Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word. “Mathematics is not

Stampato il: 20/06/2011
pag. 0
1 Fillintheblankwiththemostappropriateword.“Mathematicsisnotmy…”.
A) cupoftea
B) pieceofbutter
C) pieceofcake
D) cupofcoffee
2 Fillintheblank."Therearetoo…advertisementsonTV".
A) many
B) enough
C) much
D) lotof
3 Fillintheblank.“…anothercupoftea,please?”.
A) MayIhave
B) Wouldyoulike
C) Yougiveme
D) Imusthave
4 Completethefollowingdialoguewiththebestcombinationofwords.
A) see
B) amseeing
C) willsee
D) saw
5 Fillintheblank.“Themeetingwasveryurgentanditwasnotpossibleto...”.
A) putitoff
B) putiton
C) putitafter
D) putitinto
6 Fillintheblank.“Pleasetell...sonoisy”.
A) himnottobe
B) himtobenot
C) himbeing
D) tohimnotbe
Stampato il: 20/06/2011
pag. 1
7 Fillintheblank.“Doyouthinkit...tomorrow?”.
A) willrain
B) rains
C) israining
D) doesrain
8 Fillintheblank."JimhasaheadacheandIthinkhe…totakeapainkiller".
A) ought
B) should
C) must
D) can
9 Fillintheblank.“Mybedroomis...yours”.
A) smallerthan
B) smallerthen
C) thesmallestthan
D) smallerto
10 Choose the best word to complete the following sentence. “It’s six o’clock and I have to go to the theatre”. “I’m
A) on
B) the
C) at
D) for
11 Choose the alternative which is closest in meaning to the words in square brackets and which does not change the
A) hasmademereallytired
B) hasmademeangry
C) haspleasedme
D) takenmetime
12 Choose the best combination of words to complete the following sentence. “He … make a phone call because he
A) couldn't
B) can't
C) won’tbeableto
D) can
Stampato il: 20/06/2011
pag. 2
13 Fillintheblank.“Ineverdrinkatlunch”.“Neither…”.
A) doI
B) Ido
C) me
D) Idrink
14 Fillintheblank.“We...moneyduringourholidaysanditwasarealdisaster”.
A) ranoutof
B) raninto
C) ranover
D) ranup
15 Fillintheblank.“Bythetimehegetstotheoffice,themeeting...over”.
A) willbe
B) willstarttobe
C) isbeing
D) is
16 Fillintheblank.“Notenoughmoneyhasbeen…fortheproject”.
A) raised
B) raising
C) rose
D) risen
17 Fillintheblank.“Youcan't...Cedric.Heisnotreliable.He'sneverontime”.
A) trust
B) rely
C) grant
D) expect
18 WhichofthealternativesCANNOTbeprecededby“Who”?
A) isyourname?
B) isthatguytalkingtoyoursister?
C) arethey?
D) shouldtakethelead?
Stampato il: 20/06/2011
pag. 3
19 The Channel Tunnel, (French: le tunnel sous la Manche; often nicknamed the Chunnel in English) is a rail tunnel
beneath the English Channel at the Straits of Dover, connecting Cheriton in Kent, England and Sangatte in northern
France. This long-standing and hugely expensive project, which saw several false starts, was finally completed in
A) TheChannelTunnelisthelongestrailtunnelinEurope
B) TheChannelTunnelisthelongestrailtunnelintheworld
C) TheChannelTunnelhasnowbeenrunningformorethan20years
D) TheconstructionoftheChannelTunnelwasproblem-freeandcompletedinrecordtime
20 Yosemite National Park is a place of extremes. It has high mountains. It has valleys formed by ancient ice that cut
deep into the Earth millions of years ago. Water from high in the mountains falls in many places to the green valley
far below. There are 13 beautiful waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. One of these waterfalls, Yosemite Falls, is the fifth
highest on Earth. Up in the mountains are clear lakes, quick-moving small rivers, and huge formations of rock. One
A) TherearemanyfallsinYosemiteNationalPark,butnoneofthemisthehighestintheworld
B) YosemiteFallsarenotveryhigh
C) YosemiteNationalParkisnotaverygreenpark
D) YosemiteNationalParksboastsmountains,fallsandrivers,butnolakes