AIMS, SCOPE AND SUBJECTS Aims: To provide a permanent record of the expanding corpus of scientific and technical knowledge for all IEEE members and others interested in the interdisciplinary field of dielectric and electrical insulation. It is an archival publication which disseminates the results of fundamental and applied research. Scope: Topics that are concerned with dielectric phenomena and measurements, with development and characterization of gaseous, vacuum, liquid and solid electrical insulating materials and systems; and with utilization of these materials in circuits and systems under condition of use. Subjects: Nanodielectrics, partial discharges, outdoor insulation; biodielectrics, dielectrics and electrical insulation at cryogenic temperatures, liquid dielectrics, solid dielectrics, gaseous dielectrics, vacuum insulation, electrostatics, electrical insulation of rotating machines, electrical insulation in power transformers, cable insulation, electrical and water trees, condition monitoring and diagnostics, insulation in power modulators and repetitive pulsed power. INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS Submit your paper online at using Microsoft Word only and follow closely the template provided. Process for Submitting a Manuscript for Publication (1) The Editor must be informed if the manuscript has been presented, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere (give title, location, date, etc.). (2) Acceptance of manuscripts is conditional on referee and editorial approval (See the DEIS Editorial Policies), and on a completed Copyright form. Acknowledgement of new manuscripts will be by e-mail, showing the publication data, for verification by the correspondent. It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes. To comply with U.S. copyright law, authors are required to sign the IEEE copyright transfer form before publication. This form is available electronically on the same website and must be completed during the submission of the paper and sent online directly to IEEE. Style of original manuscripts (1) Start with the names of all authors and give complete postal addresses. E-mail addresses should not be used in the manuscript, as they are not permanent and therefore not archival. IEEE TRANSACTIONS on DIELECTRICS and Electrical Insulation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION (2) Provide an informative and short (ca., 200 words) paragraph as Abstract in bold style. An Abstract is not required for Discussions. SI units must be used throughout, also in Figures and Tables. If needed, any non-SI units should be defined and placed in parentheses next to the SI unit. (3) Provide up to 10 Indexing Terms or Key Words immediately following the Abstract. These can be selected from the linked IEEE list of Indexing Terms. (5) Provide brief technical biographies of all authors after the References list. Begin with the author name followed by IEEE membership grade(s) and date(s) (e.g. S’91–M’95–SM’00–F’04). Continue with the date and place of birth, educational background, degrees received, dates and universities names, employment experience and special fields of interest. A photograph of head and shoulder of all authors should also be provided and placed next to the technical biography. Style for Figures and Tables Figures and Tables must be placed in single column and referred to in the text. Provide captions for all Tables and Figures. The captions should be placed above the Tables and below the Figures. All must be numbered, e.g., Table 1., Figure 1, in bold style. Multi component Figures should be identified as a, b, c, ... and similarly in the captions. Parentheses are not necessary to use with a, b, c, ... Open Access This publication is a hybrid journal, allowing either Traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. By selecting "YES" in the submission form to the Open Access question, you commit to pay the discounted $1,750 OA fee if your manuscript is accepted for publication in order to enable unrestricted public access. Any other applicable charges (such as the use of color in the print format) will be billed separately once the manuscript formatting is complete but prior to the publication. If you select Traditional submission, your article will be available to qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore. No OA payment is required for Traditional submission. For any questions regarding IEEE’s Open Access policy, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions on Open Access Vol. 22, pp. 3067–3776, No. 6, December 2015 (4) References should appear in a separate Section at the end of the paper, with items referred in the text shown on-line by bracketed numerals, e.g. [37]. References should be complete with title, the inclusive page range, and with the names of all authors. Do not use abbreviations such as ‘et al.’ or ‘ibid’. Website references