Enc A - Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Unconfirmed MINUTES of a Public meeting of the Board of Directors held at 9.00am
on Thursday 3rd October 2013 in Training Room 2, level 0, Education Centre, King’s Mill
Sean Lyons
David Leah
Stuart Grasar
Dr Peter Marks
Dr Gerry McSorley
Paul O’Connor
Dr Andrew Haynes
Susan Bowler
Fran Steele
Karen Fisher
Non-Executive Director (Senior)
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Chief Executive Officer
Interim Executive Medical Director
Executive Director of Nursing & Quality
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Director of Human Resources
In Attendance:
Kerry Rogers
Lisa Bratby
Tim Reddish
Deborah Homa
John Vincent
Dr Helena Clements
Esther Jenkinson
Mrs M
Mr M
Director of Corporate Services /Company
Director of Operations
Head of Communications
Interim Director of Strategic Planning &
Commercial Development
Former Executive Medical Director (Enc E
Non-Executive Director- Designate
Partner, April Strategy LLP
Partner, April Strategy LLP
Consultant Paediatrician
Complex needs specialist nurse
Patient story participant
Patient story participant
Jane Stubbings
Kate Lorenti
Member of the public
Deputy Director of Human Resources
Jacqui Tuffnell
Yolanda Martin
Ian Greenwood
Dr Nabeel Ali
A presentation pertaining to improving patient and staff experience at
Sherwood Forest Hospitals was given by DH and JV of April Strategy
April Strategy LLP have been engaged to assist the Trust in creating “an
experience revolution”. The four key steps to this change with be
Create a mandate; get clear about the situation, objectives ,
issues and opportunities
Engage and listen; engage with hundreds of staff, patients and
carers in identifying what matters most.
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Co-create strategy; co-create a patient and carer experience and
involvement strategy
Align and embed; align enablers, launch strategy and embed ongoing involvement.
The programme has been launched via PO and the Trust’s
Communications team. A Trust wide campaign will recruit staff, patients
and carers to attend listening events titled “In Your Shoes”, which will
involve staff listening to patients and “In Our Shoes” which involves staff
listening to other staff, in confidence, to gain an understanding of
complaints and compliments.
The results of the listening events will be collated and fed back to the
Board in November 2013.
NOV 2013
AH questioned how medical staff will be engaged during this process.
DH confirmed that a specific session will be facilitated to gain the views
of medical staff as medical leadership is key in the creation of the patient
experience element of this strategy.
TR questioned what is the minimum response requirement to gain
successful and robust reporting results and what is the staff mix that is
involved in the exercise. DH replied that a 10% engagement is required
and encouraged all Directors to encourage managers to allow staff to
take time to engage. DH also confirmed that every member of staff,
regardless of grade, should be encouraged to become involved.
KF advised that a similar exercise utilising appreciate enquiry
techniques had been carried out previously and also identified the
importance of engaging with trade unions and medical representatives
and encouraged all Board members to engage fully with this process.
Board members undertook a short exercise to identify what, for them,
was one behaviour that they would like to see less of in the Trust and
one behaviour they would like to see more of.
Following the end of the presentation Directors thanked DH and JV for DH/JV
attending and welcomed their feedback at the next meeting
The meeting being quorate, SL declared the meeting open at 10.00 hrs
and confirmed that the meeting had been convened in accordance with
the Trust’s Standing Orders.
NOV 2013
SL welcomed AH to the meeting. AH had recently been appointed as the
Interim Executive Medical Director.
HC, EJ, Mrs M and Mr M joined the meeting at this point to present a
patient story that involved engagement with the Complex Needs
Specialist Nursing service for children with life-limiting problems.
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
HC explained that the complex needs service was established 3 years
ago and is currently run by 2 nurses. The nurses are based on Ward
25 at King’s Mill Hospital but provide outreach to children across north
and central Nottinghamshire. The nurses also offer a key link between
paediatricians and the ward and away from the hospital between home
and school and provide seamless care in all directions. The
introduction of this service also means that admissions have been
reduced and if a child is admitted their stay is now shorter.
HC introduced Mr and Mrs M who were the parents of a child who was
transferred from the care of NUH back to King’s Mill Hospital when their
daughter was 3 years old and also EJ who is one of the complex needs
specialist nurses.
