XXII nd International Conference On Electrical Machines Program


Electrical Machinery Group





International Conference

On Electrical Machines

SwissTech Convention Center

Lausanne - Switzerland

September 4-7, 2016 www.icem.cc/2016



Sponsored by

The International Conference of Electrical Machines Association (ICEM)

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IEEE-IES)

The IEEE Industry Applications Society (IEEE-IAS)


Welcome message from the General Co-Chairs

On behalf of the ICEM’2016 Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome you all in Lausanne for the XXII nd

edition of the International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM). It is really a great honor and pleasure to have the privilege to host ICEM in this city.

The ICEM has been established as the oldest, the largest and the most prestigious international conference entirely devoted to electrical machines . Started in London in 1974 under the leadership of the passed Professor Arthur Ellison, ICEM is now a regular biennial event mainly organized in Europe.

Very successful recent editions have been held in Helsinki, Finland in 2000, Bruges, Belgium in 2002,

Cracow, Poland in 2004, Chania, Greece in 2006, Vilamoura, Portugal in 2008, Roma, Italy in 2010,

Marseille, France in 2012 and Berlin, Germany in 2014. Even if the ICEM is an independent and nonprofit organization, it has started links with the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) with a technical co-sponsorship of societies in 2006. This has been the consequence of a real jump in quality and now ICEM papers are published in one of the most important scientific data bases in the world, the so-called IEEEXplore. Moreover, ICEM papers are now more referenced than in the past due to what IEEE is providing in term of international visibility. For the 2016 edition, ICEM has received the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and the IEEE Industrial

Electronics Society (IES).

This is the second time ICEM is coming in Lausanne, Switzerland after the 1984 edition which has been successful. Lausanne has been chosen for the 2016 edition of the conference. Lausanne is very popular amongst students, with its numerous private schools and the country’s largest university campus of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and the University of Lausanne. The 16 museums and collections present more than 50 exhibitions a year, from dinosaurs to contemporary art. Each month, concerts and variety shows fill theatres and auditoriums across the city. Moreover, from a purely technical point of view, the Laboratory of Electrical Machines founded in 1968 of the Swiss Federal

Institute of Technology (EPFL) has a long tradition in the area of electrical machines.

The ICEM’2016 Organizing Committee wishes you a very successful conference in which you will certainly attend interesting technical sessions , you will meet new friends and colleagues for further collaborations and you will return back home with new ideas from this exciting technical field of electrical machines .

Hoping you will keep a great souvenir of your participation to ICEM’2016, we wish you an enjoyable stay in Lausanne.

Gérard-André Capolino, France

Basile Kawkabani, Switzerland

ICEM’2016 General Co-Chairs


Message from the Technical Program Co-Chairs

The XXIInd edition of ICEM is a major event of the worldwide engineering community working in the field of electrical machines and their applications. It was therefore a great honor and a pleasure for us to be in charge of the technical program of ICEM’2016. This is the seventh time after Chania in 2006, Vilamoura in 2008, Roma in 2010, Marseille in 2012 and Berlin in 2014 that

ICEM proposes its new shape to participants and to authors with the technical co-sponsorship of

IEEE. For this purpose, it has been asked to submit a full provisional version of each paper for both regular tracks and special sessions.

For the 2016 edition, the Organizing Committee has proposed to participants:

6 tutorials

5 tracks for regular papers

11 special sessions on “hot” topics

A student forum

A technical exhibition with 6 booths

Altogether, 543 papers have been submitted and 433 will be in the final program involving 1,450 authors from 46 countries in the world. The mean number of reviews per paper has been 3.17 involving close to 1,700 reviews with almost 900 reviewers. In the technical program, the papers have been classified in 3 poster sessions of around 100 papers each and 30 oral sessions of 6 papers each.

The Technical Program represents the integrated effort of many individuals, namely, authors, reviewers, track co-chairs, special session organizers, and local committee members, whom we would like to thank for their contributions to the success of ICEM’2016.

It is our strong opinion that the world's state of the art on electrical machines will be well represented across both technical tracks and special sessions. However, if few words have to be chosen, then "embedded, grid-connected, design, modelling, analysis, control and condition monitoring" are our choices of index terms summarizing the large majority of presentations. We look forward to the intellectual stimulation of all participants, and would like to thank you again for attending ICEM’2016.

Welcome to Lausanne!

Aldo Boglietti, Rachid Cherkaoui, Mircea Radulescu, Luca Zarri

ICEM’2016 Technical Program Co-Chairs


ICEM Steering Committee

Gérard-André Capolino (Chair)

Francesco Parasiliti (Vice-chair)

Basile Kawkabani (Secretary)

Antero Arkkio, Finland

Andreas Binder, Germany

Fernando Briz, Spain

Antonino Di Gerlando, Italy

Maarten Kamper, South Africa

Antonios Kladas, Greece

Krzysztof Komeza, Poland

Yujing Liu, Sweden

Jan Melkebeek, Belgium

Annette Muetze, Austria

Bertrand Nogarede, France

Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Japan

Mircea Radulescu, Romania

Sandy Smith, UK

Corresponding members

Jamel Bel Hadj, Tunisia

Rachid Ibtiouen, Algeria

Sang-Bin Lee, Korea

Weiming Ma, China

Pragasen Pillay, Canada

Driss Yousfi, Morocco

Jianguo Zhu, Australia

ICEM2016 Organizing Committee

General Co-Chairs

Gerard-Andre Capolino

Basile Kawkabani

Local Organizing Committee

Basile Kawkabani

Mrs Christine Gabriel

Mrs Valérie Jacot-Descombes (EPFL Médiacom)

Technical Program Co-Chairs

Aldo Boglietti

Rachid Cherkaoui

Mircea Radulescu

Luca Zarri

Special Sessions Co-Chairs

Jose Alfonso Antonino-Daviu

Chris Gerada

Humberto Henao


Tutorials Co-Chairs

Carole Henaux

Antonios Kladas

Sandy Smith

Student Forum Co-Chairs

Metin Aydin

Mohamed Boussak

Shahin Hedayati Kia

Exhibition Co-Chairs

Richard Grisel

Basile Kawkabani

Track Co-Chairs

Emmanuel Agamloh

Radu Bojoi

Gerd Bramerdorfer

Fernando Briz

Antonio Cardoso

Andrea Cavagnino

Akira Chiba

Giulio de Donato

Chris Gerada

Marko Hinkkanen

Andreas Krings

Yen ‐ Shin Lai

Sang Bin Lee

Mircea Popescu

Juliette Soulard

Elias Strangas

Alberto Tessarolo

Thomas Wolbank

Rafal Wrobel

Thomas Wu

Julia Zhang

Awards Chair

Jan Melkebeek


General information


ICEM’2016 will be organized in the SwissTech Convention Center Lausanne located at the north of the

EPFL campus. It is easily accessible by car and public transport. From the center of Lausanne, the M1 metro stops right in front of the building and takes only 15 minutes (stop at “EPFL”).

SwissTech Convention Center

Quartier Nord de l'EPFL

Route Louis-Favre 2

CH - 1024 Ecublens

Tel +41 21 693 42 42

Fax +41 24 693 42 10 e-mail: tstcc@epfl.ch

Official language

The official language of the conference is English for presentations, discussions and conference activities.


All the six tutorials will be organized on September 4, 2016. The access to tutorials is free for any attendee registered to ICEM’2016 (student or regular). Any tutorial attendee has to bring his/her own laptop in order to download the tutorial material. No printed documents will be provided.

Daily conference breaks

Coffee breaks will be served in the morning and in the afternoon on September 4-7 in the

SwissTech Convention Center Lausanne close to the poster sessions and the exhibition.


Welcome reception

A welcome reception will be organized on Sunday September 4, 2016 in the SwissTech

Convention Center Lausanne. Please don’t miss this informal event you will surely meet new friends and colleagues!

Gala dinner

The gala dinner will be organized on Tuesday September 6, 2016 in the SwissTech Convention

Center Lausanne. Dressing could be casual.


Lunches will be served each day at the times shown in the program.

Paper presentation

In ICEM’2016 Proceedings, there will be no difference in between oral and poster presentations.

All papers will be treated in the same way and will be available in the IEEEXplore after the conference only if presented.


All the authors presenting a paper in oral are kindly requested to meet their co-chairs in the session room 15 minutes before the session schedule in order to download their presentation in the computer available in the room. They have to provide the co-chairs with a single PDF file of their presentation bring on a USB key. It is not possible to change of computer in between presentations. The length of the presentation is restricted to 20 minutes including questions. The authors presenting a paper are strongly advised to keep their oral presentation within 15 minutes

(15 to 20 slides) and to let 5 minutes for questions. They have to verify that their bio has been printed in their final version otherwise they have to bring a short printed bio of 10 lines maximum to the session co-chairs.


A poster preparation is a difficult but rather interesting exercise. It is not allowed to simply pin up a simple copy of the published paper. The provided template has a A0 European size (119 cm height, 84cm width). Please do remain strictly in these dimensions. Each poster will be hanged by the presenters using material provided by conference organizers.

A poster display will catch the eye of the viewer (large figures), present a logical sequence of material in an attractive visual way and does not require the reader to examine a detailed text.

During the schedule breaks (coffee and lunches), authors have to remain at near their poster in order to engage a direct discussion with the conference delegates.

Session chairs

All the session chairs (regular and special sessions) are kindly requested to bring their own laptop with them. The only requirement is to have a laptop with the Adobe Acrobat Reader® 10.0 or higher with European embedded fonts and a plug to connect the video projector. They will have the responsibility of downloading the author presentations at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the session. The authors have to provide them with a USB Key with their PDF presentation inside and a short bio (max. 10 lines) in order to be introduced. For poster sessions, the session co-chairs will have to identify the no-shows and to evaluate poster presentation and attendance being in the place.

The session chairs have the responsibility to make the schedule strictly respected. Each presentation plus questions have to be presented within a period of 20 minutes. In case of “no show”, session co-chairs have to wait 20 minutes for the next paper or to close the session if it is the last paper. Each session chair has to fill a form (one by session oral/poster) for session evaluation and to bring it back to the registration desk.

All the rooms will be equipped with a video projector and a screen. The session chairs will be assisted by one conference organization member in each room from the beginning of the session up to the end. If needed, a laptop will be provided by the conference organizers.

Internet access

A free internet wireless access will be provided to ICEM’2016 participants. Please do bring with you a laptop with Wi-Fi facilities.


The City of Lausanne

Lausanne is a city in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and the capital of the canton of Vaud. The city is situated on the shores of Lake Geneva (French: Lac Léman, or simply Le Léman). It faces the

French town of Évian-les-Bains, with the Jura mountains to its north-west. Lausanne is located 62 kilometers (38.5 miles) northeast of Geneva.

Lausanne has a population (as of October 2015) of 141,659 making it the fourth largest city in

Switzerland, with the entire agglomeration area having 402,900 inhabitants (as of December 2014). The metropolitan area of Lausanne-Geneva (including Vevey-Montreux, Yverdon-les-Bains, and foreign parts) was over 1.2 million inhabitants in 2000.

