesis Complex wave forms can be ap proximated qui te simply using solid state devices if th e exact wave form is not to be duplicated and compromises can be accepted. This synthesis can also be done in the f orm of a mathematical model if de si red, s o the model can be examined mo r e closely before expensiv e and time consuming 'bread-boarding' is at t empted . It is felt that the low vis ibility warning equipment has demonstr a t ed the feasibility and practicality of such a device . The object was not to develop a r evo lutionary apparatus, bu t rather to demonstrate th e engineering techniques a nd expertise for su c h a device. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. United States Coast Guard, Rules of the Road, Internationa l-Inland , CG 169, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1965, p 26. 2. J. J. Josephs, The Physics of Musical Sound, D. Van No strand Co., Inc., Princeton, N. J., p ~33. 3. A. T. Jones, The Strike Note of Bells, J. Acoust. So c. Am ., April 1930, Vol I, P 373~ 4. A. T. Jones and G. W. Alderman, Further Studies of the Strike Note of Bells, J. Acoust . Soc . Am., Oct. 1931, Vol III, No. 2, p 297. 5. A. N. Curtis and G. M. Giannini, Some Notes on the Character of Bell Tones, J . Acoust . Soc . Am., Oct. 19 33, Vol V, No. 2, p 165 . 6. Ibid. 7. G. A. Carse and G. Shearer, A Course in Fourier's Analysis and Periodogram Analysis, G. Bell and Sons, Ltd . , London, 1915, pp 16-23. 8. J. W. Cooley, P. A. W. Lewis, and P. D. Welch, Historical Notes on the Fast Fourier Transform, IEEE Trans . on Audio and Electroacoustics, June 1g61 , Vol AU- 15, No. 2, p 77. 9. Ibid., pp 76-77. • 10. W. T. Cochran, J. W. Cooley, D. L . Favin, et al, What is the Fast Fourier Transform?, IEEE Trans. on Audio and Ele ctroacoustics, June 1967, Vol AU-15, No. 2, p 48. 11. Ibid . , p 46. 12. R. B. Blackman and J. W. Tuckey, The Measurement of Power Spectra, Dover Publications, Inc., New York , 1958, p 32 . 13. R. W. Hamming, Numerical Me thods for Scientists and Engineers, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, 1962, pp 311-312. 14 . A. N. Curtis and G. M. Giannini, Some Notes on the Charac ter of Bell Tones, J. Acoust . Soc. Am., Oct. 1933, Vol V, No. 2, pp 164-165. 15. A. T. Jones and G. W. Alderman, Further Studies of the Strike Note of Bells, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Oct. 1931, Vol III, No. 2, p 304 . 16. H. L. F. Hemholtz, On the Sensations of Tone, Dover Publi cations, Inc . , New York, 1954, (t ranslated from the German edition of 187 7), p 1 26. 45 17. D. E. Lancaster, Using New Low-Cost Integrated Circuits, Electronic World, Ma rch 196 6, p 52, 80. 