should not be used as they are not permanent and therefore are not archival. Papers: [1] A. B. Charles, Partial Discharges, IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., Vol. 123, pp. 45–67, 1987. Books: [2] D. E. Fredd and G. Halo, Superlative Insulators, Plenty Press, Inc., New York, 1899, Chapter 4. IEEE TRANSACTIONS on DIELECTRICS A PUBLICATION OF THE IEEE DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION SOCIETY December 2015 Volume 22 and Electrical Insulation Number 6 ITDEIS (ISSN 1070-9878) FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION INSULATION OF ROTATING MACHINES Reviewers of TDEI during the period of 1 October 2014 to 30 September 2015 ................................................................................................................................. ii–iv EDITORIALS Fiftieth Anniversary of TDEI .............................................................................................................................................................................................S. Gubanski 3067 Insulation of Rotating Machines ......................................................................................................................................................................................B. McDermid 3068 PAPERS Relative Ability of UHF Antenna and VHF Capacitor Methods to Detect Partial Discharge in Turbine Generator Stator Windings .....................................................................................................................................................................................................G. C Stone, C. Chan and H. Sedding 3069–3078 Characteristics of PD Under Square Wave Voltages and Their Influence on Motor Insulation Endurance .....................P. Wang, A. Cavallini and G. C. Montanari 3079–3086 Strategies to Maximize Life of Rotating Machine Windings.....................................................................................................................W. McDermid and T. Black 3087–3098 Turn-to-Turn Insulation Failure Diagnosis of Stator Winding of Low Voltage Induction Motor with the Aid of Support Vector Machine .................................................................................................................................................................................Y. Yagami, C. Araki, Y. Mizuno and H. Nakamura 3099–3106 Dielectric and Physico-Chemical Properties of Epoxy-Mica Insulation during Thermoelectric Aging ....L. C. Castro, J. L. Oslinger, N. Taylor and M. Wåhlander 3107–3117 Time to Failure of Medium-Voltage Form-Wound Machine Turn Insulation Stressed by Unipolar Square Waves ..............................................................................................................................................................................M. S. Moonesan, S. H. Jayaram and E. A. Cherney 3118–3125 Depolarization Index for Dielectric Aging Indicator of Rotating Machines.................................................................................................................S. A. Bhumiwat 3126–3132 Measured and Modeled Capacitance, Loss and Harmonics in Stator Insulation with Nonlinear Stress Control...................................................................N. Taylor 3133–3145 Analytical Approximations for the Rotating Machine End-Turn Field Distribution .........................................................S. A. Boggs, A. Kumada and T. Yoshimitsu 3146–3152 Magnetic Wedges in a Steam-resistant Electrical Machine Insulation System ................................................N. Uzhegov, A. Pihlajamäki, J. Nerg and J. Pyrhönen 3153–3162 Potential Distribution on the Stress Grading System of High-Voltage Rotating Machines – I. Measuring System .......................................................................................................................................................A. Kumada, T. Nakamura, K. Hidaka, Y. Tsuboi and T. Yoshimitsu 3163–3169 Lifetime Model of the Inverter-Fed Motors Secondary Insulation by Using a Design of Experiments ..........................................................................................................................................................N. Lahoud, M. Q. Nguyen, P. Maussion, D. Malec and D. Mary 3170–3176 REGULAR PAPERS CABLES Electrical Treeing in XLPE Cable Insulation Under Harmonic AC Voltages...............................................R. Sarathi, K. H. Oza, C. L. G. P. Kumar and T. Tanaka 3177–3185 Mechanism of Space Charge Formation in Cross Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) under Temperature Gradient ..................................................................................................................................................................Z. Lv, J. Cao, X. Wang, H. Wang, K. Wu and L. A. Dissado 3186–3196 Degradation of Cable Insulation Material by