Lausanne is a focus of international sport, hosting the International Olympic Committee (which recognizes the city as the "Olympic Capital" since 1994), the Court of Arbitration for Sport and some 55 international sport associations. It lies in a noted wine-growing region. The city has a 28-station metro system, making it the smallest city in the world to have a rapid transit system.

Lausanne is connected to the A1 motorway on its west side (Geneva - Zürich axis) and to the A9 on its north and east side (for transit with Italy and France); the interchange between these two motorways is on the north-west side of the city.

Lausanne Airport is located at Blécherette. The city is also directly linked by train to the Geneva

International Airport , four times an hour, in 42 minutes.





4, 2016



Hall Campus





LUNCH - Hall Garden





COFFEE BREAK - Hall Garden






Hall Garden



5, 2016



Hall Campus





Room A


COFFEE BREAK - Hall Garden

11:30- 12:30


Hall Garden


LUNCH - Hall Garden

14.00 – 16.00


Rooms 1A-1BC-2BC & 5A-5BC


COFFEE BREAK - Hall Garden



Rooms 1A-1BC-2BC & 5A-5BC



6, 2016



Hall Garden

9.00 – 10.00


Hall Garden


COFFEE BREAK - Hall Garden

10.30 - 12.30


Rooms 1A-1BC-2BC & 5A-5BC


LUNCH - Hall Garden



Hall Garden


COFFEE BREAK - Hall Garden



Rooms 1A-1BC-2BC & 5A-5BC



Hall Campus



7, 2016



Hall Garden



Hall Garden


COFFEE BREAK - Hall Garden

10.30 – 12.30


Rooms 1A-1BC-2BC & 5A-5BC


LUNCH - Hall Garden



Rooms 1A-1BC-2BC & 5A-5BC


COFFEE BREAK - Hall Garden



Room C


TU Tutorial 1 - AUDITORIUM B

Sunday 4th of September, 10:00-12:30

ICEM’2016 Tutorial:

High frequency effects in inverter-fed AC electric machinery


A. Binder,

Institut für Elektrische Energiewandlung, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Landgraf-Georg- Straße

4, D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany, Phone +49-6151/16-24181, Fax +49-6151/16-24183, E-mail: abinder@ew.tu-darmstadt.de

Tutorial Abstract:

The topics the tutorial “High frequency effects in inverter-fed AC electric machinery” consist of:

voltage wave reflections at motor terminals,

HF voltage distribution in armature winding,

insulation stress of AC winding at inverter supply,

system design of inverter drives coping with big d u /d t .

Basics and impact of overvoltage on motor terminals due to fast change rates d u /d t will be discussed.

The non-linear transient voltage distribution in the motor winding is explained. The insulation stress of the winding due to d u /d t -effects leads to basic system design rules for safe motor insulation operation.

Bearing currents due to common mode d u /d t -effects and filter applications to reduce the d u /d t -effects are also addressed. All subjects are explained in detail by formulas and examples.

Andreas Binder, Senior Member IEEE, Member VDE, IET, VDI, EPE, received the degrees Dipl.-Ing.

(diploma) and Dr. techn. (PhD) for Electrical Engineering from the University of Technology,

Vienna/Austria, in 1981 and 1988, respectively. From 1981 to 1983 he worked at ELIN-Union AG,

Vienna, on large synchronous generator design. From 1983 to 1989 he joined the Institute of Electrical

Machines and Drives, Technical University, Vienna, as researcher. From 1989 to 1997 he rejoined industry, leading groups for developing DC and inverter-fed AC motors and drives, at Siemens AG, Bad

Neustadt and Erlangen, Germany.

Since 1994 he is lecturer (habilitation) at University of Technology, Vienna/Austria, and received in

1997 the ETG-Literature Award of the German Assoc. of Electrical Engineers, VDE. Since October

1997, he is Head of the Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion, Darmstadt University of Technology, as a full professor, being responsible for teaching and research for electrical machines, drives and railway systems. He is the author or co-author of more than 300 scientific publications and two books and holds several patents. He received Dr. h.c. from University of Technology Bucharest in 2007 and is the recipient of the Medal of Honour of the ETG/VDE 2009 for outstanding contributions at VDE.

Research topics are Hi- Speed-Motors, Permanent magnet-E-Machines, bearing currents, drive technologies for hybrid and electric cars, drive systems for electric railways, magnetic suspension and magnetic bearings, generator systems e.g. for renewable energies.


TU Tutorial 2

Sunday 4th of September, 10:00 – 12:30


Tutorial Title:

Finite-Element and Lumped-Parameter Modelling and Simulation of Permanent- Magnet Synchronous

Machines – From Academic State-of-the-Art to Design-Office Practice


Johan J. C. Gyselinck, BEAMS dpt, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium,


Adrian-C. Pop , Advanced Development Drives Group, Brose, Würzburg, Germany,


Tutorial Abstract

This tutorial deals with 3-phase inverter-supplied radial-flux surface and interior PMSMs, and the different numerical approaches for their electromagnetic analysis. Different levels of FE analysis are first reviewed, starting from simple static current- fed 2D modelling till full 3D electrical-circuit-coupled time-stepping simulation (possibly including eddy-current effects in the iron core, magnets and winding, ferromagnetic hysteresis, etc), paying due attention to practical necessity/utility and availability of software (commercial versus academic open-source). The second part of the tutorial is devoted to lumped-parameter modelling of PMSMs (e.g. in Simulink), via parameter extraction from the FE modelling, considering again different levels of complexity. Static parameter extraction yields a more or less involved algebraic relation between (abc or dq0) flux linkages, (abc or dq0) phase currents and rotor position. The inclusion of dynamic (eddy-current) effects will also be discussed. All material will be illustrated with academic and practical application examples.

Johan J. C. Gyselinck obtained his M.Sc. and PhD degree in electromechanical engineering at the

Ghent University (Belgium) in 1991 and 2000 respectively. From 2000 till 2004 he was postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the University of Liège (Belgium). Since 2004 he is lecturer at the Université

Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium). His main teaching and research activities are situated in the domain of low-frequency numerical magnetics, and electrical machines and drives. The magnetics branch comprises advanced numerical methods for finite-element modelling (material modelling, homogenisation for eddy-current effects in lamination stacks and windings, harmonic balance, etc), using the open-source software Gmsh and GetDP, and their practical application to electrical machines and other devices. The research on electrical drives (of various types: PMSMs, SRMs, IMs) is focused on control, fault detection, and vibrations and acoustics, and is carried out both via simulation (with

Simulink) and experimentally.


Adrian-C. Pop received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Technical University of

Cluj-Napoca (TUCN), Romania, in 2009 and 2010, respectively, both in electrical engineering. In 2012 he received his PhD degree in the frame of a joint program between Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Université Libre de

Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium. His past and current subjects of interest include design and optimization of electrical machines and drives (SRMs, PMSMs, IMs), numerical methods, as well as hybrid and electrical vehicles. He is first author and co-author of some 15 scientific papers and one patent. Currently he is working for Brose Würzburg within the Advanced Development Drives Group. His present work is focused on optimal design for cost and performance of brushless AC and DC motors for automotive applications (i.e. power train, chassis and thermal management) by means of multiphysics analysis starting from the customer provided requirements and specifications.


TU Tutorial 3 - Sunday 4th of September, 13:30 -16:00


Tutorial Title:

Power conversion systems for Marine Renewable Energy. Particular focus on tidal current turbines power conversion systems.

Presenter name:


French Naval Academy Research Institute (IRENav) EA 3634, French Naval Academy, Brest



BREST Cedex 9 - FRANCE Tel : +33 2 98 23 38 69

Fax : +33 2 98 23 38 57 e-mail: jean-frederic.charpentier@ecole-navale.fr

Tutorial abstract :

Marine renewable energy is now being recognized as a resource to be exploited for sustainable generation of electrical power. The energy is stored in oceans partly as thermal energy, partly as kinetic energy (waves, wind and currents) and also in chemical and biological products. Numerous techniques for extracting energy from the sea have been suggested, most of which can be included in one of the following categories: wave energy, marine and tidal current energy, offshore wind energy, ocean thermal energy, energy from salinity gradients (osmosis), and cultivation of the marine biomass. The proposed tutorial, after a brief overview of the marine energy context, will focus on kinetic energy with a particular focus in marine current energy.

This tutorial will therefore be organized as follows:

1) Generalities and Specificities of Marine Renewable Energy Conversion system

2) Focus on tidal kinetic Energy





Overview of Tidal Kinetic energy context

Resource Analysis and Harnessing Strategy

Technological analysis and options with a special focus on specific electrical

This tutorial should be interesting for ICEM2016 attendees as it is dealing with new kind of renewable energies with a huge potential.

Bio of the presenter: degree in electrical engineering from the ENSEEIHT, National Polytechnic

Institute of Toulouse, Toulouse, France in 1993 and 1996 respectively. He obtained the "Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches" degree in 2010. His PhD thesis subject was modelling the association between electrical machine and power electronics drive coupling electronic circuit calculation and 2D Finite

Element electromagnetic field calculation.

From 1996 to 1997 he was a post-doctoral fellow at Laval University, Québec,

Canada. In Québec, he worked on electrical machine and drive modelling and design and on optimization methods for the design of electrical devices.


From 1997 to 2002 he was an Assistant Professor at the University Institute of Technology (IUT) of

Brest, University of Western Brittany, Brest, France. In University of Western Brittany, he worked on modelling and design of magneto-mechanical devices as for example magnetic coupling and bearing.

He worked also on the design of unconventional electrical machines using iron powder soft magnetic composite (new generation of soft magnetic materials). Since 2002, he is an Associate Professor in the

French Naval Academy (Institut de Recherche de l’Ecole Navale) in Brest, France. His current research topics include modelling and design aspects on electrical machines and drives for marine renewable energy and electrical naval systems. He is the author or the co-author of more than 100 articles in major electrical engineering international scientific journals and in major international conferences. His experience includes expertise for research and industrial institutions and partnership with industrial firms

(research contracts). Concerning the tutorial topic he early initiates, since 2003, new research activities on marine energy converters in French Naval Academy. In collaboration with academics and industrial partners he contributes to imagine new solutions of design for these specific systems and to build specific models to predict their behavior and to improve their control in order to increase the efficiency and the reliability of these new renewable energy converters. He is the author or the co-authors of more than 50 publications (journal and conference papers, book chapters) in the topic of Marine Energy



TU Tutorial 4 -

Sunday 4th of

September, 13:30-16:00

Tutorial Title:


Proposer(s) name(s) and coordinates (institution, e-mail):

Masato Enozikono

Vector Magnetic Characteristic Technical Laboratory (Vector-MAGTEC), JAPAN enoki@oita-u.ac.jp

Tutorial Abstract

This paper describes how to decrease the iron core loss (magnetic power loss) in electrical machines for upgrading them to high efficiency as IE4 & 5 class. It is intended to achieve the minimization of the machine dimensions by considering the vector magnetic characteristic technology.

