Biquadratic Resonant Filter based on a Fully Differential Multiple Differences Amplifier ANTÓNIO J. GANO, NUNO F. ESPECIAL Electronics. Dept. INETI – Inst. Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial Estr. do Paço do Lumiar 22, 1649-038 Lisboa Codex, PORTUGAL ; Abstract: - A fully differential biquadratic filter section for data acquisition in smart sensor microsystems is proposed. The architecture of this biquadratic filter section is built upon a resonant fully differential topology based on a new Fully Differential Multiple Differences Amplifier cell (FDMDA). This biquadratic low-pass Butterworth filter has two differential inputs that can be algebraically summed together and voltage tunable cutoff frequency. The internal structure is described and simulation results of the developed structure are presented and discussed. Finally some advantages of this structure are pointed out, referring possible applications and the work being carried out. Key-Words: - Fully Differential, Analogue, Biquadratic, Buterworth, Filter, FDMDA 1 Introduction The development of smart sensor analogue front-ends generally require extended flexibility over the more traditional analogue data acquisition architectures. These new analogue front-ends offer the possibility to tune, calibrate or adjust several functional parameters, like amplifier voltage gains and input ranges, filter cutoff frequencies, etc. One of the traditional analogue processing modules for these kinds of applications is the anti-aliasing filter. The design process of high performance circuits for analogue signal processing chains benefit from the use of fully differential CMOS circuit structures. These topologies enhance the performance of this kind of processing chains in mixed-mode analogue-digital CMOS technology. A fully programmable analogue CMOS biquadratic low frequency anti-aliasing filter section was developed, using a new approach based on a fully differential topology using multi-input fully differential analogue CMOS cells. The possibility to program or adjust the main characteristics of the filter, namely its order and cutoff frequency, is an important functional aspect. The flexibility in tuning the low pass corner frequency and the minimization of the number active components, are key specifications in this development process. A biquadratic section was chosen in this development for its modularity in building high order filter modules, giving extra flexibility in the data acquisition interface circuit design. The fully differential topology aims better functional performances in mixed analogue-digital environments, typical of smart sensor interfaces. 2 Frequency tunable fully differential biquadratic filter section The developed biquadratic filter section is based on a second order resonant fully differential TowThomas[2][3] topology, with two integrator cells (Fig. 1). -1 Vi + ωp ωp s+ Q ωp s Vo_LP Vo_BP Fig. 1 – Functional block diagram of the 2nd order resonant filter. This choice was due to the simplicity and flexibility of the topology, allowing the independent tuning of the corner frequency ωp=2πfp and the quality factor Q. It has two independent outputs, one giving a second order low-pass transfer function (Vo_LP in Fig. 1) and other implementing a second order band-pass filtering function (Vo_BP). The developed filter has a Butterworth transfer function built on a fully differential topology. The low-pass cutoff frequency is continuously adjustable by an analogue controlling voltage in each decade frequency range, within four decades (10Hz to 10kHz). To implement this biquadratic section a fully differential approach was developed using a new Fully Differential Multiple Differences Amplifier (FDMDA) cell to sum the input and feedback signals without external components. developed FDMDA cell has a two-stage topology including the four input linear V-I ports of Fig. 4. The Wang and Guggenbühl[11] extended input range linear transconductors were used, among other Vdd Mvc_1a Mvc_1b Vdd Mvc_2a Mvc_2b Mvc_3a Mvc_3b Mvc_4a Mvc_4b Mb1 Mb2 Mb_i0 Mib1 Mb_i3 Mb_i4 Mb_i2 2.1 Fully Differential Multiple Differences Amplifier cell Vc=+1v M11 M31 M41 M13 M21 In order to build up the summing node of Fig. 1, a new fully differential cell was used, minimizing the number of components in this differential summing node. M43 M33 M63 M61 Vp1p M51 