B HT-212-M M CHAPTER 65 - TAIL ROTOR DRIVE SYSTEM CONTENTS - MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Chapter/Section Number Number 65-00-00 65-00-00 5 5 65-00-00 7 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 7 12 18 Tail rotor drive system ........................... Troubleshooting ............................... 00 (°7 65-1 65-1 65-2 65- 2 Title 0101 Paragraph Number Page PO, ((DD ............... (CD Tail rotor driveshafts .......................... Driveshaft hangers ............................ Alignment - tail rotor drive system ............ Deleted ....................................... 00000 00000 Tail rotor driveshafts and hangers 00000 66666 LC) 65-4 65- 4 65-10 65- 10 65-16 65- 16 65-17 65- 17 .ca) LC) (0(0(0(0(0) 65-3 65- 3 900 00000 00000 00000 00000 TAIL ROTOR DRIVESHAFTS AND HANGERS 24B LC) 0 35 35 36 40 40 LC) LC) 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 LC) LC) 25 25 30 LC) LC) 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 65-00-00 LC) L() Intermediate (42°) gearbox ...................... Maintenance .................................. Sight glass .................................... Chip detector ................................. Oil filler cap ................................... Flexible couplings ............................. 000000 000000 LC) 65-18 65- 18 65-19 65- 19 65-29 65- 29 65-33 65- 33 65-37 65- 37 65-42 65- 42 000000 000000 000000 000000 INTERMEDIATE GEARBOX 31 32 32 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 717 ¢O) LC) LC) LC) LC) LC) 070000000 LC) LC) Removal Installation Sight glass LC) LC) 65-61 65-61 65-66 65- 66 65-67 65- 67 ......................... ....................................... .................................... .................................... Chip detector ................................. Oil filler cap ................................... Tail rotor gearbox flexible coupling .............. Lubrication .................................... Tail rotor (90°) gearbox 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 65-44 65- 44 65-45 65- 45 65-50 65- 50 65-52 65- 52 65-56 65- 56 0)0)0)0)0)0)0)0) TAIL ROTOR GEARBOX 41 43 43 FIGURES Figure Number Number Qom Tail rotor driveshaft and hangers ...................................... Damage limits - tail rotor driveshaft ................................... Tail rotor driveshaft hanger assemblies ............................... Deleted ................................................................ 8 10 14 (fl 65-1 65-1 65-2 65- 2 65-3 65-4 65- 4 65-4A 65- 4A Page Title 16A/1 613 Tail rotor driveshaft coupling "TEMP-PLATES" condition and correction ............................................................. Rev.5 17 65-00-00 Page 1 B H T-212-M M FIGURES (Cont) Figure Number C). -.-. con Tail rotor driveshaft alignment ......................................... Intermediate gearbox .................................................. Intermediate gearbox sight glass ...................................... Chip detector .......................................................... Chip detector damage limits ........................................... Oil filler cap ........................................................... Tail rotor gearbox ..................................................... Tail rotor gearbox pusher T101264-103 tool application .............. 21 28 31 33 33 C'7 34 37 38 1^^ 1^^ Sight glass ............................................................ 41 Tail rotor gearbox electrical chip detector 42 1^^ I^^ ............................. Tail rotor gearbox electrical chip detector damage limits .............. Tail rotor gearbox oil filler cap ........................................ -0-0 1^^ 65-10 65- 10 65-11 65-12 65- 12 65-13 65- 13 65-14 65- 14 65-15 65- 15 65-16 65- 16 Number z (DD I^^ 65-5 65- 5 65-6 65- 6 65-7 65- 7 65-8 65- 8 65-9 65- 9 Page Title 43 44 TABLES Table Number Title Troubleshooting - tail rotor drive system .............................. Troubleshooting - intermediate gearbox ............................... 65-00-00 Page 2 Rev. 5 11^^ 65-1 65-1 65-2 65- 2 Page Number 5 25 BHT-212-MM TAIL ROTOR DRIVE SYSTEM 65-1. TAIL ROTOR DRIVE SYSTEM. This chapter contains maintenance 65-2. TROUBLESHOOTING. table65-1 65-1 for troubleshooting tail Refer to table rotor drive system problems. information on tail rotor driveshafts, couplings and hanger assemblies, intermediate (420) gearbox, and tail rotor (90°) gearbox. Table 65-1. Troubleshooting - tail rotor drive system INDICATION OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION originating in tail rotor drive loose. (D-0 Vibration believed to be Bolts in V-band couplings Inspect all V-band clamps for a0' loose bolts. Tighten or replace as required. system. support. (a) Broken hanger or hanger Inspect hangers and supports (CD for cracks. Replace defective parts. 0 Tail rotor driveshaft out of Verify driveshaft balance balance. weights are secure. The balance weights are small metal strips bonded to driveshaft (one empty bonded space should be open where a bonded test strip was removed during (u'- manufacture). If more than one space is open, a balance weight is missing. Replace driveshaft. brown). -ti (/) SS) discoloration (from green to U-0 Visual overheat indicator Shaft hanger bearings rough Check for signs of overheated stripe(s) on hanger shows or overheating. bearings. If no sign of overheating is noted, recheck after five hours of operation. ^'' Replace bearings if overheating is evident. Replace bearings, if rough, after five hours of operation, whether or not ((DD overheating. Excessive loss of grease from Misalignment of bearing in hanger bearings. hanger. Check and correct alignment of bearings. 65-00-00 Page 5 BHT-212-MM Table 65-1. Troubleshooting - tail rotor drive system (Cont) INDICATION OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION 0)0 Binding or roughness when Dry or faulty hanger bearings. Lubricate bearings. rotor and tail rotor driveshaft is turned by hand. Inspect electric chip detectors in ... .1. intermediate and tail rotor gearboxes for evidence of internal failure. Replace c.> defective gearbox. 65-00-00 Page 6 (') 0 0 (D Faulty tail rotor gearbox. B HT-212-M M TAIL ROTOR DRIVESHAFTS AND HANGERS 65-3. TAIL ROTOR DRIVESHAFTS AND HANGERS. 3. Push shaft (1 or 3) against spring-loaded flexible coupling to disengage opposite end. Remove shaft. Five of the six tail rotor driveshafts are of the C)5) same length. Number two shaft, located 0_.5. below engine tailpipe area, is shorter. Each Cleaning. 65-6. 6,° shaft is an anodized aluminum alloy tube with face-splined couplings riveted on both ends, <30 0(b 3-- and is dynamically balanced by metal strips bonded on each end of tube. Hinged covers with cowl-fasteners provide access to shafts along tailboom and on the vertical fin. Tail rotor driveshaft hanger assemblies are mounted on three supports on the tailboom and one support on the engine deck (figure figure MATERIALS REQUIRED Refer to BHT-ALL-SPM BHT-ALL-SPM for specification and source. NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-304 C-304 Solvent .ZS O'. 65-1 65-1). Each consists of a flexible and a nonflexible coupling attached on a splined shaft mounted through a sealed single-row bearing in a ring-shaped hanger. The hanger has two mounting lugs and is attached to CAUTION .fl DO NOT ALLOW SOLVENT TO (r- hanger fittings with bolts. Hanger fittings are prealigned with permanent shims on tailboom structure. m SATURATE DRIVESHAFT. .-: 1. Clean driveshaft with clean, lint-free cloth dampened in solvent (C-304). C-304 TAIL ROTOR DRIVESHAFTS. Dry with filter, compressed air. 2. 1. Removal. 65-7. Open hinged covers along top of 3'o (J1 65-5. tailboom and on front of vertical fin. Open engine cowling. 1. Inspection. ((DD 65-4. Inspect driveshafts in accordance with figure 65-2. figure 65-2 Check two water drain holes are not clogged on contoured surface of curvic 2. 4. DO NOT INTERMIX PARTS OF 5. Remove clamp sets (8, figure 65-1) at figure 65-1 both ends of each shaft (1 or 3). Reassemble clamp set to prevent intermixing of parts. -I< Inspect shaft for distortion (figure 65-2). figure 65-2 Inspect balance weights for security. Any weights found debonded may be rebonded. If weight is missing, replace driveshaft. Inspect clamp sets for cracks, worn bolt holes, and distortion. Damage which can be 6. 65-00-00 Rev.5 icon 2. fully meshed without clamps. OF SHAFT. CLAMP SETS. w(a COUPLING UNLESS CLAMP SET IS REMOVED FROM BOTH ENDS Inspect curvic coupling splines on face of shaft coupling. There shall be no radial play or backlash between mating couplings when (.) OF SHAFT FROM MATING 3. (ten DO NOT DISPLACE EITHER END coupling. CL-0 CAUTION Page 7 BHT-212-M M CLAMP SET TORQUE 30 TO 35 IN-LB (3.39 TO 3.96 Nm) ABOVENUT Clamp set Hanger fitting Nut Nut Nut Nut 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Bearing Outer coupling Hanger bolt hole Non-flex coupling Seal 20. "TEMP-PLATES" m`° 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. .r- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shaft Hanger support fitting (engine deck) Short shaft Hanger bearing assembly Hanger support fitting Intermediate gearbox Tail rotor gearbox (03 1. Visual OVERTEMPERATURE indicator stripe NOTES A Chapter 65 65) Location of temperature indicator TEMP-PLATES on outer couplings. (BHT 212-CR&O, Chapter v_, A Torquing sequence is as follows: A 10, 12, 13, and 11. Clamp halves shall be kept together as a set. (DD Location of hanger bearing assembly visual overtemperature indicator stripe. (BHT 212-CR&O, Chapter 65 65) Chapter 212-M-65-1 Figure 65-1. Tail rotor driveshaft and hangers 65-00-00 Page 8 Rev.5 B HT-212-M M 1. clamp set. damage from driveshaft within limits (figure figure 65-2 using 400 to 600 grit abrasive cloth or 65-2) Damage which can be detected visually requires replacement of clamp set. (3D 32 RMS or better. Inspect clamp sets for mechanical 0 ((DD Damage exceeding this limit is not acceptable and shall be repaired or entire clamp set replaced. Inspect remaining surfaces of -coca not exceeding 0.010 in. (0.254 mm) is Touch up paint to match surrounding area. 5. (t/ E Damage exceeding this limit is not acceptable and Apply one coat of primer (C-202). C-202 4. E (fit clamp set for mechanical damage. Damage 3. Treat repaired areas with chemical film material (C-100) C-100 (BHT-ALL-SPM). BHT-ALL-SPM E (0.203 mm) is acceptable without repair. acceptable without repair. exceeded. `o- 000wE cop LOR3 damage on spot face, lug fillets, and internal groove. Damage not exceeding 0.008 in. When surface rework is complete, verify damage limits are not shall be repaired or clamp set replaced. Rebond loose balance strip as follows: 6. 