18. W. R. Kundert, Th e R. C. Amplifier-Type Active Filter: A Design Me thod for Optimum Stability, IEEE Trans. on Audio, July-Aug. 1964, Vol AU-12, No . 4, p 70. 19. F. B. Maynard, Twin T's: World, Aug. 196 8, p 200. 20. F. B. Mayna rd, Twin-T Oscillators, Design and Application, Electronic Wor ld, May 1963, p 41. Design and Applica tions, Electronics 46 • APPENDIX 1 • BELL SPECTRUM BY DISCRETE ANALYSIS Appendices 1 . 1 through 1.6 show contiguous time windows which have been transformed to the frequency domain for the first 750 ms of the bell tone. Of interest i s the rapid fall of the spectral line amplitudes above 4000 hertz, and the slow rise of the lower frequen c ies . For these spectra, a sampl e size of 4096 data point s wa s used for the transformation which yielded a 6 f of 8 hertz . 47 2.5 I I 2.0. I . I I I .. I I .. . BELL SPECTRUM MEAN TIME >- 0.0625 SEC. (_') b 0:: w z I I I II I w ~ co ~~·101 _j I w 0:: :B 1.5 I I II I I I ~I I II II I [fi I I I~ I II I I=::: 0.5 A 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 FREQUENCY " ~ 4.0 4.8 5.6 (KHZ} • APPENDIX 1.2 • ........:; ~ ~ < :=) 0:: r-- w u ~ w w Q_ 1-- u - 2 < ' (./) l[) f'-. <! OJ w (j) ~ "1 :E d _j _j w -5 m q N <;j" I ) ) • N .........._ :X: ~ 1'0 >- u z w :=) 0 <;j"; ) N """""" (X) 0 ~ ... • q N . A8d3N3 q L{) 3/\ll~l3d 49 l[) d Q oo d w 0:: LL 2.5 BELL SPECTRUM 2.0 MEAN TIME 0.3125 SEC. >- :D. <..:> :8 0: \.Jl 0 w z w w > 1- 1.5 ~ C5 ~ 1.0 -:::-..... <( GJ _j w a: I 0.5 o.o Jc A 0.8 0.0 1 ...I\. ..;\. _..I. 1.6 2.4 3.2 FREQUENCY . .. • JL 4 .0 .Jw )1._ 4.8 1 j_ I 5.6 (KHZ) f f .. ' 2.5 BELL SPECTRUM 2.0 MEAN TIME >- 0.4375 SEC. (.9 ~ 0: Vt t-' ] w z·15 w w > ~ _J 1.0 a: 0.5 ~ c:s X ~ w . 0.0 0.0 J A A 0.8 1.6 2.4 Ji\.. _.\. 3.2 FREQUENCY \ .A. ~ 4.0 (KHZ) 4.8 .A J. 5.6 . APPENDIX 1.5 . . -- ~ ::J 0: ~ w . u tw c.J) l- 0... . ~ ~ z lO N w lO <.f) <( _j _j ~ ~ -: ~ 0 0 w . -I ~ m N ~ N .) r<> '. ---=.., >- u z w ::J ~ N aw 0:: LL .........; co . I{') N ~ q l/1 A.9CI3N3 3/\llV'l3Ci 52 d d 0 od d .. r ... • "' 2.5 BELL SPECTRUM 2.0 MEAN TIME >- 0.6875 SEC. <...9 b :8 0: W I5 z· \.Jl w w w > 1- ~ G 5< 1.0 '7--- <( 0J _) w 0::: 0.5 o.o 0.0 A A 0.8 1.6 1 2A J\o. . J 3.2 FREQUENCY ~~ 4.0 (KH Z) A 4.8 5.6 APPENDIX 2 COEFFICIENT AMPLI TUDES VERSUS TIME FOR THE BELL By discr e te and continuous analysis, the magn itudes of the coeffic ient s for each significant partial was found as discussed in Section 4. Append ic e s 2.1 through 2 .6 show a compar ison of these coefficients as a function o f time. As discussed in Section 4 .3, t he plots wo ul d not be precisely the same. Fo r those coefficients with a slow rate of change (e.g ., 565, 137 0, a nd 3061 her tz ), the results of t he two metho ds used compare fairly well. For t he partials with a faster time ra te of change (particularly 2331 and 3320 hertz), the correla tion of the results was poorer. The g ener a l s hape of these plots were simil ar however. • 54 APPENDIX 2.1 r ' 55 ( ( 0 u:>. ~f./) ~·o z .o o ~. U : ~ ~ UJ , t.f) _: . 