1 MAGNETISM — A Few Basics A. HISTORY Magnetite or lodestone (FeIIOFeIII2O3) mineral in its natural state often has a strong attraction for iron and steel...mined in magnesia but Pliny says it was named for the discoverer, a shepherd, magnes, "the nails of whose shoes and the tip of whose staff stuck fast in a magnetick field while he pastured his flocks." Lodestone appears in Greek writings by 800 B.C. First magnetic technological invention — compass: in China, sometime between 2637 B.C. and 1100 A.D. (!) others say it was introduced to China in 1200s by Italians or Arabs Early theories and experiments on magnetism were developed by the great minds of all times — Gilbert, Descartes, Coulomb, Poisson, Green, Oertsted, Ampere, Davy, Freesnel, Faraday, Maxwell... But: Quantum Mechanics is necessary to develop a viable model, and the model continues to evolve: MAGNETISM IS NOT A SOLVED PROBLEM B. BASICS All materials respond to an external magnetic field (H). The magnetization (M) of a sample is proportional to H: M = χH. The proportionality constant, χ, is the magnetic susceptibility C. TYPES OF MAGNETISM - see chart The Big five 1. Diamagnetism electrons in closed shells cause a material to be repelled by H (χ < 0). Typically, χ m = -1x10-6 emu/mol usually a very small contribution to χexp χ exp = χ dia + χ para + χ Pauli χ dia — diamagnetic term due to closed-shell (core) electrons. ALL materials have this. For our systems, which will probably have a very small χ, the diamagnetic correction is non-trivial — can be obtained from atom/group additivities or the Curie plot (see below). χ dia is temperature and field independent. χ para is due to unpaired electrons (= χ p) χ Pauli is typically seen in metals and other conductors - due to mixing excited states that are not thermally populated into the ground (singlet) state - temperature independent. Presumably not important in our systems. ALL OTHER TYPES OF MAGNETISM REQUIRE UNPAIRED SPINS (MOMENTS) — THE INTERACTIONS AMONG SPINS DETERMINES THE TYPE OF MAGNETISM 2. Paramagnetism randomly oriented, rapidly reorienting moments; no permanent, spontaneous magnetic moment (M = 0 if H = 0) spins are non-interacting (non-cooperative) all other forms of magnetism have a critical temperature, TC, below which there is some interaction of moments. Above TC ⇒ paramagnet χ p varies with T empirically according to the Curie Law: χp = C C = Curie constant T or the Curie-Weiss Law: 2 χp = C θ = Weiss constant T −θ θ is indicative of intermolecular interactions among the moments θ > 0 - ferromagnetic interactions (NOT ferromagnetism) θ < 0 - antiferromagnetic interactions (NOT antiferromagnetism) DIAMAGNETISM INCIPIENT FERROMAGNETISM METAMAGNETISM FERROMAGNETISM ANTIFERROMAGNETISM FERRIMAGNETISM SUPERPARAMAGNETISM SPERIMAGNETISM PARAMAGNETISM SPEROMAGNETISM ASPEROMAGNETISM HELIMAGNETISM SPIN GLASS MICTOMAGNETISM Using the Curie Plot: χ exp = C + χ T T −θ C χ exp = + χ T T (χ T = χ dia + χ Pauli = temperature independent contribution) (at high temperature if θ is small) 3 Plot χexp vs 1/T 0.4 para Paramagnetic Susceptibility 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 ferro antiferro 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1/Temperature (1/K) 0.4 0.5 slope = C; intercept = χT; ⇒ χexp - χ T = χ p ...then plot 1/χ p vs. T 50 Paramagnetic Susceptibility θ=0 40 30 20 10 θ = +2 θ = -2 0 0 5 10 15 20 1/Temperature (1/K) slope = 1/C; intercept = θ/C A magnetometer measures M which gives χ. Do the first plot to get χT. Then at all T and H, χ p = χ exp - χ T The magnetization plot For an atom with spin ms, its energy in H is: E(m s ) = m s gµ BH µ = -msgµB 4 µB is Bohr magneton (= Consider N particles, with ni in ith level ∑ni = N 9.27x10-24J/T); g is the Lande constant (= 2.0023192778) i ε exp − i n kT Pi = i = N εi exp ∑ − kT i M = N∑ µ i P i i