riga technical university

ANNO 1862
Riga, RTU
ANNO 1862
Riga, RTU
Academician Dr. habil. sc. ing. Ivars Knēts
1 Kaļķu Street, Room 217, Riga, LV-1658
Phone: +371 67089300, fax: +371 67089302
E-mail: ivars.knets@rtu.lv
«The dawn of Riga Technical University dates back almost 150 years.
Throughout three centuries RTU has been ensuring studies in different
fields of engineering so vital for Latvia.
At present, RTU has the biggest number of students – slightly exceeding
7,000 - whose studies are financed from the state budget. At RTU there are
eight faculties, including 33 institutes, which provide both full-time and
part-time (evening and extramural) studies. Two independent Institutes
of Languages and Humanities, as well as affiliations in Daugavpils, Liepaja and Ventspils, take an
active part in the study process. All these institutes and affiliations organise both the study process
and a wide range of scientific research conducted on their basis.
RTU is an accredited, internationally recognized European university which offers high quality
academic and professional study programmes. Extensive fundamental and applied research,
which is integrated into the study process, has been carried out. A successful international
cooperation with various foreign universities in the field of studies and scientific research has
been established. Furthermore, students from other countries enrol for studies at RTU. That helps
us to develop the international environment at our university.
Undoubtedly, every work can be improved and developed. We realize that there is still a lot to be
done. Similarly to Riga, which will never be completed, no university will ever be able to say –
now we have everything. One always has to advance to reach new heights and goals.
The European Union greatly supports us allocating funds to accomplish these new goals. It
supports us by granting scholarships to our best MA and PhD students, it also provides support
for improvement of the study process and the ongoing training of the teaching staff, for the
development of new study aids and methods, for the introduction of innovations in contemporary
information and communication technologies, for the purchase of modern scientific equipment,
for increasing efficiency of the doctoral study process, for the development of the study and
research environment, and for library work improvement, etc.
RTU is dynamically developing, and our goal is to provide qualified human resources to ensure
further economic growth of Latvia.»
Professor Dr. sc. ing. Uldis Sukovskis
1 Kaļķu Street, Room 210, Riga, LV-1658
Phone: +371 67089011, fax: +371 67089305
E-mail: uldis.sukovskis@rtu.lv
«Every year approximately 3,000 new specialists, mainly in the field
of engineering sciences, graduate from our university – the largest
technical university in Latvia. The professional level of our graduates,
that is, how educated, skilled, creative and intelligent they are, is the
result of the thorough work done by the students, teaching staff and the
entire RTU team. At the same time, it is our great responsibility, because
RTU plays an inestimable role in the development of Latvia, especially
taking into account that the number of people having higher education in Latvia still significantly
lags behind the European level. Furthermore, the proportion of engineering specialists among
them is considerably lower than in the developed countries. Well-educated engineering specialists
are a significant and even critical factor in integration of high technologies and innovations for a
successful development of Latvia. That is the reason why improvement of academic and research
skills is in the focus of our attention.
The job accomplished by our staff in recent years has already started bearing fruit in the study
process and infrastructure improvement and the development of quality system. We will follow
the present course always keeping in mind that a student is our priority, and they have to be
provided with an opportunity to acquire study programmes of high quality and to study in the
modern, wholesome and democratic environment.
It is essential to increase recognition and competitiveness of our university on the international
level, to ensure involvement of foreign students, and to develop cooperation with universities
abroad. Mobility of students is increasing from year to year, and we must be open to the world,
the studies at RTU must meet the highest international standards.
I look ahead very optimistically, because I know, that there are many outstanding scientists and
academic instructors working at our university, who are real professionals in their domains, and
we have enough inquisitive and zealous students.»
Academician Dr. habil. sc. ing. Leonīds Ribickis
1 Kaļķu Street, Room 214, Riga, LV-1658
Phone: +371 67089415
Fax: +371 67820094
E-mail: leonids.ribickis@rtu.lv
«Scientific research at Riga Technical University is conducted within the
framework of all study programmes, and the priorities in the field of
engineering and natural sciences are the following: materials science,
power engineering, computer science, information technologies and
mechanical engineering; in the field of social sciences – engineering
economics. Architecture and environment science are also included
into the list of priorities. State budget, Latvian Council of Science,
state and industry programmes, local and foreign programmes, the European Union and other
international programmes, as well as commercial associations are the sources of funding for
scientific research.