0 8. 2. Radius in reworked area shall be 0.50 in. (12.7 mm) or greater. Surface finish shall be 0 a-C internal groove. paper (C-423). C-423 m3- 3-(n 5'w Inspect clamp sets for gouges or wear pattern extending into fillet radius at bottom of (sue +-i 7. Polish out mechanical and corrosion nom 0 detected visually requires replacement of a. Clean balance weight and shaft in area where weight will be bonded by abrading lightly with 400 grit abrasive cloth or paper Repair. 65-8. (C-423). C-423 MATERIALS REQUIRED Chemical Film Material C-202 C-202 P ri mer C-305 C-305 Aliphatic Naphtha C-317 C-317 Adhesive C-423 C-423 Abrasive Cloth or Remove sanding residue with a clean, lint-free cloth dampened with aliphatic naphtha (C-305). C-305 c. Mix adhesive (C-317) C-317 33 parts B to 100 parts A. Mix parts thoroughly. (Pot life is 30 to 50 minutes after mixing.) 0 C-100 C-100 Paper d. Apply a thin coat of adhesive to balance weight and shaft in area where -.w (On NOMENCLATURE jai NUMBER 'D'0 b. weight will be bonded. X3.0 e. Place a 6 to 10 mil thread in adhesive (OD on balance weight to act as a spacer and control bondline thickness. mm m.pmm DRIVESHAFT SHALL BE CHECKED AND REBALANCED AS REQUIRED IF REWORKED AREA IS 8.0 SQ. IN. (51.6 SQ. CM) MORE ON ONE using rubber bands or equivalent. g. Allow adhesive to cure at 70 to 95°F (21 to 350C) for 24 hours. Accelerated cure may be accomplished by heating area to 175 to 190°F (79 to 88°C) for 60 minutes. h. Apply chemical film material (C-100) C-100 to E SIDE THAN THE OTHER. (Q' m m TO REMOVE DAMAGE. +-: DO NOT USE GRINDING WHEEL f. Position weight on shaft. Maintain approximately 10 psi pressure on weight 0-0 CAUTION "-' balance weight and appply touch up paint, if required. 65-00-00 Page 9 BHT-212-MM O AREA B 0 DAMAGE LOCATION SYMBOLS AREA A TYPE OF DAMAGE AREA B MAX IMUM DEPTHS AND REPAIR AREAS ALLOWED AFTER POLISHING OUT CRACKS ALLOWED See Note 6 See Note 6 NICKS AND SCRATCHES 0.008 Inch (0.203 mm) 0.012 Inch (0.304 mm) SHARP DENTS 0.010 Inch (0.254 mm) 0.015 Inch (0.381 mm) NONSHARP DENTS 0.020 Inch (0.508 mm) 0.030 Inch (0.762 mm) NOTES ays c-.-3 Damage defined on the chart above is acceptable if repaired as follows: a. Damage is polished out with fine abrasive cloth with minimum radius of 0.5 inch (12.70 millimeters) and with surface finish of 32 RMS or better. b. Maximum depth after rework does not exceed limits shown in chart. c. Reworked area is treated for corrosion prevention. d. 3. If rework area is eight square inches more on one side than the other, shaft balance must be checked. Loss of one or more balance weights is cause to replace driveshaft. One empty bonding space should be open where bond test coupon was removed. If more than one empty space is observed, replace driveshaft. Damaged curvic coupling splines that result in radial play and/or backlash between stn 2. 0 a=te 1. assembled couplings when fully meshed without clamps are not acceptable. 212-M-65-2-1 Figure 65-2. 65-00-00 Page 10 Damage limits - tail rotor driveshaft (sheet i of 2) B HT-212-M M 5. If tail rotor driveshaft distortion is suspected, support driveshaft on "V" blocks and measure (J1 Grooves worn on shaft coupling by clamp to extent that wear prevents proper clamping are cause to replace driveshaft. (') 4. (J1 3°d t/1 -03<' '-`""s -ti 03:30 3'3 aid Any crack in a driveshaft is cause to replace the affected driveshaft except cracks in rivet heads are acceptable if they do not exceed the following limits: a. Cracks are approximately radial when viewing top of shop head. b. No crack extends into an area with a diameter less than 1.25 diameters of rivet shank. c. Cracks do not intersect. d. The minimum distance between cracks is less than one shank diameter. e. A maximum of 3 such cracks. f. Crack width does not exceed 0.06 inches (1.52 millimeters) times rivet shank diameter. g. Maximum or ten percent of rivet shop heads may have cracks within above limits. d3m 6. 0 2E°_ run out. Maximum acceptable total indicator reading on long shafts is 0.050 inch (1.27 millimeters). Maximum acceptable total indicator reading on short shaft is 0.020 inch (0.508 millimeters). Do not attempt to straighten driveshaft. (fl 212-M-65-2-2 Figure 65-2. 65-9. Damage limit - tail rotor driveshaft (sheet 2) Installation. NOTE All nuts used on a clamp must be of the same type and style. Tail rotor driveshaft clamps (8, figure figure Adjust clamp set halves to obtain equal gaps at both ends within 0.030 in. (0.732 mm). are matched sets. Keep in one clamp half, or if clamp halves rematched with one of equal weight within one gram. 3. Tighten clamp bolts evenly, torque 30 to 35 in.lbs. (3.39 to 3.95 Nm) above nut friction. C-0 are intermixed, each shall be E sets after removal to maintain balance. If it is necessary to replace Q'< 65-1 65-1) ^O'' U)) NOTE Driveshaft clamp nuts are self-locking and shall not be reused unless tare torque is a minimum of 3.5 in.lbs. (0.395 Nm). Torque sequence is as follows: 10, 12, 13, and 11 (figure 65-1). Tap lightly around outer surface figure 65-1 to seat clamp, and recheck torque. gearboxes. 4. 2. Install matched clamp sets (8) on couplings, with bolt heads to direction of _-C Position each shaft (1 or 3, figure 65-1) figure 65-1 between mating couplings of hangers (4) and cep 1. Close covers and cowling. rotation and clamp joints indexed 90° to those of adjacent clamps for balance in operation. 65-00-00 Page 11 BHT-212-M M 65-10. DRIVESHAFT HANGERS. CAUTION 65-11. Removal. DO NOT IMMERSE HANGER CAUTION ASSEMBLY IN SOLVENT. i Clean external surfaces of hanger assembly with a clean, lint-free cloth dampened with ,OD DO NOT DISPLACE EITHER END OF DRIVESHAFT FROM MATING COUPLING UNLESS CLAMP SET IS REMOVED FROM BOTH ENDS OF SHAFT. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO C-304 solvent (C-304). Do not allow solvent to contact internal surfaces of hanger assemblies. 65-13. HANGER BEARING AND/OR MATERIALS REQUIRED CURVIC COUPLING. Remove tail rotor driveshafts from each end of hanger to be removed (paragraph 65paragraph 651. 5). 5 Remove two bolts (19, figure 65-3), figure 65-3 (DD (`. washers (20, 22, 23, and 25), and nuts (26). Remove hanger assembly from support (17). Remove two bolts (27) and washers (28). Remove hanger assembly (5) from fitting (16). 4. NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-454 C-454 India Stone Inspect hanger bearing (4, figure 65-1) figure 65-1 1. for cracks, elongated bolt holes, or other visible damage. (F) 3. Refer to BHT-ALL-SPM BHT-ALL-SPM for specification and source. Inspect outer coupling (16) temperature indicator "TEMP-PLATES" (20) as follows: 2. Remove hanger assembly (9) same as previous step. Overtemperature indicator dots on "TEMP-PLATES" are white or light off- c'- 65-12. NOTE Cleaning. gray color and turn black when exposed to an overtemperature MATERIALS REQUIRED condition. Chemical contamination Refer to BHT-ALL-SPM BHT-ALL-SPM for specification and can also cause indicator DOTS to source. turn black. C-304 C-304 Solvent Temperature indicator "TEMPPLATES" must not show evidence of a. o>00 NOMENCLATURE a"' NUMBER overtemperature, deterioration, debonding, or 0." 2. Inspection. NOTE >'_ >F- discoloration of the epoxy coating that prevents interpretation of the indicating DOTS. If any of these conditions exist, proceed to step b. :7CD icy Rev.5 E 65-00-00 Page 12 same coupling) is discolored or shows mechanical damage or degradation of the -0) CR&O for instructions to clean CR&O disassembled hanger(s). b. If one "TEMP-PLATE" is missing, and no DOT on the other "TEMP-PLATE" (on the w'Q These instructions are applicable to assembled tail rotor driveshaft BHT-212hanger(s) only. Refer to BHT-212- BHT-212-MM Inspect seal (14) for protrusions, leakage, cuts, tears, and deterioration. 5. p 0)-- U O 3O3 O movement of grease shields, ova) 0 O .,. 'V) O O\`. O O O _ U p Inspect bearing (15) in hanger support fitting (5) and outer coupling (16) for grease leakage. Grease leakage of adjacent areas by 6. OO O Q U U o OU QQN Q(0 o 0 O 0 O Q .c moved. green to brown) indicates a possible overheat 0-0 O 00 Q U o Q U change in color of indicator stripe(s) (from (BHT-212-CR&0) BHT-212-CR&O QO O U > service whose witness marks indicate that the grease shield has discoloration and overheat condition. A condition and/or component degradation. Cause of discoloration shall be determined and corrected prior to continued operation O NO figure 65-1 overheat indicator stripes (19, figure 65-1) for 0 indicated by breakage of witness marks. Remove any bearing from Inspect hanger bearing assembly visual ,.,, O U o O Inspect hanger bearing for action. 0 w0-icw 0 N NOTE probable cause and required corrective 2a. o CR&O). CR&O O U OO O b. should be replaced as soon as practical. If any indicator DOT on "TEMP-PLATE" has changed color to black, see figure 65-4A for - Replace unserviceable seals (BHT-212BHT-212U U J U W The discrepant "TEMP-PLATE" in step C. o > returned to service. ° o U > epoxy overcoating, the helicopter may be U UX grease is cause for replacement with the following exception: A small amount of grease Inspect outer coupling (16) for nicks, dents, and cracks. Minor damage which can leakage as follows: O O o coo OO o Q OU O _ OO - 4. expelled from around tip of bearing seals indicates a slight overlubrication and is not cause for hanger replacement. If leakage is detected, perform an evaluation of grease -I, O O Inspect nonflexible couplings for nicks, dents, and cracks. Minor damage which can be polished out with fine India stone (C-464) C-464 is acceptable. 