Vn1p Vn1n Ib_vc 10uA Ibias_in 250uA M32 Mb3 M62 M42 M34 M64 M14 Vn2n Iop Ion + Vss - Fig. 2 - FDMDA cell. This cell is the recently proposed Fully Differential Multiple Differences Amplifier (FDMDA), shown in Fig. 2, with multiple differential voltage input ports and a differential output[19]. This new amplifier increases the flexibility in the design of complex analogue fully differential signal processing structures, allowing the reduction of the number of external components in the processing of multiple differential signals. Its functional structure (Fig. 3) is implemented using linear V-I input transconductors with extended linear input voltage range, like in the DDA and FDDA amplifiers[1][8][17]. possibilities[9][10][14], because each of the input ports of this amplifier are not virtually shorted when negative feedback is applied, like in conventional differential operational amplifiers. The resulting summing current is converted to a differential voltage using a regulated folded-cascode differential load. The second stage is a class AB amplifier for current buffering[17][19] (Fig. 5). 1st. Amplifier Gain Stage Vpp1 Vnp1 Vpp2 Vnp2 Vpn1 Vnn1 Vpn2 Vnn2 VoVo+ CMFB1 Vnn1 Fig. 5 – Internal topology of the FDMDA cell. Ip2- + + I-V A vd Vod - In1+ Gmd_n1 In1In2+ Vpn2 Gmd_n2 Vnn2 In2- Fig. 3 – Functional architecture of the FDMDA cell. The open loop differential voltage transfer function is given by [ Vod = Avd (Vdp 1 + Vdp 2 ) − (Vdn 1 + Vdn 2 ) where Vd p ,n k CL Linear Input Ports Ip2+ + Vpn1 RL Vcm1 Ip1- Gmd_p2 Vcmo Cc Cc Vnp2 CMFB AB Class AB Buffer Stage Ip1+ Gmd_p1 Vss Fig. 4 – FDMDA input structure based on four linear transconductors. Vod Vpn1 Vnn1 Vpn2 Vnn2 Vpp2 M24 M54 Vp2n M12 Vn2p Vnp1 M44 M22 M52 Vp2p Mb4 Vpp1 Vnp1 Vpp2 Vnp2 Vpp1 M23 M53 Vp1n ] (1) are the several differential input voltages and Avd the open loop differential voltage gain. The The main design parameters for this cell were[19]: Supply voltages: Vdd=-Vss=+2.5V Inputs differential voltage range: Vidk≤ ±0.5V Avd (DC) ≥ 100 dB (Rload ≥ 1kΩ) Gain-Bandwidth Product > 10 MHz (Cload ≤ 10pF); Phase margin ≥ 70º (Cload ≤ 10pF) CMR > 120 dB, PSR > 100 dB The simulation results show an open loop differential voltage gain of 120 dB, with a gain-bandwidth product of 18 MHz and a phase margin of 85 degrees. These results, shown in Fig. 6, were obtained with a load of 10kΩ in parallel with 5pF. In all Spice simulations the BSIM 3V3 parameters, of a commercial available of components besides the two integrator cells structures, with the advantage of two high impedance differential input ports, giving the possibility of filtering the algebraic sum of both signals without extra components. The transfer function, with R1=R2=R and C1=C2=C is CMOS 0.8µm N-well double metal technology, were used. Differential Gain and Phase ([dB] , [Degree]) 200.0 Open loop differential Gain Open loop differential Phase 100.0 H LP (s) = [± V Vod_LP (s) id1_f 0.0 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Fig. 6 – FDMDA cell open loop differential gain and phase characteristics. The Tow-Thomas biquadratic section was developed using two MOST-RC integrators[3][4][5][6][7], as shown in Fig. 7. using a FDMDA cell to sum the input and feedback signals without external components. RQ C2 W WR (5) ; β Q = µ n C ox Q ) LQ LR The use of these equivalent resistive structures allows the continuous tuning of both cutoff frequency and quality factor by adjusting the controlling voltage (V1RV2R). The final structure of this biquadratic cell is depicted in Fig. 8. Both integrators are controlled by the same differential voltage (V1R -V2R) and the relationship between ohmic values R’ and R’Q is then obtained by the relative dimensions of both transistors structures. (β R = µ n C ox R2 R1 Vid2_f Vod_f R2 R1 (3) quality factor Q. Both differential resistors were implemented using differential structures proposed by Banu-Tsividis[5] and Czarnul[7] (Fig. 8). Each set of four transistors work in the triode region and are considered matched. The equivalent differential ohmic values R’ and R’Q depend on the dimensions of the transistors and on the difference of two controlling voltages (V1R-V2R) [5][7]: 1 1 (4) R' = R' Q = β R (V1R − V2R ) β Q (V1R − V2R ) 2.2 Filter implementation Vid1_f (2) 2 1 The resistor pairs R and RQ, keeping C constant, can independently tune the cutoff frequency