The analysis problems of electrical machines are usually inverse, as electrical machines have high power factor. The voltage is often given and the problem is to evaluate the current. On the other hand, in the case of the magnetic field measurements in the magnetic material, the magnetic field strength is given and the problem is to evaluate the magnetic flux density. This constitutes a forward problem.

In order to properly analyze the core loss in electrical machines, it is necessary to consider the vector magnetic characteristics of iron parts by taking into account the phase shift between local magnetic field strength and flux density values.

Bio and photo of lecturer

Prof. Masato Enokizono received his Dr. Engineering degree from Kyusyu

University, Japan in 1978. He worked in the Department of Electrical and

Electronic Engineering at Oita University for 35 years. In 1987-1988 and 2005 he worked in PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) in

Germany as researcher. He is Emeritus Professor of Oita University and

Project Professor of Nippon Bunri University. In 2014 he founded Vector

Magnetic Characteristic Technical Laboratory.

His research interests include the Vector analysis of electric machines. He is very familiar with simulations of electrical and magnetic field distributions in magnetic materials. His laboratory is equipped with electronic microscope, VSM, 2D analysis measurement system and CCD detector for electric machines. He obtained the grant of JST entitled “Technologies for developing next generation electromagnetic devices (2009-2012)”.

Since 2013, he is involved in the national project “Technology Research of Magnetic Materials for High

Efficiency Motors of next-generation automobiles.”


TU Tutorial 5 - Sunday 4th of September,

16:30 –19:00 AUDITORIUM B

TU Tutorial 5 - Electrical Machines for

Aerospace Applications: Objectives, Methodologies, Accomplishments and

Technological Trends

Chris Gerada (SM’14) received the Ph.D. degree in numerical modeling of electrical machines from The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K. in 2005. In 2008, he was a Lecturer of electrical machines and then became an Associate Professor in

2011 at The University of Nottingham, where he is currently a Professor. His core research interests include the design and modeling of high-performance electric drives and machines. Prof. Gerada is a Royal Academy of Engineering/Cummins Chair in

Electrical Machines. He serves as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on

Industry Applications and is the Chair of the IEEE IES Electrical Machines Committee.

Antonios Kladas (SM’10) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France, in 1987. From 1984 to 1989, he was an

Associate Assistant with the University of Pierre and Marie Curie. From 1991 to 1996, he was with the Public Power Corporation of Greece. Since 1996, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, where he is currently a Professor. His research interests include transformer and electric machine modeling and design, and analysis of generating units by renewable-energy sources and industrial drives. Prof. Kladas is member of the Steering Committees of the International

Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) and of the IEEE Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field

Computation (IEEE CEFC).


TU Tutorial 6 Sunday 4th of September, 16:30 – 19:00


TU Tutorial 6 - Machine Design and Analysis Including Flux Switching PM and PM- Assisted

Synchronous Reluctance Machines


Gianmario Pellegrino

Bulent Sarlioglu

Bulent Sarlioglu

Assistant Professor

Associate Director of WEMPEC (Wisconsin Electric Machines and

Power Electronics Consortium)

Electrical and Computer Engineering,

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA sarlioglu@wisc.edu

Dr. Bulent Sarlioglu is a Professor at University of Wisconsin–Madison, and Associate Director of Wisconsin

Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC). He received the Ph.D. degree from University of Wisconsin–Madison, M.S. degree from University of Missouri–Columbia, and B.S. degree from Istanbul

Technical University, all in electrical engineering.

Dr. Sarlioglu spent more than ten years at Honeywell’s aerospace division, most recently as a staff systems engineer, earning Honeywell’s technical achievement award in 2003 and an outstanding engineer award in

2011. He contributed many internally or externally funded R&D programs and realization of many technology development programs for many platforms including Airbus A350 and A380. His current research interests include novel electric machines, high-speed electric machines, and wide bandgap device based power electronics. He is the editor of the IEEE Electrification Magazine for electric airplane. Currently, he is the vicechair of PELS Technical Committee on Vehicle and Transportation Systems and the vice chair of the IAS

Transportation Systems Committee . Dr. Sarlioglu is the inventor or co- inventor of sixteen US patents. Dr.

Sarlioglu received NSF CAREER award in 2016.


Gianmario Pellegrino

Associate Professor of Electrical Machines and Drives

DENERG, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy gianmario.pellegrino@polito.it

Gianmario Pellegrino received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Politecnico di

Torino, Turin, Italy, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical

Machines and Drives for the same university. His research interests include the design of electrical machines and the control of electrical drives for industrial applications, energy production, traction and aerospace. He is involved in several research projects within the industry, and one of the promoters of the open-source project SyR-e. Dr. Pellegrino is an IEEE Senior Member, and an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. He is author of thirty journal papers, one patent and two books. He is the responsible for the International Students Exchange for the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at the

Politecnico di Torino, and the co-recipient of four IEEE sponsored Paper Awards. Dr. Pellegrino was a visiting fellow at Aalborg University, Denmark, Nottingham University, UK, and at the University of

Wisconsin-Madison, USA.


CE CE2 - Opening Ceremony

Monday 5th of September, 09:00-09:30

RA - Room A

Welcome message: Prof. Mortensen Andreas Vice-Provost for Research at EPFL

CE CE3 - Plenary Session - Plenary session I - Variable Speed Pumped Storage:

Advantages - Developments – Status

Monday 5th of September

09:30 – 10:15 RA - Room A

Speaker: Dr Alexander Schwery

Dr. Alexander SCHWERY holds a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of

Technology (EPFL 1999) in Lausanne. He joined ABB - ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd. in 1999 were his main field of activity was the use and development of different simulation and calculation tools for salient pole generators. Between 2002 and 2011 Alexander was leading the Electrical and Ventilation group in the

Technology Center in Birr, Switzerland. In 2011 he has been appointed Director R&D Electrical in this function he has the overall responsibility for the Electrical R&D in Alstom Hydro and since2016 in GE Renewable


CE CE4 - Plenary Session - Plenary session II – Generator R&D at Voith Hydro

Monday 5


of September

10:15 – 11:00 RA - Room A

Speaker: Dr Stefan Lahres

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Lahres graduated in physics at University of Ulm, Germany with focus on solid state physics and achieved his Dr.-Ing. degree in 2000 in electrical engineering with focus on control theory in the faculty of engineering science at University of Ulm.

In the Central Technology of Voith Hydro he leads the “Generator Physics Modeling” group that deals with the mathematical modeling of the various physical effects in electrical machines by means of analytical and cybernetic approaches as well as Finite Element Methods and Computational Fluid Dynamics.


TT1 PS1 - Poster session I

Monday 5th of September, 11:30- 12:30 HG - Hall Garden


Ioannis (John) Prousalidis

Paolo Bolognesi

Carole Henaux

Rafal Wrobel


P01 - Transformation by rewinding a Stator of a Three-phase Induction Machine with

Squirrel cage to a Five-phase Induction Machine


P02 - A Novel Evolutionary Technique to Estimate Induction Machine Parameters from Name Plate Data (LD-002836)

P03 - Influence of Rotor Flux-Barrier Geometry on Torque and Torque Ripple of

Permanent-Magnet-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motors (LD-000183)

P04 - Time- and Spatial-Harmonic Content in Electrical Machines and its Application in

Fourier-Based Models (LD-001902)

P05 - Finite-element and magnetic-equivalent-circuit modelling of brushed woundfield DC machines with cross-saturation (LD-007218)

P06 - Magnetic-Equivalent-Circuit Modelling of Switched Reluctance Machines with

Mutual Coupling effects (LD-010383)

P07 - Comparative Analysis of a Spoke Ferrite Permanent Magnets Vernier

Synchronous Generator (LD-007714)

P08 - Estimation of the Armature Leakage Reactance using the Constant

Excitation Test (LD-009091)

P09 - Evaluation of the Change in Winding Pattern of a Large Hydro Generator (LD-


P10 - Torque Ripple Modeling and Minimization for PMSM Drives with Consideration of

Magnet Temperature Variation (LD-010405)

P11 - Reduction of Space Harmonics in Induction Machines Incorporating Rotor Bar

Optimization through a Coupled IPSO and 3-D FEA Algorithm (LD-010707)

P12 - A High Efficiency Control Strategy for Synchronous Reluctance Generator

Including Saturation (LD-004766)

P13 - Air-Gap and Yoke Flux Density Optimization for Multiphase Induction Motor

Based on Novel Harmonic Current Injection Method (LD-009075)

P14 - Negative Influence of Third Spatial Harmonic of MMF on Properties of Five-

Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (LD-004553)

P15 - Analytical Model of Tooth-Coil Winding Permanent Magnet Synchronous

Machines with Modular U-Shape Stator (LD-009229)


P16 - A review of subdomain modeling techniques in electrical machines: performances and applications (LD-005622)

P17 - Influence of yoke and tooth saturation on the air gap field in Induction

Machines: A new analytical approach (LD-000337)

P18 - Comparative Analysis of Methods for Starting Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors


P19 - 3D FEM Approach to Study the Physics of Inter-Bar Currents in Induction Machines


P20 - Calculation of the Demagnetization for Permanent Magnet Synchronous

Machines (LD-000515)

P21 - Protection Against Demagnetization with Rotor Coils for

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (LD-000523)

P22 - Segmented Permanent Magnet Ring Generator with Active Damping of

Axial Oscillations (LD-002925)

P23 - An Improved Fractional Slot Concentrated Winding for Low-Poles Induction

Machines (LD-006033)

P24 - Modeling and Parameter Estimation of a Three Phase Permanent Magnet Excited

Transverse Flux Machine (LD-008133)

P25 - Modeling and Estimation of Slot Harmonics in Wound Rotor Induction

Machines (LD-008834)

P26 - Comparison and Analysis of Inductances of Interior Permanent Magnet Machines with Two Different Rotor Structures (LD-009156)

P27 - Electromagnetic Analysis of a PMSM with Different Rotor Topologies


P28 - Parameters Identification of Multi-Windings Induction Machines (LD-005819)

P29 - An Improved Analytical Model of Eccentric Synchronous Reluctance

Machines Considering the Iron Saturation and Slotting Effect (LD-006165)

P30 - A Novel Multi-n-Phase Machine Model (LD-006556)

P31 - DC side current and torque ripples reduction in multi-modular PMSG for wind applications (LD-009016)

P32 - A Contextual Parameter Identification Method for the Equivalent Circuit of Induction

Machine (LD-010685)

P33 - Characteristics of a Wide Power Band Variable Flux Reluctance Motor (LD-


P34 - Winding Scheme to Reduce Voltage and Torque Ripples (LD-


P35 - A new motor with stator magnet using the magnetization reversal technique (LD-


P36 - Cogging Torque of Surface-mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous

Motor According to Segmented-Stator Core Effect (LD-007234)


P37 - A Finite Element Post-Processing for Skew Effects in Brushless Doubly-Fed

Induction Machines (LD-008044)

