इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 1105 (1957): Method for precise conversion of inch and metric dimensions to ensure interchangeability [PGD 1: Basic Standards] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” ( Reaffirmed 2005 ) Indian Standard . METdOD FOR PRECISE CONVERSION OF INCH AND METRIC DIMENSIONS TO ENSURE INTERCHANGEABILITY (Fourth Reprilit AUGUST ,I990 ) 0 .‘ U D C 511*162*3:621.7:744 Engineering DR Standards Sectional Committee, K. S. KRISHNAN EDC 1 Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi Msmbsrs Central Board of Irrigation 6 Power Engineering Research Department, Hyderabad Directorate General of Observatories (Ministry munications ) Roads, Organization, Ministry of Transport SHRI BALES’IIWARN&I ‘DIIUXTOR DI~U~CIORGENERAL . .’ :,., ‘.g‘i SHRI GOVERDHANLAL SWRI J. M. TREHAN (Alternate ) SHRI S. B. Josnr SHRI R. N. KjrPUR DR R. S. KRXSHNAN SRRI J. S. MATHUR SHRI S. R. MEHRA Spur S. N. MUKERJI SHRI K. D. BHATTACAARJI ( Ahrrrala ) DR of Com- The Institution of Engineers ( India ). Calcutta Indian Engineering Association, Calcutta Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore F,*,ectorate General of Supplies & Disposals ( Ministry of Works, Housing & Supply) Council of Scientific % Industrial Research, New Delhi Government Test House, Calcutta Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi Cprltral Water & Power Commission Technical Establishment ( Weapons ). Development Ministry of Defence B. R. NIJHAWAN SIIRI V. R. RAGI~AVAN COL J. R. SAWON LT-COL R. JANARDHANAM( Allcrnale ) Engine&ing Association’ of India, Calcutta Central Standards Office ( Ministry of Railways ) Council of Scientiric & Industrial Research, New Delhi Director , IS1 Deputy Director ( Bngg ), IS1 SHRI J. M. SINHA SHRI K. C. SOOD MAJOR GENERAL H. WILLIAMS DR LAL C. VERMAN ( Ex-oficio ) SHRI J: P. MEHROTRA ( ~hWTUI& ) Extra Assistant Director SHRI T. PURNANANDAM , IS1 @ CopVriglrt 1957 BUREAU MhNhK OF BHAVAN, INDIAN 9 %hHhDUR NEW DELHI STANDARDS SHAH ZhFhR M,hRG 110002 .. . Gr December 1957 10 / _.__&,*. f I ._? *-+I ._ - \-_ D IS : 1105- 1957 CONTENTS PAGE 0. FOREWORD 1. SCOPE 2. ... TERMINOLOGY .*. ... .. . ... ... .. . . .. ... .., . . . . . . 2.1 Feature .. . ... ... . 2.2 Dimension ... .*. ..* *.. 2.3 Tolerance ... . .. .. . . ... .. . 2.4 Fineness of Rounding 3. BASICDATA . .. .. . 3 . .. ... 4 ..* . .. 4 ... ... 4 a.. . .. 5 ... i . .. 6 a.. . . . .a* . . ..I . . ... ., .*. *.. 3.1 Rules for Rounding Off .., .. ..a *.. 3.2 Fineness of Rounding . .. .. . . . . .** 3.3 Conversion Factor . .. ... . ,. ..* . 3.4 Conversion Tables . .. ... .,. . . . ..* . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4. RULES FOR CONVERSION OF DIMENSIONS. . . 4.1 Simple Feature Dimensions . .. .. . 4.2 Positional Dimensions .. . .., 4.3 Datum Dimensions . . . . .. .;. . . . 4.4 Untoleranced Dimensions . .. . ., . . . 4;s Standard Feature Dimensions .. . . .. . . . . . . 2 . . . . . 6 6 .*. 6 .. . . .. 6 ... 6 . .. 6 . .. 7 . . . .. 8 . . . ... 10 ... 11 . . . . .*. ..* . . IS : 1105 - 1957 Indian Standard METHOD FOR PRECISE CONVERSION OF INCH AND METRIC DIMENSIOHS TO ENSURE INTERCHANGEABILITY O.FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 3 September 1957, on approval by the Engineering Division Council of the draft finalized on 31 August 1957, by the Engineering Standards Sectional Committee. 0.2 The Union Parliament having adopted the Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1956, the Government of India is now concerned with expediting the introduction of the metric system of weights and measures in various branches of commerce and industry. As a part of this endeavour, the Indian Standards Institution is expected to change all its standards to the new basis of measurement so as to furnish at the earliest possible stage the necessary guidance to industry and commerce for changing over their operations from the present set of units to metric units. The programme of the Institution also includes the evolution of appropriate procedures to guide the conversion of existing standards in a uniform and rational manner. The Indian Standard Guide for 4 4 and inspected in terms of the other set of units ; Parts detailed on inch drawings may have to be manufactured on machines calibrated in metric units, or vice versa; Parts manufactured according to inch draw- ings may have to be inspected with tools and gauges based on millimetre dimensions, or vice versa ; 4 Inch-based stock materials may have to be used to produce metric-based parts, or vice versa; f1 Basic standards of stock materials and all engineering design codes and practices shall have to be revised from inch basis to metric basis; but in this revision, many other considerations, besides the exact conversion of nominal dimensions, will be involved. 0.4 In conversion of drawings it should be ensured that component parts made to drawings dimensioned in one system should be interchangeable with parts made to drawings dimensioned in the other system. Such interchangeability can, of Inter-Conversion of Values from One System of Units to Another ( IS : 787-1956) lays down tlie basic principles to be followed in all conversion problems relatin to any branch of work. A part of IS : 787-195% deals with the principles of inter-conversion of inch and millimetre dimensions. The treatment of the subjeot presented in IS : 787-1956 is, however, not considered detailed enough for adequate guidance of those concerned with inch-millimetre conversion of dimensions for interchangeability as a daily routine. In order to avoid the necessity for detailed consideration of each conversion problem in the light of the basic principles, and to reduce the related calculations mvolved, this standard is beii issued. It prescribes readymade and simple rules and detailed tables, which should facilitate the work of engineers, designers, draftsmen, shop-workers and others. 0.8 During the period of the change-over, many situations will arise where dimensions expressed in inches will have to be converted to millimetres Some and vice versa to ensure interchangeability. of these instances may be as follows: a) Most dra ’ at present- in use being on inch basis7 ’ 1 have to be converted to millimetres; b) Parts manufactured and inspected in terms of one set of units may be required to be interchangeable with parts manufactured course, be ensured by making conversion to a very high degree of accuracy, that is, by calculating the converted size to a large number of decimal places. In practice, however, although a part has certain 1hmt.sof size mentioned in its drawings, parts with actual limits equal to drawing limits plus or minus the accuracy of measurement employed, will be accepted in inspection. There is little purpose served, therefore, by converting to a precision which is finer than that of the method of measurement which is likely to be employed in inspecting the part. 0.4.1 For example, the limits of the diameter of a crank pin, are given as 2.280 in and 2,278 in ‘Amicrometer ( graduated in O&Min ) will normally be used for inspection. With such a mimeter it mhy be possible to estimate a reading to a fineness of O*OOO 1 in, but not to a greater degree of fineness. So if the actual diameter is 2.280 1 in , it may be read by the micrometer as 2.280 in, and the p?rt will be accepted. Similarly an actual diameter of 2.277 9 in? may be read by the micrometer as 2.278 in, and the part will be accepted. Hcncc, while the drawing specifies limits of 2.280 in and 2.278 in in practice, parts within actual limits of 2.2801 in and 2.277 9 in, will be acceptcd in inspection. When converting the inch limits 3 IS : 1105 - 1957 rt to metric limits there is no purpose of this served !ay convertin to a, precision higher than O*OOO 1 in ( or 0*002‘J mm ), rf the converted value $ rounded off to a fineness of 0.005 mm, the converted limits will not vary from the original limits by more than 0.000 1 in (or 0.0025 mm) and parts made to the converted limits will, in practice, be interchangeable with parts made to original limits. 0.5 The accuracy of measurement is primarily dependent 011the basic accuracy of the measuring instrument employed; it is also affected by the skill of the inspector, the material from which the part is made and the nominal size, the surface finish and the errors ‘of geometric form of the feature being measured. 