Many positive changes in the development of science at RTU have taken place in recent years:
the number and quality of projects have increased, the infrastructure of scientific research has
improved, and the international collaboration in scientific research has broadened. The main
results of scientific activities have been successfully used in the study process and have been
introduced in the industry, which is confirmed by the increasing number of the doctor dissertations
defended and patents gained. It can be declared that RTU scientists will be able to fulfil their
main mission also in the future: to conduct scientific research required for the development of
Latvia’s national economy, as scientific research is the cornerstone for the development of the state
Ingars Eriņš
1 Kaļķu Street, Room 107, Riga, LV-1658
Phone: +371 67089440
Fax: +371 67820094
E-mail: ingars.erins@rtu.lv
«I am proud that I represent the oldest university in our country – Riga
Technical University exists for almost 150 years, owing to the intelligent,
powerful and creative people who study and work here.
To continue the contribution of the university to the sustainable progress
of Latvia, we must not stop developing. We have to train highly qualified
and competitive specialists with practical experience demanded on the
labour market. Therefore, the qualitative study environment, modern
laboratories and centres of competence should be created, the qualification of the academic staff
should be improved on an ongoing basis involving the staff in the advanced research work and
projects, and export of knowledge should be promoted.
The University has to keep up with the times and ... to be one step ahead!»
Riga Technical University offers academic and professional study programmes at three levels –
Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies.
The aim of the academic studies is to prepare students for an independent research work, as well
as to provide theoretical background for professional activities. The academic studies are intended
for obtaining the Bachelor and Master academic degrees and academic Doctoral degree.
The main task of the professional studies is to ensure acquisition of deeper knowledge in the
particular special field to obtain the professional qualification or the professional degree and the
professional qualification.
Studies at RTU are implemented on a full-time and part-time basis.
It is possible to study full-time either by receiving state financing or for a tuition fee. In comparison
with other higher education institutions in Latvia, RTU has the largest number of students, whose
studies are financed by the state: in the academic year 2010/2011 RTU provides opportunity for
1,846 first year students to study on the budget funds allocated by the state.
Part-time studies are offered only for a tuition fee.
The study programmes are implemented at eight faculties of Riga Technical University and
three affiliations in Latvia’s regions, as well as at three independent departments – Institute of
Humanities, Institute of Languages and Riga Business School.
16/20 Āzenes Street, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089212
E-mail: apf@rtu.lv
Dean: assoc. professor Dr. arch. Uģis Bratuškins
Riga Technical University is the only higher education establishment in Latvia, which trains
comprehensively educated specialists in the fields of urban planning, architecture and restoration
of cultural monuments at all study levels. These studies are carried out by the Faculty of
Architecture and Urban Planning.
Structural units:
• Chair of Architecture and Urban Planning;
• Professor’s Group of History of Architecture and Restoration of Cultural Monuments;
• Chair of Fine Arts.
16/20 Āzenes Street, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089112
E-mail: bf@rtu.lv
Dean: Professor Dr. sc. ing. Juris Smirnovs
The Faculty of Civil Engineering trains specialists at academic and professional programmes in
the fields of civil engineering, geodesy and cartography, as well as heat, gas and water technology.
Structural units:
• Heat, Gas and Water Technology Institute;
• Institute of Building Production;
• Institute of Materials and Structures;
• Institute of Building and Reconstruction;
• Institute of Transport Structures;
• Centre for Further Education;
• Construction Science Centre.
1 Meža Street, Building 4, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089512
E-mail: ditf@rtu.lv
Dean: Professor Dr. habil. sc. ing. Jānis Grundspeņķis
The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology trains specialists in all domains
of computer science and information technologies, including development of new software and
information systems, as well as information technology solutions and their application.
Structural units:
• Institute of Applied Computer Systems;
• Information Technology Institute;
• Institute of Computer Control, Automation and Computer Engineering;
• Chair of Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics;
• Chair of Engineering Mathematics;
• Computer Centre;
• Environment Modelling Centre.
12 Āzenes Street, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089245
E-mail: etf@rtu.lv
Dean: assoc. professor Dr. sc. ing. Guntars Balodis
The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications offers four undergraduate study programmes:
«Electronics», «Telecommunications», «Transport Computer, Information and Electronic
Systems» and «Transport Electronics and Telematics». Having completed any of them, students
can gain a Bachelor degree in Electronics and continue their studies at the higher level.
Electronics plays an important role in the modern world – computers, telephones, cars do
not operate without electronics. Studies at FET provide knowledge and skills that ensure
competitiveness on the labour market in one of the most rapidly developing fields worldwide.
