It has been a very busy and productive summer for SBCC starting with participating in the
4th of July Parade, followed by the annual SBCC/CBC Barbeque and culminating in the 50th
Anniversary Celebration. All of these events could not have been possible and successful without the hard work and dedication of so many of our members.
Although the SBCC participants in the 4th of July Parade were small in number we were nonetheless very enthusiastic, vocal, and proud to walk down the streets of Fremont with our
SBCC banner held very high. Our resident cheerleader, Gerry Low-Sabado was able to get the crowd to cheer as we passed by and we could see the excitement and smiles on their faces.
The annual barbeque at the Quail Run Club House was well attended and everyone had a good time eating and socializing. Special thanks to Steve and Amy Cho for hosting this event every year.
The 50th Anniversary Celebration, Chaired by Steve Cho has been in the planning stages for many months and served to commemorate and honor fifty years of service to the community. To memorialize this achievement we received a number of Resolutions and Proclamations including those from United States Congressman Eric
Swalwell, State Senator Bob Wiekcowski, Assemblyman Kansen Chu, Assemblyman Bill Quick, Alameda
Supervisors Scott Haggerty, Richard Valle, Wilma Chan, Nate Miley and Keith Carson, Fremont Mayor Bill
Harrison, Fremont Vice Mayor Sue Chan and Fremont City Councilmembers Lily Mei, Rick Jones and Vinnie
The celebration, which was held at the Fremont Senior Center, was a “family reunion” where Charter and first year members were able to reconnect with some of our current and former members. There were many smiles, lots of laughter and feelings of great pride and joy. The highlights of the event included a performance by the lion dance group from Buk Sing Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu, a slide show prepared by Joe Woo and narrated in certain parts by Esther Yee and Gladys Yee and speeches delivered by former scholarship recipient Dr. Beverly Chang and Charter Members Amy Tang, Dorothy Louie and Pearl Gunsell.
The speeches were very touching and described the impact that the club has had on the lives of not just the founding members and scholarship recipients but also those who have followed in their footsteps.
Many thanks to the members of the 50th Anniversary Committee: Steve and Amy Cho, Lorrie and Ron Wong,
Maelene and Aaron Wong, Wily Yichoy, Mary K. and Gene Lim, Joe Woo, Cecilia Leon Zerda, Ailene Yee,
Esther Yee, Michi Yee, Gerry Low-Sabado, Fran Gin, and Linette Young . Thanks also to Colleen Woo, Richard
Yee, Serena Suranyi, Bernadette Chinn, Brandon Sabado, Marc De la Cruz, and Amber De la Cruz for their assistance in making this a great event.
It has been a very busy three months with more activities to come. Thank you all again for making this a most memorable 50th year!
Randy Sabado
SBCC President, 2015 -2016
Congratulations to those club members who walked the one mile July 4 th parade route while representing our South Bay Chinese Club (Steve Cho, Amy Cho, Gerry Low-Sabado, Randy
Sabado, Ron Wong, Joe Woo, Colleen Woo). This was the 17 th year of Fremont’s patriotic parade and by all indications it was another successful community event that brought the people of
Fremont together in celebration of this country’s birthday.
Submitted by Steve Cho
Ushered in with a traditional Lion Dance performance….What a perfect day for the 50th anniversary celebration!
On Saturday, Sep 12 at the Fremont Senior Center, a capacity crowd of 150 people gathered to celebrate SBCC’s 50th anniversary. It was truly a time of rejoicing for all members and friends who attended. It was especially meaningful for the
“seasoned” members who are up in age and who have not seen each other for a long time. Old memories instantly came back and were shared with much laughter.
One of the highlights of the gathering was the recognition of the original founding members of the club. This group included Charter Members Margaret
Chiu, Mary Chu, Amy Jang, Pearl Li Gunsell, Dorothy
Louie, Evelyn Tong. Other Year One members included George Louie, Martha Jone, Ed Jang. While many still live in the area, Amy Jang made a special trip from Sacramento, where she now lives, to participate in the celebration. The original founding members were very thankful their efforts were recognized and that the current members are carrying on the fine traditions of the club. They were very appreciative of having the event to commemorate the 50th.
Special thanks go to Joe Woo for creating a special slide/video show capturing memories of the past 50 years.