0.5.1 In good engineering practice the accuracy of measurement is of the order of f 2 to f 4 percent of the feature tolerance. With presentday measuring instruments and inspection techniques it is doubtful, however, whether a higher recision of measurement than about -&0*00003 in 4 or f 0.75 p ) is quantitatively attainable. This figure corms nds to f 3 percent of a feature tolerance of op” 801 in (or O-025mm), and to a progressively increasing percentage of the feature tolerance as the latter is reduced below 0.001 in When converting limits, therefore, if the converted limits are rounded off to the nearest 5 percent of the feature tolerance where it exceeds O*OOlin or 2~51~), the maximum error in conversion will be 1-5 percent of the feature tolerance; if the converted limits are rounded off to the neare$O*OOOO5in ( or 1 p ), when the feature tolerance is less than O@N in. ( or 2.5 p ), the maximum error in conversion will be 0~000025 in ( or 0.6 p ). These errors are less than the accuracy of measurement and so effective dimensional interchangeability of parts made to original and converted ‘limits will be achieved. their metric equivalents or vice versa. The degree of accuracy that would result would be adequate to each individual conversion involved for all pur poses, including design, manufacture, inspection and functionality. 0.7 It must be particularly noted that th’ Stan‘mendard covers only the $recise conversion of )%1 sions where it is required that the use of the original and the converted dimensions should lead to products which are freely interchangeable. This standard does not deal with the procedure for the conversion of national or industrial stutiard drawings from one system of measurement to another. It must be appreciated that, in the latter case, when converting nominal dimensions and standardized dimensions, several considerations have to be taken into account, besides. the arithmetical conversion of given values. A brief treatment of this subiect will be found in a IS : 787-1956. 6.8 Acknowledgement is due for the assistance derived from the following British Standards: B.S. 308:1953 ENGINEERINGDRAWING PRAG TICE B.S. 2517:1954 DEFINITIONSFOR USE IN MECHANICALENGINEERING B.S. 2856:1957 PRECISECONVERSION OF INCH AND METRIC SIZES ON ENGINEERING DRAWINGS 0.9 The present standard is one of the series of Indian Standards on numerical values, their interconversion, etc. Other standards in the series are : IS: 2-1949 RULES FOR ROUNDINGOFF NUMERICALVALUES IS: 3-1949 INCH-MILLIMETER CONVBRSION FOR INDUSTRIALUss IS: 786-1956 CONVERSION ,FACTORSAND CONVERSIONTABLES 0.6 Based on these considerations, and those disIS: 787-1956 GUIDE FORINTER-C• NVBRSION OF cussed in IS : 787-1956, a simplified set of rules has VALUES FROM ONE SYSTEM OF UNITY TO been evolved as given in the present standard. ANOTHER Certain definitions of terms and tables of converIS: 1020-1957 CONVERSION TABLES FOR ORDIsions have also been included, which will facilitate NARY USE understanding and practical application of the rules in day-to-day work. By following these 0.10 This standard also requires reference to rules, no difficulty should arise in converting pre- ‘IS : 6961955 Code of Practice for General Enginecise dimensions expressed in terms of inches into ering Drawings. *Since revised. 1. ‘P b) cj d) e) SCOPE 1.1 This staadard gives a simplified set of rules for the precrse conversion of dimensions from inches to millimetres and vice versa to ensure interchangeabilit . The rules are meant for use particularly in tK e work of engineers, designers, &aughtSmen and shop-workers: Positiona! Dimensions Datum Dimensions Untoleranced Dimensions Standard Feature Dimensions 2. TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions &ali apply. 1.1.1 The following categories of dimensions* 3.1 Fmtrsm -An individual characteristic of a am covered: part, such as cylindrical surface, screw-thread, a) Simple Feature Dimensions slot, 8e.t rutface, or profile. 4 IS : 1105- 1957 2.3 Tolerance -The total amount permitted for the size af a dimension, relationship, or any other design ( for examples see Table I ). 2.1.1 Standard Feature - A feature whose shape and size have been fixed by a standard with a view to facilitating interchangeability of commonly occurring machine parts, such as screw threads for bolts and nuts, gear teeth for gears, splines for splined shafts, sheet and wire gauges, shapes and sizes of metallic sections including structural steel sections, etc. 2.1.2 Positional Feature-One of a group of features which is required to conform to a specified positional relationship with others in the group (for example see Fig 1, see ‘also 2.2.2, 2.3.6 and 2.3.7) -A geometrical element in a 2.2 Dimension design, such as a length, diameter or angle, of which the size is specified. 2.2.1 Size -A general term denoting magnitude of any kind. 2.2.2 Positional Dimensiolt - One which specifies the positional relationship of a feature with respect to another feature. 2.2.3 Datum Dimekon -A theoretically exact dimension which locates a datum point, line, or plane at which a feature must be within certain limits of size. The term is also used to define a cross-sectional plane of a feature, the location of which may vary within specifed limits ( for examples see Fig 4 and 5 ). 2.2.4 Design Dimension ( or Size )- The dimension ( or size ) which, in association with the limits of tolerance, serves to define the relevant design requirement ( for examples see Table I ). TABLE I E XAMPLBS To ILLUSTRATE SOME of variation a positional requirement 2.3.1 Limits of Size ( or Limiting Dimensions )The maximum and the minimum sizes (dimensions) within which the size ( actual dimension) is permitted to vary; also termed upper and lower limits of size ( for examples see Table I ), 2.3.2 Limits of Toleralzce ( or Tolernltce Limits )The maximum amounts, positive and negative, by which the actual (or measured dimension is permitted to d part from the design dimension ( for examples see Table I ). 2.3.3 Bilateral Tolerance - The tolerance in which variation is permitted in both directions from a design dimension or true position of a feature. The variation may be equal or unequal in the two directions ( for examples see Table I ). 2.3.4 Uniliteral Toleravxe - The tolerance in which variation is permitted only in one direction, positive or negative, from the design dimension or true position of a feature (for examples see Table I ). 2.3.5 Feature Tolerance -The tolerance on the size of a feature, such as the diameter of a pin or holc,.or the width of a slot, as distinct from the pontzonal tolerance on the true position of the feature in relation to other features. 2.3.6 Positional Tolerance - The total amount of variation permitted for the location of a feature. OF THE TEEMS DEFINED UNDER TERMINOLOGY (Cluu.rc 2) lGNEN DIMENSION DaeIGN DIHENS~ON in 3562 lirJ@ -+o -o@OO 3 C 3.400( rto.05 ‘-“,:El 10.5~to:01 359 355 LIMITING DIMXNSION ( Lxurrs OF SlZE ) XATURE OF TOLERANCB ‘ .upprr in in - in - - - 0.002 +0.001 -0GO1 2.501 2.499 Nil Equal Bilateral 1.250 0 0402 5 +oGo2 0 -O+OO 5 1.252 0 1.249 5 Unequal Bilateral 0*500 0 o.ooo3 0903 +o*lMO 0 - -0.000 - o*sOO0 3.562 0.499 7 3.559 Unilateral mm 153.5 14.20 LIMITS OF TOLERANCE L ’ Positive Negative ’ in - in 21.75 2.500 o-5 TOLBRANC~ in 3 mm - mm - mm - +0.05 -@OS 14.25 14.15 o&X +oGO1 -0.060 0.01 4 $0.01 - -0GO - mm 153.5 14.20 0.10 3400 10.50 mm - 3.401 10.51 359 3-340 10.50 355 Nil Equal Bilateral UnequalBilateral Unilateral - *The different dimensions given as examples in this column represent the different ways in which one will come across dimensions on drawings. generally. The Indian Standard method of expressing numerical values requires all significant zeros to be included and non-significant zeros omitted as has been done in case of figures given under all other columns o+ the table ( see also IS: 787-1956 and IS: 696-195Ss). *Since revised. 5 __ IS : 1105 - 1957 This is the legally recognized conversion factor fcr use in India according to the Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1956. Positional tolerance may be distributed bilaterally in a normal manner or in all directions round a centre ( seeFig 1, 2 and 3, see also 2.3.7 ). 