Accelerated Thermal Radiation Combined Ageing .T. Seguchi, K. Tamura, H. Kudoh, A. Shimada and M. Sugimoto 3197–3206 Physico-Chemical Study of Thermally Aged EPDM Used in Power Cables Insulation ..................................................................................................................D. Bouguedad, A. Mekhaldi, O. Jbara, S. Rondot, A. Hadjadj, J. Douglade and P. Dony 3207–3215 ELECTRICAL MACHINES Application of Guided Waves and Probability Imaging Approach for Insulation Damage Detection of Large Generator Stator Bar ..................................................................................................................................................................................................H. Li, R. Li, B. Hu, C. Yan and Q. Guo 3216–3225 GASEOUS DIELECTRICS Study of the AC Arc Discharge Characteristics over Polluted Insulation Surface Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy .....................................................................................................................................................H. Yang, Q. Zhang, L. Pang, X. Gou, X. Yang, J. Zhao and J. Zhou 3226–3233 Analysis of the Feasibility of CF3I/CO2 Used in C-GIS by Partial Discharge Inception Voltages in Positive Half Cycle and Breakdown Voltages ....................................................................................................................................................................................................X. Zhang, S. Xiao, Y. Han and Q. Dai 3234–3243 Investigation of the DC Arc Propagation of Insulator String and Its Performance at Low Air Pressure...............Z. Zhang, D. Zhang, Q. Zheng, X. Li and X. Jiang 3244–3252 Analysis of the Insulation Characteristics of C3F8 Gas Mixtures with N2 and CO2 Using Boltzmann Equation Method .........................Y. Deng, B. Li and D. Xiao 3253–3259 High Voltage Insulation Properties of HFO1234ze ....................................................................................................................................M. Koch and C. M. Franck 3260–3268 Insulation Characteristics of GIS Insulators under Lightning Impulse with DC Voltage Superimposed.......................S. Okabe, G. Ueta, T. Utsumi and J. Nukaga 3269–3277 A Comparison of SF6 Decomposition Characteristics under Corona with Point-to-Plane Electrode Defect and Spark with Floating Potential Defect ...................................................................................................................................................................W. Ding, G.Li, X. Ren, X. Yan, F. Li, W. Zhou and F. Wang 3278–3289 A High Voltage Pulse-Generator Based on DC-to-DC Converters and Capacitor-Diode Voltage Multipliers for Water Treatment Applications ..................................................................................................................................................................A. Elserougi, A. M. Massoud, A. M. Ibrahim and S. Ahmed 3290–3298 Switching Behavior of a Double Gap Pseudospark Discharge ..................V. Pathania, D. K. Pal, B. L. Meena, N. Kumar, U. N. Pal, R. Prakash and H. Rahaman 3299–3304 Analysis and Suppression on Conducted Interference in Tokamak Accelerator ...............................................................................................F. Xie, G. Li and H. Li 3305–3311 Designing Epoxy Insulators in SF6-Filled DC-GIL with Simulations of Ionic Conduction and Surface Charging .....................................................................................................................................................................G.-M. Ma, H.-Y. Zhou, C.-R. Li, J. Jiang and X.-W. Chen 3312–3320 LIQUID DIELECTRICS Removal of Corrosive Sulfur from Insulating Oil with Adsorption Method ........................................................T. Wan, B. Feng, Z. Zhou, H. Qian and S. K. Gong 3321–3326 MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES Sublinear Dispersive Conductivity in Polyetherimides by the Electric Modulus Formalism ......................M. Mudarra, J. Sellarès, J. C. Cañadas and J. A. Diego 3327–3333 Dielectric Data Analysis: Recovering Hidden Relaxations by Fourth-Order Derivative Spectroscopy...........................................................R. Olmi and M. Bittelli 3334–3340 NANODIELECTRICS Degradation Mechanism of Al2O3 Nano Filled Polyimide Film due to Surface Discharge under Square Impulse Voltage ......................................................................................................................................................................S. Akram, G.-Q. Gao, Y. Liu, J. Zhu, G. Wu and K. Zhou 3341–3349 Preparation, Microstructure and Properties of Polyethylene/Alumina Nanocomposites for HVDC Insulation ...........................................................................................................................................................S.