3. OO o U UQ o - O be polished out with fine India stone (C-464) C-464 is acceptable. U O ON 65-00-00 Page 12A/12B N Rev.5 B HT-212-M M Hanger bearing assembly (15) b. CAUTION' is excessively worn or cracked. Curvic face of couplings are C. DO NOT CLEAN OR SPRAY excessively worn. BEARING HANGER ASSEMBLY WITH ANY TYPE OF SOLVENT Couplings show signs of overheating, or being run without lubricant. a=. -6-0 --U d. Z DURING INSPECTION. USE CLEAN CLOTH TO CLEAN EXTERIOR OF Hanger support fitting shows signs of °)O) e. HANGER ASSEMBLIES. overheating. a. Wipe grease from outer coupling (16), and bearing (15) in hanger support fitting (5). Record which bearing is leaking and O)° b. monitor bearing condition for the next ten flight hours. f. Hanger support fitting shows signs of metal particles and/or rust colored fretting debris near bearing. 10. Lubricate hanger bearing assemblies as required (paragraph 65-14). paragraph 65-14 0.c caw If the amount of grease expelled from C. bearing seal does not decrease after this 65-14. Inspect bearing (15) in hanger support fitting for wear, roughness and binding as 1. Remove tail rotor driveshaft sections attached to hanger bearings assemblies to be lubricated (paragraph 65-5). paragraph 65-5 period of time, replace hanger assembly. 0 7. follows: Remove driveshaft from each side of hanger bearing assembly. a. '.0 °)c o0) b. Rotate bearing while pressing in axially on nonflexible coupling and at hanger 0--5 COQ L-0 bearing assembly. Bearing may feel smooth when turned with no load, but rough when loaded by pressing in with hand. Obvious roughness, catching, or binding when turned, by hand, is cause for replacement of hanger bearing assembly. Remove tail rotor driveshaft hanger assemblies (paragraph paragraph 65-11). 65-11 3. Clean tail rotor driveshaft assemblies (paragraph paragraph 65-12). 65-12 hanger Disassemble, lubricate, and re-assemble tail rotor driveshaft hanger assemblies (BHTBHT4. 212-CR&O). 212-CR&O 5. Install tail rotor driveshaft hanger assemblies (paragraph paragraph 65-15). 65-15 Inspect engine deck hanger, support 1-. 8. 2. Lubrication. fittings and hanger support fitting for NOTE Mechanical damage in excess of superficial and corrosion damage which can be detected visually is not acceptable. Ground run and leak check must be (On -_T mechanical and corrosion damage. performed following installation of new, repaired, or relubricated flexible couplings. aim 9. Replace driveshaft hanger assemblies for the following conditions: Make an entry in helicopter log and in c_0 a. Bearing is rough, binds when rotated, or shows excessive wear. 6. flex couplings lubrication log of date lubricated, date grease manufactured and helicopter hours (Chapter 12). Chapter 12 L() Rev.5 65-00-00 Page 13 BHT-212-MM 1. Drive quill (transmission) 07, S.< 2. Tail rotor driveshaft 3. Hanger assembly 4. Tail rotor driveshaft 5. Hanger assembly 6. Tail rotor driveshaft 7. Hanger assembly 8. Tail rotor driveshaft 9. Hanger assembly 10. Tail rotor driveshaft 11. Intermediate gearbox assembly 12. Tail rotor driveshaft 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Tailboom Fitting Fitting Fitting Support Flexible coupling Bolt Steel washer Grease fitting 22. Aluminum washer 23. 24. 25. Steel washer 26. Nut 27. Bolt 28. Thin steel washer 29. Barrel nut 30. Bolt 31. Thin steel washer 32. Aluminum washer 33. Thin steel washer 34. Nut Steel washer Brace assembly 212-M-65-3-1 Figure 65-3. Tail rotor driveshaft hanger assemblies (sheet 1 of 2) 65-00-00 Page 14 B HT-212-M M DETAIL A DETAIL B DETAIL C 212-M-65-3-2 Figure 65-3. Tail rotor driveshaft hanger assemblies (sheet 2) FOR BEST VALUE, BUY GENUINE BELL PARTS Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 15 BHT-212-MM Installation. 3. (J) 65-15. Position hanger assembly (7) on fitting ..A (15) with flexible coupling (18) forward. Install 1. Position hanger assembly (3, figure 65-3) figure 65-3 on support (17) with flexible coupling (18) forward. Install washers (22 and 23) between support (17) and brace assembly (24) on each side. Install bolts (19) with washers (20) assembly (7) and fittings (15). Install washer (32) next to fitting (15), washer (33), and nut (34). Install hanger assembly (9) on fitting (14) using procedures in previous step. 4. ..+ through hanger assembly (3), support (17), bolts (30) and washers (31) through hanger and brace assembly (24). Install washers (25) and nuts (26). 2. 5. Position hanger assembly (5) on fitting (16) with flexible coupling (18) forward. Ensure barrel nuts (29) are aligned on each side. Install two bolts (27) and washers (28). NOTE Use additional washers (33) if necessary to obtain proper bolt ((DD thread engagement. 65-00-00 Page 16 Rev.5 Install tail rotor driveshafts. B HT-212-M M 212-M-65-4 1 Figure 65-4. Deleted 65-00-00 Rev. 5 Page 16A/16B BHT-212-M M PROBLEM CAUSE SEE NOTE Black Good Defect/Instl 1 Black Black Overtemp 2 Part Black Good Chem Contamination 1 Missing Good Defect/Instl 1 Missing Missing Possible Overtemp 2 Fn, ((D !TI OTHER RED TEMP-PLATE E ONE RED TEMP-PLATE NOTES 1. Resume operation. Defective TEMP-PLATE or improper installation, replace defective TEMP-PLATE as soon as practical (BHT 212-CR&O). 2. Coupling overtemp condition is very likely. Remove driveshaft or coupling assembly and perform overtemp inspection in accordance with BHT-212-CR&O BHT-212-CR&O and the following instructions. Scrap affected male and female couplings if any of the conditions listed below exist or if required by BHT-212-CR&O BHT-212-CR&O inspection criteria. a. Cadmium plating on outer coupling is discolored (circumferential tan or light brown band) or blistered. Gear teeth of either coupling are discolored (brown or blue) in normally bright contact patterns. c. Under 5x or 10x magnification, surfaces of gear teeth of either inner or outer coupling exhibit signs of metal smearing or tearing in contact patterns. d. Grease is very viscous (thick) and has a strong pungent order. sari b. NOTE If NONE of the above conditions exist, coupling may be reassembled in accordance with BHT 212-CR&O and return to service following replacement of TEMP-PLATES. 212-M-65-4A Figure 65-4A. Tail rotor driveshaft coupling TEMP-PLATE condition and correction BUY BELL PARTS - BUY BELL VALUE Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 17 BHT-212-MM 6. Operate helicopter (BHT-212-FM) BHT-212-FM for 5 SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED (CONT) minutes at 100% Nr. Shut down engine and inspect NOMENCLATURE coupling(s) and surrounding structure for 412-240-033-101 Hanger simulator (2) evidence of grease leakage, remove hanger assembly and replace defective parts. 412-240-034-101 Hanger simulator 412-240-035-101 Hanger simulator sac NUMBER 7. evidence of grease leakage. If there is Inspect hangers overheat indicator 0.0 8. 0 stripes for discoloration and overheat `.0 0 A tail rotor drive system alignment check 1. coo condition. A change in color of indicator stripe (from green to brown) indicates a possible shall be made whenever driveshaft degradation. Cause of indicator stripe airframe structure in area of driveshaft overheat condition and/or component misalignment is suspected, when damage to 0-0 212-CR&O 212-CR&O). Inspect flexible couplings are performed in any area of tailboom or in aft section of forward fuselage, or when original intermediate gearbox is replaced with -i3 to paragraph 65-13. paragraph 65-13 _°) +-a) temperature indicator "TEMP-PLATES". Refer -^` corrected prior to continued operation (BHTBHT- 7z- c.0 0 hangers requires structural repair or parts replacement, when major structural repairs ate-. discoloration shall be determined and a gearbox of a different part number. Alignment SYSTEM. of driveshaft hanger supports and 0_0 LL) 65-16. ALIGNMENT -TAIL ROTOR DRIVE intermediate gearbox shall be accomplished 0 0 as follows: MATERIALS REQUIRED Open tail rotor driveshaft covers and a. Refer to BHT-ALL-SPM BHT-ALL-SPM for specification and source. intermediate gearbox cover. b. Remove tail rotor driveshafts and hangers (paragraphs 65-4 and 65-10). paragraphs 65-4 65-10 NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-001 C-001 Grease C-305 C-305 Aliphatic Naphtha C-309 C-309 Methyl- Ethyl -Ketone NOTE Do not remove driveshaft hanger support assemblies from tailboom or forward fuselage. Adhesive C-508 C-508 Lockwire Remove intermediate gearbox C. paragraph 65-28 (paragraph 65-28). Ensure any shims -.a C-317 C-317 =033 (MEK) b e t ween gear b ox and tailboom remain in their original locations on tailboom. SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED Alignment plate T103225-109 Bushing 65-00-00 Page 18 Rev.5 E T1 03335-1 1 9 f. Clean surfaces on tailboom and hanger supports where hangers and gearboxes were removed of primer and sealant. Use a plastic 0 .'.' simulator C-, Intermediate gearbox T103224-101 e. Remove tailboom from helicopter and place in suitable support cradle (Chapter 53). Chapter 53 0 0 simulator 07< Tail rotor gearbox T103226-101 ((DD NOMENCLATURE m-3-0 NUMBER _-l 0 d. Remove tail rotor gearbox (paragraph paragraph 65-54). 65-54 scraper and a clean cloth moistened with MEK (C-309) C-309 or alphatic naphtha (C-305). C-305 BHT-212-M M Install alignment plate, T103225-119 g. with T103225-117 bushing for left hand position of plate (looking aft) (figure 65-5, figure 65-5 safety wire spinner pliers or other positive locking pliers. view A, detail A), on forward tailboom NOTE bulkhead using AN8-31A bolt or equivalent with AN960-816 washer under bolt head. Ensure wire is still unkinked and is still positioned in "V" groove in the (Dm Install tail rotor/90° gearbox simulator T103226-101 on top of vertical fin. A)_ h. pin in intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101. -'h M. Check for alignment of intermediate gearbox by confirming wire clears the edges i CAUTION of holes in top and forward end plates by at 0(a _0) SCREWS IN INTERMEDIATE GEARBOX SIMULATOR ARE the wire continues to vibrate. If vibration continues, wire clearance is sufficient to coo BACKED OFF SO THEY DO NOT PROJECT BELOW THE MOUNTING proceed. --D SURFACE OF THE SIMULATOR BEFORE PROCEEDING. (SS If alignment is acceptable loosen 0.020 :30 a-' grips do not bottom out in mating tailboom nutplates. intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101. Install the P/N 212-040-003 intermediate gearbox and then verify that a minimum of 0.030 inch (0.762 mm) clearance exists between lower surfaces of gearbox (other than four mounting pads) and underlying BCD meos 0-0 sufficient number of AN960-416 and AN960416L washers under heads of bolts so bolt diameter alignment wire and remove (i1 L Install intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101 using AN4-13A bolts and -0-C) a-3 least 0.005 inch (0.127 mm). See view B. If alignment is not acceptable, proceed directly to step m(1). Pluck wire and check to see if MAKE SURE THREE LEVELING surfaces of tailboom. If sufficient clearance exists, proceed directly to step n. If sufficient ? CAUTION clearance does not exist, add shims (equal Q(0 amounts at all four mounting pads) as required to achieve clearance required, then proceed directly to step m (2). -°D BEFORE PROCEEDING. gearbox simulator T103224-101. '-F ''. scraper and a cloth moistened with MEK (CC- Pass other end of wire through hole in 30(0 (11) k. of shim-stacks removed. Using a plastic .