2.3.7 Geometrical Positional Tolerance - That positional tolerance in which the tolerance is distributed in ah directions around the true geometrical position. 3.4 Converrion Tables -With a view to eliminating the need for repeated calculations and thus minimizing chances of error, the following conversion tables are appended to this standard for use in converting dimensions : NOTB -It will be seen that the geometrical positional tolerance is twice the maximum permitted departure from the true geometrical position (see Fig 1 and 3). Inches to Millimetres Table IIIA Range: Table TIIB Range: Table IIIC Range: 2.4 Fineness of Rounding-The unit to which the value is rounded off. For exam le, 253 rounded off to a fineness of O-1 will be %‘5, 3. BASIC 4.1 Simple TOLERANCEoB ORIGIXUAL DIMSNSION ZY”” 0:1 mm O*ool 8::’ 5 Up to But Not Including in X8’ 1 XS’ 5; Feature Dimensions RULE 3 - Find the tolerance of the feature and obtain from Table II, the appropriate W of rounding. RULE 4 - Uew thie lkeneu M roundin& round off the converted limite of eize ae obtained under Rule 2, in accordance with the ruler rpecifled in IS : 2-194fl s08 ale0 3.1). 7CEz: , mm RULE 5 - If de&ad, the limit8 of eize may be exprerred in term6 of deeian dimeneion together with plus and minue tolerance iimite, for which purpose deal with the 3 cases that arise air follows : a) For Unilai~raC To&raw6 - Simply take the difference between the converted limits of Mw as the tolerance ( see Example 3 ). b) For Equal Biiataral Limits - Take the difference between the converted limits of size, and if this happens to be even, Just divide by two to obtain the tolerance limit : if it is odd, subtract one in the laet place before halving ( WC Example 2 ). c) For Unequal Bilateral Limits - Convert the smaller of the two original tolerance limits to the required units by the use of the appropriate tables ( a8 under in 0000 05 \ OF RULE 2 - Convert the limits of 8ize from the given unite to the required units by the use of appropriate tables of inch to millimetre aeriee ( Tables IIIA, IIIB, IIIC and IIID ) or millimetre to inch aeriea ( Tables IVA and IVB ) IU the case may require. 8:’ 0:1 mm CONVERSION RULE 1 - If limits of size are not directly stated in the given dimension, derive the limits by using the design dimension and tolerance limit* given. TABLE II FINENESS OF ROUNDING BOR CON\iERSION OF TOLERANCED DIMENSIONS in l-l 000 mm ( see P19 ) 0~001-1~000 mm ( see Pt3 ) 4. RULES FOR DIMENSIONS 3.2 Fineness of Rounding -For the precise conversion of dimensions according to thii standard, fineness of rounding shall be chosen from the values given in Table II in accordance with the magnitude of the tolerance in the original given dimension. From Millitnetres to Itwb Table IVA Range: Table IVB Range: Table IIID DATA 3.1 Rules for Rounding Off-The converted numerical values of dimensions, tolerances, etc, shall bL rounded off in accordapce with rules specified in IS: 2-1949. which may briefly be summarized as follows: a) Round off to the nearest digit, unless the unrounded value falls exactly midway between two possible adjacent rounded-oft values, in which case choose the cveu rounded value. b) Use the most precise value known with all the available figures, for applying the above rule. C Range: l-100 in. (see P12) 0~001-1~000 in. (see Pi3) 0.000 Ol-O*OOl00 in. ( see Y17) & to 1 in. (see pl8) Ez’ 0.01 3.2.1 For tolerances finer than 0~00005 in. and OXlO mm, this table does not apply. Such fine tolerances may occur in certain t of high precision work, and must be dealt wyp” h w a special case in accordance with the basic principles enunciated in IS: 787-1956. 3.3 Conversion Factor - The basic conversion factor for inch-millimetre conversions shall be 1 inch = 254 millimetres (exact ). lSiqFe revised. 6 +Sincerevird. Rule 2 ) and round it off ( ae under Rule 4) to the came fineneee of roundln$ 8e previouely determined under Rule 2. U8ing thio converted vaiue a8 the 8maller of the two converted tolerance limito, derive the other converted limit and the converted deelen dimenrion ( tuu Example 1). By Rub size are: 2434 5 z i:E By Rule l- Limits to be converted 2.435 10 in. and 2.434 45 in. by Rule 2 - Look up the converted limits of 44*82 and 43.29 mm .’. Tolerance 1imit=(1~53--0~01)x0~5=0~76 mm 44.82 + 43.29 and Design dimension = --2 = 44.055 or 44.06 mm * The converted size may, if desired, be speci* ii;d as: 44.06 f 0.76 mm z5 in are: values of NOTK - The lower converted limit obtained from this last statement is 43.30 which differs by 0.01 mm from the limit 43.29 obtained directly above. This discrepancy is unavoidable. but will cause no difficulty in practice so far as production, inspection and functional interchangeability are concerned ( see also last sentence of 0.4 ). Add up the groups as required to obtain the converted values of the given limits: H3445 in 2438 10 in 508 508 11.023 6 11.049 0 o-011 430 o-002 540 61851548 mm 61.835 030 mm By Rute 3 -Tolerance = O+lOO6 + 0$100 05 = O&JO 65 in. From Table II, we find that for this tolerance, Fineness of Rounding = 0801 mm. By Rule 4 -Round off the millimetre converted limits to the fineness of 0.001 mm and obtain he answer as: 61.852 and 61.835 mm By Rule S(c)-These limits, if desired, may be expressed in terms of the design dimension and tolerance limits as follows: Converted tolerance = 61.852 - 61.835 I 0.017 mm. From Table IIIC, the smaller of the two. original’ limits of tolerance, O$OO05 in = O%l1270 mm, which after rounding 7 O-001 mm .’. Design sire = 61~835+0~001=61~836 mm + 0.016 and the converted size = 61.836 _ 0801 mm. Exm4lc the converted By Rub S(b) - If desired, proceed further: Converted tolerance 44*82-43,29= 153 mm Example 1 Convert to millimetres 4 -Thus Example 3 Convert into inches 117.5 + 0*05 mm. By Rule 1 llF55 mm 117.50 mm By Rule 2 4606 299 4.606 299 [Table IVA] 0.021 654 0,019 685 [Table IVB] 4.627 953 in -984 in By Rde 3 - Fineness for 0.05 mm is a000 I in [Table II) By Rule 4 - Converted limits: 4.628 0 and 4.626 0 in By Rule S(a) - If desired, express converted size as 4.626 0 + 0*002 0 in 4.2 Positional Dimensions 4.2.0 Any simple features, such as holes, pins or slots, besides having their sizes toleranced in the normal way, may have their relative positions toleranced in either of the two ways as indicated under 2 and Fig 1. Their conversion shall be carried out by procedures outlined under 4.2.1 and 4.2.2. 4.2.i Normal Bilateral Positional Tolerames RULE 6 -When positional dimension is specified in terms of true positional dimension and a bilateral tolerance in the normal way, carry out the conversion in the same manner as for the simple feature dimensions according’ to Rules 1 to 5, except that in this case application of Rule 5 shall be obligatory. Note -There is nothIn& n&einst specifyinO poaltional tolerance In a unilateral manner, but this IS not normal practice. In case it does occur, It may be handled for conversion In the same manner as a bilateral positional tolerance. Example 3 2 Convert to millfmetres 144 f 0.03 in ByRu&ll$f in -1.734 38 in [Table I IID] Limits of size: iI 38 in 1.70438 in l By RUZC225.4 25.4 [Table IIIA] 19.405 6 17.881 6 [Table IIIB] -009 652 [Table IIIC] a009 652 m mm 43.291252 mm -For tolerance of O-06 in, = 0.01 mm [Table II] Convert into millimetres sions of Fig 2. 7 the positional dien- c IS: 1105 - 1957 By Rde 6- I.00 -f @02 in 1.02 in @98 in z *--z_ 0.508-_0 24.892 0 _.__ 25.908 0 mm 24.892 0 mm and 350 f @02 in 352 in-3.48 in [Table IIIA] [Table IIIB] 73 7z. [Table I II A] 13.208 0 12.192 [Table II&] -._--0 89.408 0 mm 88.392 0 mm For tolerance of 0.04 in, fineness of rounding from Table II is 0.01 mm. @ Therefore, the coqerted limits are: 25.91 and 24.89 mm and 89.41 and 88.39 mm Expressed as a positional dimension in the normal manner, the converted dimensions will be: 25.40 f O-51 mm and 88.90 f 0.51 mm 4.2.2 Geometrical Positiofaal Tolerances RULE 7 - When positional dimension is defindd in terms of true ( or design ) posltlonal dimension and a geometrical tolerance, carry out the conversion separately for the true positional dimension and the geometrical tolerance, using the appropriate tables as under Rule 2; then round them off by using the fineness of rounding appropriate to the given ( geometrical ) tolerance, found from Table II as under Rule 3. --Example 5 Convert into millimetres sion of Fig 3. the positional dimen- By Rule 7&000 6 in - 2402 7 in 0.015240 0.015 240 mm 50.8 10.210 8 --.0.017 780 61.028 580 mm [Table IIIA] [Table IIIB] [Table IIICJ From Table II, fineness of rounding for a tolerance of 0.000 6 in is 0.001 mm. Thus the converted dimensions wili be: 61.029 mm with a Positional Tolerance of 0.015 mm. 4.3 Datum Dlmen$ions 4.3.0 When converting datum dimensions, from one system of units to the other, care shall be exercised to ensure that error of conversion due to rounding off a theoretically exact dimension does not add to the error arising from the conversion of the associated toleranced dimensions. By following the procedure outlined in Rules 8 to 11 below, accumulation of such errors will be avoided. 