P38 - Harmonics Study of Nested-Loop Rotors in Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction

Machines (LD-010588)

P39 - Effect of Multilayer Windings on Five-Phase Interior PM Machines (LD-000191)

P40 - Experimental Investigation of Rotor Currents Distribution in Three Phase Induction

Motors with symmetrical Squirrel Cage at Standstill (LD-002607)

P41 - Modeling approaches to brushless DC permanent-magnet generator for use in micro-wind turbine applications (LD-009067)

P42 - A Multipole Single-Phase SMC Flux Reversal Motor For Fans (LD-008028)

P43 - Comparison between a 2.5 MW DFIG and CDFIG in Wind Energy Conversion

Systems (LD-008893)

P44 - On-load Cogging Torque Calculation Using Frozen Permeability Method and

Permeance Network Models (LD-004391)

P45 - Analytical Model to Calculate Magnetic Flux Density in Permanent

Magnet Synchronous Machines with Static Eccentricity (LD-005258)

P46 - Air Gap Magnetic Flux Density Variations due to Manufacturing Tolerances in a

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (LD-002623)

P47 - Field Simulation Approach for Computing the Commutation Angle Error of EC-

Motors (LD-002283)

P48 - Assessment of Power Swings in Hydropower Plants through High- Order Modelling and Eigenanalysis (LD-002372)

P49 - On-load Performance of Fractional Slot SPM Machines Considering Tooth-tip Local

Magnetic Saturation (LD-000876)

P50 - Investigation of Non-Sinusoidal Rotor Bar Current Phenomenon in Induction

Machines - Influence of Slip and Electric Loading (LD-001139)

P51 - An Insight into Torque Production and Power Factor in Transverse- Flux Machines


P52 - Cogging Torque and Torque Ripple Reduction of Modular Permanent

Magnet Machines (LD-002763)

P53 - Modeling Technique for Large Permanent Magnet Generators Accounting for

Manufacturing Tolerances and Limitations (LD-005177)

P54 - Influence of Magnet Imperfections on Torque Pulsation of PM Machines

Having Different Pole and Slot Combinations (LD-009571)

P55 - Cogging Torque Reduction in Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines with

Skew (LD-009695)

P56 - Performance Analysis of Radial and Axial Flux Fractional Horsepower

Motors (LD-004081)

P57 - Analysis of the Dynamic Behaviour of Magnetic Gear With Nonlinear

Modelling for Large Wind Turbines (LD-003549)

P58 - Development of a novel Thomson-type actuator with pressure buffer included



P59 - Distant Magnetic Field Analysis of Wireless Power Transfer System (LD-


P60 - Optimized innovative improvements to automotive current- limited microhybrid starter motors (LD-003174)

P61 - Rotary Transformer with Ferrite Core for Brushless Excitation of Synchronous

Machines (LD-003212)

P62 - Analytical Modeling of Hybrid Electromagnetic Excited Linear Synchronous

Motor (LD-003611)

P63 - Utilization Method of Electrical Steel Sheets on Stator of Self- propelled Rotary

Actuator (LD-003646)

P64 - High Torque Density Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Machine Design for Wind

Power Generation (LD-004383)

P65 - Fractional-slot PM Assisted Reluctance Motors: Configuration Comparison and Optimization (LD-004731)

P66 - Performance of a Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drive with a Fault-Tolerant

Three-Level Neutral Point Clamped Inverter (LD-004901)

P67 - PMDC Coreless Micro-Motor Parameters Estimation through Grey Wolf Optimizer


P68 - Comparison of transient performances for synchronous and eddy- current torque couplers (LD-005436)

P69 - Stator/Rotor Slot and Winding Pole Pair Combinations of DC Biased

Sinusoidal Vernier Reluctance Machines (LD-006068)

P70 - Proposal of Electro Mechanical Resonance for Linear Oscillatory Actuator (LD-


P71 - Modelling the Parasitic Side Effects in Motor Assemblies due to an Integrated

Brushless Rotor Supply (LD-008559)

P72 - Novel Variable-Mode Partitioned Stator Switched Flux Memory Machines for

Automotive Traction Applications (LD-009903)

P73 - A Combined Permanent Magnet Actuator With Auxiliary Flux Weakening for

126kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers (LD-010146)

P74 - Design and Construction of a Novel Rotating Contactless Energy Transfer System for an Electrical Excited Synchronous Machine


P75 - Novel Permanent Magnet Machines with Integrated Fluid Dynamic

Design for Compression Applications (LD-010375)

P76 - Investigation of 6-Phase Surface PM Machines with Concentrated Windings for

Reduction in Space Harmonics, Leakage Inductance and Magnet Loss in Direct-Drive

EV (LD-010472)

P77 - Comparison of a 2-DoF Differentially Coupled Actuator with and without Auxiliary

Yokes (LD-011061)

P78 - Novel Dual Stator Switched Flux Hybrid Magnet Memory Machines



P79 - Influence of Cutting and Welding on Magnetic Properties of Electrical

Steels (LD-004146)

P80 - A Multi-parameter Analysis for Rotor Design of Synchronous Reluctance

Motors (LD-010669)


TT4 TT4-1 - TT4 - Design for Special

Applications 1

Monday 5th of September, 14:00 R1A - Room 1A

Chairs: Henk Polinder, Alberto Tessarolo


14:00 - Prototyping Experiences on 48V Starter-Alternators (LD-004677)

14:20 - Extensive Losses Estimation of a Novel High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine for Flywheel Energy Storage Systems (LD-002917)

14:40 - Design of an online temperature monitoring system for an experimental IPM (LD-008621)

15:00 - Direct Driven Hydraulics:What can possibly go wrong? -A thermal analysis (LD-010499)

15:20 - Design of Switched Reluctance Motors for Electric Hand Tools (LD-011169)

15:40 - Design of High-Speed Induction Machine for the 6kW, 120 000 rpm Helium Turbo-Circulator (LD-


TT4 TT4-2 - TT4 - Materials and Losses

Monday 5th of September, 16:30 R1A - Room 1A

Chairs: Johan Gyselinck, Andreas Krings


16:30 - Effects of cutting and annealing of amorphous materials for high speed permanent magnet machines (LD-009946)

16:50 - Influences of material degradation due to laser cutting on the operating behaviour of PMSM using a continuous local material model (LD-001317)

17:10 - Experimental Assessment of the Annealing Effects on Magnetic Core of Fractional Power

Synchronous Reluctance Motors (LD-003603)

17:30 - Epoxy Resin Insulation: The Influence of Nanoparticles on the Flashover Voltage and Possible

Alternatives for Electrical Machines Insulation (LD-001112)

17:50 - Identification of Magnetic Properties for Cutting Edge of Electrical Steel Sheets (LD-


18:10 - Influence of Shaft Relative Permeability on Rotor Losses in 2-pole Slotless High-Speed Motor



TT2 TT2-1 - TT2 - Electric Machines for Traction and Propulsion

Monday 5th of September, 14:00 R1BC - Room 1BC

Chairs: Chairs: Nicolas Labbe, Juliette Soulard


14:00 - Design of a High-Speed Ferrite-based Brushless DC Machine for Electric Vehicles (LD-010464)

14:20 - Innovative Design of an Air Cooled Ferrite Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance

Machine for Automotive Traction Application (LD-006025)

14:40 - Electric Steering for Aircraft Nose Landing Gears using Axial- Flux Permanent-Magnet Motors


15:00 - Rotating to Linear Motion Magnetic Converter for Low Capacity Transport Applications (LD-003859)

15:20 - Modeling approach for system analysis: case of claw pole machine in mild hybrid system


15:40 - Feasibility Assessments and Designs of a Hybrid Suspension System for Motorbike

Application (LD-003581)

TT2 TT2-2 - TT2 - Special Machines

And Actuators

Monday 5th of September, 16:30 R1BC - Room 1BC

Chairs: Abdelmounaïm Tounzi, Noureddine Takorabet


16:30 - Improved analytic model for eddy current force considering edge-effect of a conductive plate


16:50 - Comparison of High-Speed Electrical Motors for a Turbo Circulator Application (LD-


17:10 - Direct Electromagnetic Actuation on High Ratio Gears (LD-008443)

17:30 - Design of Integrated Magnetic Springs for Linear Oscillatory Actuators (LD-010219)

17:50 - Rotary Transformer with Electrical Steel Core for Brushless Excitation of Synchronous

Machines (LD-003204)

18:10 - Applicability of Drag-Cup Induction Machine in High-Speed Applications (LD-003557)


SS5 SS5-1 - SS5 - Thermal

Management of Electrical Machines Under Extreme Conditions

Monday 5th of September, 14:00 R2BC - Room 2BC

Chairs: Francisco Marquez-Fernandez, David Howey


14:00 - Improved thermal equivalent circuit element applied to an external rotor SPM machine (LD-


14:20 - Experimental validation of a thermal model for high speed switched reluctance machines for traction applications (LD-011096)

14:40 - The Fan Design Impact on the Rotor Cooling of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines (LD-


15:00 - Estimation of Windage Losses inside Very Narrow Air Gaps of High Speed Electrical Machines without an Internal Ventilation Using CFD Methods (LD-004634)

15:20 - Water cold plates cooling in a permanent magnet synchronous motor (LD-009768)

15:40 - Thermal Management of a High Speed Permanent Magnet Machine for an Aeroengine (LD-


TT5 TT5-1 - TT5 - Condition

Monitoring and Fault Detection in Induction Machines

Monday 5th of September, 16:30 R2BC - Room 2BC

Chairs: Jose Antonino-Daviu, Elias Strangas


16:30 - Application of infrared thermography to fault detection in industrial induction motors: case stories (LD-008869)

16:50 - Stray Magnetic Field Analysis Applied to the Internal Unbalances Diagnosis of Low Power

Single Phase Induction Motor (LD-010642)

17:10 - Failure Root-Cause Analysis of End-Ring Torsional Resonances and Bar Breakages in Fabricated-

Cage Induction Motors (LD-008494)

17:30 - Webcam-Based Tachometer for In-Field Induction Motor Load Estimation (LD-010537)

17:50 - Computation of Stator Vibration of an Induction Motor using Nodal Magnetic Forces (LD-


18:10 - Support Vector Machines optimization for Steady State diagnosis methods of Induction

Motors. A comparative study (LD-006513)

TT3 TT3-4 - TT3 - Control Issues in Electrical Drives

Monday 5th of September, 14:00 R5A - Room 5A

Chairs: Marko Hinkkanen, Giulio de Donato



14:00 - Control Strategy for a Direct Torque Control of a Switched Reluctance Motor (LD-010367)

14:20 - Impact of Overmodulation Methods on Inverter and Machine Losses in Voltage-Fed Induction

Motor Drives (LD-009636)

14:40 - Sensorless Direct Flux Vector Control for Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives in a Wide

Speed Range Including Standstill (LD-010006)

15:00 - Monitoring of Thermal Degraded AC Machine Winding Insulation by Inverter Pulse Excitation (LD-


