Final Examination Schedule Fall Semester, 2016 All final examinations will be administered Monday, December 12 through Friday, December 16 according to the schedule outlined below. Exams will not be given at times other than those specified on the final exam schedule. Students should report to the same classroom used throughout the semester unless indicated otherwise. Courses that begin after the starting times listed on the exam schedule should adhere to the test schedule for that hour. For example, if your class meets MW 12:30–1:45PM, the final exam would be the same time as a class meeting MWF at 12 noon (i.e., M 12-1:50). CLASS TIME TEST TIME For courses which have the first class meeting of the week on... …the test time will be: MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF MWF TTh TTh TTh TTh TTh TTh 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:30 2:00 3:30 Monday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday 8:00–9:50 10:00–11:50 8:00–9:50 10:00–11:50 12:00–1:50 2:00–3:50 12:00–1:50 2:00–3:50 8:00–9:50 10:00–11:50 8:00–9:50 10:00–11:50 12:00–1:50 12:00–1:50 FOR COURSES THAT MEET AT 4PM OR LATER and have the first class meeting of the week on… …the test time will be at the regular class time on: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Students with three or more tests on the same day may reschedule tests by consulting with the appropriate instructors or the college dean. If a mutually convenient time cannot be agreed upon, Friday, December 16, should be used as the alternate test date. For online classes, the final examination date is determined at the beginning of the semester by the instructor and should be provided on the syllabus.