A new graphical representation for dielectric data YamZhen Weia) and S. Sridhar Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 (Received 16 April 1993; accepted 4 May 1993) A method of graphically representingcomplex dielectric data is described,which is particularly useful for situations where the Cole-Cole representation is unsuitable. The representation emphasizes the orientational dipolar contribution to the conductivity by plotting u;=WE”(E’ -E, ) vs o$= WE&‘. We discuss the utility of the representation for conducting dielectrics and for studying multirelaxation processes,particularly modes with smaller amplitudes (absorption) at high frequencies. For a Debye relaxation with dc conductivity, this representationleads to a semicircle, whereasthe Cole-Cole plot shows a divergence.Even in the absenceof conductivity, this representation is useful particularly at high frequencies, where it enablesthe identification of multirelaxation processesnot apparent in the Cole-Cole representation. A particularly striking example is the clear observation of two relaxation processesin dielectric data on 1-propanol. We also show that in this ox representation, all the well-known functional forms such as Cole-Cole and Cole-Davidson, approach an asymptotic slope at high frequencies.Applications of the ax representationto analysis of dielectric spectra taken up to 20 GHz are discussedfor pure glycerol and LiCl/propanol solutions. I. INTRODUCTION A widely used graphical representation of frequencydependent complex dielectric functions E(w ) = E’(0) -i&‘(o) for various materials is the well-known ColeCole plot, ’ in which en is plotted on the vertical axis against E’. The Cole-Cole plot is particularly useful for materials which possessone or more well separatedrelaxation processeswith comparable magnitudes and obeying the Debye or Cole-Cole functional forms. For instance for a Debye relaxation processthe Cole-Cole plot reducesto a semicircle. However, when the material also possessesa conductivity, the Cole-Cole representation becomes less useful, becausethe presenceof a dc conductivity leads to a divergence of E” at low frequencies. During an extensive study of the dielectric properties of ionic solutions at GHz frequencies,2-4we have found a new representation to be useful, which is based upon the orientational part of the complex conductivity defined as cr,=o(o) --iwe,e, . In this new representation, which we call the ax representation, we plot a; =weJ E’--E, ) vs c~=oe,e”. For a Debye relaxation with a dc conductivity, this representation yields a semicircle, whereas the ColeCole plot leads to a divergence.A specific example of data for CsCl/H,O is discussed.The representation is useful in the absenceof static conductivity also, particularly at high frequencies.It enablesthe identification of multirelaxation processeswhich are not apparent in the Cole-Cole representation. As an example, we show very clearly the presence of two relaxation processesin 1-propanol up to 20 GHz. We also show that, in the ax representation, all the well-known functional forms, such as Cole-Cole, ColeDavidson, etc., approach an asymptotic slope at high frequencies. To our knowledge the utility of this new repre‘)Present address: Department of Pathology, Deaconess Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 02215. sentation has not been recognized before, probably due to the lack of high frequency data for which it is particularly suited. Below we discuss several aspectsof the aX representation for single and multirelaxation processes,and its applications. II. SINGLE RELAXATION PROCESSES A. Sing!e-Debye with dc conductivity process In many cases, such as dilute to moderately concentrated solutions of alkali halides in water, the dielectric spectrum at room temperature can be very well described by a dc conductivity along with a single Debye relaxation.2’3The functional form of E(W) is Eo--Em -00 E(W)=e, + -&j 1-t-i07 WE,* (1) Hence the conductivity is a(o) =im”E(W) =u’+iu”. (2) Define 1 sz dEo--E, T ’ u, =uo+ (3) %(Eo-E,) =oo+s, T (4) u;%f f (5) u+oE”(E’--E,). (6) ai and a; are found to be related in the same way as are E’ and 8’ for single Debye relaxation, [up (u(-j+wz)]2+u;2= (6/2)2 (7) 0021-9606/93/99(4)/3119/6/$6.00 @ 1993 American Institute of Physics J. Chem. Phys. 99 (4), 15 August 1993 3119 Downloaded 20 Dec 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcr.jsp Y.