15:20 - Dc-Link Current and Torque Ripple optimized Self-Sensing Control of Interior Permanent-

Magnet Synchronous Machines


15:40 - Torque Capability Enhancement of Dual Three-Phase PMSM Drive with Fifth and Seventh

Current Harmonics Injection (LD-000892)

SS1 SS1-2 - SS1 - Flux-Switching

Machines and Drives 1

Monday 5th of September, 16:30 R5A - Room 5A

Chairs: Wei Hua, Yacine Amara


16:30 - Impact of the Airgap Magnetic Field Harmonics on the Performances of A Disc Type

Flux Switching Machine for Wind Application (LD-010723)

16:50 - Optimization and Comparison of Linear Transverse Flux and Flux Switching Machines (LD-


17:10 - Performance Comparison of Optimum Wound-Field and Ferrite PM Flux Switching Machines for

Wind Energy Applications (LD-008389)

17:30 - Investigation of a large air-gap E-core flux switching machine with arbitrary magnet shape and grain-oriented material (LD-007498)

17:50 - A Low-Pole Split Magnet Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machine with Minimized Harmonic

Distortion in Flux Linkage for High Speed Operation (LD-010189)

18:10 - Influence of Rotor-Pole Number on Electromagnetic Performance in Twelve-Phase

Redundant SFPM Machines for Wind Power Generation (LD-007838)

TT1 TT1-1 - TT1 - Induction Motor


Monday 5th of September, 14:00 R5BC - Room 5BC

Chairs: Yvan Lefevre, Martin Riera-Guasp


14:00 - Contribution to the Analysis of End Winding Inductances of Induction Machines - I (LD-001155)


14:20 - Determining End Ring Resistance and Inductance of Squirrel Cage for Induction Motor with 2D and 3D Computations (LD-008397)

14:40 - Influence of Magnetic Saturation on Rotor Bar Current Waveform and Performance in

Induction Machines (LD-001147)

15:00 - Calculation Method of Three-Phase Induction Machines equipped with Combined Star-

Delta Windings (LD-002704)

15:20 - Effect of the shaft on the distribution of the magnetic field for two and four-pole induction motors


15:40 - Transient Approach to Model Operating Point Dependent Losses in Saturated Induction Machines


TT1 TT1-2 - TT1 - Application-

Oriented Electrical Machine Design

Monday 5th of September, 16:30 R5BC - Room 5BC

Chairs: Uwe Schaefer, Cristofaro Pompermaier


16:30 - Design and characterization of a rotating brushless PM exciter for a synchronous generator test setup (LD-000396)

16:50 - Performance of High Torque Density Induction Motor with Integrated Magnetic Gear (LD-


17:10 - Combined Method for Simulation of High Efficient Circulating Pumps (LD-001945)

17:30 - Study of High Torque Density Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With Flexible

Orientation Nd2Fe14B Sintered Magnet (LD-003239)

17:50 - Modelling and Analysis of a New Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Biased Eddy Current Brake (LD-


18:10 - Analysis of a PMSG and its Power Electronic Converter in Isolated Operation (LD-010928) tabulations


TT4 PS2 - Poster session II

Tuesday 6th of September, 09:00 HG - Hall Garden

Tuesday 6th of September, 14:00 HG - Hall Garden


Daniel Roger

Zareh Soghomonian

Thomas Wolbank

Francesco Cupertino


P01 - Optimization of synchronous reluctance Machines for high power factor (LD-000205)

P02 - Estimation of losses in the stator and rotor of the interior permanent magnet synchronous (IPMs) machines using reluctance network (LD-000418)

P03 - Identification of Induction Motor Thermal Model for Improved Drivetrain Design (LD-


P04 - Phenomenological Modelling of Ferromagnetic Hysteresis using three dimensional Dipole

Collectives (LD-000531)

P05 - Cost-oriented design of high speed low power interior permanent magnet synchronous machines (LD-000558)

P06 - Influence of Local Magnetic Saturation on Iron Losses in Interior Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-000825)

P07 - Design of a High Fill Factor Permanent Magnet Integrated Starter Generator with Compressed

Stator Windings (LD-001384)

P08 - A New Systematic Method to Design Windings of Polyphase Rotating Electrical

Machines and Evaluation of Their Optimization Potential (LD-001538)

P09 - Optimisation of a MW Halbach PMSG for Wind Turbine Applications (LD-


P10 - Realization of a wide speed range for an agricultural tractor (LD-002208)

P11 - Analytic Modelling of Magnetic Losses in Laminated Stator Cores with Consideration of

Interlamination Eddy Currents (LD-002259)

P12 - Improvement of Axial Flux Single-Rotor Single-Stator Induction Machine Performance by

Applying Semi-Magnetic Wedges (LD-002429)

P13 - A Study of the Effects of Temperature on Magnetic and Copper Losses in Electrical

Machines (LD-002585)

P14 - New SynRM design approach based on behaviour maps analysis (LD-002658)

P15 - Computationally Efficient 3D Rotor Eddy Current Loss Prediction in Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-002674)

P16 - Analytical and FEM design of Autotransformer with Phase Shifting Capability by Intermediate


Voltage variation (LD-002682)

P17 - 3D Harmonic Modeling of Magnetostatic Fields Including Rectangular Structures with Finite Permeability (LD-002879)

P18 - A New MATLAB and Octave Interface to a Popular Magnetics Finite Element Code (LD-


P19 - Modified Single Sheet Tester System for Engineering Measurements (LD-


P20 - Modeling of a Coaxial Magnetic Gear Equipped with Surface Mounted PMs Using

Nonlinear Adaptive Magnetic Equivalent Circuits (LD-003468)

P21 - Analysis and Design Framework for Nonlinear Switched

Reluctance Machines (LD-003484)

P22 - The Effect of the Magnet Placement for an Internal Permanent Magnet Wave Energy

Converter Generator (LD-003492)

P23 - Analytical Prediction of Electromagnetic Performances and Unbalanced Magnetic Forces in

Fractional-Slot Spoke-Type Permanent- Magnet Machines (LD-003948)

P24 - A new material for small electrical machine with very good mechanical properties


P25 - PM Material Selection Guide for IPMSM (LD-004162)

P26 - Comparison of 3D Thermal Equivalent Circuit Architectures of Asynchronous Machines


P27 - A Sizing Equation for Slotless Surface-Mounted Radially- Magnetized

Permanent-Magnet Machines (LD-004561)

P28 - Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Semicircular Linear Motor (LD-004642)

P29 - Deisgn and Build of a Mass Critical, Air-cooled, Transverse Flux Machine for Aerospace


P30 - Numerical Investigation on Thermal-flow Characteristics of a Totally Enclosed Fan

Cooled Induction Motor (LD-004782)

P31 - Evaluation of Hysteresis Loss and Eddy-Current Loss in Induction Motor Stator Cores Using the Excitation Inner Core Method (LD-004839)

P32 - Magnet Losses in Inverter-Fed High-Speed PM Machines (LD-004847)

P33 - On the Accuracy of the Slot Leakage Inductance Analytical Computation (LD-004871)

P34 - Analysis of Slotting Models for the Calculation of No-Load Rotor Losses in PM Machines


P35 - Maximum Efficiency Current Waveforms for a PMSM Including Iron Losses and Armature

Reaction (LD-005045)

P36 - Optimal Design of an IPM Synchronous Motor Using Fuzzy-based Taguchi Method and

Rosenbrack’s Algorithm (LD-005193)

P37 - The Effect of Magnet Temperature on Speed, Current and Torque in PMSMs (LD-005215)

P38 - Magneto-Mechanical Analysis of an Axially Laminated Synchronous

Reluctance Machine (LD-005223)

P39 - Design of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generators Using Various Magnetic Materials in


Locally Manufactured Small Wind Turbines (LD-005282)

P40 - Power Quality and Marine Induction Motors with Higher Class of Insulation than Resulting from

Windings Temperature Rise (LD-005304)

P41 - Heating of Induction Cage Machine Supplied with Voltage Containing Negative-

Sequence Subharmonics (LD-005347)

P42 - Influence of the Rotor Optimization of an Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous

Generator on the Short Circuit Behavior


P43 - Geometry of Line Start Synchronous Motors Suitable for Various pole Combinations (LD-


P44 - An Optimal Design of a 5MW AFPMSM for Wind Turbine Applications Using

Analytical Model (LD-005517)

P45 - Fast Calculation of Magnetic Field Distribution in Magnetic Gear for High Torque

Application (LD-005525)

P46 - Development and Design of a High Performance Traction Machine for the FreedomCar 2020

Traction Machine Targets (LD-005606)

P47 - Analysis of Iron Losses on the Cutting Edges of Induction Motor Core Laminations (LD-


P48 - Design and Optimization of a High Power Density Machine for Flooded Industrial Pump (LD-


P49 - Modeling quasi-static magnetic hysteresis: a new implementation of the play model based on experimental asymmetrical B(H) loops (LD-005827)

P50 - Efficiency and loss calculations in design of converter-fed synchronous hydrogenerators (LD-006092)

P51 - Improved Analytical Estimation of Rotor Losses in High-Speed PM Synchronous Machines (LD-


P52 - Cooling System Design and Thermal Analysis of an Electric Vehicle’s In-Wheel

PMSM (LD-006297)

P53 - Design, Analysis and Experiment of a Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for

Electric Impact Wrench (LD-006785)

P54 - On the Neural Network Single Phase Induction Motor Efficiency Estimation as a Design

Tool (LD-006866)

P55 - Reduced Order Model of the Induction Machine Derived from Finite-Element-Analysis


P56 - On Winding Design of a High Performance Ferrite Motor for Traction Application (LD-007099)

P57 - Comparison of Single Piece and Fir Tree Based Spoke Type Rotor Design for Low Cost Electric

Vehicle Application (LD-007102)

P58 - Design and Thermal Analysis on High Torque Low speed

Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings In-Wheel Traction Motor (LD-007226)

P59 - Design and Evaluation of a 1.2 kVA Single Phase Rotary Transformer (LD-


P60 - Model order reduction of electrical machines with multiple inputs (LD-007544)


P61 - Co-Evolutionary Optimization Design of a Three-Phase Induction Machine with External Rotor


P62 - PWM Influence on the Losses of a PMSG Supplying a Boost Rectifier (LD-007668)

P63 - Design of a Permanent Magnetic Excited Transverse Flux Machine for Robotic Applications


P64 - 3D Magnetic and Thermal Stress Analysis of a Direct Liquid- Cooled Coreless Linear

Actuator (LD-007722)

P65 - Design of axial coreless permanent magnet generator for small hydro power plant (LD-


P66 - Novel Pole Piece Optimal Design of Cost Reduction Type Magnetic Gear by Central Composite

Design (LD-007889)

P67 - Design and optimisation of an ironless double-rotor radial flux permanent magnet machine (LD-007927)

P68 - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of a Direct-Drive PMSG including the Power

Converter Cost and Losses (LD-008079)

P69 - Electromagnetic Transient Finite Element 3D Modelling of Electrical Machines