--. side of plate. (2) Remove all shims on tailboom at intermediate gearbox location, note thickness 0 4-- 508) 508 in hole of tail rotor gearbox simulator, T103226-101. Secure end of wire on upper (TS Install unkinked 0.020 inch lockwire (CCC.)-0 j. .-,. 0 (1) Loosen 0.020 inch diameter alignment wire and remove intermediate T103225-119 ARE SECURED (11 OHO VERIFY TAIL ROTOR GEARBOX SIMULATOR, T103226-101 AND BULKHEAD ALIGNMENT PLATE, 309) 309 remove any adhesive or sealant residue so they project below mounting surface an 1. 0 plate (figure 65-5, view E). figure 65-5 ..3 Pass wire through hole in tailboom O>> top of plate of intermediate gearbox simulator, T103224-101, around "V" groove in pin and out through hole of forward (vertical) end around gearbox mounting hole locations on o-0 (CD bulkhead alignment plate, T103225-119 and (3) Adjust three leveling screws on intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101 amount approximately equal to thickness of shim-stack established in step m(2) at corresponding mounting bolt location. E tighten wire until all slack is removed and secure end of wire. Secure end of wire with tailboom. 65-00-00 Page 19 00) L() Rev. 5 BHT-212-MM step m(7) and reinstall alignment wire in accordance with steps k and I. Tighten simulator mounting bolts 50 to 70 inch-lb. CAUTIO'N E°) o-em0)o 2 (J1 (5.65 to 7.91 Nm) and confirm satisfactory WHEN GEARBOX SIMULATOR wire positions in holes in top and forward end plates of simulator in accordance with step m. If wire placement is satisfactory proceed to MOUNTING BOLTS TO 20 TO 30 m(9) until satisfactory alignment is obtained. TIGHTEN 4 SIMULATOR QUO T103224-101 IS SUPPORTED ON ITS THREE LEVELING SCREWS. 3(n step (10) otherwise repeat steps m(1) through INCH- LB. (2.26 TO 3.39 Nm). -p0 .-r CYO ((S of three levelling bolts until an acceptable Clean shim contact areas on tailboom using alphatic naphtha (C-305). C-305 Apply a light coat of adhesive (C-317) C-317 to bottom surface of each of four shim-stacks. ..O a)- (5) Loosen or tighten each of four simulator mounting bolts while adjusting each (11) r-O c(0) alignment wire in accordance with steps k. and I. Ensure alignment wire is positioned in "V" groove in simulator pin. OT. --h and reinstall (D'-' n,- o i. 0.- +'' accordance with step (10) Loosen alignment wire and remove intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101. Measure and record final thickness of shims at each of four mounting bolt locations. ^"O Install intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101 on tailboom in (4) Avoid placing adhesive within 0.25 inch (6.35 mm) of bolt holes. simulator position is obtained. See step m. Ensure simulator mounting bolts are torqued to only 20 to 30 inch-lb. (2.26 to 3.39 (6) (12) Install shim-stacks, adhesive side down, in their original locations on tailboom. Nm); then using a thickness gage, measure and record gaps between lower surface of NOTE simulator and tailboom at each of the Coat bottom surface of intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101 and mounting bolt locations. the threads and shank of each Size thickness of shim-stacks for simulator mounting bolt with a very each simulator mounting bolt location equal to the respective gaps measured in step m(6). o'-'3 (7) E ._r light coat of petroleum jelly or grease (C-001) C-001 prior to installation. minimum of 0.030 inch (0.762 mm) clearance (14) Reinstall alignment wire in accordance with steps k and I and confirm exists between lower surfaces of gearbox (other than the four mounting pads). If to 70 inch-lb. ( 5.65 to 7.91 Nm). Do not L(') E Install tail rotor gearbox using shim-stacks manufactured in step m(7), then verify that a '-F (13) Reinstall intermediate gearbox simulator and tighten four mounting bolts 50 (CS (8) Loosen alignment wire and remove intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101. Retract each of three leveling bolts so it does not project below lower surface of simulator. remove simulator until shim adhesive has set. satisfactory wire positions in holes in top and forward end plates of simulator in accordance with step m. exist, add equal amounts of shims at all four mounting bolt locations as required to achieve clearance required and repeat steps m(2) thru this step except in step m(3) adjust simulator leveling screws such that they project below plate T103225-119 and thread wire through forward and aft holes of a hanger simulator mounting surface equal to total shim thickness established above in this step. Reinstall simulator in accordance 65-00-00 Page 20 Rev.5 ,-r Remove alignment wire from alignment 412-240-033-101. Install hanger simulator 412-240-033101 at number four location on tailboom using two AN4-10A bolts, two MS35650-3252 nuts 0. OTC- (9) with step i using shim-stacks manufactured in n. ''' (J) next step. If sufficient clearance does not O(a U.= sufficient clearance exists, proceed directly to and sufficient number of AN960-416L BHT-212-MM SEE DETAIL D T 103226.101 0 SEE DETAIL B 0.020 WIRE 0 T103225-119 SEE DETAIL C 412.240-033.101 POSITION T103224-101 POSITION mm m m f BUSHING T 103 225-117 .y ,, ,,.,,, ALIGNMENT OF TAlLB00M - MOUNTED ,, ,I lfl HANGER BEARING ASSEMBLIES i' .1 --- i DETAIL D DETAIL A I DETAIL C DETAIL 6 m 2- o Z coo ACCEPTABLE WIRE POSITION UNACCEPTABLE WIRE POSITION 0 DESIRED WIRE POSITION Om 0.020 WIRE o. 0.005 MIN. CLEARANCE 00 HOLE IN TOOL DETAIL E VIEW 6 212-M-65-5-1 o o o Figure 65-5. Tail rotor driveshaft alignment (sheet 1 of 2} 65-00-00 Rev. 5 Page 21 BHT-212-M M 412-240-034-101 412-240:033-101 (SMALL HOLE) 0 . 020 WIRE / HANGER POSITION # 1 / / I HANGER POSITION #3 1 /` 412-240-035-101 (LARGE HOLE) (USE ONLY AS WIRE ANCHOR IN THIS OPERATION) VIEW C ESTABLISHING PROPER TAILBOOM POSITION HANGER POSITION #2 412.240-034-101 0.020 WIRE POSITION #3 412-240-035-101 (LARGE HOLE) i ADJUSTABLE SUPPORT VIEW D ALIGNMENT OF NO. 1 HANGER BEARING ASSEMBLY T103226-101 T103225-119 0.020 WIRE VIEW E INTERMEDIATE GEARBOX ALIGNMENT Figure 65-5. Tail rotor driveshaft alignment (sheet 2) 65-00-00 Page 22 Rev. 5 212-M-65-5-2 B HT-212-M M both forward mounting pads. Do the opposite to adjust hanger simulator "pitch" aft. Install four mounting bolts and verify acceptable alignment in accordance with step r. It will likely be necessary to perform step r(1) to .ti washers under nut to keep nut from bottoming out in bolt grip, see detail B. Leave fasteners slightly loose at this point. Using uniform hand pressure on p. achieve acceptable "yaw" alignment. while tightening the two bolts. Tighten alignment wire in accordance (3) If a "lateral position" error exists at any hanger simulator (not simply a "yaw" error) remove alignment wire and hanger with steps k and I. Ensure alignment wire is positioned in "V" groove in the intermediate support to tail boom and remove support. q. 0c0 extreme aft end of simulator, push hanger simulator forward and hold in this position simulator. Remove four bolts securing hanger gearbox simulator T103224-101 pin. Rework only the problem support in Verify acceptable alignment of hanger simulator 412-240-033-101 by confirming rework, reinstall support. Reinstall hanger simulator and alignment wire in accordance alignment wire clears edges of holes in forward and aft end plates of simulator by at least 0.005 inch (0.127 mm), see view B. (1) Pluck wire and watch wire closely to see if the wire continues to vibrate. If vibration continues, wire clearance in holes is sufficient with steps n thru q. Loosen four bolts slightly and adjust lateral position of support so as to <m' w300 r. figure 65-5 accordance with figure 65-5. Following obtain satisfactory lateral alignment of simulator. Verify acceptable alignment in accordance with step r. It will likely be necessary to perform step r (1) to restore to proceed. Also verify alignment wire is in acceptable positions in holes in forward and acceptable "yaw" alignment. follows: each of four support mounting pads. Install four mounting bolts and verify acceptable hanger simulator alignment in accordance with step r. It will likely be necessary to .-. (4) If hanger simulator position error is in "elevation" (vertical position), remove four bolts securing hanger support to tailboom and add or remove same thickness of shims under Q`/) top end plates of intermediate gearbox simulator T103224-101. If alignment of hanger simulator is acceptable proceed directly to step s; otherwise proceed as 0-0 -., 2 CAUTION perform step r(1) and (3) to achieve acceptable "yaw" and "lateral position" alignment. If lateral position is acceptable proceed to step s. DO NOT LOOSEN HANGER WE- SUPPORT TO AIRFRAME BOLTS ONCE "YAW" ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE. 171 securing hanger support to tailboom and shift in intermediate gearbox simulator pin in the following operations. C\l S. Remove hanger simulator 412-240033-101 from number four hanger location and install at location three. Perform steps o ,0.. a-. support to obtain acceptable alignment. Retighten bolts and verify acceptable 0)E .(n position error is in "yaw", loosen four bolts Ensure alignment wire remains free of kinks and is seated in "V" groove -°0 If hanger simulator 412-240-033-101 (n: (1) NOTE thru r. E alignment in accordance with step r. (2) If hanger simulator error is in "pitch" direction, remove four bolts securing hanger D). F-- support to tailboom. To adjust hanger simulator "pitch" forward, add equal shims under both aft support mounting pads and (1) Loosen the alignment wire and remove hanger simulator 412-240-033 from remove same thickness of shims from under hanger location three. 