It brought back many old memories of the club’s activities and it generated a question “did we do all that?” A
DVD will be made and will be available for distribution.
Special thanks also go out to Assemblymember Kansen Chu and to
Fremont Councilmember Sue Chan for presenting a proclamation from the State Assembly and from the City of Fremont.
There were many volunteers helping with setup, food pickup, food serving, cleanup, etc. All of you were a tremendous help. Many thanks to you for making this event a success! A special thanks goes to Seattle resident but still a SBCC member, Bernadette Chinn. She and her husband, Ken, flew in from Seattle to be part of the celebration and to help Bernadette chose to work in the food line because she could see everyone there!
Thanks go out to the 50th Committee for putting together a fabulous event. The committee included: Amy Cho, Steve Cho
(Chair), Fran Gin, Victor Gin, Elaine Lee,
Gladys Lee, Cecilia Leon-Zerda, Gene Lim,
Mary K Lim, Gerry Low-Sabado, Randy
Sabado, Aaron Wong, Maelene Wong, Ron
Wong, Lorrie Wong, Joe Woo, Aliene Yee,
Esther Yee, Richard Yee, Michi Yee, Willy
Yichoy, Linette Young and Les Young.
Happy 50th Anniversary To Our SBCC Family!!!
Submitted by Gerry Low-Sabado
Past Presidents' fond memories about SBCC are included below. The quotes with an asterisk * are Past Presidents' quotes from our SBCC 2005 40th Anniversary newsletter.
Joe Jang (1969-1970) * Hi Gerry. It was nice talking to you. I wish to let you know that you and your predecessors are doing a great job in keeping South Bay Chinese Club vibrant. I am happy to offer some insight in the formation of SBCC and the events thereafter. The Club happened as a social get together at Amy Jang's home in Glenmoor Gardens some 40 years ago. Following that episode, our first meeting was called to discuss plans for a social club so that we can meet and greet new Asian friends that we encounter at the Mall (instead of just smiling at each other). Centerville, Irvington, &
Newark (now Fremont) was not heavily populated then. As the meeting progressed, Howard Tom was elected or volunteered to be our first president, and followed by a second term. A contest was held to determine our club name. South Bay Chinese Club was our unanimous choice. Our first few years were trying moments as we strive to meet our quorum for a meeting. As the years progress, our membership grew and the members became more dedicated and more involved. We decided to form a chartered club (to be tax exempted) so that we can do community services such as raising funds for scholarships and help the needy. Thereafter, South Bay Chinese Service Club was officially chartered. Now
SBCC/SBCSC is well respected in the city of Fremont. Our commitment was to the scholarship program offered to students of Asian descent. Our annual golf tournament and the Fremont Festival are some of the activities that I am proud to be involved with in years past. Our dedication to our Asian heritage is a happy moment for me as a charter member of SBCC.
Robert Lee ( 1971-1972, 1993-1994) * SBCC sponsored a
Cantonese language class each Saturday in conjunction with Ohlone
College. Young children and adults attended the classes. A social activity (pre gas war days) that was popular was the delicious progressive dinner prepared by members - 5 courses at 5 different homes in the South Bay.
(1993-1994) * We enjoyed the large family picnics in Central
Park as part of the membership drive. There were many games for adults and children and lots of good food. The golf tournament and the sale of the "Ho Soong" cookbooks were the major fundraisers.
Paul Tong (1972-1973) * Best Wishes and continued success. It's wonderful that the club has moved forward over these years and has become a real part of the South Bay Community.
Richard Yee (1973-1974) Serving SBCC in 1973, as President, was an experience that brought growth to my personal leadership and moved my introverted personality out into the open. The Club allowed me to be creative by designing the Club’s large red and yellow banner, an early Pagoda Post logo and a “Ho Mae Do” award certificate.
Most of the monthly social events and meetings were opportunities to cultivate the
Chinese tradition and to share them with the Fremont community.
Esther Yee (1976-1977) So grateful to join SBCC in 1966 (I was 26 years young then).
The Club has given me opportunities to share our Chinese heritage. The friendship and talents of other members were enabling me to appreciate the joy of being an American
Chinese. This allowed me to be creative and share my visions. I was honored to be the first woman president to lead and encourage other women to leadership. I cherish the memories and friendship of SBCC.