Using Open-Source Tools (LD-008117)

P70 - Design and Analysis of a V-type Fractional-Slots IPMSM with Distributed Winding for Electric

Vehicles (LD-008214)

P71 - Topology Optimization of PMSM rotor for pump application (LD-008249)

P72 - Design of Induction Motor for Electric Power Assisted Steering Systems (LD-008303)

P73 - Electromagnetic Design Issues of High-Speed Permanent Magnet Machine (LD-008508)

P74 - PMSM with rotor PM mechanical flux- weakening (MFW) to zero for an 150kW, 600Vdc,

500-6000 rpm drive: preliminary design with key validation (LD-008591)

P75 - Statistical Analysis of Cogging Torque Considering Various Manufacturing

Imperfections (LD-008613)

P76 - Comparison of Two Rotor Topologies for High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous

Machine (LD-008842)

P77 - Time efficient FEM modeling of a PMSM by iteration between Field Calculations and State

Space Modeling for accurate Iron and Magnet Loss Estimation (LD-008966)

P78 - Improving the Maximum Torque per Ampere in a BLDC Motor Accounting for Transient and Continuous Operation Using Thermal Boundary Conditions (LD-008974)

P79 - Split Ratio Optimization of High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

Based on Thermal Resistance Network (LD-009059)

P80 - Design, Analysis and Validation of a Dual Three-Phase 72-Slot, 12-Pole Permanent

Magnet Synchronous Motor (LD-009202)

P81 - Analytical Model and Reluctance Network for High-speed PMSM Design Optimization -

Application to Electric Vehicles (LD-009253)

P82 - Factors Affecting Hysteresis Loss Risk in Rotor-Surface-Magnet PMSMs (LD-009288)

P83 - Electromagnetic, Mechanical and Thermal Analysis of a High- Speed Surface-Mounted

PM Machine for Automotive Application (LD-009296)


P84 - Direct Reuse of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets - Wind Turbine Generator Case Study (LD-


P85 - In Pursuit of Proper BLDC Motor Design for Electric Bicycles (LD-009733)

P86 - Geometry Analysis and Optimization of PM-Assisted Reluctance Motors (LD-009784)

P87 - Analysis of Radial Magnetic Forces in Hydrogenerators with Fractional-Slot Windings


P88 - Evaluation of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with a Rotor Coil for Improved Self-

Sensing Performance at Low Speed (LD-009989)

P89 - An Optimal Ratio of Outer Diameter and Axial Length for Torque Improvement in Switched

Reluctance Motor (LD-010154)

P90 - Quality Control of Magnets during Magnetization of Internal Permanent Magnet Rotors


P91 - Design of High-Speed Toroidal Winding Surface PM Machine with SiC-Based Inverters (LD-


P92 - Loss mapping of an Insert Permanent Magnets Synchronous Machine for Parallel

Hybrid Electric Heavy Vehicles (LD-010448)

P93 - Design and Validation of a 24-Pole Coreless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Motor for A Solar

Powered Vehicle (LD-010561)

P94 - Design of a Short-Circuit Fault Tolerant Permanent Magnet Machine for Aircraft

Application (LD-010715)

P95 - Experimental Study on Windage Loss Reduction using Two Types of Rotor for Hybrid

Excitation Flux Switching Motor (LD-010774)

P96 - Design Approach Incorporating MTPA and Winding Function Theories for On-board

Direct-Drive Surface PM Machines with Concentrated Windings in EVs (LD-011037)

P97 - Response Surface Methodology based Optimization of Surface PM Machine Incorporating

Stator Slotting and PM Sizing Effects to Extend the Operating Limits for Direct-drive EV Application


P98 - Synchronous Reluctance Machine Analytical Model Optimization and Validation Through

Finite Element Analysis (LD-007978)

P99 - Design of a Permanent Magnet Generator for a Wind Turbine (LD-005061)


TT4 TT4-3 - TT4 – Optimisation Methods

Tuesday 6th of September, 10:30 R1A - Room 1A

Chairs: Peter Sergeant, Paolo Bolognesi


10:30 - Rotor of Synchronous Reluctance Motor optimization by means reluctance network and genetic algorithm (LD-002631)

10:50 - Comparison Between Single-Model and Multi-Model Optimization

Methods for Multiphysical Design of Electrical Machines (LD-000353)

11:10 - A Statistical Solution to Efficiently Optimize the Design of an Inverter-fed

Permanent Magnet Motor (LD-002569)

11:30 - Computationally-efficient tolerance analysis of brushless PMSMs (LD-


11:50 - Thermal design optimization of electric machines using a global sensitivity analysis (LD-003514)

12:10 - Optimization of a SPM Machine Using a Non-Isotropic Magnetic Wedge with an Analytical Method for Cogging Torque Estimation (LD-003913)

TT4 TT4-4 - TT4 -Thermal and Losses


Tuesday 6th of September, 15:30 R1A - Room 1A

Chairs: Maarten J. Kamper, Andy Knight


15:30 - Thermal Parameters Evaluation of a Fractional-Slot

Concentrated Winding Machine for Home Appliance Applications (LD-


15:50 - Electromagnetic and thermal homogenisation of an electrical machine slot (LD-010162)

16:10 - Thermal Analysis for Stator Slot of Permanent Magnet Machine (LD-


16:30 - Winding Loss Separation in Thermal Analysis of

Electromagnetic Devices (LD-004324)

16:50 - Investigation of Additional AC Losses in Tooth-Coil Winding PMSM

With High Electrical Frequency (LD-002011)

17:10 - Calculation of Efficiency Maps Using Scalable Saturated Flux- linkage and

Loss Model of a Synchronous Motor (LD-004294)


as a Mean for Green Shipping

Tuesday 6th of September, 10:30 R1BC - Room 1BC

Chairs: John Prousalidis, Jean-Frederic Charpentier


10:30 - The Role of Efficiency of Electric Machinery On Green Shipping (LD-


10:50 - Hybrid Propulsion Systems for Small Ships: Context and

Challenges (LD-003395)

11:10 - Ship to Shore Connection - Reliability Analysis of Ship Power System


11:30 - Dynamics of shaft machine systems including planetary gear boxes for hybrid ship propulsion (LD-010243)

11:50 - The Hydrodynamic Load Impact on the Pod Propulsion System Electric

Motor Drive (LD-010677)

12:10 - Design of Surface PM motors for Pod application utilizing a 3D

Hydrodynamic Model (LD-005614)

SS9 SS9-1 - SS9 - Electrical Machines

Fault Diagnosis During Transient Operation

Tuesday 6th of September, 15:30 R1BC - Room 1BC

Chairs: Jose A. Antonino-Daviu, Konstantinos N. Gyftakis


15:30 - Combined Model for Simulating the Effect of a Heavy Transient on a

Damaged Rotor Cage (LD-005487)

15:50 - Analytical Investigation of the Startup Transient in

Asynchronous Motors with Rotor Asymmetry (LD-005169)

16:10 - Detecting Uniform and Partial Demagnetization for an Interior Permanent

Magnet Machine (LD-008176)

16:30 - Simulation of large power Brushless Synchronous Generator (BLSG) with rotating rectifier by reluctance network for fault analysis and diagnosis (LD-


16:50 - Analytical Equations of the Induction Machine (LD-005746)

17:10 - Square Current Space-vector Signature Analysis for Rotor Fault Detection in

Wound-Rotor Induction Machine (LD-008699)


SS3 SS3-1 - SS3 - Magnetic Bearings and Bearingless Machines – Design and Control

Tuesday 6th of September, 10:30 R2BC – Room 2BC

Chairs: Anouar Belahcen, Seppo Saarakkala


10:30 - Rotor Losses in an Ultra-High Speed Spinning Ball Motor (LD-


10:50 - Radial Force Control of Multi-Sector Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-005339)

11:10 - Design Guidelines of Bearingless PMSM with Two Separate Poly- Phase

Windings (LD-007706)

11:30 - Simple Driving Method for a two-DOF Controlled Bearingless Motor

Using One Three-Phase Inverter (LD-005975)

11:50 - Coupled Field and Space-Vector Equations of Bearingless

Synchronous Reluctance Machine (LD-006904)

12:10 - Axial Vibration Suppression by Field Flux Regulation in Two-Axis Actively

Positioned Permanent Magnet Bearingless motors with Axial Position Estimation


TT2 TT2-3 - TT2 - Applications of PM

Electrical Machines

Tuesday 6th of September, 15:30 R2BC – Room 2BC

Chairs: Akira Chiba, Franscesco Cupertino


15:30 - Demagnetization of Modular Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-009334)

15:50 - Dynamic Performance Enhancement of Small Single-Phase Line- Start PM motors (LD-008923)

16:10 - Robust Electromagnetic Design of Transverse Flux Machines for High

Volume Production (LD-004405)

16:30 - Influence of Slot Opening and Flux Gaps on the Voltage Distortion in SPM

Machines (LD-001074)

16:50 - Outer Rotor High Torque Density PM Motors with a Peripheral Position

Sensor (LD-009679)

17:10 - Axial Permanent Magnet Generator for Wearable Energy

Harvesting (LD-009415)


SS4 SS4-1 - SS4 - Electrical Machines for Extreme Environments

Tuesday 6th of September, 10:30 R5A - Room 5A

Chairs: Antonios Kladas, Michele Degano


10:30 - Velocity and Torque Profile Optimization of Electric Vehicle Including

Limited Overload (LD-005789)

10:50 - Performance Evaluation and Thermal Analysis of Interior

Permanent Magnet Traction Motor over a Wide Load Range


11:10 - PM Brushless motor design for helicopter tail rotor (LD-004898)

11:30 - Technological assessments for designing machines able to work at very high internal temperatures (450 − 500 ◦ C) (LD-007196)

11:50 - Short Term Duty Electrical Machines (LD-007862)

12:10 - Efficiency Issues of a Ship Stabilizing Fin Assisted by a

Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Actuator (LD-005584)

TT5 TT5-3 - TT5 - General Techniques for Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection in AC Machines

Tuesday 6th of September, 15:30 R5A - Room 5A

Chairs: Antonio Cardoso, Andreas Binder


15:30 - Real-Time Insulation Lifetime Monitoring For Motor Windings (LD-


15:50 - Portable Network Analyzer and Mobile App based Small Wind Turbine

Fault Diagnosis (LD-007463)

16:10 - Emulating Bearing Faults - A Novel Approach (LD-001015)

16:30 - Novel Adaptive 100% Stator Ground Fault Protection Based on the Third

Harmonic Measurement (LD-003654)

16:50 - FBG Sensing for Hot Spot Thermal Monitoring in Electric Machinery

Random Wound Components (LD-008885)

17:10 - Diagnostics of Large AC Machines using End-winding Vibration Approach



TT1 TT1-3 - TT1 - Synchronous

Machine Modeling

Tuesday 6th of September, 10:30 R5BC - Room 5BC

Chairs: Mircea Radulescu, Ayman EL-Refaie


10:30 - Stator and Rotor Vent Modelling in a MVA rated Synchronous Machine


10:50 - Characterization and Validation of a Large Hydrogenerator Under

Dynamic Conditions (LD-004502)