EJ advised the Board that the patient was born at 23 weeks gestation
and currently had a tracheostomy, chronic lung disease for which she
has home oxygen, gastrostomy feeds and had undergone over 40
operations since she was born in 2007. She had been admitted to
Paediatric ICU in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and had kidney surgery in
2013. The complex needs service has been able to offer support to the
patient and family much closer to home and has provided tracheostomy
training to the majority of staff members on ward 25 as well as the
patient’s family members so that when the patient is admitted to hospital
the need for her parents to stay with her constantly is now eliminated
and it also allows her parents to leave her in the care of her family which
is something that could not have been done previously. Training has
also been provided to school staff and the school transport staff.
Mrs M explained that prior to the service being introduced all of her
daughter’s care had been at NUH where a good trusting relationship had
been built up over a 3 year period. Mrs M advised that it was very
difficult initially to trust new doctors but now reports that the service is a
great support and has eliminated all of the stress of travelling longer
distances with lots of equipment. Some of the benefits of the service
were summarised as
The nurse flushing the patient’s portacath at home or at school
(monthly) which would previously had been done in hospital
Blood tests at home when necessary which eliminates a hospital
Providing a vital link to the paediatrician regarding symptoms,
medications and other key communications
A great moral support in all matters inside and outside the
hospital. If the nurses are not able to help personally they advise
who can help.
HC added that there is currently a review of paediatric service across
the county and it will form part of an integrated care design project.
The service will continue to aim to keep children with complex needs out
of hospital and at home or school and whilst the majority of services are
based at NUH there is a definite opportunity to develop services at SFH.
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
HC advised that the Trust’s current caseload stands at 107 and this
number is increasing as the reputation of the service grows
HC iterated that the paediatric service at SFH is in great shape but the
Trust needs to maintain strong medical and nursing leadership to keep
and grow services.
Complex patients are keen to return to KMH from NUH for their on-going
care-partnership working and continuation of the service brings care
closer to home.
To strengthen the service the Bramley Children's Unit is due to open in
Newark on 14th October 2013 which will see the introduction of specialty
clinics in Newark as well as further clinics in clinic 11 at KMH.
Directors offered their thanks to HC, EJ and Mr and Mrs M for attending
the meeting and PM concluded that this service epitomises what SFH
should be about; great service, community focus and on-going moral
Following conclusion of the story HC, EJ and Mr and Mrs M left the
During discussions Directors identified the need for strengthening
connections with other organisations such as the local council, social
services and the Health and Wellbeing Board. KF advised that an
understanding needs to be gained from HC regarding what she needed JT/ KF
to do to get the complex needs service established and what support is
required to ensure that this service grows as envisaged.
SB advised that following the patient story at the September 2013 Board
meeting, work has been undertaken to strengthen geriatric services at
the “front door” and proposed that a detailed presentation of how this
work has been undertaken be given in November or December 2013 ,by
Dr Steve Rutter, who is the service lead for geriatrics at SFH.
Positive publicity has also been received following the upcoming
implementation of the “This is Me” strategy and the significant
improvements that are being made to dementia services across the
three key areas. Two nursing homes in the area have requested
assistance from the Trust in implementing the strategy, during its pilot
schemes, in November 2013.
Adam Haywood, practice development matron for dementia, has also
worked hard to strengthen the links between the Trust, CNCS and
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust to bind together the key pathways in
the National Dementia Strategy. A positive response has been received
to this work.
It was CONFIRMED that apologies were received from Claire Ward, Ray
Dawson, Mark Chivers and Craig Gunton-Day.
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
It was CONFIRMED that there were no new declarations of interest.
Following review of the minutes of the public meeting held on 5
September 2013 the following amendments were proposed;
Page 2 – 13/78 – Patient story – para 4 – “Improvements have also
been made in regarding communicating with patients and relatives with
the introduction of information leaflets, posters displaying the ward
purpose and ethos and the rehabilitation focus of the ward” remove the
word in.
Subject to these amendments the minutes were APPROVED as a true
and accurate record.
The Board REVIEWED the matters arising / action tracker document in
detail. The following updates were AGREED.
Action 7 – Board Assurance framework - It was noted that this item is
on the agenda for discussion during today’s meeting. This action is
therefore COMPLETED.
Action 22 – Quarterly workforce report – Mandatory training – An
update pertaining to mandatory training is included in the workforce
report presented at today’s meeting. This action is therefore
Action 24 – Chairman’s Report – It was acknowledged that the
Chairman’s update report to Governors has begun and further
discussions are planned for November 2013 regarding how this report
will formally connect to the Board meetings . This work remains on-going
and further feedback will be given.
Action 25 – Chief Executive’s Report – It was noted that SC and MC
have met and clarity regarding how the full year effect and in year
savings are achieved has been given. This action is COMPLETED.