Structural units:
• Institute of Radio Electronics;
• Institute of Telecommunications;
• Chair of Transport Electronics and Telematics;
• RTU Centre of Distant Learning.
1 Kronvalda Boulevard, Riga, LV-1010
Phone: +371 67089901
E-mail: eef@rtu.lv
Dean: Professor Dr. sc. ing. Jānis Gerhards
Studies at the Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering are concerned with energy production,
production technologies, electrotechnical and electronic devices, management and distribution
of energy, as well as efficient energy use and environmental management.
Structural units:
• Institute of Power Engineering;
• Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering;
• Institute of Environmental Protection and Heating Systems.
1 Meža Street, Building 7, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089394
E-mail: ievf@rtu.lv
Dean: Professor Dr. habil. oec. Remigijs Počs
The Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management provides higher education at all levels in
different fields of economics and entrepreneurship, it carries out instructional and methodological
work, and research in various economic disciplines.
Structural units:
• Institute of Production and Entrepreneurship;
• Institute of International Business and Customs;
• Institute of National and Regional Economics;
• Institute of Occupational Safety and Civil Defence;
• Institute of the Building Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Economics.
14/24 Āzenes Street, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089249
E-mail: mlkf@rtu.lv
Dean: Professor Dr. chem. Valdis Kokars
Students of the Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry acquire the fundamentals
of composition of substances, chemical synthesis and analysis: the basics of chemistry and
technology of biologically active compounds, as well as fundamentals of production of
medical substances and their finished forms, fundamentals of composition of human tissues
and biomaterials, biomaterial technology, technology of polymer and composite materials,
technology and chemistry of silicate and high-temperature materials, nanomaterial technology,
and materials sciences.
Students from the Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials study physical, chemical
and technological properties of materials.
Structural units:
• Department of Chemistry;
• Institute of Organic Chemistry;
• Institute of Biomaterials and Biomechanics;
• Institute of Applied Chemistry;
• Institute of Polymer Materials;
• Institute of Silicate Materials;
• Institute of Technical Physics;
• Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials;
• Chair of Chemical Engineering.
6 Ezermalas Street, Riga, LV-1006
Phone: +371 67089711
E-mail: tmf@rtu.lv
Dean: professor Dr. sc. ing. Ēriks Geriņš
The Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering provides studies in engineering technology,
mechanical engineering and machine building, engineering technology design, construction of
mechanisms and appliances, mechatronics, studies in automotive vehicle technology systems
and transportation logistics, railway equipment, technology and transportation management,
technical maintenance of aircrafts in mechanical engineering or avionics, maintenance and
repair of transportation vehicle systems, studies of medical engineering and physics, heat-power
engineering and heat engineering, and total quality management studies.
Structural units:
• Institute of Mechanics;
• Institute of Production Quality;
• Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technologies;
• Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnologies;
• Institute of Aviation;
• Institute of Road Transport:
• Institute of Railway Transport;
• Institute of Transport Vehicle Technologies;
• Department of Heat and Power Engineering.
Institute of Humanities
16/20 Āzenes Street, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089250
E-mail: humanitarais.instituts@rtu.lv
Head of the institute: professor Dr. paed. Anita Lanka
The Institute of Humanities ensures instruction in social subjects and humanities which are
included in the RTU study programmes, as well as provides sports activities to RTU students. The
institute offers professional advancement courses in pedagogy and IT for university academic
staff, as well as a general programme on vocational pedagogy for teachers of vocational schools.
Institute of Languages
1 Meža Street, Building 1, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089501, +371 29411024
E-mail: valodu.instituts@rtu.lv
Head of the institute: professor Dr. philol. Larisa Iļjinska
The Institute of Languages ensures teaching of Language for Special Purposes (English, German,
Spanish and French) to students at all faculties of RTU. Students of RTU mainly acquire scientific
technical language skills and terminology of different technical domains.
The Institute of Languages enrols students for the higher professional education study programme
«Technical Translation» (Bachelor and Master), established in 1996. It trains technical translators
in the fields of information technology, telecommunications, materials sciences, civil-engineering,
architecture and urban planning, engineering economics and other technical domains.
Riga Business School
11 Skolas Street, Riga, LV-1010
Phone: +371 67089800
E-mail: rbs@rtu.lv
Head of the school: Dr. oec. Jānis Grēviņš
Riga Business School offers studies at MBA programmes in English, where students obtain
internationally recognized professional Master degree in business administration (MBA degree).
