Operating Stations With 2 Traps

Target Key System Operating Instructions
(For Solo Shooters)
These instructions assume that you are familiar with the use of the Target Key System with
someone pulling targets for you. If you are not, please read the Instructions for using the
system with two or more people.
Follow the steps shown below if you want to use the system by yourself for throwing “Single”
targets from either trap #1 or trap #2 or for throwing a “True or simultaneous pair of targets”
on those stations that have two traps available for use:
1) Activate the power to the station by pressing any button on the handheld unit
2) The display will read “Insert Target Key”
3) Do not insert your key at this time.
You will first need to set the launch delay for the #1 trap as well as the #2 trap if the
station has two traps.
4) The traps on each station are labeled #1 and #2 (some stations may only have one trap).
5) The buttons on the Target Key Handheld unit are labeled Trap 1 (-), Trap 2 (+) and
Doubles DELAY.
6) The default delay when the station is activated is “0” seconds. The maximum delay that
can be set is “6” seconds.
7) The Trap 2 button (+) increases the delay by one second each time you press that button
and the Trap 1 button (-) reduces the delay by one second each time you press that
button. The LED display will show the delay time in seconds that has been programmed
when you press either button and hold it down.
8) To increase the delay for either trap #1 or trap #2 when throwing single targets from
those machines, just press the Trap 2 button. Each time you press the Trap 2 button, the
programmed delay will increase by one second.
9) To decrease the delay that you have programmed, press the Trap 1 button. One push
equals one second delay that is reduced.
10) You are now ready to launch targets with the delay that you have set.
11) Now insert your Target Key into the Target Key Station box.
12) For example: If you have entered a 3 second delay…. When you press the Trap 1 button,
you will have 3 seconds to ready yourself before the #1 trap launches a target. If you
press the Trap 2 button, the #2 trap will launch a target 3 seconds after you press that
button. If you press the Doubles button, you will have 3 seconds before both trap
machines launch their targets simultaneously.
13) You can always reset the delay to zero seconds by removing your key and
reprogramming a new delay by following steps 8 and 9.
Follow the steps shown below if you want to use the system by yourself for throwing “Report
Pair” targets on those stations that have two traps available for use: (Please note that this
system cannot “hear” the report of your gun, so what the system really does is to throw one
target on an initial delay that you have set followed by throwing the second target on second
delay, that you have also set, which starts after the first target is launched.)
1) Activate the power to the station by pressing any button on the handheld unit
2) The display will read “Insert Target Key”
3) Do not insert your key at this time. You will need to set a launch delay for the #1 trap
and a second launch delay for the #2 trap.
4) The traps on each station that have two traps are labeled #1 and #2
5) The buttons on the Target Key Handheld unit are labeled Trap 1 (-), Trap 2 (+) and
Doubles DELAY.
6) The Trap 2 button (+) increases the delay by one second each time you press that button
and the Trap 1 button (-) reduces the delay by one second each time you press that
button. The LED display will show the delay time in seconds that has been programmed
when you press either button and hold it down.
7) To set the delay for the #1 trap machine… To increase the delay for the first target, just
press the Trap 2 button. Each time you press the Trap 2 button, you will increase the
programmed delay by one second. To decrease the delay that you have programmed,
press the Trap 1 button. One push of the button equals one second delay that is
8) To set the delay for the #2 trap machine… First press the Doubles button. Then set the
delay for second target by quickly pressing the Trap 2 button, one push equals one
second delay. If you need to decrease the delay, just push the Trap 1 button, one push
equals one second delay removed.
9) You are now ready to launch targets with the delays that you have set.
10) Now insert your Target Key in the Target Key Station box.
11) When you are ready to shoot, just press the Doubles button. The #1 trap will launch a
target after the delay that you have programmed for that trap and then the #2 trap will
launch a target after the delay that you have programmed for that trap.
12) You can always reset the delays to zero seconds by removing your key and
reprogramming a new delay by following steps 8 and 9.
13) Just remove your key when you have finished shooting.
For example: If you have entered a 3 second delay for trap #1 and a 2 second delay for trap #2,
when you press the Doubles button, you will have 3 seconds to ready yourself before the #1
trap launches a target. Once the #1 trap launches a target the #2 trap will launch a target 2
seconds after the #1 trap fires.
Target Key Station Box
Target Key Handheld Unit