65-00-00 Rev. 5 Page 23 BHT-212-MM NOTE E accordance with instructions given for 412340-033-101 hanger simulator in step o & p. Hanger simulators 412-240-035 and See view C. 412-240-034 are very similar in appearance. Confirm the correct m NOTE simulator is installed in the following operation. In steps w, x, and y, the 412-240- 035-101 hanger simulator at hanger Install hanger simulator 412-240035-101 at hanger location two using two AN4H7A bolts and a sufficient number of AN960-416L washers to keep the bolts from (LS (2) number one location is used as a wire anchor. Alignment of the number one hanger support is accomplished per steps z thru ab. bottoming out in the bolt grip. Leave fasteners ,-. (Q.E slightly loose at this point. Perform steps p thru r, except, in step r the hanger simulator ................... will be the 412-240-035-101. ../ CAUTION Tail rotor driveshaft hanger assembly t. alignment on tailboom is now complete. O07 DO NOT LOOSEN BOLTS SECURING ANY HANGER 0G) Remove tailboom bulkhead alignment plate T103225-119, alignment wire, and hanger SUPPORT TO TAILBOOM IN AN simulator 412-240-035-101. E F F O R T TO A C H I E V E SATISFACTORY ALIGNMENT IN Install tailboom on helicopter (Chapter Chapter U. 53). 53 STEPS W THROUGH AB. W. Install a length of unkinked 0.020 inch diameter wire in accordance with steps j and CAUTION r00 m-1 THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURES FOR ALIGNMENT OF HANGER k. Route wire through each of three hanger simulators. Tighten wire until all slack is removed. Secure wire at forward end of hanger simulator 421-240-034-101 at number one hanger location. Secure end of wire with BEARING ASSEMBLY AT HANGER POSITION NUMBER ONE MUST BE PERFORMED USING A TAILBOOM safety-wire spinner pliers or other positive- KNOWN TO HAVE ACCEPTABLE NOTE (J) locking pliers. TAIL ROTOR DRIVE SYSTEM ALIGNMENT. A stable cushion such as shot bags or a sand bag should be placed Install hanger simulators as follows: between tailboom skin and support so as to distribute the load and W-_Q V. prevent damage to tailboom Install hanger simulator 412-240034-101 at number two hanger location in accordance with step s(2) for the 412-240(1) cc) structure. Tension on alignment wire .'- may require adjustment during 035-101 hanger simulator except perform only referenced step p. See view C. Esc (2) Install hanger simulator 412-340033-101 at number three and number four hanger locations in accordance with steps o & p. See view C. COO ..r (3) Install hanger simulator 412-340035-101 at number one hanger position in 65-00-00 Page 24 Rev.5 tailboom positioning operation to prevent wire sag. Position an adjustable support under tailboom. This support should be located at a point approximately 12 inches (30.48 cm) X. forward of intermediate gearbox location where extension of canted vertical fin spar approaches adjacent tailboom bulkhead at lower surface of tailboom, see view C. Slowly BHT-212-MM m-0 adjust elevation of support as required to position alignment wire within acceptable 240-034-101 is acceptable proceed directly to step ac; otherwise proceed as follows: -0O -,00 limits in each of three hanger simulators, see view B. Once this position is obtained do not NOTE support until tail rotor drive system alignment is complete. Elongation of the four mounting holes in the No. 1 hanger support is not permitted. ((D ('- (n- reposition helicopter or readjust tailboom y. Remove alignment wire and hanger simulator 412-240-035-101 from the number (gyp one hanger location. Reposition hanger simulator 412-240-034-101 from number two (1) If hanger simulator error is in "yaw" direction, loosen four bolts securing hanger with step ab. o Of- E c (2) If hanger simulator error is in "pitch" position, relax tension on alignment wire and remove four bolts securing hanger support to airframe. To "pitch" hanger simulator forward 0'O E add equal shims under both aft support U-0 with step s(2). verify acceptable alignment in accordance .-. .4_ Remove hanger simulator 412-240033-101 from number four hanger location. Install hanger simulator 412-240-035-101 at number two hanger location in accordance gearbox simulator T103224-101 pin. O--0 :--O (3) If hanger simulator error is in "elevation" position (alignment wire hits top or bottom of holes in hanger simulator at number two hanger location), relax tension on c is seated in "V" groove in intermediate alignment wire and verify acceptable hanger simulator alignment in accordance with step ab. It may be necessary to perform step ab(1) to achieve acceptable "yaw" alignment. 3m3 a"_ positive-locking pliers. Ensure alignment wire aft. Install four support mounting bolts, tighten QC) number one hanger location. Secure end of wire with safety-wire spinner pliers or other pads. Do just the opposite to "pitch" support 0 of hanger simulator 412-240-034-101 at >a) removed and secure wire at the forward end E at number three, two and one hanger locations. Tighten wire until all slack is shims from under both forward mounting E Install a new length of unkinked 0.020 inch diameter wire in accordance with steps j and k. Route wire through hanger simulators aa. 0.0 mounting pads and remove same thickness of ... Z. '-' 421-240-034-101 in accordance with steps o and p, except use AN4-7A bolts. See view D. O-0 forward fuselage. Install hanger simulator support to airframe and shift support to obtain acceptable alignment. Tighten four bolts and hanger location to number one location on 0) alignment wire and remove four bolts securing hanger support to airframe. Add or remove equal shim thickness under each of four support mounting pads to obtain required elevation. Install four mounting bolts and NOTE As an alternate procedure the 412-240-034-101 and tension/ necessary to repeat step ab(1) to achieve E verify acceptable hanger simulator alignment EmNEE alignment wire may be anchored at in accordance with step ab. It may be clamped at top end plate of acceptable "yaw" alignment. -.a >,Q) forward face of hanger simulator intermediate gearbox simulator Tail rotor drive system alignment is CC. complete. Remove all alignment tools and W-0 T103224-101. Verify acceptable alignment of remaining on uppermost shim at intermediate gearbox location. are properly torqued. Remove any grease ((D 0).c (SS hanger location and in forward and top end plates of intermediate gearbox simulator. See view B. If alignment of hanger simulator 412- (COD plates of hanger simulators on tailboom, in aft end plate of hanger simulator at number one clears edges of holes in forward and aft end '(D tailboom support. Verify bolts securing hanger supports to forward fuselage and to tailboom bb. yam hanger simulator by confirming alignment wire 2. Install tail rotor gearbox (paragraph 65paragraph 6558). 58 65-00-00 Rev. 5 Page 24A B HT-212-M M 3. Install intermediate gearbox (paragraph paragraph 65-33). 65-33 Install tail rotor hangers and tail rotor driveshafts (paragraphs 65-14 and 65-8). paragraphs 65-14 65-8 65-00-00 Page 24B Close and secure tail rotor driveshaft covers. (.0 4. 5. Rev. 5 65-17. DELETED. BHT-212-MM INTERMEDIATE GEARBOX 65-18. 65-19. MAINTENANCE. INTERMEDIATE (42°) GEARBOX. J-0 The intermediate gearbox is installed on the tailboom forward of the vertical fin. The gearbox is aligned by use of shims between still installed), removal, cleaning, limited repair, and installation. 0m- ((DD electrical chip detector and an oil level sight gage are located on the right side. A vented filler plug is installed on top of the case. Both consists of troubleshooting, inspection (while -ca paragraph 65-16). 65-16 gearbox and tailboom (paragraph An The following maintenance procedures the input and output quills have flexible, NOTE -4. crown-toothed couplings for attachment of driveshafts. A cover with cowl fasteners 0 When any doubt exists as to the provides access to the gearbox. serviceability of a gearbox, perform serviceability checks defined in (fl Chapter 63. Chapter 63 65-20. Troubleshooting. Table 65-2. Troubleshooting - intermediate gearbox INDICATION OF TROUBLE CHIP 42/90 BOX caution M e t a I segment illuminated. CORRECTIVE ACTION PROBABLE CAUSE chips h a v e Remove and inspect electric accumulated on chip detector. chip detector. If chips are found, retain in a clean container for subsequent investigation. Faulty wiring or faulty chip Inspect wiring to chip detector for continuity and grounding detector. (Chapter 98). Repair wiring or Chapter 98 replace defective chip detector as required. o-0 Oil leakage from intermediate Faulty seals, packings, or Clean gearbox and recheck for wear sleeves. oil leak both static and dynamic gearbox. (engine operating). Measure and record rate of leakage. Maximum allowable static or dynamic leakage at any single O.0 source is two drops per minute. Total allowable leakage from all sources on gearbox is six drops per minute. FOR BEST VALUE, BUY GENUINE BELL PARTS Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 25 BHT-212-MM Table 65-2. Troubleshooting - intermediate gearbox (Cont) INDICATION OF TROUBLE PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION Replace gearbox seals, packings, or wear sleeves if maximum allowable leakage rate is exceeded (BHT-212BHT-212CR&O). CR&O Cracked gearbox housing. Inspection (installed). 65-21. 1. Inspect gearbox for cracks in housing. Replace gearbox if cracks are found. Cause of TEMP-PLATE discoloration shall be determined and corrected prior to continued paragraph 65-13 operation. Refer to paragraph 65-13 for Open tail rotor driveshaft covers and coupling TEMP-PLATE inspection. remove intermediate gearbox cover. Shake gearbox (9, figure 65-6) and check figure 65-6 6. Deleted. for looseness on tailboom. No looseness is acceptable. 7. Inspect oil filler cap (paragraph 65-39). paragraph 65-39 (OD 2. Inspect oil sight glass for correct oil level. Inspect sight glass and indicator for staining cc) which could be caused by movement of 'r- 212-CR&O). 212-CR&O and/or cracks and crazing. Damage which could cause oil leakage or make oil level `i) gearbox on tailboom. A gray residue is an indication of fretting corrosion. If residue is present, remove and inspect gearbox (BHTBHT- u.. 8. 