-Z. Wei and S. Sridhar: Representation 3120 -i for dielectric data c 1 =x b 60 3 9 40 b” 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 a;(nm)-’ =~2; 20 FIG. 1. $-a;: plot for CsCl&O data and corresponding fits; 0: c=O.66 mM, e,,=70.5, e-=5.2, ~=8.1 ps, and a0=7.6 (am)-‘; f: c=l.l mM, ~,,=68.0, E, =4.8, ~=7.8 ps, and cq,= 12.0 (am)-‘; and 0: c=2.5 mM, .s,,=57.6, e-=4.5, 7=7.0 ps, and u,=24.6 (am)-‘. Inset is the corresponding Cole-Cole plot. 0 60 u,l40 (nm)-’ 80 100 120 FIG. 2. o!; -0; plot for dol+Cole dispersion E,,= 55, E, = 5, T= 8.85 ps, and o,,= 10 (am)-’ with a=0 (solid line, pure Debye), a=O.l (dashed line) and Q= l/6 (dot-dash line). The dotted lines are the asymptotic behavior of a=O. 1 and a= l/6 cases, which form angles of r/20 and ?r/12 with respect to the ai axis. which is the equation for a circle centered at (0, + 6/2, 0) with radius 6/2. When ax =0, there are two x intercepts at x1=63, (8) x2=(T, .- (9) Also (Ef-F)2+ [&‘-~+~tan(~a/2)]2 (Eo-%J2 -4 cos2( %-a/i) . f-=-s 6 2 %l(Eo-E,) (10) 2r The above expressions suggest that plotting WE”(E’-e, ) vs WE& gives a semicircle for a conducting Debye material, which is similar to the dielectric spectrum presentedin the Cole-Cole plot of a pure Debye response without dc conductivity. The low frequency x intercept gives the solution dc conductivity o. and the radius of the semicircle is proportional to the magnitude of the susceptibility and inversely proportional to the relaxation time. This is indeed the case, as shown in Fig. 1, in which the data for several solutions of CsC1/H20 are shown, where the x intercepts give the values of the dc conductivity o. =7.6 (am)-’ for c=O.66 M, ~~=12.0 (am)-’ for c= 1.1 M and ao=24.6 (nm) -’ for c=2.5 M, along with the theoretical form IQ. (7). The improvement over a Cole-Cole plot, shown in the inset of Fig. 1, is apparent. If o,=O, Eq. ( 12) gives a circle of radius centered at ( E0-E, 2 Cii-6, Y- --tan? 2 1 in the Cole-Cole plot. This is not the case when there is a contribution from the conductivity ao#O. In the ai-a $ plot, the curve is not a semicircle in any case since w( E’-E, ) is not zero at high frequencies. However, the curve approachesan asymptotic slope tan( r/2) when the frequency is significantly higher than the characteristic relaxation frequency of the spectrum, which can be seen from lim W(&---E,) =sin F (eo-e,)~“, ( ) a-m 6. Characteristic forms slope for non-Debye dielectric For Col+Cole function with a conductivity term The equation relating E’and 8 is (12) (13) lim ~r?‘=cos f (Eo-E,)~~“+~o. (14) ( 1 The angle against the a;l axis constructed by the asymptotic line is ra/2. Curves of different a values 0, 0.1 and l/6, with eo=55, l ,=5, 7=8.5 ps and a,=10 (am)-‘, are plotted in Fig. 2. The dotted asymptotic lines construct angles ?r/20 and r/12 relative to the x axis, respectively. o-00 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 4, 15 August 1993 Downloaded 20 Dec 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcr.jsp Y.-Z. Wei and S. Sridhar: Representation data for dielectric 3121 If the dielectric spectrum is of the Cole-Davidson5 form E=E’-i&E”+(p+;;;)Q . (4 1 (15) or the Havriliak-Negami6 biparametric function (16) in which O<cr<l and O<fl<l, power law description7 2.5 or the Hill-Jonscher’s da) =e, + (G3-~,b%w,o~), where F(m,n,wr)=(l+ior)“-’ 2F1 1-~,l-~zm;2-~n;- 1.0 b I , I , I I I I I , I I I , I , 0.6 1 l+ior (17) and 2F1 is the Gaussian hypergeometric function, the curve in the a; -ai plane will also approach a straight line at frequencies much higher than the characteristic frequency f,= (27rr) -’ of the material, since their high frequency asymptotic behavior E’ and en are wVP, u-~(‘-@, and w ‘- ‘, respectively. -i z V 0.6 =b. 