-J. Wang, J.-W. Zha, Y.-H. Wu, L. Ren, Z.-M. Dang and J. Wu 3350–3356 OUTDOOR INSULATION Absorption and Permeation of Water and Aqueous Solutions of High-Temperature Vulcanized Silicone Rubber...Z. Wang, Z. D. Jia, M. H. Fang and Z. C. Guan 3357–3365 Performance Evaluation of Electron Beam Irradiated SIR-EPDM Blends..............................................................................................R. Deepalaxmi and V. Rajini 3366–3375 (continued on inside) IEEE TRANSACTIONS on DIELECTRICS A PUBLICATION OF THE IEEE DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION SOCIETY December 2015 Volume 22 and Electrical Insulation Number 6 ITDEIS (ISSN 1070-9878) PAPERS (CONTINUED) Recurrence Quantification Analysis as a Novel LC Feature Extraction Technique for the Classification of Pollution Severity on HV Insulator Model .............................................................................................................................................................................................A. K. Chaou, A. Mekhaldi and M. Teguar Study on Glaze Electrical Erosion Characteristics of Porcelain Post Insulator by Using Inclined Plane and Graphite-Layer-Based Method ........................................................................................................................................................................Z. Qiu, J. Ruan, D. Huang, X. Li, F. Wang and W. Yao Electrical Performance of 330-kV Composite Insulators with Different Shed Configurations under Icing Conditions.....F. Yin, X. Jiang, M. Farzaneh and J. Hu The Bubble Effect in Bushings – Investigations on Models.......................................................P. Przybylek, H. Moranda, K. Walczak and H. Moscicka-Grzesiak Effects of Tower, Phase Conductors and Shield Wires on the Electrical Field around a Tower Window during Live-Line Work...M. Ghassemi and M. Farzaneh Localization of Multiple Insulators by Orientation Angle Detection and Binary Shape Prior Knowledge...........................................Z. Zhao, N. Liu and L. Wang Electrical Performance Evaluation of Plasticized Polyolefin Formulation Developed for Manufacturing Surge Arresters Housings ....................................................................................................................................................I. Paulo de Faria, M. L. B. Martinez and A. A. Alencar de Queiroz PARTIAL DISCHARGES Partial Discharge Characteristics and Trap Parameters of Aged Oil-Impregnated Paper ......................................................................................................................................Y.-H. Wei, M.-X. Zhu, Y. Li, L. Zhao, J.-B. Deng, H.-B. Mu and G.-J. Zhang Chopped Partial Discharge Sequence ...........................................................................................................................M. Florkowski, B. Florkowska and P. Zydron Partial Discharge Measurement and Analysis at Standard Oscillating Switching and Lightning Impulses on a GIS with Artificial Protrusion Defects .....................................................................................................................................................................................M. Ren, C. Zhang, M. Dong, R. Ye and A. Qiu SPACE AND SURFACE CHARGES Mechanisms of Surface Potential Decay on Enamel Wire Coatings.........................................................................A. T. Hoang, Y. V. Serdyuk and S. M. Gubanski Effect of Pulse Duration on Surface Charge of Direct-Fluorinated Polyimide Films.......................................................................B. X. Du, Z. X. Liu and M. Xiao SOLID DIELECTRICS Influence of Temperature on Dielectric Properties of EPR and Partial Discharge Behavior of Spherical Cavity in EPR Insulation .......................................................................................................................................Z. Lei, J. Song, P. Geng, M. Tian, L. Lin, C. Xu, C. Feng, J. Zeng and Z. Li Field Emission from Graphene Produced with Use of Chemical Vapor Deposition Method ...............................................................................................B. Mazurek, W. Mielcarek, J. Warycha, K. Prociow, J. Chmielowiec, Z. Znamierowski and E. Popko The Impact of Smart Grid Technology on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation .......................................................V. M. Catterson, J. Castellon, J. A. Pilgrim, T. K. Saha, H. Ma, M. Vakilian, A. Moradnouri, M. Gholami and B. D. Sparling Characterization of the Dielectric Endurance of Reinforced Recycled PET Using Electro-Thermal Aging Test .......................................F. Mebarki and E. David Development of Ilmenite-Type Electronic Material CdTiO3 for Devices ...................................................................................T. Acharya