now, consider two spin states (ms = ± 1/2), − m s gµ B H kT +1/2 − m s gµ B ) exp ( ms=−1/2 ∑ M=N −m s gµ B H exp kT ms=− 1/2 +1/2 ∑ gµ BH gµ B H − exp − exp Ngµ B 2kT 2kT = 2 gµ BH gµ B H exp + exp − 2kT 2kT = Ngµ B 2 gµ H tanh B 2kT since tanh(y) = (ey-e-y)/(ey+e-y) if y << 1, tanh y = y therefore if (gµ BH)/2kT << 1 (i.e. H/T << 1.5 T/K) Ng 2 µ 2B H M= 4kT Ng 2mB2 C = = Curie − Law (molar) χ exp = M/H = = 4kT T Therefore Curie Law only valid if H/T << 1.5 T/K - usually true If y >> 1, tanh y 1 M sat = Ngµ B 2 (or generally, M sat = NgµBS...a constant - the saturation magnetization A more general treatment with m s =+ S ∑ m s =− S gives M = Ng BSBS (x), with ( ) ( ) BS (x) — The Brillouin Function: B S ( x) = 1 S + 1 coth S + 1 x − 1 coth x S 2 2 2 2 gµ BH where x = kT As above, there are two limiting regions of the Brillouin function: 5 ( ) a) For x >> 1, B S ( x) = 1 S + 1 − 1 = 1 S 2 2 gµ BH x= >> 1 means H >> k = kT T gµ B b) For x << 1, 1 1 1 1 1 B S ( x) = S + + S + x − 1 S 2 3 2 2 S+ 1 x 2 ( ) ( ( ) ( ) 1.38x10 −23 J / K = 0.7T / K 2x9.27x10 −24 J/ T ( 2 + x = 1 1 S + 1 2 x − 1 = x 6 S 3 2 12x ) ( ) ) x S 2 + S + 1 − 1 = ( S + 1)x 3S 4 4 3 and the initial slope of a plot of BS (x) vs x will be (S+1)/3. The Brillouin Function vs H 1 0.8 S = 7/2 S=3 S = 5/2 0.6 B (x) S S=2 S = 3/2 0.4 S=1 S = 1/2 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 H/T (T/K) 4 5 For non-interacting atoms, the mean magnetic moment, or magnetization, is M = N<µz> = NgµBSBS (x) and so for small x, N is proportional to x, that is M ∝ H . T gµ B H Ngµ 2B S(S + 1) In fact, for << 1, M = χH , where χ = , which is the Curie Law. kT 3kT Below are plots of molar Magnetization (in units of µB with g = 2). 6 10 S=1/2 S=1 S=3/2 S=2 S=5/2 S=3 S=7/2 S=4 S=9/2 S=5 9 8 molar M ( µB ) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H/T (Tesla/Kelvin) The effective magnetic moment directly relates to number of spins: µeff = g[S(S+1)]1/2µB S µeff/µB 1/2 1.73 1 2.83 2 4.89 related to molar susceptibility (χ m = emu/mol) Nµ 2eff χm = = C' 3kT T 3kC' µ eff = = 2.82 C' N Therefore, µ eff = 2.824 χ m T 3. Ferromagnetism moments throughout a material in 3-D tend to align parallel can lead to a spontaneous permanent M (in absence of H) but, in a macroscopic system, it is energetically favorable for spins to segregate into regions called DOMAINS - domains need not be aligned with each other A Domain may or may not have spontaneous M application of H causes aligned domains to grow at the expense of misaligned domains...alignment persists when H is removed 7 Ferromagnetism is a critical phenomenon, involving a phase transition that occurs at a critical temperature, Tc = Curie Temperature. Above Tc ⇒ paramagnet TC is directly proportional to S(S+1) It takes energy to move domain walls - hysteresis: M = χHapp Sample Magnetization M (+) Msat Applied Field Happ (-) MR Happ (+) 2HC Msat = ΝgµBS M (-) MR = Remnant Magnetization (M at Happ = 0) Msat = Saturation Magnetization (Msat= NgµBS) HC = Coercive Field (Happ required to flip M) "Hard" magnetic material = high Coercivity "Soft" magnetic material = low Coercivity Electromagnets • High MR and Low HC Electromagnetic Relays • High Msat, Low MR, and Low HC Magnetic Recording Materials • High MR and relatively High HC Permanent Magnets • High MR and High HC Remanence: Magnetization of sample after H is removed Coercive field: Field required to flip M (+M to -M) 4. Antiferromagnetism spins tend to align antiparallel in 3-D no spontaneous M no permanent M critical temperature: TN (Neel Temperature) above TN ⇒ paramagnet 5. Ferrimagnetism requires two chemically distinct species with different moments they couple antiferomagnetically: no M; critical T = TC (Curie Temperature) bulk behavior very similar to ferromagnetism Magnetite is a ferrimagnet 6. Other types 8 INCIPIENT FERROMAGNETISM