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ 0.6 1.5 2 Ox’ (*In)-: III. ENHANCEMENT IN HIGHER FREQUENCY FEATURES FOR MULTIRELAXATION SPECTRA FIG. 3. (a) Cole-Cole plot for pure 1-propanol data (0 ) and ColeXole (CC) fit (dashes), two Debye rehxxation time fit (dot-dash) and Debye + CC fit (solid line). (b) c$-ukplot for pure 1-propanol data (0), CC, Debye +CC and two Debye fit. Another interesting feature about the ox representation is that it can enhance the characteristics of Debye-type processeswith shorter relaxation times probed by the dielectric measurements. From the expression of the radius, I$. ( lo), we see that if the amplitudes of the susceptibility ~~~~~~~~~~~ -~20=~20-~2zm, the shorter the relaxation time is, the bigger the radius becomes. This can be also understood from the point that what are plotted are the dielectric values multiplied by frequency. The higher the frequency is, the bigger the enlargement on (E’-E, ) and E” that results. As a consequence, higher frequency features which may be suppressed in the Cole-Cole plot due to having a small amplitude, become obvious in a a; - a;( plot. It has been long speculated,sP9 that two relaxations give a better fit to the dielectric spectrum of 1-propanol at frequencies less than 20 GHz, than single Debye, Cole-Cole, or Cole-Davidson fits. This conclusion was arrived at based on both theoretical modelling and the degree of the consistency between data and fits, since more parameters always fit better numerically. However, there is an inherent uncertainty in identifying the number of relaxation modes simply by fitting various function forms to a dielectric spectrum using either a Cole-Cole plot or plotting versus frequency. In contrast, here we are able to visualize the two relaxation modes graphically through the ox plot. The dielectric spectra of an anhydrous I-propanol solution, handled under dry nitrogen, were taken via the quasicontinuous dielectric measurement method from 45 MHz to 20 GHz.“*” As shown in the Cole-Cole plot of our dielectric data and fits in Fig 3 (a), one can not easily distinguish between a Cole-Cole fit (dashed line), a two Debye relaxation time fit (dot-dash line) and the combination of Debye and Co&Cole fit (solid line). There is no apparent signature of the existence of a shorter relaxation process. However, the curve for 1-propanol data in the a;-$, plot shown in Fig. 3(b) shows the unmistakable evidence of the existence of only one other relaxation process present in the frequency window. Another observation, with the help of the higher frequency enhancement effect of the yX plot, is that the mismatch between the shorter relaxatton process and its Debye fit is big. As can be seen clearly from Fig. 3 (b), the shorter relaxation process is better described by a Cole-Cole form with (Y= 0.13 (solid line) than by two Debye relaxations (dot-dash line). There is a proposed third relaxation model2 in 1-propanol which was located around 80 GHz by Barthel et al. I3 through fitting the spectrum to the superposition of three Debye relaxations. Their results for the two modes below 20 GHz are basically consistent with ours; differences between e. and r1 values are less than 2%. Our r2 value 9.7 ps is close to their measurements on ethanol, but much shorter than the value of 15.1 ps for 1-propanol. This discrepancy.might due to the existence of the third relaxation process at much higher frequencies. Another example is pure glycerol at room temperature. Its dielectric spectrum seems to be a skewed arc in the Cole-Cole plot as shown in the inset of Fig. 4, which appears to be a typical example of the Cole-Davidson form.i4 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 4, 15 August 1993 Downloaded 20 Dec 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcr.jsp 3122 Y.-Z. Wei and S. Sridhar: Representation for dielectric data 1.50 1.25 ‘; 1.00 2 Txo.75 b 0.50 0.25 0.0 I 0 -I 1.5 O&S a; 2 0.00 , 0 Q. L 0 0.26 FIG. 4. IT!!--d, plot for pure glycerol data ( 0 ) and Cole-Davidson fit (dashed line). Inset: Cole-Cole plot of data (0) and Cole-Davidson fit “(dashed line). Our data can be visually fitted to a Cole-Davidson dispersion with /?