Who is CACHE?
CACHE, the Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education, is the UK's only specialist awarding organisation for the children, adult and health care sectors, with a portfolio of qualifications ranging from Entry to Level 5. Last year, over 150,000 learners registered with us from over 1,000 UK based centres and overseas.
Our head office is based in St Albans, just outside London in the UK, but there are dozens of
CACHE approved Centres across the world offering CACHE qualifications.
How do I find out more about CACHE qualifications?
You can check out our qualifications here or contact one of our International team at infointernational@cache.org.uk
Who are CACHE qualifications recognised by?
CACHE works with employers, governments, professional associations, universities and colleges globally to ensure that our qualifications act as a passport to further learning or employment wherever in the world our learners are.
Many countries ’ Ministries of Education recognise CACHE qualifications. For more information contact our International team at infointernational@cache.org.uk
I am a training provider outside the UK and would like to become a CACHE approved Centre. What should I do?
Contact the CACHE International team at infointernational@cache.org.uk
who will contact you within 5 working (UK) days to arrange a telephone or Skype call to discuss your plans with you.
How long does it take to become a CACHE approved Centre?
This can take as little as one month depending on the structure, staffing and policies of your organisation. However, the average time to become an approved international Centre is nine months. Our International team will work with you to meet your deadlines.
What information will I need to provide to become a CACHE approved Centre?
You will need to provide comprehensive policies and procedures to support the structure and day to day activities of your Centre as well as appropriately qualified and experienced staff.
Our International Partnership Development Manager will support you throughout the process.
How much does it cost?
Please contact a member of our International team at infointernational@cache.org.uk for a copy of our current fees.
What qualifications should my Centre staff hold?
Your staff will need to hold sector specific qualifications relevant to the CACHE qualifications that your Centre intends to deliver. The International team will be able to advise you.
Do I require a licence to be able to deliver CACHE qualifications or trade in countries overseas?
You may require a licence, visas or other government approval to be able to offer CACHE qualifications in a particular country outside the UK. It is your responsibility to check with the country’s government agencies before you commit to becoming an approved CACHE
When my learners have completed a CACHE qualification how do I receive their certificates?
Once you become an approved CACHE Centre you will receive training and log on details to access our secure customer website, Cachezone. This is where you will conduct all of your
Centre’s administration with CACHE.
As a newly approved international CACHE Centre how soon will I be able to register learners?
As soon as you become an approved CACHE Centre.
I am a newly approved international CACHE Centre and have not yet had my first audit, can I register learners?
As a newly approved International CACHE Centre you will need to schedule and complete a satisfactory Centre Quality Audit before you are able to certificate any learners.
Once the audit has taken place and all has been found to be satisfactory it is a matter of days before you are able to certificate learners via Cachezone. If any actions are identified following the audit they will need to be to completed before certification can occur. Your
CACHE Customer Quality Advisor (CQA) will support you through these until you have completed them sufficiently.
How long do certificates take to arrive?
This depends. Certificates are dispatched within 10 working days from request (including reprints and replacement requests) and Royal Mail postal services used. If you would prefer an alternative delivery service, please contact our Customer Support team at info@cache.org.uk
. Additional costs will apply.
Please note, that if you plan to run short courses/unit only qualifications you will need to liaise with your CQA in a timely manner so that a date can be scheduled to ensure learners are not disadvantaged.
If in any doubt please contact your Customer Quality Advisor (CQA).
Can I use another CACHE Centre to provide me with assessor / IQA services?
Yes you can use services from other Centres but you will need to:
advise your CQA, or if you are a new Centre, alert your international contact about your partnership
upload the Assessor’s or IQA’s CV onto Cachezone as a member of your staff
ensure continuity by agreeing on the paper work you both use to complete the assessment of learners/ internal quality assurance.
I am already a CACHE approved Centre in the UK and am thinking of offering
CACHE qualifications abroad. What should I do?
Contact the International team at infointernational@cache.org.uk
who will arrange to discuss your plans with you.
The registration date for one of the CACHE qualifications my Centre offers is nearing expiry. I have new learners who want to study this qualification. What should I do?
You should have received information about this directly, but otherwise, please contact our
Customer Support team at info@cache.org.uk
I would like to translate my CACHE endorsed in-house training programmes into another language. What should I do?
Contact the CACHE International Team at infointernational@cache.org.uk
I would like to translate some CACHE qualifications into another language.
What should I do?
Contact the CACHE International team at infointernational@cache.org.uk
Do I have to use the tasks for mandatory units set by CACHE?
Some tasks are mandatory, in particularly the longitudinal studies in Early Years Educator qualifications. Guidance on whether the tasks are mandatory or not can be found in the qualification specification.
Can I use the CACHE logo in my marketing materials and website?
Yes, when you are an approved CACHE Centre you can use the logo on your marketing materials and website. Our branding guidelines will help you.
Can my Centre’s name or logo be included on the CACHE learner certificates?
You can use your Centre logo on an Endorsed Learning Programme (ELP) certificate.
However, you cannot use your Centre logo on an accredited CACHE qualification unless it has been developed as part of a formal collaborative agreement. We also cannot allow joint logos on any supporting documentation.
Where are my Centre
’s details displayed on the CACHE website?