0 :.; 5 r u l'l ~ .:. ~ ,N ::' t!l ~f- ~- "-~ 0 ~ "- :) 0 -~ _m· 0 ~ 0 0 56 APPENDIX 2.3 • 4---· I I I • i ! I I I Ii- I ' -· i ___ _!_ APPENDIX 2.4 ( ( ( 0,... ~· t• u 5 I u Ul z Ul -I!' UJ ,.... ~ ~ ~~ 9~ X X 0 I. :J :.: o:::c - I· ( ( 58 ' " AMPLITUDE vs . ill~ E-- : ' ;· 'i i ~+.:L -L- - L._' ; 1 - -----,-· i I . I - r-r-· I I·. -1 · ,I I. : ~ I -- -~-· ~ -+-- • I I - : - J..· I . '-·;. - I •• , • I - ~ ·;~ . :I J : . - . .. l. ": __ I I I .•.• -- ,I -. I I : . ' : •· : r ' ·I -I - : . ' . I' - ' . . rc= :I. --+ . ' .-- "'r [, . t~ltou~-~J-=~. ' r· ;: I ·. ' li -~~- !· ' .. I • I ' ---r-·-T----. -I I . 1 ; I 1· I l 'I. -t- I : ·IL--·---+-I ' . -·~--'JI ~~ ~ I. I.... -1- I :;- i, . .1 . .' . · . '' I ! ·t I t Vl 1.0 _, • -T~, ~~- :-J -+-t-·t~,. ~:. - ~--· : ~ I · .- · --- -~~ .. r: : : ·1- __ ~:--: - ?; - 1.:r·t ' .. ·• : +'-_L_I -~ · ·1 ~--'+--Ll·---~~ ·.... _, --.,t~ ·!· s -·1 1 . -r4- I;- r:-.-,~--· .. ·,I ·;•J"l.:'-~ I ;a1 ' .. . =r--- *I -._ -· I I I i ,· . ---:--'--,--..,--. - . _· ... -. n A::TT:-·~---r: -1 - I . L~ --,' .. H - ~-r1 i . .. .-'. •-- -·-·-. - -·r-~, :r:; -+--1 I ; F...tE~.~ut:;~J(SY ~ ~~~~Q:~.Pf~ I I I t· II "tl I . 'I ,[r[ ~--t- -~~ ~~ -+:. --~~t~rtr:.:Gl~ ~ i+··:.~ .. -. -1---r :+- 1~ I I I! - 1 -=~--:--~,.,: I . .: ~s I I I .. i• -~--- ':. ! - I• :. l j ', l --t--,.~ ~,· . l -r- I ' •' ·I' I .. I -----~ -1 ,. ·- . I . 0 • '. I -· • L I I .04 .08 .12 .16 ~- ---.}--- · i ' .j .20 .24 .28 .32 Tl ME .36 40 .44 (SECONDS) .48 .52 .56 .60 p ;_; . :-;---- ~~~ I 0 T':.. I . .. ': , •. +-=4I ~. J._:__d. ; . .:. t· ':i ~ I II 1 I ' I .,. . ~:-··r: ·:.:L ..'L ' I.-,----, ' .. . f- ' + · .· .H f ~; + ..:.f.-..:-.+.- -- -·-r::r · r -*·1~-=.' I . _:.t___ (" .l I·= -[+I • I · . ..L: . -,.,..... I. . . ; t-- _....._ .---- f 1· - --·I 'j -~ ~·· i ___ I ' •• ., 1.:' _I· _k ------- ...,- a: I • J ~~~~ ·4·' i ,. I ___ )_ __ -_· ·---.,~ ~--,i . I .I .· r . . , ;· f" i ·l . 1 .64 .6.8 + ;.....-1. - -1· - .;,_ ~ ~ ---~- 1:%:1 H :X N Vl ( .. (X) ~ ( 0 ~ C\J l{) <X> ~. ~ 'ln ~· 0 z 0~ ~. U w (,S) $ ( ~ :-~ 4:: =*-~~ ' t----'":'-.-:-t 0 . .• u l: ~ z u u . ...... -· r<) : [ ; :.d..: .:::::.t- ..J ••• - . ~ ::-J. -:-:: . . . . C\Jw . - • • • .l .lt-1 <Xl. . C\J .-! -· ; .st.. . : : .!:": : : ::rll=tf::. ; ; :}'....! ~ ~ :r-++ ~ "' .w ,_ • C: '17I I - ••.. I~. C\J L• Q _ ' 1+-t-c·f C\J ru ( ( co -~ Q . ~~ ~ : ·- : :i.;: -::. :=. :..: : . . ~ ' .. • ·- • ·- ::1 i J: _, I • ~- w ..... . . .. ·J··. I . I I I 1 r · ... .... -· : L! 60 ·: +-~ 1-.:.. ! -~ I +- ~-I -!I . 