DIAMAGNETISM Low T; temporary alignment of moments of ions & itinerant electrons METAMAGNETISM Field-induced transition to magnetic state; must be below Neel temperature FERROMAGNETISM ANTIFERROMAGNETISM FERRIMAGNETISM SPERIMAGNETISM Two species frozen as in speromagnet; often net magnetication SUPERPARAMAGNETISM Small particle size allows single domain fluctuation; destroyed by cooling below blocking temperature PARAMAGNETISM SPEROMAGNETISM ASPEROMAGNETISM Local moments licked into random orientation;no net magnetiztion As in speromagnetism, but some orientation; net magnetization SPIN GLASS Magnetic ions cooled in a nonmagnetic host; usually dilute; RKKY coupling only (?) HELIMAGNETISM Crystalline asperomagnet MICTOMAGNETISM Cluster glass; local correlations dominant D. SPECIAL TOPICS 1. Magnetooptical Disks a. Reading Magnetic materials rotate plane polarized light in transmission: Faraday effect in reflection: Kerr effect (used in devices) Direction of rotation depends on polarization of M b. Writing actually a thermo-magnetic process since a high-powered laser is used to heat the sample 1) Curie point writing-heat above TC, then cool in applied field 2) Threshold (or compensation point) writing - if material has a temperature dependent coercive field heat to point where H > Hc, then on cooling H < Hc c. Materials Typically rare-earth transition metal alloys (RE-TM) RE: Gd, Tb; TM: Fe, Co 9 Many factors to tune: T c, Hc, Magnetic anisotropy, reflectivity, Kerr rotation, stability, etc. 2. Spin Glasses — one of the more intriguing new forms of magnetism may be a new state of matter, maybe not prototypical SG is an alloy, with 1-10% of a paramagnetic impurity (e.g., Fe or Mn) in a diamagnetic metal (e.g. Cu or Au) Spin coupling is mediated through the conduction electrons through the RKKY interaction (Ruderman, Kittel, Kasuya, Yosida) - oscillatory in nature This leads to frustration: A B • • • • unfrustrated • • • ferromagnetic coupling antiferromagnetic coupling • ≡ spin center ≡ frustrated C • • • • unfrustrated • • • • frustrated A critical consequence of Frustration is a highly degenerate ground state - there are MANY equally probable, equally acceptable combinations of spins Therefore, even at 0 Kelvin, many states are populated - novel thermodynamic and magnetic properties Experimentally, the hallmark of a SG is a cusp in the AC susceptibility - defines a critical temperature - TSG Heat capacity measurements do not reveal the some critical temperature SG do show remanence and hysteresis effects SG theory has been adopted to other problems, including: combinatorial optimization (traveling salesman) problems neural networks pre-biotic evolution E. MISCELLANY 1. Units and fundamental constants N = 6.022 x 1023 mol-1 g = 2.0023 k = 1.3807 x 10-23 J/K µB = 9.274 x 10-24 J/T Nµ B2/k = 0.375 emu K/mol gµB/k = 1.3449 K/T G = g1/2 cm-1/2 s-1 T = 104 G T2 = 10 J/emu 2. Saturation behavior of S-only paramagnets M = Msat BS (gµBH/kT) BS (x) = (1/S)((S + 1/2)x coth(S + 1/2)x - (x/2) coth(x/2)) 10 104 Msat = NgµBS = 11.18245 S J/mol•T = 1.118245 x S emu•G/mol 3. Curie Law for paramagnets M = χH Ng 2 µ 2B S(S + 1) χT = C = = 0.125g2S(S+1) emu•K/mol 3k µeff = (g2S(S+1)1/2 = (8χT)1/2 4. Relation between saturation and Curie behaviors Ng 2 µ 2BS(S + 1) gµ B (S + 1) C(emu •K ) = = = 3k M sat (emu •G ) 3kNgµ BS 2.0023•9.274x10 −28 J/ G (S + 1) = 4.4831x10 −5 K (S + 1) −23 G 3•1.3807x10 J/K F. MAGNETIC DIMERS – THE HEISENBERG-DIRAC-VAN VLECK HAMILTONIAN 1. Introduction In section C.2 we examined primary magnetochemistry relationships for paramagnets – species with non-interacting spins. The magnetic properties of such materials can be described by the Curie-Weiss law (for small values of H/T), or more generally by: M = NgµBSBS However, in the next simplest case – a molecule with two exchange-coupled unpaired