4.3.1 Rules for Datum Dimcn.sions RULE 8 - Convert the theoretically erect datum dimension as under Rule 2 and round off this ,converted dimension to four places. of decimal in inches and three places of decimal in mllllmetres. RULE 9 -Assuming the rounded value to be exact, take the difference between it and the unrounded value. RULE 10 - Consider the adjustment that the above-noted difference, will require to be made in the limits of the associated toleranced dimensions, if fi~ll account of it were to be taken. Wherever necessary, calculate the exact amount of variation that it will cause in the associated toleranced dimension(s). a datum dimension locatea a Note -When datum plane, as in Pig 4, the equivalent diameter or width variation of the tapered feature ie found by multiplying the difference ( noted under Rule 9 ) by the rate of taper. When the datum dimension is the diameter or width of the tapered feature, as in Fig 5, the equivalent length variation ie found by dividing the differeuce (noted under Rule 9) by the rate of taper. Convert the associated toleRULE llranted dimension(s), using the procedure outlined under Rules 1 to 5 but before roundln% off the converted values, make appropriate adjustments o allow for the variation found under Rule : 0. Example b -- _-- Convert the dimensions of Fig 4 into millimetres. By Rule 8 - Datum plane dimension : @875 in [Table IIIB! 22.225 0 mm Round to 22.225 mm By Rule 9 - Difference is nil. By Rule 10 - No adjustment is necessary. By Rule ll1.250 -WOO2 in 1.248 in 1.250 in 25.4 - 6.350 0 31.750 0 mm [Tables IIIA 2Gand IIIB] 6.299 2 31.699 2 mm Fineness of rounding for a tolerance of 0.002in being 0.001 mm ( Table II ), fhe above values may be rounded to 31.750 and 31.699 mm. Examfile 7 Convert the dimensions of Fig 5 into millimetres. By Rule 8 - Datum diameter dimension: l-187 5 in 25.4 4.749 8 0.012 70 30.162 50 mm Round to 30.162 mm [Tables IIIA, IIIB and IIIC] kRe@m in which ccntre hok may lie 7 %& P-4 POSN TOL 0*04ti BILAT8lUUL~~lSI8UT80 QEOMDTRICM COSITIONAL TOLERANCE FIO 1 Exnr~~tr OF Pormoru~ FISATURES AND TOLERANCES POSN TOL FIG 2 BILATERAL POSITIONAL TOLERANCE 1% 3 GEOMETRICAL TAPER PER INCH ON DIA I IN IO DIA POSITIONAL TOLERAKCE TAPER PER INCH DIA I IN IO DATUM --/--+j O*S65; +0*0003- FIG 4 FlG 4 AND 5 O*OOO;l EXAMPLES 9 OF . DATIJ~I DIiW_Nsfoi& FIGS IS : 1105 - 1957 By Rde 9 - Difference = OXlOO50 mm. Bv Rde 10 -The rounded value being smaller than ihe unrounded, the difference will have the effect of moving the datum diameter towards the smaller end of the taper and thus reducing the toleranced len th dimension by an amount : 0.0 10 50 x 10 = O-005 0 mm By Rule 11 OS66 S + WOO03 in W655 in @56S 8 in -_ 1$:X; &mm 1;3&\rr . [Tables IIIB and IIIC] 14371 32 mm I%“, ‘00mm [By Rule 10, -0*0050 * -14.366 32 mm i4;358 mm see abore] Fineness of rounding for a tolerance of OGOO3 in. being O%U mm ( Table II ), the above values may be rounded to: 14.366 and 14.359 mm SOTB- It may be noted that the adjusted limits in the present case are appreciably smaller thau the unadjusted limits. In a tolerance of 04JO7 mm ( 14.366 14.359 mm ), an adjustment of OX@5 mm is quite significant and could not possibly bc ignored iu the class of precision involved. 4.4 Untoleranced Dimensions 4.4.0 In this category may be included all dimensions specified without any tolerance, either explicitly stated or implied. Implication of a tolerance may arise under various circumstnnccs: a) A covering note on a draWing sometimes specifies tolerances applicable to all untoleranted dimensions appearing in the drawing. b) A code of practice for engineering drawings sometimes indicates the tolerances that may be -ascribed to untoleranced dimensions appearing on clrawings prepared in accordance with the particular code, which may or may nat carry a tolerance note ( see 13.2 of IS :;696-1955’) * c) Prevailing shop-practice in certain cases may clcmand certain limits of accuracy to be maintained when working to untoleranced dimensions of a drawing. d) Requirement of mating with other parts may at times necessitate a certain tolcrnnce to be maintained in respect of an untoleranced dimension. Maximum and minimum dimensions are usually stated without an indication of the accuracy required. In accordance with the Indian Standard practice, however, it would be necessary to state such dimensions to adequate number of places of For example, decimal to indicate their accuracy. 1.5 in maximum would mean an implied accuracy of -I- 0.05 in ; and 1.50 in minimum an accuracy of - O*OOSin. All these and other aspects of untoleranced dimensions are discussed in some detail in IS : 7871956, which is rccommendcd if further study is desired. For the purpose of this standard, the *Since revised. following rules are given for guidance, but a certain amount of discretion in their application will be found helpful. 4.4.1 Rdes for Untoleranced Dimensions RULE 12-Consider theuntoleranceddimension in all its contexts to find if any degree of accuracy is implied or required for matinR or for other purpose. If so, ascribe to the given dimension the appropriate tolerance and convert it in accordance with the relevant rules from among Rules 1 to 11. In stating the result, simply give the rounded value without a tolerance. RULE 13 -If as a result of examination under Rule 12, the context gives no clue as to the possible or probable accuracy of the given dimension, then ascribe to it an accuracy of 205 unit in the last place of decimal as given in the original dimension, that is, a tolerance equal to one unit in the last given place of decimal. In certain cases, it may be obviously desirable to add an additional decimal place or two to the given dimension in which case it may be done consistent with the ascribed accuracy of f0.5 unit in the last place. In case the given dimension is in the form of a vulgar fraction convert it first of 311 to decimal notation rounding it off to retain as many places of decimal as may be consistent with the ascribed accuracy of f0.5 unit in the last place of decimal retained. Having rewritten, the given dimension on the above basis proceed to convert as under Rules 1 to 11 and express the rounded result without a tolerance. Example 8 -Convert into millimetres a 45” chmj; in, which, according to the drawing, is to clear a 0.1 in radius on the mating component. of the By Rule 12 - A cursory examination problem indicates that it would suffice to express the given chamfer as $‘= O-125 or 0.12 in, ascribing a tolerance of f 0.005 in, since the radius to be cleared may itself be cxpcctcd to be no more accurate than 0.1, i.e. 0.1 f 0.05 in. Thus 0.12 in = 3.048 mm. From Table II, fineness of rounding tolerance of 0.01 in is 0.01 mm. for a Thus 0.12 in = 3.05 mm. Similarly, converting the radius, wc get 0.1 in = 2.54 mm = 2.5 mm. Examfile 9 - Convert the height of a lathe bed 3 ft 4 in to millimetres. By Rule 13 3 ft 4 in = 40 in = 40 f O-5 in = 1 016-O & 12.7 mm =I000 mm ’ \ IS : 1105 - 1957 NOTE - It will be seen that coarse tolerances of the order of 1 in. and above are not covered by Table II, nor is it necessary to cover them. Sim le conversion of a .