3(Q CO) -ti Check for evidence of fretting corrosion at mating surface between gearbox and tailboom 3. difficult to determine is not acceptable. Inspect electrical chip detector for metal particles. Refer to Chapter 63, Serviceability Chapter 63 Checks if metal particles are found. w=0 Inspection steps 4. through 10. are not applicable if gearbox is removed at step 3. 65-22. SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED and correct thread engagement. Inspect couplings (8 and 10) for grease leakage and for overheating evidenced by 5. NUMBER NOMENCLATURE DB3703-30 Drain line 0 Off- Jr.. Inspect four bolts (2) for correct torque 4. Removal. 0 NOTE 370 9. 1. overheat and /or component degradation. replaced, unless conditions prevent operation, perform a ten minute ground runup and drain _q) discoloration of temperature indicator TEMPPLATES (11) from white or light gray to black. A change in color indicates a possible 65-00-00 Page 26 Rev.3 BUY BELL PARTS - BUY BELL VALUE (3D When intermediate gearbox is to be BHT-212-MM +.. o.- operation oil using drain line DB3703-30. If runup is not practical, remove intermediate (42°) gearbox and flush with new lubricating oil (Chapter 12) of same type being used in Chapter 12 04-0 gearbox. Attach tag to intermediate gearbox Inspection (removed from helicopter). 65-24. Refer to BHT-212-CR&O BHT-212-CR&O manual. -(a stating: "PRESERVED WITH OPERATING LUBRICANT." 65-25. and Inspection (special/conditional). ((DD 2. Open tail rotor driveshaft covers remove intermediate gearbox cover. (1 and 7, Special/conditional inspections of (Z(Do :.- 3. Remove tail rotor driveshafts figure 65-6) (paragraph 65-5). figure 65-6 paragraph 65-5 NOTE Remove chip detector (paragraph 65-34). paragraph 65-34 5. Remove four bolts (3). intermediate gearbox are required after tail rotor drive system overtorque, sudden stoppage, E compressor stall, etc. (Chapter Chapter 55). (11 C11 4. 6. Remove gearbox (9). Inspect shims (6) for secure installation on tailboom. If shims 65-26. Repair. r.- (6) are not bonded to tailboom, index the shims for installation in same location. 1. LL) 65-23. Repair intermediate gearbox (BHT-212BHT-212- CR&O). CR&O Cleaning. MATERIALS REQUIRED 2. Repair faulty filler cap by same procedure outlined for tail rotor gearbox filler cap NOMENCLATURE C-304 C-304 Solvent 3. Clean gearbox with clean, lint-free cloth 0 1. (paragraph 65-64). paragraph 65-64 '^D)^ NUMBER dampened with solvent (C-304). C-304 Replace sight glass (3, figure 65-7) and/or figure 65-7 indicator (4) that fails to pass inspection (paragraph 65-31). paragraph 65-31 Replace chip detector and/or self-closing valve that fails to pass inspection (paragraph paragraph 4. CAUTION 65-35). 65-35 ................. 00-70 00700 DO NOT FORCE SOLVENT AND/ OR DIRT INTO FLEXIBLE COUPLING WHEN USING COMPRESSED AIR. 2. 5. Deleted. 65-27. Installation. Dry with filtered, compressed air. MATERIALS REQUIRED NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-201 C-201 Primer C-204 C-204 Primer C-405 C-405 Lockwi re GENUINE BELL PARTS ARE YOUR BEST VALUE Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 27 BHT-212-MM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Driveshaft Bolt Steel washer Aluminum washer Tailboom Shim Driveshaft Coupling Gearbox Coupling Temperature indicator TEMP-PLATES NOTE Refer to BHT 212-CR&0 for TEMP-PLATES installation procedure. 212-M-65-6 Figure 65-6. 65-00-00 Page 28 Rev.3 Intermediate gearbox FOR BEST VALUE, BUY GENUINE BELL PARTS BHT-212-MM NOTE ................... ?'CAUTIO'N Complete driveshaft alignment and gearbox shimming (paragraph 65paragraph 6516) 16 before proceeding with this step. 70z PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF INTERMEDIATE (42) GEARBOX, (PARAGRAPH 65-42). PARAGRAPH 65-42 C3- -on ARE PROPERLY LUBRICATED four bolts (2) with steel washers (3) next to bolt head and aluminum washer (4) next to gearbox. Bottoming of bolt grip is to be determined as follows: NOTE 00000 00000 Z)= 0 ROTATE FLEXIBLE COUPLING ON INPUT QUILL AND CHECK FOR One aluminum washer and one steel washer is normally required at each BINDING AND FOR EXISTENCE OF BACKLASH BETWEEN PINION ON 0.-C3 -DC T.- 00Q) ENSURE FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS ON INPUT AND OUTPUT QUILLS Position gearbox on tailboom and install 5. ()l ACCOMPLISH THE FOLLOWING: bolt location, however, additional washers may be required at each location if bolt grip bottoms in INPUT QUILL AND GEAR ON OUTPUT QUILL. airframe prior to securing gearbox. DRAIN OIL FROM GEARBOX AND SERVICE WITH GEARBOX OIL (CHAPTER 12). CHAPTER 12 SHIMS (6, FIGURE 65-6) SHOULD FIGURE 65-6 when above stated procedure is repeated. S H I M S OF After completion of bolt -grip-bottoming test, retorque bolts 50 to 70 inch-Ibs. (5.7 to 5.9 Nm). Secure bolts in pairs at each side with lockwire (C-405). C-405 Additional washers (3) may be required if bolt grip bottoms out on O20= SHOD O_>_ 070 Clean mating surfaces of gearbox (9, figure 65-6) and tailboom (5). figure 65-6 0.- COMPONENTS. a-0 FAILURE OF TAIL ROTOR DRIVE b. _O° IDENTICAL THICKNESS, ARE INSTALLED. FAILURE TO COMPLY COULD CAUSE MISALIGNMENT AND ,O-. TAILBOOM, ENSURE SAME SHIMS nom looseness. If any of the washers are loose add washers, as required at each bolt location, to ensure no looseness is apparent 01-(n BE BONDED TO TAILBOOM. IF SHIMS ARE NOT BONDED TO WHICH WERE REMOVED, OR 1. Torque each bolt 30 to 40 inch-Ibs and a. check the washers under bolt heads for nut plate. 6. Install driveshafts (1 and 7) (paragraph paragraph 65-15). 65-15 8. Install chip detector (paragraph paragraph 65-36). 65-36 Q0) Position gearbox on tailboom. .-. 2. 0_c Verify actual presence of oil in sight gage and check oil level to full mark on indicator. 7. Connect wiring. 3. Check gearbox for contact with shim (6) If gearbox has not previously been 9. installed. Maximum acceptable gap at any of the four points is 0.001 inch (0.025 mm). alternate run-in and test (paragraph paragraph 65-28). 65-28 --o (J1 3A) 10. Install intermediate gearbox cover and close tail rotor driveshaft covers. 0(a Remove gearbox and coat all faying 11. Perform alternate run-in test (paragraph paragraph 65-28). 65-28 E surfaces, bolts, and bolt holes with unreduced primer (C-201) C-201 or primer (C-204). C-204 qualified on run-in test stand, accomplish 0(D 4. coo at four points where bolts (2) are to be 65-00-00 Rev.5 Page 29 BHT-212-M M Alternate run-in test. leakage, remove couplings and replace coy 65-28. defective parts. Repeat test run. NOTE 3=r -..O 0 30-0 e000 am- and/or component degradation. Cause of discoloration shall be determined and the event a run-in stand is not available, the following functional test may be accomplished as a 3Q.0 minimum acceptable alternate test. O+_ (TS corrected prior to continued operation. Refer to paragraph 65-13 for inspection procedure. paragraph 65-13 'O"'. 0«. (DP) black indicates a possible overheat condition publication(s) furnished with run-in stand for qualification for flight. In a°.C Q="0 ((DD i:3 and overheat condition. A change in color of "TEMP-PLATES" from white or light gray to and inspected in accordance with fir °:(Q gearbox, after overhaul, be test run 0,(' 14. Check temperature indicator "TEMPPLATES" (1 1 , figure 65-6) for discoloration figure 65-6 is desirable that intermediate It Install chip detector and fill gearbox to specified level with approved lubricating oil ELL FM). FM Verify helicopter is properly serviced and lubricated. 2. ,«- 15. Install sufficient ballast in cabin to obtain maximum allowable gross weight (BHT-212BHT-2121. (Chapter 12). Chapter 12 65-29. SIGHT GLASS. 65-30. Removal. Start power sections (BHT-212-FM) BHT-212-FM and operate at 60% rpm for five minutes. 3. Gradually increase rpm to 88% a rate of 7% each six minutes. 4. SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED NOMENCLATURE 5. Hold at 88% for two minutes with collective pitch applied to maximum which can DB3703-30 Drain line be maintained without becoming airborne, or exceeding 100% torque. 1. 0.0 EEM NUMBER CO) BHT-212-FM and Shut down engine (BHT-212-FM) 0). check electrical chip detector for foreign material or chips. drain. BHT-212-FM and gradually Start engine (BHT-212-FM) increase to 88%. Run at 88% for six minutes. 8. Apply collective pitch to maximum 4. Remove glass (3) and packing (2). 5. Remove indicator (4). 6. Remove DB3703-30 drain line. 7. Install chip detector (paragraph 65-36). paragraph 65-36 Run at 100% rpm for 30 minutes with can be maintained without becoming airborne or exceeding 100% torque. (<D Inspection and repair. Inspect sight glass for cracking and crazing. Replace glass if cracked or if crazed or discolored to the extent that accurate ^^C`` collective pitch in maximum up position which 65-31. indication of oil level cannot be determined. (CD TO) becoming airborne or exceeding 100% torque. (t) At a rate of 3% each six minutes, gradually increase rpm to 100% without 10. C,) (TS position which can be maintained without becoming airborne or exceeding 100% torque. 11. -I1 Remove ring (1, figure 65-7). figure 65-7 E 9. 3. (<D Clean and install chip detector. (ti 7. Insert one end of DB3703-30 drain line into container. Insert other end in hole where detector was installed. Oil will automatically 2. (J) 6. Remove chip detector (paragraph 65-34). paragraph 65-34 Installation. Shut down engine (BHT-212-FM) and BHT-212-FM drain oil from gearbox. Check gearbox oil and 65-32. 1. Install indicator (4, figure 65-7). figure 65-7 metal particles indicating internal failure. 2. Install packing (2) on glass (3). Coat 3. Install ring (1). 12. chip detector for an excessive amount of (TS .-« C'7 13. Inspect input and output quill couplings and surrounding area for evidence of grease leakage. If there is evidence of grease 65-00-00 Page 30 Rev. 5 packing (3) with oil used in gearbox (Chapter Chapter 12). 12 Install glass (3) in gearbox port. BHT-212-MM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Retaining ring Packing Sight glass Oil level indicator Gearbox Cap assembly 212-M-65-7 Figure 65-7. 