Defying the Force of Gravity Ultra-High-Capacity ConSep Trays DANIEL SUMMERS SULZER CHEMTECH 4160 In recent years, the petrochemical and refining industries have placed an emphasis on maximizing the capacity of existing plants. To exploit the maximum capacity of the complete plant, it is necessary to identify and to debottleneck specifically those units and column internals that limit the overall volume. In alliance with Shell, Sulzer Chemtech offers distillation trays that can operate at a capacity beyond anything stationary trays were able to achieve until now. The ConSep® tray has demonstrated its potential not only in research facilities but in numerous commercial applications as well. SULZER TECHNICAL REVIEW 3+4/2005 29 The Shell ConSep tray was the first device tested at the independent research consortium, Fractionation Research Inc. (FRI), to break through the limitation faced by all distillation devices, namely gravity (Fig. 1). Without this limitation, process engineers can now design columns with a distillation capacity 40–50% higher than that of devices limited by gravity. The ConSep tray is a product of the alliance between Shell Global Solutions and Sulzer Chemtech (see STR 2/2005, p. 11). 0605 2535 1 Sulzer Chemtech and Shell Global Solutions have partnered to provide column internals for ultra-high-capacity applications. The combination of a conventional sieve tray with high-capacity swirl tubes enables the capacity of distillation trays to overcome the limits posed by gravity. Combining Proven Technologies A traditional distillation tray purifies the valuable products by forcing vapor bubbles upward through a pool of liquid and securing suitable interface contacting. The degree of mixing and the time it takes for the vapor to contact with the liquid determine how well a distillation tray performs. The upward-flowing vapor must “shed” its liquid before it travels up to the next distillation tray. If the vapor drags extra liquid with it—as it would when the system is operating close to maximum tray capacity—this liquid is carried upward into the next tray, and will eventually fill the tray above. This phenomenon is called flooding System Limit The system limit of a column internal is defined as the point when the upward shear force of the vapor will just equal the gravitational pull on the liquid droplets in the tower. This behavior sometimes is erroneously referred to as “Stokes’ Law,” which only applies to the laminar vapor flow regime. A distillation tray, however, oper- 30 Liquid rate m3/h-m2 SULZER TECHNICAL REVIEW 3+4/2005 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0.50 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.40 0.30 0.20 ConSep tray operation 0.10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Liquid rate, gpm/ft2 60 70 Vapor capacity factor Cs, m/s 0 Vapor capacity factor Cs, ft/s Physical constrictions limit the capacity of gravity-driven distillation trays. The ConSep tray overcomes these restrictions and can be operated at a capacity well above that of a conventional highcapacity tray. Capacity factor—a measure of vapor velocity—and liquid rate— the fluid discharge—are based on tower cross-sectional area. ates very far away from laminar flow. Vapor velocities above the system limit are not possible for normal distillation trays that are limited by gravity. The ConSep tray uses centrifugal force instead of gravity as the mechanism to disengage the liquid from the vapor before the vapor passes to the next tray above. and limits both the capacity and the separation effect of the distillation tower. For many years, Shell has used swirl tubes in knockout drums and vapor-liquid separators to isolate entrained liquid from vapor streams. In 1995, the application of the swirl-tube technology to normal high-capacity distillation trays led to the development of the ConSep tray. Because it has separate contacting and separation tray decks on one single tray, the ConSep tray can defy the force of gravity. The swirl tubes enable the tray to operate fully flooded; only vapor reaches the tray above (Fig. 2). FRI tested performance and capacity of these trays at commercial boundary conditions and found the capacity increase to be “substantial,” and a FRI topical report from July 2004 noted that “this device offers exciting new possibilities in debottlenecking distillation columns.” The first commercial application was a debutanizer in a Shell natural gas liquids (NGL) facility. Natural gas liquids—ethane, propane, butane, isobutene, and natural gasoline—are usually removed from natural gas, which is used as heating and cooking fuel. After the NGLs are removed, they are reprocessed in the fractionator to separate them for individual sale. The debutanizer’s previous performance indicated that it was the main limiting factor for a further capacity increase of the NGL plant. Since this column was already equipped with conventional highcapacity trays, the use of a novel ultra-high-capacity ConSep tray design was considered to be the only feasible option to increase the capacity while maintaining the existing column vessel. At the time of this project, the ConSep tray had just been developed, but had not yet been installed at any plant. Nevertheless, confidence in the ConSep technology for this revamp was very high for a number of reasons: The ConSep tray is, in principle, just a normal tray for which the basic design rules are well established. The additional separator technology used for ConSep is based on a long tradition of separator technology within Shell. Furthermore, key design criteria such as separator pressure drop and separation efficiency are well-known, because they have been tested in the laboratory under realistic conditions. During research, the ConSep tray was tested from low to high pressure under realistic hydrocarbon test conditions. 2 In a ConSep tray, guide vanes cause a rotation of the upward flow inside the swirl tubes. The centrifugal force directs the liquid toward the walls of the swirlers. The vapor, which has less mass and momentum than the liquid, travels through the center of the swirlers nearly free of all liquid. Clear vapor Guide vanes Liquid entrainment 0605 2536 The hydraulic loads required to achieve the revamp targets were too high for a conventional high-capacity tray, but still about 30% below the proven capacity of the ConSep tray. creased by more than 20% after the revamp. In 2005, the column is in its tenth year of operation with consistent good performance and trouble-free operation. Ten Years of Trouble-free Operation To further validate the design, additional instrumentation was installed on this first commercial application. Some trays were equipped with instrumentation to measure the downcomer backup and liquid levels on the trays after the revamp. The results from these measurements confirmed the FRI findings and showed that the trays were still operating well below their flood point (Fig. 3). For the debutanizer, a one-for-one tray replacement with ConSep trays was selected. For this particular revamp, a conservative tray efficiency was assumed, which increased the reflux requirement by about 10%. The hydraulic capacity of the trays was expected to increase by about 50%; therefore, the overall capacity of the debutanizer was not in jeopardy. The capacity of the NGL train ultimately was in- 140 120 Tray efficiency (%) Successful Plant Application 100 80 60 VGPlus tray 40 ConSep tray 40% over VGPlus 20 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 Column load factor (m/s) 3 FRI measured the efficiency of several high-capacity trays. The measurement results show a remarkable increase in capacity for the ConSep tray with only a slight loss in tray efficiency. Contact Dan Summers Sulzer Chemtech USA Inc. 4019 South Jackson Avenue Tulsa, OK 74107 USA Phone +1 (1)918 447 76 54 Fax +1 (1)918 446 53 21 SULZER TECHNICAL REVIEW 3+4/2005 31