Vertical Pump/Motor Mounts MAGNALOY VERTICAL PUMP/MOTOR MOUNTS are designed to allow direct mounting through the reservoir top. The pump and mount assembly is enclosed inside the reservoir resulting in a safer, quieter, more compact installation. Vertical mounts are available in NEMA C’face motor frame sizes 56C through 256TC to most SAE and Metric 2 and 4 bolt pump flanges. Two mounting options are available to give added flexibility in vertical power unit design. A MOUNT KIT is included which contains all bolts and washers required to attach the pump and motor to the mount. The kit DOES NOT contain hardware for attaching the mount to the reservoir. Vertical Mount Selection Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Check TABLES 2 thru 5 to determine pump flange size. Measure the pump shaft length from the shaft end to the flange mounting face and ADD to the motor shaft length shown in TABLE 6. An additional 1/16 inch (minimum) is recommended for shaft end clearance. Determine mounting option desired as shown in Illustration B, C, D and E depending on the NEMA frame size. Refer to the appropriate TABLE (7, 8A, 12 or 13) according to the NEMA motor frame size and locate the applicable pump flange selection form STEP 1, above. NOTE: Option A for vertical mounting NEMA 182TC through 256TC is applicable ONLY to SAE-A and smaller pump flanges. Select the mount length option (dimension ‘XM’ or ‘M’ in tables) based on the minimum length determined in STEP 2, above. Check for proper clearance between the mount inner surfaces and the coupling O.D. (dimension ‘Z’ and ‘CL’ in tables). Dimensional data for Magnaloy Couplings is shown in TABLE 1 for reference. A complete Magnaloy Coupling catalog is available upon request or visit Consult your Magnaloy Distributor for Magnaloy’s Product CD ROM which includes the Magnaloy Pump/Motor Mount Selection Program for easy, computerized mount selection. NEMA Frame 56C thru 145TC Vertical Mounting OPTION A OPTION B Illustration B Illustration C This economical vertical mounting option allows Tank Top Dropthru mounting for ease of assembly and utilizes the standard horizontal mount and a sealing gasket. To order OPTION A, specify the Horizontal Pump/Motor Mount number from TABLE 7 and Vertical Gasket number M056VG. magnaloy coupling company A Division of Douville Johnston Corporation This mounting option requires inside tank access to position the mount/pump sub-assembly through the tank top opening. To order OPTION B, specify the Vertical Pump/Motor Mount number from TABLE 12 followed with the letter ‘V’ as shown in TABLE 12. No gasket is required with this mounting option. 501 Commerce Drive Alpena, MI 49707 Fax: 989 354-4190 989 356-2186 21 2 Vertical Pump/Motor Mounts TABLE 12 - NEMA Frame 56C, 143TC/145TC, 182UC/184UC MOTOR END DATA AJ BF BD AK 5. 88 7/ 16 6. 81 4. 50 1 RADIAL CLEARANCE “Z” = 4.15 USA4F17 4 Bolt XAK 1.782 XAJ2 SAE A 2(4) Bolt 3.251 4.19 3/8-16 4.12 80 S4 4 Bolt SAE AA 2 Bolt 2.001 XBF2 3.25 3/8-16 XAJ4 XBF4 2.84 5/16-18 3/8-16 MOUNT NO. CL XM MOUNT NO. CL XM MOUNT NO. CL XM M056354FV 2.81 3.50 M056424FV 3.56 4.25 M056454FV 3.81 4.50 M056352AAV 2.81 3.50 M056422AAV 3.56 4.25 M056452AAV 3.81 4.50 M056352AV 2.81 3.50 M056422AV 3.56 4.25 M056452AV 3.81 4.50 80 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 80.01mm 109mm 3/8-16 103mm 5/16-18 M0563580MV 2.81 3.50 M0564280MV 3.56 4.25 M0564580MV 3.81 4.50 PUMP FLANGE MOTOR END DATA AJ BF BD AK USA4F17 4 Bolt XAK 1.782 SAE A 2(4) Bolt 3.251 SAE AA SAE B 2 Bolt 2(4) Bolt 100mm 5/16-18 M0563580MSV 2.81 3.50 M0564280MSV 3.56 4.25 M0564580MSV 3.81 4.50 PUMP END DATA 3.50 LENGTH 4.25 LENGTH RADIAL CLEARANCE “Z” = 4.15 *RADIAL CLEARANCE “Z” = 4.10 5. 88 7/ 16 6. 81 4. 