Your Centre ’s details will be displayed on the international pages of the CACHE website usually within one month of becoming a CACHE Centre. Details will include address, telephone number and website. Please check your details on the website and notify the
International team of any inaccuracies.
Do you know of anyone who can provide me with any of the following services:
Curriculum development
Internal Quality Assurance
Please contact events@cache.org.uk
who will be able to provide information regarding these services.
CACHE has endorsed my training programme (ELP). Can I let someone else deliver my course?
All registrations of learners must be made through your Centre and anyone delivering this course for you must have their CV/resume uploaded onto your account so that CACHE can review to ensure the quality of the course and delivery is maintained.
Who should I contact if I have a question regarding my Centre? info@cache.org.uk
Who should I contact for support with business development and opportunities in my country? infointernational@cache.org.uk
Do I need a training license to offer training in Dubai, UAE?
The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for the growth, direction and quality of private education and learning in Dubai.
They are a regulatory authority in the Government of Dubai which supports the improvement of schools, universities, training institutes and other human resource sectors.
As at September 2015, the requirements are under review, so please check the KHDA website for updates.
The contact person in the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) for discussing training licenses is:
Afra Al Qamsi.
Tel: +971 4 3640073
Fax: +971 4 3640001
P.O.Box: 500008
Dubai U.A.E www.khda.gov.ae
What are Accredited Qualifications?
Accredited qualifications, also known as regulated qualifications are those that are reviewed, recognised and monitored by the regulatory bodies in order to make sure that they meet specific criteria and quality standards. The requirements for the qualifications to be accredited are set out in the Regulatory arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit
Framework. Once proposed qualifications meet the requirements set out in the mentioned document, they are listed in the Register of Regulated Qualifications where can also be found a list of recognised awarding organisations who have the power to award qualifications within the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), the national credit transfer system in England, Wales and Ireland. Scotland has its own framework
– the
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework which is jointly regulated by several awarding and regulatory bodies.
For more information : www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk
How long does the CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce
(Early Years Educator) (QCF) qualification take to complete?
The EYE workforce qualification has been designed with the needs of the experienced learner in mind. This often, but not always, implies adult learner.
The length of time required to complete the qualification is very much dependent on experience and could be delivered in one year/3 terms. Delivery time is very much determined by the Centre and will of course be further dependent on the ability of the learners. The approach needs to consider the learners’ abilities; whether they are already working at the level of the qualification; the availability of work-based assessors, number of delivery hours per week and so on.
The qualification has guided learning hours of 486 plus 350 recommended in placement and this should also be taken into account by Centres when developing their programme.
During our class times, if students require online tutor help, will that be provided?
As an Awarding Organisation we cannot be involved in the delivery of the qualification, as per Ofqual regulations. We can signpost you to other CACHE Centres who can provide this for you or you can train your own staff to fulfil this role.
Along with the curriculum provided by CACHE, can we merge our national local curriculum as a requirement from the government?
You can deliver your own curriculum alongside our qualifications as they are based on the
Will you provide us with the instructors’ manual?
Once registered most of our qualifications come with both learner and tutor handbooks and guidance.
Will the certificates presented to the students cover both practice and theory?
Yes, they show that the student has completed all elements of the qualification. If the student withdraws without completing the full qualification, we can provide unit certificates, at additional cost, for those that were assessed and quality assured.
The units offered by CACHE are all linked to early childhood; what if our organisation would later also want to train Teaching Assistants?
We would like to offer not only certificate levels but diplomas too.
Do you provide such qualifications?
Yes, we provide Supporting Teaching and Learning qualifications at level 2 and 3, see links to our website
What are your requirements and expectations for the practical sessions?
These are outlined in the qualification specifications for each qualification and the leaning outcomes for each unit. These are available for each qualification on the website. Every unit also has an optional assignment that tutors can set for the student to help them when they are starting out delivering the qualification.
Are there any particular requirements for the infrastructure set-up?
There are certain Centre structure requirements in regards to the number of qualified staff you will need to start your Centre, please contact the international team to discuss your individual plans.
Would each student require a pc to work on in order to communicate and liaise with the online tutor?
They can complete the qualification either paper-based or online. Obviously it is easier and quicker to complete it online as the student can upload their work and evidence and the assessor can see it immediately and track how often they are working and providing evidence.
How big do the classrooms need to be?
Cohorts for new Centres usually start with six to 15 students, dependant on your number of qualified assessor and internal quality assurance staff and how experienced they are in assessment and quality assurance. See below.
Looking at your schedule, you work from September to June. We would like to start our academic year from January to November. Would that be a problem?
There is no requirement to deliver the qualifications on an academic year basis, many of our
Centres deliver to student cohorts on a roll on, roll off basis.
How many staff would we need to start a CACHE Centre?
You will need a minimum of one qualified assessor and one qualified internal quality assurer along with teachers/tutors based on the number of students you intend to deliver to at any one time.
What are your annual fees?
If you are an existing CACHE Centre please refer to the fees list on cachezone.
Alternatively, please contact one of the international team.
Which services are included in the fees?
There are some one-off payments such as the approval fee, mandatory training fee and the qualification approval fee. (Additional qualifications can always be added to meet future business needs). There is also a fee for each student your Centre registers, with an additional fee if you do not register the minimum number of students per year. There is also a certification fee which should be passed onto the student in your programme fees.