RBS provides advanced training for managers of various ranks, based on the North American
MBA standards (case studies, group work, discussions), using the most recent textbooks and
other modern teaching resources, as well as practical business experience of local and foreign
teaching staff.
Riga Technical University has three affiliations in different regions of Latvia – Daugavpils, Liepaja
and Ventspils – where professionals in technical domains are trained to meet the needs of the
labour market in the regions. The affiliations enrol students for full-time and part-time studies.
Students study at RTU affiliations for the first years of studies and later continue their studies in
Daugavpils Affiliation
90 Smilšu Street, Daugavpils, LV-5410
Phone: +371 65443708
E-mail: daugavpils@rtu.lv
Head of the affiliation: docent Dr. sc. ing. Guntis Strautmanis
Liepaja Affiliation
4 Vānes Street, Liepāja, LV-3405
Phone: +371 63484922
E-mail: liepaja@rtu.lv
Head of the affiliation: dipl. ing. Voldemārs Kārkliņš
Ventspils Affiliation
55 Kuldīgas Street, Ventspils, LV-3601
Phone: +371 63624710
E-mail: ventspils@rtu.lv
Head of the affiliation: Vineta Gobiņa
RTU ensures training of highly qualified specialists vitally important for the future of Latvia’s
national economy, as well as for scientific research on the international level.
International and Public Relations Department
1 Kaļķu Street, Room 302, Riga, LV-1658
Phone: +371 67089055
Fax: +371 67089067
E-mail: international@rtu.lv
Riga Technical University offers students several opportunities to gain international experience:
• exchange studies or internship at one of the European higher educational institutions within
the framework of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme’s sub-programme for higher education
• studies or opportunity to conduct research at one of the universities of Germany within the
framework of the DAAD Scholarship Programme;
• summer schools and internship, participation in international summer schools organized by
both RTU and higher educational establishments all over the world;
• BALTECH (Baltic Sea Region University Consortium) scholarships for studies, internship,
scientific research projects, attending conferences and seminars at the BALTECH universities
and/or companies in the BALTECH member countries;
• in order to help students prepare for studies abroad, IPRD offers additional courses, where
students can improve and develop their foreign language competence, as well as get an insight
into the study system and cultural environment abroad. IPRD administers the internationally
recognised German language examination «TestDaF» and offers training courses for this
Riga Technical University has signed agreements with more than 200 higher educational
establishments all over the world.
Foreign Students Department
1 Kaļķu Street, Room 318, Riga, LV-1658
Phone: +371 67089013
Fax: +371 67089020
E-mail: asd@rtu.lv
Riga Technical University offers a wide range of studies in English to foreign students. Currently
it is possible to study in English at 24 study programmes.
At present, 170 students from more than 50 countries are using this opportunity.
10 Ķīpsala Street, Riga, LV-1048
Phone: +371 67089146
Fax: +371 67089474
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv
Scientific Library of Riga Technical University is the oldest university library in Latvia. It was
established along with the University and in 2010 it celebrates its 148th anniversary.
RTU is the only technical university in Latvia that is why its library stores such a wide collection
of literature in engineering sciences and architecture – 1.9 million units. It is located in the central
building of Scientific Library and eight affiliations, three of them located in Daugavpils, Liepaja
and Ventspils respectively. In 2009 the number of library users was 19,082.
At present, the Scientific Library is a national academic library incorporated in the State United
Information System. The library ensures a wide range of high quality services providing both
traditional collection of literature and electronic resources. Modern information technologies
make it possible to use library services remotely.
We live in a knowledge-based society. Gaining knowledge is impossible without information and
the competence to extract, evaluate and use it. The staff of the Scientific Library facilitates this
process, and the library is always user friendly.
Student Parliament
22 Āzenes Street, Riga, LV-1048 Phone: +371 67089372, +371 26113110
Fax: +371 67089393
E-mail: info@rtusp.lv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rtusp
Skype: RTU.SP
RTU Student Parliament – students who care about students!
Student Parliament or RTU SP is the right place for students, who want to enjoy their study years,
work actively and participate in the student life processes.
RTU SP incorporates students’ self-governments of all eight RTU faculties and represents
students at RTU decision-making bodies. It is also involved in improvement of the quality and
environment of studies, organises different extra-curricular activities, consults students on
disputable questions, deals with social issues and problems related to student hostels, as well as
cooperates with other student organizations in Latvia and abroad. Student Parliament is lead by
an elected president, vice-president and it comprises nine departments.