Frank Louie (1978-1979) My fondest memories were the monthly Mah Jongg and Poker parties and the annual picnics and Christmas parties when SBCC was primarily a social club. Of course, every family seemed to have 3 or 4 kids all about the same age.
Elaine Lee (1983 -1984) When I was elected to be President for SBCC in 1983, I made it my mission to form a non-profit organization for our club so that we would be able to receive larger and more donations from corporations who required non-profit tax I.D.
numbers. I began by forming a planning committee which consisted of Robert Lee,
Joe Jang, Karl Ngan, Harry Tanouye, Evelyn Tong, Michelle Vick, and me.
For several months we would meet about twice a month at my house to hash over ideas and make plans to form the South Bay Chinese Service Club. Since that was before internet days, I had to do all my research in the public library and also had to type all the applications, Articles of
Incorporations, and By-Laws with an electric typewriter....thank goodness they had invented “wite-out” by then.
After submitting the applications and required documents to the Internal Revenue and to the State of
California, we were all holding our breaths waiting for the approval letters to arrive. It was a very lengthy process, but we were finally approved and given a non-profit status. My committee and I were so ecstatic and felt that a big step was accomplished to help our club grow into an organization that could help our community even more.
It was a joy for me to have worked with Bob, Joe, Karl, Harry, Evelyn and Michelle. It’s sad that some of them are no longer with us, but I will always remember all the time we spent together working on this project and how I got to know each and every one of them so much more because of it.
Maelene Wong (1985-1986) I was installed as President on August 10, 1985 at Furama
Restaurant (no longer there) in Fremont. My board was very extensive and included some members who are still active with the club: Elaine Lee, Linette Young, Esther
Yee, Gladys Lee, Michiko Yee, Aaron Wong, Angelina Heywood, Jock Lee. Our biggest event that year was a CASINO NITE, held on March 8, 1986 at the Newark Community
Center in Newark, where we grossed approx. $8000 in income, but netted only $2500+ after all the expenses. That event took "a village" to organize, but we all had a blast putting the event on. Our 1986 Scholarship Luncheon was held on Sunday, May 18,
1986 at Happy Ours Restaurant in Fremont (also no longer there) and we awarded six scholarships at
$250 each. There were 66 applicants, but some came as far as Castro Valley, San Leandro and
Hayward. Martin Taam succeeded me as the next year's President.
Joseph Au (1987-1988 ) * Hi. SBCC has grown and progressed since I was president in 1987-1988.
The largest growth is in the scholarship benevolence. We worked hard and we also had fun. I remember the long nights cooking the chickens and chopping the vegetables for the Chinese chicken salad and the SBCC day at the race track.
Amy Jang (1988-1989) * I have fond memories of our South Bay Chinese Club. To name a few:
(1)Monthly board meetings gave us a chance to do a little work and have lots of socials with friends.
We were always on the Board as we chaired different committees.
(2) Evelyn Tong and I were the loudest cheering section for our basket team as we played Palo Alto
Chinese, Berkeley Chinese, among others. Now, basketball star Bill Tong is a physician and team mate
Alan Jang, an attorney.
(3) Joan Taam was loved by all in her Teen Club (she was the counselor)
Great times traveling together to museums, Angel Island tour and many more places under service and cultural founder, Joe Jang. The best is finding friends and after 40 years, we still love being together.
Robert Ho (1989-1990, 1995-1996, 1996-1997) * During my term in the mid-90's, I remember one of the fund raising events for our scholarship award program is our participation in the Fremont Art & Wine
Festival. SBCC had a booth to sell Chinese chicken salad. We mobilized our members to prepare the ingredients: cleaning and chopping veggies, cooking chickens etc. We even developed our own formula for the salad dressing. The product came out so good and tasty that our chicken salad was sold out before each day's end. It was hard work and fun for all our members. It was a great success and a win-win situation for South Bay Chinese Club and our community.
Gladys Lee (1990-1991) That was a fantastic 50th anniversary celebration! It was so good to see so many friends and their families once again. Amy Jang noted that the picture taken of Patti Jang, Gary Tom and Billy Tong represented the early members of the South Bay Chinese Teen Club. There are so many good remembrances of shared good times, community service projects, lots of hard work and dedication.