and R. N. P. Choudhury Dielectric Dispersion of rf Sputter-Deposited SnO2, ZnO, WO3 Thin Films Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Technique ...................................................................................................................................................................................A. Paliwal, A. Sharma, M. Tomar and V. Gupta Influence of Process Conditions and Particle Dispersion on the AC Breakdown Strength of Polyethylene-Aluminium Oxide Nanocomposites ......................................................................................................................................................................................................W. Li, H. Hillborg and U. W. Gedde Dielectric Breakdown of Additively Manufactured Polymeric Materials........................W. J. Monzel, B. W. Hoff, S. S. Maestas, D. M. French and S. C. Hayden Cellulose Chemical Markers Relationship with Insulating Paper Post-Mortem Investigations ............................................................J. Jalbert and M.-C. Lessard TRANSFORMERS Design of Low Inductance, Long Life Capacitor for Linear Transformer Drivers ...............................................................................................J. Jiang and M. He Effects of Insulation Paper Ageing on the Vibration Characteristics of a Transformer Winding Disk ...................................................................M. Jin and J. Pan Inter Disc Fault Location in Transformer Windings Using SFRA........................................................................................................................K. Usha and S. Usa Particle Swarm Optimization vs Genetic Algorithm, Application and Comparison to Determine the Moisture Diffusion Coefficients of Pressboard Transformer Insulation ......................................................R. D. Villarroel, D. F. García, M. A. Dávila and E. F. Caicedo Study on Voltage-Number Characteristics of Transformer Insulation under Transformer Invading Non-Standard Lightning Impulses .........................................................................................................................................................................................P. Sun, W. Sima, M. Yang, X. Lan and J. Wu Bivariate Dependent Rate Analyses for Fault Identification in Transformer Windings during Impulse Test .....................................................................J. Velandy Analysis of Excessive Hydrogen Generation in Transformers in Service................................................................................T. Piotrowski, P. Rozga and R. Kozak Experimental Analyses and Molecular Simulation of the Thermal Aging of Transformer Insulation Paper ..............C. Tang, S. Zhang, X. Li, B. Xiong and J. Xie Hybrid Design Optimization of High Voltage Pulse Transformers for Klystron Modulators ................................S. Candolfi, P. Viarouge, D. Aguglia and J. Cros Relationships between Methanol Marker and Mechanical Performance of Electrical Insulation Papers for Power Transformers under Accelerated Thermal Aging ..................................................................................O. H. Arroyo, I. Fofana, J. Jalbert and M. Ryadi VACUUM INSULATION Observation of Pre-Discharge Phenomena with Point-to-Plane Electrodes in Vacuum under AC ..............S. Xu, A. Kumada, K. Hidaka, H. Ikeda and E. Kaneko Flashover of Insulators in Vacuum: The Last Twenty Years .............................................................................................................................................H. C. Miller ELECTRETS Temperature Characteristics of Single-Crystal Silicon Electret Microphones .......Y. Yasuno, T. Itoh, A. Yamada, Y. Nojima, K. Kidokoro, T. Tajima and Y. Iguchi Charging Efficiencies and Heat Resistance in Three Types of SiO2/Si3N4 Electrets ..................................................N. Okubo, T. Itoh, K. Kidokoro and Y. Yasuno Dielectric Response and AC-Conductivity Studies of Gd2O3-Contained K0.5Na0.5NbO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics ........................P. Mahesh, S. Thota and D. Pamu ELECTRICAL TREES Electrical Tree Growth Characteristics in XLPE Cable Insulation under DC Voltage Conditions .........................................................................Y. Liu and X. Cao INDICES Author Index.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Subject Index ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... i 3376–3384 3385–3394 3395–3404 3405–3412 3413–3420 3421–3428 3429–3441 3442–3450 3451–3458 3459–3469 3470–3480 3481–3487 3488–3497 3498–3504 3505–3512 3513–3520 3521–3528 3529–3535 3536–3542 3543–3549 3550–3554 3555–3559 3560–3566 3567–3573 3574–3581 3582–3591 3592–3599 3600–3607 3608–3616 3617–3624 3625–3632 3633–3640 3641–3657 3658–3662 3663–3667 3668–3675 3676–3684 3685–3718 3719–3775