=0.66. However the $--a; plot in Fig. 4 shows that there is a significant disagreementbetween the data and the Cole-Davidson fit. The data can also be fitted to the superposition of two Cole-Cole relaxations with same order of magnitudes in standard deviation. The issue of which relaxation model best representsthe real dipolar dynamics in aqueous solutions of glycerol and 1-propanol will be addressed elsewhere. Here a study of LiCVlpropanol solutions is presented. IV. DYNAMICS OF LiCI/l-PROPANOL 0.6 0.75 1 1.26 1.5 ai (nm)-’ (nm)~l SOLUTIONS The electrodynamic theory for ionic solutions,by Hubbard and Onsager and later improvements,‘5P’6which successfully related the decrease in solvent static dielectric constant to the solution conductivity,3”7P’8 are not restricted to a single relaxation model of the Debye type for the solvent. Ibuki et al. I9 derived the explicit expressions which can be applied to systems with two relaxation times. The differential equation derived from the equation of motion for the dielectric fluid has the same form as that for a single relaxation with the only difference being observedin the coefficients. As discussed above, pure l-prop&o1 can be regardedas a well characterized solvent. It is therefore interesting to study the dynamics of ions dissolved in 1-propanol, similar to our earlier studies2’3on aqueous ionic (alkali-halide) solutions. At sufficiently high ion concentrations, the static dielectric constant of the solution is expected to be decreased by the increasing conductivity due to the kinetic polarization effect. The new dielectric data representation also allows us to observe the effect of the ions on the solvent dynamics in more detail. LiCl/l-propanol solutions were prepared by dissolving anhydrous LiCl in anhydrous 1-propanol. The dielectric spectra of LiWl-propanol solutions, with concentrations FIG. 5. d!--o; plot for 0.5 mol % Lb/l-propanol data (+) and two Cole-Cole fit (solid line) with 6, =2.7, A,= 15.5, 1-,=329 ps, a,=0.02, As= 1.4, TV= 10.3 ps, crs=O.l7, and as=O.O42 (l/am). For comparison, data for pure propanol (0) are also shown. Inset: Cole-Cole plot of data and the fit. of 0.5 and 1.1 mol %, were studied. A concentration of 1.1 mol % (moles of LiCl/moles of I-propanol) is close to the solubility limit. The results for 0.5 and 1.1 mol % solutions are presented as a ax representation in Fig. 5 and as a 0’ vs IY plot in Fig. 6, respectively. Also plotted are the fits to the combination of two Cole-Cole (solid lines) E(W)=E, + Fitting parametersfor two Debye and two Cole-Cole combinations for I-propanol and LiCl/l-propanol are listed in Table I. The static dielectric constant is eO=e, +A1+A2. (19) From the fitting parameters listed in Table I, we observe that the higher solution conductivity induces larger decreasein the static dielectric constant. The major contribution to the kinetic polarization is from the low frequency relaxation mode, which decreasesA,, while A2 remains basically unchangedwhen the ionic concentration is increased.Addition of ions slightly raises the reorientation time of both relaxation modes, but the effects on the higher frequency mode seem to be more significant. V. DISCUSSION A. The influence of the choice of E, It is apparent that, similar to the role that o. plays for a meaningful Cole-Cole curve in the presence of dc conductivity, the ax representation for data of dielectric mea- J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 4, 15 August 1993 Downloaded 20 Dec 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcr.jsp Y.-Z. Wei and S. Sridhar: Representation 1.0 ?A 16 - 0.6 10 0.6 10 E’ 0.4 WE”E’ 4 co ; OE”E” --* ITo + E,(Eo-6,) 7 (23) which gives, for the LiC1/H20 data shown in Fig. 6, the asymptotic behavior when w -+ 00 of u’=0.408 (am) -’ located by an arrow, with E, =2.7, A= 14.2, r= 365 ps, and ao=0.064 l/am. Therefore, if the spectrum is of Debye form, an inaccurate E, will cause an asymptotic behavior to a vertical line (it may go to - 03 if the proposed value of E, subtracted from 6’ is too big). 