At this writing, not one particular event during my presidency stands out in my mind, but I will always remember the wonderful friendships I made and the dedicated staff and club support I received that made the year most rewarding.
Gilbert Yee (1991-1992, 1992-1993) * Being president has helped me not to worry about problems so much, but to look for solutions. The key to solutions is to think creatively, what has worked, what has not worked and ideas and solutions will come into focus. Don't wait for the boat to come in, but swim out to meet it.
Steve Yee (1994-1995) What I remember when I was club president during
1994-1995… i was young i remember the annual Fremont Art & Wine festival with the club's Chinese chicken salad.
i remember the club cookbook.
i remember my oldest daughter was 2 years old and my youngest daughter was only a twinkle in my eye.
i remember the club's 1st Halloween party at Fenton's ice cream parlor at the Fremont
i remember Emerald Yeh speaking at the scholarship dinner.
i remember public speaking was not my forte.
i remember the club has a core group of people that keeps the club running.
i remember the club members as being part of my extended family.
Walt Szto (1998-1999) * I recall during my time as president of the club: attending special social gatherings, mah jong games, cards, and members helping prepare Chinese chicken salad for the Annual
Festival of Arts. These are just a few of my fondest memories.
Garrett Yee (1999-2000) My fondest memory while president was to help bring back the Chinese New Year celebration to the Fremont Library.
Aaron Wong (2001-2002, 2002-2003) Perhaps the most memorable for me was coming in as the new Club President when the 9/11 attack took place. I remember how
I had to change my first President's Message into a more somber one and how all of our Board and Members came together and immediately agreed to donate to the
Chinese Culture to Culture Foundation’s World Trade Center 911 Relief Fund. During my two terms as President, I was proud of how our Club progressed with all of its activities and programs like the Golf Tournament, Chinese New Years at the Fremont
Library as well as supporting and partnering with community groups such as Citizens for Better Community (CBC) and the Fremont Symphony.
Victor Gin (2003-2004, 2011-2012) It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since my second term as SBCC’s president as we enter our 50 th year. The most memorable experiences in my two terms has to be the dedication and teamwork spirit of our core members who would always be there to support the myriad of activities we sponsored each year. My hope is for the club to continue to encourage newer members to participate so that we may be able to thrive for the next 50 years.
Gordon Jang (2004 – 2005) I was first introduced to the South Bay Chinese Club over 20 years ago while commuting to work on BART. I met an individual who was involved with the scholarship program. He explained the program to me and asked if
I want to help out. It sounded like a good program, so I said yes. Little did I know that “helping out” with the scholarship program would lead to more involved roles with the club. While continuing to help with the scholarship program, I became a board member, then served as vice president and finally as president. It was a privilege to have had the opportunity to serve the club and be part of its first 50 years.
Gerry Low-Sabado (2005-2006) I particularly remember South Bay Chinese Club's
40th Year Anniversary Celebration. We had combined our anniversary with our Chinese
New Year celebration. I loved working together with the committees who organized the event. We experienced camaraderie, laughter, hugs, joy, and especially strong and lasting friendships. We are like a Chinese Village of old......passing on our ancient culture, heritage, and traditions to the next generations and sharing with our community.
I am proud of all that the many dedicated SBCC Presidents over the last 50 years have accomplished.
Mary K. Lim (2006-2007, 2014-2015) As a past President of South Bay Chinese
Club my fondest memories are of those folks who are the heart and soul of the
Club. This core group along with their friends, husbands, wives, and relatives help to make each SBCC event a reality and a success. Working together marks the accomplishments of South Bay Chinese Club. During the planning of SBCC events there will be lots of ideas discussed and it may seem that many important factors are left unchecked, yet on the day of the event, everything needed for success is done. What is needed now is to begin finding replacements for this SBCC core group. We need to enlist the children and grandchildren to step up to become SBCC members. Find more folks who are both able and willing to work together with
SBCC to continue the mission of the South Bay Chinese Club. This is our challenge.
Linette Young (2008-2009) SBCC was there for me and my family when we moved to Fremont in 1975. I will always remember Howard Tom as Santa. My children loved the club activities too. We’d been moderately active and only attended a few times a year. When I was asked to be on the board…it was time to give back to an organization that has done so much for our community. The following year, I was asked to be President and I was apprehensive, but with the help of so many loyal members, the year went by quickly. We continue to serve on committees and other activities.