electrons – the magnetic properties cannot usually be described by this relation except at very low temperatures. This will be the case when the exchange coupling creates thermally accessible states of different spin multiplicity. Such is the case for most organic biradicals. The Heisenberg-Dirac-Van Vleck (HDVV) Hamiltonian, eq 1, is an empirical operator that models interaction (coupling) of unpaired electrons. The form of the Hamiltonian suggests that coupling arises through interaction of spin angular momentum operators. The magnitude of the interaction depends on the interaction parameter, Jij (called the exchange parameter). The Jij term embodies all of the interactions that determine the ground state spin preference. The product of spin operators is a reasonable component since interaction of species containing unpaired electrons results in either a decrease (antiferromagnetic coupling) or increase (ferromagnetic coupling) in spin angular momentum. For example, two doublets can couple to yield a singlet and a triplet, the relative energies of which depend on Jij . By definition, for ferromagnetic (high-spin) coupling J ij > 0, while for antiferromagnetic coupling, Jij < 0. Hˆ ij = −2J ij Sˆ i Sˆ j (1) The product of spin angular momentum operators may be expressed in terms of component and product (total) spin angular momentum operators, 2 Sˆ 2Tot = Sˆ i + Sˆ j = Sˆ 2i + Sˆ 2j + 2Sˆ i Sˆ j therefore, Sˆ i Sˆ j = 1 Sˆ 2Tot − Sˆ 2i − Sˆ 2j 2 Since the eigenvalue of Sˆ 2 is S(S + 1) , the energy of the state with spin S Tot resulting from interaction of species with spins S i and S j is given by, (2) (3) 11 [ ( ) ( ) )] ( E Tot = − J ij S Tot S Tot + 1 − S i S i + 1 − S j S j + 1 (4) Thus for two doublets (2 x multiplicity 2 = 4 states), coupling results in a triplet and a singlet (multiplicity 3 and multiplicity 1 = 4 states). In the case of ferromagnetic coupling (J > 0), the energy of the triplet state (S = 1) is, [ ( ) ( )] [ ] (6) )] [ ] (7) J ( + 1) − 1 1 + 1 − 1 1 + 1 = − J 2 − 3 − 3 = − E T = −J 11 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 The energy of the singlet state (S = 0) is, [ ( ) ( 3J E S = − J 0(0 + 1) − 1 1 + 1 − 1 1 + 1 = − J 0 − 3 − 3 = 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 The singlet triplet gap, ∆E ST, is given by, ( ) 3J −J ∆E ST = E S − E T = − = 2J 2 2 (8) The energy level diagram for ferromagnetic coupling is shown below. Singlet, S = 0 EST S = 1/2 S = 1/2 Triplet, S = 1 The energy level diagram for antiferromagnetic coupling is shown below. Triplet, S = 1 S = 1/2 S = 1/2 EST Singlet, S = 0 Note that by definition of the Hamiltonian, J < 0 describes antiferromagnetic coupling and J > 0. Had we defined the Hamiltonian as Hˆ ij = 2J ij Sˆi Sˆ j , then J < 0 would be for ferromagnetically coupled spins. Therefore, when reading the literature, always note the form of the Hamiltonian to be sure of the nature of the type of exchange coupling. 2. Measuring J by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy The intensity of the EPR signal is directly proportional to the paramagnetism which can be given by the Curie Law, I EPR ∝ χ = C T (9) 12 Although the paramagnetism of the triplet follows the Curie Law, the concentration of triplet is temperature dependent and is given by the Boltzmann distribution, −ε 3exp T nT RT = [TRIPLET ] rel = (10) nT +nS −ε T −ε S + exp 3exp RT RT ε Multiplication of the numerator and denominator by exp S , and letting εT - εS = ∆EST gives, RT −∆E ST 3exp RT [ TRIPLET] rel = (11) −∆E ST 1 + 3exp RT Thus, the EPR signal intensity is given by, −∆E ST 3exp RT I EPR = C [TRIPLET] rel = C T T −∆E ST 1 + 3exp RT (12) A plot of EPR signal intensity versus 1/T for different singlet-triplet gaps is shown below. Note that very little change in the slope of the plot occurs as the triplet becomes more stable. EPR Signal