Action 26 & 27 – Chief Executive’s Report – CIP – Assurance was
given that a detailed update was given at the Finance and Performance
meeting on 26 September 2013 and all three divisions presented their
in-year progress. Both actions are now COMPLETED.
Action 28 – Monthly Quality & Safety report – Mortality –
Confirmation was given that communication was sent out to media
sources regarding the improved headlines relating to mortality. This
action is COMPLETED.
Action 32 – Integrated Performance Report – Sickness – Board
members were informed that a positive discussion took place with senior
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
nurses and a new draft sickness policy is being developed. This may
cause difficulties and a request was made that managers offer HR
colleagues support through what may be a difficult period.
Action 35 and 36 – Governance Programme task and finish Confirmation was given that strategy sessions to look at the governance
programme in its entirety and also a confirm and challenge panel is
being held on 16 and 22 October. A further update will be given in
November 2013.
Action 38 – Annual members update – It was updated that the Annual
members meeting went ahead and feedback was given. This action is
Action 39 – Points of reflection - Confirmation was given that KR is
reviewing all delegated authorities in terms of committees and feedback
will be given in December 2013.
SL presented the Chairman’s report giving an update on progress, plans
and regulatory developments.
The announcements on Special Measures caused a considerable
amount of media interest on 19 September and on 24 September the
Trust received clarification from Monitor on what special measures
means for the Trust with 5 points being identified.
The Improvement Director for the Trust is Mike Shewan, who is
employed by Monitor as a Senior Enforcement Director. It is expected
that Mike will attend the Trust one day per week, concentrating on
assurance on Keogh actions but it seems likely that this remit will extend
into Quality Governance assurance.
Partnering for the Trust is with Barnsley in respect of complaints
handling only and SL iterated that the Trust need to be mindful that there
will be support from Monitor if we identify the need for help from other
NED Roles
KF highlighted that consideration needs to be given to agreeing two
NED’s to become members of the Remuneration and Nominations SL
Committee following the end of the tenure of DL and SG.
Directors NOTED the Chairman’s report.
PO presented the Chief Executive’s Report. The following points were
brought forward
Director of
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
PO updated that the interviews for the substantive role of Director of
Strategic Planning and Commercial Development, that were held on 30
September, were successful and it is hoped that an announcement can
be made in due course regarding the successful candidate.
PO concluded his report by expressing his gratitude to NA for all of his
hard work and dedication during his time as Executive Medical Director
over the last 3 years.
SL echoed his thanks on behalf of the Board of Directors.
NA responded that he is sad to be leaving the role but is looking forward
to seeing the changes, that are on the horizon, unfold.
PO advised that although NA has relinquished the role of Executive
Medical Director he would retain the role of Responsible Officer for
revalidation in the Trust for the next six months.
Directors NOTED the Chief Executive Report and the specific
recommendations given.
SB presented the monthly Quality and Safety Report and requested that
Board members NOTE the contents of the report and the progress /
position to date.
SG expressed his disappointment that he has observed patients being
transported through the main entrance, by the patient ambulance
service, in full view of visitors and other patients compromising privacy
and dignity. Over a one month period the instance of this occurrence
has increased from 73 to 114. This issue was expanded further during
week commencing 23 September when one of the lifts in the main
entrance could not be used by visitors as it was constantly being utilised
by the patient ambulance crews. This situation is not acceptable and
requires urgent address.
JT responded that she had written twice to commissioner colleagues
highlighting this issue but would review this matter again and work with
IG to ascertain whether it is possible for the security staff to stop the
ambulance crews at the front entrance requesting that they use the JT/IG
agreed route into the building.
PM advised that the most up to date information for HSMR was
presented at the Clinical Governance and Quality Committee (CG&QC)
meeting on 26 September 2013 and the committee was impressed by
the results and also the achievement that had been made.
Mandatory training
PM updated that mandatory training was also discussed at CG&QC and
the committee supported the recommendations that have been made
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and supported the measures to further improve the staff uptake of
mandatory training courses.
CQC inspection report and warning notice
PM advised that the CG&QC had sought assurance to confirm that the
Trust will be able to achieve the timescales detailed in the action plan
containing all matters identified by the CQC.
SB explained that as a significant number of the actions in the inspection
report mirrored those required from the Keogh review, which has its own
action plan, it had been agreed with CQC that the two action plans
should be linked. It was reported that an internal action plan had also
been developed and shared with the clinical divisions and would be led
via the Clinical Management Team. Further assurance that the actions
identified can be met will be gained via the strategy sessions that are
arranged to take place on 16 and 22 October.
