Internet Explorer 7


Internet Explorer 7

1. Select "Internet Options" by clicking "Tools" on your browser's toolbar.

2. Under the "General" tab, in the "Browser History" area, click "Delete."

3. Click on the “Delete Files” button in the Temporary Internet area. a. A box will ask “Are you sure you want to delete all temporary Internet Explorer files?” click “Yes.” b. This step may take a few minutes if the cache has not been cleared for a while, you will receive a window to illustrate the files being deleted.

4. While still under the General tab, click the Settings button under “Browsing history,” under Check for newer versions of stored pages click the radio button for “Every time I visit the webpage.” Click OK.

5. Click the "Privacy" tab.

6. Next, click on the click "Advanced" button.

7. Be sure "Override automatic cookie handling" and "Always allow session cookies" are checked.

8. Set the radio button for First-party Cookies to accept and the radio button for Third-party Cookies to Accept or Block. Click "OK".

9. While still under the “Privacy” tab click on the “Settings” button in the Pop up Blocker area. If the “Settings” button is not available, ensure that “Turn on Popup Blocker” is selected.

10. In the “Address of Web site to allow” text box, enter and then click the “Add” button. Next click the “Close” button.

11. Next, click on the “Content” tab. In the “Content Advisor” area at the top, the first button should read

“Enable”. If it does not, click the “Disable” button. However, to continue, you will need the password chosen at the time your computer was set up or the password for your system’s network.

12. Click on the “Advanced” tab. Under “Browsing” click on the checkbox for “Automatically check for Internet

Explorer updates.”

13. Click the checkbox for “Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in web pages.”

14. Under the “Security” section, click the checkbox for “Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed.”

15. Click the “OK” button. Once the Internet Options window closes, you will now need to restart your computer.

Internet Explorer 8/9

1. Select "Internet Options" by clicking "Tools" on your browser's toolbar.

2. Under the "General" tab, in the "Browser History" area, click "Delete."

3. Uncheck all boxes on the left hand of the window. Ensure that only “Temporary Internet Files” is the only check box selected. Then click on delete at the bottom. a. This step may take a few minutes if the cache has not been cleared for a while, you will receive a box showing the files being deleted.

4. Next, click on the settings button under the “Browsing History” Section.

5. Under the “Temporary Internet Files” section, ensure that “Every time I visit the webpage”, is selected. Then click on “OK”.

6. Click the "Privacy" tab.

7. Next, click on the click "Advanced" button.

8. Be sure "Override automatic cookie handling" and "Always allow session cookies" are checked. Also ensure the first and third party cookies are both accept.

9. Click "OK"

10. Next, click on the “Content” tab. In the “Content Advisor” area at the top, the first button should read “Enable”. If it does not, click the “Disable” button. However, to continue, you will need the password chosen at the time your computer was set up or the password for your system’s network.

11. If you are using Windows 7 as your Operating System , click on the “Advanced” tab. In the box with the scroll bar, scroll all the way to the bottom of the window. Ensure that “TLS 1.1” and “TLS 1.2” are not checked. Click on “OK” at the bottom.

12. Click the “OK” button. Once the Internet Options window closes, you will now need to restart your Browser.