Intensity vs 1/T for Several Values of E TS 0.25 ∆E = -10 cal ∆E = -5 cal 0.2 ∆E = 5 cal ∆E = -20 cal 0.15 ∆E = -50 cal IEPR ∆E = 10 cal 0.1 ∆E = 20 cal 0.05 ∆E = 50 cal 0 0 0.1275 0.255 0.3825 0.51 1/T (1/K) 3. Measuring J by Magnetometry1 Van Vleck derived a general equation for calculating paramagnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature.2 Use of the equation requires knowledge of the energy levels, which we calculate with the HDVV Hamiltonian (see previous section). Van Vleck began the 13 derivation by letting the energy levels of the system be developed as a power series expansion in the applied field. 2 (2) 3 (3) E n = E 0n + HE (1) n + H E n + H E n +... (13) The term which is independent of H is the zero-order term (and has units of J, the exchange parameter), while the term linear in H is the first-order Zeeman term, and the term that scales as H2 is the second-order Zeeman term, and so on. Neglecting Zero-field splitting, and assuming isotropic g, the total magnetic moment, M, for the system is: M=N ( ∑ µ n exp −E n k B T n ( ∑ exp −E n k B T n ) ) (14) Where µn is the magnetic moment of state n (µn = - ∂En/∂H). Now, ( ) − E 0n + HE (1) + H 2 E (2) −HE (1) − E 0n n n +... −E n n ... (15) exp = exp exp k BT = exp k T k T kB T B B ( ) Ignoring H2 and higher-order exponentials, and recalling that for small x, exp(−x) ≅ 1 − x Then, −HE (1) HE (1) −E 0n −E 0n −E n n n ...≅ 1 − exp = exp exp exp k BT k T k T k T B B k BT B ( ) (16) (This assumes that first-order Zeeman splitting is much smaller than exchange coupling.) and, µn = − δE n (2) = −E (1) n − 2HE n +... δH From the approximation and substitution we obtain, HE (1) −E 0 (1) (2) n ∑ −E n − 2HE n 1 − k T exp n k B T B n M=N HE (1) −E0 ∑ 1− k nT exp n k B T B n ( (17) ) (18) If we limit the derivation to paramagnetic substances, such that M=0 at H=0, then −E 0n (1) ∑ −E n exp n k B T = 0 Retaining only terms linear in H, and ignoring second-order energy terms, we obtain, (19) ( M = NH Since χ=M/H, then Recall that, ) −E 0 ∑ k T exp n k BT B n (20) −E 0 exp ∑ n k B T n ( E (1)n ) χ=N 14 2 E (1) n 2 −E 0 ∑ k T exp n k B T B n (21) −E 0 exp ∑ n k B T n +S E (1) = m gµ and ∑ m 2s = 13 S(S + 1)(2S + 1) s B n −S and adding degeneracy terms gives, −E ∑ S(S + 1)(2S + 1) exp Ng 2 µ 2B S χ= 3k BT S k B T −E ∑ (2S + 1) exp S k B T S Plugging in the constants gives, −E ∑ S(S + 1)(2S + 1) exp 0.125g 2 emuK / mol S χ= T S k B T −E ∑ ( 2S + 1) exp S k B T S (22) (23) (24) Where ES is the energy of the exchange-coupled spin states determined using the HDVV Hamiltonian. The energies of the states (in units of J) are relative to the lowest state, which is taken as zero. The denominator can be modified according to the Curie-Weiss law to give: −E S S ( S +1 ) ( 2S + 1 ) exp ∑ kBT 0.125g2 emuK / mol S = (T − ) −E ∑ (2S +1) exp S kBT S Below are plots of T vs T for = -0.01 K and -500 cm-1 ≤ J ≥ +500 cm -1. (25) 15 0.8 0.6 -500 -250 -150 -50 -10 -5 +5 +10 +50 +150 +250 +500 0.4 χ para T (emu•K/mol) 1 0.2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Temperature (Kelvin) Below are plots of vs T for = -0.01 K and -500 cm-1 ≤ J ≥ +500 cm -1. Note that for ferromagnetic coupling, increases asymtotically as the temperature is lowered, while for antiferromagnetic coupling, exhibits a maximum at Tmax. 0.005 0.004 (emu/mol) -500 -250 -150 -50 -10 -5 +5 +10 +50 +150 +250 +500 para 0.003 χ 0.002 0.001 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Temperature (Kelvin) 2500 16 The exchange coupling parameter is related to Tmax by: |J| = 0.8 kTmax Thus, a maximum in the plot of (26) vs. T is the signature of antiferromagnetic coupling. References 1)Kahn, O. Molecular Magnetism; VCH: New York, 1993. 2)Van Vleck, J. H. The Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities; Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1932.