11:10 - Evaluating the cost of energy of a 10 MW direct-drive wind turbine with superconducting generators (LD-009881)

11:30 - Variable-Speed Operation of Hydropower Plants: Past, Present, and

Future (LD-009385)

11:50 - Two Novel Methods for Parameter Identification of Synchronous Machine

Using DC-Decay Test with Rotor in Arbitrary Position


12:10 - Numerical Simulation and Measurement of Common-Mode and

Circulating Bearing Currents (LD-008362)

TT1 TT1-4 - TT1 - PM and IPM


Tuesday 6th of September, 15:30 R5BC - Room 5BC

Chairs: Z.Q. Zhu, Gianmario Pellegrino


15:30 - First Order Mechanical Sizing Equations for the Electromagnetic

Optimization of Spoke IPM Machines (LD-009725)

15:50 - Modelling Approaches for Triple Three-Phase Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-000159)

16:10 - Performance Validation of a High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Motor for

Centrifugal Compressors (LD-002534)

16:30 - Non-Linear Analytical Model for a Multi-V-Shape IPM with

Concentrated Winding (LD-003476)

16:50 - On the Use of Conformal Mapping in the Analysis of Electric Machines


17:10 - Development and Evaluation of an Axial Gap Motor with

Neodymium Bonded Magnet (LD-011193)


SS1 PS3 - Poster session III

Wednesday 7th of September, 08:30 HG - Hall Garden


Colin Debruyne

Joya Kappatou

Frank Betin

Yasser Gritli


P01 - Performance of Partitioned Primary Linear Switched Flux PM

Machines (LD-007293)

P02 - A New Alternate Circumferential and Radial Flux (AlCiRaF)

Permanent Magnet Flux Switching Machine for Light Weight EV (LD-


P03 - A New Single-Phase FEFSM with Segmental Rotor for

Conventional Fan (LD-007579)

P04 - Comparison of Fault-Tolerant Operations for Two Fault-Tolerant Flux-

Switching Permanent-Magnet Motor Drivers (LD-007919)

P05 - Investigation of Field to Armature Slot Area Ratio on Torque Ripple in

HEFS Machine (LD-010502)

P06 - Three-Phase Variable Flux Outer-Rotor Switched Flux Permanent Magnet

Machine (LD-007358)

P07 - A Novel Axial Flux Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine with Magnetic

Bridge (LD-009172)

P08 - Modeling of a Series Hybrid Excited Synchronous Structure Using Two

Different Hybrid Analytical Models (LD-009865)

P09 - Radial Position Detection of Five-Phase Bearingless PM Motor


P10 - Assessment of Cooling Methods for Increased Power Density in Electrical

Machines (LD-003883)

P11 - Measurement, Simulation and Calculation Using Fourier Transformation of Iron Losses for Electrical Steel Sheets with Higher Frequency and

Temperature Effects (LD-004626)

P12 - Extended Requirements on Turbo-Generators and Solutions for Flexible

Load Operation (LD-005398)

P13 - Enforced Acceleration Control for DC Actuated Rescue Robot (LD-


P14 - Thermal management of a permanent magnet motor for a directly coupled pump (LD-006149)


P15 - Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of Housing and PMM Using 3-D FE Code


P16 - Dielectric Properties Modeling and Measurement of Single Tooth Coil

Insulation System under Accelerated Degradation Test


P17 - Design, Implementation, and Non-Linear Control of Interior Permanent

Magnet Synchronous Motor with Flux Concentration by Improved PWM-Rotor

Design (LD-008435)

P18 - Five-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine under

Consideration of the Third Current Harmonic (LD-008931)

P19 - Rewinding Strategy Aided by FEA as a Solution to Increase

Efficiency of Industrial Motors (LD-010022)

P20 - Determination of Parameters of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (LD-


P21 - Experimental and numerical thermofluid study of a disc-type transformer winding scale model (LD-003875)

P22 - Numerical Iron Loss Analysis of Wound-Core Reactor with Gaps at High-

Frequency Excitation (LD-004197)

P23 - Research on 24-step Inverters with Round Shape Phase Shifting

Transformers (LD-004812)

P24 - Eddy Current Analysis of Three-phase Transformer Using 3-D Parallel

Finite Element Method (LD-007331)

P25 - Reliable Detection of Broken Rotor Bars in Induction Motors via MUSIC and ZSC Methods (LD-004154)

P26 - Stator Winding Inter-turn Fault in Induction Machines: Complex- Vector

Transient and Steady-State Modelling (LD-006114)

P27 - A Wavelet-based Technique to Detect Stator Faults in Inverter-fed Induction

Motors (LD-002828)

P28 - A Reliable Indicator to Detect Non-Adjacent Broken Rotor Bars Severity in

Induction Motors (LD-003425)

P29 - Multi-regime current analysis for the rotor health assessment in cage pump motors: case stories (LD-005657)

P30 - Comparative Study of Current Control Methods of Asymmetric PM

Synchronous Machine (LD-000884)

P31 - Performance Analysis and Control of a Stand-alone Wind-Driven PMSG

Including Unbalanced Conditions (LD-001937)

P32 - Maximum Wind-Power Extraction of a Grid-Connected Wind- Driven

Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generator under Different

Vector-Control Strategies (LD-002615)

P33 - Iron Saturation Impact on High Frequency Sensorless Control of

Synchronous Permanent Magnets Motor (LD-004243)

P34 - Off-line co-Simulation of Multiphase PM Motor-Drives (LD-004359)


P35 - Torque Control Strategy for an Axial Flux Switched Reluctance Machine


P36 - Common-Mode Voltage Reduction of Matrix Converter fed Seven- Phase

Induction Machine (LD-005312)

P37 - Load Power and State of Charge Management Strategy with MPPT of Wind-

Driven Isolated PMSG (LD-005355)

P38 - Start-up of a Varspeed Group in Pump Mode, Practical

Implementations and Tests (LD-005592)

P39 - A Novel Educational Proposal:Devising an Electric Power System. (LD-


P40 - Efficiency and Loss Mapping of AC Motors using Advanced Testing

Tools (LD-006017)

P41 - Current Reference Governor of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine


P42 - Control of Direct Driven Fractional Slot Concentrated Wound- IPMSG for Variable Speed Wind Energy System (LD-007145)

P43 - Control Method for a Magnetic-CVT Motor (LD-007641)

P44 - High Temperature Direct Speed regulation technique for a Vector Controlled

Permanent Magnet Motor Drive based on predictive control method (LD-008222)

P45 - Nonintrusive Energy Losses Estimation of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors (LD-


P46 - Space Vector Control of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC

Machines (LD-008826)

P47 - Sliding Mode Observer Sensorless Vector Controlled Induction Motor

Drive with Anti-Windup PI Speed Controller (LD-008982)

P48 - An Alternative Universal Motor Drive with Unity Power Factor Operating in DC and AC Modes (LD-009342)

P49 - Larger Torque Production Strategy of Multi-phase Inverter-Fed MATRIX Motor using Air-gap Flux Density (LD-009555)

P50 - A New Predictive Direct Torque Control for Vernier Permanent Magnet

Synchronous Motor Based on Duty Ratio Modulation (LD-009563)

P51 - Multi-Domain Mechatronic Approach for the Design of a Vacuum Contactor

Actuation Drive (LD-009644)

P52 - Current Measurement suitable for Current Control System of PMSM based on Model Predictive Control (LD-009806)

P53 - Modeling and Sensorless Control of an Advanced Concentrated Winding

Vernier PM Machine (LD-009814)

P54 - Genetic Algorithm based Current Optimization for Torque Ripple Reduction of Interior PMSMs (LD-010626)

P55 - Performance Evaluation and Remedial Strategy of Synchronous

Reluctance Motor Drive under Winding Turn Short Circuit Fault



P56 - Experimental Determination of Specific Power Losses and

Magnetostriction of Electrical Steel Coils (LD-003182)

P57 - An Application of Artificial Neural Networks and PCA for Stator Fault

Diagnosis in Inverter-Fed Induction Motors (LD-008672)

P58 - Strategic Fault Diagnosis Approach for Hydrogenerator Shaft Current

Discharges (LD-009628)

P59 - Online Multi-Parameter Identification of Permanent Magnet

Synchronous Motors in EV Application Considering Iron Losses (LD-


P60 - Adaptive Matrix Pencil Method for Mixed Rotor Faults Diagnosis (LD-


P61 - Structural looseness investigation in slow rotating permanent magnet generators (LD-009318)

P62 - A Computationally Efficient Algorithm Devoted to Gear Tooth Localized

Fault Detection in Induction Machine-Based Systems (LD-003573)

P63 - Effect of magnetic wedges on electromagnetically-induced acoustic noise and vibrations of electrical machines (LD-004987)

P64 - Fast Prediction of Variable-Speed Acoustic Noise due to Magnetic Forces in

Electrical Machines (LD-004995)

P65 - Extended HF Equivalent Model of a Drive Train (LD-005843)

P66 - Latency Effect in a Variable Speed Control on Torsional Response of Elastic

Drive Systems (LD-005541)

P67 - Residual Stress Evaluation by Measuring Barkhausen Signals for High

Efficiency Motors (LD-007242)

P68 - Bearing Fault Detection of Electrical Machines Used in

Automotive Applications (LD-008605)

P69 - Automatic detection test of current sensor faults for induction motor drives at standstill (LD-005029)

P70 - Coordination of a Turbo-Generator protections through Power- System

Simulation Software SIMSEN (LD-007048)

P71 - Adaptive 100% Stator Ground Fault Protection Based on

Subharmonic Injection Method (LD-005851)

P72 - Experimental Verification of a Novel Adaptive Stator Ground Fault Protection for Synchronous Generators (LD-008109)

P73 - Supercapasitors based Energy Saving Mode of Electromechanical Elevator’s

Operation (LD-007609)

P74 - Effect of Double-Tripple Winding Layout on Axially-Laminated

Anisotropic Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Motors (LD-010197)


TT4 TT4-5 - TT4 - Design for Special

Applications 2

Wednesday 7th of September, 10:30 R1A - Room 1A

Chairs: Rafal Wrobel, Antonino di Gerlando


10:30 - Experimental Investigation of the Voltage Distribution in Form Wound

Windings of Large AC Machines due to Fast Transients


10:50 - Design, construction and measurements of a permanent magnet axial flux machine (LD-001392)

11:10 - Structural Design Optimization of a High Speed Synchronous

Reluctance Machine (LD-006637)

11:30 - Two PMSMs and the influence of their geometry on common- mode bearing currents (LD-003565)

11:50 - Experimentally Calibrated Thermal Stator Modelling of AC

Machines for Short-Duty Transient Operation (LD-004332)

12:10 - Design Guidelines for Wound Inter-Phase Reactors in High- Power

Rectifier Systems (LD-004014)