1 I _l_,__. APPENDIX • 3 SUBROUTINE SAMPL SS4MPL PZE •• SUBROUTINE SAMPL(NOBLKS,LENGTH) • ••* THIS PROGRAM SAMPLES ONE ANALOG SIGNAL ON TRUNKLINE • 4T A RATE DETERMINED BY A CLOCK PULSF. APPEARING ON •* •*• •• •• •• ••• 05CO TRUNKLINE 0210. ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERSION IS PERFORMED AND THE 1 RESULTING DATA IS STORED IN DOUBLE BUFFERS OF LENGTH DATAT 1 e THE NUMBER OF BUFFERS STORED IS SPECIFIED BY ''BLKNO'• THE DIGITAL DATA IS STORF.D ON MAG TAPE UNIT ONE IN BINARY FORM AS AN ANALOG CODED VOLTAGF • THIS DATA CANNOT BE INTERPRETED BY A FORTRAN READ STATEMF.NT. USE A MACHINE LANGUAGE SUBROUTINE FOR THIS PURPOSE CE.Gef RDTP) THIS SUBROUTINE FORTRAN IV CALLABLE~ TH S P•oGlAM CO"MENCES SAMPL ~G WHEN COMCO~ IS IN COMPUTEt AND WILL NOT EKIT UNTIL SENSE S~ITCH 6 IS ON • TO LOOP 8A~K THROUGH THE PROGRAM FOR ANOTHER SET OF SAMPLES, INSURE SENSE SWITCH 6 IS OFF, THEN GO TO IDLE AND THEN TO RUN • • BLKNO DATAT A X2 AGAIN . JS BRM PZE PZE. PZE EQU EQU LOA XMA STA LOA XMA STA LOA X~A STA LOA STA TRT CAT BRU EOM POT EFT LOA ADO STA LOA STA i~~y ~~f k~~ LOA LLSA STA MRG STA 9SETUP2 2 5 2 BRMPLG 010 SVOlO BRMPLG 011 SVOll BRMPLG 040 SV040 051 SV051 0,1 MAGTAPE READY TEST 0 S-2 *014000 SPACE 0,1,4 ERASE MAGTAPE *BLKNO z-1 COUNT *OAT AT OAT PLACE ~~~~~+ r8&8~ BRMSAM ~i~ OAT •BUFFO CWO * START LOA MP,G STA LOA ADD STA STA LOA ADD STA LOA MRG STA STA SKS BRU EIR EOM HLT BRU BRU PZE LOA SKG BRU LOADl MPO EOM POT R TESTl BRX LOA STA LOA STA STZ RTEST2 LOX FILLl TRT CAT BRU EOM POT WTB BRU * DAT =BlJ FFl CWl =AU FF O =-1 ORI GO CfM M =AU FFl =-1 ORI Gl ocw =COMM svc w cw • 030 010 ANALCG IN COMPUTE TEST 0330 04 CLOCK LINE THIS IS THE IDLE LOOP S-1 S-1 S-2 TOGG L TOG GT LOA DO C0"4 M THIS PROCEDURE TES TS TO DETERMINE WHICH BUFFER TO LOAD C3400 0 cw RIDL E,X2 ORI GO COMM . svcw CW TOGG L SDAT AT,X2 0,1 . 0 S-2 *Cl4000 CWl 0,1, 4 ST ORE DATA ON MAGT APE INCR ** THIS DI VIDE S THE SUBROUTINE INTn BUFF ~RS *LOA DO MPO COMM EOM 034000 POT cw RTE S T3 BRX RIDL E,X2 LOA OPIGl STA COMM LOA svcw STA cw MPO TOGG L RTEST4 LOX SDAT AT,X 2 FILLO TRT o,1 CAT 0 BRU S-2 E0"4 *Gl400C CWI') POT WTB 0,1,4 STORE DATA ON MAG TAPE I NCR SKR COUN T BLOCK COUNT IS REDU CED . BRU RIDLE IF NEGATIVE, All DATA HAS TRANSFERRED. *C BRC S+2 RIDLE BRC *START LOA BPMPL G STA 051 EOM 0330 00 62 REF~ .. • $+1 BRC SWT SENSf SWITCH 6 TEST 1 RRU S-3 PROGRAM CONTINUES IF NOT SET HLT TO CLEAR HALT, IDLE/RUN BRU AGAIN TRT CAT $-2 BRU LOA SVOlO STA 010 LOA SVOll STA 011 SV040 LOA 040 STA LOA S\1051 STA 051 E!R BRR SAMPL * END OF SUBROUTINE *CON FORM 9 15 CONT FORM 10' 14 SPACE CONT 150 ,0 ocw DATA 0100)00 svcw PZE cw PZE COMM PZE PZE SDATAT RES 1 ORIGO RES 1 ORIGl RES 1 OAT RES 1 CWO RES 1 CWl RES 1 TOGGT RES 1 TOGGL RES 