65-33. Intermediate gearbox sight glass disengage locking detent and withdraw CHIP DETECTOR. electrical chip detector (3) from self-closing 65-34. valve (5). Inspect chip detector (3) for presence of metal particles. If any metal Removal. particles are detected, refer to Chapter 63. Chapter 63 SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED NOTE NUMBER NOMENCLATURE DB3703-30 Drain line If self-closing valve (5) is to be removed, install DB3703-30 oil draining line in self-closing valve (5) and allow oil to drain from gearbox. NOTE Electrical chip detector element (3, figure 65-8) may be removed for figure 65-8 inspection without draining gearbox 3. Remove self-closing valve (5) from gearbox (7). Remove gasket (6) from selfclosing valve (5). Discard gasket. oil. 65-35. Move nipple (8) back on electrical wire (2) electrical wire (2). 2. Press in on knurled body of electrical chip ,-. detector (3), turn counterclockwise to 1. Inspect 65-9). 65-9 2. chip detector for damage (figure figure (CD 0 N.-. to expose nut (1). Remove nut (1) and Repair of the electrical chip detector is restricted to replacement of defective parts. (OD 1. Inspection and repair. FOR BEST VALUE, BUY GENUINE BELL PARTS Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 31 BHT-212-MM 65-36. Installation. Inspection. 65-39. MATERIALS REQUIRED 1. Inspect filler cap for distortion of pin (7, figure 65-10) or other damage which would figure 65-10 affect function. NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-405 C-405 Lockwire NOTE 0D0 Some cap assemblies have a stainless steel mesh plug installed 1. Lubricate new gasket (6, figure figure 65-8) 65-8 with instead of aluminum wool. lubricating oil used in gearbox and install The spring-back check is not required for these cap assemblies. gasket on valve (5). 2. Install self-closing valve (5) on gearbox case (7). Torque valve (5) 120 to 150 in.lbs. (14 to 17 Nm). Secure valve (5) to gearbox case (7) with lockwire (C-405). C-405 For cap assemblies with aluminum wool installed, invert filler cap to expose washer 2. (11). Press washer in to cap approximately 0.06 in. (1.5 mm) and release. Washer should spring back against ring (12). % CAUTION ' ENSURE PROPER PACKING (4) IS INSTALLED ON CHIP DETECTOR (3). THE WRONG PACKING MAY NOT ALLOW CAUTION SEGMENT TO ILLUMINATE AND MAY RESTRICT OPERATION OF SELFCLOSING VALVE. 3. Lubricate new packing (4) with lubricating If washer does not immediately spring back into position aluminum wool packing (10) is dirty or an insufficient amount is installed. 65-40. Repair. Repair intermediate gearbox filler cap 1. assembly by same procedure outlined for tail rotor gearbox filler cap (paragraph 65-64). paragraph 65-64 65-41. Installation. oil used in gearbox and install packing on chip detector (3). Insert chip detector (3) into NOTE (1t valve (5). Push and twist clockwise to engage locking detents. Position nipple (8) over nut (1). OIL FILLER CAP. 65-38. Removal. CA) 65-37. (C) 2. Unsnap pin (1) from gearbox (4). 0 twist clockwise to engage pin (7) in slots in gearbox adapter. 2. Secure chain (3) to gearbox (4) with safety pin (1). 65-42. FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS. 65-43. Lubrication. (C) Push down on cap (6, figure 65-10) and figure 65-10 twist to disengage pin (7) from gearbox (4). 1. 1. Position cap assembly on gearbox (4, figure 65-10). Push down on cap (6) and figure 65-10 a'0 exceed 4 in.lbs. (0.45 Nm) torque on nut. breather type. (n' Position electrical wire (2) on chip detector (3) and install nut (1). Do not 4. Ensure replacement cap is a For lubrication of input and output flexible couplings, refer to paragraph 65-14. paragraph 65-14 65-00-00 Page 32 BHT-212-MM Nut Electrical wire terminal Chip detector element Packing DETAIL A Self-closing valve Gasket Intermediate gearbox Nipple Chip detector assembly 212-M-65-8 Figure 65-8. Chip detector AREA B AREA LIMITS No cracks allowed. A Maximum depth of pitting is 0.030 inch (0.762 millimeter) with no more than 40 percent of any 1.0 inch (25.4 millimeters) square or 20 percent of total area of any surface to be pitted. B Maximum depth of pitting is 0.020 inch (0.508 millimeter) with no more than 40 percent of any 1.0 inch (25.4 millimeters )square or 20 percent of total area of any surface to be pitted. Thread damage is not permitted. 0.1 All m°1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. .'' 212-M-65-9 Figure 65-9. Chip detector damage limits GENUINE BELL PARTS ARE YOUR BEST VALUE Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 33 B HT-212-M M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DETAIL A Figure 65-10. 65-00-00 Page 34 Rev.3 Oil filler cap FOR BEST VALUE, BUY GENUINE BELL PARTS Safety pin Packing Chain Gearbox Ring Cap Pin Spring assembly Plug Packing (aluminum wool) Washer Ring (spiralox) 212-M-65-10 BHT-212-MM TAIL ROTOR GEARBOX 65-44. TAIL ROTOR (90°) GEARBOX. 65-45. REMOVAL. 6. Remove driveshaft (13) (paragraph 65-5). paragraph 65-5 7. Remove six nuts (11) with steel washers (10). 8. SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED Remove gearbox (1) from support fitting (14) using T101264-103 tailrotor gearbox pusher (figure figure 65-12). 65-12 NOMENCLATURE DB3703-30 Drain line NOTE T101264-103 Pusher set Install two spacers (15, figure 65- c NUMBER 1. 11), nut (11) with steel washer (10) on gearbox studs (17) to hold input quill in gearbox (1) while gearbox is When tail rotor (90°) gearbox is to be On-,, replaced, unless conditions prevent operation, perform a ten minute ground run. Drain operating oil using DB3703-30 drain line. If 0-c3 0-c run up is not practical, remove tail rotor removed from helicopter. Cleaning. 65-46. gearbox and flush with new lubricating oil of same type being used in gearbox. Attach tag to tail rotor gearbox stating: "PRESERVED 2. Remove tail rotor assembly (Chapter 64). Chapter 64 hub and blade 070 1'. and NOMENCLATURE C-304 C-304 Solvent Clean gearbox with clean cloth dampened in solvent (C-304). C-304 1. (0) figure 65-11 3. Remove bolt (7, figure 65-11) disconnect link (8) from lever (3). NUMBER 5-d 4. Disconnect electrical wire and remove chip detector (paragraph 65-57). paragraph 65-57 ((DD 070 OR DIRT INTO FLEXIBLE COUPLING WHEN USING COMPRESSED AIR. CAUTION ................. 000 DO NOT IMMERSE GEARBOX IN SOLVENT. REMOVE CLAMP SET FROM BOTH ENDS OF DRIVES HAFT (13) BEFORE REMOVING EITHER END 0Z00= OF SHAFT FROM CURVIC COUPLINGS OR SUPPORT UNATTACHED END OF SHAFT TO HOLD SHAFT ALIGNED IN 00_70 DO NOT FORCE SOLVENT AND/ m stn Open vertical fin cover (12) and remove intermediate gearbox fairing. 0W0 5. CAUTION ....... WITH OPERATING LUBRICANT". MATERIALS REQUIRED 2. Dry with filtered, compressed air. 65-47. 1. Inspection (installed). Open vertical fin cover (12, figure 65-11). figure 65-11 NORMAL OPERATING POSITION WHILE GEARBOX IS REMOVED. 65-00-00 Page 35 BHT-212-MM-7 2. Shake gearbox (1) and check for looseness on tail rotor gearbox support fitting (14). requiring special or conditional inspection (Chapter 5 and BHT-212-CR&O). 3. Inspect for evidence of fretting corrosion at mating surface between gearbox (1) and tail rotor gearbox support fitting (14), which could be caused by movement of gearbox on support. A gray residue is an indication of fretting-corrosion. If residue is present, remove gearbox and inspect in accordance with BHT-212-CR&O and inspect tail rotor gearbox support fitting in accordance with Chapter 53. 65-49. Repair 1. Polish out mechanical and corrosion damage within limits (BHT-212-CR&O). 2. Repair faulty oil filler cap (paragraph 65-61). 3. Replace faulty sight glass (paragraph 65-52). NOTE Step 4 through step 9 are not applicable if gearbox is removed at step 3. Oil leaks shall not exceed two drops per minute from any single source and shall not exceed a total of six drops per minute from all sources on gearbox. 4. Inspect gearbox for cracks and external damage, oil leaks, and unserviceable fittings. 4. Replace chip detector and/or self-closing valve that fails to pass inspection (paragraph 65-56). 5. Replace temperature indicator TEMP-PLATES (Figure 65-11). Refer to BHT-212-CR&O for installation procedures. 65-50. INSTALLATION MATERIALS REQUIRED 5. Inspect six nuts (11) for correct torque and correct thread engagement (paragraph 65-50). 6. Inspect link assembly (8) and lever (3) for secure installation. 7. Inspect coupling (16) for grease leakage and outer coupling temperature indicator TEMP-PLATES for discoloration and overheat condition. A change in color of TEMP-PLATES (from white or light gray to black) will indicate a possible overheat condition and/ or component degradation. The cause of discoloration shall be determined prior to continued operation. Refer to paragraph 65-13 for inspection procedure. 8. Inspect oil sight glass for correct oil level. Inspect sight glass and indicator for damage and discoloration (paragraph 65-54). 9. Inspect electrical chip detector for metal particles and damage (paragraph 65-58). Refer to Chapter 63 for metal particle identification and required maintenance actions. 65-48. Inspection (Off Helicopter) Inspect gearbox and historical records for evidence gearbox has been involved in an accident or incident 65-00-00 Page 36 Rev. 10 18 SEP 2009 Refer to BHT-ALL-SPM for specifications. NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-204 Epoxy Polyamide Primer C-309 MEK CAUTION P RI O R T O I N S TA L LA T IO N O F TA I L ROTOR GEARBOX, ACCOMPLISH THE FOLLOWING: ENSURE GEARBOX FLEXIBLE COUPLING IS PROPERLY LUBRICATED (PARAGRAPH 65-42). ROTATE FLEXIBLE COUPLING AND CHECK FOR BINDING AND FOR EXISTENCE OF BACKLASH BETWEEN PINION ON INPUT QUILL AND GEAR ON OUTPUT ECCN EAR99 BHT-212-MM 1. NOTES Q1 Q2 Shipping spacer is removed from gearbox prior to installation. Refer to BHT-212-CR&0 for TEMP-PLATE installation procedure. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Tail rotor gearbox Cap assembly Lever Nut Washer Washer Bolt Link assembly Cotter pin Thin steel washer Nut Vertical fin cover Driveshaft Support fitting Spacer (NAS43DD6-49) (2)A, Coupling Stud Temperature indicator TEMP-PLATE 212-M-65-11 Figure 65-11. Tail rotor gearbox FOR BEST VALUE, BUY GENUINE BELL PARTS Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 37 BHT-212-MM _.. N.0 Tail rotor gearbox pusher (T101264-103) Adapter assembly (T101264-109) Tail rotor gearbox assembly Tail rotor gearbox support Clamp assembly (T101264-107) Screw Assembly (T101264-105) Adapter retainer (T101264-121) O.- 1. 7.000 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. NOTES If not previously accomplished, thread screw assembly (6) into clamp assembly (5). Allow sufficient clearance for positioning on support (4) and adapter assembly (2). 