SB assured members that where an action is detailed on both the CQC
and the Keogh action plan the earliest date for completion will be
Infection Control
FS drew member’s attention to the graph on page 13 of the report which
illustrated the c.difficile infection cases against the average reduction
target and identified that if the current trajectory of 2 cases per month
continues, the Trust will reach 29 cases against a target of 25 which will
have a large financial penalty attached.
FS also identified that a significant cost will be incurred in connection
with the two MRSA cases that occurred this financial year in intensive
care. SB added that investigations are underway to ascertain whether
the most recent case of MRSA was hospital acquired or not. Further
feedback will be given when the investigations are complete.
Complaints- Home visits
Attention was drawn to the reference to a recent change which has been
introduced over the last few months which involves staff visiting
complainants in their own homes to allow them to experience the
emotion of the patient or family member and resolve the complaint there
and then. Board members agreed that this was commendable and a
definite move in the right direction.
Directors NOTED all points and the progress/ position to date.
IG advised that the PLACE audit results paper summarised the Trust’s
performance against the PLACE audit framework.
Overall the Trust’s performance was good and great progress has been
achieved in resolving the matters identified.
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
The paper also included the action plan developed following the audits
which requires sign off at Board level and being made publicly available
to enable the Trust’s performance to be transparent.
Directors noted that the action plan is intended to be a live document
and will be updated on a monthly basis.
Following review of the action plan Directors requested that a
completion / target date be inserted in the action plan.
NOV 2013
NOV 2013
TR recorded his congratulations to the Trust on the excellent results but
requested that Directors do not become complacent. TR questioned
what the Trust’s aspiration is in terms of the PLACE audit, is 100% an
achievable target and encouraged Directors to think about how they can
encourage staff to engage with the process in coming years.
SL requested that information be provided detailing where SFH as a
Trust stands in terms of the PLACE audits against other Trusts.
Directors NOTED the contents of the paper and AGREED to formally
sign off the action plan included in the report.
JT presented the Integrated Performance (Exception) Report giving an
update on the performance summary for August 2013. The following
points were brought forward for clarification.
Cancelled operations
JT clarified that during the month of August 2013 the Trust had one
patient who breached the 28 day cancelled operation guarantee
standard. The patient was originally cancelled due to an ITU bed being
unavailable; the standard was breached following consultant annual
leave and the procedure to be performed being a complex revision that
could not be covered by another consultant.
Following the increase in the number of ED unplanned reattendances for
a further month JT updated that she had asked the Service Director in
ED and the Head of Nursing for Emergency Care to review the
reattendance strategy as this is not having the required impact on the
Trust’s regular attendees.
PM questioned whether the Trust has a clear understanding as to why
the reattenders chose to return to the hospital and whether work has
begun to start work across the health community as a whole, including
highlighting the availability of primary care services. JT advised that
work is underway via a group that is specifically looking at clinical
navigation as a whole, including extending the Emergency Department
Admission Avoidance Support Scheme (EDAASS) into the community
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Slips, trips and falls
GMcS expressed his concern that the slips, trips & falls rate per 1000
occupied bed days resulting in harm has risen in a 5 month period from
1.17 to 2.38. SB responded that this issue is currently being considered
via the CG&QC and further feedback will be given at the next Board SB
Serious Incidents
KR advised that there was a lengthy debate at CG&QC regarding the
appropriate level of detail relating to serious incidents that is required to
be provided at Board level. PM added that the view of the CG&QC was
that there was too much detail provided and not enough assurance. It
has been agreed that this issue will be addressed as well as agreement
that information relating to themes as well as the individual incident will
be supplied. KR concluded that the level of information that is required
at Board level will be clearer once work to re align the sub committees
has been completed.
2 week wait – All cancers
KR highlighted that the 2 week wait – all cancers target has slipped
again to 92.6% and questioned whether this issue needs to be
highlighted as a risk. JT confirmed that this slippage was associated with
the capacity issues that were identified at the September Board meeting
regarding CT colon screening availability. This issue is being addressed
so improvements should be seen in future months.
PALS - Concerns
Directors noted that the level of concerns registered via PALS is
currently being reviewed and a further update will be provided in the
next report
18 week targets
TR questioned whether the Trust is achieving all of the 18 week targets
and where targets are not being met what actions are being taken. JT
confirmed that all three RTT targets achieved the required standard for
Monitor compliance. However, there were in month specialty breaches
within the non-admitted pathway and an action plan is in place to
address this issue for all specialties.