-. laree tolerance . . from inches to miJlilimetres. and applymg it with discretion to the converted value to obtain a reasonably workable answer is all that is necessary, especially in cases of the tve illustrated in Example 9. In this example, it would, for instance, be meaningless to round off the lathe bed height to any other value but the nearest round figure of 1 000 mm. A few millimetres above or beloti-the round figure may have been important if the lathe height were to match some other component or machine. In the absence of anv such information. and in view of the large variation of height of lathe workers, a round figure in metric units should naturally be preferred. Thus it is clear that a great deal of discretion comes into play in dealing with such problems, which are after all of secondary importance so far as interchaugeability of machine parts is concerned. But untoleranced conversion problems connected with the establishment of new standards and new practices require careful individual study by responsible engineers and organizations. Therefore, the draftsman and the designer will be well advised in such cases to consult the decision-making authority concerned. 4.5 Standard Feature metric bolts, nuts and the related tools become available, it would not be desirable to convert the dimensions of inch-based screw threads, though the depths of tapped holes may be converted. Whether the length of a bolt or the thickness of a nut is to be converted or not will depend upon whether it is to be specially produced or bought ready-made as a standard part. On the other hand, when the metric standards for screw threads together with those for parts and tools do become available, then the Q inch bolt should be promptly replaced by an appropriate bolt from the metric standard series. But the metric bolt will not be interchangeable with the # in bolt. Similar remarks apply to gear teeth for gears and splines for splined shafts where standard gears, splines and their cutters are involved. Wires, sheets, I-beams, angles, etc, present the same picture. Thus the rules to be followed are given as follows. 4.5.1 Rules for Slaradard I;Eatr!re I%~ttsions RULE 14 - Standard feature dimensions shall not be converted unless standards based on the new set of units are available, in which case follow Rule 15. When unconverted standard feature dimensions are retained on a drawing which has otherwise been fienerally converted to a new set of units, such dimensions shall be enclosed in a rectangle. RULE 15 - When alternate standards based on the system of units to which standard feature dimensions are required to be converted are available, these features shall be _ replaced by features of the appropriate. siti selected from the relevant standards, and all the associated dimensions affected, by this choice shall be appropriately adjusted. Dimensions 4.5.0 Conversion of dimensions of standard features as defined under 2.1.1 has been dealt with in some detail in IS : 787-1956 under Dimensional Designations, which may either be standarIt has been recommended dized or non-standard. in that standard that the former need not be converted, while the latter should be converted according to rules. For a closer study, reference is invited to IS : 787-1956. For the purpose of this standard, it should suffice to point out that standard feature dimensions given in inches can only be converted when features of the same approsimate size have been standardized in metric units and the actual standard machine parts to which these features pertain become generally available for use. Also, as a corollary, small tools required for the production of the parts should be available. In the meantime, there need be no objection to continue to use the inch-based standard parts and inch-based standard tools required to machine the standard features in question. It should, however, be noted that the standard features which are converted will not be dimensionally interchangeable with the original features. An example will make the meaning clear. A drawing may require the use of a 3 in Whitworth bolt to fit into a tapped hole. Conversion of 8 in dimension to millimetre, or for that matter the conversion of detailed dimensions of the screw thread on a $ in bolt, would be futile and unnecessary, because the bolt of the required size can only be bought in the market when it is specified in terms of its inch dimensions. Nor is it practical to convert the dimensions of the screw thread i.n the tapped hole, for it has not only to mate with the Q in bolt but also requires an appropriate tap to cut it and this tap cannot be specified in millimetre dimensions. Thus, until standards on metric threads, together with standards for Example 10 -By way of example, it would be useful to list some of the standard features which, in the Indian context of 1957, need not be converted immediately to metric sizes ( Rule 14), but as and when Indian Standards for such features and for materials, parts and tools based on such features become available, they may be replaced by the appropriately selected metric features from among those covered by the new Indian Standards ( Rule 15 ) Such a list is given below: a) Screw Threads b) Gear Teeth c) Involute Sp!ines ( Straight splines may be converted ) d) Sheet and Wire Gauges e) Standard Rolled Sections of Metals Including Structural Steel Sections It is obvious that from time to time certain of the above items will be removed from the purview of Rule 14 and come under Rule 15. If the Union Parliament Act on Standards of Weights and Measures were strictly interpreted, all such items should come under Rule 15 within ten years of its adoption, that is, by December 1966. 11 TABLE .IIIB INCHES Range: TO MILLIbWIltES ( EXACT ) O-001 to la-in (Clauses 3.4 and 4.1 ) Inches+ om1 O-092 mm mm 0405 0404 0405 O-WI6 O-007 mm mm mm mm mm O-101 6 O-127 0 o-152 4 0408 0409 0.177 a O-203 2 O-228 6 o”w64 o-660 4 o-914 4 l-168 4 0.431 8 O-685 8 o-939 8 1.193 8 o-457 0.711 o-965 1.219 2 2 2 2 o-482 6 8:X l-244 6 i 2: 0 0 o-025 4 0.050 8 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 O-254 0 O-508 0 0.762 0 l-016 0 0.279 4 o-533 4 0.787 4 l*o414 0.304 0.558 0.812 1.066 0.05 l-210 0 1.295 4 l-320 8 1.346 2 l-371 6 l-397 0 1422 4 1.147 a 1.473 2 l-498 6 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 ::% i? 1.549 4 l-803 4 2432 0 2.286 0 z:: 1.574 1.828 2.082 2.336 16oo2 1.854 2 2.108 2 2.362 2 1.625 l-879 2.133 2.387 6 6 6 6 ::kZ : 2.159 0 2-413 0 1.676 l-930 l-184 2.438 1.701 I.955 2.209 2463 l-727 1.981 2.235 2.489 l-752 2.006 2-260 2514 o-10 2-540 0 2.565 4 2.590 8 2-616 2 2.641 6 2667 0 2.692 4 2.717 8 2.743 2 2-768 6 0.11 0*x2 o-13 o-14 2-794 0 3-0480 2-819 4 3.073 4 :::z 2.870 3.124 3.378 3.632 2.895 3.149 3.403 3-655 6 6 6 6 29210 3.175 0 3-429 0 3-683 0 2.946 3.200 3.454 3.708 2.971 3.225 3.479 3.533 2.997 3.251 3.505 3.759 2 2 2 2 3.022 6 :::Zi 2.844 3.098 3.352 3.606 o-15 3.810 0 3.835 4 3.860 8 3.886 2 3-911 6 3.937 0 3.962 4 3.987 S 4.013 2 4.038 6 0.16 0.17 O-18 0.19 4.0640 4.318 0 4-572 0 4.826 0 4.089 4 4.343 4 4.114 a 4.140 4.394 4.648 4.902 4.165 4.419 4-673 4.927 4-1910 4.216 4 4.470 4 t’;;: 4.292 6 8 5Q800 “5’::: 8 i&42; t:;;: 4 : ; 8 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 ::z i 4.876 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 tz: 4.953 0 d:Fi 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 8 8 S 8 8 8 S t 4*i49 8 5Go3 8 4-267 4.521 4.775 5.029 ; 2 2 2 2 3:::: t 3.784 6 2 2 2 2 ::z: 5.054 6 S-308 6 5.130 8 5.156 2 5.181 6 s-207 0 5.232 4 5-257 8 5.283 2 :-:i;t t 5i92 8 6.146 8 S-41012 5.664 2 S-918 2 6.172 2 5.435 6 S-689 6 5.943 6 6.197 6 . :~~x s-969 0 6.223 0 5486 4 5.740 4 5-99-)4 6*2+S 4 5.511 5.765 6.019 6.253 s-537 2 5.791 2 6+I45 2 6.299 2 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 F TABLE IIIB INCHES Range TO MILLIMiWRBB ( EXACT ) - tl.. Coritd E t : Oool to l-091) im , hChC?S+ 0 o-e01 0902 0.003 mm mm 0404 oao7 0.008 0909 mm mm mm mm 6MO 8 6527 8 6.5532 6.5786 6.6548 6.7818 7.0358 7.2898’ 7.5438 6*X072 7.0612 7.3152 7.5692 Gif f 7.3406 7.5946 7.797 s 7.8232 7.848‘i 840518 8.3058 8.5598 8r8138 8.077 2 8.3312 8.585 2 8.8392 8.1026 8.3566 8.6106 8.8646 9.0678 9.093 2. 