ω p and the Frequency [Hz] C1 ]= ωp = 1 1 ω s2 + s + 2 2 s 2 + p s + ωp 2 R QC R C Q RQ with ω p = 1 ; Q= RC R 1 = 2 2 R C -100.0 -200.0 100 (s) ± Vid2_f (s) C1 C2 RQ Fig. 7 – Filter structure using the FDMDA cell in the input summing node. This combination of a differential topology with the inclusion of this new summing cell reduces the number R’Q M1 R’ M2 R’ C1 Vid1_f M1 Vod_1 M2 Vid2_f C2 M5 M6 Vod_LP M4 M8 M3 M7 C2 C1 M4 Vod_BP M3 V1R V2R Fig. 8 – Fully differential biquadratic filter using MOST-RC integrators and a summing FDMDA cell. Considering that C1=C2=C then the second order Butterworth low-pass transfer function is given by = β 2 R Vod _ LP ( s ) (Vid1_f (s) + Vid2_f (s)) (V1R − V2 R ) C2 = ω p2 s + 2ω p s + ω p 2 2 = 2 (6) 1 s2 + β Q (V1R − V2 R ) C s+ β 2 R (V1R − V2 R ) 2 C2 with ωp = Q= β (V - V2R ) W (V - V2R ) 1 = R 1R ⇔ ω p = µ p C ox R 1R RC C LR C RQ R = WQ W βR 1 = ⇔ = 2 R LR LQ βQ 2 (7) This topology has the flexibility of offering an extra second order band-pass transfer function at the output Vod_BP, after the loss integrator, as shown in Fig. 1. This band-pass output is given by the expression H BP ( s) = = Vod _ BP ( S ) (Vid1_f (S) + Vid2_f (S)) β R (V1R − V2 R ) C = ω ps s 2 + 2ω p s + ω p 2 = (8) s 2 s + β Q (V1R − V2 R ) C s+ 2.3 Simulation results β 2 R (V1R − V2 R ) 2 C2 with a gain of 1/Q for the central frequency ω = ω p . As can be seen from Fig. 8, the FDMDA performs a differential voltage follower with (9) Vod_1 = (Vid_f + Vid2_f ) - Vod_LP considering its high open loop gain Avd. The two input signals, Vid1_f and Vid2_f, can be filtered independently, or algebraically summed, by appropriate multiplexing of both differential inputs, giving extra flexibility in signal processing. To achieve a voltage tuning range of one full decade in frequency, V1R is made constant and equal to V1R=+2.2V and the frequency adjustment process uses V2R, ranging in the interval [+1.5V, +2.15V]. The global specified range for the cutoff frequency is 10Hz to 10kHz, covering 3 frequency decades. The capacitor values C were then dimensioned accordingly to the following table: The Fig. 9 shows the obtained frequency characteristics of this low-pass biquadratic section, using Vid1_f=+100mV and Vid2_f=0 as differential input signals. The results shown are for V2R=+1.5V and V2R= +2.13V, with C=10nF, 1nF, 100pF and 10pF. It can be seen that it is possible to cover 4 frequency decades in the cutoff frequency, between 10Hz and 100kHz, choosing the appropriate value C of the equal capacitors and varying the tuning voltage V2R. Within each decade for a fixed value of the capacitors, the cutoff frequency can be continuously adjusted by 20.0 V2R=+2.13V, C=10nF V2R=+1.5V, C=1nF V2R=+1.5V, C=100pF V2R=+1.5V, C=10pF 0.0 -40.0 -60.0 -80.0 -100.0 -120.0 -140.0 -160.0 10Hz ≤ fp ≤100Hz → C= 10nF 100Hz ≤ fp ≤1KHz → C=1nF -200.0 1KHz ≤ fp ≤10KHz → C=0.1nF -220.0 0 10 Both equivalent resistive structures R’ and R’Q have all the transistors with same length LQ=LR=L=40µm, in order to minimize channel length modulation effects in the triode region. The width dimensions were WR=4.8µm and WQ=6.8µm. V2R=+1.5V, C=10nF -20.0 Filter Gain [dB] H LP ( s) = The two fully differential operational amplifiers were designed using a two-stage topology, with gain bandwidth product of 15MHz and open-loop DC gain of 90dB. The differential input range of both inputs is limited to ±200mV in order to minimize distortion in the input transconductors of the FDMDA cell and in the differential MOST-R structures. One differential input can be used to cancel the filter output offset, caused by internal component mismatches, summing a DC differential voltage at the input to null that offset voltage. One important issue in CMOS analogue time continuous filters, in particular considering the application of this biquadratic section in a programmable sensor interface, is the ‘in-circuit’ tuning capability to adjust the frequency characteristics of the filter. This feature can be achieved controlling the voltage V2R with an extra tuning circuit, using negative feedback topologies. -180.0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 10 9 Frequency [Hz] Fig. 9 – Filter low-pass cutoff frequency variation range for several values of capacitance C. V2R, in the range [+1.5V, +2.15V], as can be seen in Fig. 10. 