AN EXAMPLE OF A MIDDLE PASS AT THE FOUNDATION LEVEL Binge drinking in Ruthin (Wales) and Italy. Learning outcomes. The candidate should be able to: Assessment Criteria (In assessing the criteria, please adopt a 'best fit’ approach) Good Middle Bare The candidate had achieved this outcome because they have Plan, carry out and complete the individual Investigation. demonstrated they can with support: (i) identify an appropriate topic and title, including reference to at least one perspective i.e. local/Wales or other country or region; (ii) use appropriate methods to help them to plan, carry out and complete their Investigation. Identify, select and use relevant information from sources. demonstrated they can: (i) identify, select and reference some relevant sources including reference to at least one perspective i.e. local/Wales or other country or region (ii) identify, select and use some relevant primary and secondary information. Present the findings of the individual Investigation. demonstrated they can: (i) present the findings in an appropriate way; (ii) use some basic skills and techniques; (iii) show a basic knowledge and understanding of the topic or issue investigated; (iv) include coverage of at least one perspective i.e. local/Wales or other country or region. Draw conclusions based on the findings of the Individual Investigation and reflect on their own performance demonstrated they can: (i) draw some basic conclusions about the work completed, including reference to at least one perspective i.e. local/Wales or other country or region; (ii) comment on the strengths and weaknesses of their own performance. N.B. This is an example of a Middle Pass in the Individual Investigation at the Foundation level. The work has been assessed as Bare in meeting the requirements of Planning, Good for use of Sources, Middle for presentation and Bare for Conclusion/evaluation. It was decided that a Middle Pass was the best-fit overall. Comments on the work in relation to the assessment criteria are included. Where comments relate to specific assessment criteria a key is used as follows: Pl = Planning; S = Use of sources; Pr = Presentation; C = Conclusion/evaluation. An overall summary of the assessment of this Individual Investigation is included at the back. Fail An appropriate topic and title is chosen based on a local and Italian perspective. May have been better to focus on an Italian town but does work as a title. P (i) Relevant information is selected, giving a very good general coverage of the topic. Pl (ii) Pr (iv) Evidence of basic planning is very limited. The time plan mentioned is not included. A Bare Pass can just about be awarded for planning based on what little is provided initially and evidence found progressively as the work is completed e.g. there is evidence that the research was carried out in planned stages. P (i)(ii) A sufficient number of relevant sources are identified, selected and referenced. The bibliography lists a small number of internet websites and the questionnaire provides a lot of information. S (i) (ii) Good basic knowledge, understanding and coverage of the topic. Pr (iii) (iv) Useful questions have been planned and selected as the basis of the survey. S (ii) The questionnaire is an example of the successful use of basic skills and techniques. Pr (ii) The sample size (more than 40) is adequate and the results are clearly displayed in the bar charts. Pr (ii) NB Candidate does not comment on their own performance in this section but there is limited evidence of this elsewhere. Relevant information is selected about Italy. Referencing of sources would have been more effective had it been done progressively rather than just in the bibliography. S (i) N.B. Candidate does not comment on their own performance in this section but there is limited evidence of this elsewhere e.g. when commenting on the completion of the questionnaire. C (ii) Some useful conclusions drawn about the topic. There may be some limitations, but the main points are covered. The candidate also draws conclusions as the work progresses. Limited evidence of commenting on the strengths and weaknesses of their own performance reduces the assessment in this section to Bare Pass. C (i) (ii) Summary Planning Evidence of basic planning is very limited. The time plan mentioned is not included. A Bare Pass can just about be awarded for planning based on what little is provided initially and evidence found progressively as the work is completed e.g. there is evidence that the research was carried out in planned stages. Use of Sources Useful sources are identified and relevant information is selected from them and used appropriately. The sources provide good coverage of the topic area and are referenced. It would have been more effective to reference the sources progressively and not just in the bibliography. The questionnaire is well designed. The results shown using straightforward bar charts provide useful evidence and although the skills are limited they are generally commensurate with what should be expected at this level. Overall a Good Pass is the best-fit for use of sources. Presentation Findings are generally presented in a clear, suitable and organised way. Skills and techniques used are limited in range but appropriate and mostly effective. The knowledge, understanding and coverage of the topic area and issue is good, although the focus on a Welsh town and the country of Italy is not wholly appropriate or effective. Overall a Middle Pass provides the best-fit for this section. Conclusion Conclusions drawn, especially as the work progresses are impressive for this level. However comment s relating to the candidate’s own performance are not included directly or by design, appearing only sporadically and incidentally as part of the main work. A Bare Pass provides the best-fit overall.