Riga Technical University Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning

Riga Technical University
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
Profile Description
Postal address:
RTU, Faculty of Architecture and
Urban Planning
Kalku iela 1
Riga, LV-1050
Visiting address:
Faculty of Architecture and Urban
Azenes iela 16/20
Riga, LV-1048
Dean of Faculty
Dr. arch., Professor Ugis BRATUSKINS
GPS coords:
+371 67089212
+371 67089130
Vice-Dean in Study Affairs: Mgr. arch., Assistant Professor Aldis LAPINS
Vice-Dean in Research: Dr. arch., Professor Sandra TREIJA
Application Deadline:
Tuition and Fees:
Riga Technical University (RTU), founded
as Riga Polytechnicum in 1862,?was the
first tertiary education establishment in
the?territory of present Republic of Latvia. It
was established following the model of the
most progressive multi-discipline technical
universities of that time.
The?Polytechnicum originally incorporated
six departments: Engineering, Chemistry,
Agriculture, Mechanics, Commerce, and
At present RTU is one of the largest state
Universities in Latvia, the number of
students in 8 faculties reaching 15
thousand. Faculty of Architecture and
- BA programme - state financed 20?students?(competition) and the rest for?LVL 2290.- per year; Urban Planning?(Faculty) offers different
- Professional (Diploma) programme - state financed 35 students (competition) and the rest for levels of academic and professional study
programmes in architecture with additional
LVL2690.- per year;
focus on interior design, landscape
- MA programme - state financed 12 students (competition) and the rest for?LVL 3240.- per
architecture, restoration of cultural
- Doctoral programme - state financed?1 student (competition) and the rest for?LVL 6420.- per heritage?and urban planning.?
Student Population:
Faculty is the only higher educational
institution in Latvia offering?full-scale
Riga city centre, island of Kipsala. Walking distance (15 minutes) to Old Town - Riga city centre. education in academic and professional
level in architecture.
280 students (175 Bachelor, 95 Master, 10 PhD) 2 % foreign
28 Staff members (17 full-time and approx. 11 visiting lectures and critics)
Student service/activities:
List of Facilities:
Admission Requirements:
Faculty?graduates are employed mostly by
design companies, as well as by state and
municipal institutions dealing with planning,
architectural management and supervision
of construction process. Many of the
graduates?in three years after graduation
Bookshop, Cartographic and Arch. Info. Lab, Computer Room, Exhibition Room, Lecture Room, pass the competence procedure and start
independant practice?as certificated
Library, sculpture studio, painting studio
LV, separate courses (to be confirmed) EN
Bachelor of Science
3,5 years (7 semesters)
Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture (BA) (210 ECTS)
Architect's Professional
2 years (4 semesters)
Architect (Dipl. arch.) (123 ECTS)
Master of Science
1,5 years (3 semesters)
Master of Engineering in Architecture (Mgr. arch.) (90 ECTS)
Doctor of Science
4 years (8 semesters)
Doctor of Architecture (Dr. arch.) (216 ECTS)
Structure of the Curriculum
EAAE Guide to European Architecture Schools: LV-01 - Page 1
Architectural studies at Riga Technical
University are held at the Faculty of
Architecture and Urban Planning in four
accredited by the State study programmes
in four successive qualification levels. The
lower two levels (BA and Professional) are
the basic to meet the professional
standards and are orientated towards
development of creative and open
personalities in order to provide artistic and
technical knowledge, skills and abilities
necessary for their professional start,
access to profession and successful
career. The higher two levels (MA and
Doctoral) are orientated towards
development of knowledge, skills and
abilities necessary in research and
scientific work as well as in professorship
at the higher educational institutions. Each
level of education in Architecture
Program (Degree)/Competence:
- Academic Bachelor (BA)/Assistant
- Professional Architect (Dipl.
arch.)/Architect, Certificated Architect
- Academic Master (MA)/Researcher,
- Academic Doctoral (Dr. arch.)/Advanced
Researcher, Associate Professor,
Practical classes focus on particular
themes when each student prepares an
individual theoretical assignment (a paper,
a study, etc.) or a study design within a
broader general subject.
After successful completion of Programme
and presentation of a BA Thesis, the
graduate is awarded the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering Sciences in
Architecture. It entitles the graduate to start
supervised professional work and (or) to
continue studies in higher level educational
Research Programme
work. The students can begin studies after
successful completion of the Professional
Study Programme or equivalent education.
