Fill in the Blank(s) (FIB)

Online Campus
Question Type – Fill in the Blank
Fill in the Blank(s) (FIB)
Fill in the Blank(s) can be used when students need to enter correct key words or phrases. Fill in the
Blank questions are a little more challenging to students since there are no options that can be used to
guess the correct answer.
Fill in the Blank should not be used for any questions that require a response longer the 2-3 words. If
the answer requires a longer answer space then you should use the Short Answer Questions type.
Four score and __________ years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation,
conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that _______________________________.
1. Enter a Title (optional)
2. Enter a Points (required)
This is the points a student will receive for answering this question 100% correct
3. Enter a Difficulty (optional)
Difficulty is not used to determine a student’s grade, but can be used for reporting or
4. Add an Image as a file (optional)
This will display the image similar to adding an image via the HTML editor, but the image
will be displayed under the full question text
5. A Description can be entered for the image
6. Enter the Question Text (required)
Question Text requires at least one text area and one blank answer area
7. Use Add Blank or Add Text if multiple items will be needed to complete the statement and use
the trash can
to remove any Text or Blanks that are in the incorrect place or not needed.
There is no reorder of text or blanks.
Example: Will have two text boxes and two blank answer places
Text #1: Four score and
Blank #1: __________
Text #2: years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty,
and dedicated to the proposition that
Blank #2: _______________________________.
Edited by C.L.Dell
24/7 Support 1-877-325-7778
Page 1
Online Campus
Question Type – Fill in the Blank
8. Enter text within the text box provided by activating the editor (click on the empty box to active).
9. Set up the blank space:
a. Choose the size of the text box provided to your students between 5 to 30 characters
b. If you a willing to take several different versions of then answer then you will need
several different answer spaces under the blank.
i. Click Add Answer for extra spaces
Example: Blank #1
Accepted Answers are SEVEN or 7 for full or partial credit, then Blank #1 will have two
answer spaces
Edited by C.L.Dell
24/7 Support 1-877-325-7778
Page 2
Online Campus
Question Type – Fill in the Blank
c. Enter the weight 0-100 that the student will receive when entering this answer value. The
total for all blanks should equal 100%.
Example: Question is worth 10 points total
Blank #1 totals 50% of the total points if correct (5 points)
Seven is a fully correct answer worth 50% (5 points)
7 is a partially correct answer worth 25% (2.5 points)
Blank #2 totals 50% of the total points if correct (5 points)
All men are created equal is a fully correct answer worth 50% (5 points)
Created equal is a partially correct answer worth 25% (2.5 points)
Equal is a partially correct answer worth 25% (2.5 points)
Student A answers seven and all men are created equal for 100% of the points (10 points)
Student B answers seven and created equal for 75% of the points (7.5 points)
Student C answers 7 and created equal for 50% of the points (5 points)
Student D answers 20 and equal for 25% of the points (2.5 points)
Student E answers 10 and gave freedom to all for 0% of the points (0 points)
Edited by C.L.Dell
24/7 Support 1-877-325-7778
Page 3
Online Campus
Question Type – Fill in the Blank
d. Select an Evaluation field:
Case Insensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the
answer text with or without letter case correctness.
Case Sensitive - Auto-grading searches for a matching character pattern in the
answer text that must have letter case correctness.
Regular Expression - Auto-grading uses meta-characters to search for one or more
matching strings in the answer text's character pattern. See regular expressions for
more information.
10. Remember to delete
any extra answers or blanks before saving or your question will not be
11. Enter a Question Hint (optional)
Click on “Expand question hint” to open the Question Hint textbox
Hints can be added to any question and used for self-assessments to help student’s
knowledge of content. Hints can be removed when creating a quiz.
12. Enter Question Feedback (optional)
Click on “Expand question feedback” to open the Question Feedback textbox
Question Feedback is used to give all students who have completed this question
feedback or information.
13. Once the question has been completed
• Save will add/save the question to the section and refresh back to the section
• Save and Copy will add/save the question, but will open a copy of the question to be
• Save and New will add/save the question to the section then will open a new blank
True or False form to repeat
• Preview will open the question with the student’s view of how this question will look
within the quiz, how the question will be graded, any feedback; hints that have been
entered and if this question is in multiple quizzes then a list will be provided for
review – Click Done
• Cancel will exit the question form and not save any changes made to the question
Student View of FIB question
Edited by C.L.Dell
24/7 Support 1-877-325-7778
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