2. Position both halves of adapter assembly (2) on tail rotor gearbox (3) against input quill as shown. 3. Position tail rotor gearbox pusher (1) on gearbox and support with hooks of clamp assembly (5) centered securely over shoulders of support (4) and adapter retainer (7) over both halves of adapter assembly (2). 4. Tighten screw assembly (6) clockwise with a suitable wrench until tail rotor gearbox (3) separates from support (4). Remove tools and lift gearbox from support. c0" 1. c/) 0 212-M-65-12 Figure 65-12. Tail rotor gearbox pusher T101264-103 tool application 65-00-00 Page 38 BHT-212-MM 6. Install six thin steel washers (10) and nuts (11). SHAFT. LL. DRAIN PRESERVATIVE OIL (IF ANY) FROM GEARBOX AND Torque nuts evenly in a star pattern 200 7. SERVICE WITH GEARBOX OIL to 235 in.lbs. (22.6 to 26.5 Nm). Repeat torque pattern until all nuts retain torque initially applied to first nut in pattern. Torque value of first nut will decrease as other nuts C_, CHAPTER 12 (CHAPTER 12). °'°o Q(° .0001- Check mounting flange of gearbox (1, N-- 1. c figure 65-11 figure 65-11) for sealant protruding from the three jackscrew holes. Trim off sealant flush (using a sharp, non-metallic scraper) to allow proper seating of tail rotor gearbox (1) flange on support fitting (14). E0--, 3'M Q)0 Remove nuts (11), spacers (15), and washers (10) from studs (17) around input 2. are torqued. Use a 0.005 in. (0.127 mm) feeler gage to ensure no gap exists between gearbox input quill and gearbox shim. 8. Install driveshaft (13) (paragraph 65-8). paragraph 65-8 9. drive quill. Using MEK (C-309) and a non-metallic C-309 Additional washers (5) may be used 0.- to align nut (4) for cotter pin installation. Coat all faying surfaces of gearbox, studs, NQ- Install gearbox while primer is wet. and one steel washer (5) under nut (4). Install cotter pin (9). Install chip detector (paragraph 65-60). paragraph 65-60 11. CAUTION 12. Verify actual presence of oil in sight gage and check oil level to full mark on (CD ................. REQUIRED. D03 ONLY, DO NOT INSTALL 15. If gearbox has not previously been qualified on run-in test stand, accomplish >A\\ (nab 0"W SHIPPING SPACERS (15) ARE FOR SHIPMENT OF GEARBOX 14. Install and rig tail rotor hub and blade assembly and controls (Chapter 64 and 67). Chapter 64 67 alternate run-in and test (paragraph paragraph 65-51). 65-51 (CD (n=() OF STUDS. USE ADDITIONAL THIN STEEL WASHERS (10) IF Close vertical fin cover (12) and install 13. intermediate gearbox fairing. Dam: 2U) z~zCC NOT BOTTOM ON GRIP PORTION indicator. O-` ENSURE A MINIMUM OF TWO THREAD PITCHES, INCLUDING CHAMFER, EXTEND THROUGH NUTS (11). ENSURE NUTS DO Z-lo Connect link (8) to lever (3). Install bolt (7) with one steel washer (6) under bolthead 10. `-'U) .-. tailboom mount fitting, holes for studs in C-204 mount and washers with primer (C-204). ='a 4. '-F S3) and tailboom support fitting. a-. a-1 scraper, clean mating surfaces of gearbox --. 3. NOTE SPACERS. (77 65-51. Alternate run-in test. NOTE Perform special inspection (Chapter Chapter 5 after installation of tail rotor 5) gearbox. 5. Position tail rotor gearbox (1) on support fitting (14) with coupling (16) and studs (17) through holes in support fitting (14). NOTE It is desirable that tail rotor gearbox, after overhaul, be test run and inspected in accordance with publication(s) furnished with run-in stand for qualification for flight. In the event a run-in stand is not 65-00-00 Page 39 BHT-212-MM 3. C 0-2 available, the following function test Install ring (5). 7-0 may be accomplished as a mininum acceptable alternate test. gearbox per paragraph 65-28. paragraph 65-28 ()^ Perform alternate run-in test for tail rotor 4. Service (Chapter 12). Chapter 12 gearbox to specified level 65-56. CHIP DETECTOR. 65-57. Removal. 65-52. SIGHT GLASS. Removal. 65-53. SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED NUMBER NOMENCLATURE DB3703-30 Drain line NUMBER NOMENCLATURE DB3703-30 Drain line NOTE Remove chip detector (6,figure figure 65-13) 65-13 1:r 1. (paragraph 65-57). paragraph 65-57 inspection without draining gearbox Insert one end of DB3703-30 drain line oil. .'d (DO into container. Insert other end in hole where detector was installed. Oil will automatically drain. CO) 2. Electrical chip detector element (5, figure 65-14) may be removed for figure 65-14 1. Move nipple (8) back on electrical wire (6) .cam to expose nut (7). Remove nut (7) and wire (6). CO) E°- 4. Remove glass (4) and packing (3). Discard packing. 5. Remove indicator (2). 6. Remove DB3703-30 drain line. 7. Install chip detector (paragraph 65-60). paragraph 65-60 2. (5), turn counterclockwise to disengage locking mechanism, and withdraw element (5) from self-closing valve (3). NOTE If self-closing valve (3) is to be removed, drain gearbox oil into container with DB3703-30 drain line installed in valve (3). Inspection and repair. 65-54. 0L_ Inspect sight glass for crazing and Inspect indicator for discoloration. O._ discoloration or any markings which would impair determination of oil level. Replace defective parts. Installation. 65-55. Press in on knurled body of chip detector COQ Remove ring (5). E C") 3. 3. Remove valve (3). Remove packing (2) from valve (3). Discard packing. 65-58. Inspection. Inspect electrical chip detector element (5, figure 65-14) for metal particles. Refer to figure 65-14 Chapter 63 for metal particle determination Chapter 63 and maintenance action required. 1. Install indicator (2, figure 65-13) figure 65-13 Install new packing (3) on glass (4). Coat packing (3) with oil used in gearbox (Chapter Chapter 12). 12 Install glass (4) in gearbox port. 65-00-00 Page 40 "44 NON 2. ?_0 (C) 1. 2. Inspect electrical chip detector components for damage (figure 65-15). figure 65-15 B HT-212-M M 1. (11 ('i 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tail rotor gearbox Oil level indicator Packing Sight glass Retaining ring Electrical chip detector 212-M-65-13 Figure 65-13. 65-59. Sight glass chip detector element (5). Insert element (5) Repair. 4. Position electrical wire (6) on element (5) (T.. restricted to replacement of defective parts. S11 Repair of the electrical chip detector is U)1 into self-closing valve (3). Push down and twist element until locking detents engage. .-. and install nut (7). Do not exceed 4 in.lbs. (0.45 Nm) torque on nut. Position nipple (8) 65-60. Installation. over nut (7). NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-405 C-405 Lockwire Lubricate new packing (2, figure 65-14) figure 65-14 Q(7 ++, 1. 111 Install self-closing valve (3) on gearbox (1). Torque valve (3) 120 to 150 in.lbs. (14 to 17 Nm). Secure valve (3) to gearbox (1) with lockwire (C-405). C-405 2. .-. V.- (?. OIL FILLER CAP. 65-62. Removal. figure 65651. Push down on cap assembly (6, figure 16 16) and twist to disengage pin (7) from gearbox (1). 2. Unsnap safety pin (4) from gearbox (1). _.0 Lubricate new packing (4) with lubricating z-0 3. 65-61. (OD with lubricating oil used in gearbox and install packing on self-closing valve (3). Service gearbox to specified level with approved lubricating oil if self-closing valve (3) was removed (Chapter 12). Chapter 12 5. (J1 MATERIALS REQUIRED S11 111 oil used in gearbox and install packing on BUY BELL PARTS - BUY BELL VALUE Rev.3 65-00-00 Page 41 1 BHT-212-MM 1. 2. 3. Gearbox Packing Electrical chip detector self-closing valve 4. Packing 5. 6. 7. 8. Electrical chip detector element Electrical wire Nut Nipple Figure 65-14. Tail rotor gearbox electrical chip detector 65-63. Inspection. 65-64. 212-M-65-14 Repair. 1. Inspect filler cap for distortion of pin (7, figure 65-16) or other damage which would figure 65-16 MATERIALS REQUIRED 'n. affect function. NOTE Some cap assemblies have a stainless steel mesh plug installed in NUMBER NOMENCLATURE C-304 C-304 Solvent C-422 C-422 Aluminum Wool lieu of aluminum wool. The spring1. installed. aluminum wool packing (10, figure 65-16) as figure 65-16 outlined in steps 2. through 10. 2. Invert the filler cap to expose washer (9). (=D jai 2=w Press washer approximately 0.06 in, (1.5 mm) and release. The washer should spring 3. ;(D back against ring (8). If washer does not spring back, aluminum wool packing (10) is dirty or an insufficient amount is installed. Repair is restricted to replacement of 0(a c,. back check is not required when stainless steel mesh plug is 2. Remove pin (7). 3. Remove ring (5), cap (6), and spring assembly (12) from plug (11). 4. Remove ring (8) and washer (9). 5. If installed, remove aluminum wool packing (10) and discard. 65-00-00 Page 42 Rev.3 GENUINE BELL PARTS ARE YOUR BEST VALUE f<< Clean parts with solvent (C-304). C-304 (ma 6. BHT-212-MM AREA B AREA ARFA LIMITS AREA All B A A No cracks allowed. A Maximum depth of pitting is 0.030 inch (0.762 millimeter) with no more than 40 percent of any 1.0 inch (25.4 millimeters) square or 20 percent of total area of any pitted surface. B Maximum depth of pitting is 0.020 inch (0.508 millimeter) with no more than 40 percent of any 1.0 inch (25.5 millimeters) square or 20 percent of total area of any pitted surface. Thread damage is not permitted. 212-M-65-15 Figure 65-15. Tail rotor gearbox electrical chip detector damage limits For filler caps which are filled with aluminum wool, fill plug (11) with new 7. aluminum wool (C-422) C-422 until washer (9) will spring back to original position after being pressed in 0.06 in. (1.5 millimeters). Add or twist clockwise to engage pin (7) in gearbox adapter. 2. Secure chain (2) to gearbox (1) with safety pin (4). remove aluminum wool as required. 8. Install washer (9) and ring (8). Ensure packing (3) is in place and install spring assembly (12), cap (6), and ring (5) on ^CQ ((DD 9. 65-66. TAIL ROTOR GEARBOX FLEXIBLE COUPLING. 65-67. LUBRICATION. plug (11). -'O 65-65. ((DD Insert pin (7) through cap (6). Bend end of pin to secure. 10. For lubrication of input flexible coupling, refer to paragraph 65-14. paragraph 65-14 Installation. 1. Position cap assembly on gearbox (1, figure 65-16). Push down on cap (6) and figure 65-16 65-00-00 Page 43 BHT-212-MM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Gearbox Chain Packing Safety pin Ring Cap Pin Ring (spiralox) Washer Packing (aluminum wool) DETAIL A 212-M-65-16 Plug Spring assembly Figure 65-16. Tail rotor gearbox oil filler cap 65-00-00 Page 44 Rev.3 BUY BELL PARTS - BUY BELL VALUE