1; a00 16 w+co 1; ‘; 6 b e” 6 da z IIi; Ii 3123 for dielectric data xx /’/ 0.2 2. Sfngle Cole-Cole t I 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.6 c+> FIG. 6. Verification of the existence of two relaxations for the 1.1 mol % LiCVl-propanol sample, when plotting d’=~e,e’ vs u’=we,,e” directly, instead of subtracting the effect of E, on the data representation. The dashed line is a Debye curve with e-=2.7, A=14.2, r=365 ps, and ae=O.O64 (l/am), which approaches the vertical line a’=0408 (am)-’ indicated by the arrow, when frequency is much higher than the characteristic frequency. The dash-dot line is a Cole curve with E, =2.7, A= 14.2, r=365 ps, us=O.!l64 (l/am) and a=0.03, which represents the low frequency part of the data but curves up at high frequencies. The solid line is the two Cole-Cole fit with e-=2.7, A1=14.2, ~,=365 ps, a,=0.03, As= 1.5, rs= 12.2 ps, a,=0.20 and ue=O.O64 (l/am), which fits the data set. Inset: Cole-Cole plot of the data and the fits from which the differences of the two kinds of fits, Debye and Cole-Cole, are not distinguishable. surements requires a parameter E, which has to be input separately. We discuss the influence of the choice of this parameter in various casesbelow. 1. Single Debye with a dc conductivity For a spectrum such as represented by Eq. ( 1), the effects of a0 on E” and E’are 0-o Co’03 E’+Eo; E’d, En+ co, (20) E” + 0, (21) ; which gives the divergence at W-POas shown by the line in the inset of Fig. 6. When plotting uN=c& vs 19=OG& for the Debye model, and noticing that E, is not subtracted from E’, we observe o-+0 oEg’-o; WEUE”-+ao, (22) TABLE I. Two Debye (2DB) and two Cole-Cole (ZCC!) fits for LiCl/ 1-propanol solutions. E, =2.7. c (mol %) 0 0.5 1.1 Fit type E. A, $1 2DB 20.9 16.9 329 2CC 20.9 16.9 332 2DB 19.6 15.3 333 2CC 19.6 15.6 329 2DB 18.4 13.9 373 2CC 18.4 14.2 365 a, 0 0 0 0.02 0 0.03 A, & 1.3 8.8 0 1.3 9.7 0.13 1.3 13.5 0 1.3 10.3 0.17 1.4 20.4 0 1.5 12.2 0.20 0 0 0.042 0.042 0.064 0.064 form with dc conductivity According to Eqs. (13) and (14), by moving the E, term from the left to the right side of Eq. ( 13), when w>wc= l/r, the asymptotic slope s in u” - cr’plane would be (not applicable to the case of a = 0) d(m,e’) S=d(u&‘) Em &-cr =tan 7 + (24) a cos(7Ta/2)(Eg-EE,) * ( ) Since 0 <a < 1, the slope due to E, , increaseswith increasing frequency, which would give a tail curving upwards as shown by the dot-dash line for a=0.03 in Fig. 6. 3. Other empirical dielectric functions As discussed above, the asymptotic behavior of the susceptibility x(w) =E(o) -E, , expressedby other widely used empirical forms, approachesa straight line as that of Cole-Cole form. The asymptotic slope in the complex plane of conductivity would present a similar form as Eqs. (13) and (14) except that a different constant would appear in the place of the sin(ra/2) and cos(ra/2) terms. Therefore, the effect of not subtracting the induced polarization E, , or assuming it is zero, would also give a tail curving upwards. 4. Presence of a second relaxation process at higher frequencies well separated from a main single Debye process When a second o,~ relaxation process with relatively narrow bandwidth occurs where w,~<w, to certain extent, the upwards tendency causedby E, would be depressedby the downward curvature contributed from the second relaxation process.The 1.1 mol % LiCl/l-propanol data presented in Fig. 6 is a typical example. The curvature after the “kink” still manifests the existence of two distinct relaxation processesfor the LiCl/l-propanol solutions. Such a plot for the pure glycerol data also demonstrates the existence of a second relaxation process in the frequency range, but its characteristics are not as clear as that given by the a; - ai plot in Fig. 4. In practice, the value of E, is usually not well known and can be varied to produce a meaningful curve. If the data do not access high frequencies, then the representa- J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 99, No. 4, 15 August 1993 Downloaded 20 Dec 2001 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see http://ojps.aip.org/jcpo/jcpcr.jsp 3124 Y.