Whistleblowing case
KF advised Directors that the whistleblowing case outlined within the
workforce report relates to conduct and is not linked to patient care
Sickness absence
KF highlighted that actions continued during the month to address the
high level of sickness absence at the Trust, including a meeting between
PO and senior managers to identify which changes they wish to be
made to the policy, and also face to face meetings with all managers to
raise the level of support that they currently receive. The Deputy
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
Director, Human Resources is currently working with trade unions to
look at proposed changes in the sickness policy as a level of resistance
to the firmer implementation is anticipated.
An update was given to members identifying the activities to increase
the level of staff appraisals. A revised data set will be introduced in
November to ensure that all data is captured effectively. Directors also
noted that a mid-year appraisal review will be introduced shortly.
Board members RECEIVED the summary report for information.
FS presented the financial performance report giving key headlines
arising at the month 5 position. The following points were brought
forward during the presentation;
FS advised that at the Finance & Performance Committee meeting
which was held on 26 September 2013 members considered a paper
relating to liquidity which was due to be submitted to Monitor as part of
the bid to the Independent Trust Financing Facility (ITFF) for PDC
funding in Q4. Some final amendments were agreed and the paper will
be submitted to Monitor in 18 October 2013. It is hoped that a decision
on the Trust’s bid will be made on 18 October 2013.
Directors noted that EY presented a confidential draft report at the
Finance and Performance meeting on 26 September 2013 detailing their
findings following the Trust’s decision to obtain an external view of the
PFI and understand the impact that this has had on the Trust’s financial
performance. It is hoped that the final report would be received week
commencing 7 October 2013. This report will be discussed with Monitor
at the next Progress Review meeting.
GMcS advised that representatives from all divisions attended the
Finance and Performance meeting to give their current status in regards
to CIP delivery. Indicators show that they are not expecting to reach
their full year effect targets and were tasked with identifying methods of
further savings. GMcS concluded that as chair of the Finance and
Performance meeting he is not in a position to assure the Board that the
current CIP target can be met although assurance can be given that the
divisions are working hard to identify all possible savings available.
GMcS added that although the current focus is on in-year savings he
encouraged the Board to not lose sight of future CIP plans and the need
to maintain the £20m hopper of savings in future years.
Directors NOTED the key areas of concern and the actions being taken.
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
KR updated that following a number of iterations of the Board Assurance
Framework (BAF) and discussions with Executive Directors to ensure
that the BAF is fit for purpose, a full review is scheduled with the
Executive Team over the coming weeks. This will ensure that objectives
are clear and risks that threaten the achievement of those objectives are
articulated in real risk terms and controls are understood in full. This will
ensure that the Board is properly informed about the totality of risks to
achieving its most important objectives and providing assurance that
adequate controls are operating to reduce these risks to acceptable
The review will take place over three phases including;
Interviews with key leads identified within the BAF to ensure
strategic objectives are clearly articulated and risks clearly
Risks that threaten the achievement of objectives are understood
and documented in real risk terms (risks will be scored and
graded accordingly)
Controls and mitigations that are currently in place to reduce the
risk are clearly understood and documented.
This review will be undertaken as quickly as possible and will be
completed by a final phase to ensure that assurance can be gained and
PM questioned whether the CQC will be reviewing this document to gain
assurance against the current warning notice that is in place. KR
confirmed that the CQC will be interested in the BAF as they have an
interest in terms of corporate risk and will be looking at how the Trust
Risk Management matrices embed into the BAF.
KR iterated that the BAF must be reviewed at every Board meeting so
that anything that has arisen during meetings can be captured.
Directors AGREED to recommend the approach detailed in the paper
which will allow the Executive Management Team to utilise the BAF as a
tool to support the Board’s assurances in terms of self-certification on
compliance with the Terms of Authorisation and also as a framework in
which informs decision making within the number of forums.
JS, member of the public, left the meeting at this point.
KR advised that from 1st October 2013 the Risk Assessment Framework
(RAF) replaces the Compliance Framework as Monitor’s approach to
overseeing FTs. A key part of this new framework is the new risk rating
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
Page 12 of 15
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
methodology, as set out in the RAF.
Under the RAF, a governance rating will highlight any concerns Monitor
have with the way a Trust is being run, and what regulatory action they
are taking. A continuity of services risk rating will represent Monitor’s
view of the level of financial risk a provider is running and what Monitor
is doing about it. It is important that Board members familiarise
themselves with Monitor’s approach to regulation and that every
member challenges the Board’s ability to sign the Corporate
Governance Statement, which it will be required to do when submitting
the Annual Plan each May.