1 COUNT RES 1 SVOlO RES 1 SV011 RES 1 SV040 RES 1 SV051 RES 1 PLACE DATA 077700000 BRMSAM BRM START BRMPLG BRM INPLUG INPLUG PZE NOP NOP NOP BRC *INPLUG BUFFO RES 1C24 BUFF1 RES 1C24 END 8'1 ~t; r • • 63 APPENDIX 4 . SUBROUTINE ( c SU~POUTINE FORM FOR~(INOATAt C THJ l) ~UAROUTINE WILL CONVERT 24 RIT RIN4RV WnRDS STnRED IN C INDATA OF AN ARRAY LENTH SPECTFIEO BY THE INDEX VALUF. C Tn 32 BIT PINAR Y WORDS AND PLACE THESE SA~E WOROS C BACK TNTO INDdTA. c ( F!lQ~ ~TART ('l STM .,, SR L t L 7 14,12,,2(1~) BALR 6,0 USING USING OdTd,7 LOf"JP LR SR OL SRL SROL ~R l SRDL SRL DATA Nil~ SRDL ~T L.A 8CT LM MVI RCR DSECT DS END TH I c: S IJAR OUT J NE C f) NV~ RTS 24 RIT RINARV WnROS Tn 3 2 R IT W'1 R DS 7 d,:F'l28 1 12,C(!) THY S l S THE ?.,NUM(12t 3,7 2,1:> 2,2 2,6 2,2 2,A 2,?. 2,6 3 1 NUM(l2) ll,4(J2) 11 lOOP 2ti2t?.R(13) l~(l3),X'FF 1 15,14 11= 64 tNDEX Vl\l!IE • APPENDIX 5 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM ANALYSIS PROGRAM c .. c C THI S PROGRA~ WAS USED FOR FAST FOURIER ANALYSIS OF THE C DISCRETE TIME SERIES OF A RECORDED ~ELL TONE c c DIMENSION ~ c c ~ (16384)fC(l6384),M(3),1NV(4Cq6),S(4 1 96) X(500),Y 500),IIf4096) COMPLEX*S Af4Qq6 l1lt DEFINE FILE lf52C,512,L,K) CLOCK2=IT IME(0)* 0 •01 READf5,1 S4) NRUN,N "11=N+1 FJNOfl'Nl) 1<=12 OT= !./( lC 24 . *32.) AT=DT NPT=2**1< RW=l .. /f2.*DT) OELTAF=l . /fDT*NPTt F=-DELTAF XN=N . T=OT*l28 . *XN WRJTE(6,ll0) T NPT12 =NPT/2+1 ~(l)=K M(2)=( M(3)=0 CLOCKl =ITIME(O)*O. Ol READfl' Nl) B CLOCK1 =1TIME(0)*0 • 01-CLOCK1 WRITE(6,106) (B(J)il=l,512) WR!TE(6{107) CLOCK DO 3 I= ,NPT Afi,l,U zB(t) CONTINUE CALL HAR~(A,M,INV,S,-l,IFERR) DIMENSIO~ C SUBROUTINE H~RM IS A LIBRARY SUBROIJTINE WHICH PERFO~MS C DISCRETE FOUPIE~ TRANSFORMATIONS BY THE FAST FOURI ER C TRAN SFnRM ALGORITHM. c g~tr=~A~~ ~~Tr,t,ltt F=F+DELT~F II ( 1)=1-1 Bfi)=F T=T+DT 2 CONTINUE WRITE(6,101) BWfDELTAF,NPT,Nl,OT,T,NRUN WRTTE(6jl05) (T (I){C(tt 1 B(J), t=1,NPT12t CLOCK2= TIME(O)*O.O -CLOcK2 WRITE(6, 108) CLOCK2 101 FORMAT(/3XF 1 BAND WIDTH= 1 1 F8.2/3X, 1 DELTAF= 1 ,1PE1 0. 3/3X lt~~~~~~to~o ~~~~T§iix!~~i~P~~~g~~~~~v~trf)~~;~~~~ b~~ -. • 11 1 SECONDS 1 /3X,'RUN NUMBER•,t4) 104 f0RMAT(2110) · 105 FORMAT(1Hl 1 3X, 1 MAGNITUOE OF FOURIER COEFFtCI~NTS l'/ /23X, •FREQ'i29XL'FREQ 1 1 29X,•FREC 1 ,2qX, 1 FREQ 1 /(4(1X, lo6 1 ;a~ ~~li;;~ x:rR~wF6At!~,,~~i6:t~t,, 1 107 FORMAT(/3X, TIME REOUIRED TO RFAD INPUT DATA IS•,Fl~ ~ 1) 108 FORMAT(/3X,•TOTAL COMPUTJNG TIME REQUIRED J~'rF10.1) 11 n FOR MATf/3X, 1 TIME AT BEGINNING OF RECORD IS ',lPF.1 0. 