50 1 2 80.01mm XAJ2 XBF2 XAJ4 XBF4 2.84 5/16-18 4.19 3/8-16 4.12 2.001 3.25 3/8-16 4.001 5.75 1/2-13 5.00 3/8-16 1/2-13 MOUNT NO. M056504FV CL XM 4.31 5.00 MOUNT NO. M056524FV CL XM 4.56 5.25 M056502AV 4.31 5.00 M056522AV 4.56 5.25 4.50 LENGTH NOTE: See drawing on top of page 21 for dimensional references M056502AAV 4.31 5.00 M056522AAV 4.56 5.25 M056502BV* 3.93 5.00 M056522BV 4.18 5.25 80 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 80.01mm 109mm 3/8-16 103mm 5/16-18 M0565080MV 4.31 5.00 M0565280MV 4.56 5.25 80 S4 4 Bolt 80.01mm 100mm 5/16-18 M0565080MSV 4.31 5.00 M0565280MSV 4.56 5.25 100 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 100.01mm 140mm 1/2-13 125mm 3/8-16 M05650100MV* 3.93 5.00 M05652100MV* 4.18 5.25 PUMP FLANGE PUMP END DATA 5.00 LENGTH NEMA Frame 182TC thru 256TC Vertical Mounting OPTION A Illustration D This mounting option offers an economical alternative to OPTION B, but is available with SAE-A pump flanges and smaller only. OPTION A utilizes the standard horizontal mount and a sealing gasket. To order OPTION A, specify the Horizontal Pump/Motor Mount number from TABLE 8 and Vertical Gasket number M182AVG. 22 magnaloy coupling company A Division of Douville Johnston Corporation 5.25 LENGTH OPTION B Illustration E This option utilizes an oversize mounting flange on the motor end of the mount and requires a larger diameter tank top opening giving additional working clearances for assembly to reservoir. Mounting OPTION B is available in the pump/motor length combinations shown in TABLE 13. To order OPTION B, specify the Vertical Pump/Motor Mount number from TABLE 13 followed with the letter ‘V’ as shown in TABLE 13. The required Vertical Gasket, number M182BVG is included. 501 Commerce Drive Alpena, MI 49707 Fax: 989 354-4190 989 356-2186 Vertical Pump/Motor Mounts TABLE 13 - NEMA Frames 182TC - 256TC, 213UC/256UC RADIAL CLEARANCE “Z” = 5.00 MOUNTING BOLT HOLE DIAMETER “T” = 17/32 MOUNTING HOLE BOLT CIRCLE “XT” = 10.25 7. 25 17 /3 2 11 .5 0 8. 50 1 MOTOR END DATA AJ BF BD AK USA4F17 4 Bolt XAK 1.782 XAJ2 SAE A 2(4) Bolt 3.251 4.19 3/8-16 4.12 3/8-16 SAE C 2(4) Bolt 7.12 5/8-11 6.38 1/2-13 SAE AA SAE B 2 Bolt 2(4) Bolt XBF2 XAJ4 XBF4 2.84 5/16-18 2.001 3.25 3/8-16 4.001 5.75 1/2-13 5.00 5.001 1/2-13 2 MOUNT NO. CL M MOUNT NO. CL M MOUNT NO. CL M M182504FV 4.31 5.00 M182524FV 4.31 5.25 M182584FV 5.06 5.81 M182502AAV 4.31 5.00 M182522AAV 4.31 5.25 M182582AAV 5.06 5.81 M182502AV 4.31 5.00 M182522AV 4.31 5.25 M182582AV 5.06 5.81 M182522BV 4.50 5.25 M182582BV 5.06 5.81 M182522CV 4.50 5.25 M182582CV 5.06 5.81 80 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 80.01mm 109mm 3/8-16 103mm 5/16-18 M1825080MV 4.31 5.00 M1825280MV 4.31 5.25 M1825880MV 5.06 5.81 80 S4 4 Bolt 80.01mm 100mm 5/16-18 M1825080MSV 4.31 5.00 M1825280MSV 4.31 5.25 M1825880MSV 5.06 5.81 100 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 100.01mm 140mm 1/2-13 125mm 3/8-16 250 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 125.01mm 180mm 5/8-11 160mm 1/2-13 PUMP FLANGE PUMP END DATA 7. 25 17 /3 2 11 .5 0 8. 50 1 MOTOR END DATA AJ BF BD AK 4 Bolt XAK 1.782 XAJ2 SAE A 2(4) Bolt 3.251 4.19 3/8-16 4.12 3/8-16 SAE C 2(4) Bolt 7.12 5/8-11 6.38 1/2-13 SAE B 2 Bolt 2(4) Bolt XAJ4 XBF4 2.84 5/16-18 2.001 3.25 3/8-16 4.001 5.75 1/2-13 5.00 5.001 5.00 LENGTH M18252125MV 4.50 5.25 M18258125MV 5.06 5.81 5.25 LENGTH RADIAL CLEARANCE “Z” = 5.00 MOUNTING BOLT HOLE DIAMETER “T” = 17/32 MOUNTING HOLE BOLT CIRCLE “XT” = 10.25 USA4F17 SAE AA XBF2 M18252100MV 4.50 5.25 M18258100MV 5.06 5.81 1/2-13 MOUNT NO. CL M MOUNT NO. M182684FV 6.06 6.81 CL 5.81 LENGTH M M182682AAV 6.06 6.81 M182682AV 6.06 6.81 M182682BV 6.06 6.81 M182702BV 6.25 7.00 M182682CV 6.06 6.81 M182702CV 6.25 7.00 80 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 80.01mm 109mm 3/8-16 103mm 5/16-18 M1826880MV 6.06 6.81 80 S4 4 Bolt 80.01mm 100mm 5/16-18 M1826880MSV 6.06 6.81 100 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 100.01mm 140mm 1/2-13 125mm 3/8-16 M18268100MV 6.06 6.81 M18270100MV 6.25 7.00 250 A2/B4 2(4) Bolt 125.01mm 180mm 5/8-11 160mm 1/2-13 M18268125MV 6.06 6.81 M18270125MV 6.25 7.00 PUMP FLANGE PUMP END DATA magnaloy coupling company A Division of Douville Johnston Corporation 6.81 LENGTH 501 Commerce Drive Alpena, MI 49707 Fax: 989 354-4190 7.00 LENGTH 989 356-2186 23