KR advised that the paper contains various assurance prompts that are
intended to be an encouragement for staff to step back and think about
the level of assurance that is required for each element and where the
focus needs to be.
The Board NOTED the requirement for Board members to familiarise
themselves with the RAF and to consider carefully the ACTION prompts
the Director of Corporate Services has included within the report so that
any appropriate action is taken proactively in order to safeguard delivery
of robust Board self-assessments and declarations at the end of, and
during the financial year.
KR advised that the Quality Governance Framework would be discussed
at the end of the private section of today’s Board of Directors meeting if
time permitted.
Directors were advised that the role of Senior Independent Director/Vice
Chair is currently held by DL whose term of office comes to an end on
31 October 2013.
The process for the selection of a SID/Vice Chair is set out in section
9.4.3 of the Trust's Constitution - which states "The Board of Directors
shall appoint the Vice Chair".
In addition, the Monitor guide “Your Statutory duties - Reference guide
for NHS foundation trust governors” states “the Senior Independent
Director should be appointed in consultation with the Council of
The Chairman has completed the process for the selection of the Senior
Independent Director/Vice Chair and recommends that GMcS is
appointed to the role effective from 1 November 2013 for the duration of
his term of office, i.e. until 30 April 2016.
As part of the process the Chairman consulted with the lead Governor
Following discussion the Board of Directors APPROVED the
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
recommendation for the appointment of GMcS to the role of Senior
Independent Director/Vice Chair for the period 1 November 2013 – 30
April 2016 and NOTED that, subject to approval, the appointment will be
reported to the full Council of Governors for information on 14 November
Charitable Funds
Directors were advised that the Charitable Funds Committee is a formal
sub-committee of the Board of Directors, and its terms of reference
require that ‘the minutes of its meetings are formally recorded and
submitted to the Board of Directors. These minutes shall be presented to
the Board of Directors by the Chair who will outline the key issues
discussed at the meeting and those issues that need to be brought to
the attention of the Board of Directors as trustee’.
In line with this requirement the minutes of the 2 April 2013 meeting
have been issued for the Board’s consideration. A number of points are
being progressed by the committee including improving the fundraising
and communication strategies.
The Committee suggested that ‘Criteria for Equipment Funding’ should
be taken to the Board of Directors (Action 02/04/17) to confirm
agreement with the approach. SG advised that the Trust’s Head of
Financial Services is currently liaising with all divisional service leads to
ensure that a clear direction regarding what constitutes an appropriate
request for equipment
In addition, future membership was discussed due to the known
departure of two Non-Executive members at the end of October 2013.
Directors noted that TR has agreed to replace SG as the chair of the
Charitable Funds Committee.
During a view of the Charitable Funds meeting minutes PM expressed
his concern that it states on page 3, paragraph 3 that “Research will not
sit within Charitable Funds and will be managed by Clinical
PM explained that as the chair of the CG&QC he is not aware of this FS
transition and requested further feedback to be provided.
NOV 2013
Finance and Performance Committee
GMcS advised that a summary of the discussions that took place in the
Finance & Performance Committee meeting was given during the
Finance Report ,earlier on the agenda of this meeting
Directors NOTED the summary of the Charitable Funds sub Committee
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
Page 14 of 15
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
(‘SFHFT’, ‘the Trust’ or ‘the Board’)
These Minutes may be made available to the public and persons outside Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
There was no other business to discuss.
The following points of reflection were brought forward
It was encouraging to see that the agenda was well timed and
the meeting ran well
Board papers were more informative and better prepared so the
level of questions and queries was lowered as all information
was available in the paper
The current agenda setting with the patient story at the beginning
remains a positive place to start the meeting
Board members felt more comfortable and safer now that more
robust governance measures are in place
The level of information and detail that is given in the minutes of KR/LB
the meeting needs to be reviewed to ensure optimum clarity and
reflect the level of challenge and decisions made.
It was CONFIRMED that the next meeting of the Board of Directors
would be held on Thursday 7TH November 2013 at 9.30am in Lecture
Theatre 2, Education Centre, King’s Mill Hospital.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting
closed at 12.35hrs.
Signed by the Chair as a true record of the meeting, subject to any
amendments duly minuted.
[Name of Chairman]
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Unconfirmed Board of Directors – 3 October 2013
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