The main emphasis is put on development
of?students' ability to critically evaluate the
tendencies in?architecture and related
fields. Individual research tasks are
introduced, choosing the themes in line
with the?issue of the MA Thesis. The
studies are based on efficient integration of
the knowledge acquired during the lectures
and practical research skills obtained
during the performance of study works and
presentation?of the research outcome.
Master Programme
Faculty?is significant research centre,
focusing on architecture and environmental
development problems and systematically
conducts research pertaining to the history
of architecture and protection of cultural
monuments, theory of architecture, urban
development and spatial planning. The
principal focus areas are: Regional and
Global Tendencies in the Contemporary
Latvian Architecture; Development of
Systems and Structures for Managing
Urban Planning of Environment-friendly
Solutions; Structural Optimization and
Spatial Development of Urban
Environment; History of Latvian
Architecture and Urban Development.
Bachelor Programme
The Programme aims?at preparing
well-educated and creative specialists for
professional work whether under
supervision of certificated architect or as
employees in state or municipal
architectural and planning institutions. The
Programme gives?the overall knowledge
and the basic skills for supervised practical
Programme meets the educational
requirements set out in the Latvian
Standard Classification of Occupations
"Assistant Architect".
The Professional Architect's Study
Programme corresponds to the Bologna
MA level. It aims at?preparing
well-educated and creative specialists for
professional career within independent
practice or as employee in state or
municipal institutions. The content of the
Programme?together with the content of
the BA programme fully meet the
educational requirements included both in
international and national laws and
regulations, namely:
- UNESCO/UIA Charter for Architectural
- EU Directive 2005/36/EC on Recognition
of Professional Qualifications;
- National Law on Regulated Professions
and Recognition of Professional
- National Cabinet Regulation on Minimum
Requirements to Educational Programmes
for Obtaining Professional Qualification of
the Architect.
The Programme is based on a balanced
development of the creativity through
efficient integration of the theoretical
knowledge acquired during the lectures
and practical skills obtained during the
performance of design tasks. Practical
Placement is included amounting to 39
The Programme is based on a balanced
development of the creative designing
skills through efficient integration of the
theoretical knowledge acquired during the
lectures and practical skills obtained during
the performance of design tasks. Skills in
special subjects (Architectural Design, Fine
Arts subjects, etc.) are taught and
perfected in face-to-face sessions.
After successful completion of Programme
and presentation of?the Diploma Project,
the graduate is awarded the qualification of
Architect (Diploma). It entitles to start
professional activity, to qualify for access
to profession under the established
procedure, and (or) to?enter higher level
Training is carried out through lectures and
practical exercises. The content of the
lectures includes general theory that
should be mastered by all students.
The Academic Master's Study
programme aims at acquiring research
skills and provides the students with
advanced knowledge?required for research
EAAE Guide to European Architecture Schools: LV-01 - Page 2
After successful completion of the
Programme and presentation of MA
Thesis, the graduate is awarded the MA
Degree of Engineering Sciences in
Architecture. It entitles the graduate to start
research work and/or teaching practice at
universities as well as to continue studies
in doctoral programmes.
PhD Programme
The aim of the Academic Doctoral Study
programme?is to master theoretical
knowledge and develop research skills and
management abilities providing the
students with advanced knowledge
required for research work in architecture
or other related fields. The students can
begin studies after successful completion
of the MA Study Programme in
Architecture or equivalent education. After
defence of the Doctoral Thesis the
graduate is awarded the scientific degree
"Doctor of Architecture" (Dr. arch.) that
entitles?to develop research
The main emphasis is put on development
of?students' ability to critically evaluate the
tendencies in architecture and related
fields in their varied expressions and
evaluate them by providing a reasoned
assessment. Individual research and
analytical tasks are introduced in the
lectures, choosing their themes in line with
the topic of the Doctoral Thesis.
The studies are based on efficient
integration of the knowledge acquired
during the lectures and practical research
skills obtained during the performance of
study works focused on the issue of
Doctoral Thesis. Special attention is paid
to the selection of the subjects that are
relevant to the urbanisation problems of
the man-made environment and integration
of historic and new urban areas.
corresponds to definite requirements of
labour market.