4) EN D 65 l APPENDIX 6 REQUIRED FOG SIGNALS FOR A SAILBOAT Definitions for the sailing terms used: Relative wind in this sector is a port tack Relative wind in this sector is a starboard tack Relative wind in this sector is called wind abaft the beam. Sound signals fo r sailboats in reduced visibility while underway in Inland and International waters: Operation of sailing vessel Signal Maximum interval between signals (minu tes) ,·~ Starboard Tack 1 blast of 1 Port Tack 2 suC'.cessive blasts of fo ghorn 1 Wind abaft the beam 3 successive blasts 1 foghorn of foghorn While motoring 1 prolonged blast of foghorn *-ic 1 (Inland) 2 (International) A sailboat shall sound at intervals not to exceed 1 minute a rapidly ringing bell £or about five seconds. •' * ** Blast is de fined as a duration of not over 2 seconds. Prolonged blast is defined as a duration from 4 to 6 seconds. 66 • APPENDIX 7 SCHEMATICS FOR THE REDUCED VISIBILITY WARNING EQUIPMENT This appendix contains an expanded block diagram for th e r educ ed visibility warning equipment and schematics f or l:he various s ub - pa rts which the author designed . • . 67 / horn pwr .____., harn osc SUPJIY listen teaic hailer horn tim ina output StillS I I L----- be II clanaer bell pwr supply bell cl rcuitry listen amp ln[IUt speaker Reduced Visibility Warning Equipment Expanded Block Diagram ' ... listen switch output s[lnker bell tlmina 0\ CXl au • FUNCTION SELECTOR SWITCH WAFERS A-8-C 3 >TO (/) ..... 0 I RELAY I DRIVER (/) I w z 0 ~ I 0 I I a: oOG> LL 5) g I 00 2 HORN POWER FROM RELAY. I 0~ I 0 0 SW IC ~------------------------4~~----- TO HORN osc 69 FUNCTION SELEC TION SWITCH FROM MICROPHONE WAFERS 0-E-F FROM HORN OSC 0 fl SWID TO PA ~-----~))>-DRIVER - ~ ~ I >~--------~:~~~~~M~ FROM BELL TO RELAY 2 -----~»~--D_R_I_VER FROM LISTEN LO GIC SWIE POWER IN PUT Vee r------~>~-- SW IF 70 . .. COCKPIT SPEAKER SWITCH FROM RADIO SW2A FROM LISTEN AMP TO COCKPIT SPEAKER 0 SW28 • 71 +3.6 FROM MASTER OSC IOK TO ONE-SHOT 3 ETC. 3.6M '--v---/ -....1 N ONE- SHOT I (2 SEC. DELAY) -=IN276 '--v---J ONE-SHOT 2 (I SEC. DELAY) OUTPUT IN276 OUTPUT TIMING CHAIN SCHEMATIC ONLY ONE-SHOTS I AND 2 SHOWN .. ..., ' " ;. . 'V • ..J . .., BELL CIRCUITRY 2N2924 30"1 ....1...+ 2N2924 20"1 ....1...+~ -...j w 100 K .OOIJA lOOK - lOOK .001,. ~~ lOOK 100 K .OOIJJ - .OOIJJ ~;; ~ q OUTPUT TO SWID ) 200K • .. LISTEN CIRCUITRY t/) .,.__ 0 I lf) I w2 z - - - - ,"'ee ---11-e ,.t~L914 0 ~ 0 a: LL. TO SWIE t----~~>-- 8 3 - - - - - - 1.... 5--HIII 4--~=-- pl914 LOGICAL EQUIVELENT I 2 -----i -----i 3----t 4 ---1 5 ---t____.; LISTEN L ISTEN= 1+2+.3+4+5 r 74 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Documentation Center Cameron Station Alex andri a 9 Virginia 22314 2. Libra ry Naval Po stg raduate School Monte r ey ~ California 93940 2 3. Professor D. B. Hoisington (Thesis Advisor) Naval Postgraduate Schoo l Monte r e y 9 California 93940 2 4. LT Je rry L " Po st 8541 S . E . ? 