Amy Cho (2009-2010) I was more excited than stressed to be President of SBCC.
During the previous year, I didn't think twice when Linette Young asked me to be
Vice President. I knew fully well it meant that it would be my turn to be President the following year. It must be the same for most of us because Fran Gin did the same when I asked her to be Vice President during my term. I wanted to make sure that everyone had a fun year. I surely didn't want to disappoint the members by having a disorganized year. All the committees stepped up to help make my dreams come true! SBCC has been around 50 years because of the warm and helpful members. One is never alone! This way, SBCC will be around another 50 years!
Fran Gin (2010-2011) I was SBCC President during 2010-2011 and have fond memories of that time, primarily due to the wonderful, hardworking members of my board who helped me realize the goals I had set for the year. One of my primary aims was to have more members engaged in club activities and during my term in office, we instituted the first Elder Luncheon. It was heartwarming to see how much our super senior members appreciated the acknowledgement and it is gratifying to know that this special event continues every year. We also began the informal
Foodie Group outings to encourage members to try out new restaurants, share a meal together and enjoy the camaraderie of old and new friends. Lastly, it was during this period that I became editor of the Pagoda Post. Up to that time, the club newsletter was mailed out, but since 2010, it has been distributed via the internet to a majority of our members every quarter. It was a win-win combination because the club saved money and the information was delivered in a colorful and timely manner. Thanks for the memories SBCC!
Steve Cho (2012-2013, 2013-2014) Amy and I have been SBCC members since
1974 when we moved to Fremont. It came as a surprise to many to find that I had escaped being the president of SBCC. In 2012 my luck ran out and I was nominated. Actually I didn’t mind taking the reins, but as you know, 2012 was an election year and my time was spoken for with “other” things to do. The year went by without too much fanfare. That is why I felt obligated to continue on as president for a 2 nd year. I feel very lucky to have led the charge for the 2 years. It was fun and what made it fun was the camaraderie among all the members that support the organization. No one shied away when asked to help. It is a blessing to be part of an organization that now extends beyond 50 years. Woo Hoo!
Randy Sabado (2015-2016) As the current President of the Club, I only have about
3 months to reflect upon, but what has been my fondest memory so far has been the recent 50 th Anniversary Celebration and the smiles on the faces of the Charter and first year members of the club as they renewed friendships and reminisced about the early years of the club. It was very heartwarming to see how proud they were to see what they had started continues to thrive.
SBCC will host a luau potluck for club members and their families on Saturday, October 10 . It will be a wonderful family outing and a fun event for everyone. The club will be providing a few
Hawaiian dishes and punch but is counting on members to bring other food to help enhance the menu. Come eat, share, dance and enjoy a little bit of Paradise with us.
Our guest entertainers will be the graceful ladies from
Halau Hula ‘O Kaunanoemakalaukoa – Na Hawaii ‘O Kaleponi
WHEN : Saturday, October 10, 2015, 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
WHERE : “The Clubhouse” of the Friendly Village Mobile Home Park , 120 Dixon Landing
Road, Milpitas. (Please note that parking is limited so consider carpooling if
DRESS : Hawaiian attire
RSVP : By Sunday, October 4, 2015 and let us know how many people will be attending and what dish you will be bringing to share at:
or call Fran Gin at (510) 468-4694 .
Plates, utensils, cups and napkins will be provided.
A brief General Membership meeting will also be held so members can be brought up to date about club finances and activities.
Clifton DerBing and Sandi Wong enjoyed a short trip to Oregon in September. The northwestern coastline was foggy, but Clifton enjoyed the Beach at Lincoln City and held a yoga pose on the Canyon
Trail at Silver Falls State Park.
Have you discovered a new and tasty place to eat in the Tri-Cities?
We are always seeking the “hidden gems” that are to be found for good food. It may be one dish that is beyond expectations or perhaps the entire menu is worth the visit. We want to keep those folks in business. Share the news!
Please send an email to the Pagoda Post editor with the name, address and any comments:
Mary K. Lim
I would like to invite our members to attend performances by our choir, The
San Jose Symphonic Choir . Some benefit concerts are free to the public.
