Meet a Professor—Ms. Massey Office Number: MO 316 Hours: MW 9

Henderson State University School of Business
By the Graduate Assistants of the School of Business
Meet a Professor—Ms. Massey
Office Number: MO 316
Hours: MW 9:00-10:00 & 1:30-4:00
and TR 11:00-12:00
Professor of Accounting
News Articles—Business Beyond the Classroom
Something students do not know about you: I enjoy
movies about serial killers but cannot watch horror ones
Your best class anecdote: A sleeping student did not
wake up when I put a piece of paper on top of his head.
Your pet peeve: When someone says “It’s not my job”!
One thing on my bucket list is:
Travel to Australia and New Zealand
The best advice I ever received was: Raised by a
mechanic, I learned how to fix things by myself!
Meet a GA—Mallory Turner
Graduate Assistant
Mooney 307A
BBA in Accounting
So, what is the secret to an accounting degree?
The key is to bring Dr. Ros Starbucks every day!
Most challenging class you have taken so far:
Probably statistics with R.C. Smith!
Guests at my Fantasy dinner party would be:
Paul McCartney, Channing Tatum & Matthew
Gray Gubler (Shemar Moore can tag along too!)
Though I was proven wrong I once said I’d never:
Go back to school after my BBA… but here I am!
The GA’s Business Trivia
How the Bank Debt that Everyone is Talking about Works:
All you need to know about CoCo Bonds and the risk faced by several
banks summarized in a quick article and a 6-minute video!
How to avoid “Death by PowerPoint”:
The “Do’s and Don’ts” of a PowerPoint presentation. How to keep your
audience interested and engaged in the discussion instead of bored and
HSU Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center
The ASBTDC is a universitybased economic development program that assists
both new and established
entrepreneurs. Their consultants provide free services
and help with every aspect of
business creation, management, and operation. If you are looking into
starting a business and have any questions, come by the ASBTDC’s
office in Mooney 140, or sign up for one of the training seminars. They
cover a variety of topics, provide you with skills and knowledge necessary to excel in today’s business environment, and are free of charge
for HSU students! View their events calendar at
1. When engineer Percy Spencer discovered that his chocolate bar became a mess when
near a magnetron, it lead to the invention of what modern convenience?
2. With what product did the term “brand name” originate?
Phone App of the Week—Flipboard
Flipboard is a great & fun app for
providing news with the flick of your finger. It
pulls content from outlets such as Business Insider, Harvard Business Review or the Wall Street
Journal, and organizes articles into categories
such as advertising, marketing, finance and more!
Twitter Account of the Week—Inc
Everything you need to know to start
and grow a business, and get a deeper understanding of the entrepreneurial landscape. Their
twitter account @Inc promotes the main articles
you can find on, highlighting small business ideas, business news, and practical advice.
Business Student of the Week—Price Murphree
Price’s “homegrown.” concept of a store
featuring products made by Arkansas artisans earned him first place in the annual
Business Plan Competition in the fall. He will
be representing HSU in the Battle of the
Ravine Business Competition on Feb. 9th along with fellow Henderson competitors Elliot Hill and Brandy Porter.
Upcoming Events—Mark your Calendar!
February 25th - Guest Lecture Series w/ David Sims
(Edward Jones) - 12:30-1:30 (Caplinger Lecture Hall)
March 8th - Mid Semester Grades
March 10th- Roundtable Day (Garrison Banquet Room)
March 15th - Guest Lecture Series w/ Sarah Camras
(Hewlett Packard) - 12:30-1:30 (Caplinger Lecture Hall)
(Answers Next Week!)