TT4 TT4-6 - TT4 - Numerical and Analytical Methods

Wednesday 7th of September, 14:00 R1A - Room 1A

Chairs: Arkkio Antero, Gerd Bramerdorfer


14:00 - Analytical Calculation of Slot Leakage Inductance in Multiphase Electrical

Machines (LD-009164)

14:20 - Design Procedure of Flux Reversal Permanent Magnet Machines (LD-


14:40 - Capacitive behavior modeling in concentrated windings (LD-


15:00 - An Accurate Iron Loss Evaluation Method Based on Finite

Element Analysis for Permanent Magnet Motors (LD-007617)

15:20 - FEA-based method for estimating PM demagnetization in electrical motor design: development and experimental validation (LD-007153)

15:40 - Parameterized Dynamic Model of Cage Induction Machine (LD-



TT3 TT3-1 - TT3 - Multi-Phase and

Fault-Tolerant Electrical Drives

Wednesday 7th of September, 10:30 R1BC - Room 1BC

Chairs: Jean-Frederic Charpentier, Claudio Bruzzese


10:30 - A Torque Ripple Minimization Method for Six-Phase Switched Reluctance

Motor Drives (LD-004545)

10:50 - Simulation and Experimental Control of Six-Phase Induction

Generator for Wind Turbines (LD-010073)

11:10 - Comparison of Two-Individual Current Control and Vector Space

Decomposition Control for Dual Three-Phase PMSM (LD-003077)

11:30 - Cell Voltage Balancing of Series-Connected Multiphase BLDC Motor

Drive (LD-009601)

11:50 - Distributed current control for multi-three phase synchronous machines in fault conditions (LD-006475)

12:10 - Torque Ripple Reduction Method in Position Sensorless Control at

Standstill/Low speed Operation of the Wound-field Synchronous Motor with

Double Three-phase Wound Stator (LD-009792)

TT3 TT3-2 - TT3 - Sensorless Control of AC Machines

Wednesday 7th of September, 14:00 R1BC - Room 1BC

Chairs: Radu Bojoi, Frank Betin


14:00 - Sensorless self-commissioning of synchronous reluctance motors at standstill (LD-008907)

14:20 - Inductance Measurement Methods for Position Estimation in

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (LD-009113)

14:40 - Sensorless Control of a PMSM with a Transmission System including Shunt Branches (LD-007854)

15:00 - A Novel Sensorless Direct Torque Control for a Doubly Fed

Induction Machine (LD-005037)

15:20 - Implementation of Stator Resistance Adaptation for Sensorless Speed

Control of IPMSM Drive Based on Nonlinear Position Observer (LD-009008)

15:40 - A position sensorless control in standstill and very low speed region without sinusoidal inductance spatial distribution requirement of IPMSM based on pattern matching method (LD-008036)


TT5 TT5-2 - TT5 - Noise and

Vibrations in AC Machines

Wednesday 7th of September, 10:30 R2BC - Room 2BC

Chairs: Ioannis Tsoumas, Lucia Frosini


10:30 - Two-axis models for torsional vibration of synchronous machines (LD-005967)

10:50 - Comparison between the Salient-Pole Synchronous Machine and the

Double-Fed Induction Machine with regards to Electromagnetic Parasitic Forces and Stator Vibrations. (LD-008478)

11:10 - Magnetic Forces and Magnetostriction in Rotating Electrical

Machines (LD-010391)

11:30 - Mechanical Material Properties for Structural Simulation Model of

Switched Reluctance Machines (LD-006157)

11:50 - Radial Force and Vibration in Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet

Vernier Machines (LD-010316)

12:10 - Influence of the Manufacturing Process of a Claw-Pole

Alternator on its Stator Shape and Acoustic Noise (LD-001805)

SS1 SS1-1 - SS1 - Flux-Switching

Machines and Drives 2

Wednesday 7th of September, 14:00 R2BC - Room 2BC

Chairs: Wei Hua, Yacine Amara


14:00 - Back-EMF Waveform Optimization of Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-007846)

14:20 - Study on a Current Superimposition Variable Flux Reluctance Machine with Distributed Winding (LD-010103)

14:40 - Small Single-Phase Two Pole Ferrite-PM-Stator Double-Saliency Motor:

Optimal Design and Experimental Characterization (LD-007633)

15:00 - Analytical Modeling of a Flux Switching Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-010839)

15:20 - New Direct Torque Control of Five-Phase Fault-Tolerant Flux- Switching

Permanent-Magnet Motor Drives (LD-007897)

15:40 - Optimal Design of Wound-Field Flux Switching Machines for an All-

Electric boat (LD-007382)


SS6 SS6-1 - SS6 - Motor and

Generator Windings - Design, Performance and Manufacturing

Wednesday 7th of September, 10:30 R5A - Room 5A

Chairs: Fernando Ferreira, Colin Debruyne


10:30 - Energy Savings Potential Associated with Stator Winding

Connection Mode Change in Induction Motors (LD-009857)

10:50 - Reduced Basis Finite Element Modelling of Electrical Machines with

Multi-Conductor Windings (LD-005495)

11:10 - Synchronous Motor Winding Segmentation for Parallel

Interleaved Inverters (LD-008915)

11:30 - Performances comparison of different concentrated-winding configurations for 5-phase PMSG in normal and faulty modes in flux weakening operation for fixed pitch tidal turbines (LD-004464)

11:50 - Voltage Balance and Harmonic Reduction for Axial Field Permanent

Magnet Synchronous Generator with Concentrated Winding (LD-007412)

12:10 - Synthesis of Fractional-Slot Vernier Permanent Magnet

Machines (LD-008451)

SS2 SS2-1 - SS2 - Hybrid Excitation

Synchronous Machines

Wednesday 7th of September, 14:00 R5A - Room 5A

Chairs: Sami Hlioui, Georges Barakat


14:00 - Hybrid Excited Claw Pole Rotor for High Power Density

Automotive Alternators (LD-000698)

14:20 - Hybrid excitation synchronous generators for small hydropower plants (LD-


14:40 - Novel Variable-Field Machine with a Three-Dimensional

Magnetic Circuit (LD-006106)

15:00 - A Comparison of Hybrid Excitation Solutions for Single-Axis and Bi-Axial

Synchronous Machines (LD-011142)

15:20 - Design Study on Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Motor with

Permanent Magnet Placed at Middle of Field Coil Slot for HEV Drives (LD-


15:40 - Investigation of Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines with Built-in

Field Windings (LD-007188)


TT1 TT1-5 - TT1 - Electrical Machines for Transportation

Wednesday 7th of September, 10:30 R5BC - Room 5BC

Chairs: Antonios Kladas, Francesco Parasiliti


10:30 - Growing Rol e of Electrical Machines and Drives in Electrification (LD-


10:50 - A Permanent Magnet Assisted Switched Reluctance Machine for More

Electric Aircraft (LD-004316)

11:10 - A high reliability natural convection airliner actuator permanent magnet motor (LD-002038)

11:30 - Analysis of Ferrite Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machines for

Medium Sized Electric Car (LD-003433)

11:50 - Performance Evaluation of a High Speed Segmented Rotor Axial Flux

Switched Reluctance Traction Motor (LD-010324)

12:10 - High Frequency Exciter of Electrically Excited Synchronous Motors for Vehicle Applications (LD-008087)

TT1 TT1-6 - TT1 - Synchronous and

Switched Reluctance Machines

Wednesday 7th of September, 14:00 R5BC - Room 5BC

Chairs: Nicola Bianchi, Szabo Lorand


14:00 - Efficient and Accurate Fully CoEnergy-based Inductance-less FEM

Model of Electrical Machines for Modern Control and Identification Purposes (LD-


14:20 - Analysis of Direct-On-Line Synchronous Reluctance Machine

(DOLSynRM) Start-up Using a Magnetic Field Decomposition (LD-002232)

14:40 - Examining a Rapid Calculation Method of Flux Linkages for

Reluctance Machines (LD-004669)

15:00 - Torque Ripple Minimization in Synchronous Reluctance Motor Using a

Sinusoidal Rotor Lamination Shape (LD-006084)

15:20 - Design optimization of a switched reluctance machine-based integrated starter/alternator for automotive applications (LD-006041)

15:40 - Experimental Validation of FEM Based Design Method for

Synchronous Reluctance Machine (LD-008346)


ICEM2016 - Student Forum



Author Name

Kia Kimiabeigi


On design of a low cost high performance traction motor with ferrite magnets and aluminium windings


Adrien Gilson

Design and optimization of high-speed machines for electrically assisted turbocharger


Alexandru-Ionel Constantin


Andreas Lindner

Study of the evolution of two faults in squirrel-cage induction motor based on finite element analysis of harmonics of the neighbouring magnetic field

Design of a flux switching permanent magnet machine with large air-gap



Ayoub Ben Nachouane

Chen Lei

Numerical analysis of aero-thermal behavior of automotive electrical machines using

CFD-based methods: RANS and LES

Self-sensing design and control of permanent-magnet synchronous machines


Frédéric Maurer


Hossein Dehnavifard

Electrical effects in windings of large AC machines – application to DFIM

Development of a scaled doubly-fed induction generator for assessment of wind integration issues


Ioannis D. Chasiotis Research Work Summary (during 1-Year study period)


Jaime Renedo Anglada Modelling of non-traditional permanent magnet machines for direct drive applications


Jemimah Connie Akiror

Rotational Core Losses in Large Hydro Generators



Jesus Corral-Hernandez

Advanced transient currents analysis for rotor fault detection in induction motors operated by soft starters

Fault Detection in Slow Rotating Permanent Magnet Generators Karl Buhagiar




Mario Porru

Mattia Rossi

Mladen Terzic


Nikita Uzhegov



Sabin Sathyan

Sana Ullah

Open source based multi-physical analysis and magneto-vibro-acoustic computationsof electrical machines

Permanent magnet assisted segmental rotor switched reluctance for aerospace application


Sebastian Vasile Ciceo

Model-Based Design and Testing for Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and

Driveability Analysis


Seyed Milad Kazemi Sangdehi

Investigation of Field to Armature Slot Area Ratio on Torque Ripple in HEFS



Design of the High-Speed Rotating Electrical Machines

Udochukwu B. Akuru Flux switching machine technology for medium-speed geared wind generators


Management and control of energy storage systems for stationary and automotive applications

Latency effect in a variable speed control on torsional response of elastic drive systems

Design of High-Speed, Low-Inertia Induction Motor with Drag-Cup Rotor


Vahid Ghorbanian

Witold Pawlus

A statistical solution to efficiently optimize the design of an inverter-fed permanent magnet motor

Design and Analysis of Electric Powertrains in Offshore Drilling Applications


Xiaofeng Zhu Torque Ripples Minimization in Flux-Switching PM Machines



Jonas Kristiansen Nøland Rotating Brushless Outer Pole PM Exciters for Synchronous Generators


Antti Lehikoinen Efficient numerical analysis of electrical machines


Booth Number Company Name




Eomys Engineering



Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik

Applied Magnetics




Infolytica Europe

United Technologies Research Center

Powersys solutions