1st Street Mercer Island Seattle , Washington 98040 3 5. Commander , Naval Ordnance System Command Department of Navy Wash i n gton , D. C. 20360 1 6. Mr . R. L . Limes Code 52EC Na val Po stgraduat e School Monterey 9 Cali f ornia 93940 2 7. Ass ociate Pr ofessor G. E . Rahe Naval Postgraduate School Monterey , California 93 940 1 8. Associate Professor G. D. Ewing Na val Postgradua e School Monterey, Californi a 93 940 1 75 20 UNCLASSIFIED - Se c urit y Clas s ification DOCUMENT CONTROL OAT A - R & D ( Sec urity c l as s ifi ca ti on o f titl e , body o f abs tra ct 1 O R I G INATING ACTIVITY ~ nd in dexin g an n o tation mu s t be entered when the ove rall report i s c l a ss ifi ed) (Co rp o rate a uthor) 2a. REPORT SECURIT Y CLA SS IF ICATION UNCLASSIFIED Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, Califo rni a 93940 • 2b . GRO U P REPORT TITLE 3 Analy sis and Synthesis of a Time Limited Complex Wa ve Form 4 . DESC RIPTIVE NOTES (Type of rep ort and. inclusive dates) Ele ctric al Enqineer's Thesis s . AUTHOR(S) (Firs t name , middl e i nitial , last n a me) Po s t, Jerry Lee, Lieutenant, USN 6 . REPORT DAT E 7a. TOTAL NO. OF December 1968 ea. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO . '~GES rb. "fs OF REF S Qa, ORIGINATO R 'S REPORT NUMBER(S) h . "PR OJEC T NO . c. 9b . OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that th rs repo r t) may be assif!Zn c J d. I 0. D ISTRIB UTION ST ATEMENT Distribution of this docu,nent is unlimited. • 11 . SUPPLE MENTARY NOTES 12 . SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIV I TY Nava l Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 13 . ABSTRACT The problem of analy zing time limited complex wave forms having time variant fr equency domain charact erist i cs is discussed. A bell. to ne is selected as a wave form to analyze and it is then synthesized to produce an approximation to the original sound. An electronic device is constructed to simulate all req uired f og signals for a sailboat, including a rap idly ringing bell. -· DD /NOOR:6S 14 73 (PAGE 1) UNCLASSIFIED S / N 0101-607 - 681 I Security Classification 77 A- 31408 UNCLASSIFIED Sec ur i ty Cla s si t c att o n LIN K I 4 KEY A LINK B L I NK WORD S ROLE WT R O LE WT c WT ROLE Wave Form Analysis ' Wave Form Synthesis I ' I Bell Fog Signals Discrete Fourier Analysis UNCLASSIFIED ', I •, ·J 1 r; 1 • ~ '> -: · ~ "' 1 Se curit y C l ass ifi ca t ion 78 ·1 -l 29 JA 7\ 1o::sso 'thesis pJ483 c.2 . Post Analysis and synthesis of a time l\mtted compleX wave form. ' Thesis P7483 c. 2 Post 109550 Anal ysis and thes·1 s of a t' syned comp une 1 i mit1ex wave form. th esP7483 Analysis and synthesis of a time limited IHIIIIDIIIIiiiiiBIIIH ooo o 3 27S8 DUDLEY KNOX 99296 LIBRARY . ~.