To view, print or download a flyer covering our current season, please go to
If you have any questions please contact me. Thank you.
Pearl Gunsell
Oct. 10 – Luau/Potluck, The Clubhouse of the Friendly Village Mobile Home
Park, Milpitas, 11:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Nov. 19 – SBCC Exec. Board Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Dec. TBD – SBCC/CBC Christmas Party, Aegis Gardens, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Jan. 21 – SBCC Exec. Board Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Jan. 30 – Chinese New Year Event at Fremont Main Library
Feb. 8 – Chinese New Year, “Year of the Monkey”
Feb. TBD – SBCC Chinese New Year Dinner
March 17 – SBCC Exec. Board Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
April 20 – Scholarship Banquet, May Flower Seafood Restaurant, Union City,
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
May 13 – SBCC Exec. Board Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 6:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
SBCC General Meeting, Aegis Gardens, 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
May 15 – Annual Golf Tournament, Sunol Golf Course, time TBD
June TBD – Installation Dinner
2015 – 2016
Randy Sabado.….………….….………...792-3163
Aliene Yee.………………………….…..657-7972
Pagoda Post
Fran Gin………………………… (209)785-5066
Fran Gin…………………….……. (209)785-5066
Annual Picnic
Steve & Amy Cho………………………797-6426
Ron Wong ……………………………651-3015
Joe Woo…………….…………………...651-1629
Golf Tournament
Victor Gin….…………………..….(209)785-5066
Frank Louie………………………..(925)523-3469
Aliene Yee …………………………….657-7972
Linette Young ………………………..…791-0914
Installation Dinner
Mary K. Lim ………………….………797-6426
Priscilla McNeil ……………….………..364-9168
Chinese New Year Dinner
Lorrie Wong…………………………….651-3015
President ..……….…………………… Randy Sabado
Vice President …..………………………Lorrie Wong
Secretary .…………………………………...Amy Cho
Treasurer………………..………………Willy Yichoy
01 – Huifang Dai Brown
02 – Randy Sabado
05 – Gerrye Wong
12 – Nancy Liu
15 – John Dutra
16 – Roland Chow
31 – Judy Chow
05 – Ed Tom
07 – Lorrie Wong
08 – Esther Yee
14 – Lily Mei
15 – Joe Zerda
22 – Amy Jang
23 – Cindy Yichoy
24 – Sara Gin
25 – Gerry Low-Sabado
30 – Walter Szto
03 – Willy Yichoy
04 -- Priscilla McNeil
07 – June Yee
11 – Steve Chan
15 – Aliene Yee
21 – Maelene Wong
23 – Michiko Yee
23 – Angelina Heywood
24 – Lorraine Chew
25 – Jane Lin
26 – William Liu
27 – William Louie
29 – Jeff Bowen
Board Members
Mary K. Lim, Past President Joe Woo
Richard Muh Aliene Yee
Maelene Wong Maria Yee
Ron Wong
David & Huifang Dai Brown of Fremont
William & Arlene Chang of Dublin
Irene Fong of Fremont
Al Poon of Fremont
Calvin & Gerrye Wong of Sunnyvale
Influenza can occur at any time, but most influenza occurs from October through May. In recent seasons, most infections have occurred in January and February. Getting vaccinated in December, or even later, will still be beneficial in most years.Adults and older children need one dose of influenza vaccine each year. But some children younger than 9 years of age need two doses to be protected. Ask your doctor.
The Pagoda Post welcomes your articles, member profiles, comments and feedback.
Please email Fran Gin at
Editor: Fran Gin
Publisher: Aliene Yee
Contributing Writers: Steve Cho, Fran Gin, Pearl Gunsell, Mary K. Lim, Gerry Low-
Sabado, Randy Sabado, Sandi Wong, Corey Yee
Contributing Photographers: Steve Cho, Gerry Low-Sabado, Ron Wong, Sandi Wong,
Corey Yee
Pagoda Post
556 Thomson Lane
Copperopolis, CA 95228
Tax ID #94 - 2963262
Inside this issue…
President’s Message
July 4 th Parade
Annual BBQ
50 th Anniversary Celebration
Luau Potluck/General Membership Meeting
and much more…