4 mm 0.25 06350 0 64WO 6.3754 0.41 ;:u” 6.44 o.oo,mm mm “13:: 8 7.3660 f*K t 7:1374 7.3914 ;::i t 7.41.68 7aO 0 7.6454 7.6708 7.6% 2 7.7216 7.7470 7.8740 8.1280 8.3820 8.6360 7.8994 7.9248 ant 86614 if::: : 816868 7.9502 8.2042 8.4582 8.7122 7.9756 8.2296 8483 6 8.7376 z2: 8iO90 8.8900 8.9154 8+4438 8.9662 8.9916 9917 0 9.1948 X:iZ t 9.9568 9.2202 9.4742 9.7242 9.9822 9.2456 9.4996 9.7536 10.0076 9,27lO 9525 0 9.7790 10033 0 10.2108 10.2362 ::z 9652 0 9-9060 0.10 1 1@1600 10.1854 10.4394 if.176 0 104220 :X:Z :: 11*2014 :t::: . t i 10.9728 11.2268 11430 0 11.4554 11.4808 ::zx :::z: 12.2174 12.4714 KG 88 12.2428 12.4968 ::zi i2a: : 7’1724 8.7630 9.0424 9.1186 10.0584 9.3218 9.5758 9.8298 10.0838 9.3472 9.6012 9.8552 10.1092 9.3726 9.6266 9.8806 IO.1346 10.2616 10.3124 10.3378 10.3632 lo-388 6 10.4902 10.7442 10.9982 11.2522 10.5156 10.7696 11.0236 11.2776 :si : llQ744 11.3284 :~:z: ii 11.0998 11.3538 10.6172 10.8712 11.1252 11.3792 10.6426 10.8% 6 11.1506 llM46 11.5061 11.5316 11~5570 11.5824 11.6078 11.6332 11.6586 11.7602 11.7856 12.0396 12.2936 12.5476 11.811.O 11.8618 12.1158 12.3698 12.6238 11.8872 11.9126 ::zts 12.3444 12.5984 :22:::: f 12.6492 K t 12:6746 KY:: 3 12.5222 . :f% 8 125730 X:% : 9.8044 s 3 TABLE IIIB INCHES TO MILIJMETRES Range: Inches+ 4. 0 0.004 o4Jo3 O-002 Contd to 1400 in 0.005 O+tO6’ 0-007 O-008 oao9 -mm 0*50 o-001 WOl ( EXACT ) - 12.7000 mm mm 12.7254 12.7508 o-51 0.52 12.9794 g*g;; “o:Z 13.7414 mm mm inm mm mm mm mm 12.7762 12.8016 12.8270 12.8524 12.8778 12.9032 12.9286 :::z : 13.5890 13.8430 :;::: t 13.6144 13.8684 13.1318 13.3858 13.6398 13.8938 13.1572 ::z:‘: 13.9192 :::x: f 13.6906 13.9446 14.0970 14.1224 14.1478 14.1732 14.1986 14.3510 14.3764 14.6304 144018 14.6558 14+X@8 15.1638 14.4272 146812 14.9352 15.1892 :f:g 2 14.9606 15.2146 13.0302 ::::i‘i; 13.7922 14.0716 13.9700 13.9954 14.0208 14.0462 14.2240 :t:3:: : 14.9860 14.2494 14.5034 14.7574 150114 14,2748 14.5288 ii 14.3002 14554 2 14.8082 15*%2 2 0.60 15440 0 15.2654 15.2908 15.3162 15.3416 15367.0 15.4178 15.4432 15468 6 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.64 :::;Zi 00 16.0020 16.2560 15519 4 15.7734 16.0274 16.2814 :::;: t 16.0528 16.3068 ::*;15 f 16:0?82 16.3322 i ::z z 16.1036 16.3576 15.6210 15.8750 16.1290 16.3830 15.6718 15.697 2 15.9512 16.2052 16.4592 :::;K :: 16.2306 16.4846 0.65 16.5100 16.5354 16.5608 16.5862 16.6116 16.6370 16.6624 16.7132 16.7386 0.66 0.67 0.68 0.69 16.7640 17.0180 17.2720 17.5260 16.7834 17.0434 17.2974 17.5514 16.8148 16.8656 :::Ki t 17.5768 16.8402 17.0942 K :::::I: 2 17.6276 :z:: t 17.3990 17.6530 16.9164 17.1704 17.4244 17.6784 16.%7 2 17221 2 17.4752 17.7292 :;:ZZ t 17~5006 17.7546 0.70 17.7800 17.8054 17.8308 17.8562 17.8816 17907 0 17.9324 17.9578 17.9832 18.0086 t; 0.71 0.72 0.73 0,74 :::;ii 0” 18.5420 18.7960 18.0594 18.3134 18.5674 18.8214 18.0848 18.3388 :i::: ; 18.6182 18.8722 18.1356 1.8.3896 18643 6 18.8976 18.1610 18.4150 18.6690 18.9230 :ft:iZ: 18.6944 18948 4 :::z: t 18.7198 18.9738 18.2372 18.4912 18.7452 18.9992 18.2626 18.5166 18.7706 19.0246 : g 7 :::z: :“B:z t :::z :t:tZ; 8 15.1130 :::;ii: :z: t 16.4338 s’. 3 TABLE ILIB INCHES TO MILLIMETBES Range: ( EXACT ) - t; .. COW E Ml01 to l-000 in 0 H I Iache8+ 4 _ 0.001 0=002 O-003 0-004 oao5 oQo6 mm mm 0.75 19.0500 19.0754 19.1008 19.1262 19.1516 19.1770 19m24 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 19.3040 19.5580 19.8120 20.0660 19.3294 19.5834 19.8374 20.0914 19.3548 19.6088 19.8628 20.1168 19.3802 19.6342 19.8882 20.1422 19.4056 19.6596 19.9136 20.1676 19.4310 194564 :~~~; 8 2Oi93 0 oao 20.3200 20.3454 20.3708 20.3% 2 20.4216 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 20.5740 ;Kz 0” 21.3360 20.5994 20.8534 21.1074 21.3614 20.6248 20.8788 21.1328 21.3868 0.85 21590 0 21.6154 21.6408 0.86 0.87 ii:: 21.8440 22.0980 22.3520 22.6060 21.8694 22.1234 22.3774 22.6314 i::;: t 22402 8 22.6568 040 22.8600 22.8854 22.9108 ;:‘:G: 23:6220 23.8760 23.1394 23.3934 23.6474 23.9014 ;:::?i t 23.6728 23.9268 24.1300 24.1554 24.1808 24.3840 24.4094 ;z~ : 25446 0 z:: : 25.1714 ;;; t:z 0-009 -_mm 0.91 0.92 0908 O-007 2!i4000 24-4348 24.6888 24942 8 25.1% 8 21.6662 19.2532 :zft 20.2184 :z: : 19.9898 20.2438 :‘6;z t 20& 2 20.2692 20447 0 20472 4 20.4978 20.5232 20.5486 20.6756 20.7010 20.7518 20.7772 i!?;; 2 21:4376 i:z 8 21463 0 20-7264 20980 4 21.2344 21488 4 Kit; t 21.5138 ;::ii: ; 21.5392 ‘EE f 1.3106 if’ 21.5646 21.6916 21.7170 21.7424 21.7678 21.7932 21.8186 21996 4 22-2504 22*5044 22.7584 22.0218 ;::;z z 22-7838 21.9456 iz6” 22.7076 22.9616 22.9870 23.0124 23.0378 23.2410 23.3172 ;::;:i 8 24.0030 23.2664 23.5204 23.7744 24.0254 23.2918 23.6982 23.9522 iz: f 23.7236 23-9776 43”:;: t 24.0538 x 2’ 241)792 24.2062 24231 6 24.2570 24.2824 24-3078 24.3332 24460 2 24.7142 24.4856 ;::;i: 8 25.0190 25.2730 24.5364 24.7904 25a4 4 25.2984 22.9362 ;:z: Z:Z : 19.2786 19227 8 zz3’ t 25.2476 23.0632 5; 3 IS : 1105- 1957 TABLE IIIC INCHES TO MILLIMETRES ( EXACT ) WOO0 01 to O-00100 in Range: ( Clattses 3.4 and 4.1 ) lmm in in 0400 01 0aOO 02 OWO 03 0aOO 04 0400 omO 0*000 0mO 51 52 53 54 0aOO 05 O@Ol 270 0mO 55 0.013 970 OGIO 06 0.000 07 0aOO OS o@OO 09 0001 524 O*OOl778 oaO2 032 om2 286 0000 56 0alO 57 OGOO58 OaOO 59 “o:oo:: z7;: ()+I+ 732 0~014 986 oaoo 10 oaO2 540 OWO 60 0.015 2+0 OaOO 11 0000 12 o@Oo 13 OaOa 14 O-002 794 om3 048 O+Kl3302 O+lO3556 OdJOO 61 O@OO62 0.000 63 (i~OOO 64 0.015 0.015 0.016 0.016 0aOO 15 oaO3 810 OWO 65 O-016 510 8:i% :t o@OO 18 omO 19 8:iiz % 0.004 572 OW4 826 0aOo OmO OWO OWO 66 67 68 69 0.017 272 0.017 526 0aOO 20 OX@5 080 oaOO 70 0.017 780 o*ooo 2 1 Z:% 2: OWO 24 ems o@Os OW5 0.006 334 588 842 096 o@OO 71 0.000 72 0400 73 0.000 74 0.000 25 0.006 350 0000 75 8’%! $g OGOO76 OGOO77 f; ::!!Z 3: o*oOO30 0.007 620 OGOO80 0mO 31 0*007 874 O-008 128 OGOO81 OGOO82 O-000 83 O-000 84 ::tii 3332 OaOO 34 8:iit % 494 748 002 256 ::::4;z 0.019 050 :::;z :: 0.019 812 0.020 060 0.020 320 omO 35 0.008 890 OGOO85 it% 334 0-000 38 0aOO 39 8’zx OiO9 652 O-009 906 OaOO 86 O@OO87 OaO 88 3GOO 89 oaOo 40 0.010 160 0mO 90 oGOO 41 0mO 42 OaOO 43 o@OO 44 0.010 414 0.010 668 0*000 91 OaOO 92 0*000 93 o@OO 94 .0*023 622 0.023 876 o*ogO 45 0.011 430 OWO 46 0*000 47 0aOO 48 oaO 49 O-000 50 8% ?E 8% 8.i xi:: iii O-012 700 8:::: :i oaxl95 O-024 130 OGOO96 0aOO 97 OGOO98 OaOO 99 0.024 384 O-024 638 O-024 892 0.025 146 O*OOl00 0.025 400 IS : 1105- 1957 TABLE IIID COMMON FRACTIONS OF INCHES TO MILLIMETRES Ran&e: & to 1 in ( Clauses 3.4 and 4.1 ) Inchea Decimal Inch Millimetree Inch- Decimal Inch 0.015 625 0.031 250 0.046 875 o-062 500 13.096 875 13.493 750 13.890 625 1.587 500 O-078 125 o-093 750 o-109 37.5 0.562 SO0 14.287 500 0.578 125 0.593 750 0.609 375 14.684 375 15.081 250 15.478 125 o-125 000 3:175 000 fi.625 000 15.875 000 O-140 625 3.571 875 3.968 750 4.365 625 0640 625 0.656 250 0.671 875 16.271 875 ;f66; ;;K& O-187 500 4.762 500 0.687 500 17462 500 O-203 12.5 5.159 37.5 5.556 250 5.953 12s 0.703 125 0.718 750 0.734 375 17.859 375 18.256 250 18.653 12s o-250 000 6,350 000 o-750 000 19.050 000 0.265 625 6.746 875 7.143 750 7.540 625 0.765 625 0.781 250 0.796 875 19446 875 19.843 750 20.240 625 7.937 500 0.812 500 20.637 500 0.328 125 0.828 125 X% zt:; 21.034 375 3; .;3& :;g i::;: 8:::: ::;:i f3i if i:: 0.312 500 35’: 3:: 9.525 000 0.875 000 22.225 000 9.921 875 10.318 7.50 10.715 625 0.890 625 o-906 250 0.921 875 22.621 875 23.018 750 23415 625 o-437 500 11.112 500 0.937 500 23.812 500 o-453 125 11:509 375 0.953 125 24.209 375 8:Z ::g 8:;;: i::zi 0.375 OCO :f o~soo-000 Nom -All Mlllimetrea ::i 3;: 1*000000 12*7a 000 figures beyond the six places of decimals given are zeros. 18 ::! 25400 000 TABLE IVA MILLIIUBTRES Range: l.to 0 Mall- lam mm 3.4 8nd 4.1) ( cbnus metrem TO.llWBEt? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 in in in in in in in in 1 I in 0 O-039370 O-078740 O-118110 o-157480 0.1% 850 0.236 220 O-275591 0.314961 o-354331 0.393701 0.787402 l-181 102 1.574803 o-433071 O-826772 1.220472 1.614173 O-472441 O-866142 l-259 843 l-653 543 O-511811 O-551181 @590 5.51 O-629921 o-708 661 t:g ::: l-692 913 Y-~~~ 11732283 tz f:: i771654 :zzi l-811 024 o-669 291 14x2992 1456 693 1.8503% ::zii z: l-889 764 O-748032 l-141732 1.535433 l-929 134 1968504 2-007874 2-047244 2-086614 2.125984 2.165354 2.204724 2.244095 2.283465 2.322835 2.5984225 2-637795 2.677 165 3’:: ii! 31779528 zz tit 3.818898 :ct 3.858268 2.716535 ylf ;a& . 3-897638 4.212 598 4.251969 4.291339 2-362205 2.755906 :::c zz - 2~401575 2.795276 3.188976 3.582677 2440 945 2-480315 :‘8ztz 31622047 i-i;; 3&l t5 417 2.519685 2.913386 3.307087 3.700787 2.559055 2.952756 4.094488 4.133858 4.173 228 ::Zi :587 loo 3.937008 3.976378 4a5 748 4-055 118 110 4.330709 4.370079 4$09449 4.803 150 4.448 819 4-5275.59 4566 929 ::iZ Z 5629 921 :3:: z 51708661 . :‘zs 5.748032 :ziiitz 5.393701 S-787402 4.645669 5-039370 s-433 071 S-826772 4-685039 S-078740 5472 441 S-866142 6.141732 6.181 102 6.220472 6.2!!9842 6.574803 6-968504 7-362205 7.755906 6.614 173 6-653543 cz f;! 