-Z. Wei and S. Sridhar: Representation tion is insensitive to this parameter, but it is still able to provide insight to the existenceof possible relaxation processeswith shorter time scales. B. Comparison to other frequently used dielectric representations 1. Dielectric modulus representation Another representation that is often used is in terms of the electric modulus” defined as 1 (251 E(W) * The low frequency divergence in E”, caused by the existence of a dc conductivity ao, appears as a conductivity relaxation peak with half-width of 1.14 decades, which shifts to higher frequency with increasing conductivity. The solvent retardation time rM which occurs in the electric modulus formalism is smaller by a factor e-/e0 than the dielectric relaxation time r8, which can thus lead to a dielectric relaxation peak in the modulus plot at higher frequencies. However, the conductivity relaxation peak shifts to higher frequencies and often emerges with the solvent relaxation, when the solution conductivity’* increases. &f=M’+jM”=- 2. Re(E) versus Re (a) representation The real part of the dielectric constant plotted vs the real part of the conductivity is also used to highlight the frequency data by enhancing the dielectric 10~s.~~‘ It~ is able to eliminate the divergencedue to the dc conductivity and does not require an estimation of E, . However, it is useful for characterizing a single Debye dispersion only, for which this representation gives a straight line and the slope is related to the relaxation time. C. LiCVl-propanol analysis The speculation, that the dielectric function for liquid alcohols possessmore than one relaxation process,and the main relaxation at lower frequency is usually characterized by the simple Debye relaxation form, is visibly confirmed, for the llrst time to our knowledge, through the new ax representation.The low-frequency dispersion is attributed to the dipole relaxation of clusters of alcohol molecules hydrogen bonded with each other, and the dispersions at higher frequency region are ascribed to the internal rotation of hydroxyl groups and/or the reorientation of free alcohol molecule. The nature of ionic effects on the relaxation dynamics of alcohols are still not very clear. Addition of lithium perchloride, decreasesthe dielectric relaxation time of the solvent l-propanol.21In contrast, LiCl in glycerol increases the dielectric relaxation time of the solution,20which seems to be the case from our measurements. for dielectric data In summary, the a;-$, plot depicts the contribution from the dynamics of the dipole moment to the conductivity, inaddition to the dc conductivity. The plot is in the we,x(w) plane, where x(w) representsthe dielectric susceptibility. For a medium with a frequency independent dc conductivity, similar to the Cole-Cole plot, instead of subtracting away the contribution of a dc conductivity from the imaginary part of the dielectric constant as neededfor a meaningful Cole-Cole plot, subtracting a proper value of E, is required to clearly observe the characteristics of a spectrum. In the ai - 0;: plane, the low frequency intercept indicates the value of the dc conductivity oo. For Debye type with dc conductivity, it yields a semicircle. For all other commonly used empirical dielectric functions, the curve approachesan asymptotic slope. The angle formed betweenthe asymptotic line of the Cole-Cole curve and the o;Caxis is ra/2. The ax representation enhancesthe high frequency features of a spectrum. It makes it possible to visualize multirelaxation processesgraphically. Thus it is a useful graphical representationfor dielectric spectra taken up to high frequencies, where many relaxations with smaller absorption relative to the main relaxation process are present, for media with or without dc conductivity. We also point out that data which seemto be Cole-Cole, ColeDavidson or Havriliak-Negami type according to a ColeCole plot, may possesstwo or more relaxation times which can be possibly demonstrated using the ax representation. ‘K. S. Cole and R. H. Cole, J. Chem. Phvs. 9, 345 (1941); 10, 98 (1942). ‘Y. Wei and S. Sridhar, J. Chem. Phys. 92, 923 (1990). ‘Y. Wei. P. Chiana. and S. Sridhar. J. Chem. 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