20.0 V2R=+1.75V V2R=+2.0V V2R=+2.1V V2R=+2.13V V2R=+1.5V C1=C2=C=100pF 10.0 0.0 C11=105pF; C12=95pF; C21=90pF; C22=110pF C11=90pF; C12=95pF; C21=109pF; C22=94pF C11=95pF; C12=98pF; C21=108pF; C22=99pF C11=94pF; C12=102pF; C21=97pF; C22=105pF -20.0 0.0 -60.0 Filter Gain [dB] Filter Gain [dB] -40.0 -80.0 -100.0 -120.0 -140.0 -160.0 -10.0 -20.0 -30.0 -40.0 -180.0 -200.0 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 -50.0 10 0 10 7 Frequency [Hz] Here a value of C=100pF has been used in the simulations, allowing an adjustment of the cutoff frequency between 1kHz and 10kHz. V2R=+2.1V V2R=+2.13V V2R=+2.0V V2R=+1.75V V2R=+1.5V 0.0 Filter Gain [dB] -20.0 -40.0 -60.0 -80.0 -100.0 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 Frequency [Hz] Fig. 10 – Tuning of the cutoff frequency between 1kHz and 10kHz using several values of the controlling voltage V2R with C=100pF. 20.0 10 1 10 5 10 6 10 7 Frequency [Hz] Fig. 11 – Frequency characteristics of biquadratic bandpass output for several values of V2R with C=100pF. The filter module as also a second order band-pass output that may be used in low-frequency sensor data acquisition circuits. The results of this extra second order filtering function are in Fig. 11, for C=100pF and sweeping V2R between [+1.5V, +2.13V]. As the result of the Butterworth type of implementation in the low-pass section of the filter, with Q= 1 , the 2 gain for ω =ωp is –3dB, as can be seen in Fig. 11. For this low frequency application the values of the capacitors C are not suitable for monolithic integration, and they have to be external to the filter module. The influence of the tolerance of the capacitor values in the transfer function is not relevant in the filter characteristics, and the deviations can be tuned by automatic tuning methods. Anyway, the developed module is mainly intended for anti-aliasing filtering, without high precision frequency requirements. In Fig. 12 several simulation runs with different values for all capacitors of the structure are shown, keeping the Fig. 12 –Frequency transfer characteristics using different values for all the capacitors in the structure, considering deviations within ±10% from the nominal value C=100pF (V2R=+2.13V). capacitance values within ±10% deviation from the nominal C=100pF value. It can be seen that the deviations from the nominal cutoff frequency are not significative for this kind of application. The main specifications for this fully differential tunable biquadratic Butterworth section are as follows: Supply voltages: Vdd=-Vss=+2.5V Inputs differential voltage range: Vidk≤ ±0.2V (max. allowed: Vidk ≤±0.5V) Inputs common mode voltage range: -1V ≤ Vick ≤ +1V Filtering function: 2nd order Butterworth low-pass and band-pass frequency characteristics; Range of low-pass cutoff frequencies: 10Hz ≤ fp ≤ 100kHz Frequency range setting capacitances: 10pF ≤ C ≤ 100nF Range of frequency tuning voltage V2R: +1.5V ≤ V2R ≤ +2.15V CMR > 120 dB, PSR > 100 dB 3 Conclusions A new approach to build up a fully differential frequency tunable biquadratic Tow-Thomas resonant filter was proposed, using a new analogue fully differential cell, the Fully Differential Multiple Differences Amplifier. Using this multiple differential input cell in the summing node of this topology the following benefits are achieved: . . two differential high impedance inputs. Two voltage signals can be filtered independently or algebraically summed using flexible signal multiplexing; minimum number of extra components to implement the filter functional architecture, based on two MOST-RC integrators; The fully differential topology enhances the linearity and harmonic distortion characteristics of the developed Butterworth low-pass filter, due to its symmetry. The use of voltage controlled MOST-R differential structures, allows the continuous voltage tuning of both low-pass and band-pass frequencies of the section transfer functions, within a full decade frequency variation range. This key functionality makes it possible to implement automatic ‘in-chip’ tuning circuits. The simulation results referred previously show the feasibility and flexibility of this approach, making this filter module suitable to be included in smart microsystems with programmable analogue processing interfaces, where flexibility and functional programmability are important issues. 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