7.795276 ziz 7.834646 8.149606 8.188976 8.228346 8$61 S67 8.582677 ;zxi :~:~~ 91763780 t%Ei 9.409449 ii :z ifi 5511811 ::::; iii 5551 181 ::Zi wO5 512 5.944882 5984 252 6-023622 6ti2 992 6*102362 6-299213 6-692913 6.338583 ;s ii: !Z 6.377953 6417 323 6-4s 693 64% 063 . 5’;iz 7.519685 fC: i; 71559055 . t-z: 7.598425 . ~~~ 7.63779s !-~~~ 7& 165 7913 386 7952 756 7992’126 8.307087 8346 457 zxi 948a 189 t’~~~ k7 s59 8+70866 8.858268 8.110236 9-803150 TABLE IVA IUILLIMETBES Rsnge: TO .INCHES - E .. Cd z t 1 to lO@O mm I Millimetres+ 4 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 in in in in in in 4 -- in in in in 9.842520 9.881890 9.921260 9.960629 1oam-J000 10.039370 104x8 740 10.118110 10.157480 10.1% 850 10.275591 10.669291 11-062992 11.456693 10.314961 10.708661 1l-102 362 11.496063 IO.354330 10.748031 11-141732 11.535433 10.393701 10.787402 ;;*;g lg 10.433071 10472 441 z 10.236220 IO.629921 11-023622 11417 323 ::::: Zf 11.614173 :PKz l&53 543 10*511811 lo+05 512 11.299213 11.692913 10*551181 10944 882 11.338583 11.732284 1oaO 551 xl.984 252 11.377953 11.771654 300 11.811024 11.850394 11.889764 11.929134 11*%8 504 12aI7 874 12017 244 12.086614 12.125984 12165 354 310 12.204724 12.598425 12992 126 13.385827 12.244094 12.637895 13.031596 13.425297 12.28346s 12.677165 13.070866 13464 567 12.322835 12.716535 13.110236 13.503937 12.362205 12.755906 12401 575 ::.;g 27g 12440 945 12.834646 12.519685 12.913386 12*559055 ::::; 13:582677 :::z: 12480 315 12.874016 ;;.26; ;;; 13.858268 13.897638 13937 008 13976 378 14.015748 1+055 118 14.094488 14.133858 14488 189 14.881890 15.275591 15.669291 :::E: z 15.708661 2M z E i Z g :::;g Z ::::z Z 13.740158 350 13.779528 13.818998 360 370 390 14.173228 14.566929 14.960630 15.354331 14.212698 14606 399 15aOOooo 15.393701 14.251968 14645 669 15.039370 15.433071 14.291339 14.685039 1’5.078740 15.472440 14.330709 14.724409 15*118110 15*511811 :44:z !G 15.157480 15~551181 :4:g Z 15.1% 850 15.590551 14.448819 14.842520 15.236220 15.629921 P 15.748032 15.787402 15.826772 15.866142 15+05 512 15944 882 15+84 252 16.023622 16.062992 16*102362 410 z 44e 16.141732 16.535433 16.929134 17a22 835 16.181102 16*57$803 16.968504 17.362205 16.220472 16.614173 17.007874 17401 575 M.259 842 16.653543 17.047244 17440945 16.299213 16-692913 17.086614 17480 315 16.338583 y;g g 16417 323 16.811024 17.204724 17.598425 16.456693 16.850394 17.244094 17.637795 164% 063 16.889764 17*519685 16.377953 16.771654 17.165354 17.559055 4!l0 17.716535 17.755906 17.795276 17.834646 17.874016 17,913386 17~~52756 17992 126 18.0314% 18@70866 460 410 18.110236 18.503937 18.897638 19.291339 18.149607 18,543307 18.188.976 18.582677 18-976378 19.370079 18.267716 18661417 19.055118 19448 819 :::;g z; 19.094488 19488 189 :;*;z ::8’ 191133858 19.527559 18.385827 18.779528 18.425197 l&818 898 19.212598 19606 299 18464 567 z ::9:; Z :;:g Z! 14.527559 :3zz . :z:‘: z 19.645669 s s TABLE ~METlti& TO lNUiES - Conk2 Raage:ltmoo& 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a in in in in in in. in in in 19.724 409 19.763 780 19.803 150 19*a42 520 19.881 8% 19.921 260 19960 630 2odJoo WJO 20.039 370 20.118 if0 20*511811 20.905 512 21.299 213 20.157 20.551 20944 21.338 g27; 20.314 961 2O.708 661 ;yg 36; 20.354 20.748 21.141 21.535 20.393 20.787 21.181 21.574 20.433 20.826 21.220 21.614 21.692 913 21.732 284 21.771654 22.086 22.480 22.874 23.267 22.125 22.519 22.913 23.307 984 685 386 087 22.165 354 22.559 055 g.92 gJ 21.653 543 614 315 016 716 480 181 882 583 ;;; 331 032 732 433 9 in 701 402 102 803 071 772 472 173 EzE 21023 622 21417 323 21.o62 992 21456 693 21-811 o24 21.850 394 21.889 764 21.929 134 21.968 SO4 22607 874 E:Z I;: 22992 126 23.385 a27 E:ZZ Z 234314% 23.425 197 22.283 22.677 23.070 23464 22.322 22.7f6 23-l 10 23.503 22.362 205 22*4o1575 y5& L??Z 465 165 866 567 835 535 236 937 ;:zJ E 23:543 307 23.582 677 23.622 047 23.661417 23.700 787 23.740 158 23.779 528 23.818 sb8 23.858 268 23.897 638 23.917 008 23-976 378 24-015 748 24dO9 449 24.055 24448 24.842 25.236 118 819 520 220 24.094 488 24.488 189 24.881890 25.275 591 24.133 24.527 24.921 25.314 24.173 228 24.566 929 24.212 598 24.606 299 25WlOOO 25.393 701 24.251 24645 25439 25.433 968 669 370 071 24.291 339 ;:‘g ;g 703 409 110 811 24.370 079 ;fl’x; g 25.472 441 24-330 24.724 25.118 25.511 25,590 551 25.629 921 25669 291 25.787 402 25.826 772 25.866 142 25.905 512 25944 882 25.984 26.377 26.771 27.165 252 953 654 354 26.023 622 26-417 323 26.811024 27*2O4 724 26G62 26.456 26.850 27.244 26.181 26.574 26.968 27.362 g.;g 26.259 842 26.653 543 26.299 213 26.692 913 27.086 614 27-4aO 315 26.338 583 27.559 055 27.598 425 27.637 795 27.952 28.346 28.740 29.133 27.992 28.385 28.779 29.173 28.0314% 28425 197 gmf wf& ZE E 756 457 158 858 126 827 528 228 858 559 260 961 ZZ :iY 25.748 032 992 693 394 094 27.677 165 102 803 so4 205 27.755 906 28-l 10 236 28.503 937 ~~ ii0 ZZ iii!! 28.937 ooa 29.330 709 ;;: 25.551 la1 E-z z 27:519.6as 27.007 874 27.401 575 zz 27.795 276 27.834 646 27.874 016 27.913 386 28.188 976 E’58; fi;; 28.228 28.622 29.015 294O9 28.267 716 28.661417 ;;.os$ ;l; 28.307 28.700 29.094 29.488 29:370 079 E 346 047 748 449 Oa7 787 4a8 la9 TABLE. WA MILLIMETRES Range: Milllmetresd -- + .- 0 1 __-. -__.__.--.. -___ in in 2 TO INCHES - 1 to 1 000 mm 5 3 6 _ in in Codd in --_ 7 8 9 - in in in in in 29.527559 29.566929 29606 299 29.645669 29.685039 29.724409 29.763780 29.803150 29.842520 29881890 29.921260 BO.31.l061 3O~iOX661 31.102362 29.960630 30.35-I331 30.7+5032 31.141732 3oaO m 30.393701 30.787402 31.181102 30.039370 30.433071 30.826772 31.220472 30.078740 30.472441 30.866142 31.259842 30-118110 30511 811 30905 512 31.299213 30.157480 3O~SCl181 30.944RX2 31.338583 30.196850 30.5905.51 30984 252 31.377953 30.236220 30.629921 31.023622 31.417323 30.275591 30669 291 31.062992 31.456693 800 31.4% 063 31.535433 31.574803 31.614173 31.653543 31.692913 31.732284 31.771654 31.811024 31.850394 810 820 31.889764 32.283465 32.677165 33.070866 31-929134 32.322835 32.716535 33.110236 31.968504 32.362205 32.755906 33.149606 32.01’7874 32401 575 32.795276 33.188976 32.047244 32440 945 32.834646 3X.228346 32.086614 32.480315 32.874016 33.267716 32.125984 32519 685 32.913386 33.307087 32.165354 32.559055 32.9527.56 33.346457 32.204724 32.598425 32992 126 33.385827 32.244094 32.637795 33.031456 33.4225 197 33464 567 33.503937 33.543307 33.582677 33.622047 33.661417 33.700787 33.740158 33.779528 33.818898 ;:G; :::;z zz 34.724109 35.118110 33.976378 34.370079 34.363780 35.15;7480 34.015748 34409 449 34.803150 35.1% 850 34.055118 34448 819 34.842520 35.236220 34.094488 3ttt: iti 35.275591 34.133858 34.527559 34.921260 35.314961 34.173228 34.566929 34960 630 35.354331 34.212598 34.645669 35.039370 33.897638 34.291339 34.685039 35.078740 :::Ei z 35.393701 900 35.433071 35.472441 35.511811 35.551181 35*590551 35.629921 35669 291 35.708661 35.748032 35.787402 910 920 35.866142 36.259842 36.653543 37.047244 :::g ;:: 36.692913 37.086614 3w44 882 36.338583 36.732284 37.125984 35.984252 36.3779.53 36.771654’ 37.165354 36.023622 36.417323 36.811024 37.201724 36.062992 36.456693 36.850394 37.244094 ;ty; z 35.826172 36.220472 36.614173 37.007874 36#?9 764 37.283465 36.141732 36.535433 36.929134 37.322835 3k.181102 36.574803 36.968504 37.362205 950 37401.575 37.440945 37.480315 37.55905.5 37.598425 37.637795 37.677165 37.716535 37.755906 960 ;‘s?: 37.834646 38:582677 38.976378 37.952756 38.3464.57 38.740158 39.133858 37992 126 38.385827 38.779528 39.173228 38.031496 38.425197 38.818898 39.212598 38.070866 38.464567 38.110236 38.503937 38.897638 39.291339 38.149606 ;p; g g 990 37.874016 38.267716 38661417 39.055118 low z g7; 39.370OP :8”‘:;: &Y 39:015748 36; 39.330IO9 TABLE IVB MILLIMETRES Range: O+Wl to 1W TO INCHES mm ( Clauses 3.4 and 4.1 ) Millimetres+ -. 4 - l- l- I in 0 _.. - in __ 0 OmO 433 OGOO827 OdxJl 220 OdOl 614 0~001968 0.002 008 0% 0.07 0.08 0.09 OW2 362 0*002 7% WOO3150 om3 543 8:c% $5 0.003 189 0.003 582 om2 0.002 om3 0.003 0.10 OGO3 937 @003 976 OW4 016 0.05 O@OO472 omo 866 0.001 260 OdIO16.54 0@05 9t5 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 ::%z :9d: 0.007 087 0.007 480 0,006 339 0006 732 OXJO 126 0*007 520 00X 984 ;:E 0.008 268 O-008 661 O-009 055 OmY 449 cwO8 307 0~008 701 0mY OY4 OGOY488 -.