Student Club
1 Kaļķu Street, Room 216, Riga, LV-1658
Phone: +371 67089477
Fax: +371 67089377
E-mail: kultura@rtu.lv
Student Club was established in 1959. Since then it has enriched the cultural life of the University,
Riga and Latvia with different and sustainable traditions, culture projects and competitions. The
aim of the Club has always been to implement any good idea on a high artistic level and to do it
with the help of professional groups and with a sense of common responsibility.
There are nine amateur groups in RTU:
male chorus «Gaudeamus», female chorus «Delta», folk dance ensemble «Vektors», student brass
band «SPO», youth vocal ensemble «Jauna Nianse», post-folk group «Vecpilsētas Dziedātāji»,
drama studio «Spēle», Russian student drama studio «Kamertonis», string ensemble «Gaiva».
Groups participate in local and international competitions and festivals with their original
programmes and often perform at concerts. Students and other interested persons are provided
an opportunity to participate in several interest clubs: psychology club «Meklējumu Laboratorija»,
Line Dancing Club, Ball Dance Studio, Hop Club «3 x 3», artistic workshop «Palete», children
and youth club «Malacis» and Travellers’ Club. Interest clubs regularly organise seminars, lectures,
exhibitions, trips, master-classes and summer camps.
Sport Club
24a Raņķa dambis, Riga, LV-1048 Phone: +371 67089307, +371 27800500
Fax: +371 67089307
E-mail: sportaklubs@rtu.lv
Skype: RTU Sporta klubs
• Aerobics
• Athletic Gymnastics
• Badminton
• Basketball
• Box
• Freestyle Wrestling
• Draughts
• Judo
• Aesthetic Gymnastics
• Floorball
• Frisbee
• Football
• Table-tennis
• Handball
• Orienteering
• Swimming
• Skiing
• Weight Lifting
• Chess
• Indoor Football
• Tennis
• Track and Field
• Volleyball
Riga Technical University involves students in sports activities more actively than any other
university in Latvia. Students of RTU can choose and show their abilities in any of the 23 kinds
of sports offered at RTU.
RTU students, teaching staff and employees may use the RTU swimming-pool in Riga and the
sports and recreational camp «Ronīši» in Klapkalnciems, Tukums Region, at the sea coast.
The strongest and the best RTU athletes compete for medals at different competitions in Latvia,
Europe and worldwide.
The history of RTU dates back to 1862, with the establishment of the first official higher school in
the present territory of Latvia. Its name – Riga Polytechnical Higher School (also Riga Polytechnic,
Riga Polytechnical Institute) – reflected its multi-disciplinary character: specialists in chemistry
and mechanics, architecture, road and bridge building, land surveying and agriculture, as well
as commerce were educated here. Today, when we are proud of the architecture in the centre
of Riga, which is included into the UNESCO World Heritage List, it should be noted that it has
been created mostly by RTU graduates or their teachers. Riga Polytechnical Institute (RPI) was
the foundation, which allowed Riga to become an important European industrial centre at the
beginning of the 20th century.
Riga Technical University is the first, the oldest and the richest in tradition higher school in the
present territory of Latvia. Throughout three centuries, different powers and destinies RTU still
provides studies in different engineering fields that are needed for the country and its people.
Riga Polytechnical Higher School
Riga Polytechnical Institute
Technical Faculties within:
The Higher School of Latvia (1919–1922)
The University of Latvia (1922–1945)
Latvian State University (1945–1958)
Riga Polytechnical Institute
Since 1990
Riga Technical University
By implementing the mission of Riga Technical University – to provide Latvia’s national economy
with the vitally important, high quality scientific research and to train competitive qualified
specialists required on the international labour market, RTU has become a modern, prestigious
and internationally recognised university.
The international experience has proven that universities work most effectively and achieve the
best results, when they have one campus where both study and research premises are located next
to each other, as well as hostels, scientific libraries, sports and recreational facilities.
The RTU development plan anticipates further development of such a unified campus in the
present RTU territory at Ķīpsala.
The international experience has proven that universities work most effectively and achieve the
best results, when they have one campus where both study and research premises are located next
to each other, as well as hostels, scientific libraries, sports and recreational facilities.
The RTU development plan anticipates further development of such a unified campus in the
present RTU territory at Ķīpsala.
Published by: RTU International and Public Relations Department
Design and print: ESM GROUP. Photographer: Renārs Koris. English text edited by: Larisa Iļjinska.
© RTU 2010