----_ --in O-007 0406 in __.- in in OGOO118 0000 157 0GoO 197 0,000 236 oaoo276 0mO 512 O-o00906 po; ;;; 0-000 551 OGOO945 O+Ol 330 OdJOl732 o*OOO591 0aixl9~4 0.001 37s 0.001752 0.000 630 “SE 0.001457 0+02 126 0@02 165 0.002 205 om2 om2 Om2 cw3 oal3 ow2 0.002 0+03 om3 559 953 346 740 0.002 598 0.002 992 0@03 386 0*003 780 O.o(i2 638 0.003 031 0.003 425 0.003 819 134 w_m 173 520 913 307 : 01 oGO4 05 5 o*cc+ cY4 om4 c.004 ow4 Ow5 OUI5 449 843 236 630 ow4 48s oaI4 882 WOOS276 OWS 669 o+xki 528 Om4 Y21 0~005 31; ww5 709 om6 024 OW6 003 if%: ::‘: wlO1 811 0.004 252 O-006 220 “o:E ;:: oGO7 205 0.007 598 0~006 496 WOO6890 wo7 2s.7 0~007 677 wmi 575 cw6 W8 WJO7 362 WOO7756 0.007 Y92 OGO8032 WI08 05 1 OWS 346 ;.g ;$ OGO8 386 0+08 780 0.009 528 8:% o@Os 425 0cOY’819 0.009’213 0.0119606 OGOS465 o@x t;sfi WWY 252 ow9 646 ::: I i h 0.002 323 om2 717 om3 110 0.003 504 OGO.1898 0.004 646 0~005 039 OWS 433 O*OOS 827 0006 181 I 0@02 283 OdH4 213 wx6 IboO OW7 0.007 0.000354 oM)o 748 O@Ol 142 0~1.535 0*001929 w-m 6% O-005 Ooo 0w5 3Y4 O-O05787 OW6 142 378 772 165 559 Omo 315 244 WO6 10’ WI06 0036 OW7 00IJ7 in 0+01850 157 850 244 638 535 YZY 323 717 O-009 O-008 ____A in WW6 OW6 OW7 WO7 0.20 0.21 0.22 ___~ 441 835 228 622 0.11 o-12 0.13 0.14 0685 oaw4 in in OGOO394 0aOa 787 om1 181 0401 575 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 g oao3 0 0.004 291 O-006 260 00X 0.007 om7 0.007 654 047 441 835 0.308 110 om8 150 0.008 189 OXNI8228 OQOSSO4 OGO3 SY$ uw3 2Yl 0~009 685 Oa ow8 0.009 0.009 543 937 331 724 0.008 0.008 OmY OmY 0@08 622 OWY 016 OwY409 WOY 803 I- 583 976 370 764 ._ TABLE IVB MILLIMETBEB Ihuge: Mull- TO IN&ES 0431 to 143 - CmUd mm e 0431 o-002 O-303 0404 O-003 in in in in in in in in in in 0409 843 0.009 881 O-009921 0.010000 0.010039 o-010079 O-010118 0.010 157 0.010 197 O-010276 o-010 669 O-011063 O-011457 0.010 315 0.010709 p; ; ;g O-010394 O-010433 0.010 512 E!:: :t: o-011 575 XZ IZ O-011 614 O&O 472 O-010866 O-011260 0.011654 8::: E O-011693 O-010551 o-010 945 0.011 339 O-011732 O*OlO591 O-010984 0.011378 0.011772 0.011968 0.012047 O-012087 0.012 126 0.012165 8’::; 3;; ;jl; $ o-012 441 0.012834 O-013228 O-013 622 XE :,I: O-013268 o-013 661 0.012 520 0.012 913 o-013 307 0.013 701 O-012559 o-012953 0.014016 O-014055 O-014094 0.014 134 ~:~~ Oa15 236 O-015 630 0.014488 O-014882 O-015 276 O-015 669 0.014 528 0.014921 o-015 315 O-015708 OW 0Qos 0409 metree+ 3 g MO oa1811 0@11850 o-011890 O-011929 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.012205 0.012598 O-012992 0.013 386 O-012244 0.012638 0.012323 0.012717 8Z3 Et 0.012283 0:012677 o-013 071 o-013 465 043 o-013780 0.013819 0.013858 0.013898 ON3 937 o-013976 :z 0133 0.39 0.014 173 0.014 567 O-014%l 0.015 354 O-014213 o-014 606 0.015000 O-015394 0.014252 0.014646 0-01s 039 0.015433 0.014291 O-014685 0.015079 O-015 472 o-014 331 O-014724 o-01.5118 o-015 512 O-014370 049 0.015787 O-015827 0.015866 O-015906 O-015984 CKU6 024 0.016063 0.016 102 041 042 0.016220 0016 260 8’8;$65; ::z 0.016 181 0.016 575 0.016968 0.017362 O-017441 “d”bizE 0017 087 O-017480 E:8 Et! 0.017 165 O-017559 EE ;L:: 0.017205 0017 598 O-016457 O-016850 .0.017244 O-017638 88:: :zz 01017283 0.017677 043 O-017756 0.017795 O-017835 O-017874 O-017953 o-017992 O-018032 O-Ol8071 8::: ::; 0.018976 o-019370 O-018228 O-018622 O-019016 O-019409 O-018346 O-018386 GE! Et :tt O-019567 0018 425 0.018819 O-019213 0.019606 O-018465 O-018858 0.019252 o-019646 z 043 049 -- , 0.018 150 ,O-Q18543 Et ::: z-8:4 E 01017402 88:33:z Ef E 019 055 O-019449 8:X;: :: O-015551 O-019 528 8:Z E TABLE IVB MILLIMETRES TO INCHES-Cod Range:OM)l to 1400 mm 0 0401 in in 0@19685 O-005 0404 in in in 0.019 724 0.019 764 0.019 803 Oa19843 8::;:::; 0.020866 o-On26O 0.020 118 0.020 512 0.020 906 0.021 299 0*020157 0*020551 0.020945 0.021 339 0.020197 0.020 591 0.020984 0.021 378 0421654 0.021693 0.021 732 0.022047 o-022441 OX&!2835 M)23228 0.022 087 O-60 Milli- met- 0*002 oa05 0406 0407 0408 0409 4 in in in in 0.019882 0~019921 0.019961 oa2oO0O O.020039 0.020 236 0.020630 0.021 024 O.021417 0.020276 0.020669 0.021 063 0.021 457 O-020 315 0*020 7O9 0.021 102 0.021 496 0.020354 0.020 748 0.021 142 O-021 535 0620394 0.020787 0.021 181 0.021 575 0.020433 O-020827 0.021 220 O*OJl 614 0.021772 0;021 811 0.021 850 0.021 890 0.021 929 0.021968 0.022008 X:Ztt 0.023 267 0.022 126 0.022 520 0.022 913 0.023 307 0.022 165 0.022 559 0.022 953 0.023 346 0.022 205 0.022 598 0.022 992 0.023 366 0.022 244 0.022 638 0.023 032 0.023 425 0.022 283 0.022 677 0.023 071 0.023 465 0.022 323 0.022 717 0.023 110 0.023 SO4 0.022362 0.022756 0.023 150 0.023 543 0.02240 0.02279, 0.023 189 0.023 583 0923622 0423661 0.023 701 0.023 740 0.023 780 O-023 819 0.023 858 0.023 898 0.023 937 0.023 976 o-61 OM4016 0.024094 0.024489 O-64 8:%z 0425197 0.024055 0.024 449 0.024 843 0.025 236 8:x: 0.024134 0.024 528 0.024 921 0.025 315 0.024173 0.024567 0.024 961 0.025 354 0.024213 0.024606 0.025 O00 0.025 394 O-024252 O-024 646 0.025 039 0.025 433 0.024291 0.024 685 0.025 079 0*025 472 0.024 331 O-024724 0.025 118 0.025 512 0.024 370 0.024.76-t 0.025 157 0.025 551 bd!i oa25 591 0.025 630 0.025 669 0.025 709 OG25 748 0.025 787 0.025 827 0.025 866 0.025 9O$ 0.025 945 oa25984 0926378 04X6772 0927165 0.026024 :::z:: 0.027 205 0.026063 0.026457 0.026850 0.027 244 0.026 102 0.026496 0.026 890 0.027 283 0826142 0.026 535 0.026 929 OG27323 0.026 181 0.026 575 0,026 968 0.027 362 0.026 220 0.026614 0.027008 0.027402 0,026 260 0.026 654 0.027 047 0.027 441 0.026 299 0.026693 0.027 087 0.027480 t:::::; 0:027126 0.027 520 0.70 0427559 0@27598 0.027638 0.027 677 0.027 717 O-027756 0.027 795 0.027 835 OG27874 0.027913 0.71 0.027 953 0428346 0.028 740 0429134 0927992 0428386 0.028780 0429173 0.028032 O-028425 0.028819 0.029 213 0.028071 O-028465 0.028858 0.029252 0.028 110 0.028 189 0.028 583 0.028 976 0.029 370 0.028 228 0.028 622 0.029016 0.029409 0.028 268 0.028661 0.029 055 0.029449 z tz 040 0.69 ::;: 0.74 x:;z; 0429291 in tf .. 0.028 307 .= 0.028701 d 0.029 094 O-029488 L f / TABLE IVB MrtLIMETRES TO INCHES-Corud Range: OdBOlto 14IOOmm- 0 0301 O-006 oao7 in in in 6003 @004 0.003 in in O*OOS 0.009 _--_ -- in 0+02 in in in in 0.029528 WO29567 0.029 606 0.029 646 Om9685 0.029 724 0.029 764 0.029 803 O-029 843 0.029 882 O-029921 o-O30315 0@30709 0.031 102 @029%1 0*03O354 OG30748L 0031142 0~030000 0.030 394 0*030787 0.031 181 0~030@40 0.030433 0.030827 0.031220 0.030079 O-030472 0~30866 0.031260 0.030118 0.030 512 0.030906 0.031 299 :::x 0~030&5 0.031 339 0.030197 0.030591 0.030984 0.031378 0.030236 0.030630 0.031 024 0.031 417 x::;:::: 0.031 063 0.031 457 0.031 4% 0.031 535 0.031 575 0.031 614 0.031654 0.031693 0.031732 0.031772 0.031 811 0.031929 0.032323 0032717 0.033 110 0*031%8 0.032 362 0.032756 0.033 150 0.032 008 0.032402 0.032 795 0.033 189 0.032047 0032441 0.032835 0.033228 0.032087 0.032 480 0.032 874 0.033 268 0.032 126 x:~:~~ 0.032677 oa33071 Z:8:4 z:: 0.033 307 0.032 165 0.032559 0.032 953 0.033 346 0.032 205 0.032 598 0.032992 0.033 386 0.033465 0.033 504 0.033858 8'~:~ 0:035039 0.035433 OG35472 0.035 827 x:z 01037 008 0.033 543 0.033 583 0.333 622 0.033 661 0.033701 0.033 740 0.033 780 0.033 Sl! 0.033937 o-034331 O-034724 0.035118 0.033 976 0.034370 0.034764 0.035 157 WO34016 0.034409 @034803 0.035 197 0*034055 0.034449 0.034843 0.035 236 x::~:~ 0.034173 O-034 567 0.034961 0.035 354 0.034 213 0.034 606 , X'K;;: 0.034 134 0434528 0.034921 0035315 oa35512 0.035 551 0435591 0.035 630 0.035 669 0.035709 0.035748 0.035787 0*035906 0.036299 0.036693 0.037 087 0.035 945 0036339 0.036 732 0.037 126 O-035 984 0936378 Cl.036772 0937165 0.036023 0.036 102 8:~:~:~: 0.037 205 00036063 0.036457 0.036 YZO o-037 244 ::8:: tz 0.037283 8:::t ::: OaOj6929 0.037 323 0.036181 OtO36575 @03696S 0.037 362 0.037677 0.037 717 O-0377561 oa37402 0.037441 0.037 480 0.037 520 0.037559 O+lh37598 0.037638 sO37795 0.037lIJS WI38228 (WI38 622 0.039fJ1a 0.037874 0.038 268 om8 661 0~039OS5 0.037 913 0.038 307 0.038 701 0*039094 OG37953 O.O38346 O+387M O-039133 p;;:;g 0.038071 0.038032 0.038465 0.038425 858 8';jf.m;;; 0.035 0.039252 :::lf::: OG3897b 0:038780 0.039 173 0.038 110 0.038 504 0.038898 0~039291 0.0393701 -. . ” I ^ . h __ .. x:8:-: z!